9.12 Project News

4/12: Tea Party Crashers? Seriously?

If we are to believe Ghandi’s words, then victory is at hand for the Tea Party supporters. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then... 


We know many of you are planning events that will let your voices be heard by your elected officials.  If we can post the information under the “Get... 

4/6: Tea Party In Nevada – A Picture Worth Sharing

Tea Party Rally to Oust Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was held in Searchlight, Nevada — March 27, 2010 Photos © 2010 – American Border... 

3/31: Texas College Under Attack By Muslim-led Group

In the chaos that followed the Civil War, Trinity University was founded by the Cumberland Presbyterians in 1869.  These Presbyterians were Calvinists... 

3/23: “The Forgotten Man” Author Amity Schlaes Gets It!

As we all wonder about the Healthcare Bill signed into law today, author Amity Schlaes shares her thoughts. “So lie to me, lie to me, I’d rather have... 

3/23: More Resources & Information

As stated by so many, this fight for the return of honor, honesty and common sense in our government is not over.  It is up to all of us to stay engaged... 

3/18: Tea Party Groups Aim to Storm Caucuses, Shake Up System

Attendees at a Grand Junction (CO) 9-12 meeting told, “it’s time to get to work and put the right people on the ballot”: “Now is... 

3/18: Hundreds Attend ‘Hands Off My Healthcare’ Rally

Cincinnati (OH) 912 Project attend “Hands off my Health care” Rally to sign petitions, 500 signatures collected at rally: The line outside... 

3/18: Groups to Protest Health Care Reform, Immigration Reform

Yakima (WA) 912 Groups rally to protest health care, immigration reform: Steve Edwards of the 9/12 Project in Yakima said organizers decided to add an... 

3/18: Brown Brings Campaign to Kerby/Belt 9.12 Group

Josephine County (CO) Commissioner candidate Jack Brown, Constitution Party of Oregon chairman, meets with Cave Junction Chapter of the 9/12 Project: Attempts... 

3/15: More From Your Project Chair and Editor At Large

It has been quite hectic since Friday’s special anniversary program.  Thank you for increasing traffic to the site by over 500%.  We hope that... 

3/12: 9/12 Project One Year Later – “The Truth Has No Agenda”

It was 52 weeks ago that Glenn stood in front of the Fox News cameras to announce the 9/12 Project.  This site launched and was immediately crushed by... 

3/11: Patriots to ‘Storm’ Capitol Hill

Tea Partiers plan to go to U.S. Capitol to oppose health care bill: The Dick-Armey-led group FreedomWorks, which has developed relationships with the tea... 

3/11: Tea Partiers Keep Vigil Against ObamaCare

The Naples Tea Party will join with local groups and individuals to hold a candlelight vigil Sunday, March 14th: The overwhelming response is to continue... 

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