Think Progress

Van Jones to Glenn Beck: ‘I see you, and I love you, brother.’ (Updated)

Last year, one of Fox News host Glenn Beck’s top targets was Van Jones, former Obama administration special adviser for green jobs. Beck went on a vicious character assassination campaign against Jones, calling him “a communist-anarchist radical.” Despite all the attacks he endured, last night at the NAACP Image Awards, Jones refused to drop down to Beck’s level. At the end of his speech accepting the President’s Award for his work promoting a green economy, Jones instead had kind words for the Fox News host:

Last thing I want to say is this: To my fellow countryman, Mr. Glenn Beck. I see you, and I love you, brother. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it. Let’s be one country! Let’s be one country! Let’s get the job done!

Watch it:

As the New York Times notes, ironically, local Fox affiliate stations carried Jones’ speech live last night. This past week, the Center for American Progress announced that Jones will be rejoining the think tank as a Senior Fellow and leader of the new Green Opportunity Initiative, which will focus on “creating economic opportunity in distressed communities.” He will also be teaching environmental and economic policy as part of a one-year fellowship at Princeton University.

Update Last night, Glenn Beck tweeted a response to Jones:

I love you too,Glad to all live in one country.Will it be the founders country or the one you pushed when with storm?

607 Responses to “Van Jones to Glenn Beck: ‘I see you, and I love you, brother.’ (Updated)”

  1. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    JONES: Last thing I want to say is this: To my fellow countryman, Mr. Glenn Beck. I see you, and I love you, brother. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it. Let’s be one country! Let’s be one country! Let’s get the job done!

    Beck just crapped his pants.

  2. livelongandprosper says:

    That’s awesome!

  3. Frugalchariot says:

    Beck probably stained his shorts front and back when Jones said that.

    Who knows but what Mr. Jones may have stumbled on the best way to extinguish the conservative “fire” — pour water on it from above: from WAY above. The high ground allows it.

    Bowing in Van Jones’ general direction. Nice work, SIR!

  4. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Thank you Mr. Jones for sticking with being a man of class, Beck’s gonna slander you for this but you took the high-road…well done.

  5. Blessed_Truth says:

    I have only word to describe Mr. Jone:

  6. Dirty Hippie says:

    Love your enemies. It will drive them crazy.

  7. tom says:

    Good on you, Mr. Jones. I seriously question your judgement where BeckyBoy is concerned (I don’t love him!) but I admire your capacity for acceptance and forgiveness.

  8. Rab says:

    Mr. Jones is a better man than me.

  9. Montana J says:

    Blessed Truth #5:

    That’s the truth. Very, very classy!

  10. KayInMaine says:

    I love Van Jones! A man of character! Good for him. If he ever runs for president, he’s got my vote!

  11. Jackie says:

    I heard Mr. Jones message to Glenn Beck and I remembered I heard that before. My GrandMother said hate will eat you alive and nothing good comes to you. Well now I’m old and boy it’s so true. Life gives us back what we give out. Just think a why so many old people are so angry but they ruled the school when they were young. One elderly wealthy lady said she has no visitors and she hates being lonely as I served her the meals on wheeles. She has two children and grand kids who never visit but are waiting for her to die to get her money. Jones learned from his grandmother a lesson of life. It will be interesting to see the future results of Beck and Jones. Already Jones has big contracts and even an award almost like Bush and Gore. Fox News is already worried about the Foreign Shareholders changing the shows.

  12. Badmoodman says:

    Jones:…Mr. Glenn Beck. I see you, and I love you, brother. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it. I love you, and you cannot do anything about it.

    – - Beck: “Van Jones was hitting on me last night at the NAACP Image Awards.”

  13. KayInMaine says:

    Fascists have no class as Glenn Beck has shown.

  14. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    KayInMaine says:
    Fascists have no class as Glenn Beck has shown.

    Just wait Beck’s gonna spend his next show in front of his chalkboard screaming about how “brother” = “comrade” and then Beck will just warp the hell out of the rest of Van Jone’s statement. We all know it’s coming.

  15. SP Biloxi says:

    I saw the NAACP Image awards with Van Jones. Priceless. Glenn Beck did Jones a favor when the Beckster went after Jones. Jones is more dangerous out of the White House than when he was in the White House. And the Beckster has made Jones more bigger than what he was in his former White House position on green jobs. Beckster will never get it.

    Jones is classy. Heckava job, Beckster.

  16. livelongandprosper says:

    Right wingers are far more comfortable with hate. Love has too much of a sexual connotation to it and thus gets suppressed. Hate is easy, and they are good at it.

  17. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    I’m sure the next big story on FUX Noise is how Van Jones “viciously attacked” Glenn Beck at the NAACP Image Awards….

    *eyes rolling*

  18. worship and adore God says:

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  19. aaronk says:

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  20. P.D. says:

    LOL! Already Limpballs and Levin slammed him for his ’speech’ at the CPAC. Pretty soon, if Becky keeps getting more and more nuts, they will have to call the guys in the white coats and butterfly nets.

  21. Badger says:

    the naacp did not attempt to “negroize” America…

    That would be the slave traders and plantation owners.

  22. Badmoodman says:

    the naacp and their attempt to “negroize” America and we know in our hearts that abortion is worse, much worse, then slavery which was not so bad after all

    – - It’s “than” not “then,” you ignorant turd.

  23. dbadass says:

    How’s that imaginary small business of yours?

  24. pete says:

    I don’t aspire to public service so I can express what I really feel about Becky.

    I don’t love Becky. I don’t like him. I don’t trust him. I don’t respect him. I am convinced that he is responsible for some of the recent rise in Reichwing violence, especially the guy who killed three police officers because Becky told him “Obama will take your guns”.

    I am adamantly opposed to any corporation that continues to give this insane freak air-time. I will not tolerate his presence on the radio or t.v. I sincerely hope that Becky dies penniless, alone, neglected, in unbearable agony and rotting away in his own excrement. Heck! I would even be happy to supply the excrement needed for even-depth coverage should his own supply dwindle. He’s an enemy of our country and, if we live to see the U.S. military engaged in combat with American citizens in American towns and cities? Becky will be among those who are responsible.

    That being said, I think I dislike Becky’s family more than the disgusting shit-bag himself. Anyone who would allow a family member to broadcast his continuous mental breakdowns must be a vile, self-centered, greedy POS. The poor guy needs psychiatric care and his family is letting him continue down the crapper so long as the checks keep rolling in.

  25. aaronk says:

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  26. aaronk says:

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  27. dbadass says:

    America is “Becky’s” family

    This is just silly. The US is a centrist nation.

  28. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    How’s that imaginary small business of yours?

    About as good as his chess game and his brain…non-existent.

  29. Mr. Cobb says:

    It’s only a matter of time before fat boy eats a shotgun blast on CNN.

  30. pete says:

    I take a few seconds to compose a post and the place has been overrun by stupid trolls again. As always. Every phucking thread. I should have known better than to think we might actually get a few minutes without the silly freaks whose countless inane posts seem to make the gang who runs TP think they are relevant. I think I dislike the folks who run TP almost as much as Becky and his family.

    G’night, good people. My further participation is not needed for the infestation to run it’s course.

  31. Badmoodman says:

    dbadass says:
    How’s that imaginary small business of yours?

    – - Bankrupt, like his mind.

  32. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Say, tell us, Darrly, what does God say is wrong with “socialism”…?

    I have it on very good authority that Jesus was kind of a socialist; although, technically, He was more of a communist.

    What sorts of things does God find wrong with socialism?

  33. Mr. Cobb says:

    Beck used to go on and on and on prior to the Iraq war screaming through the radio back then of the need to attack Iraq. It was utterly insane. Don’t hear him much anymore about Iraq.

  34. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Let’s be one country! Let’s be one country! Let’s get the job done!

    But…republiscum are involved. They don’t want one country or to get the job done – they want the country to FAIL!

  35. worship and adore God says:

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  36. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    Worthless scum.

  37. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God, God told me to hate YOU. Told me just this morning, in fact.

  38. dbadass says:

    Also, way to politicize God.

    Which god?

  39. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Cobb says:
    Beck used to go on and on and on prior to the Iraq war screaming through the radio back then of the need to attack Iraq. It was utterly insane. Don’t hear him much anymore about Iraq.

    I remember he was spewing Bush’s rhetoric about the Iraq war in 2003 and I’ve got to find it but there was a 2007 Media Matters article about how Beck said the Iraq withdrawal would be and it would be the most immoral and shameful thing America has done since slavery. This is back when he was on CNN.

  40. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    I know one thing Van does love, and that is socialism.

    I know one thing you DO love, and that is buggering animals.

  41. worship and adore God says:

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  42. worship and adore God says:

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  43. dbadass says:

    What if I want darkness and sin added to my heart? What a bunch of stupid shit….

  44. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    I bind every satanic spirit that is in you in Jesus name.

    Bind yourself, worthless scum, bugger of animals.

  45. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship and adore God says:
    way to politicize God.

    your username politicizes god.

  46. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    Do you want to know some of the masterful miracles that he has completed, tonight?

    No. P!ss off.

  47. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Threads about the nazi beck worship and suck god’s dick.

  48. dbadass says:

    There is only one God. Do you want to know some of the masterful miracles that he has completed, tonight?

    That is complete bullshit there are many gods. Some of my favs are those cool colorful Hindu ones. Now as to that second part… Sure why not. No doubt I will get a giggle out of your silly shit….

  49. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    hey worship and suck god’s dick, don’t click on this.

  50. Beethoven Rules says:

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  51. Rab says:

    Worship and Adore the Sky Fairy : Why don’t you go play imaginary chess with aaronk

  52. worship and adore God says:

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  53. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    How many sponsors has becky lost now? How long can rupert keep a dead weight on the payroll?

  54. Frugalchariot says:

    I really do get a kick out of trolls. What a grand and, better yet, hilarious way to demonstrate, for all to see, how stupid, shallow, and non-thinking their wallowing minds really are. And all I gotta do is sit back, read a little, and laugh my ass off!

    And aagronk, I gotta hand it to you — you’re way up their in the dumbass department, and believe it bro, that’s sayin’ something! Keep it up, ok? As Emily Dickinson once wrote, “Better an Ignius Fatuus than no illume at all”!


  55. P.D. says:

    Mr.@33, I noticed nobody is talking about Iraq anymore. MSM and Big Business really don’t want to talk about one of the biggests mistakes we made as a Country. It is almost as if Iraq is a distant memory. The deaths of thousands and the money wasted or stolen. It is times like this I need a stiff drink. LOL! I told others here I would give up my Budweiser. I guess I have a glass of wine.

  56. dbadass says:

    I love Scott Brown especially after he jerked all those teabaggers off and then voted for big government jobs creation… Stupid rubes…

  57. worship and adore God says:

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  58. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship and adore God says:

    No, there is only one God, in Jesus name. All those mentioned are satanic myths.

    You’re satan and you’re no myth.

  59. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick says:

    No, there is only one God…


    Many gods. Yours is only one more…and not a very good one, either.


  60. Rab says:

    worship and adore the Sky Fairy : You’ve already pissed off the Sky Fairy and now you are gonna piss off his kid.

  61. worship and adore God says:

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  62. dbadass says:

    No, there is only one God, in Jesus name. All those mentioned are satanic myths.

    Feel free to believe whatever stupid irrational bullshit you wish and I will feel free to make fun of your silly hippie god…

  63. P.D. says:

    dbad@56, LOL! What a bunch of chumps! We KNEW Brown would throw them under the bus the moment he got in. We KNEW he was backed by Big Business. Now Malkin and her band of crazies are sharpening their knives for him. What dumb asses

  64. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    dbadass says:
    I love Scott Brown especially after he jerked all those teabaggers off and then voted for big government jobs creation… Stupid rubes…

    Hey dbadas, good to see you around.

    I loved the scott brown treachery too. It’s because brown sees what’s happening.

    teabaggers didn’t want to hear this shit. More division of the right wing. Gotta love it.

    CPAC fueled by oil industry cash.

  65. dbadass says:

    Sure but he has a pickup truck….

  66. worship and adore God says:

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  67. Insidious Prophet says:

    How dare Van Jones suggest that we be one country instead of a country divided by the likes of Beck and others just like him?

  68. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick says:

    Isn’t he wondrous?

    Aren’t you retarded?

  69. worship and adore God says:

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  70. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship and suck gods dick says:

    Beck is successful because he has not strayed away from God.

    becks a racist fascist and jesus was black.

  71. Rab says:

    Worship and adore the Sky Fairy: I’m sure the Sky Fairy could care less about you hanging out on a blog spewing insane bullshit. You better start buying flame retardant clothing, you won’t be hanging out with the Sky Fairy.

  72. dbadass says:

    Isn’t he wondrous?

    So your god has a dick?

  73. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    seek truth, it will set you free and allow you to cast aside the shackles of right wing oppression.

  74. Chicano2nd says:

    aaronk says a load of crap.

    Here’s a great big F to you, worm!

  75. Insidious Prophet says:

    worship and adore God says:
    Perhaps you need to preach to those who want to destroy our planet, those who place profit over the air we breath, the water we drink and the planet we all live on.

  76. dbadass says:

    I wish I could pray with you right now.

    That sure would be fun. You could make a fool of yourself and I could eat shellfish between giggles…

  77. okie dokie says:

    Socialism is Satanic?

    But, Jesus was a socialist.

    What a theological dilemma . . .

  78. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    You know trolls, Jesus was a pretty liberal dude what with all that talk of selling all your belongings and giving everything to the poor, healing the sick, visiting people in jail, feeding the hungry, etc.

    And I laugh at the fact that the troll doesn’t know that there is such a thing as Christian Socialism. For example: Francis Bellamy who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance was a Christian Socialist.

  79. had enough says:

    So darryl back to the topic, you must be very impressed with Van Jones comment. Care to comment instead of bringing in the misused socialist word your side has smeared up?

    Could it just be in time of a loss for words, the word socialist is the tool to distract?

  80. worship and adore God says:

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  81. Frugalchariot says:

    66 Because of our God, you are able to live on earth, we have trees, ocean, sun, moon, etc. Isn’t he wondrous?

    One single shred of evidence that god — any god — exists. One. Shred. No? Thought so.

    And I thought gronk was stupid. My bad.

  82. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    hey worship and suck gods dick,

    More division in the republican party:

    Palin Rips CPAC As A Profiteering Convention

    You can’t make this shit up.

  83. dbadass says:

    Jesus can’t be categorized under a race.

    Why not?

  84. Insidious Prophet says:

    The republican party, the party of corporate values, the party of Mammon and the selective pro-life party.

  85. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick says:

    Got children, moron? Don’t you get tired of hearing this night after night:
    “No, Daddy…please, Daddy…it hurts, Daddy”

    By the way, moron…jesus was black.

  86. worship and adore God says:

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  87. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship and adore God says:
    Blasphemy for calling Jesus black. Jesus can’t be categorized under a race.

    Oh, so the whole born of a virgin story was just bullshit?

    Oh yeah, not looking to good for the right:

    The republicans are throwing rocks at each other.

    It’s a great day in America.

    Former Bush Treasury Secretary Describes Eric Cantor As A Policy Dunce

  88. Mr. Cobb says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    Mr. Cobb says:
    Beck used to go on and on and on prior to the Iraq war screaming through the radio back then of the need to attack Iraq. It was utterly insane. Don’t hear him much anymore about Iraq.

    I remember he was spewing Bush’s rhetoric about the Iraq war in 2003 and I’ve got to find it but there was a 2007 Media Matters article about how Beck said the Iraq withdrawal would be and it would be the most immoral and shameful thing America has done since slavery. This is back when he was on CNN.

    This was back in 2001 when I used to listen to him on AM radio. (stopped listening to any AM right-wing radio or cable TV since) He was shrieking for the Iraq war. He and his radio sidekick also had a skit where the sidekick would call into convenience stores and ask the cashier, whom they promised a prize to if they could answer a question, about world problems. The poor slob wouldn’t know and they would make fun of him/her on air. Really Christian attitude, there. NOT.

  89. dbadass says:

    Whatever happened to the campaign for councilperson?

  90. Insidious Prophet says:

    Not only was Jesus black he was also a liberal. Why if he were walking the Earth today, those on the right would be attacking him for being anti-war, for being an advocate for the poor and the sick, for despising greed.

  91. dbadass says:

    You loose your hold devil, loose your hold!

    That’s it baby… Shake the devil off…..

  92. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick, you must be a real piece of work in real life.

  93. worship and adore God says:

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  94. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    Someone posted this link on an earlier thread. I think it’s pertinent again here…might shed some light on this evening’s trolls.

  95. Chicano2nd says:

    I think the anti-Christ has just raised their ugly head. We are prepared for the likes of him in aaronk and worship. They are so ovious Satan is embarrassed.

  96. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    beck and worship(which means lick in his religion) have problems in their groups:

    cpac is in total disarray over gay rights.

    teabaggers dividing the republican party.

    It’s all good.

  97. Insidious Prophet says:

    worship and adore God, is obviously an idiot who knows nothing of the works or teachings of Jesus Christ. He is just another religious zealot who spews hateful rhetoric or twists Bible verses into handy little right wing slogans in an attempt to appear to be a Christian when in reality he is just another counterfeit Christian whose soul will be consumed by Satan.

  98. Rab says:

    I’m gonna party with the Devil later, you wanna come with, worship and adore the Sky Fairy?

  99. worship and adore God says:

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  100. dbadass says:

    Your view about will then change.

    No it won’t it will just waste 10 minutes. So which parts of the bible are just stories and which part is fact? Oh and how come jesus has no race but does have a dick? What is up with that?

  101. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick, aside from being ignorant and moronic, you’re boring and irrelevant. P1ss off.

  102. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship(which means suck) and adore God says:
    I dare you to raise your hands right now and have an intense praise for 10 minutes. Your view about will then change. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that walketh in him.

    Aren’t you ever afraid those rattlesnakes will bite you?

    Oh, you had them defanged? No faith eh?

  103. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    dbadass says:

    Oh and how come jesus has no race but does have a dick?

