Think Progress

REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money

Sen. Kit Bond Today marks the one year anniversary of President Obama signing into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus. As the economy continued to crater after President Bush left office, Obama’s stimulus sought to provide tax cuts for 95% of working Americans, funds to buoy cash-strapped state governments, new construction and infrastructure projects, and other programs to create jobs, retrain workers, and promote economic activity throughout the country. In December, the Congressional Budget Office reported that the stimulus had successfully created up to 1.6 million jobs, and today, a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent.

House Republican leaders have fought to maintain partisan unity in their effort to kill the stimulus. And they were largely successful. Every single Republican in the House and every single Republican in the Senate — with the exception of Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), and then-Republican Sen. Arlen Specter — voted against the Recovery Act. By drawing a sharp distinction between Obama and the GOP, Republican leaders gambled on casting the stimulus as a failure in order to win elections in 2010. In a coordinated effort, Republicans have used every opportunity to attack the stimulus for allegedly failing to create “a single job.”

Last month, President Obama admonished Republicans for going to “ribbon cuttings for the same projects that you voted against.” It’s true: Last year, Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) appeared at a ribbon cutting event for GetAbout Columbia’s MKT Plaza, a pedestrian walking and recreation area funded by the stimulus. (See picture at top right.)

ThinkProgress has investigated opponents of the Recovery Act, reporting throughout the year that many of the lawmakers who tried to kill the legislation have been returning to their home states to claim credit for popular stimulus programs. In a new research report, ThinkProgress finds that over half of the GOP caucus, 110 lawmakers — from the House and Senate — are guilty of stimulus hypocrisy. Among some of the key findings:

Top Republican Senate Recruits Are Stimulus Hypocrites: As ThinkProgress reported, Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE), a candidate for Senate, touted over $5 million in stimulus programs he voted to kill. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL), the GOP nominee for Senate in Illinois, signed a letter urging Gov. Pat Quinn to provide “Recovery Act (ARRA) funding to expand the Illinois Community College Sustainability Network.”

GOP Leadership Leads The Way In Hypocrisy: Although he regularly slams the stimulus as a waste while in DC, McConnell has returned to Kentucky to take credit for stimulus programs, even taking time to request more funds. ThinkProgress attended two job fairs held by Cantor, where we found dozens of employers able to hire directly because of the stimulus. Indeed, even Boehner’s office released a statement boasting that the stimulus will create “much needed jobs.”

The Audacity Of Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds: Many opponents of the stimulus have been quite brazen with their ability to try to claim credit for the program. For instance, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) spent the morning of July 28th railing against the stimulus, yelling “Where’s the stimulus package? Where’s the jobs?” on the House floor. On the same day of his rant, Kingston’s office sent out multiple press releases bragging that he had secured hundreds of thousands in stimulus funds to hire additional police officers in his district. Other stimulus opponents, like Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) — who has called the stimulus a “trillion dollar debt bill” — have printed out jumbo-sized ceremonial stimulus checks to present to local communities to try to garner positive press.

Individually, over half of the entire Republican caucus has hailed nearly every aspect of the stimulus as a success — from infrastructure funds, to food programs, to education grants. But politically, admitting its success might harm the GOP’s chances in November. So with Republicans fixated on winning politically, they have focused on deceiving the public by calling the stimulus a failure, while pretending successful programs aren’t stimulus funded.

284 Responses to “REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money”

  1. USNclerk says:

    These people suck, that’s all I have to say.

  2. barfly says:

    Another example of republicans putting party before country.

    They are tallking the economy down, and the investors are spooked.

  3. zxbe says:

    So it’s a bill they didn’t want, they voted against, deny that it’s even working, but take credit for the money it brings to the district?

    Sounds like a typical right-winger thing to do.

  4. vinylspear says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier to keep a list of when the republicans aren’t hypocrites?

  5. P.D. says:

    The Dems are planning a offensive launch at the Repugs for their hypocricy. It’s about frigging time. These bastards voted it down, but couldn’t wait to grab the dough. Now all those pictures of them smiling with those big ass checks will be splashed all over. I wonder how the ‘Tea-Baggers’ will react when they realize the Repugs are just as willing to spend evil ‘Government’ money on their own pet projects?

  6. hellinabucket says:

    Time to brake out the sandals.

  7. hellinabucket says:

    or break, you take your pick

  8. har5125 (brought to your by The Independent Faction) says:

    USNclerk says:

    These people suck, that’s all I have to say.

    Nah I’d say it is more like to paraphrase President Skroob in Spaceballs, “They’ve gone from suck to blow!”

  9. evangenital says:

    Please, my friends, sucking and blowing are wonderful things.

    Where would us guys be without the delights of the orally proficient?

  10. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Wanted, one republican with one face.

  11. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    A template for a TV commercial:

    Video: American Recovery and Investment Act
    Voice Over: Americans like nicknames. The American Recovery and Investment Act has a nickname.
    Video: (fade in) The Stimulus.
    Voice Over: It is also known as The Stimulus. Some politicians should have nicknames too.
    Video: (Republican bad mouthing The Stimulus) fade to (Same Republican taking credit for the money)
    Voice Over: What’s a good nickname?…Hypocrite.

  12. leftzone says:

    The Dems should also spend the next 6 months shouting from the rooftops that the stim also contained the largest middle class tax cut in history. Y’know the wingnutz, they love them some tax cuts!

  13. evangenital says:

    Repiggies at the trough…

    Oink, oink, oink…

    So much for their financial “principles…”

  14. Tired Of Fighting (Sponsored Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy MENNAN!) says:

    Top Republican Senate Recruits Are Stimulus Hypocrites:

    GOP Leadership Leads The Way In Hypocrisy:

    The Audacity Of Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds:

    The Sun is hot, and Water is wet. This is not news, but as usual noone in the so-called “librul” mainstream media will even touch this story for as not to call the Repuppetcans out because they have to keep the uninformed well uninformed.

    This is infotainment, faux controversies, stories, and straight up lies, thats the stuff journalism is made of. Let’s just move along, there’s nothing left to see here.

    SGT Stephen R. Sherman
    C CO 1-5 IN (STRYKER)
    KIA 3 Feb 2005
    Mosul, Iraq

  15. Zimzone says:

    That scissors is damn near as big as Kit Bond’s ego.

  16. austininc4 says:

    TYPICAL, the sad part of this is, their Delusional Reichwing Sheep won’t see a thing wrong with the Republican Hypocrites.
    The problem this country is facing is, we have a “HALF GOVERNMENT”. The Democrats put their necks on the chopping block for the good of the country, while the lowlife Republicans vote NO on everything, yet spend the Money.

  17. A Patriot Acting says:

    vinylspear says:
    “Wouldn’t it be easier to keep a list of when the republicans aren’t hypocrites?”

    I tried that, my two year old kept finding the blank sheet of paper and drawing all over it.

  18. sscncturn64 says:

    I really get a kick out of these repugs printing those big checks for the photo op`s., what a bunch of clowns.
    I wonder how many of the 1.6 million people who got jobs are wingnut cons who dont even know their working because of the Obama administration. Sadly, they probably dont even care.
    If beck,limpass, and repugs tell them that Obama is destroying our country and taking away their freedom, they believe it.

  19. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    cch, NBC shows NHL games.

  20. cch sharpton says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  21. ljm says:

    I really hope that the Dems are saving videos of every one of these hypocritical events, to use in the Fall elections. Shove it to them by showing what they said against the stimulus right next to those oversized checks and smiling bull s… If the Dems don’t then they deserve to lose.

  22. evangenital says:

    The Tea Party is the GOP, nitwit.

  23. texasrick says:

    Why isn’t the DNC running non-stop commercials on television showing these guys grinning over the checks they voted against?

    WAKE UP leadership!!!!

  24. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    To repeat myself from yesterday

    R H E Y P P U O B C L R I I C T A E N S

  25. P.D. says:

    @20, Yeah right! You ‘Baggers’ are being usurped as we speak. Queen Sarah already told the ‘Baggers’ to join the Repug party. Your Movement is being taken over by the same people who are spending the dough! How does it feel to suddenly realize your ‘Movement’ has been hijacked?

  26. hellinabucket says:

    So the teaparty is going to take over the GOP. Is there a timeline for this cch?

  27. House of Roberts says:

    sscncturn64 at 11:59 am

    I wonder how many of the 1.6 million people who got jobs are wingnut cons who dont even know their working because of the Obama administration.

    They wouldn’t admit it if they knew. They’d rather delude themselves into believing it’s their talent or work ethic that got them there. Most HR people hire the person who’s the best liar on a resume and in an interview.

  28. evangenital says:

    Teabaggers are retards, and Sarah is their mommie.

    Sarah says it’s okay to use the word “retard” in a satirical sense.

  29. A Patriot Acting says:

    This article doesn’t even list the repiggie Governors from red welfare states who ALSO trashed the Stim in public and went on to beg for some money.

    How about a new rule in Congress? If you insert pork or legislation into a Bill and then vote against the Bill your pork/proposed legilation gets yanked right out. It might wake up some of these LIVs in red welfare states and send a message to the Repigs that you can’t have it both ways anymore.

  30. evangenital says:

    Aren’t the repiggies getting an inordinate amount of the stimulus money?

  31. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    cch sharpton says:
    This is why the GOP is irrelevant and The Tea Party is taking over.

    And yet you think one of those groups is going to make headway in the next election cycle.

    Truly delusional.

    Even faux is pointing out how two faced the right is over stimulus money.

    Yet the tea party wants to buddy up with the gop and use their conference hall and the gop said no.

    This is some funny shit and I thank you for the comedic relief

    You’re a funny guy.

  32. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    nitwit: This is why the GOP is irrelevant and The Tea Party is taking over.

    Funny. Your goddess Sarah says just the opposite.

    Palin told them; “Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party,” Palin said. “Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.”

    Well there you have it, Palin tells the Tea Party that they cannot field their own candidates and that while they are “a grand movement”, vote for Republicans because we are the Party of small government and fiscal responsibility, even though every republican president the last 50 years has nearly doubled the size of the government along with the national debt.

  33. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    More GOP hypocrisy. I swear we could fill several libraries with the records of their lies.

  34. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    While I agree that Democrats should highlight this hypocrisy at every opportunity, and perhaps hire PLC@11 to produce some commercials, how in heck are we going to convince a bunch of fools who don’t know that Medicare is government run health care that the money doled out at home by the Republicans is actually from the “stimulus”?

