Friday, December 18, 2009

A Man's Lesson from Nagasaki

An amazing story by an acquaintance of mine. Lafayette Political Buzz Examiner Ken LaRive

In the spring of 1970 the carrier USS Kitty Hawk pulled into the port of Sasabo Japan. I was one of about two thousand Navy service men standing at parade rest as we pulled into slip. I didn’t know it at the time, but we did this as a sign of respect.

We were explained a lot while at sea, more than any other port. Or relationship with Japan is complicated. There were discussions on our ship’s closed circuit TV, and a variety of mandatory general briefings went on for weeks before we arrived. Among a lot of information, we were told that no nuclear carriers were allowed to dock, that no civilian clothing would be allowed on shore leave, that we were to be on our best behavior, and that any breach of conduct would be dealt with harshly.

My two best friends, Al Moore and Gary Hammitt, both four by six, had already made two West Pac tours. They knew the ropes, and had been to Japan twice before. In the chow hall we discussed where to go, deciding to give one of our three days to the village of Nagasaki. We would stay in a quaint bed and breakfast next to a “hotsie bath”, close to ground zero. It was the place where we had dropped the second nuclear bomb less then thirty years before. These gardens and museum we planned to see stood at the very epicenter.

1970 is thirty four years ago. At the time it had been just twenty-six years since the bomb. I thought 26 years was an awful long time back then, as my first 20 years had crawled by slowly.

In dress blues, spit polished shoes, and zippered haircuts, we made it through the gambit of old Chiefs and Petty Officers looking for any excuse to turn us around. We all slid through, and with a practiced and proper salute of the ensign we walked the aft plank to a very busy peer, and a bright spring day.

Pea Coats slung over our shoulders, and swinging our overnight bags, we made our way to the Base Exchange where our rental car waited. Past the jar head guards who gave us a final look-over, we were out of the gate and on the road, free at last. Gary’s international driver’s license had again come in handy.

There were fields of flowering fruit trees, and amazing rice paddies built on steps into the hills. Colorful pagodas, brightly painted bridges over clear swift moving streams, and elaborate manicured flower gardens were an artist’s dream. Hanging baskets were everywhere, holding delicate clusters of every conceivable color.

In three hours we were on the outskirts of this famed city of Nagasaki. If I hadn’t known, I would never have guessed this city had been completely razed. It was beautiful. Industry, suburbs, open shops, electric train stations, children flying silk kites, new American and Japanese cars mixed with hundreds of bicycles, all blended so as to dazzle the senses. We stopped for lunch and I had Sukiyaki for the first time, eating everything but the raw egg in the middle. I was mesmerized.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Men Getting Desperate

Drastic times call for drastic measures, and let’s face it, it just doesn’t get any tougher than the economy we have under the Obama administration. People are indeed between a rock and a hard place. Nevertheless, as Obama promised, there is hope, though this time hope comes from… Nevada.

Striking a simultaneous blow to reverse discrimination and the women’s movement, while taking a page out of the “pro-choice” playbooks, Nevada may now legalize male prostitution. That’s right, what has been going on for decades in Washington may be allowed to spread to The Silver State, and wrongs against men “lefted.” Men are now free to choose what to do with their bodies, though they may not be able to choose who to do it with.

Who does the NOW generation of women have to thank for bringing fiscal sanity to Nevada, and ushering in the Age of Aquarius…for men? First, they can thank Obama for wrecking the economy to drive Nevada to such drastic outcome of "men's rights!" However the main one to thank is technology!

Technology now allows for Nevada state officials to test for infectious diseases by performing urethral testing. Prior to this advance in medical testing technology, men with potentially dangerous urethras were left to wander the streets in America’s back alleys in search of Liberal women to service in hippie vans and “by the hour” motels. A dirty business with no guarantees for the safety of the male “service agents.”