    I’ve heard that jesus can’t hit a curve ball…

  104. Rab says:

    worship and bullshit about the Sky Fairy, you are a parody troll …… of the low grade kind

  105. dbadass says:

    I think the campaign for councilperson was bullshit just like the rehabbing of the Rio whores. Still the whores crap was much more amusing

  106. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship(which means suck) and adore God says:

    If he was on earth today, because his persuasion of the masses would threaten liberal thinkers, I believed one of you would probably crucify, most likely by slipping chemicals in his water.

    If jesus fu cking christ himself appeared at the doors of your church dressed in his goatskin coat you would turn him away.

    It’s you on the right who torture and impoversh people, all in god’s name of course.

  107. dbadass says:

    I also miss people being damned to hell for eternity. That shit was priceless and made for excellent drinking games…

  108. Insidious Prophet says:

    You mean like how Obama’s persuasion of the masses upset you phony right wing Christians to the point where you mocked Jesus Christ by calling Obama the Messiah?

  109. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    hey suck god’s dick, how’s that impeachment coming? Don’t hear much about it in the real world.

  110. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    If jesus fu cking christ himself appeared at the doors of your church dressed in his goatskin coat you would turn him away.

    It’s you on the right who torture and impoverish people, all in god’s name of course.

    Should be repeated.

  111. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    worship and adore God says:
    I rebuke this lying spirit in Jesus name! You loose your hold devil, loose your hold! This is God’s child. His mind shall not be diluted by satanic views/beliefs. He belongs to God.

    Yeah…yeah. Not my fault you know jack about American history. Google Francis Bellamy…you might learn something.

    Since you seem to be so out of date with your belief system: is heavy metal still the biggest threat to the youth of our nation? Or is it still Elvis’ pelvic thrust?

  112. worship and adore God says:

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  113. dbadass says:

    Well in fairness they simultaneously called the president the antichrist. Consistancy isn’t really their strength…

  114. dbadass says:

    Deliverance is coming to shortly
    — Don’t bother, I own that dvd already. Karl Rove reminds me of the Ned Beatty character…

  115. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    hey worship, why do you still love the republicans? They had complete control of our government for 6 long years and they didn’t make abortion illegal nor did they kill all the gays.

    What pussy leaders you have.

  116. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick says:

    I just got my anointed oil…

    But you’re not supposed to smear it on your palm…ewww, he’s playing with himself.

  117. worship and adore God says:

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  118. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    I just got my anointed oil and anointed my ethernet cord.

    We all have our little nicknames…

  119. uutrinko says:

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  120. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    darryl: If he was on earth today, because his persuasion of the masses would threaten liberal thinkers, I believed one of you would probably crucify, most likely by slipping chemicals in his water.

    Looks like Darryl has gotten into the sacramental crack again.

    It won’t be liberals that turn their backs on Jesus, Darryl. It will be bigoted hateful “conservatives” that have been lying about the Gospels for years. Make no mistake, Darryl, you will burn in Hell for all of your lies.

    When the decent people of the planet are Raptured, vicious hateful demons like yourself will be heading the other direction, so you can insert yourselves in Satan’s anus for Eternity.

  121. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    More Republican Hypocrisy: Bible Belt States Have the Highest Divorce Rates. And they Worry About Gay Marriage?

    Christian conservatives are hellbent on keeping gays from marrying, saying such same-sex unions are an affront to the great institution of marriage, threatening the very social, emotional and legal fabric which binds a man and woman in holy matrimony. Ironically however, it’s these very same bible-thumpers who have the highest divorce rates in the country. The Bible Belt is the breeding ground for broken marriage.

    Despite this fact, the right wing evangelical fanatics like to point to states like “liberal” Massachusetts, holding it up as some sort of Sodom and Gomorrah. To the contrary, Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the country at 2.4 per 1,000 population.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the states with the highest divorce rates are to be found in the Bible Belt, where they exceed by 50% the national average of 4.2 per thousand people. The 10 Southern states with some of the highest divorce rates were Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North and South Carolina, Florida, Arizona and Texas. By comparison nine states in the Northeast– where allegedly amoral, faithless, Volvo-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, NY Times-reading lefties are found–were among those with the lowest divorce rates: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Rhode Island.

    Perhaps these born-again Christians should actually practice what they preach. Family values? Now that’s a joke.

  122. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and suck god’s dick says:

    I see a change in your life tonight.

    I see you playing in heavy traffic tonight.

  123. dbadass says:

    I think the name Privacy Center was far more fetching….


  124. worship and adore God says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  125. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    I just got my anointed oil and anointed my ethernet cord. I called out your username and asked for deliverance on your behalf. Deliverance is coming to shortly, in Jesus name. Once it arrives, you might as well throw everything down and let the spirit overcome you (drunk in the spirit). You will come out of your praise a new man, In Jesus name. I see a change in your life tonight.

    I have to admit, when I read silliness like this, I lean toward the theory that Darryl really is a very well done parody.

  126. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Glen becks nazi’s were christains too:

    “Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.”

    “We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”

    “The National Government will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built up. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality and the family as the basis of national life.”


  127. dbadass says:

    You belong to God.

    — Which one again? Is it the one that has no race yet has a cock?

  128. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    dbadass says:
    You belong to God.

    — Which one again? Is it the one that has no race yet has a cock?

    I heard jesus was gay.

  129. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Cobb,
    Ah okay…I knew it was either 2001 or 2003. Thanks for the correction. To be fair: Beck wasn’t the only one screeching about it…the invade Iraq meme has just evolved into the nuke Iran meme that a large number of MSM righties are pushing now.

    And the call in skit thing kinda sounds similar to what Rush does when he decides to let the occasional liberal or democrat through call screening. It does nothing more than impress their idiot callers.

  130. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I heard jesus was gay.

    I heard that too.

  131. worship and adore God says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  132. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Hey, wasn’t this guy a republican?

    Abraham Lincoln: The Bible is not my Book and Christianity is not my
    religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of
    Christian dogma.

  133. worship and adore God says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  134. dbadass says:

    because there is no guarantee that you will make it to church tomorrow.

    Let’s say I wanna go check it out. Which sects do you think I should check out before I decide which bs best suits me?

  135. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    I just got my anointed oil and anointed my ethernet cord.

    We all have our little nicknames…

    I bind satan, his emps, and works that are in you in Jesus name! You belong to God.

    Personally, I like the nickname Rufus.

  136. dbadass says:

    If I were near you, I would wisk some anointed oil on you to burn the sin that is in you.

    yeah baby… Shake the devil off

  137. okie dokie says:

    I’m all for getting “drunk in the spirits”,
    but the liquor stores close here at 9pm.
    And that communion wine sucks.

  138. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    worship and adore God says:
    BLASPHEMY! Repent.

    why should anyone take your advice, you can’t even decide whether your god is human or not. Does HE have a dick?

  139. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    worship and adore God says:
    If I were near you, I would wisk some anointed oil on you to burn the sin that is in you.

    I’d recommend Astroglide.

  140. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    We are keeping lions ready for you worship. Any day now.

  141. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    dbadass says:

    yeah baby… Shake the devil off

    Well…he’s shaking something off…

  142. dbadass says:

    his emps are my peps….

  143. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    worship and adore God says:

    So, what about jesus being gay? Doesn’t that bother you?

  144. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    suck god’s dick is a perfect example of Epistemological Incompetence.

  145. DoTheRightThing2 says:

    Good for Mr. Jones. Personally, I’m not able to “love” everyone. However, I don’t “hate” either. Hate will eat you alive. I forgive and then move on. I forgive because it frees me. People who hold on to hate are miserable individuals and they try to make everyone around them as miserable as they are. I learned that forgiveness is not for the person who has wronged you, but it is for you. I agree with this concept.

  146. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    worship and adore God says:
    BLASPHEMY! Repent. I would do it right now, because there is no guarantee that you will make it to church tomorrow.

    Why would a non-believer go to church? What is there at church that could possibly interest a non-believer unless it was to meet people who didn’t agree with them and roundly condemned them for their lack of belief?

    Besides…it’s a free country and I don’t have to go to church if I don’t want to and I have better things to do with my Sunday mornings. And no one has yet proven to me that there really is a God, a heaven, a hell and that the damage religion is inflicting on society is really worth it. There, those reasons enough for you?

  147. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  148. dbadass says:

  149. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth, this self admitting communist wants one country while anti-Americans like you trolls and the rest of the republican party want to divide the country, secede from the country and hope our president fails. It seems to me Mr. Jones is more American than all of you fascists put together.

  150. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    Why would a non-believer go to church?

    Lots of young boys go to meet girls. How’s that abstinance thing working out christains?

  151. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    kenny boy doesn’t realize that through his efforts, communism now looks pretty good to Americans.

    Much better than the fascism that the right exposed us to.

  152. ebbAndflow says:

    Kenneth says:
    What do expect from a lying self-admitted Communist?

    February 27th, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    That’s no way to talk about poster ‘worship and adore God’

  153. okie dokie says:

    I’m certain that calling Jesus a “conservative” and holding him hostage for political gain like the GOP has, is some serious blasphemy,
    and bad karma, to boot.

    But go ahead and worship your Republican Jesus, WaAG.
    Just be sure to wash away all your sins off of his necktie.
    That “cleanliness is next to Godliness”, OCD thing, you know.

  154. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Anyone that takes anything that Glenn Beck says as the truth is an idiot. Even Beck himself admitted that: “if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.”

    That’s for the trolls.

  155. Insidious Prophet says:

    Hey Kenneth how do you feel about former President Bush putting our country into bottomless debt with communist China?

  156. dbadass says:

    Are you still here?

  157. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  158. dbadass says:

    So Kenneth are you so so pissed at that Scott Brown phony?

  159. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  160. Chicano2nd says:

    Kenneth says:

    What do expect from a lying self-admitted Communist?

    What an obvious crock of shit. A “communist” walking the walk and talking the talk, a la Jesus, and kennyboy is oblivious.

    Must be the vacuum in the skull!

  161. Insidious Prophet says:

    So Kenneth blames the republican majority in congress that allowed Bush to borrow all of that money from communist China?


  162. Mr. Cobb says:

    worship and adore God says:
    I rebuke this lying spirit in Jesus name! You loose your hold devil, loose your hold! This is God’s child. His mind shall not be diluted by satanic views/beliefs. He belongs to God.

    This is interesting to me. Every wingnut I’ve encountered always confuses the terms ‘lose’ and ‘loose.’ I was sitting at work yesterday reading a memo where the wingnut I work with wrote “loose” instead of the correct “lose.” I was like, heh. I think this is a clue to their willful ongoing confusion. After all this time online writing their nonsense, they still can’t get it right. If wingnuts weren’t so cagey, we could get them help with a crack team of Swedish doctors working around the clock monitoring them until an antidote is found for their stupidity. All kidding aside, I think there is something to their mindset. This refusal to accept any additional learning. They still refuse to understand and write the term correctly.

  163. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth, I liked it better when you were Adore And Worship God………….Idiot!

  164. Insidious Prophet says:

    I thought Jones also said he loved Beck?

  165. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Kenneth says:
    Another thing Van Jones loves is his Self-Righteous Progressive Self.

    kenny’s a self-loather. Anyone surpised?

  166. okie dokie says:

    Jesus was gay, Fritz at 9:22pm?

    I thought he was bi.

  167. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  168. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    kenny also hates:

    social security, medicare, police, firemen, teachers and the entire public education system, utilities(water, sewer and trash), public highway system.

  169. dbadass says:

    Do you feel that the problem can be solved without increasing revenue. What specific ideas do you support?

  170. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Fred ??? says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    Why would a non-believer go to church?

    Lots of young boys go to meet girls. How’s that abstinance thing working out christains?

    Plus there is the community factor. One of my local community centers (Harambee) is a church but they play a lot of good music and the people that work there are some of the funniest and friendliest Christians I’ve ever met.

    And I don’t think it’s going very well…many of the Red Bible Belt States think telling a hormone filled teenager not to have sex is all the sex education they need. It was not enough for the parents, and I feel sure it won’t be for their children. Example: I was reading an article a that teen birth rates are more than twice as high in Texas (63.1) as they are Massachusetts (21.3). Education levels are higher in Massachusetts too. I don’t know if there’s a correlation.

  171. Insidious Prophet says:

    Poor Kenneth, hey everybody we need to cut poor little Kenneth some slack after all the third grade was the four toughest years of his pathetic life.

  172. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth’s uncle thinks little Kenny has a purdy mouth.

  173. okie dokie says:

    I also see that lose/loose error repeatedly and consistently from local neocons, Mr. Cobb.

    “I don’t wont to loose my freadom”" is a favorite saying of commentor that goes nuts about the Spanish option when dialing businesses.

  174. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    Poor Kenneth, hey everybody we need to cut poor little Kenneth some slack after all the third grade was the four toughest years of his pathetic life.

    Nah…Kenneth is just a one voice platform for banning home schooling. Thanks Kenneth for looking stupid at yet another convenient moment. :D

  175. Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo ™ says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    Poor Kenneth, hey everybody we need to cut poor little Kenneth some slack after all the third grade was the four toughest years of his pathetic life.

    Don’t make fun of Kenneth because of the fact he kept failing the third grade. It wasn’t his fault, the teacher kept failing the little bugger because Kenneth refused to lend him his car.

  176. Insidious Prophet says:

    The right wing idiots lost more freedom under Bush, but they were to mesmerized by the bumbling, fumbling, mumbling fake cowboy to notice.

  177. republicanSScareme says:

    Glenn Beck is criminally insane. Anyone who can’t see that has a perception problem.

    Americans don’t want sickos on TV.

  178. Insidious Prophet says:

    Dumb teabagger: I want my country back!

    Native American: Get in line you stupid hick!

  179. JustADumbFireman says:

    HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s the best revenge.

  180. JustADumbFireman says:

    Insidious Prophet says:


    Dumb teabagger: I want my country back!

    Native American: Get in line you stupid hick!

    Bravo. For the second time today.

  181. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  182. Insidious Prophet says:


    Against our country succeeding
    Against peace
    Against education
    Against affordable health care
    Against regulation
    Against unions
    Against equal rights for all
    Against democracy
    Against the American worker

    Support tax cuts for the wealthy
    Support rape
    Support racism
    Support hate
    Support the destruction of our country
    Support domestic terrorism
    Support corporatism
    Support torture
    Support corporate welfare/socialism
    Support foreign owned cable news stations

  183. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Emps??? The Devil has “emps”?

    What are “emps”?? :o|

  184. Insidious Prophet says:

    I could have made the list longer but…………

  185. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  186. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth says:

    Cut The Defense Budget! Cut The Defense Budget! Cut The Defense Budget!

  187. dbadass says:

    Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending!

    Can you be more specific Kenneth? What would you like to cut? So that Scott Brown dude sold you folks out. Are you so so pissed?

  188. Insidious Prophet says:

    Wait until the war mongering republicans taxes increase to pay for the two failed Bush wars.

  189. Mr.Duke says:

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  190. dbadass says:

    I wonder which government jobs Kenneth feels should be cut…

  191. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    Anyone who believes that our national debt problem can be solved without raising taxes, especially on the wealthiest people who have been given a free ride for the past thirty years, is too ignorant to discuss the subject. You cannot get out of debt just by cuttting taxes and cutting spending.

  192. Kenneth says:

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  193. Insidious Prophet says:

    Future right wing bumper sticker?

    Palin/Stack 2012

  194. Insidious Prophet says:

    Hey little kenny, that’s a view of your party and what it stands for, not of our country….thank God!

  195. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Psssst, Kenny – saying the same thing half a dozen times and putting it in bold doesn’t make it true, bud. Just sayin’.

  196. dbadass says:

    Should we shut down the National Parks or do you wanna keep those?

  197. Frugalchariot says:

    94. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that walketh in him.

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. Zip-shit-zero, as usual.

  198. Insidious Prophet says:

    dbadass says:

    Should we shut down the National Parks or do you wanna keep those?
    China will probably own them thanks to Bush.

  199. dbadass says:

    FDA? Keep or kill?

  200. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:
    Cut Wasteful Government jobs!

    Is Kenneth suggesting we fire the Republicans in Congress? I’m all for that!

  201. Kenneth says:

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  202. pezmiztix says:

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  203. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Mr.Duke says:
    “a communist-anarchist radical.”
    Jones would probably still be in the Obama administration if only 2 of the 3 were true.

    Dipshit, Van Jones was never IN the Obama administration.

    Must you insist on continually proving your stupidity?

  204. pezmiztix says:

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  205. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Emps??? The Devil has “emps”?

    What are “emps”?? :o|

    Electromagnetic pulses?

  206. Insidious Prophet says:

    dbadass says:

    FDA? Keep or kill?
    Bush tried killing the FDA by slashing their budget and gutting their staff. How else do you think all of the lead based toys, poisoned dog food and dangerous drywall got into our country.

  207. dbadass says:

    Are you fiscally irresponsible?

    Well I really didn’t need that extra spider maki the other night but no not usually. Can we be adults and just poney up a little dough and pay some bills or can’t you handle that?

  208. dbadass says:

  209. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:
    Emps??? The Devil has “emps”?

    What are “emps”?? :o|

    I thought the troll misspelled imps but maybe “the big bad debil” has nukes?

  210. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    AND, I suppose when YOU are in debt you go out and spend more and rack up more debt? Are you fiscally irresponsible?

    No, I find new sources of revenue, just like our government needs to. That you would assume what you did is rather ignorant of you. You clearly know nothing about me.

  211. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth says:

    AND, I suppose when YOU are in debt you go out and spend more and rack up more debt? Are you fiscally irresponsible?
    AND, I suppose when you inherit a house with a cracked foundation, a leaking roof, broken windows, bursting water pipes, you just hope for the best instead of spending money to fix the problems.

  212. Insidious Prophet says:

    pezdroppings wants to be known as dog crap now??? Okay.

  213. Kenneth says:

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  214. T.H.E.Cat says:

    Re: waag @ 41:

    Remove the beam from thine own eye before you worry about the mote in thy neighbor’s.

  215. Ellie Light says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  216. dbadass says:

    Let’s start by eliminating the Department of Education.


  217. SP Biloxi says:

    Best comment from Van Jones’ at the NAACP Image Award on his praise for Obama’s presidency: Obama “volunteered to be the captain of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.” lol Priceless. Point well taken.