  35. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    The Republican and the Tea Party movements are pretty much the same. Both require one to wipe and flush afterwards.

  36. Dave N, sponsored by Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe says:

    Kit…isn’t that just another name for “pu$$y”?

  37. evangenital says:

    Kit Bond is a slimeball who yells and screams for the “defense of traditional marriage,” all the while sticking in some woman while married to his previous wife.

    Bond is the sort of hypocritical slime which has found its natural habitat in the GOP.

  38. evangenital says:

    My friends, keep in mind that “blowing” and “sucking” and “pu$$y” are wonderful things.

    It has taken me a while to break free of using those terms in a negative context, and I no longer link them with losers.

  39. MapleStreet says:

    Why does no one call them out on their hypocrisy ?

    With You Tube, not to mention the video archives kept by the news agencies, it would be rather easy.

  40. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    With today’s technology it shouldn’t be difficult to thread two actual video clips together, possibly superimposing one of them voting no on the floor of Congress with one of them gladhanding, ribboncutting, etc.
    Most PC based video editing programs allow such threading, my wife tells me.

  41. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  42. P.D. says:

    maple239, I was just watching Contessa Brewer on MSNBC about the poll numbers of the Pres. and the Stimulus and guess what? She talked about how Americans don’t like the stimulus, and yet, never said anything about the Repugs hypocricy. WTF?

  43. christopher wiwi says:

    Is this just more confusifying strategery from the re-pukes? I thought the stim wasn’t working and they didn’t want the $$$$$.I am confusified!!! Oh the HYPOCRISY!!!

  44. P.D. says:

    241, You can’t have it both ways dick-weed! I guess you are one of the many uninformed sheeple who think that pork is OK, as long as it is for them. piss off.

  45. Marie says:

    I am heartened to see the stronger push-back against repugs, but dems are so late to field that the repugs have already established the narrative that runs through the populace. There is a lot to be done on offense by the dems – they need to make up for lost ground, and then take away the gains from repugs.
    We all know they are hypocrites, liars and self-promoters, propagandists and demagogues, but the average Joe may not see that – they catch a headline here and there, they hear a sound bite here and there, and they only know that they are still worried.
    I blame dem leadership for resting too long after the 2008 election, and not corraling rogue dems early on.
    After a year has passed, the average Joe, with his limited information, is still worried about his job, his health care, and his bills. The stimulus has been effective, but until more people are back to work, Joe can’t acknowledge that — and therein lie the repugs, ready to pounce on the fact that after a year, the progress is too slow.
    Everyone expected the impossible from Obama – his hopeful speeches lifted us all, but working with a dysfunctional congress, in addition to the enormous challenges awaiting Obama in January 2009, have made it unrealistic to think that significant changes could be attained in a year.
    This is going to take years! The public may not be that patient; and the repugs will try to assure that they are not.

  46. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    vinylspear says:


    Wouldn’t it be easier to keep a list of when the republicans aren’t hypocrites?

    I have been keeping such a list. Here it is:

  47. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    If Obama plans on piling up debt everyone might as well get their fare share.

    Where’s our fair share of the debt bush imposed on us.

    before you respond. I know, you never supported bush, rightio.

  48. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    socialist agenda

    Sigh. Just another idiot troll who doesn’t understand the various theories of economic organization so he just labels everything as “good” and “evil.”

  49. Marie says:

    #11 PLC
    Have you tried sending that to Kaine, at the DNC?
    It’s short, and spot on.

  50. A Patriot Acting says:

    “Can’t wait until the next election so we can stop giving handouts to the poor and put it toward more important things like educating our future.”

    Fool must have missed the GOp’s new money saving gameplan:

  51. evangenital says:

    The repiggies are vile scum, and the Dems are scared of their own shadows.

  52. P.D. says:

    biz@48, The absolute ignorance is stunning! And these people vote? Does the as*wipe even realize more Repugs are retiring them Dems! God, I hate stupid!

  53. christopher wiwi says:

    Socialist sucks a lot @41,Where were your deficits hawks when Ray Gun and two Shrubs were in the W.H. and spending like drunkin sailors?Do you even know what socialism means?I doubt it.You are a hypocrite just like the re-pukes you vote for.

  54. Fritz says:

    Hypocrite much, republicans?

  55. evangenital says:

    If the repiggies get back into power, there will be more stupid and useless wars, consigning our economy to the permanent scrap heap.

  56. christopher wiwi says:

    evangenital@55,and more taxcuts for the wealthy!!!

  57. Marie says:

    The tax cuts included in the stimulus package went into effect 4/1/09 — does anyone ever acknowledge them? They weren’t big (couldnt be) but it did put a few more bucks weekly in paychecks. Even some repugs and teabaggers got them, and they weren’t tax cuts for the wealthy supposed to trickle down on the rest of us; we all learned the meaning of “trickle down” during Reagan and Bush years, and we don’t want any golden showers!

  58. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Dear SS

    We get it. You are not only stupid you are a brainwashed Limborg moron. Obama is no more a socialist than Thomas Jefferson was. Then again we know you are going to be too stupid and brain damaged to understand this simple concept. Just keep spewing out the idiocy Rush has programmed you with. We get that you KNOW you are so stupid others have to do your thinking for you. Unfortunatly far too many of you ignorant conservatives are in this boat too stupid to think for yourself and judgement too poor to choose someone with some decency to think for you. Do keep embarassing yourself by exposing your hilarious ignorance. I do love to laugh at morons as stupid as you

  59. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    I’m concerned that the troll can’t differentiate between a fare, which is money paid for a ride in some transit mode, and fair, which means without prejudice or preference.

  60. jwest says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  61. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    P.D. says:
    biz@48, The absolute ignorance is stunning! And these people vote? Does the as*wipe even realize more Repugs are retiring them Dems! God, I hate stupid!

    They vote and they breed sadly. I wish stupid did burn…the republicans would be more hesitant to think about what they say before they actually say it.

    Facts don’t mean much to the freeper/Fox crowd. If they did, they wouldn’t be watching Fox.

  62. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    You know why there aren’t any progressive trolls? Because RepiggiesBlowThingsUpLikeTheDeficitAndBrownPeopleCountriesForShitsAndGiggles is too long a screen name. /snark

  63. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    By the way SS educating our future? Was that supposed to make any sense at all? Arent you the least bit embarassed to be such an unrepentant moron?

  64. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    jwest: WoooHooo!! Ya!!

    For the real wealthy, jwest, not the make-believe-troll-wealthy.

  65. tombaker says:

    It’s easy to succeed in lying when your audience is sufficiently stupid.

  66. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    More stupidity and ignorance. Then again considering his mental deficiencies I guess that is all he will ever have to offer

  67. christopher wiwi says:

    SS,you sound just like the rest of the re-pukes,you pay passionate lip service to a cause your willing to do nothing about,take the stimulus for instance,or privatizing social security,getting rid of medicare,overturning Roe V Wade and whole host of other issues and yet nothing gets done but you continually vote the status quo.Why? At least Dems want to move forward they just lack the brass to do what needs to be done.

  68. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    tombaker says:
    It’s easy to succeed in lying when your audience is sufficiently stupid.

    It’s still amazes me at how efficiently the Murdoch/Fox crowd has brain-washed their viewers into believing the most insane shit. Is there one wing-nut who doesn’t live in an alternative universe?

  69. ElBruce, owned and operated by NewsCorp, Inc. says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    …and put it toward more important things like educating our future.

    Doing what to when now? You just sort of babbled your way off a cliff at around that point. Not that you were any great shakes up until then. It’s like y’all just copy/paste the same wingnut screed.


    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    If Obama plans on piling up debt everyone might as well get their fare share.

    Where’s our fair share of the debt bush imposed on us.

    before you respond. I know, you never supported bush, rightio.

    I wonder just where all the conservatives went who were supporting Bush at the time. They all seem to have been “Raptured” away or something…

  70. P.D. says:

    @60, God you’re dumb. The only people who prospered under Bush were the Super Wealthy. The middle class is dying. All thanks to ignorant, half-wit, dick-weeds like you.

  71. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    What the US needs now is a high quality news reporter who can be hard hitting yet fair. Someone who can report in a language all can understand.

    Where is Les Nessman when you need him?

  72. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Of course it’s NOT a double standard when G(no)P does it, NO?

    … But doing so makes for great politicizing of spending and budgets.


  73. tombaker says:

    in a weird way, i hope righties succeed enough in their agenda to produce a bolshevik revolution, instead the braindead turnip truck rebellion the underclass is engaged in now – and that’s exactly what will happen if enough people are kept down long enough. it would serve wall streeters right to be dragged from their offices and gated community mcmansions, and have their pharaohonic ego temples looted and burned.

  74. House of Roberts says:

    Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.) at 12:40 pm

    What the US needs now is a high quality news reporter who can be hard hitting yet fair. Someone who can report in a language all can understand.

    Where is Les Nessman when you need him?

    Well, hogs were always his specialty, and we do call them Repiggies!

  75. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Hoodathunk, isn’t Kent Brockman available?

  76. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Q U E S T I O N:
    What do you call a school of coy out of water?




  77. cch sharpton says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  78. P.D. says:

    America is starting to look like a second world country, you know. Broken roads, crumbling infrastructure. It is depressing. Many other countries have High Speed rail systems, excellant recycling centers, and advances in Green Technology. Meanwhile, we have a bunch of old, white Global Warming denyers who are willing to let us crumble. I think investing in this country and our childrens education is the only way save this country.

  79. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    CCH Moron

    What you deserve to reap is a chainsaw enema

  80. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    obviously ccs @#78 is referring to showers…

  81. NinerFan says:

    Conservatives really are losing their minds and the trolls around here keep finding new and exciting ways to demonstrate this. Here’s a very confused new troll explaining that he hates socialism, so he wants to elect republicans to get more funding for a government-run (socialist) education system.

    Socialistsuck: “…more republicans will move in ( thank god ) and keep this socialist agenda oppressed.”

    And then this nugget: “Can’t wait until the next election so we can stop giving handouts to the poor and put it toward more important things like educating our future.”

    Right, man. Get those socialists out of there! And, more funding for public schools! Yeeee haaaawwwww!

  82. P.D. says:

    @78, LOL! Is that a Freudian Slip or what?

  83. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    Wait till you see the golden harvest we shall reap!

    Eat less corn.

  84. tombaker says:

    78 – sure ya will. deeper debt for more war and more tax cuts for paris hilton always accrue benefits to middle class righties. have fun paying your medical debts in cash – i’m sure that, just like all the other lying clowns that dittohead around in here, you’ve got nothing but cash on hand.