“Bill,” a male "service agent" in Nevada who asked not to be identified by his real name told this reporter,

Liberal women are as vicious as they are unattractive. I actually had a Liberal woman bite off one of my areolas, when I refused to kiss her during 'service.' That’s just my rule—no kissing! I would only break that rule for a Conservative woman, but we don’t get any of them.


Monday, December 14, 2009

The Left Abandons Tiger

There has been much discussion about Tiger’s choice of mistresses, and the fact that none of them were black. I found this laughable at first, thought that people were joking. They were not. So as I pondered the Left’s ability to demagogue race in all circumstances, I concluded that the Left is showcasing their racism yet again. Tiger has been left by the Left; dangling on that flimsy limb, yes, all because none of his mistresses were black.

Liberals are amazingly silent in speaking for Tiger Woods. Maybe they don’t quite know how to handle the major screw up of one of their own who appears wholesome, dare I say, “conservative!” Up to now, Tiger has played it by the book for the Left. Woods provided that glimmer of hope that the Left could be redeemed.

Early on Tiger declared himself a multi-racial person, to a degree denying his blackness, thus encompassing all people. Earl Woods was half African-American, a quarter Chinese and a quarter American Indian, and Tiger’s mother Kultida is half Thai, a quarter Chinese and a quarter Dutch. Let’s see, this makes Tiger a quarter Chinese, a quarter black, a quarter Thai, an eighth American Indian, and an eight Dutch. Talk about your rainbow coalition!

The “power Left” , aka white elitist loved Tiger’s multi-cultural stance, however Tiger’s declaration angered black folks. The racist elitists won, and Tiger was vindicated in the lamestream media. He was allowed to be “multi-racial with no emphasis on being black.” This distinction actually trumps the race card!

Tiger got back in the good graces of blacks by attending the Abomination of Obama, known to the Left as the Inauguration. A number one showing up to support THE one. Yet today, the poster child for ‘multi-racial with no emphasis on being black’ achievement has been left by the Left in his time of need.

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Harry Reid - Agent of Change

Harry Reid is an obvious product of a government education that he and other Liberals are inflicting on the rest of America, and he should be the poster child for school choice. In his recent comment regarding Republicans’ efforts to block “healthcare” legislation, Reid invoke the ghosts of Democrats past, claiming that Republicans tried to block emancipation and civil rights for blacks.

Like most Liberals, and as I point out in my book The BIG Black Lie, Reid is trying to revise the racist history of the Democrat Party and better yet, to transfer it to the Republican Party. You would too if you had the racist history of the Democrat.

After losing what Democrats deemed “The War of Northern Aggression”—aggression of which came at the hands of Republicans honoring the Constitution—Democrats interpreted things as depicted here:

"Instead of restoring the Union, it [the Republican Party] has, so far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten states, in time of profound peace, to military despotism and Negro supremacy." --Platform of the Democratic Party, 1868

Apparently Democrats were still smarting from losing all their free labor, as well as their endless supply of sex toys. In an effort to intimidate blacks to allow “off the record” slavery and further oppression that the Democrats missed so much, they ramped up the efforts of the intimidation arm of their party known as the KKK.

This group of rascals rode around in white sheets scaring black and white Republicans, and occasionally hanging blacks who they considered “uppity.” To be considered uppity to a Democrat included things like a black man looking at a white woman, or perhaps a grown black man speaking up for himself. One of the worse things you could do as a black person was to learn to read. Now that was considered uppityness of the highest order and almost guaranteed a black person a lynching.

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Monday, December 07, 2009

Obama's Sexy Brilliance on Jobs

The man who has not had a real job in his life and couldn’t run a “donated cakes” bake sale for profit is going to provide ideas on promoting new jobs. It is said that he will scour the country asking anybody and everybody how to create jobs. No idea is too silly. Just think, your idea could be the one that Obama himself deems worthy of further consideration, and possibly even…implementation. How did America survive without such leadership and “sexy brilliance?”