  218. Chicano2nd says:

    The anarchrist code is no government is better than NO GOVERNMENT.

    How the hell does one want government to have complete control, as the wingnuts believe socialist desire, and at the same time be a person who believes there should be no government.

    Granted, the republicans are adept at hypocrisy as the last few days (and Rachel) have clearly shown. But that just attests to their greedy lying ways. Its not the same thing as being anti-government and at the sametime being one who believes more government is the solution.

    By the way, radical is an adjective, not a noun. Do you get the point?

  219. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Cool! I was the 10th vote-down on 3 of Darryl’s comments so far!

  220. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  221. Xisithrus says:

    Actually Ellie I posted earlier the Patriot act needed to be vetoed.
    i love it, everything is bush’s fault in here -Pez

    Sweeping everyone under a rug of your manufacture again Pez?

  222. Kenneth says:

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  223. dbadass says:

    What do you say big guy, let’s be stand up guys and put some money on the table and assume some responsibility…

  224. Insidious Prophet says:

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you don’t add the cost of war to the annual budget.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you pass a medicaid part D bill that you don’t pay for and it ends up costing tax payers $500 billion.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is your secretary of defense admitting that $2.3 trillion is missing from the Pentagon.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is allowing billions of dollars to go unaccounted for in Iraq.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans during a time of war.

  225. Xisithrus says:

    ….apparently you won’t be happy until every male in America is wearing a big purple hat and speaking ebonics like Shaft. -=Aaronk=-

    Isnt that what Huggy OKeefe Bear did?

  226. dbadass says:

    enlighten me. I am sure that will be a gas…

  227. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    kenneth: Let’s start by eliminating the Department of Education. What good have they done to improve the education of our children. — Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Milwaukee ring any bells??

    Not too surprising that “education” is the first thing kenneth wants to cut — after all, look how little good it did him.

  228. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    Let’s start by eliminating the Department of Education.


    Major flashback to Ronald Reagan there. He failed at eliminating the Department of Education too.

    I think the trolls hate the Department of Education because it maintains standards. What the troll is doing is arguing against standards for which all educational institutions may be held accountable. With no accountability on the federal level, our schools would really be little more than babysitting centers. Schools cannot benefit from federal grants and still expect that there will be no oversight by the federal government–one brings the other.

  229. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    aaronk: aaronk says:

    Insidious Prophet, apparently you won’t be happy until every male in America is wearing a big purple hat and speaking ebonics like Shaft. How I pity you.

    You really are a disgusting narrow-minded little bigot, aaronk. No wonder you live your life in fear.

  230. Insidious Prophet says:

    Oops did little kenny accidentally go back to playing his worship and adore God troll character without changing his name. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! BUSTED!

  231. Xisithrus says:

    I pray for your soul and your enlightenment some day. -=Kenneh=-

    My soul is perfectly fine and I am much more enlightened than you could ever imagine but I will not ord that over you, it would be wrong of me.

  232. Xisithrus says:

    Cool! I was the 10th vote-down on 3 of Darryl’s comments so far! -=JES=-

    Ooo Score!

  233. Xisithrus says:

    nneth: Let’s start by eliminating the Department of Education. What good have they done to improve the education of our children. -=Kenneh=-

    Yes, lets talk about the NCLB

  234. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  235. Insidious Prophet says:

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you don’t add the cost of war to the annual budget.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you pass a medicaid part D bill that you don’t pay for and it ends up costing tax payers $500 billion.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is your secretary of defense admitting that $2.3 trillion is missing from the Pentagon.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is allowing billions of dollars to go unaccounted for in Iraq.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans during a time of war.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is continuing to give no bid contracts to corporations who do shoddy work and commit fraud against the government.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing when you are warned about a coming housing bubble.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you ignore a coming recession warned of by leading economists.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is deregulating everything and allowing greed to run rampant.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing about Enron.

  236. Xisithrus says:

    Do you notice how all the smart people commenting here agree with me? -=Aaronk=-

    I hadnt noticed and I am smart.

  237. dbadass says:

    Do you notice how all the smart people commenting here agree with me?

    You talk silly aaronk…

  238. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Xisithrus, I must admit that I take particular pleasure in shutting down that faux-pious, soulless, un-Christ-like a-hole.

    Insidious Prophet, I had just noticed that, too – good catch busting Kenneth.

  239. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:
    Hate the Sin! Love the Sinner! I pray for your soul and your enlightenment some day.

    I’ve heard this hateful bullshit far too often from “loving” Christian a**holes. And fundamentalist Christianity is hardly enlightenment…its more like pure ignorance…though it’s been said that that ignorance is bliss.

  240. SoapBox says:

    235 aPARROTaronk says:
    230, Not really. Do you notice how all the smart people commenting here agree with me? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


    Polly…skip the pipe and have this instead,


  241. Jane E. Schneider says:

    “Do you notice how all the smart people commenting here agree with me? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.”

    Um, no, give us whatever you’re smoking, ’cause it must be some really good shite to make you so delusional.

  242. Beethoven Rules says:

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  243. Xisithrus says:

    Xisithrus, I must admit that I take particular pleasure in shutting down that faux-pious, soulless, un-Christ-like a-hole. -=JES=-

    I completely understand =]

  244. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    oh yes, aaronk, I’m sure we all believe that slavery was justified because it really did benefit one class, the plantation owners…just like how abusing workers and cutting wages and outsourcing benefits your corporate overlords…After all, you’re channeling the arguments of men like George Fitzhugh and James Hammond…

  245. dbadass says:

    Beethoven Rules you already said that to which I replied that I love Scott Brown for hoodwinking those goofy teabagger rubes….

  246. okie dokie says:

    I’ve notice a resurgence of the narcissistic accusations from the GOP tools towards Obama and everything not neocon.
    The traits of narcissistic personality disorder are:

    projection (especially of shame)
    pathological lying
    verbally abusive
    manipulation of the truth
    manipulation of others
    expressing disdaine for those you feel are inferior
    lack of empathy
    exaggerating your achievements and talents
    confabulation of truth

    What a perfect summary of todays GOP, and the disorder they have manifested through media into any that follow their cult of deception, believing it is some “superior”, patriotic way.

  247. Kenneth says:

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  248. T.H.E.Cat says:

    RE: waag @ 132:

    FLAGGED for death threats!

  249. P.D. says:

    Oh, crap. I leave for an hour and so, and one of the worst trolls is here spewing his venom.

  250. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  251. Xisithrus says:

    See if you can be as big a Mr. Jones. -=B=-

    I dont have to.

  252. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Beethoven Rules says:

    It wasn’t funny or intelligent the first time around.

    BTW, as one who is a fan of, and shares a birthday with, Beethoven, I find your monicker personally offensive.

  253. dbadass says:

    So Kenneth, why do you want to eliminate the Department of Ed?

  254. Jane E. Schneider says:

    P.D. says:
    Oh, crap. I leave for an hour and so, and one of the worst trolls is here spewing his venom.
    February 27th, 2010 at 10:40 pm

    P.D., I trust that you fortified yourself with an adult beverage while you were gone?

  255. Insidious Prophet says:

    Oh little kenny I’m sorry, did I confuse you by using that of a house instead of our economy? Poor little fella.

  256. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth you just aren’t very bright are you? No need to answer.

  257. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    T.H.E.Cat says:
    RE: waag @ 132:

    FLAGGED for death threats!

    Nah…I’m going to have to call you on this one. Worship and Adore Ones Own Ego was just acting like a moron. He/she was calling us satanists earlier in the thread so I think it was related to that.

  258. MrBrown says:

    Ever heard of a Will, Kenny boy?

  259. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth says:

    At least he has done one good thing in his first year of office so far.
    Just wait until Obama and the democrats use reconciliation to pass health care reform. That will be a gas!

  260. SoapBox says:

    248 ParrotKenneth says:
    What a piss-poor example. How many people inherit houses? Let alone a bad one. — YOU ARE fiscally irresponsible!

    Polly? What would you say for a cracker?


    Oh my, well…have a big taste of this…Fiscally responsible enough for you? Have a double dose,

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED and big bowl of WMDs too!

  261. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  262. SoapBox says:



    But trolls never want to talk about it!

  263. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  264. Insidious Prophet says:

    Poor delusional republican party, they really believe they are going to take back congress in 2010 and the White House back in 2012! BAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

    One problem with that insane thinking. The American people, who although are not happy with either party, haven’t forgotten that it was the republican party who got our country into this mess after running our country and economy into the ground for 8 years.

  265. Insidious Prophet says:

    Republicans don’t believe in nudist colonies, they believe in hidden video cameras in women’s restrooms, dressing rooms and girls locker rooms.

  266. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  267. SoapBox says:

    264 PARROTKenneth says:
    What a perfect summary of todays Kenneth, and the disorder it has manifested through SQUAWKING to any that follow its cult of deception, believing it is some “superior”, patriotic way.


    Good Polly! Have some of this,


  268. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    SoapBox says:


    But trolls never want to talk about it!

    Well conservatism (at least for the average conservative) seems to maintain social norms that are fundamentally anti-social in nature…so there is nothing we can do about it.

    Well besides laugh. :D

  269. Insidious Prophet says:

    I’m sorry abunk did I forget to add peeping toms to that list?

  270. SoapBox says:

    269 aPARROTaronk says:
    Insidious Prophet, you want to take that back, pal

    Polly now has another friend, Polly!

    Crackers all around!


  271. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    aaronk, you stud muffin, Come give pappa a kiss.

  272. okie dokie says:

    Not corrected, Kenneth at 10:52pm,, but projected.
    I expected that, though.
    I know that’s what you’ve been programmed to do.

    Oh, and phuck you very much.

  273. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  274. Insidious Prophet says:

    Hey trolls lets talk about this:

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you don’t add the cost of war to the annual budget.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you pass a medicaid part D bill that you don’t pay for and it ends up costing tax payers $500 billion.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is your secretary of defense admitting that $2.3 trillion is missing from the Pentagon.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is allowing billions of dollars to go unaccounted for in Iraq.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans during a time of war.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is continuing to give no bid contracts to corporations who do shoddy work and commit fraud against the government.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing when you are warned about a coming housing bubble.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is when you ignore a coming recession warned of by leading economists.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is deregulating everything and allowing greed to run rampant.

    Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing about Enron.

  275. T.H.E.Cat says:

    RE: bizarro @ 259:

    “You may not make it to church” sounds like a death threat/scare tasctic to _me_.

  276. SoapBox says:

    Well conservatism (at least for the average conservative) seems to maintain social norms that are fundamentally anti-social in nature…so there is nothing we can do about it


    For fun with St. Sarah the Quitter,

  277. SoapBox says:

    276 aPARROTaronk says:
    Sorry, boys I got a chess match. Back to beat you down later


    Oh…don’t go…here I’ve got this for you…


  278. Insidious Prophet says:

    aaronk says:

    Sorry, boys I got a Dungeon & Dragons tournament to go to. Back to verbally beat off later.

    Abunk’s mommy must of kicked him off of her computer!


    Sucks to be abunks….momma!

  279. SoapBox says:



    IP, I’ve saved your great “fiscal” list…if you are not around can I have your permission to post it?


  280. Insidious Prophet says:

    Soapbox, feel free to post it whenever a troll brings up Obama’s spending or fiscal responsibility.

  281. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:
    aaronk, you stud muffin, Come give pappa a kiss.

    Awwww, look what you’ve done. Now the trolls are one down — which is so much worse for them.


  282. flight says:

    Insidious Prophet@ 277,
    I am afraid our conservative friends will have to take their shoes off to keep up with your list. Remember, they have poor counting skills, especially when it’s taxpayer money. It goes all the way back to Raygun the cult hero.

  283. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    T.H.E.Cat says:
    RE: bizarro @ 259:
    “You may not make it to church” sounds like a death threat/scare tasctic to _me_.

    I don’t know but I’ll flag it as a scare tactic just in case.

    aaronk says:
    Liberals, you’ll be happy to know I’ve got a World of Warcraft match now. Back to whine later.

    Fixed that for you.

    SoapBox says:
    Well conservatism (at least for the average conservative) seems to maintain social norms that are fundamentally anti-social in nature…so there is nothing we can do about it


    For fun with St. Sarah the Quitter,

    Thank you for the link. :D

  284. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    I know, its sad but a troll kiss from those flaccid lips, how can I resist?

  285. flight says:

    A note about Van Jones. It is damm refreshing to have a public figure with a helthy dose of class.

    This guy is a class act.

  286. Insidious Prophet says:

    Poor troll, all of the typing its done from posting with multiple monikers has tuckered out it’s chubby fingers/

  287. okie dokie says:

    Although I’m still waiting, I’m thinking that “trickle down” theory isn’t going to happen for me when he’s six feet under.

  288. Insidious Prophet says:

    Hmmmmmmm notice how all the trolls mysteriously disappear at approximately the same time?

  289. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    Hmmmmmmm notice how all the trolls mysteriously disappear at approximately the same time?

    Obviously they all have “chess matches” to attend to.

  290. flight says:

    Insidious Prophet @ 289,
    I have the feeling the the troll has to clean up his keyboard. I sure it gets sticky by this time of the night.

  291. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Hmmmmmmm notice how all the trolls mysteriously disappear at approximately the same time?

    The 11:00 whistle blew?

  292. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    Hmmmmmmm notice how all the trolls mysteriously disappear at approximately the same time?

    Not shocking at all. I bet aaronk has at least 5-6 different SN’s on this blog.

    On a more absurd note:
    This morning I was reading an article on entomology (study of insects) from the University of Kentucky about the horse hair worm (which develop as parasites in the bodies of grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches, and some beetles) and I got to thinking about what would happen if they were to make the leap from insects to humans: the conservatives came to mind. It seems plausible though absurd: the parasite usually causes insects to act oddly sometimes violent so if it made the leap to humans it would explain their behavior since Obama took office. Maybe if we are lucky…the parasite could be in its mature stage so it can convince its conservative hosts that they are dying of thirst thus causing them to drown themselves at the first body of water they encounter.

  293. SoapBox says:

    IP…thanks for the list permission and, I’ve noticed that too with all the trolls going at the same time…weird.

    …back to the Olympics!

  294. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Jane E. Schneider says:

    Hmmmmmmm notice how all the trolls mysteriously disappear at approximately the same time?

    The 11:00 whistle blew?


  295. okie dokie says:

    Wasn’t that a Star Trek episode, bizzarrobrain?

  296. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    okie dokie says:
    Wasn’t that a Star Trek episode, bizzarrobrain?

    Just Googled it: episode 29 of the original series…attack of the parasites.

  297. Bluestocking says:

    I don’t know what faith — if any — Jones practices today, although his grandfather was apparently a Christian and deeply religious. Regardless, you have to acknowledge that this particular comment from Jones demonstrates more genuine Christian spirit than anything Beck (the self-professed Christian) has ever had to say about Jones.

    Throughout the New Testament, Christians are told that they have an obligation to treat other people — even those whom they consider their enemies — with respect. At this moment, which one — Beck or Jones — is behaving in accordance with those instructions??

  298. flight says:

    Bluestocking @ 300,
    Jones is a true class act. I couldn’t agree with you more!

  299. Bluestocking says:

    Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending! Cut Spending! — Kenneth


    How about starting with Michael Steele, who (according to Politico) has reportedly been spending twice as much as his predecessors on catering and limousines — including over half a million dollars in food alone? And in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, yet — when thousands of ordinary Americans have been losing their jobs and their homes and their hope for the future? Talk is cheap and actions speak far louder than words — so why should anyone in his or her right mind think that Republicans genuinely care about the concerns of ordinary Americans or believe in fiscal responsibility and decreased spending when the head of the party is spending other people’s money like this? And no — before you go there, trying to pass the buck by pointing fingers at someone else will not be accepted as a satisfactory rebuttal. Do you think that what Steele has done/is doing is acceptable and excusable — yes or no???

    What am I saying?? Silly me…for a moment there, I forgot who I was talking to! Of course you think Steele’s behavior is justified — because people like you believe that as long as you’re a Republican, anything and everything you do is completely justified.

  300. okie dokie says:

    That’s true, bluestocking.
    My grandmother, born in the late 19th century, never attended church much, although her father was a sort of self-proclaimed theologist. She used those same philosophies throughout her life. She used to tell me “you can draw more flies with honey, than vinegar”. It was her way to bake a pie for an adversary before she requested their cooperation.
    It always worked.

  301. Moderation says:

    Worship and adore God:

    Prove it. Prove there is a God without relying on anecdotal evidence, circular logic, or an appeal to authority. Go for it. I’ve yet to see a single individual, and I’ve debated this with those far wiser, and more intellectually grounded than yourself, who can do so.

    Don’t bother saying I can’t prove there is no God either, as a negative proof fallacy is very old, tired, worn out pool indeed. You’re the one with the extraordinary claim, you’re the one with the assertion you need to support, not I. Thus, you’re the one who needs to produce extraordinary evidence (or any evidence whatsoever, as there is none), you’re the one who needs to support your assertion, not I.

    Incidentally, historical evidence of individuals within the Bible actually existing isn’t evidence of divinity, so don’t bother going down that path, either. The pure irony there is that the one person for whom you most need to prove existed at all, to have any hope of BEGINNING to support your assertions, the man known as Yeshua bin Yosef, Jesus of the not-contemporarily-proven-to-exist Nazareth, your Christ figure, the so-called son of your God YHWH, one of the greatest prophets of Allah (also known as YHWH), is an individual for whom there is no evidence contemporary to his life of his very existence, including census records of the Romans per the Bible and the very reason he was born in Bethlehem to begin with according to the myths. Evidence of divinity requires much more than proof that a Moses, or Pontius Pilate, et al, existed in a historical context. So sorry.

    Finally, stop being like…scratch that, stop flat out being a hypocrite, and go back in to your closet to worship. If you want to spread the word of God, do so as your Lord and Savior informed you; do so with your deeds, with the actions of the faithful, not with words meaning to bring attention to your God, and to YOU and YOURS. If the acts of your faith are sufficiently pious, respectful, and good towards your fellow man, you will convince others. Words, attempts to use fear as a tool to convince the unfaithful, appeals to emotion, and more, are the acts of a hypocrite, and not worthy of the very deity for whom you purport to worship and adore. If you truly worshiped and adored Him, you’d actually follow His teachings.