  85. glogrrl says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier to keep a list of when the republicans aren’t hypocrites?

    Would be a mighty short list….almost non-existent.

  86. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  87. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    cch sharpton says:
    These are the great times of movement conservatism. Wait till you see the golden harvest we shall reap!

    Is that a golden shower joke? Dude enough with projecting your suppressed sexual fantasies onto the web.

  88. Bob says:

    So the reality doesn’t match the narrative presented by the opposition. It doesn’t matter what issue. Stimulus ‘doesn’t work’ in the disticts that have used it to create jobs. On the DADT issue, the loudest opposition have never served. On climate change, the fiercest deniers aren’t even scientists, much less climitologists. No public option comes mostly from people enjoying gov’t health care.

    A liberal media would be all over the hypocrisy of the opposition on a daily basis: Hypocrite o’ the Day. Rs would have to fight hard to be elected dog catcher.

  89. NinerFan says:

    Let’s see. After about 30 years of conservative dogma about deregulation of business, the country and the world just got a big dose of reality last year and decades of one of the modern conservative movement’s most cherished arguments were simply destroyed. Every sane person now knows that big business must be regulated.

    After 12 years of Republican congress and 8 years of Republican administration, we were left with the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.

    After a few years of war, it became clear that Republicans lied us into a shooting war under false pretenses and in the process greatly increased the threat of terrorism here and around the world.

    The conservative movement is split between a few very disparate sub-cultures: religious, military-industrial, fiscally conservative and the huge conglomeration of kooks and conspiracy theorists in the “Tea Party Movement.” There might even be a conservative third party in the offing.

    Here’s troll, cch sharpton, without a hint of irony: “These are the great times of movement conservatism.”

    Amazing, isn’t it?

  90. P.D. says:

    @87, Yawn. I saw your tag and moved on. The first sentense was enough for me. As for childish name calling? Pleeze, you trolls take the prize for being childish.

  91. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    cch sharpton says:
    These are the great times of movement conservatism. Wait till you see the golden harvest we shall reap!

    cch is penning their final solution.

  92. Zooey (sponsored by Teh Gay Agenda) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    …We all know, and don’t act like you dont, that Obama is in office because of his skin color. I’m by no means a racist…

    No need to read further. I call bullshit.


  93. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    Looks like Popiel has sold at least one World Saladizer. Now if only someone had been able to finish school to understand such things as paragraphs. And reality.

  94. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    It is truly amazing. The thing is one of the defining characteristics of teabaggers is their ability to be completely impervious to reality and embrace the most fantastic delusions

  95. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I LOVE arguing with Libs because all you have is childish name calling. It amuses me that you sit here and say all we’re doing is regurgitating stuff that has been told to us but you’re so ridiculously blinded by your Liberal ” mightier than thou art” self absorbed attitude you can’t see the forest through the trees.

    forest for the trees is not an argument. It’s silly when you consider that you just destroyed our economy.

    I don’t think you really want to argue or discuss. You just want to pontificate.

    Sad really, I pity you.

  96. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I LOVE arguing with Libs because all you have is childish name calling.

    Oh, I love your username hypocrite.

  97. NinerFan says:

    First of all, I want to ask everyone around here to NOT vote down SocialistSuck’s posts. His posts are learning opportunities and demonstrations.

    SocialistSuck, you need to calm down and think your posts through because you end up arguing with yourself over and over. Easy there, big fella. Think about it. You started off saying “we need to get rid of these Socialists” because you wanted to elect Republicans to fund public school.

    Now, you complain that liberals’ ”mightier than thou art” self absorbed attitude” and then, just a few lines later, call liberals “sheeple” who are “laughing stocks of America” and “don’t have a clue.” Does it occur to you that it is you who feel “mightier than thou art?”

    I think that might occur to most sane people. If you think you’re sane, maybe you should consider it.

  98. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Zooey (sponsored by Teh Gay Agenda) says:
    SocialistSuck says:
    …We all know, and don’t act like you dont, that Obama is in office because of his skin color. I’m by no means a racist…

    No need to read further. I call bullshit.


    That whole “I’m no racist” crap has been spewed by every ignorant f**k I’ve ever come across. He spent most of his rant railing on minorities. He’s racist and he has no comprehension of economic systems to boot.

  99. katy says:

    * excellent job, TP…

    now, if only the moonie times, or fox’s WSJ would pick it up…

    not holding MY breath…

  100. darnay says:

    The Democracts need to call their butts out.

  101. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  102. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    feeding the cycle of the poor and impoverished by not letting them stand up and create a better life for themselves

    Please, please go stroll down Central Ave and Alameda street in Central L.A.
    Go up each and every person you walk by and tell them all about how to stand up and create a better life your themselves.

    Do it.

  103. SoapBox says:

    78 cch sharpton says:
    These are the great times of movement conservatism. Wait till you see the golden harvest we shall reap!

    GEE…I can hardly wait! We’re gonna party like it’s 1710!

    I’m putt’n on my Three-Cornered-Toilet-Seat-Liner hat and looking at my Flat-Earth-Map!

    WoooWhooo! Par-tay!

  104. darnay says:

    Hey number 87- your boy lost- get over it… kiss our butts :)

  105. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    I just lervs the righteous who claim America has been built by every citizen just looking out for themselves. And how no one has ever done anything for them. Explains why they still are wearing diapers.

  106. hellinabucket says:

    I read all of SocilistSuck’s posting. Didn’t find the “facts” he was spouting about. I also didn’t find any defense of the subject matter of this thread. SS here decided to attack instead of acknowledge the hypocracy of the GOP.

    In response to his remark on why Obama was elected, He was the strongest choice from the Democratic Party and the GOP knew they were in for an old fashioned whoopass because of W.

    The GOP was led astray by the neocons and now may be taken over by the teabaggers. RIP GOP

  107. P.D. says:

    @103, Go ahead and delude yourself sh*t for brains.

  108. NinerFan says:

    The troll presents a nice picture:

    He hates socialism but likes repubs because he evidently thinks they will provide more funding for a socialist public school system.

    He thinks liberals have a “mightier than thou art” attitude as he refers to them as clueless “sheeple.”

    And, he thinks Obama got in on his skin color, but claims he is “by no means a racist.”

    A very mixed up person indeed.

  109. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Did you think you were arguing? Because all I see is a rerun of the Rush Limbaugh show. Look you know you are stupid. WE know you are stupid. We say all you do is regurgitate what you were told to think for a very good reason. All you do is regurgitate what you were told to think. It is obvious to anyone that can read. It would be obvious to you except, well, you are stupid and brainwashed. That is YOUR sad fate.

    I am glad we make you sick. That is instant Karma because YOU make ALL decent human beings sick. You have no brain, no soul, no decency, integrity, honor, or critical thinking skills. I wont waste my time with your classic rock of delusional talking points. The ones you were programmed with like the ignorant member of the Limborg hivemind you are. It is enough to say you are hiliarous. I LOVE to laugh at delusional morons like you. Your stupidity is so classic and cliched that it gives me the kind of chuckle I so appreciate. So keep coming back and parading your ignorance, it is amusing, and if you ever happen upon an original thought, dont rush to the hospital, it isnt a brain aneurysm. I cant wade through the entirity of your monumentally ignorant posts though. About three lines and you have my brain begging for the sweet release of a coma. The boredom alone would paralyze me

  110. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  111. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Hey troll,
    Raising taxes and having government doll out that money for needs is actually more efficient than having corporations do them. This is fairly obvious. A governmental system has budget of X dollars and their objective is to see that Y citizens receive Z number of dollars. They can be straight-forward in the dolling out and the satisfying of needs: health-care, insurance safety nets, etc). Whereas corporations might have a budget of X dollars. Their objective however is to make more dollars, not actually provide health-care or see toward the fulfilling of needs. They’re objective is to fulfill the desires of the shareholders, not the needs of the stakeholders. Government is useful. Its high time people stop being dogmatic and short sighted about its uses.

  112. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Zooey you can choose to be ignorant thats ok. I choose to see the truth.

    In three short exhanges here you have proven that you don’t understand the meaning of the word truth.

  113. SoapBox says:

    87 SocialistSuck says:
    I LOVE arguing with Libs because

    Blah, blah, blah..blah, cxixhy, pwhaz, blah, blah, wconz…



  114. NinerFan says:

    darnay says: “Hey number 87- your boy lost- get over it… kiss our butts :)”

    That’s just it. They can’t get over it. They can’t except the results of free elections that they lose. We saw the same thing in 1993 after Clinton won.

    It was called the “Patriot Movement” then. Now, it’s called the “Tea Party Movement.” There are people in this country who are just not good at representative democracy. They can’t accept representatives that they didn’t support.

  115. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  116. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    I think “Socialist(s)suck” is just cch sharpton acting like a bigger dumb ass than usual.

  117. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    SS You are a liar as well as stupider than tile grout. You wouldnt know the truth if it bit your nutsack then kicked down your door went to your closet and put a hole in your rubber woman. You are a MORON. It is that simple. Things dont become true just because YOU are stupid enough to say they are true then CLAIM they are true. Really you are too bone chillingly ignorant to get this but you are embarassing yourself

  118. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    EXACTLY! You can’t tell them that. You know why? Because they all sit around with the mind frame that they are owed something

    I thought you believed in truth. Oh well, nevermind.

  119. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    cch & ss, have you read Gary Davis, Non dare call it conspiracy (1974, John Birch Press)??

    Good stuff for the TeaBagger world domination conspiracy buffs. Almost the beginning of the trail…

  120. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  121. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    er, Non = None…

  122. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Everyone give Eugene a hand for name calling!

    unwarrented condescention noted. See your username for clarification.

  123. SoapBox says:

    116 NinerFan says:
    …They can’t get over it. They can’t except the results of free elections that they lose.
    …people in this country who are just not good at representative democracy. They can’t accept representatives that they didn’t support.

    Exactly! I could not have said it better.

    With these types…it’s their way or the highway…Do as they say and maybe no one gets hurt.


  124. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ok your vast ignorance is becoming tiresome. Take your RACIST bullshit and shove it where the sun never shines. You arent funny anymore. Just really stupid and really pathetic

  125. Zooey (sponsored by Teh Gay Agenda) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I choose to see the truth.

    Here’s a heaping helping of truth for you, ignoramus:

    A black man is President.
    He will make this country a better place in spite of you teabaggers.
    You slept through the Republican looting of this country.
    You failed to be a citizen of this country.
    You woke up only when a black man was elected President.
    You looked around — FINALLY — and said “WTF happened to my country? Obama is president? A black man messed it up!”