Our reward for our patience with Obama’s ineptness is his commandeering yet another Tuesday evening of prime time. In Obama’s his radio address on Saturday, he said that unemployment had “inched down.” I suggest that “millimetered down” describes it better. And as I wrote in Obama’s Labor Numbers, all jobs figures from this administration are suspect at best, and should be “racially profiled.”

It seems that every time this administration makes its “bad news” jobs report, it is later debunked and then we get the “oops now here’s the really bad news” update. I must give Obama credit, however as he is helping the economy, particularly small businesses. He is taking big businesses and turning them into small businesses, and I’m not talking divestiture. For those businesses who survive as big, well they are being confiscated, and put under government control.

Obama’s business-destroying technique is giving lots of people the chance to play CEO, as there seems to be a revolving door of CEOs stepping down from these government-run firms. The most recent exit was the CEO of Government Motors , Ed Whitacre.

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Obama's Latest Jobs Numbers

If you enjoy my work, then please continue to support what I do here. Drag in a friend or two, buy my book or even 100…hey, it’s only money, Stingy! And get a t-shirt. They make good cleaning rags. I hope you enjoy my Holiday Cheer.

It’s About the Numbers by Kevin Jackson

The lamestream, state-run media is always good for a laugh, and this laugh has to do with the recent jobless claim. They are exuberant because as the AP headline reads, “New jobless claims fall unexpectedly to 457K”. So only 475 THOUSAND people lost their jobs this go-round! Come to think of it, that IS good news in Obama’s vida loca.

First-time claims for unemployment insurance dropped by 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted 457,000, the lowest total since the week of Sept. 6, 2008, the Labor Department said Thursday. Wall Street economists expected an increase, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters.
Would you let a Wall Street economist babysit your “chirrens?” Me neither! So the idea that they expected an increase is supposed to actually mean something? Plus, aren’t we supposed to be mad at Wall Street for something?

Well I didn’t get my degree from Wall Street, but I do speak “economy”—it’s similar to Austrian. And what the economy is saying is that it has cut the fat, and is now cutting into muscle! Actually, the economy has been cutting muscle like a Jihadist since Jan of 2009, and putting band aids throat cuts. Yet AP can see the positive signs in all of this as they continually point out in their article, saying quite contradictory that they expect the economy to continue to add jobs, as it…cuts more jobs.

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

SEALs on Trial

December 7 is a day that will live again in infamy. However this time America is not being attacked by enemies foreign, but by enemies domestic. On this day in 2009, three Navy SEALs will go on trial for doing their duty for America. What a difference a decade makes.

The SEALs were tasked with capturing Ahmed Hashim Abed, the terrorist responsible for the torture and murder of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. As Fox News reported,

The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph.
This obvious provocation by Blackwater of transporting supplies created the stir that got Abed atop the “Most Wanted Manmade Disaster” list. As you can see, all this was Blackwater’s fault!

Regardless, the SEALs did their job. They captured Abed. And when they brought him in, Abed said that he had been punched…in the gut. And he had the fat lip to prove it. Now I know SEALs are tough, but that must have been one heck of a “gut punch” to make his lip swell. I’m no attorney, but I think I could get these SEALs off on this technicality alone.

Shameless Plug: Consider buying my book The BIG Black Lie and get others to consider it as well. It is an Amazon best-seller and the only 5-star political book on Amazon!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama Has Finished Thinking

At least in Iraq the people knew they were getting the”All Saddam All The Time” channel. That’s how dictatorships work. I can’t imagine that “Guilters” (the “white guilt” constituency who elected Obama) believed they were going to get this much of “His Half-Blackness” on their TV sets...all the time!

Because Obama believes he has a mandate from the Guilters, we are treated to “All Obama All The Time” news; the only difference being that he warns us when something is really important, by telling us about it in advance.