    But of course, you don’t truly worship and adore Him. You fear Him, you fear death, and in turn you fear life for life brings with it risks that could potentially deny you an eternity spent with Him whom you fear above all others.

    Have fun not living life to its fullest, and being a sad hypocrite who follows an ideology (modern conservatism) that is very much diametrically opposed to the teachings of He whom you purport to love, worship and adore, and thus follow, above all others. Me? I’m fundamentally a good human being, who, were I to “worship” anything, worships altruism, common good, helping my fellow man, equality, a philosophy of freedom to speak and worship (or choose not to) as you will so long as you bring no harm to others, and otherwise follow a philosophy that is firmly progressive/liberal in social terms, and much more moderate in economic terms. If I am proven wrong upon my death, and find myself, many years, decades, centuries, or millennia, raised from the dead along with all others on the day of judgment per the book of Revelations as all other dead humans from the entirety of history are likewise raised and judged, I will find myself in Heaven, for I have been good, honorable, and caring towards my fellow man. Not a selfish, hate-filled demagogue who follows a corrupt ideology compromised by bigotry and a desire for POWER above others, as well as being pathetic stewards of the Earth. No, if anything, I will be judged worthy of Heaven, and you will be, quite unfortunately for you, condemned to an eternity of torment. Especially since I was, per your own metric, raised as culturally Christian, and thusly did quite emphatically and with the fullness of my heart accept your Lord, Jesus Christ, as my personal savior in my youth, until such time as my prolific reading of the Bible from cover to cover multiple times, and probing questioning of my Sunday school teachers taught me just how shallow and hollow the knowledge and caring of many so-called spiritual, religious individuals, truly is.

    No, I’m afraid you’ll find no conversion potential here without something more than mere appeals to authority or emotion (primarily fear, mind you, which is a clear indicator of just how fragile your world view truly is when revealed to its fullest), base assertion or negative proof fallacies, or circular logic where you state that the very words of a book are evidence of said book’s authenticity and authority.

    So sorry. Try harder. Try again. Do better. Good luck, because you are REALLY going to need it.

  302. Moderation says:

    Oh, and yes, more on topic, Van Jones is indeed a class act. THAT, good people, is how you rise above the false, negative propaganda, and attacks of those who fear you for your mind, the color of your skin, your beliefs, and much, much more. Good for you, Mr. Jones. In all seriousness, good for you, sir! :)

  303. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Moderation, thanks for taking the time to post your comment #304. I’ve grown so impatient with Darryl that I just take the short cut to slap him around. Nicely done.


  304. SP Biloxi says:


    I knew this was coming…

    Bunning’s offices checked for bomb after threats received

    FRANKFORT, KY (AP) – Two of U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning’s Kentucky offices have been checked after bomb threats were received, but nothing was found.

    Bunning’s office in Louisville was checked after the threat.

    In Hazard, a threat was made on he William D. Gorman Educational Center, which includes the offices of Bunning and U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers.

    Louisville FBI spokesman David Beyer says nothing was found in either case but the matter is under investigation.

  305. Jim Wolf359 says:

    Van Jones is a better Human Being than I will ever be. To forgive is the ultimate grace and is in the best tradition of Jesus who taught to turn the other cheek.

  306. Jenkins1985 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  307. KayInMaine says:

    Let’s not forget…


    Glenn Beck is dangerous. The End.

  308. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:


    Take your spam and shove it up your ass. I will make every effort I can to see to it that your postings are no longer permitted here. You want to advertise at TP? Pay them for the privilege. Otherwise, go the hell away.

  309. vinylspear, sponsored by Sunless Tanning Solutions says:

    #304 That was very well said, thank you.
    I hope he actually reads it and has a deep thought.

  310. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    Moderation says:

    February 28th, 2010 at 2:18 am

    That was fantastic. Great job. People who persist in making me prove that their claims that God exists are false piss me off. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational mind like his.

  311. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  312. zxbe says:

    Dirty Hippie says:
    Love your enemies. It will drive them crazy.

    In this case it was a short drive. Beck’s already crazy.

  313. Nat says:

    So let me get this straight. The plan is to move the “green” technology to the “hood” to spread social justice. Wow, with plans like that it’s no wonder the progressive movement is tanking…..Again. Good Luck!

    You have a problem with the “hood” developing green technology?

  314. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  315. KayInMaine says:

    ekidon says:

    So let me get this straight. The plan is to move the “green” technology to the “hood” to spread social justice. Wow, with plans like that it’s no wonder the progressive movement is tanking…..Again. Good Luck!
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:09 am

    Does Glenn Beck have a plan to create jobs? Nope! He has a plan to ruin America which is the mantra of the republic party and their Wall Street whores!

  316. KayInMaine says:

    ekidon says:

    No but it will kill the economy, just like what’s happening in Greece. Not a good plan. When the riots start progressives will blame the right for not pumping enough money into it.
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:47 am

    George Bush killed our economy. Where were you? Oh wait! You were feeling good with the fascist dictatorship hence the Bush-shaped dildo up your ass during those years and the same one that is still there!

  317. Bluestocking says:

    No but it will kill the economy, just like what’s happening in Greece. Not a good plan. When the riots start progressives will blame the right for not pumping enough money into it. — Ekidon


    For your information, one of the reasons why the Greek economy is collapsing is because the government was apparently cooking the books by deliberately hiding their debts…which, if my understanding is correct, is very similar to what the executives at Enron did in order to artificially inflate profits. You are aware of this, are you not?

  318. ekidon says:

    Kay Blame Bush is tired. Your name-calling is tired and your lack of understanding of any subject I’ve seen you post on suggests that you are
    a) very young
    b) just an angry person that needs an outlet

    Anyone who resorts to sexual innuendo and rhetoric should take a deep breath look into the mirror and ask yourself….WHY?

  319. KayInMaine says:

    ekidon says:

    Kay Blame Bush is tired. Your name-calling is tired and your lack of understanding of any subject I’ve seen you post on suggests that you are
    a) very young
    b) just an angry person that needs an outlet

    Anyone who resorts to sexual innuendo and rhetoric should take a deep breath look into the mirror and ask yourself….WHY?
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:59 am

    Stuff it up your a$$ you FASCIST PIG! How’s that for ya? And thanks for calling me a young 40 year old. I appreciate it!

    Now, tell us…who do you blame for George Bush’s 8 years and the fallout from them?

  320. KayInMaine says:

    Tell us what POSITIVE EFFECT Glenn Beck is working hard on for America, ekidon!

    Thanks pal.

  321. KayInMaine says:

    Bluestocking says:

    No but it will kill the economy, just like what’s happening in Greece. Not a good plan. When the riots start progressives will blame the right for not pumping enough money into it. — Ekidon


    For your information, one of the reasons why the Greek economy is collapsing is because the government was apparently cooking the books by deliberately hiding their debts…which, if my understanding is correct, is very similar to what the executives at Enron did in order to artificially inflate profits. You are aware of this, are you not?
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:56 am

    George Bush also cooked the books when he refused to put the cost of his two illegal occupations and his tax cuts for the uber wealthy on any of the budgets!

  322. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  323. Bluestocking says:

    Here’s a link regarding the concealment of debt by the Greek government — and Goldman Sach’s possible involvement in the affair:

    Several passages within the article deserve particular attention:

    “The price of bonds should reflect the reality of Greece’s finances,” Blain said. “If a bank was selling them to investors on the basis of publicly available information, and they were aware that information was incorrect, then investors have been fooled.”

    The swap enabled Greece to improve its budget and deficit and meet a target needed to remain within the region’s single currency. Knowledge of their existence may have changed investors’ perception of the risk associated with Greece, and the price they may have been willing to pay for the country’s securities.

    “From what we know, this is an egregious example of a conflict of interest” for Goldman Sachs, MIT’s Johnson said. “Even if the deal had been authorized, it doesn’t let them off the hook.”

    “Investment banks are guilty of being part of a wider collusion that fudged the numbers to make the euro look like a working currency union,” said Matrix’s Blain. “The bottom line is foreign exchange and bond investors bought something sellers knew not to be the case.”

  324. KayInMaine says:

    We don’t hate the wealthy. We only hate the ones that don’t pay their share of the taxes (Goldman Sachs paid 1% in income tax last year!)!

    Ummmmmmm, imbecile ekidon, Van Jones has an idea for creating jobs in the green sector. Do you not read? LOL! Seriously, you’re a fool but keep writing so we can see how STUPID THE FASCISTS CAPITALISTS TRULY ARE!

    If you support Wall Street companies “collapsing” so they can steal American’s retirement funds, THEN COUNT YOURSELF IN AS A FASCIST CAPITALIST!

  325. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    ekidon says:
    Kay Blame Bush is tired. Your name-calling is tired and your lack of understanding of any subject I’ve seen you post on suggests that you are
    a) very young
    b) just an angry person that needs an outlet

    Anyone who resorts to sexual innuendo and rhetoric should take a deep breath look into the mirror and ask yourself….WHY?

    We understand why you want to forget about bush, get over it.

    The damage done by the republicans under bush will be felt for many years. Accept personal responsibility.

    Oh, I forgot, I’m sure you didn’t like bush and didn’t vote for him. We’ve heard it all before. Suddenly no one voted for him.

    We are not the ones that are angry. We aren’t calling for armed insurrection and rebellion and stirring the racists and the gun lovers into action. That’s your crowd, the nazi’s.

    Namecalling, if you’re too sensitive to be called a fascist liar, don’t post stuff to support the notion or don’t be so thin skinned. I thought you guys were supposes to be the tough guys. Are you a pussy?

    Bottom line, your predictions and assertions mean nothing.

    you want to govern, win elections.

    You want to give advice, succeed at something first.

  326. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    ekidon says:
    Why is it that progressives hate the wealthy so much.

    We don’t hate the wealthy, we hate the greedy.

    When you learn to understand the difference you will be a progressive.

  327. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    ekidon says:

    Stop trying to take money from the people that made it.

    Stop trying? No way. We’re going to take your money away from you and you’re not going to be able to do anything about it.

    We LIKE taking your money.


  328. Game of Life says:

    ekidon says:
    No but it will kill the economy, just like what’s happening in Greece. Not a good plan. When the riots start progressives will blame the right for not pumping enough money into it.

    WTF is wrong with you? White folks don’t start riots? It’s a fact that white folks, mainly young, start more riots than people of color. Your “hood” remark is racist and you know it, therefore you can’t have a rational conversation without flaming.

    Let’s start creating job where people need them the most. Let’s start with people who have the highest unemployment record.

    God, I hate stupid mf like you.

  329. Insidious Prophet says:

    Another excellent article in this mornings Star Tribune:

    Pawlenty the pious: God runs the show – Nick Coleman

  330. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  331. Bluestocking says:

    Why is it that progressives hate the wealthy so much. Could it be that they have given up hope of having success on a level that would make them wealthy? If you have ideas that would generate a business to provide for the social programs you love so much, get out and do it. Stop trying to take money from the people that made it. Self reliance is dead with progressives and that is what is missing from any of the debates on this site. All I hear is give me, give kme, give me. Where is the pride in a job well done and the satisfaction of knowing you were successful at anything but making enough noise to get someone to pay you just to stop shouting. — Ekidon


    So what you’re saying is that at least in your opinion, the executives at Enron — and therefore, the Greek government — did absolutely nothing wrong or unethical?

  332. Insidious Prophet says:

    ekidon, a word of advice. Stop embarrassing yourself and go away. You are nothing but a right wing drone who has no critical thinking skills and allows others to think for you.

  333. KayInMaine says:

    Pete’s comment at #24 needs to be repeated:

    pete says:

    I don’t aspire to public service so I can express what I really feel about Becky.

    I don’t love Becky. I don’t like him. I don’t trust him. I don’t respect him. I am convinced that he is responsible for some of the recent rise in Reichwing violence, especially the guy who killed three police officers because Becky told him “Obama will take your guns”.

    I am adamantly opposed to any corporation that continues to give this insane freak air-time. I will not tolerate his presence on the radio or t.v. I sincerely hope that Becky dies penniless, alone, neglected, in unbearable agony and rotting away in his own excrement. Heck! I would even be happy to supply the excrement needed for even-depth coverage should his own supply dwindle. He’s an enemy of our country and, if we live to see the U.S. military engaged in combat with American citizens in American towns and cities? Becky will be among those who are responsible.

    That being said, I think I dislike Becky’s family more than the disgusting shit-bag himself. Anyone who would allow a family member to broadcast his continuous mental breakdowns must be a vile, self-centered, greedy POS. The poor guy needs psychiatric care and his family is letting him continue down the crapper so long as the checks keep rolling in.

  334. KayInMaine says:

    Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins voted 80-88% of the time for George Bush’s economic and foreign policies! They are to blame along with the other teabaggers in our Congress for the demise of our country. I will never vote for them, but unfortunately, being the “We Support the King” FASCISTS they are, they’ve convinced Maine’s MSM that they are CENTRIST MODERATES!

    Fox News is owned by a half-Jew, the Muslims, and the Chinese Communists! You support them. YOU ARE TO BLAME! You’ve been sold a bill of goods. Way to support the enemy, ekidon! Again, you’re to blame!

  335. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    ekidon says:
    Poor Kay

    condescention from people who just failed on a mega scale just means that you hate success and don’t know how to do it but by god you don’t want anyone else to show that it can be done. I understand why.

  336. Game of Life says:

    Crybaby becky snot is just as racist as ever.

    Will it be the founders country or the one you pushed when with storm?

    wtf is the founders country?
    wtf is storm?

    becky, may you go down faster. Oh wait, mooseyak and becky are joining forces…what?

    Seems like you two idiots have to merge to make it the repug/teatard stupidfest of the month. Is the stupid money drying up?


    And kma

  337. aaronk says:

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  338. KayInMaine says:

    A question for the neck drooling knuckle dragging ekidon:

    Who do you blame for George Bush’s 8 years?

  339. KayInMaine says:

    aaronk says:

    i’ve never seen so much liberal hate on one thread in my life. I am regusted. And Tprop should be ashamed of their antics… if they have any sense of shame!
    February 28th, 2010 at 10:35 am

    Uh oh! A RED COAT has gotten his orders today after sleeping all night under the front porch of the RNC while waiting their for his daily hate scraps!

    And…what does “regusted” mean? Seriously. I’ve never seen that word before in my life. Is it a new word made up by Michael Steele for you to use as you make your rounds today?

  340. Rab says:

    aaronk is regusted, is that like being full of shit?

  341. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    ekidon says:
    So keep calling people names and believing in ideas that WILL NOT WORK!

    You wouldn’t get called names honey if you didn’t walk around the room with your camo panties around your ankles begging for attention.

    Again, what did you ever predict that came true?


    that tax cuts for the rich would usher in a new era of prosperity? Still waiting for that.

    When did you on the right ever do anything that encouraged job growth in America?

    I’m always amused by you guys who have no ideas declaring that proven methods will fail.

    It’s cute in a sad and co-dependent way. Cut the shackles fool. Be a man.

  342. KayInMaine says:

    What ideas do the RED COATS (The Americna Taliban aka the republic party) have for fixing our nation? Huh eKIDon? List them out for us. We truly want to know!

  343. Rab says:

    Trolls need to shake off the shackles of repuggery and join humanity.

  344. uutrinko says:

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  345. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    You guys know aaronk claims to be an independent businessman with 25 employees don’t you?

    aaronk says:
    My company covers 75% of the employees care. They have a $25 office co-pay, $15 prescription, and a $5000 deductible for major medical. 80/20 up to $10000, and then 100% covered.

    So lets see, even if this is true which I have no reason to believe. But giving him the benifit of the doubt I still don’t see this as such a great deal.

    One hospital visit that costs 250,000 would still leave you holding the bag for:

    20% of 245,000 = 49,000

    5000 + 20% of 245,000= 54,000

    Now that’s a deal, not.

    And aaronk thinks this is acceptable.

    Not to mention that just about anything that costs under 5000 is NOT COVERED.

    Wow, I am speechless.

  346. KayInMaine says:

    Fred is posting facts this morning! You know what that means….the RED COATS will claim we liberals are making up conspiracies to make them look bad!

  347. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    aaronk says:
    i’ve never seen so much liberal hate

    Like this?

  348. KayInMaine says:

    Van Jones is right, though……republicans are a-holes!

  349. Rab says:

    The only business aaronk has is when he plays with himself down in his parents basement.

  350. ekidon says:

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  351. aaronk says:

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  352. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    ekidon says:
    So keep calling people names and believing in ideas that WILL NOT WORK! Then you can grow old and wonder why the pigs in government won’t take care of you anymore. But I’m an imbecile. What do I know.

    I am old and the so called free enterprise system has failed us now.

    You know nothing, you never have. See hoover.

  353. Rab says:

    How can you travel to sign a statement aaronk when you don’t have a vehicle?

  354. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    aaronk says:
    what have you done lately to stand up for America? Nothing.

    I do more just taking a deep breathe than you have or will ever do.

    I notice you resort to failed rhetoric because facts and the truth are not your friend.

  355. dbadass says:

    aaronk, pretending is fun isn’t it….

  356. drhunt1 says:

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  357. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Rab says:
    aaronk is regusted, is that like being full of shit?

    Not sure; but if the two terms have nothing to do with each other, at least erronk proves that they are not mutually exclusive.

  358. Fred ♪♫♪ says:


    proven liar

    drhunt says:
    #312 angels-I never claimed I was a doctor…it was assumed from my alias for weeks.

    You are such a fcuking liar.

    Exhibit A:

    drhunt says:
    As a doctor myself, I can assure you Tiller was a hack, and NO physician I know has an ounce of respect for what he did. I can’t even believe his wife could live with the man, knowing full well how he “practiced” medicine.
    February 1st, 2010 at 12:35 am

    Just confirming what we already knew — “drhunt” is a fraud and a liar.

  359. Rab says:

    Does Dr. Hunt perform fake medical care on his fake patients for fake money?

  360. drhunt1 says:

    #362 Fred-copy and paste THE REST of my posts…cherry picking sentences in order to discredit a poster is rather sophomoric…wouldn’t you agree?