    And the biggest truth of them all?


  126. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  127. Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:

    I think “Socialist(s)suck” is just cch sharpton acting like a bigger dumb ass than usual.

    No, I’m more inclined to go with drhunt trying a new tactic. He’s a slippery sort but can’t help preening over his mighty intelligence.

  128. angels81 says:


    First off, I don’t argue politics, but I will debate issues concerning politics. All you have done is come here and blow a bunch of BS. You have NO facts to back up anything you have said. You lump people together and label them poor or black or both, and then go off with a bunch of racist crap.

    If you really want debate, back up your crap with some facts and links instead of a bunch of right wing opinion.

  129. Zooey (sponsored by Teh Gay Agenda) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Everyone give Eugene a hand for name calling!

    Ohhhhh, the irony.

  130. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    SS, I’ll pay for your one way air fare (note the spelling), and one night motel if you let me videotape your excursion down Central Ave.
    Of course, you will have to be responsible for your own health insurance. I hear they’ve got excellent hostpitals around downtown.

  131. hellinabucket says:

    McCain was the only schmuck willing to ride all the way to defeat. The rest couldn’t garner enough support to stay in denial.

    The GOP lost the trust of the American people in their mad grab for power. They have yet to prove they are worthy of leading the govt.

  132. christopher wiwi says:

    SS,Do you want Caribou Barbie to run in 2012 or Mittens?

  133. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

    @87: “Certain news crews…”

    You wouldn’t happen to have a reference for that, would you?

  134. SoapBox says:

    117 SocialistSuck says:
    …nor comprehend a single FACT to argue politics on.

    Yaaa…You might want to learn some of those FACTS.

    Now go back to the sheep herd.

    You seem to be taking up all the room in the mindless-spewing heard already…We’ll just stay out here and enjoy our freedom.


    …GWB said it so it must have been a fact!

  135. pags2 says:

    I would hope Obama’s statements were just the opening shots directed against the Republicans. Every Dem should be using the hypocritical positions about the stimulus that the Republicans have taken. What would be better is for the DNC to be running ad campaigns pointing out the hypocrisy. Nothing could be better than watching the Republicans squirm.

  136. A Patriot Acting says:

    cch sharpton says:
    “These are the great times of movement conservatism. Wait till you see the golden harvest we shall reap!”

    Yeah, great time to be a conservative. Americans, 69,456,897 of them, spoke LOUDLY in electing President Obama and to end the era of Repub/Conserv rule over our Nation. With a resounding 365 electoral votes America sent a message to the world that Republicans cannot govern and should not be allowed to hold the reins. DADT will soon be a thing of the past, troop levels are winding down in Iraq, the economy that Conservatism all but destroyed is rising from the ashes, our standing in the world has been restored now that neocons no longer dictate our foreign policy. One way or another healthcare reform will become a reality this year. A Democratic Administration has proven that America does not need to break laws in order to obtain intel from the terrorists we capture.

    TeaBaggers can however boast that they were capable of drawing a whopping thousand or so losers to their circlejerk with the grandmilf. After untold millions wasted by their corporate handlers in organizing and mobilizing their LIV base. Their hatred, stupidity and zeal to elect socially retarded Baggers will fracture the Republican Party this year and benefit Democrats.

    Yeah, it’s a great time to be a Conservative allright (stupid POS)

  137. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Hoodathunk(sponsored by Take Back Our Blog, Inc.)) says:
    I think “Socialist(s)suck” is just cch sharpton acting like a bigger dumb ass than usual.

    No, I’m more inclined to go with drhunt trying a new tactic. He’s a slippery sort but can’t help preening over his mighty intelligence.

    That’s plausible too. Just another troll stroking his own…er…ego.

  138. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You dont know what a fact IS. You are too stupid. That is obvious to anyone. What a fact ISNT is any ridiculous talking point that Rush TOLD you to think and you spewed in your ignorance. Please do continue your WWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHH about my namecalling while you tell us that libs make you sick and are blinded by our mighteir than thou art self absorbed attitudes. I love it when punks like you snivel that we treat YOU the way YOU treat us. It is another indication of how staggeringly stupid you are that you regurgitate the screechmonkey meme that liberals can only call names and dont recognize that YOU are doing the same thing. Or perhaps you think that since you are so mentally deficient that you DESERVE the advantage of being the ONLY one that gets to make personal attacks

    It doesnt matter everyone here but you can see how stupid you are and how logic, critical thinking, and higher brain function will forever be far beyond your wildest dreams

  139. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  140. hellinabucket says:

    the grandmilf. Now is that satire? Great term. I hope it catches on.

  141. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  142. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Please try to maintain a minimum level of coherence in your posts. My braincells are threatening to commit mass suicide at the threat of reading more of your syntax challenged swill.

  143. SoapBox says:

    138 A Patriot Acting says:
    Yeah, great time to be a conservative. Americans, 69,456,897 of them, spoke LOUDLY in electing President Obama and to end the era of Repub/Conserv rule over our Nation.

    LOLOL! Thank you for reminding us of that number…

    Sixty-Nine MILLION, Four-Hundred-Fifty-Six THOUSAND, Eight-Hundred and Ninety-Seven!

    How many showed at the TeaScumBag Party thing? 500?



  144. NinerFan says:

    The racist, aka SocialistSuck: “I’m not a racist. I just see the truth. Too bad you don’t. I mean come on he had Jay Z and Kayne West as some of his major guests at his inauguration party. What, if anything, do they have to do with politics and the welfare of this country??? Nothing.”

    Bush had quite a few country western singing stars at his. What did they have to do with politics and the welfare of this country? Oh, that’s right. They were okay with you because they’re white guys.

    You are a racist.

  145. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  146. NinerFan says:

    Keep it up, Eugene! You’re giving the racist a headache!

  147. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Face some FACTS. You are a racist. You ARE a moron. You are so stupid it is an embarassment to our entire species. You are not only bone ignorant you are calling a very intelligent well known person here on TP that is Zooey ignorant. We KNOW Zooey. It doesnt make HER look bad when you say she is ignorant it is just one more indication of how mind numbingly stupid YOU are

  148. angels81 says:

    SS, so you don’t have any facts to back up your rants, right? You say you want to debate the issues, well I’m waiting for you to put up some facts to back up your claims about the poor. Where are they???

  149. NinerFan says:

    Almost 70 million Americans voted for an African American to be president and racists like SocialistSuck just can’t get their little noggins around that fact.

  150. NinerFan says:

    Does everyone understand now why I didn’t want anyone voting down the racist’s posts?

    He just keeps digging.

  151. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    SS you are a LIAR. Do you even RECOGNIZE reality? Obama is doing, for the most part, what he SAID he would do and what he RAN on and was elected to do. The fact you dont LIKE what he campaigned to do is irrelevant to this basic FACT

  152. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I’m not a racist. I just see the truth.

    How many demonstrations did you attend when Bush was driving the economy into a ditch with deficit spending?

    (deafening silence)

  153. SoapBox says:

    147 SocialistSuck says:
    …More troops are heading over. Try reading

    Specifiy! Where are the troops heading?


  154. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Why would I bother to annoy you with valid points that are far beyond the ability of a brainwashed moron like YOU to understand? It isnt like YOU have made any points. You spewed propagandistic idiocy. Nothing more, nothing less. You lied and showed us all how stupid and brainwashed you are. If I am repeating myself it is because you give me nothing else to work with. I keep talking about how stupid you are because your STUPID is the only thing in your pathetic posts.

  155. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  156. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I’m not a racist. I just see the truth.

    How many demonstrations did you attend when Bush was driving the economy into a ditch with deficit spending?

    (deafening silence)

    And then crickets!

  157. SocialistSuck says:

    Soap Box:

    LA Times

    Reporting from Washington — President Obama plans to send 30,000 to 35,000 additional soldiers and Marines to Afghanistan, U.S. officials said Monday, the largest single U.S. deployment since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Dec 01, 2009. Ooops, fail on your part. Google it bud.

  158. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    My GOD you are a stupid and pathetic racist piece of shit. I think I will just let that last bit of stupidity hang in the air the stench of it wafting through the room like rotting cheese.

  159. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah NO moron. Obama CAMPAIGNED on focusing more on Afghanistan and ending our military mission in Iraq. My GOD you are stupid

  160. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  161. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  162. MortimerGoth says:

    This is no different than how they vote to filibuster legislation that they turn around and vote in favor of, if/when the block breaks. Then they go back home and make their constituents believe they actually had something to do with it.

  163. trevinla says:

    Where are all the ads? I want to see Democratic Pary ads saying:

    “Today marks the one year anniversary of President Obama signing into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus. As the economy continued to crater after President Bush left office, Obama’s stimulus sought to provide tax cuts for 95% of working Americans, funds to buoy cash-strapped state governments, new construction and infrastructure projects, and other programs to create jobs, retrain workers, and promote economic activity throughout the country. Not a single Republican voted for this plan but your Senator/congressman has been out taking credit for the jobs and the projects the Democratic Senators/Congressmembers brought to this area. If the Republicans had there way the following projects would not have happened (list of projects and job count). If you want things to continue to change vote for (candidate) they will ensure America’s recovery for you”

  164. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Do YOU like parading your ignorance for all to see?

  165. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No actually I wont. You ARE a racist. We all know it and the fact YOU are too stupid to understand it really isnt our problem. Why dont you go FCUK yourself?

  166. A Patriot Acting says:


    “Do you even watch the news? Troop levels are winding down? WOOOOOW…”

    Sorry to pop your bubble but like I said, suck my socialist dick! from the AP “US troops at lowest level since Iraq invasion”:

    Really son, turn off the hate radio and FAUX News. Get outside for some fresh air and wake the fu(k up fool.

  167. SocialistSuck says:

    EUGENE PEOPLE STILL AREN’T COMING OUT OF IRAQ nor has a time-line been set! GITMO isn’t closed , largely because all the Dems want it gone but don’t want the detainees from there in held up in their state prison. That to me sounds like hypocrisy. Two major running points shot to hell, next.

  168. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Do you like to hear yourself talk ( so to speak ), or do you just like typing the word cricket. I don’t agree with much of what Bush did, your ignorant self just assumed that. Next please

    Sorry where did I mention Bush? Where did I assume that you said agreed with the previous president? And I made a stupid joke…you write multiple paragraph rants about how you hate minorities getting shit they need. What happens if we just suddenly cut off assistance?