He seems to prefer Tuesdays, as this day preempts a highly rated prime time TV show like “So You Think You Can Dance,” and rightfully so! For as we have learned with ObamaNation...nothing is more important than Obama.

And what revelation will Obama share with us this Tuesday? Well, it’s a two-fer! We will learn of Obama’s well thought out war strategy for the war in Afghanistan, and get the ancillary understanding of just how stupid General McChrystal’s strategy was for Afghanistan!

Shameless plug: I spent 3 weeks traveling to help feed the CA farmers, and draw attention to their plight. The gov't is allocating water (5%), and these people are losing everything. So donate to the Tea Party Patriots to help these great Americans. And consider buying my Amazon best-selling book The BIG Black Lie. Thanks!

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Obama's Foreign Policy Prowess?

It has been said that a leader can be measured by the people with whom he surrounds himself, then his ability to take their counsel. Using this measure, Obama is as competent as Oprah’s fitness trainer.

On the first point, Obama’s much maligned cabinet is under constant fire, so much so that there are conspiracy theorists who say that his destruction of America is intentional. They say that Obama is simply following Alinsky’s Rules for Radical doctrine, with Alinksy’s rule for most effectively marketing revolution: Pursue an “Ideology of Change.”

I would agree that there is some legitimacy to this point, if you agree that Obama’s ideology of change is replacing competent people with incompetents. I’m not sure what Alinsky taught about surrounding oneself with buffoons, so we are likely seeing a “work in progress” on that subject.

Most of Obama’s cabinet picks are either political payback or radicals with whom Obama knew from his past. Therein lies the problem quite frankly. Obama just doesn’t have a good pool from which to pick.

The outcome is a hodgepodge of throwback radicals, many of whom had been closeted since the McCarthy era. Ideologies born of their ‘60’s radical sensibilities which only recently have they felt free enough to showcase their true nature.

SHAMELESS PLUG for The Big Black Lie, my Amazon Best Seller book.

Their incompetence might not be so heinous, if it were limited to four years and could be contained from the rest of the world. However, when the top three people who represent the rest of us to the world have the leadership experience of a troop of Brownies, you can see that America is in trouble. Big trouble. Let’s look at some examples. Read more here...


Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama's Luster Tarnishing

If the recent fundraiser for Massachusetts’s Governor Deval Patrick is any indicator, Obama’s luster may be wearing off. The event was nowhere near a sellout, and word on the street is that operatives were pimping tickets up to the very last minute of the event. Worse yet, they weren’t finding any takers.

You’d think that with all the contacts on Obama’s crackberry, he could scare up enough “friends” to sell out a governor’s fundraiser?! The lack of participation by Bostonians is simply no way to treat a Nobel Peace Prize winner! Teddy Kennedy, the ugly cousin of LiberoFascism is rolling over in his grave!

The event was held at the Westin Copley, occupying the entire 4th floor--a venue that easily holds about 2000 people. Based on my radio producer’s report from a source who spoke to a cousin of a man who knows a friend of one of the maids said, “There was plenty of room for “disco dancing!” For journalistic integrity, we were able to confirm this with a taxi driver, who knows the sister of one of the vendors, who did overhear the concierge confirm this with his mother-in-law.

SHAMELESS PLUG - Consider investing in my Amazon Best Selling book, The BIG Black Lie, if you enjoy my work! Then get 10 others...just do the same! Send this message to TEN friends or something bad will happen. - Dept of Shameless Plugs at The Black Sphere!

A year ago a venue the size of the Westin Copley would not have been considered for such an event, if the messiah was to be in attendance. They would have planned on a stadium, Wembley Stadium most likely…New England game be damned! And even that would not have been big enough, so they would have had to simulcast it on big screens. And even that would pale. Thus Liberals would have clamored to see the spectacle on Pay-Per-View! Read more here...