    Or does the truth frighten you?

  361. eyesopen says:

    Van Jones will be a Senior Fellow with the Center for American Progress and leader of the Center for American Progress’ Green Jobs Initiative while teaching Environmental and Economic Policy at Princeton University.

    Meanwhile, Glenn Beck will be teaching tea baggers how to be as skeevy, racist and self-delusional as possible.

  362. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    Stop trying to take money from the people that made it.

    Being born with money is not the same as making it. I can respect someone who makes a lot of money honestly. (The key word there is “honestly”.) I have no respect for anyone who is born into wealth and yet still feels entitled to the privileges that come from having a lot of money.

    And I have even less respect for greedy people, who think there’s nothing wrong with having more money than they’ll ever be able to use in their lifetimes, and thinking they have every moral right to keep every penny of it.

    When half the money available is collected in the hands of a very, very small minority, the system will no longer function as it is supposed to. America is supposed to be about equality of opportunity, but people who are born into wealth have an unfair advantage over everybody else. Should you be allowed to live a life of wealth and privilege because your grandfather was the one who worked hard and made a lot of money? Because that would be hypocritical of someone who thinks we should all work for our own fortunes, and not to rely on someone else.

  363. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    more predictable drivel

    dochunt still thinks anyone cares what opinion he spouts here. dochunt still thinks his assessment of who or what is “communist” carries any more weight than Sizzler’s claim of who serves the best steaks.

  364. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #362 Fred-copy and paste THE REST of my posts…cherry picking sentences in order to discredit a poster is rather sophomoric…wouldn’t you agree?

    You might as well retire your username, it’s useless for you to continue.

    I linked to the entire discussion so anyone who questions it’s validity can check it out for themselves.

    That’s where you fail, you don’t understand that the stupid shit you say is there forever and we can use it against you daily.

    Nothing was taken out of context. You’re a proven liar.

  365. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    eyesopen says:

    Glenn Beck will be teaching tea baggers how to be as skeevy, racist and self-delusional as possible.

    Jeez. That’s like teaching fish to swim.

  366. dbadass says:

    Or does the truth frighten you?

    No but bullshit posers amuse me…

  367. drhunt1 says:

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  368. KayInMaine says:

    ekidon says:

    Well as fun as this is, I can see that you all will be here shouting the same things in perpetuity. Just keep rearranging the deck chairs and enjoying the music. No there’s no problem, the ship is just fine, nothing to see here. Unfortunately I have to go pay attention to real places that I can make a difference in exposing this type of rhetoric for what it is. Lunacy. Kay go make a solar panel, maybe you can give Van Jones a job.
    February 28th, 2010 at 10:46 am

    George Bush purposely crashed the ship into a seawall. You didn’t notice? Not surprised! You RED COATS will continue to blame President Obama for Bush’s horrendous act, even though Obama has hired people to fix the big gaping hole!

  369. dbadass says:

    I wonder how that little boy with the life saving surgery ever made out….

  370. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Stop trying to take money from the people that made it.

    Wayne, it goes even deeper than that doesn’t it. I mean even if they actually made the money, it wasn’t done in a vacuum.

    The money that’s made is possible because we all pay taxes to support a system that allows that profitablility.

    They need to pay to support the system that allowed them to make that money.

    Without that system, anyone with a gun could take it away from them.

  371. Bluestocking says:

    Who do you blame for George Bush’s 8 years? — Kay In Maine


    Actually, Kay…a better question to ask him would be:

    Who does he blame for the fact that even the Wall Street Journal — which leaned right before it was purchased by Rupert Murdoch — acknowledges only three million new jobs were created during the entire time George W. Bush was in office, not even half a million jobs per year? This despite the fact that the Republican Party — supposedly the party which favors business — held the governmental trifecta (both houses of Congress plus the White House) during half of that period? And despite the tax cut which favored the wealthy and was therefore (at least ostensibly) supposed to help stimulate job growth?

    Despite all this, how did George W. Bush end up dead last out of all the presidents in over fifty years in terms of job growth during his administration?

    Want a link?

  372. KayInMaine says:


  373. Rab says:

    The fake Dr. is driveling alot more today than usual, must have the meth lab working overtime.

  374. KayInMaine says:

    Exactly Bluestocking at #375! Another point lost is Bill Clinton CREATED 22 MILLION NEW JOBS during his tenure and he did it too while taxing the wealthy.

  375. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    drhunt1 says:
    bla bla an avowed communist

    You have successfully made the word communist an acceptable alternative for our young people.

    They watched you villify the word progressive and communist while you failed and lied.

    the bush admin might have been the best thing that could have happened to our county.

    It got a good look at where the right really wants to take our country and America turned it’s collective back on you.

    even brown votes with the dems. That must be painful for ya.

  376. drhunt1 says:

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  377. aaronk says:

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  378. Bluestocking says:

    Still waiting for Kenneth’s answer to the question I posed @302 — and Ekidon’s answer to the question I posed @335…

  379. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    When half the money available is collected in the hands of a very, very small minority, the system will no longer function as it is supposed to.

    Wayne, for me, this is the key element of any debate on wealth and economic policy, and it’s one that teabaggers and wingnuts consistently ignore. For me, it’s not about any moral position. Whether someone “deserves” to keep all of the money they make isn’t the point.

    For me, it’s the historical evidence that a strong middle class supports a strong overall economy, and as the gap between rich and poor grows larger, the economy becomes weaker. Progressive economic policies demonstrably improve that situation and shrink the wealth gap, while conservative policies always enlarge it, inevitably followed shortly by economic crisis.

    As with most issues, it seems, conservatives choose moralistic criteria that appeals subtly to emotion rather than practical considerations that may be less emotionally satisfying.

  380. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:


    I agree. Conservatives, like our visiting trolls, fail to understand how it was that the liberal society we’ve created in this country made it possible for someone to acquire the kind of wealth that people like them think make them better than the rest of us. These are people who equate financial success with social worth – that if you make a lot of money (or just if you HAVE a lot of money), then you must be a better person than someone who is poor. Or, conversely (and pervertedly), if you’re poor, it’s because you are not a worthy person or it’s because you made bad choices in life. There is something pathologically wrong with people who think this way.

  381. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Bluestocking says:

    Despite all this, how did George W. Bush end up dead last out of all the presidents in over fifty years in terms of job growth during his administration?

    Here’s another interesting link on jobs that show exactly why all the predictions of the trolls on how we are failing is fantasy.

    It’s Official: Obama Is Creaming Bush When It Comes To Jobs

  382. KCENDER says:

    drhunt points out the facts as did Beck. Jones is an avowed commie and a truther. It is quite obvious that the “Progressives” have come out of the closet. Prefers to skirt the constitution and our individual rights and freedom. I urge folks to look up “How to Catch Wild Pigs” and you will see the gate is closing and America will become Amerika.

  383. dbadass says:

    Are you tripping?

  384. dbadass says:

    Prefers to skirt the constitution and our individual rights and freedom.
    So individual rights includes reproductive choice and freedom to marry the one your love right?

  385. KayInMaine says:

    aaronk says:

    I turned to Kathrine Jean Lopez and said, “I do this with love of country in my heart and pride of country in my soul” then I signed the second most important document in our nation’s history.
    February 28th, 2010 at 11:03 am

    I remember you RED COAT ninnies explaining to me and other PROGRESSIVE LIBERALS under George Bush that not supporting the president whether he’s right or wrong is proof that we hate America and are traitors.

    What does your own mantra mean today? Where are you in your patriotism and love of country? Please explain!

  386. aaronk says:

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  387. dbadass says:

    Are you afraid of the truth?

    Well you first have to define truth and then you have to be an honest person if you wish others to listen to anything you have to say. Proven liars rarely get respect.

  388. KayInMaine says:

    Under George Bush, the KKK and Hitler’s tactics were worshiped. Bush put the “K” in Amerika. Thank you.

  389. dbadass says:

    aaronk is definately tripping now.

  390. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #368 Fred-you merely linked to an already editted post.

    Are you honestly saying that TP edited your thread to make you look like an idiot and a liar?

    Sorry honey, too many of us were there and watched as you posted the lies with your stubby little fingers.

  391. drhunt1 says:

    #379 Fred-and there is NO DOUBT that Obama is the best thing to happen to America since G. Bush. It has awakened a sleeping giant in the form of an electorate that is now eager to learn how progressivism has destroyed this country. It has mobilized and coalesced voters in ways that I haven’t seen one politician be able to do in my lifetime.

    The polls indicate that I’m right…a factoid that is, no doubt, weighing heavily on the Dems currently. Obama’s agenda has been disavowed by, (drum roll please), his own Party, as they HAD the super-majority in the Senate to pass whatever legislation they wanted…and they STILL couldn’t get it done…a fact that has obviously flown over your head. No surprise here.

  392. KayInMaine says:

    aaronk says:

    drhunt, I believe you are a doctor and a good one who bases his prognosis on the principles of good medicine and the free enterprise system. I would see you first for any ailment I may have and trust in your sound judgement regarding today’s most important health issues. Too bad their’s no (as yet) cure for liberal bigotry.
    February 28th, 2010 at 11:08 am

    He’s a doctor? In what capacity? You must know because “Drhunt” won’t tell us because it’s apparently disrespectful to ask a real doctor or a person with a doctorate what field they have a doctorate in! See?

  393. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    As with most issues, it seems, conservatives choose moralistic criteria that appeals subtly to emotion rather than practical considerations that may be less emotionally satisfying.

    This, ralph, is the entire key to the success of Republicans at the ballot box – they don’t have any good ideas that benefit the vast majority of people, but they do have arguments that appeal to emotions. And when our emotions are tapped, we tend to use our brains less for critical thinking. The Republicans and conservatives depend on this fact to win elections. They, quite literally, depend on the people not thinking about what they’re hearing and, instead, reacting based on their emotions. That’s why they’re always trying to frighten us, or to make us think the sky is falling and we must listen to them to be saved. Because they know that if we stop and think about what they’re saying, we’ll reject their ideas each and every time.

  394. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    aaronk says:

    drhunt, I believe you are a doctor and a good one who bases his prognosis on the principles of good medicine and the free enterprise system.

    And I believe that you, aaronk, ARE drhunt.

  395. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    KCENDER says:
    It is quite obvious that the “Progressives” have come out of the closet.

    Actually, it’s the racists fascists that have come out of the closet. Your racism was kept under control for 40 years but it’s back out in the open again.

    Still think that’s a winning idiology? Really?

    teabagger in the 50’s

    Looks just like:

    a teabagger now

  396. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    the principles of good medicine and the free enterprise system

    Two systems with mutually exclusive goals. Proof that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  397. dbadass says:

    And I believe that you, aaronk, ARE drhunt.

    as well as drhunt1…

  398. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    aaronk says:
    drhunt, I believe you are a doctor and a good one who bases his prognosis on the principles of good medicine and the free enterprise system.

    erronk seems to make sweeping judgments about medical competence based on strange criteria.

    Anyone surprised?

  399. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    True, dbadass, though it should be obvious to anyone with an IQ in the three-digit range (and this would exclude the trolls in question) that drhunt and drhunt1 have always been the same person. (I think he thought we wouldn’t notice.) ;)

  400. drhunt1 says:

    aaronk-thanks for the kind words. I’m reading a book right now…written by Larry Schweikart called, “48 Liberal Lies About American History”. Larry is also the author of another book, “A Patriot’s History of the United States”. Great books. aaronk-we’ve been lied to…actually by both Party’s…but it just so happens that the liberal lies and agenda took the WORLD’S economy down. There is SERIOUS trouble brewing globally…all because of the mentality of the progressive movement.

    These are VERY interesting times…prepare yourself.

  401. dbadass says:

    Anyone surprised?

    No not really. I mean after all he thought Scott Brown was a tea bag loonie just because he owns a pickup

  402. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:
    drhunt1 says:
    #368 Fred-you merely linked to an already editted post.

    Are you honestly saying

    Fred, you could have stopped right there.

    dochunt never honestly says anything.

  403. dbadass says:

    These are VERY interesting times…prepare yourself.

    What do you suggest doc?

  404. Bluestocking says:

    And I believe that you, aaronk, ARE drhunt. — Wayne W. Schneider


    I can understand why your Sockpuppet Detector(TM) might have gone off — but in all fairness, I think it was a false alarm in this case. Both AaronK and DRHunt have been posting here long enough and often enough to make it unlikely either one is merely a sockpuppet (even though AaronK certainly sounded like one earlier).

  405. Rab says:

    A troll messaging to himself on TP, is this the sign of the apocolypse?

  406. Rab says:

    When is the Worship the Sky Fairy troll showing up?

  407. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    drhunt1 says:
    The polls indicate that I’m right…

    Actually, they don’t. You want them to really bad but they don’t.

    See, here’s the thing, you act like you can do stuff but you and your party just failed in a big way, the kind of way that puts you in the minority for decades.

    On top of that, you fail to even get your act together in your own ranks. You are a party divided and independents are running from you

    Any claims that indy’s attend tea parties is fantasy, you can’t even get a handful of spitefull rightwingers to show up. It’s pathetic.

    Then there’s the every day trickle of bad news for cpac:

    CPAC fueled by oil industry cash.


    More division in the republican party:

    Palin Rips CPAC As A Profiteering Convention

    You can’t make this shit up.

    You keep criticizing people who always succeed though. That makes you look really intelligent among the people who live on nothing but hate and fear.

  408. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Bluestocking, this version of arronk strikes me as possessing a different voice than the earlier incarnation.

    It’s kinda like when a crappy metal band with one minor hit replaces the drummer, then breaks up, and then the replacement drummer decides to reconstitute the group with all new personnel and himself.

    It’s the same name, it still produces crap, but it’s different sounding crap these days.

  409. Game of Life says:

    Kay, damn straight Van has it right. repugs are as sholes.

    Every second they prove that Van right.

    The summit proved these as sholes were more concerned about getting bottled water, the podium/lecture, the position of the tables and sissy, b itching thing like that. They came to show how stupid looks and they did a fine job.

    repugs looked more insane as ever and obstuctionist is their friend.

    Thank god that mess ain’t openly governing anymore.

    Excellent posts Fred!

  410. dbadass says:

    ralph’s assessment of the current aaronk is correct which doesn’t suprise me….

  411. drhunt1 says:

    #397 and 398 Wayne wrote: “they don’t have any good ideas that benefit the vast majority of people, but they do have arguments that appeal to emotions.”

    Hope and Change? How’s that working out for you? No…conservatives generally believe in small government, and that small government staying out of our business. Conservatives believe that freedom is a God given right, and that includes the freedom to succeed OR fail.

    Progressives want an utopian, nanny State, where the gub’mint takes care of everything…pays your rent/mortgage, buys your gas(Peggy Joseph is the poster-child for that thinking), buys you a house, even provides health care at no real cost to those that can’t afford it, (mainly because they’re too lazy to work).

    “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson

  412. dbadass says:

    mainly because they’re too lazy to work).

    This part always makes me laugh.

  413. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    drhunt1 says:
    Progressives want an utopian, nanny State, where the gub’mint takes care of everything…pays your rent/mortgage

    The mistake that keeps you in the minority. Thinking that all Americans don’t want the same things you want.

  414. drhunt1 says:

    Hope and Change has been replaced by Fear and Loathing in one short year…and you read it here first…another one of my incredibly accurate/spot on statements.

  415. ekidon says:

    Since Kay likes the word so much…
    Main Entry: fas·cism
    Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
    Date: 1921
    1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    How can you keep spewing this venom. Where is someone suppressing your opposition? You have a voice and are free to use it. Disagreement on social issues does not a fascist make, but I wouldn’t expect less from anyone who could allow themselves to be tricked into believing that we are going to lead in the “green” economy.

    For the record I’m not a fan of Bush either, but if you want to see a real fascist look at Saddam’s record. Mass graves, shooting dissenters, screw WMD, which is constantly stated here as GW’s big lie. At least the Iraqi’s have seen there is another way for the gov’t to operate.

  416. dbadass says:

    No…conservatives generally believe in small government, and that small government staying out of our business.

    Except of course you wish to be free to marry the one you love, die with dignity, control your own reproductive capacity, or smoke an occasional joint in the privacy of your own home… There talking points are so idiotic and full of holes that you sort of have to feel sorry for them…

  417. drhunt1 says:

    “Housing for everybody”, “Health care for everyone”, “welfare for all in need, with no time limits”…sound familiar Fred? Now tell me…how’s THAT idealogy working for ya?

  418. dbadass says:

    could allow themselves to be tricked into believing that we are going to lead in the “green” economy.

    Are you saying the US is not the “greatest nation”?

  419. dbadass says:

    Hope and Change has been replaced by Fear and Loathing in one short year…and you read it here first…another one of my incredibly accurate/spot on statements.

    Please keep hiding what you do from your mother. She had such hopes for you. It would break her heart to see that you are a cyber nobody obsessed with a progressive site…

  420. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #397 and 398 Wayne wrote: “they don’t have any good ideas that benefit the vast majority of people, but they do have arguments that appeal to emotions.”

    Hope and Change? How’s that working out for you?

    Interesting. dochunt thinks that the President is a “socialist” yet all of his proposals boil down to nothing more than “Hope and Change”.

    Sort of logically inconsistent there.

    drhunt1 says:
    Hope and Change has been replaced by Fear and Loathing in one short year…

    Yeah, that’ll happen when the “librul media” trumpets the cries of the Republican minority and the teabagging tax whiners rather than the elected majority…

    That’s all y’all got is “Fear and Loathing” but it does strike a chord with certain LIVs.

  421. KayInMaine says:

    Now the RED COAT ninnies are calling President Obama a “half white racist”:

    YOU’RE ALL PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  422. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    “Housing for everybody”, “Health care for everyone”, “welfare for all in need, with no time limits”…sound familiar Fred?

    Why, yes, dochunt. It DOES sound familiar.

    It sounds like a favorite right-wing straw man, a cartoon version of what the wingnuts think liberals value.

    Yep, we’ve heard that refrain before.

  423. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    ekidon says:

    For the record I’m not a fan of Bush either

    Who Could Have Predicted™?