  169. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Eugene PLEASE you’re giving me a headache. Please stop repeating yourself. You really are starting to look silly. Please argue with valid points.

    You seem very determined to make yourself look like an idiot:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Do you even watch the news? Troop levels are winding down? WOOOOOW…did someone fail to tell you that Obama has done mostly the opposite of what he promised in his election run. More troops are heading over. Try reading sometime.

    You can read can’t you? Seriously, you are entering the domain of the irrelivant troll like a runaway train.

    Obama promised to take the war to Afganistan where it should have been all along and bring troops home from Iraq.

    That is a promise he has kept among many many others which you will ignorantly deny too.

    Look it up honey and we’ll wait here with a big dose of humble pie for ya.

    I’m really dissapointed that you don’t even understand the meaning of the word truth after professing that it was something you valued.

    One last bit of advice for ya. Go to redstate, you aren’t up to the job you have taken on here, it would require intelligence that you don’t possess.

  170. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    ISUCKSOCIALISTS says something else incredibly stupid and we all get to laugh at him AGAIN

  171. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Are the soldiers in Iraq STILL doing military missions or are they just THERE. So NO that is just a fact you are too stupid to understand like ICE. Gitmo IS going to close mostly because there are practical problems to be overcome. Are there NEW prisoners going there? Are we taking some of them to trial? Things may not be going as fast as a liberal like me likes but they ARE moving in the right direction. You are a moron. You dont understand anything except how to regurgitate what you were TOLD to think. Pity. The sad fact is you were born a moron and you will die a moron and you will BE a moron every day in between.

  172. A Patriot Acting says:

    SocialistSuck says:


    Soap Box:

    “LA Times

    Reporting from Washington — President Obama plans to send 30,000 to 35,000 additional soldiers and Marines to Afghanistan, U.S. officials said Monday, the largest single U.S. deployment since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Dec 01, 2009. Ooops, fail on your part. Google it bud.”

    Yes SS, that would be an additional 30-35,00 going back to the war that Bush ignored AND President Obama campaigned on not neglecting. Heck, we may even get bin Laden this time, remember him SS? Agreed this is an increase. Will you be man enough to also accept the truth and reality that troop levels in Iraq are down from roughly 170,000 in 2007.

    From the AP article previously noted:
    “President Barack Obama has ordered all but 50,000 troops to leave Iraq by Aug. 31, 2010.”

    I’d say overall that you are either full of shit SS or too stupid to do basic math. Google it @sshole

  173. SoapBox says:

    160 SocialistSuck says:
    LA Times
    Reporting from Washington — President Obama plans to send 30,000 to 35,000
    additional soldiers and Marines to Afghanistan,
    U.S. officials said Monday, the largest single U.S. deployment since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Dec 01, 2009. Ooops, fail on your part. Google it bud.

    Thank you for clarifying…and I knew this but wanted you to say it…

    Prez O is having to put the troops where they SHOULD HAVE been IN THE FIRST PLACE!

    But BushCo/DicklessCheney and the Rushpubics, lied, and started a war/took over a whole nation that had nothing to do with 911. The TRUE area that needed troops was indeed Afghanistan. Oh and what about that good old Osama Been Forgotten?

    Prez O…AGAIN and as usual…is having to clean up a mess left by BushCo/Dickless and the ilk.

    Always remember,



    p.s…Thanks to BushCo/Dickless for the TRILLIONS that will come out of our pockets for them leaving this sh*t stain on the world.

  174. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Eugene MY GOD WOULD YOU PLEASE KEEP QUIET. Stop throwing the racist word around. It’s not true so you can stop trying to convince yourself..please pick a new angle or I’m done with you.

    You have lost your crediblility and dignity here honey, pull your panties up and take your racist ass to red state.

  175. SocialistSuck says:

    Well Bizzar then they find ways to create a living for themselves and stop depending on “assistance”. Until you let them do this for themselves they they will continue to hop aboard the government gravy train; therefore, draining AND requiring the use of more tax dollars. See the requirement of more tax dollars stymies the economy. The more you tax the small and large business owners to “assist” people who don’t want to assist themselves, or care less to, the less they want to expand business and hire employees thus expanding the economy. That’s the simple breakdown. They cut taxes by 50% in the 20’s and the economy blew up.

  176. SocialistSuck says:

    Hard to lose credibility in a place where there is none Mightier than thou Fred

  177. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You have been punked. This was inevitable. You are just flat out too stupid to swim in water this deep. You can continue to give us a free clown show so we can all laugh at you. I do love to laugh at morons as stupid as you but really you cannot possibly think you accomplish anything here but embarassing yourself

  178. Chrome Child (Sponsored by Hudsucker Industries®) says:

    41. SocialistSuck says:

    Are you kidding me? Come come now with the hypocrisy crap. Of course these congressman are showing up to ribbon cuttings, in case you forgot it’s their job.

    Their job is to represent you and I as a voice in D.C.; by doing what’s right for the people and their districts. You want P.R.? Send a fcukin’ email thanking everybody. And they spoke out of both sides of their mouth – so yes – it IS hypocrisy.

    If Obama plans on piling up debt everyone might as well get their fare share. Things aren’t looking so hot for the you Libs. You no longer have complete control of the house and senate, which didn’t matter anyway because the Dems have so many sects within themselves they couldn’t agree on how to fight their way out of a wet paper bag and you proved this by not passing jack for a whole year.

    So that’s the excuse for the GOP? We’re just getting our fair share. Yeah, right. Sure. Then why such a public fuss over it while taking the money on the side; literally? Complete control? The count is 59D-41R. How the fcuk does that make YOU think YOU’RE the majority? You don’t have control, either. You have the filibuster and the ability to say NO to the POTUS from the other party. That’s not leadership, nor control. That’s called whining like a bunch of puzzies. You’re stalling the advancement of my country – Sit down and shut the fcuk up.

    The Dems didn’t pass jack all year? Citation Needed.

    Now you have so many Dem’s leaving office because they’re embarrassed and tired of the crap that even more republicans will move in ( thank god ) and keep this socialist agenda oppressed. Can’t wait until the next election so we can stop giving handouts to the poor and put it toward more important things like educating our future.

    How many Dems? So far, there’s 3 retiring or not seeking re-election. How in your hollow mind is that ‘many’? You do know that 5 GOPers won’t be returning either, right?

    By keeping the Socialist agenda opressed, you’re halting all advancement this country needs to make in order to catch up with everyone else. You’re such an oblivious schitstain; you’ve been told for so long that the USA is the best at everything, no one can hold-a-candle to us, and we own the world. *tap tap* Time to look out the window and notice what’s going on around you. Get out of the GOPs basement for a while, eh? And yes, as mentioned in other posts, you DID contradict yourself by saying you want to stop socialism, yet give the money to education. Righhhhhht. You need to keep up with what the REAL GOP wants to do.

    Stop being scared of advancement and change. It’s whats needed if we plan to keep up with the rest of the world. We’re the lucky ones, too, because at least we HAD a head-start.

  179. angels81 says:

    SS, you are just another right wing racist troll. You have NO facts to back up your claims, and you are not interested in any real debate. I have asked you three times now, to give us some facts to back up your claims about the poor, and you haven’t come up with one. You have just moved on to more BS and wing nut opinion, with NO facts.

    You are nothing but just another troll.

  180. NinerFan says:

    The racist, aka, SocialistSuck: “You sound like a young generation Lib, ignorant and blind to the truth. Perfect Sheep!”

    Why am I not surprised? You are spectacularly wrong as usual. 180 degrees off. Perfect. Keep digging.

  181. SocialistSuck says:

    Soap…there’s no troop decline in Iraq. Sorry bud

  182. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Well Bizzar then they find ways to create a living for themselves and stop depending on “assistance”.

    jobs honey, jobs, you know that thing the right doesn’t know how to create.

    As I said before, you have demonstrated that all you know how to do is walk around the room with your camo panties around your ankles begging for attention.

    Get lost.

  183. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    First of all it is hard to lose credibility when someone as stupid as you establishes in your first post you dont HAVE any.

    Second. The average stay on Wellfare is 18 months. This was true even BEFORE wellfare reform. Long term use of wellfare was always rare except in areas where a major industry was lost like the Appalachias. You have been brainwashed to spew out nonsense with no substance. If YOU have a plan to seperate those taking advantage from those needing help by all means lets hear it. I am all for it. However you ONLY want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You dont WANT to help people who need it and use the fact that SOME take advantage as an excuse to deny help to all. Since you have no soul you dont CARE if children starve. You dont CARE if someone gets a serious injury or long term illness they just wither away and die. You are a selfish Mammon worshipping pile of dogshit.

  184. SoapBox says:

    179 SocialistSuck says:
    …government gravy train; therefore, draining AND requiring the use of more tax dollars. See the requirement of more tax dollars stymies the economy.

    What? Huh? Gravy train? Who is on the gravy train? Small business owners? Big business owners (well, duh!)? Employees?

    The more you tax the small and large business owners to “assist” people who don’t want to assist themselves, or care less to, the less they want to expand business and hire employees thus expanding the economy.

    What? Huh? Tax business owners…to assist people? That what, cannot find a job (because the jobs have been shipped to China and elsewhere…with the INCENTIVE of tax laws!)? What?

    That’s the simple breakdown. They cut taxes by 50% in the 20’s and the economy blew up.

    What? Huh? “They” cut taxes by 50% in the 20’s? Like the 1920’s or the 1820’s? And the economy blew up? So what do you want? Tax cuts? Tax increases? Either way dude…THAT is ancient history!

  185. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Well Bizzar then they find ways to create a living for themselves and stop depending on “assistance”. Until you let them do this for themselves they they will continue to hop aboard the government gravy train; therefore, draining AND requiring the use of more tax dollars. See the requirement of more tax dollars stymies the economy. The more you tax the small and large business owners to “assist” people who don’t want to assist themselves, or care less to, the less they want to expand business and hire employees thus expanding the economy. That’s the simple breakdown. They cut taxes by 50% in the 20’s and the economy blew up.

    The economic decisions made in the 20’s lead to the great depression which the US was brought out of by the New Deal which was called communistic back in the day. FDR’s new deal, the 50’s and 60’s and the 90’s were examples of how higher taxes benefit the economy and small business. Hell I’ve been making more since the stimulus and I have no problem adding to society via taxes. You’re just acting selfish.

