
PostHeaderIcon Ranking Today’s Top Prospects Currently In The Majors

Every baseball fan loves to watch as their favorite team’s best prospects rise through the major leagues in the hopes that they will be the next superstar. While some of the prospects turn into hall of fame caliber players, there are also prospects that are never able to live up to the hype and spent their entire career in the minor leagues.

Once a prospect makes it to the major leagues, then there are very high hopes for him. They have proven that they are a great player at every other level, so it Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon The Game Is In Good Hands: Baseball’s Young Guns

Young pitchers are drafted out of high school and college on a regular basis to play in the big leagues. Before they reach the top level, every one of them must prove themselves in the minor league system. The following two young pitchers have proved themselves at all levels of professional baseball and continue to mesmerize crowds year after year.

Matt Cain

A young pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, Matt Cain was drafted by the club straight out of high school in 2002. He made his major league in 2005 Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon The Most Difficult Baseball Players in History

Anyone out there who follows baseball or any other sport knows that teams win games. No matter how many stars you have on the field, none of them can carry a game to victory without the support of their team.

However, despite this fundamental fact, you still have players throughout MLB history who have distinguished themselves not just through skill but their overall inability to cooperate. Strutting their stuff like baseball prima donnas, their attitudes have garnered their teams both attention and loss.

Listed below are a few of the most difficult baseball players in history:

Reggie Jackson – New York Yankees
Jackson was pretty much quoted as saying that the team flowed through him. That he was “…the straw that stirs the drink.”

Dick Allen – Chicago White Sox
The aptly-named Dick might have did well on the field, but he had no trouble getting himself and his team negative press with vulgar and confrontational interactions with the media.

Carl Everett – Formerly MLB
Among other things, Carl is an unapologetic homophobe. That wouldn’t be a problem if he kept his offensive and inflammatory views to himself but alas.

And those are just a few to get you started. If you dive deep enough into baseball history, you’ll find plenty more. And if you need even more baseball or, perhaps, you want to see some of these hot dogs for yourself, there are Direct tv deals for sports packages that should have what you need.

PostHeaderIcon The History Of Going Yard In Major League Baseball

The home run is an integral part of Major League Baseball. It adds thrills, drama, and of course, runs to the game. The first ever home run was in 1876 and was hit by Ross Barnes of the Chicago White Stockings (now the Chicago Cubs). Early in baseball’s history, ‘going yard’ wasn’t as spectacular as it is now. They were usually inside the park, meaning the ball never cleared the fence, yet the runner made it to home plate before the ball did. Then, the power era began. This era Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon From The Dugout To The Diamond: MLB’s Top Bench Players

A key player off the bench can make a big difference for any Major League Baseball Team. Here’s a look at some of the most top reserves in the game of baseball.

1. Eduardo Nunez, New York Yankees

Nunez would likely be a starting third baseman on most major league clubs, but playing behind Alex Rodriguez and Eric Chavez in New York, he is a very capable bench player. He is hitting for a good average, and can provide good Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon The History Of Baseball’s Top Rivalries

We live in a world where rivalries tend to fuel our sports. Rivalry’s aren’t just important for the history of a sport, they are also important for viewership on television as well. Numbers tend to go up when you are talking about a rivalry game, mostly because, well, rivalry games to be more intense in nature. When it comes to baseball, rivalries have histories that go back for more than a century, which is why networks spend big money on Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon The Game’s Top Outfield Arms

One of the most feared arms currently belongs to a former pitcher, Rick Ankiel of the Washington Nationals. Ankiel may have mysteriously lost his ability to get the ball over the plate, but his laser-like bullets from the outfield have even the swiftest runners thinking twice about trying to take an extra base.

Royals RF Jeff Francoeur, now in his 7th MLB season, has never recorded less than 11 assists per season, and his strong, accurate throws have made him more than respected by opposing baserunners.

Atlanta’s LF Jason Heyward Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon How Baseball’s Mighty Have Fallen

When it comes to baseball, it’s not so much how you start, but instead how you finish. With a 162-game season, you can start badly, but you need to be able to pick it up in May and June in order to make it into the postseason. For the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, a sub-par April has been turned around thanks to an impressive May and June. For these two teams, website, a berth in the 2012 Postseason seems like a real possibility. For other “mighty” teams, though, struggles have continued and dreams have hit their crisis point. The Philadelphia Phillies, a team that was expected to easily make the postseason isn’t just sitting eight games out in the NL East, they are also playing in one of the hardest divisions of baseball. Same goes for the Boston Red Sox, who have shown some signs of life recently, though sit in fifth place behind four teams, the Yankees, Rays, Orioles and Blue Jays, who all could make the playoffs. While there is still some time to turn it around, there is a good chance that both of these teams will be sitting on the outside when playoff time starts.