  424. dbadass says:

    I have a c-note that ekidon is a small business owner who has been a life long “independent”…

  425. KayInMaine says:

    Here’s an example of how the right wing thinks:

    drhunt1 says:

    “Housing for everybody”, “Health care for everyone”, “welfare for all in need, with no time limits”…sound familiar Fred? Now tell me…how’s THAT idealogy working for ya?
    February 28th, 2010 at 11:31 am

    They want Americans living on the streets eating out of trash cans, they want poor/middle class Americans to lose their homes to bankruptcy because of their medical bills, and they believe non-aborted-babies born in America whose parents are poor should be living on the streets, should be cold, and should not have adequate food.

    Van Jones was right…REPUBLICANS ARE A-HOLES!

  426. drhunt1 says:

    #420 dbadass-(btw…the number of your post is fitting) wrote: “Except of course you wish to be free to marry the one you love, die with dignity, control your own reproductive capacity, or smoke an occasional joint in the privacy of your own home… There talking points are so idiotic and full of holes that you sort of have to feel sorry for them.”

    When has the Right precluded same sex partnerships? Just because gays can’t “marry” does not mean they can’t get equal rights under the law as partnerships. The fact that california, a very liberal State, voted same-sex marriage, is no real surprise. Certainly the liberals didn’t push through assisted suicide did they? So how is it that you point your finger of blame towards the Right when the Left hasn’t pushed for it either? And since when does abortion automatically “free” the woman’s reproductive organs from government control? We have choices…and in any law abiding, God fearing country, (which we are, in spite of what BO states), abortion should NOT be used as a form of birth control as a matter of convenience…which it is. Smoking pot? I have no problem with that…but it just drives to the root of the problems here in America…you would rather be stoned than productive. Think the Chinese, East Indians and South Koreans are getting high?

  427. dbadass says:

    you would rather be stoned than productive

    I run productivity circles around you my little plaything… pretending to be a doctor and dicking around online seeking attention everyday is not being productive it is being a socially alienated loser….

  428. aaronk says:

    dbadass says:
    And I believe that you, aaronk, ARE drhunt.

    as well as drhunt1…

    February 28th, 2010 at 11:13 am

    This is quite simply a lie and an untruth of the most scurrilous variety. I have to go now, I have a chess match.

  429. dbadass says:

    I have a chess match.

    I think your best chance is just to place your king on its side on your first move. Good luck with that imaginary small business of yours. Maybe with luck kwsventures might wanna buy you out.

  430. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    drhunt1 says:

    aaronk-thanks for the kind words.

    Since I believe you to be one and the same person, I would consider this an example of pleasuring oneself in public.

  431. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  432. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:

    When has the Right precluded same sex partnerships? Just because gays can’t “marry” does not mean they can’t get equal rights under the law as partnerships

    Um, yes… it does.

    And if “partnerships” as essentially the same as “marriage” why is the Right so committed to blocking semantics?

    But the point that dbadass brings up has not been answered. How is blocking the right to marry in any way representative of “less government”?

    The evidence says that the Right is for “less government” ONLY where it interferes with their ability to make money (or practice bigotry, i guess). When one considers social issues such as Marriage Equality, Abortion, Medical (or even recreational) Marijuana, Assisted Suicide, the Right is far more “big, intrusive government” than the Left ever has been.

    The fact that you can justify this intrusive role for government (as you did above) doesn’t dismiss that issue; it simply confirms your hypocrisy.

  433. aaronk says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  434. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    Think the Chinese, East Indians and South Koreans are getting high?

    February 28th, 2010 at 11:40 am

    drhunt1 says:
    But I guarantee you the Chinese, East Indians or South Koreans could give a rat’s a$$ about your pathetic “need”.

    February 28th, 2010 at 11:48 am

    What is it with dochunt and his repeated willingness to paint entire ethnicities with a single broad brush as part of his “argument”?

  435. dbadass says:

    you’ve been saddled by TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of debt by the baby boomers,

    Then raise my taxes and pay the bills. I don’t mind. See the thing is I have no patience for those that b itch about debts but don’t have the balls to pay them. Tax whiners annoy me less than dipshit cyber wannabees. The later I just feel sorry for. The former are cheap pricks that could handle paying a few taxes if they weren’t such white trash….

  436. dbadass says:

  437. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #432 dbadass-whether, or not, you “run productivity circles” around me is hardly the point. How much more productive would you be if you weren’t sedated by the effects of THC?

    Why should that be the concern of a “less intrusive” government?

    Shouldn’t a citizen have the right to live his life the way he sees fit? Shouldn’t he have the freedom to succeed or fail?

    I’m not sure how this argument bolsters your position of “small government staying out of our business”.

  438. Bluestocking says:

    “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson — DRHunt1


    Assuming that everyone who’s poor and/or unemployed is lazy is the quintessential Social Darwinist argument. We can’t all be stockbrokers, unfortunately — and there are plenty of people in this country who perform thankless jobs, sometimes more than one, for low pay which in an increasing number of cases is not always enough to cover all their expenses but just enough to keep them from receiving any assistance. These jobs need to be done, and the people who do them are still doing what they can to contribute to society — but instead of treating them with respect, people like you turn up your high-and-mighty noses at them and label them “lazy”. Yes, it’s true that there are people who are lazy and don’t want to work…but regardless of what you choose to believe, this is by no means true of everyone who’s less fortunate than you. Contrary to what you might want to believe, net worth does not say anything about one’s worth as a person — and just because someone’s worth less doesn’t automatically mean they’re worthless.

  439. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Not to mention, of course, that dochunt by personalizing his “argument” AND presuming that dbadass is frequently “sedated by the effects of THC” has undermined any foundation of sound logic that he might have been otherwise able to scrape together given his meager resources…

  440. dbadass says:

    darn it ralph, I was waiting for the “doctor” to dig deeper into that hole.

  441. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Bluestocking says:
    “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson — DRHunt1


    Assuming that everyone who’s poor and/or unemployed is lazy is the quintessential Social Darwinist argument

    And it requires one to assume that the American population has over 10% lazy people now, when in the late nineties we had fewer than 4% lazy people.

  442. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  443. Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo ™ says:

    Pretend doctor hunts motto:

    If at first I don’t succeed, fail, fail again.

  444. dbadass says:

    So how did the little boy with the leg that was going to kill him make out. I mean I know his life was saved and all but was the leg. Does he have like a cool titanium one now or something like that or just a nub? Atleast I hope he has a cool scar he can freak the girls out with…

    Can you imagine a life where you just make shit up online for attention? It is so sad and pitiful yet intriguing in a bizarre sort of way…

  445. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    My apologies, dbadass… I was about to congratulate you for playing the fake doc like a Stradivarius; enticing him into justifying government intrusion mere moments after he had boldly asserted that conservatives believe in “small government staying out of our business”.

    It was a masterful performance, and I am ashamed to have blunted its impact by my over-eagerness to take a short jump shot when you were working for an easy layup.

  446. dbadass says:

    It is all good my friend. Hopefully someday the grown men behaving like 14 year olds with daddy’s cb will be able to muster a real team…

  447. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Poor dochunt is reduced to throwing stuffed squirrels onto the lawn and pretending that they are real.

    I’ve told the trolls this before; if they’re gonna try to pull that off, they should at least get real-looking stuffed squirrels, not the cheap pink ones.

  448. drhunt1 says:

    Bluestocking wrote: “We can’t all be stockbrokers, unfortunately — and there are plenty of people in this country who perform thankless jobs, sometimes more than one, for low pay which in an increasing number of cases is not always enough to cover all their expenses but just enough to keep them from receiving any assistance.”

    Tell me about those “thankless” jobs that the lower income citizens WON’T perform because they believe they’re “entitled” to a better paying, less strenuous job? Tell me about those labor unions that have sold their own workers a “pipe dream” of health care benefits and pension plans that are in ruin, because some fat-cat union boss KNEW they had the power to exact their agenda on the owners of businesses all across this country. Tell me how those pension plans are working out for the non-union workers and Americans nationwide.

    (this ought to be interesting…)

  449. dbadass says:

    No wonder the Latin Kings laugh at him when he comes around wanting to hang with them…

  450. dbadass says:

    I wonder if they read their silly shit back later on and feel like they matter or if they are just mordified. I am assuming they don’t because to do so would cause them to face the absurdity and futility of their existance…

  451. Insidious Prophet says:

    drhunt1 says:

    ralph-wasn’t it the Progressives that instituted prohibition? Wasn’t it the progressives that created the Fed and started the Progressive Income Tax laws here?
    To drrunt……NO it wasn’t the progressives who created the FED it was a group of wealthy REPUBLICANS including bankers such as JP Morgan and John Rockefeller along with republican senator Nelson Aldrich who plotted and planned the creation of the FED it at a country club for the elite on an Island called Jekyll Island off of the coast of Georgia. Please get some education before spouting off idiocies. Oh and before you say it, yes Woodrow Wilson signed off on the bill but it was republicans who created and pushed the bill and had it voted on before Christmas vacation in 1913 when many senators had already left town.

  452. drhunt1 says:

    dbadass-you’re confusing conservative views with libertarian idealogy. I didn’t preface my statements by writing that I was a conservative OR a libertarian. Libertarians are pro-choice on abortion and smoking pot…so perhaps you’re a libertarian?

  453. dbadass says:

    where did that phonetic spelling come from?

  454. Jane E. Schneider says:

    Wow. I see aaronk is still tripping, dochunt is still lying, and, yet again, aaronk has to “leave for a chess match” – I’m guessing that means either he has to get another fix or take a dump, maybe both.

  455. Insidious Prophet says:

    Note to the idiot dr.runt, Rockefeller was a businessman, JP Morgan was the banker among other republican bankers and wealthy republican businessmen who created the FED.

  456. dbadass says:

    I am not confusing anything. I am just making an ass out of folks who don’t really need the help but it amuses me all the same… So about the kid and his leg….

  457. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    dbadass, it looks like dochunt is going to pretend that the question of “small government staying out of our business” jibing with the social intrusions he supports just doesn’t exist.


  458. Insidious Prophet says:

    Come on dr.runt, aren’t you going to thank me for your foolish accusation that progressives created the Federal Reserve. Come on show that you are a man and fess up to your mistake.

  459. Bluestocking says:

    ralph-wasn’t it the Progressives that instituted prohibition? Wasn’t it the progressives that created the Fed and started the Progressive Income Tax laws here?

    I think so… — DRHunt


    For your information, the National Prohibition Act was passed by Congress in spite of a Presidential veto by Woodrow Wilson — and it was passed in response to strong pressure from the Temperance Movement, which had the support of religious conservatives such as Billy Sunday as well as feminist progressives such as Susan B. Anthony.

    For future reference, before automatically assuming that anything passed by a Democratic president must have been a purely progressive idea, perhaps it would behoove you to do at least the minimal amount of fact-checking?

  460. Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo ™ says:

    I’m guessing that means either he has to get another fix or take a dump, maybe both.

    ….or left to change his sock-puppet

  461. Rab says:

    The funniest troll is aaronk, “leave for a chess match” ranks as the top bullshit excuse of the year so far. Fake Dr. Hunt better get with the program and think up something better.

  462. drhunt1 says:

    Insidious Prophet-Wilson didn’t just “sign off” on the Bill that created the Fed…he actively promoted it.

    “Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter’s marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Aldrich fought for a private bank with little government influence, but conceded that the government should be represented on the Board of Directors. Most Republicans favored the Aldrich Plan,[26] but it lacked enough support in the bipartisan Congress to pass because rural and western states viewed it as favoring the “eastern establishment”.[5] Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.”

  463. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    dbadass-you’re confusing conservative views with libertarian idealogy. I didn’t preface my statements by writing that I was a conservative OR a libertarian.

    Nor did dbadass preface HIS statements by writing that he smoked pot or abstained.

    Libertarians are pro-choice on abortion and smoking pot…so perhaps you’re a libertarian?

    The logically consistent ones are, anyway… but then, so are most progressives.

    Still, you have yet to reconcile your insistence that “conservatives generally believe in small government, and that small government staying out of our business “ with the oft-noted social intrusions that conservatives routinely and fervently support.

  464. Insidious Prophet says:

    Bluestocking, dr.runt and the other trolls never do any fact checking. They just go to sites like Drudge or Malkin and report their biased ramblings as fact.

    Note the little coward dr.runt has already been proven wrong on two accusations he made by yourself and I but the little coward won’t admit he was wrong. It takes a man to admit he was wrong so I suppose we can guess that dr.hunt is a highly uneducated little boy.

  465. drhunt1 says:

    #464 Bluestocking:

    “While the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the production, etc., of “intoxicating liquors”, it did not define “intoxicating liquors”. A statute would be needed to define the term and implement the Amendment. A bill to do so was introduced in Congress in 1919.

    The bill was vetoed by President Woodrow Wilson (largely on technical grounds, because it also covered wartime prohibition) but his veto was overridden by Congress on the same day, October 28, 1919.”

  466. Rab says:

    The fake Dr. Hunt keeps spewing those tired and debunked talking points. Give up conservapedia fake Dr. and join the human race.

  467. Insidious Prophet says:

    dr.runt says: Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.”
    Duh! dr.runt are you stupid? Do you not understand the meaning of that sentence? Do you think because it has the word Progressive in it that it’s proof of something evil?


    Free lesson for dr.runt: The Progressives were fighting for exactly what you and I probably would agree to. A Central banking system run by the US Treasury Department. In which the US Treasury prints and mints our currency.

    Instead the Federal Reserve type banking system was created. Where the Federal Reserve prints up the money for the US treasury and charges interest on every dollar they print for the US Treasury. The FED is also a privately owned business ran by international bankers. ARE YOU REALLY THIS STUPID?

  468. drhunt1 says:

    #469 Insidious Prophet-please respond to post #467. TIA.

  469. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:

    drhunt1 says:

    No…conservatives generally believe in small government, and that small government staying out of our business. Conservatives believe that freedom is a God given right, and that includes the freedom to succeed OR fail.

    I need you to explain what exactly you mean by the term “small government”. Do you mean fewer employees? Do you mean fewer regulations? Do you mean less spending of money? I hear “small government” from conservatives all the time, conservatives who supported George W. Bush in every single thing he tried to do, and yet George W. Bush made government bigger in every sense of the word. There were more people employed by the federal government under Bush. The Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act were stark expansions of government power. And spending (irresponsible spending, at that) went through the roof under Bush. Yet it was the conservatives in this country, not the liberals, who got him elected put into the White House twice. Please explain the overwhelming support for Bush by conservatives.

    then drhunt1 says:

    Progressives want an utopian, nanny State, where the gub’mint takes care of everything…pays your rent/mortgage, buys your gas(Peggy Joseph is the poster-child for that thinking), buys you a house, even provides health care at no real cost to those that can’t afford it, (mainly because they’re too lazy to work).

    First of all, I have no idea who Peggy Joseph is, so I’ll just say that she doesn’t represent me in any way. How little you understand what we would like. It’s not that we want the government to do all that for everybody, we just don’t want to see anyone have to die for lack of any of that kind of social care. I know you conservatives are happy when poor people die, but we tend to care more about them than you. I find your belief that poor people are poor because they’re lazy, or don’t want to work, to be highly offensive. I also find it completely unsupportable by the facts. Then again, when do you ever concern yourself with being factually correct in your belief systems?

  470. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Don’t y’all love how dochunt has to reach back almost a hundred years to find something that he thinks he can use to tar progressives?

    It’s like when trolls reach back to Reconstruction to try to “prove” that Republicans of today are the REAL friend of the African-American.

  471. drhunt1 says:

    #472 Insidious Prophet-it appears that I nailed you to the proverbial progressive dart board. “Are you this stupid” is a question you need to ask yourself. Government control of our banking system IS a progressive mantra. You stated that Wilson did NOT support the legislation that created the Fed, yet you’re now seriously backtracking on that statement. You stated that Wilson only signed the Bill into law…but he not only did that, he favored, as did other progressive dems, the creation of the Fed in the first place.

    What does the sound of a digital spanking make in cyberspace?

  472. Insidious Prophet says:

    dr.runt1 says:Most Republicans favored the Aldrich Plan

    There you have it in black, white and bold. Most republicans favored the creation of the Federal Reserve which was created by the likes of fellow wealthy republican bankers, businessmen and republican Nelson Aldrich.

    Thank you dr.runt1 for proving:

    1-That the republicans created and supported the creation of the Federal Reserve.

    2-That you really are an idiot who doesn’t understand what it is that he is reading. Instead you latch on to words like Progressives and Reserve and automatically think you’ve discovered something. Sorry pal, you have been punked!

  473. dbadass says:

    Maybe the kid just has a piece of 2×4 strapped to his nub…. Either way I am sure the “doctor” won’t tell. I am losing interest in this pos pretender and his silly need for attention… It must be sad to have a life reduced to this….

  474. KCENDER says:

    I must ask if you watched the Health Care Reform Summit on Thursday? Who was playing the emotion card? The “Progressives” facts are facts. It is being replayed at this moment. Watch and see the shills at work. CSPAN on now.

    This, ralph, is the entire key to the success of Republicans at the ballot box – they don’t have any good ideas that benefit the vast majority of people, but they do have arguments that appeal to emotions. And when our emotions are tapped, we tend to use our brains less for critical thinking. The Republicans and conservatives depend on this fact to win elections. They, quite literally, depend on the people not thinking about what they’re hearing and, instead, reacting based on their emotions. That’s why they’re always trying to frighten us, or to make us think the sky is falling and we must listen to them to be saved. Because they know that if we stop and think about what they’re saying, we’ll reject their ideas each and every time.

  475. Insidious Prophet says:

    Once again dr.runt has proven that he either doesn’t no how to read or just is too lazy to understand what he reads.

    Show me where I stated that Wilson did not support the legislation.

    You linked a sentence that said Most republicans favored Aldrichs plan. Aldrichs plan was the Federal Reserve, you phucking idiot!

  476. dbadass says:

    What does the sound of a digital spanking make in cyberspace?

    I don’t know but how does that strap on feel wedged so deep inside you?

  477. Insidious Prophet says:

    drhunt1 says:

    What does the sound of a digital spanking make in cyberspace?
    Oh don’t play naive with us little ignorant troll. You and your friends make the sound of digital spanking while you hold your online circle jerks through cyberspace and I bet it’s in 7.1 surround sound too. Yikes!