  186. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    Soap…there’s no troop decline in Iraq. Sorry bud

    Really? Got facts?

    The size of the US force in Iraq has dropped below 100,000 troops for the first time since the invasion of the country in 2003, a military spokesman said Wednesday.

    “We have approximately 98,000 service members here at this time,” First Lieutenant Elizabeth Feste said in an email.

  187. Insidious Prophet says:

    200 years from now the children will ask “what caused the fall of the American empire?” They will be told that one political faction used the tools of greed, fear, lies and hatred in an attempt to regain power. The greed, fear, lies and hatred were so strong, the message so powerful and repeated by media outlets of the time that the whole American society turned against itself and in the end, not even the military could save the masses from themselves.

  188. Chrome Child (Sponsored by Hudsucker Industries®) says:

    143. SS:
    I’m not a racist. I just see the truth. Too bad you don’t. I mean come on he had Jay Z and Kayne West as some of his major guests at his inauguration party. What, if anything, do they have to do with politics and the welfare of this country??? Nothing. They were there to celebrate the fact that a black man was in office, they could care less about what he was going to do after. See it’s small things like that. You miss it because you’re ignorant and you want to call everyone racists who see the truth.

    Keep on truckin’, SS. Looks like Chuck D was right about you and your ilk suffering from this disease…

  189. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Notice the same people who scream that the poor should just get those non existant jobs and not get any help are usually AGAINST jobs programs. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Just further hypocrisy

  190. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Facts and reality mean NOTHING to ISUCKSOCIALISTS

  191. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:
    Notice the same people who scream that the poor should just get those non existant jobs and not get any help are usually AGAINST jobs programs. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Just further hypocrisy

    Just like their reps. two-faced and soulless.

  192. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Hard to lose credibility in a place where there is none Mightier than thou Fred

    Well honey, it takes honesty. Something you have demonstrated that you don’t possess.

    You’re the one who came in here with guns a blazing with an insulting username, preaching that you had the answers and we are all a bunch of dumbasses if we didn’t listen to you.

    Do you understand the meaning of the phrase “mighier than thou”?

    So now you do what we all have seen a thousand times before, you play the victim.

    As I said before, you are not up to the task at hand. You do not possess the tools to change minds or convince anyone that you know anything at all really.

  193. SocialistSuck says:

    Actually Chrome I didn’t contradict myself. The method by which you give money to education is important.

    Please name something worth while the Dem’s passed in the last year? I don’t have to cite much because there isn’t anything to cite but regardless here’s a little something. FROM LIBERAL MEDIA :

    Matthew Yglesias makes a list of things progressives wanted and didn’t get last year, pointing out that the agenda has been set by finicky centrists, not raging liberals:

    — A $1.2 trillion stimulus.
    — The forcible breakup of large banks.
    — Universal health care with a public option linked to Medicare rates.
    — An economy-wide cap on carbon emissions, with the permits auctioned.
    — Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
    — A path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
    — An exit strategy from Afghanistan.
    — An end to special exemption of military spending from fiscal discipline.
    — An independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency.
    — The Employee Free Choice Act.

    Maybe the following things don’t necessarily count as part of the “mainstream liberal policy agenda,” but to Matt’s list you could add the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, some sort of legal accountability for the architects of the Bush administration’s torture program, an end to warrant-less surveillance, no more use of the state secrets doctrine to block judicial scrutiny of executive wrongdoing — and if we’re really getting nitpicky, how about simply putting up a fight for liberal political appointees to federal agencies?

    At any rate, both in terms of Obama’s personal popularity and what actually got accomplished in 2009, the notion that Obama is guilty of some sort of sprint to the left that has hurt the Democrats is nonsense. What’s hurting the Democrats is that so many of them are weak, frightened, petulant children who lack both convictions and the courage to stand up for principles in the face of any kind of political hardship.

    I can back all my arguments up with facts and cites but what would it do? I’m arguing mostly with people who don’t have a clue and would refuse to see my point even if validated by media

  194. SoapBox says:

    185 SocialistSuck says:
    Soap…there’s no troop decline in Iraq. Sorry bud

    Sorry to you bud…but that is just not true. Google it.

    Published: 12:23 AM, Wed Feb 17, 2010
    Troop levels in Iraq drop below 100,000

    (…same AP article but it is in the “Air Force Times”)
    Force levels in Iraq lowest since 2003 invasion
    By Chelsea J. Carter – The Associated Press
    Posted : Tuesday Feb 16, 2010 13:47:42 EST

  195. SoapBox says:

    …Insidious is here! Yay!

  196. A Patriot Acting says:

    The confused SS says: “They cut taxes by 50% in the 20’s and the economy blew up.”

    I thought you were arguing AGAINST tax hikes.Yes Hoover and Coolidge (both Repubs) lowered the top tax bracket through the 20’s from a whopping 4% down to about 1,5%. It had horrifying consequences. As did Bush’s tax cuts, particularly during wartime. Wealth was re-distributed (I guess that word is only evil when it aids the needy rather than the wealthy) and if not for our current President we would surely have seen our second depression (only this time around none of the wealthy would be made to suffer thanks to Bush). Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire (it was done through reconciliation (ooh, another evil word when it doesn’t benefit the wealthy) and will bring the rate up a whole three percent (storm the Bastille!) back to where it was during positive economic times. Not even close to where it stood at arguably the pie in the sky days of the 1950’s where the top rate was 90%. Quick yer whining bagger and man up.

  197. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  198. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are a liar and a delusional moron. You cant back up ANYTHING with facts which is why you havent and when you tried you have been proven WRONG. Like the troop level in Iraq. You are arguing with people so much smarter than you will ever be that it is just a sad spectacle. You are too stupid to see how you are being spanked. You dont know what you are talking about and are so stupid you dont even KNOW how stupid you are.

  199. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    SS needs to look up Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Work Projects Administration (WPA).

  200. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Please name something worth while the Dem’s passed in the last year?

    * Reversed Bush ban on federal funding of stem cell research.
    * The 787 billion dollar stimulus package provides hundreds of billions
    of tax cuts and helps fund state programs already in place
    * the stimulus package helps repair a decayed infrastructure
    * The education secretary has five billion of Discretionary spending to improve education
    * is much more science friendly with the energy secretary being a scientist
    * reversed Bush global gag rule on doctors and provided funding for international family planning groups

    * required interrogators to follow the procedures of the army field manual when questioning prisoners
    * removed the ban on photographing caskets returning from Iraq
    * the Equal Pay for Equal Work bill was passed and enacted in January
    * in March, the President signed an act requiring full scientific review of projects which may endanger species of plants or wildlife
    * allowing states to set their own stricter fuel efficiency and pollution standards
    * the White House has put under federal protection more than two million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks
    * Froze the salaries for top White House staff members. This is a largely symbolic act, but might be an important one.
    * Signed a detailed executive order to ban torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners.
    * Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
    * The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
    * Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren’t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
    * Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
    * New federal funding for science and research labs
    * Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
    * The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying
    * The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
    * Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
    * The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
    * Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
    * Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
    * Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
    * Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
    * Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
    * Announced plans to purchase fuel-efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
    * Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
    * Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program
    * Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
    * Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
    * Expanding vaccination programs
    * Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
    * Closed offshore tax safe havens
    * Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
    * Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry’s predatory practices
    * Lower drug costs for seniors
    * Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
    * Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
    * Improved housing for military personnel
    * Increasing student loans
    * Established a new cyber security office
    * Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
    * Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
    * The FDA is now regulating tobacco
    * Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
    * Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
    * Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
    * Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive
    * Making more loans available to small businesses
    * Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
    * Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
    * New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
    * Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
    * Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
    * Held first Seder in White House
    * Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

  201. angels81 says:

    SS, Where are your facts about the poor? We gave you some facts. the fact is the average stay on welfare is 18 months. What facts do you have to dispute that?

  202. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Jobs programs DONT create more jobs. They get people qualified for higher skilled jobs that are already available that there arent enough people qualified for. They also make available a skilled pool for people to do things that NEED done like upgrading our infrastructure. I dont have to google this. See I UNDERSTAND what I am talking about. I would advise you to try it but you are stupid. Your ability to understand anything leaves MUD a mystery to you.

  203. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Where are all these folks receiving all this assistance? I know there is currently a larger number on food stamps due to the economy, but that’s really assistance to my sponsor as much as to the food stamp recipient. I know a few folks who could work that I suspect are scamming Social Security disability, but actual TANF (the welfare reform replacement for the old welfare system) is temporary, hence the “T”.

  204. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    Please Eugene explain how “job programs” will create more jobs and with facts please.

    When did the right ever create any jobs? Oh yeah, bush did, but not the kind you would want to brag about honey:

    George W. Bush is in line to be the first president since World War II to preside over an economy in which federal government employment rose more rapidly than employment in the private sector.

  205. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Like I said though the same moron screaming about how people need to just get jobs is AGAINST helping them actually GET those jobs. Incredibly stupid or a monumental hypocrite. Either way ISUCKSOCIALISTS is a sad joke

  206. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck, bottom line is, you need to get down on your knees and thank every liberal you meet for the rest of your life.

  207. Insidious Prophet says:

    SS, your name alone is reason enough to deem you irrelevant. Most industrial countries have some forms of socialism to go along with capitalism.

    You sir and all of the other blind sheep continue to knowingly or unknowingly fight for the interests of the corporations and the elite.

    All the corporations and the elite have to do is attach the words God, freedom, patriotism and liberty to their prepackaged self serving agenda and you fools end up falling for it hook, line and sinker every time.

  208. ElBruce, owned and operated by NewsCorp, Inc. says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    Do you even watch the news? Troop levels are winding down? WOOOOOW…did someone fail to tell you that Obama has done mostly the opposite of what he promised in his election run. More troops are heading over. Try reading sometime.

    Iraq =/= Afghanistan.

    I can’t believe you wingnuts still can’t tell the difference.

  209. SoapBox says:

    201 SocialistSuck says:
    What I can guarantee it WILL do is use more tax dollars.

    I will agree…that a “jobs program” sponsored by the gov will use tax dollars.

    But I’ll throw in this…versus what? And let’s leave out the standard cut taxes (or lower interest rates that are influenced by the Fed…oh ya, they are at zero…versus…credit card rates?)

    Let the entire United States implode? Because it will if there is not this kind of dramatic (yes, it’s dramatic) help. Start wiping out more and more businesses/owners/employees and then start wiping out gov employees…and you will have a complete and total collapse of housing, banking, more businesses…it goes on and on.