Monday, October 19, 2009

Democrats Hate Blacks

Black people are being sold out for chump change at all government levels, as the culture of corruption in politics is at an all time high. I won’t pretend that corruption doesn’t occur from both Democrats and Republicans. However make no mistake about it, Democrats are the worst offenders.

In Missouri recently there were many races that had only one person running…a Democrat. Where do Republicans not bother running? In heavily black districts. Republicans have all but given up in these areas, because they have two chances to win: Slim and none.

The outcome is the Democrats are running amuck.

Recently Missouri State Representative T. D. El Amin pleaded guilty to soliciting and accepting a $2100 bribe from a gas station owner on the north side (the black part of town) of St. Louis. The bribe was in exchange for helping the man get city hall to stop a series of "nuisance inspections." Nuisance inspections prevent things like the ripping off of the consumer from unscrupulous gas station owners, as this article explains:

"Most inspections are unannounced," said Lazier. "We just show up within a 12
month period and say here we are." We've learned gas stations are legally
allowed to cheat you 6 cubic inches, or a bit less than a half a cup for every 5
gallons of gas pumped. Beyond that, pumps get red tagged and can't sell fuel
until they're fixed
Without these inspections, unscrupulous gas station owners every year can pocket millions of dollars by cheating the consumer. So what El Amin did was represent the predominantly black constituents of North St. Louis by allowing a business to cheat them! A Democrat brother helping brothers! Read more here...


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Consider buying my Amazon Best Selling book, The BIG Black Lie, as it tackles the #1 issue in politics today. And it's a 5-star read! Check it out!

Why all the hoopla over Limbaugh wanting to buy part of the Rams? It is based mainly on two things. First, he is a Conservative Republican. And because of his politics, Limbaugh is being attacked, one Democrat saying that Limbaugh can’t wait to “own a team of black slaves.” There it is…slavery! Democrats having the nerve to bring up slavery…their institution!

I always find the irony funny when the Left demonizes Republicans, they always choose things of which THEY are guilty. For the record, Republicans FREED the slaves that Democrats OWNED. But the Left doesn’t care about the facts, as they like keeping silly Negros stupid! It’s just make them both feel good.

Speaking of silly Negros, the black players on the Ram say they won’t play for Rush Limbaugh, should Limbaugh buy the team. With the Rams 0-fer record, I contend the black players are not playing for the current owner either.

Black players have no clue about the politics of their current owners, yet they are happy to accept their paychecks. I have worked for many companies, and in the interview process, I never asked, “Is the owner of the company a racist?” How would I know, unless he declared himself or herself a Democrat?! Moreover, even if the company owner was a racist, I don’t care! Just make sure my check clears! Read more here...


Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Stoops to New Low

If you like what I do, please consider buying my Amazon Best Seller, The BIG Black Lie. It is the only political book on Amazon that is a 5-star!

Apparently Obama’s consolation prize for losing the Olympics is a Nobel Peace Prize. I would say that the Norwegians have lost their minds, if this award actually meant something these days. Nevertheless, I still suspect that ACORN International might have had a hand in Obama’s win…for nostalgia’s sake.

This much coveted [cough] award has been won by such notables as Al Gore, Yassir Arafat, Kofi Annan, and Jimmy Carter, to name a few. With a list like this, the Nobel Prize is a not a prize at all, and I would say is more like a punishment. It is an award to be avoided, like a Darwin Award or Blackwell’s Worst Dressed.

Presuming this award had any real significance, as it did in the far too distant past, why would the Nobel committee decide that Obama should be the winner in the “Peace” area this year? I have my theories. Read more here...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The GM Scam

The new CEO of GM makes us a guarantee, essentially extending “Cash for Clunkers.” That guarantee is that if you buy a GM and you don’t like it, then you can bring it back after 60 days. Cool!

Allow me to translate: GM is spending our money to sell our cars back to us. But first, GM is going to lease us cars we already own. The good news is you will have the option to buy it…a second time! See what GM thinks in this statement: Read more here...