  478. Game of Life says:

    This is how stupid repugs/teatards are. They repeat mooseyak’s hopey changey little childish quote, but these dumbasses don’t get it.

    Number one, change has happened and continues to happen. repugs can’t stop that. I guess officially electing the First African-American, Black President of the United States of America isn’t a start. President Obama has done more than his share in the first year. Besides, these stupid repugs are actually wanting change from chimpy and believe that hasn’t happened, we are still under chimpy’s reign. We are, in fact, under the after effects of chimpy’s piss poor reign. Talk about stupid.

    Number two, hope is something, wiki say it best:

    Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.[1]

    What? Do you as sholes believe people shouldn’t have hope? Hopes always works for people who tell the truth, are honest, compassionate, caring, intelligent and have the good commonsense that the lord gave ya.

  479. Jane E. Schneider says:

    KCENDER, I watched the Republican shills at work: “Start over”, “Blank page”, “bankrupt our grandchildren”, “government takeover”, blah, blah, fear-monger, fearmonger.”

  480. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:


    First, a little tip. It makes it a little easier to understand what you’re doing if you quote somebody first, THEN make your comment about it afterwards. You did it backwards there. Also, you can either italicize or blockquote the other person, you do not need to do both. Lastly, you can make your comment in regular font, you do not need to boldface it.

    As to what you said, I notice you did not refute what I said about Republicans using emotions to win elections. As for “watch and see the shills at work”, do you mean the Republican shills for the health insurance industry? Yeah, I saw them.

  481. ebbAndflow says:

    “dr” let’s remind everyone how ‘truthful’ and “genius” you truly are:

    Zooey linked to – YOUR WORDS:

    drhunt says:

    As a doctor myself, I can assure you Tiller was a hack, and NO physician I know has an ounce of respect for what he did. I can’t even believe his wife could live with the man, knowing full well how he “practiced” medicine.

    February 1st, 2010 at 12:35 am

    drhunt says:
    #391 Zooey-you should KNOW how bad it is to edit comments to fit your agenda…it just makes you look stupid…don’t you think?

    I only affirmed the conjecture, but only after much delay”.

    Shall I explain to the uneducated what that means?…

    February 3rd, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    drhunt1 says:
    OT-bizarro/linzloo-I’ve got a job, and that much you know. I never stated that I was an M.D. “

    February 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    affirm |əˈfərm|
    verb [ reporting verb ]
    state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly

  482. Bluestocking says:

    Tell me about those “thankless” jobs that the lower income citizens WON’T perform because they believe they’re “entitled” to a better paying, less strenuous job? Tell me about those labor unions that have sold their own workers a “pipe dream” of health care benefits and pension plans that are in ruin, because some fat-cat union boss KNEW they had the power to exact their agenda on the owners of businesses all across this country. Tell me how those pension plans are working out for the non-union workers and Americans nationwide.

    (this ought to be interesting…)– DRHunt


    From appearances, your response merely proves my point — you’re clearly determined to believe that anyone and everyone who works in a store or a restaurant or a customer-service call center doesn’t have a real job and therefore doesn’t count. Most people work those kinds of jobs because that’s what they can get — or are you unaware of the fact that a majority of people in this country don’t have college degrees and often find it harder to advance as a result? And before you go there…it’s no small feat to pursue a degree while working full-time or even part-time (provided that you have the money to do it in the first place) and especially not when you have children. (If it comes to that, consider the number of people in this country with college degrees who are staggering under the burden of student loans because of how expensive it has become to go to college.)

    I can’t deny the fact that unions have their disadvantages as well as their advantages — but like it or not, the plain and simple truth is that most Americans owe most of the benefits of the modern workplace (such as safety regulations) to the unions. Most modern Americans would be appalled and refuse to work under the conditions which most workers were forced to endure in the early days of the Industrial Revolution.

  483. drhunt1 says:

    #474 Wayne-thanks for the reasoned and considerate post.

    Yes…small government is one with fewer employees, less regulations, less overhead, less burden on taxpayers. Take the Dept of Energy, for instance, (there are many more bureaucracies that could apply). The DOE was created in 1977 by Carter to explore how we as a nation can become less dependant on foreign energy…so what have they done since? Nothing. Their budget this year alone is $25B, for what? Take a hard look at California. Calif is the “canary-in-the-coal-mine” for the rest of this nation. Excessive taxes to pay for a bloated government and voluminous entitlement programs have bankrupted the eighth biggest economy in the world. Imagine that. It’s the Progressive liberals in California that have run this economy into the dirt…the Dems have been in control of this State for YEARS.

    Conservatives HAD to back Bush, what choice did we have? Gore? Kerry? Please! For the first several years Bush “was” a fiscal conservative, but all that changed after the war started, and I have no explanation why. Perhaps his book will be informative on this subject. He tried to regulate the GSE’s, he tried to get us thinking about social security investments and TORT reform for lowering health care costs. And while it’s true that the Patriot Act and MCA were intrusive items, I do believe that he was “acting in our best interests” at the time. The fact that they are still in place under Obama is telling, even though I don’t agree with them continuing.

    As far as whom Peggy Joseph is…×8rTb3jI

  484. drhunt1 says:

    #480 Insidious prophet-read your post #460. Like I wrote…you’re seriously backtracking on that statement, or are you now acknowledging that Progressives wholly supported the Fed?

  485. dbadass says:

    Find me one person who is overtaxed in the US. Sure there are plenty of tax whiners but I know no one that is overtaxed. See the thing is a complex large society has expenses. If you can’t handle them, leave….

  486. Moderation says:

    So, Dr Hunt, what you are saying is that you believe it is Constitutional for our State to deny churches the right to perform a RELIGIOUS ceremony that only concerns consenting adults, and acknowledge such a union in the eyes of THEIR God? You do realize this, I hope. You do realize that your position not only creates unequal rights on the ground and yet another “separate but equal” civil situation, but it also flat out, point blank denies CHURCHES and other religious organizations from engaging in religious ceremonies they wish to with equal weight in the eyes of the law as other religious organizations enjoy, right?

    Moreover, you are saying that any non-same-sex couple needs to have thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of legal aid to write up contracts so detailed and comprehensive that they cover the entire spectrum of what the rather extensive area of contract law that covers marriage entails? That, or the entirety of marriage contract law should in turn be broadened such that the term “civil union” and/or “domestic partnership” be added whole hog to every single solitary piece of legislation regarding said subject?

    What a pathetically laughable position.

    What would you say if the State likewise stepped in and made it law that Catholics cannot marry (but can have a civil union with) Protestants, that the Irish cannot marry (but may have a civil union with) the Scottish, that no one can marry (but may join in a civil union) if there are more than 20 years difference in age, that atheists and/or agnostics cannot marry at all (but may have a civil union), that all marriages (but not civil unions) that do not produce a child within the first 5 years are automatically dissolved, and so on, and so forth? Because THAT is how pathetically arbitrary this is.

    No, see, the problem is that you want to enforce your dogmatic beliefs on others, yet you do not want to say that publicly for you on some level understand how hypocritical and unconstitutional it is.

    Really, all that needs to happen is that the term marriage as defined legally simply needs to include the contractual, state-acknowledged union of two (or more) consenting adults to join their assets together in the manner the state currently acknowledges such unions between one man and one woman, but the colloquial use of the term marriage remains intact such that certain churches can define it one way, and others in another way. The end. But, you see, the fundamentalists cannot allow such a thing. Why? The moment that the definition of marriage is very specific in the eyes of the law, and otherwise left to the individual churches and religious groups within the eyes of said group, that wedge issue disappears. The ONLY reason it is effective AT ALL at the moment is because the dogmatists have the weight of law backing their perverse view, as two disparate meanings of a specific term (marriage) are conflated. The moment a church is allowed to legally acknowledge the union of two members of the same sex, while those churches who do not wish to acknowledge such unions may continue to not do so, the entire fundie stance will crumble in precisely the same manner it did with regards to anti-miscegenation.

    And they know it.

    So they’re fighting tooth and nail to keep this unconstitutional double standard on the books, and away from the SCOTUS as they can. The moment it goes before a SCOTUS, unless perhaps (and only perhaps) that SCOTUS is astonishingly activist in nature, the fundies lose, lose, lose.

    Hypocrite. Stop pushing your dogma on the rest of us, and stop denying loving relationships from enjoying the same weight of law as those relationships YOU happen to cherish.

  487. Insidious Prophet says:

    Where did dr.runt1 run off to?

    Did the little coward finally take the time to read and understand what he read? Did a little light bulb finally go off in his pea sized brain? Did he finally realize that he was totally wrong and did not understand what he was reading.

    Did he not understand that republican senator Nelson Aldrichs plan was in fact the creation of the Federal Reserve?

    Did he not understand that the Progressives who were against the Aldrich plan and favored a government owned and operated reserve banking system meant that the Progressives were all for a government controlled reserve banking system NOT a reserve banking system ran by Wall Street types like Rockefeller, Warburg, Morgan….?

    I swear to God I have seem some very ignorant arguments made here by trolls over the year but the recent one made by dr.runt1 takes the cake as the most dumbest, most asinine, most clueless argument I have ever seen in my life!

  488. drhunt1 says:

    #492 Moderation-that very subject was put to the popular vote litmus test in a VERY liberal State, California, and lost by a 2:1 margin. Don’t blame conservatives.

  489. dbadass says:

    Maybe the kid just drags his dead leg behind him like dragging anchor. Seems the “doctor” is the one pedalling backwards. Face it clown you serve no purpose but to amuse us…

  490. drhunt1 says:

    #493 Insidious prophet-sigh…do I have to? OK…

    “The chief of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions—one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them.[21] Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing Germany’s monetary system he came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond system that he had previously supported.”

    “Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter’s marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Aldrich fought for a private bank with little government influence, but conceded that the government should be represented on the Board of Directors. Most Republicans favored the Aldrich Plan,[26] but it lacked enough support in the bipartisan Congress to pass because rural and western states viewed it as favoring the “eastern establishment”.[5] Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.[26] Conservative Democrats fought for a privately owned, yet decentralized, reserve system, which would still be free of Wall Street’s control.[26] The Federal Reserve Act passed Congress in late 1913[27][28] on a mostly partisan basis, with most all Democrats in support and most Republicans against it.[29] The plan that was adopted as the Federal Reserve Act had similarities to the Aldrich plan, but the balance of public and private control was modified.[5][29]

  491. Insidious Prophet says:

    dr.runt has returned.

    Explain to me dr.runt what this sentence means?

    Republicans support Aldrichs plan

    Than read very slowly about what Aldrichs plan was. Here is a hint. It was the creation of the Federal Reserve bank which would be owned and operated as a private business by wealthy bankers and Wall Street types.

    Than dr.runt try and explain the meaning of this:

    Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.”

    I will attempt to educate you one more time with the hope that you do not look so incredibly stupid in the future.

    Progressive Democrats were against a privately owned and operated reserve banking system being pushed by Republican senator Nelson Aldrich. Progress democrats wanted our reserve banking system owned and operated by the government ie the US Treasury.

    Now for more history read about what Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson thought about private reserve banking systems who could charge the government high interest rates on money they printed for the government as opposed to the government, through the congresses constitutional power to print and coin the US currency…..interest free.

    End of lesson.

  492. dbadass says:

    Hey doc, was it his right leg or was it the left? Come on pussyboy you can just makes something up. Flip a coin if you have to…

  493. Insidious Prophet says:

    Sorry dr.runt1 I have wasted enough time on this subject with you. I cannot fix the stupid that is you. Buh bye little idiot!

  494. dbadass says:

    I have wasted enough time on this subject with you. I cannot fix the stupid that is you.

    pretenders are all about attention not substance…

  495. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:


    Is it too much trouble to provide a link to your source? For all we know, you may have edited what you quoted and just assumed none of us would check.

  496. Moderation says:

    Tyranny of the masses is no excuse. That is a tired, worn out stance that has zero merits, and was in fact pointedly one of the intentions of our democratic republic as the Founders set up our government. The problem in California is that ballot initiatives that can have weight of law are put up to a straight up or down vote of the citizenry. That puts a firm grip of “tyranny of the masses” in the hands of that state, which is precisely contrary to the intentions of our system of governance as it was laid out by our Founders.

    You also assert that California is a “very liberal” state. Ha, that is laughable. California is very much on the fence when the entire population of the state is observed. Just because Orange County is a liberal bastion, and the populace is just barely leaning blue in the state on average, doesn’t make the state “very liberal”.

    What’s your position on slavery than, sir? To use the metric of standards you state in the above post, the only logical conclusion one can reach is that you believe the Southern states should in fact be allowed to own slaves, simply because the majority says so. And a majority, well over even 66.6%, would indeed have voted in favor of keeping slavery were it put up to such a vote. Their representatives, too, would have voted in such a manner.

    You also, per your own standard posted multiple times in this thread and others, simply must believe that any state who votes against interracial marriages should have that vote and the resulting law upheld, and thus in such states such unions should be illegal. To assert a position contrary to that would be hypocritical.

    Why do you think I specifically pointed out the need for the issue to go before the SCOTUS, sir? You think such inanity as what you posted hasn’t occurred to me? You overestimate yourself.

    So, about that rhetorical spanking you inquired about earlier of another poster…how DOES that feel, anyhow? I am afraid I’ve not been privvy to such a position yet, but you quite obviously have.

  497. Bluestocking says:

    The bill was vetoed by President Woodrow Wilson (largely on technical grounds, because it also covered wartime prohibition) but his veto was overridden by Congress on the same day, October 28, 1919.” — DRHunt1


    If you’re going to copy-and-paste a direct quote, the very least you could do in the interest of courtesy and respect (let alone ethics) is to cite your source. And you accuse other people of being lazy???? It would have taken you all of five additional seconds…

    Your response also doesn’t change the essential facts — regardless of his reasons, Wilson chose to veto the bill and Congress passed it anyway by overriding his veto. It also doesn’t change the fact that Prohibition was supported by conservatives as well as progressives. You should also take into account the fact that Wilson suffered a severe stroke in the earlier part of October 1919 which left him bedridden for weeks and confined to a wheelchair for several months after that attended almost exclusively by his wife and his doctor — so any claims regarding Wilson’s motivations for vetoing the bill are at least somewhat subject to speculation.

  498. dbadass says:

    Now does anyone know if Wilson had a real doctor or a pretend doctor?

  499. drhunt1 says:

    Insidious Prophet-first you write: “Did he not understand that republican senator Nelson Aldrichs plan was in fact the creation of the Federal Reserve?”

    But then when shown that Aldrich’s plan was voted against, still doesn’t quite understand. OK…let’s try this again…

    Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.[26] Conservative Democrats fought for a privately owned, yet decentralized, reserve system, which would still be free of Wall Street’s control.[26] The Federal Reserve Act passed Congress in late 1913[27][28] on a mostly partisan basis, with most all Democrats in support and most Republicans against it.”

  500. Insidious Prophet says:

    The clubhouse is where the Federal Reserve System was created. Let’s retell that story in detail and see how it came about. The year was 1910, that was three years before the Federal Reserve Act was finally passed into law. It was November of that year when Senator Nelson Aldrich sent his private railroad car to the railroad station in New Jersey and there it was in readiness for the arrival of himself and six other men who were told to come under conditions of great secrecy. For example, they were told to arrive one at a time and not to dine with each other on the night of their departure. They were told that should they arrive at the station at the same time they should pretend like they didn’t even know each other. They were instructed to avoid newspaper reporters at all cost because they were well-known people and had they been seen by a reporter they would’ve asked questions. Especially if two or three of them had been spotted together, this would’ve raised eyebrows and they would’ve asked a lot of questions. One of the men carried a shotgun in a big black case so that if he had been stopped and asked where he was going he was prepared to say that he was going on a duck hunting trip. The interesting thing about that part of the story is that we find out later from his biographer that this man never fired a gun in his life, in fact he borrowed that shotgun just to carry with him on this trip as part of the deception.

  501. drhunt1 says:

    #505 let’s try this again…

    Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.[26] Conservative Democrats fought for a privately owned, yet decentralized, reserve system, which would still be free of Wall Street’s control.[26] The Federal Reserve Act passed Congress in late 1913[27][28] on a mostly partisan basis, with most all Democrats in support and most Republicans against it.”

  502. Insidious Prophet says:

    Once they got on board the private railroad car this pattern continued. They were told to use first names only, not to use their last names at all. A couple of the men even adopted code-names. The reason for that is so that the servants on board the train would not know who these people were. They were afraid that if the servants would talk about it then the word would leak out and it might get into the press. They traveled for two nights and a day on board this car and they arrived after a 1,000 mile journey to Brunswick, Georgia. From there they took a ferry across the inland straits and they ended up on Jekyll Island in the clubhouse where for the next nine days they sat around the table and hammered out all the important details of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. When they were done they went back to New York.

    For quite a few years thereafter these men denied that any such meeting took place. It wasn’t until after the Federal Reserve System was firmly established that they then began to talk openly about their journey and what they accomplished. Several of them wrote books on the topic, one of them wrote a magazine article and they gave interviews to newspaper reporters so now it’s possible to go into the public record and document quite clearly and in detail what happened there.

  503. dbadass says:

    somebody knows who owns them….

  504. Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo ™ says:

    Now does anyone know if Wilson had a real doctor or a pretend doctor?

    Maybe he had a pretend Latin King doctor….

  505. dbadass says:

    Let’s try this again. Which f ucking leg was it you useless piece of lying shit….

  506. Insidious Prophet says:

    Who were these seven men? The first one I have already mentioned, Senator Nelson Aldrich was the Republican whip in the Senate, he was the chairman of the National Monetary Commission which was the special committee of Congress created for the purpose of making a recommendation to Congress for proposed legislation to reform banking. The public was quite concerned in those days over what was going on in the banking industry; a lot of banks were folding, people were losing their investments in banks, they had broken their promise to guard the depositors assets, there were runs on the bank, banks couldn’t give the people their money back. In particular they were concerned over the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few large banks in New York on Wall Street. This is what they called the “money trust” in those days. The money trust was a common phrase. Quite a few politicians had been elected to office on their campaign promise to break the grip of the money trust. President Wilson was one of those politicians that campaigned on that even though Wilson was himself hand-picked by the money trust and financed by the money trust and surrounded by the money trust–all of his advisors and politic cronies. The public didn’t know that at the time and it was a popular issue. If you campaigned against the money trust you were quite apt to be elected and that was what I call “the people you love to hate” money trust.