    Rely on “private” interests/business to “do the right thing”?

    That is NEVER, EVER going to happen.

  210. angels81 says:

    I can see why SS wants more money for public schools because he really got short changed in his education.

  211. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  212. SoapBox says:

    211 Insidious Prophet says:
    All the corporations and the elite have to do is attach the words God, freedom, patriotism and liberty to their prepackaged self serving agenda and you fools end up falling for it hook, line and sinker every time.


  213. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    SS doesn’t understand the roles of government…he’s just been told by Fox that it’s “bad.”

  214. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  215. Jaxy says:

    And these 110 GOP law fakers, like any defective w.hore demanding more loot, should be told NO!

  216. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    GOD you are stupid and brainwashed. Where did you plagiarize that bit of OPINION from? FDR did NOT run this country into the ground he saved it from what WOULD have been a soclialist revolution because MORONS as stupid and brainwashed as YOU had wrecked the economy for all working people. You NEVER have even a dim idea what you are talking about

  217. SoapBox says:

    215 SocialistSuck says:
    Patriot Acting you are misinformed, but of course you’re going to hear what you want and let the rest go through the other ear.

    Can you just make it…

    Patriot Acting you are misinformed.

    and leave out the other part. I’m trying to see what you have to say but the “digs” get in the way…

  218. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    FDR ran this country into the ground. You might want to do some reading. The economic policies promoted by Harding and Coolidge during the 1920’s created a level of prosperity our nation would not see again until the 1980’s

    You have been reading too many revisionist history and economics texts from right wing syncophant organizations.

  219. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  220. Insidious Prophet says:

    SS….did you know that YOUR taxes are going to increase to pay off the two wars started by Bush & Cheney?

    You simpletons who hate government, hate liberals, hate socialism must also than hate our roads, bridges, schools, military, safety nets for Seniors, the disabled, the unemployed, you must hate health care for our Veterans.

    You must hate commercial aircraft that doesn’t crash, cars that don’t kill, food that doesn’t poison your children, laws that make discrimination illegal, police and fire departments…

  221. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    FDR ran this country into the ground.

    I get it. You’re a comedian. that’s funny shit.

  222. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    If we hadnt already KNOW FOR A FACT you were a brainwashed moron. You regurgitating the incredibly stupid meme that the media is liberal would have tipped us off. The only function FOX serves is to shovel propaganda to the stupidest most brainwashed people on the planet like you CLEARLY are. There is no lefty equivalent of FOX and the only bias the media has overall is PRO BUSSINESS

  223. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    HAHAHA fox? And the other news networks are Liberal and promote their own agenda? Come now..

    We get plenty of trolls talking about how great Fox is and they scream about some liberal media conspiracy…like you did above. Who gives a shit? Use the internet if you don’t like the crap that’s on TV.

  224. SoapBox says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    HAHAHA fox? And the other news networks are Liberal and promote their own agenda? Come now..

    …guess I’ve missed something because I’m now really confused.

    What are your personal best-choice news sources?

    (I’m probably gonna regret asking that.)

  225. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Your words are the very epitome of STUPID. You are nothing but a propaganda parrot. You get the stimulus and spew what you were programmed with most of which is laughingly stupid and entirely predictable. You are a joke

  226. Insidious Prophet says:

    Oh no I’ve been called a snooty dem!!!! HA-HA-HA-HA! It’s better than being an ignorant, ill informed little sheep. Now go run along and watch some more Faux News, little boy.

  227. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Apparantly it is elitist to know what you are talking about and have factual reality on your side. Who knew?

  228. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    FDR ran this country into the ground. You might want to do some reading. The economic policies promoted by Harding and Coolidge during the 1920’s created a level of prosperity our nation would not see again until the 1980’s

    You have been reading too many revisionist history and economics texts from right wing syncophant organizations.

    Basic info: Stockmarket Crash was in 1929 and FDR wasn’t elected until 1932. How did FDR create the Great Depression? He inherited it, for goodness’ sake.

  229. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  230. SoapBox says:

    Ohhh…new articles have been posted to TP!

  231. SocialistSuck says:

    I’m far from ignorant bud. Thats why im not throwing around personal attacks.

    “If you can’t answer a man’s arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.” – Elbert Hubbard

    Lunch time

  232. Insidious Prophet says:

    Okay, this person SS is far too stupid to stupid to waste any time on. You all have fun educating the dumb as a stump moron with an IQ South of 10.

  233. angels81 says:

    SS, you haven’t given ONE FACT or link yet. All you’ve done is give us your opinion about things, which doesn’t mean a hill of beans.

  234. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    I dont assume you are rightwing. I KNOW you are stupid. For instance you keep using that word FACTS. I dont think the word means what you think it means because you havent USED any facts and when you TRIED you were WRONG. My GOD you are stupid.

  235. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    As opposed to what SS and his fellow trolls do which includes: dumb insults, sexism, racism, homophobia, class-ism, death threats, re-writing history, mocking science but using no facts of their own, politicizing disasters and murders…yeah that’s not hate.

  236. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Please have mercy on our gene pool. DO. NOT. BREED.

  237. A Patriot Acting says:

    SS @ 215

    Nice cut-and-paste from the calvin-coolidge website. It’s a funny read TP regulars. SS’s clip comes from a hilarious section titled “The Harding/Coolidge Prosperity of the 1920’s”

    Here it is for shits and giggles:

    I guess Republicans have NEVER accepted responsilbility for any of their follies. Instead of this puff-piece SS, maybe you should read some of the writings of top economists when discussing the recovery from the Great Depression. Common consensus was that it was FDR and the New Deal that saved America from iminent collapse and that it was his giving in to defecit peacocks and lowering the amount of spending that slowed the recovery. God you are hopeless SS.

  238. SoapBox says:

    231 SocialistSuck says:
    …all of you think I’m some staunch right winger and you presume. I only go off facts which is why I could sit here all day and dispute your hate rhetoric of anything none liberal.

    Nooooo…but it’s a hell of a time trying to figure out where the heck you are coming from…

    And watch the “I only go off facts” thing…example, the troop levels in Iraq (don’t make me post the article from today about those levels being down again). You got real facts…we’re here to listen.

    Hate? I’m sure you could find a non-left-leaning website to chat on that would welcome you…

  239. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    haha of course pags2 just because they don’t agree with what you so wantonly think is true that they must be right winged and ridiculous.

    They are right wing texts that are being used to bolster conservative viewpoints rather than an intellectual discussion. These texts are not written by serious historians and economists but rather political commentary authors. These opinions are being made after 80 years of history and economics come way too late to be persuasive.

  240. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No moron you are EXACTLY ignorant. You are also a LIAR, you have thrown out plenty of insults including calling Zooey ignorant and plenty of smears against liberals. I mean we all know YOU are stupid but you cant erase reality by just CLAIMING you didnt do things you CLEARLY did do. You do realize your posts are still there for anyone to look at dont you? You have got to be one of the stupidest most ignorant pieces of shit I have ever run across.

  241. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    I’m far from ignorant bud.

    Then why all the ignorant statements? Are you pretending to be stupid?

  242. SocialistSuck says:

    A patriot acting:

    I did that so I didn’t have to type it all, oh and im glad you can google. Heres some more

    Federal spending was cut from $6.3 billion in 1920 to $5 billion in 1921 and $3.2 billion in 1922. Federal taxes fell from $6.6 billion in 1920 to $5.5 billion in 1921 and $4 billion in 1922. Harding’s policies started a trend. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924; for federal spending, in1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and it continued to decline until 1930.

    With Harding’s tax and spending cuts and relatively non-interventionist economic policy, GNP rebounded to $74.1 billion in 1922. The number of unemployed fell to 2.8 million— a reported 6.7 percent of the labor force— in 1922. So, just a year and a half after Harding became president, the Roaring Twenties were underway. The unemployment rate continued to decline, reaching an extraordinary low of 1.8 percent in 1926. Since then, the unemployment rate has been lower only once in wartime (1944), and never in peacetime.

  243. SocialistSuck says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  244. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    Well Bizzar then they find ways to create a living for themselves and stop depending on “assistance”. Until you let them do this for themselves they they will continue to hop aboard the government gravy train; therefore, draining AND requiring the use of more tax dollars.

    You must be a comedian. I don’t know anyone who is on unemployment that wants to stay on government assistance. These people would rather have a job so they could afford to pay their bills. Your claims about the people on welfare are preposterous. There are only a small number of people who want to stay on welfare. If you really want to stop the drain on tax dollars, then look at the large scale fraud by private contractors, particularly in the Defense Dept. The GAO has stated that the fraud by Halliburton and Blackwater is in the billions.

  245. SocialistSuck says:

    “The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people.”

    Exactly my point.

  246. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SocialistSuck, so you just ignore everyone and keep posting lies?

    Tell me, honestly, what do you hope to achieve?

    Do you think that you are swinging anyone’s opinion or are you just here to distract?

  247. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You can plagiarize from all the rightwing opinion pieces you want. Only YOU are stupid enough to think they make any point except what we already knew. That you are so brainwashed and programmed you would embarass Pavlovs dogs.

  248. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:
    There is a distinct pattern throughout American history: When tax rates are reduced, the economy’s growth rate improves and living standards increase. Good tax policy has a number of interesting side effects. For instance, history tells us that tax revenues grow and “rich” taxpayers pay more tax when marginal tax rates are slashed. This means lower income citizens bear a lower share of the tax burden – a consequence that should lead class-warfare politicians to support lower tax rates.

    According to your theory, the Bush years should have been a boom time for the economy. It wasn’t and the US lost a lot of jobs under the Bush admin. The Bush tax cuts created the current economic crisis. You need to go back to the drawing board because these facts do not fit your theory.

  249. SocialistSuck says:

    Eugene..are you kidding me? Plagiarizing? Not once did I claim any of that as my own writing. You should remove yourself from this conversation.

  250. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    The Heritage Foundation is hardly a good research tool for economics. Picking them would be like someone using the Answers in Genesis site to do research for a paper on evolution and creationism.

    And woopie the tax have to pay their dues.

  251. SocialistSuck says:

    ACTUALLY pags2 the Bush tax cuts are the SOLE contradiction to this theory in the last 100 years.

    And if the above individual who wrote the article wants to talk about being hypocritical maybe he should give back every dollar he saved from Bush tax cuts..THEN he can write about people being hypocrites =)

  252. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Where is your citation? I see you are too stupid to know what plagiarism IS. YOU should remove yourself from existing on our planet. You have no honor, no decency, no integrity, no soul, no brain and you are so stupid you can never be anything but a burden on decent human beings

  253. pags2 says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    ACTUALLY pags2 the Bush tax cuts are the SOLE contradiction to this theory in the last 100 years.

    That means the theory is flawed and incorrect.

  254. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    typo: *the rich have to pay higher taxes, it’s their time to pay their due*

    *drinks coffee*

  255. SocialistSuck says:

    OOOH IM SORRY Bizz..want something from a website that ends in .gov??

    High marginal tax rates discourage work effort, saving, and investment, and promote tax avoidance and tax evasion. A reduction in high marginal tax rates would boost long term economic growth, and reduce the attractiveness of tax shelters and other forms of tax avoidance. The economic benefits of ERTA were summarized by President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers in 1994: “It is undeniable that the sharp reduction in taxes in the early 1980s was a strong impetus to economic growth.” Unfortunately, the Council could not bring itself to acknowledge the counterproductive effects high marginal tax rates can have upon taxpayer behavior and tax avoidance activities.


  256. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Eugene Debs: It’s way the hell at the bottom of SS’s post.

    This WebMemo is excerpted from the author’s, Daniel J. Mitchell’s, Backgrounder, The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates, published July 19, 1996. The original publication, found here, contains footnotes and numerous charts.

    But he included no link…guess it kinda counts as plagiarism.

  257. barfly says:

    SS should know that tax cuts coupled with explosive spending is what conservatives have always promoted. They just can’t seem to say no. That’s why conservatism is a scam: because they never cut spending, even though they claim to be fiscally responsible.

  258. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    SS no they arent. You are just regurgitating more of your brainwashing. The Reagan tax cuts DROPPED revenue for the first two years. The FACT is even tax cut advocates admit that tax cuts dont pay for themselves and are the LEAST stimulative way for the gov to spend money.

    The claim that tax cuts “pay for themselves” — i.e., cause so much economic growth that revenues rise faster than they would have without the tax cut — has been made repeatedly in recent years and is one of the many tax policy issues that is likely to receive renewed attention in light of the upcoming election. As explained briefly below, this claim is false. The evidence shows clearly that tax cuts lose revenue.[1]

    Economists generally agree that spending proposals are somewhat more stimulative than tax cuts since part of a tax cut may be saved by the recipients [...] The primary way to achieve the most bang for the buck is by choosing policies that result in spending, not saving. Direct government spending on goods and services would therefore lead to the most bang for the buck since none of it would be saved.” [...]

    “The effectiveness of tax cuts also depends on their nature… tax cuts received by lower income individuals are more likely to be spent.” [...]

    Most evidence does not suggest that business tax cuts would provide significant short-term stimulus [...]

    This lack of effectiveness may occur because [...] stimulus is generally provided during economic slowdowns when excess capacity may already exist. [...]

  259. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    And how does that disprove FDR and the new deal?

    Besides it may have lead to growth but Reagan’s admin. started the de-regulation of many of our industries and the next three presidents continued those policies…eventually the system collapsed.

  260. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    SS has derailed the thread.

    I think we know all we need to know about SS.

  261. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    bizarro well that was ONE of the four he put up. I did miss it but we both know NONE of the last several posts were his words and ONE had a citation

  262. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Must stand for still stupid. HIGH marginal tax rates? In the 50’s, which were an econmic golden age the top tax rate was more than 90%. The top rate has been dropping for DECADES. There is no possibility of calling a slight increase TODAY a high marginal rate. The rich have gotten the lions share of the tax cuts since the 80’s and our economy tanked it is time for them to pony up some more

  263. barfly says:

    And this thread proves my point. They could act their faith and refuse the stimulus money, but they must spend, or get thrown out of office. Fake conservatives.

  264. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:
    bizarro well that was ONE of the four he put up. I did miss it but we both know NONE of the last several posts were his words and ONE had a citation

    Oh okay. I’m not going to bother to run every one of his posts through Google. I’ll just assume he’s full of shit as long as he keeps distorting history like he has been.

    Still can’t believe he chose the Heritage Foundation…they’re all a bunch of neo-con wackjobs.

  265. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    bizarro well he had to go where they would say things that agree with his delusional fantasies. ACTUAL well respected Economists arent going to do that

  266. bizarrobrain (Sponsored by Tysons chicken in a tube!) says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:
    bizarro well he had to go where they would say things that agree with his delusional fantasies. ACTUAL well respected Economists arent going to do that

    Yeah. Still he picked the conservapedia of economics sites. SS is delusional beyond hope man.

  267. Chrome Child (Sponsored by Hudsucker Industries®) says:

    249. SocialistSuck says:

    “The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people.”

    Exactly my point.

    Enough with your tax-cuts jibber-jabber. Read Here

    And as far as Obama’s goals; besides the list Fred provided above; you can go here and keep track as well.

    Not bad for a guy who had to roll up his sleeves and get to work 24 hours after he was sworn in.

  268. ElBruce, owned and operated by NewsCorp, Inc. says:

    SocialistSuck says:

    High marginal tax rates discourage work effort, saving, and investment, and promote tax avoidance and tax evasion.

    Here is a chart of the top marginal tax rate from 1913 through 2010.

    You may notice that the period it was highest was 1950 through 1963, generally viewed by everybody on both sides of the political divide as something of an economic “golden era” for the U.S.A. During that entire period, the top marginal tax rate was 91%. Today it is 35%.

    The fact is, most work effort, saving and investment are done by the larger mass of people, not the wealthy few. If the tax burden is shifted more on large fortunes, that shifts it off of the lower and middle class, allowing them to produce more and enjoy the benefit of their work to a greater degree. In fact, during the entire period cited above, it was common for a single income household to be able to buy a house and car, and support a family in a solid middle class existence. It’s not a reduction in “family values” or the liberation of women that has caused that lifestyle to evaporate, it is the fact that such a setup is now completely out of reach for families.

    You may notice that we are responding to your claims about how economics works with factual references demonstrating how it has actually worked in the real world. I would love to live in your imagination, where everybody gets to be John Galt and nobody is affected by their economic environment, but unfortunately I live out here.

  269. Little Freep Goofballs says:


    High marginal tax rates discourage work effort, saving, and investment…

    Microsoft was founded in 1975.

    The top marginal tax rate in 1975 was double what it is today.

    In other words, Bill Gates started a multi-billion dollar company knowing full well that any amount he earned over $200k was going to be taxed at 70 percent.

    Didn’t seem to discourage him one at all, did it?

  270. Little Freep Goofballs says:

    Didn’t seem to discourage him one “bit” at all, did it?

    – LFG, Pun Retrieval Services

  271. pags2 says:

    I find it amazing that SS is trying to justify trickle down Reaganomics and deregulation which theory has been described by Alan Greenspan (Reagan appointee) as flawed after the crash. The Republicans and teabaggers continue to advocate Reaganomics despite this testimony before Congress. Does Greenspan’s testimony have to jump up and bite them in the ass before they stop with the trickle down economics? Or have they developed a severe case of amnesia?

  272. SoapBox says:

    …and, after all that tax stuff…

    SS, are you talking ONLY Federal Income Taxes here?

    Sure! Lower away but…and a BIG old BUT…

    What the hell about state taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes, phone taxes, this taxes and that taxes?

    If we want to discuss the BIG picture, fine…but yacking away about only one of the taxes is silly.

    The laughable part of the whole anti-tax stuff is that people keep voting in bond measures and all sorts of stuff on local levels…and then running to the TeaScumBag Party to complain about…taxes.

  273. lapdogs says:

    Take this list, copy it to a Word or Pages document and show it to your friends or email it to them with the link.

    The MSM isn’t reporting this the way they do anything that is against President Obama.

    It’s up to us to spread the word.

  274. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Hmm. The writing’s too sloppy to be Olby Sucks.

  275. stringbean speaks says:

    The “wingnuts” need to have their minds examined. Poor little Orwellian Wrongwingers and their crazymaking. We should feel sorry for their mental deficits but they are wrecking this world. We need to reopen all the mental institutions their beloved superhero Reagan closed down to house them all in.

  276. linzloo08 brought to you by Kaiser Permanente says:

    SocialistSuck says:


    “The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people.”

    Exactly my point.

    Where did you get this,
    This is the same kind of crap that my dad spews every single year when he complains about “how high his taxes are”. I don’t think his taxes really are that high, he’s just always been stingy with his money and he loves to complain about how poor people and people on welfare are a “drain on the system” and that they should just “get up off their butts and get a job” (that philosophy is pretty much shared by everyone else in my family). What he fails to realize is that for some people, it’s not easy for them to find work (he’s a defense contractor, so his job is in pretty high demand).

    Then again, he also thinks that Obama only won the election because of “ACORN and union thugs”, and that the CRA caused the housing meltdown by “forcing” banks to make loans to qualified minority applicants.

    I find it funny when people who complain about how “high their taxes are” and talk about “trimming governemnt spending” squawk like crazy when the cutbacks affect something that they use. People want good services, but they don’t seem to want to pay the higher taxes to pay for them. You can’t have it both ways, hypocrite!

  277. linzloo08 brought to you by Kaiser Permanente says:

    Hey SocialismSucksBoys:
    Can I call you SS for SchutzStaffel?
    You’re the perfect brownwshirt.

  278. linzloo08 brought to you by Kaiser Permanente says:

    Isn’t hypocrisy the modus operandi of the GOP today?

  279. drhunt1 says:

    To Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow-since you’re perusing these boards instead of actually doing your job. How can you justify voting for a Bill that NO ONE had a chance to read? Didn’t Harry Reid promise the senate a couple of days to read it, then withdrew that offer and called for a vote after public sentiment started to build against it?

    I have MORE of a problem with GOP congressional officials adding earmarks on the two omnibus bills that Obama signed, then I do GOP congresspeople taking some of the money. There’s a price to be “paid”, however, for all of this. ALL States should be looking for ways to downsize their overhead, ie., cutting public sector jobs. The SP money only delays the inevitable, which is looming large for States like California and NJ.

    You claim is hypocrisy to vote against a Bill without a chance to read it, then accept the money involved. I call it treason to push a Bill through Congress without exposure and debate. I would rather be a hypocrit then a traitor….and I think the majority of Americans agree with me…not YOU, Mr. Olbermann, and certainly not you, MS. Maddow.

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