  507. Insidious Prophet says:

    That was one of the purposes of the National Monetary Commission which was to propose legislation to break the grip of the money trust and Aldrich was chairman of that committee. He was also the very important business associate of J. P. Morgan. He was the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. which means that eventually he became the grandfather of Nelson Rockefeller, our former vice-president. You remember his full name was Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; his middle name being derived from his famous grandfather.

    The second important person there was Abraham Andrew who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He later became a Congressman and he was very important in banking circles.

    Frank Vanderlip was there. He was the President of the National City Bank of New York which was the largest of all of the banks in America representing the financial interests of William Rockefeller and the international investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

    Henry Davison was there, the senior partner of the J. P. Morgan Company. Charles Norton was there; he was the President of the First National Bank of New York which was another one of the giants. Benjamin Strong was at the meeting; he was the head of J. P. Morgan’s Banker’s Trust Company and Benjamin Strong three years later would become the first head of the Federal Reserve System.

    Finally, there was Paul Warburg who was probably the most important at the meeting because of his knowledge of banking as it was practiced in Europe. Paul Warburg was born in Germany and eventually became a naturalized American citizen. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and was a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands. Paul Warburg was one of the wealthiest men in the world. In fact, those of you who are Little Orphan Annie fans will remember Daddy Warbucks. Daddy Warbucks was the characterization of Paul Warburg and everyone at the time was well aware of that fact. I have his photograph in my book and if you compare the photograph to the cartoon drawing you’ll see the resemblance between Paul WARburg and Daddy WARbucks. And while we’re on the topic of cartoon characters, if you played Monopoly, you remember the drawing of the capitalist with the handle-bar mustache and the cigar? That’s J. P. Morgan.

    From: A talk by G. Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island”

  508. This Wayne A. Schneider comment made possible by Zoloft says:


    Please cite your source or provide a link. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to assign it the same credibility as if you had written it yourself.

  509. Bluestocking says:

    As an addendum to my previous post…

    DR, you should also consider the fact that when the 66th Congress passed the National Prohibition Act — which, for your information, was the one passed in October of 1919 and not the bill used to create the Eighteenth Amendment — both houses of Congress were controlled by the Republicans.

    As I said before, you really could stand to do a little more fact-checking before you post…because like it or not, the fact is that I’ve more or less cleaned your clock on this one.

  510. dbadass says:

    All joking aside Insidious Prophet is destroying you. In keeping with your usual strategy might I suggest you simply change gears and start up some new silliness. I mean you could just go away but I realize your obsession with this site and your need for attention probably makes that unlikely. So why not start fresh and just admit that kid with the leg shit was complete crap….

  511. Insidious Prophet says:

    dr.runt says, lets try this again.

    Oh how cute, he is proven he doesn’t no what he’s talking about and than changes the word progressive democrats to conservative democrats as if it matters. The little pinhead still doesn’t get and denies that republicans supported the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System.

    Of course the little clueless pinhead keeps posting that Progressive Democrats instead favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government and out of control of the “money trust,” ending Wall Street’s control of the American currency supply.

    Hello…? Do you have a working brain? Do you not compehend what you are reading. Progressive democrats were against Wall Street control of the American currency supply….Duh, that sounds like a good thing to any intelligent American.

    So keep on posting cut and pasted articles without links to prove that you have altered them to fit your own stupidity.

    As I said earlier dr.runt. You are way out of your league when it comes to the history of the Federal Reserve but this doesn’t mean you cannot recreat history to prove your dishonest rhetoric.

    You my friend have been punked again!

  512. drhunt1 says:

    #502 Moderator-tyranny of the masses? Is that what you call Prop 8 in California? Wow! Last time I looked Obama was elected by that same mechanism, sans the popular vote dictum, although he won that count as well. Perhaps you are right.

  513. ebbAndflow says:

    ‘dr’ will never link to anything substantive – he thinks “op-eds” are proof.

  514. dbadass says:

    under my thumb…. Face it clown boy, I’ve got all day and it will only get worse….

  515. drhunt1 says:

    The banking and currency reform plan advocated by President Wilson in 1913 was sponsored by the chairmen of the House and Senate Banking and Currency committees, Representative Carter Glass, a Democrat of Virginia and Senator Robert Latham Owen, a Democrat of Oklahoma. According to the House committee report accompanying the Currency bill (H.R. 7837) or the Glass-Owen bill, as it was often called during the time, the legislation was drafted from ideas taken from various proposals, including Aldrich bill.[6] However, unlike the Aldrich plan which gave controlling interest to private bankers with only a small public presence, the new plan gave controlling interest to a public entity, the Federal Reserve Board, with a measure of autonomy to Reserve Banks which, for a period of time, were allowed to set their district’s own discount rate. Also, instead of the proposed currency being an obligation of the private banks, the new Federal Reserve note was to be an obligation of the U.S. Treasury. In addition, unlike the Aldrich plan, membership by nationally chartered banks was mandatory, not optional.”

  516. Insidious Prophet says:

    Obama was elected by we the people.

    Bush was selected by the not so Supreme court.

  517. dbadass says:

    I hope the pretend doctor cut up and pasted that kid as well as he does uncited text. What a complete asshat. Again imagine this is your life. It is sad yet intriguing. I suppose this is why I enjoy speaking to the homeless and mentally ill so much…

  518. Moderation says:

    Elections of representatives =/= up or down votes by the citizenry on legal and legislative issues. The very fact that you feel such a comparison is remotely valid should tell all the good (and bad) folks in this forum everything they need to know about your intellectual measure and/or honesty.

    You honestly think a constitutionally mandated basis such as electing officials is equal to the citizenry directly voting on a law?

    Note how you didn’t rebut a single substantive point I’ve made. Nary a one. Nope, one-liners that are fallacious is the best you can muster I suppose. I’m not overly surprised, yet I remain disappointed.

    So, once again, what’s your stance on anti-miscegenation, or slavery, or any other number of disparate subjects that most assuredly WOULD now, or in the past when appropriately brought up before We the People, be voted in favor of by said People, yet never upheld by the SCOTUS? C’mon, you can do it! Surely you can answer such a simply query, yes?

  519. Bluestocking says:

    Note to TP denizens:

    The topic of this thread is supposed to be Van Jones and Glenn Beck…and unfortunately, even though we’ve managed to refute DRHunt’s arguments, it cannot be denied that we’ve unwisely allowed him to hijack the thread and lead our attention away from the matter at hand (which is probably exactly what he wanted). I recommend that we regroup and ignore any future attempts on DR’s part to derail the thread.

  520. Insidious Prophet says:

    Carter Glass, a Democrat of Virginia and Senator Robert Latham Owen, a Democrat of Oklahoma.

    Very good dr.runt1.

    Do you know about Glass or Owen? Yes they were democrats. They were also very wealthy. Aldrich and the others behind the creation of the Federal Reserve knew they couldn’t get bipartisan support for the bill so they recruited Glass and Owen.

    Does this excuse Glass and Owen? No? This was a way to fool the rest of congress into supporting the bill. Originally Aldrich was going to put his name on the bill but was told his name attached to any banking reform bill would cause suspicion. Than of course the bankers used reverse psychology to help get support by going public and saying the bill was a bad bill. Most in congress in public fell for the ploy, thinking if the wealthy bankers are against the bill it must be a good bill….the rest is history.

    You can spin the history all you want to but you cannot rewrite history to back your own facts. And the fact is as you orginally stated, Most Republicans Support Aldrich Plan

    So in essence you unknowingly or cluelessly support the federal reserve.

    Now shall we move on to how republican senator Phil Gramm pushed for the repeal of The Glass-Steagall Act and pushed for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which helped lead to our current financial mess.

  521. Insidious Prophet says:

    I agree Bluestocking! I will end with the free FED lesson for the very ignorant dr.runt1.

  522. dbadass says:

    I recommend that we regroup and ignore any future attempts on DR’s part to derail the thread.

    But I so enjoy belittling this sad little sack under all of his false identities…

  523. Insidious Prophet says:

    I bet the trolls will be rooting for Canada today in the gold medal hockey game.

  524. Jane E. Schneider says:

    But I so enjoy belittling this sad little sack under all of his false identities…

    dbadass, I’m sure that you’ll have plenty more opportunities to belittle the faux doctor under any name…

  525. dbadass says:

    Hi Jane:
    I am sure of that. I have wasted enough time today. I am going to make a little pork and sauerkraut and do some paperwork to prep for the week. Hope you two and the cats are well. Did you get hammered in that last storm? I was away so I missed it

  526. Jane E. Schneider says:

    db, thanks, all of us are well (well, one of our cats, Pita, had a big-ass abcess removed from her hip and now looks like Frankenkitty, but…) Not too much snow here, but our office and other nearby areas were hit hard.

  527. aaronk says:

    In a moment our brave boys will be representing us in the finals of Olympic Hockey competition. I don’t expect anyone from TP to be watching because all of the U.S. team members are white. This kind of reverse racism has not gone unnoticed by the independent voters of America.

  528. dbadass says:

    Now would you like to show us what New Zealanders think of that d-bag Beck or doesn’t that fit your agenda?

  529. livelongandprosper says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    I bet the trolls will be rooting for Canada today in the gold medal hockey game.

    I understand your thinking, but I’m liberal and Canadian! GO CANADA GO.

    I’m also a fan of sport and hope we can witness a fast, exciting and close game.

    Congrats to the USA for getting the most medals.

  530. aaronk says:

    Thanks ekidon, by the way if you scroll down you can see a picture of Jones with that scum bag Bono of the acid rock group U2. This is quite simply nauseating.

  531. dbadass says:

    How badly did you lose?

  532. dbadass says:

    regioanl championships take less than three hours? Must be a mighty small region….

  533. aaronk says:

    dbadass, you obviously know nothing of chess. You should stick to figure skating and ice dancing and other “queer” sports.

  534. aaronk says:

    I’m leaving now, our brave, white American heroes are about to go on…

  535. dbadass says:

    aaronk would you like to play or would you rather just place your king on its side. I call bullshit on your pretend ass and you won’t and can’t do shit about it because you are weak and a faker and I can kick your ass at will.

  536. dbadass says:

    I’m leaving now

    See ya later pussy

  537. ekidon says:

    aaronk says:


    dbadass, you obviously know nothing of chess. You should stick to figure skating and ice dancing and other “queer” sports.
    Although I find this mildly amusing, could have also said “Don’t you have any cats to domesticate”.

    With that said, we would do better to stick with issues and not respond to personal attacks with more attacks.

  538. dbadass says:

    So ekidon how did you manage to get yourself so trapped with your lose of guns fears only to later claim it was not likely that your guns would be taken away? Are you easily confused or just completely full of shit?

  539. dbadass says:

    we would do better to stick with issues

    Nah. I think you do best when you pretend to be doctors and chess champs and small business owners and shit like that…

  540. ekidon says:

    ekidon->> Rolls eyes. Proved my point issues not personal.

  541. dbadass says:

    Issues like imaginary big government taking away guns? No issues don’t seem high on the list. Weird ass illogical ideology seems more the ticket….

  542. dbadass says:

    Now if you could only find 8 more….

  543. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Even on the dark side of the moon they know YOU are a MORON

  544. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Go FCUK yourself you racist pile of dogshit

  545. dbadass says:

    I quess aaronk lost. Why am I not suprised…

  546. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Did you really say both THIS

    Even in New Zealand they know Van Jones is an absolute scumbag.

    and THIS?

    Rolls eyes. Proved my point issues not personal

    Just how STUPID are you trying to be?

  547. ebbAndflow says:

    aaronk says:
    I’m leaving now, our brave, white American heroes are about to go on…

    February 28th, 2010 at 2:59 pm

    Might want to look up all the nationalities that compromise the USA hockey team. (many are from the former Soviet Union – you know ‘commies’)

  548. ebbAndflow says:


    that comprise

  549. Bluestocking says:

    Even in New Zealand they know Van Jones is an absolute scumbag.

    Try looking around the world at what people think of the progressive movement and it’s policies, which include, how they get attention for certain initiatives. — Ekidon


    Isn’t it cute the way Ekidon implies that one guy in New Zealand with a blog — a guy who supports a minority party within his own government at that (the ACT Party, which only won 3.65% of the popular vote in the last election) — represents the beliefs of the majority of New Zealanders?

    For that matter, why does it really matter what one guy in New Zealand thinks about our government? Is New Zealand a major player on the international stage? No disrespect…but no, not really. Is this man a major figure in New Zealand politics? He doesn’t appear to be. Can he vote in our elections? No. Is there much chance that this issue will affect him directly in any way? No. So why is his opinion by itself particularly significant? Would he give a damn what an American thinks of his government — provided, of course, that he could find an American who actually knows something about the New Zealand Parliament? Uh, no — probably not. So why does he — especially as a soi-disant libertarian! — think it’s his right and his business to stick his oar in on this issue when he doesn’t have any power to do anything about it and it doesn’t affect him in any meaningful way?

  550. ekidon says:

    No what I am amazed at is that anyone in New Zealand would give one cent to even care who Van Jones was, much less be concerned enough to report on it. How many New-zealanders have you looked up until today?

  551. Bluestocking says:

    No what I am amazed at is that anyone in New Zealand would give one cent to even care who Van Jones was, much less be concerned enough to report on it. How many New-zealanders have you looked up until today? — Ekidon



    You’re an absolute riot, Ekidon! You’re the one who posted the link…what made you bother?

  552. womanthereforeliberal says:

    aaronk…racist and homophobe.

  553. livelongandprosper says:

    ebbAndflow says:
    aaronk says:
    I’m leaving now, our brave, white American heroes are about to go on…

    February 28th, 2010 at 2:59 pm

    Might want to look up all the nationalities that compromise the USA hockey team. (many are from the former Soviet Union – you know ‘commies’)

    ebbAndflow, there are no Soviet born players on the US team. Paul Stastny is the only player on the US team that was not born in the US. He was born in Canada. His father was a great hockey play from Czechoslovakia who played in Canada and the US.

    Canada 2 US 1 after 2! Go Canada!

  554. livelongandprosper says:

  555. ekidon says:

    Posted the link, because, as I’m sure you know, Google searches are ranked by certain criteria links, hits, etc. So if this “blogger” across the world is ranking high in a search he has a large following. Perhaps more than TP. So tell me again how stupid I am. Thought you guys were the Gods of “community organizing”.

  556. Bluestocking says:

    Posted the link, because, as I’m sure you know, Google searches are ranked by certain criteria links, hits, etc. So if this “blogger” across the world is ranking high in a search he has a large following. Perhaps more than TP. So tell me again how stupid I am. Thought you guys were the Gods of “community organizing”. — Ekidon


    It all depends on the specific search parameters you use, dude (which I notice you chose not to provide) — you know that as well as I do. Use the right combination of search terms, and you might pull up links which contain all the variables you wanted but which might very well have been buried many pages deep in a broader search because other sites which might have come up don’t have one of the pieces you wanted. I also know that everything looks yellow to a jaundiced eye…and that if you’re determined to find something, you usually don’t have to look too hard to find it. Finally — as I told someone else here on TP not all that long ago — hits don’t automatically mean that someone has a “following”. All they really signify is curiosity. If the number of hits on a monthly basis stays stable or grows ever time, then you can say that this person has a following — but individual hits do not necessarily count as followers. You’re going to have to do better than that.

    And besides, when did any of us here claim to be “gods of community organization”?? Now you’re just being ridiculous. I’ve certainly never made such a preposterous claim, nor would I ever, and I don’t know anyone else here who has.

    Just in passing…how come you avoided answering the question I posed to you @335? I never did get an answer to that one…

  557. ekidon says:

    No time for @335 but will qualify.

    Van Jones Storm Founder -were the search terms. I believe the page was #4.

  558. drhunt1 says:

    Bluestocking-could you please condense your posts/points? Reading through them is tedious especially considering that the point could be made using much less verbosity. TIA

  559. aaronk says:

  560. ebbAndflow says:

    Canada Defeats US For Gold In Olympic

  561. Bluestocking says:

    No time to answer the question at 335?? It was a very simple and straightforward question requiring nothing more than a simple “yes” or “no”. It was posted over six hours ago, and it probably would have taken you less time to answer it than it took you to type your last post…so the claim that you “don’t have time” frankly just doesn’t wash. Why not simply admit that you don’t want to answer?

  562. ebbAndflow says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #151 P.D.-no hissy-fit here…you’re the one that’s avoiding the tough questions. Why is that? Afraid of getting exposed?

    February 27th, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    drhunt1 – exposed as the liar he is:

    “dr” let’s remind everyone how ‘truthful’ and “genius” you truly are:

    Zooey linked to – YOUR WORDS:

    drhunt says:

    As a doctor myself, I can assure you Tiller was a hack, and NO physician I know has an ounce of respect for what he did. I can’t even believe his wife could live with the man, knowing full well how he “practiced” medicine.

    February 1st, 2010 at 12:35 am

    drhunt says:
    #391 Zooey-you should KNOW how bad it is to edit comments to fit your agenda…it just makes you look stupid…don’t you think?

    I only affirmed the conjecture, but only after much delay”.

    Shall I explain to the uneducated what that means?…

    February 3rd, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    drhunt1 says:
    OT-bizarro/linzloo-I’ve got a job, and that much you know. I never stated that I was an M.D. “

    February 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm

  563. Teague1985 says:

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  564. Bluestocking says:

    Teague1985 @572…

    Flagged for spamming. Your post is not relevant to the focus of this site, never mind this thread. Why would anyone want to buy anything from people who clearly don’t understand the principles of good marketing?

  565. Jigolo says:

    Bluestocking-could you please condense your posts/points? Reading through them is tedious especially considering that the point could be made using much less verbosity. TIA


  566. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    aaronk says:

    dbadass, you obviously know nothing of chess. You should stick to figure skating and ice dancing and other “queer” sports.

    Chess geek calls someone “queer”….sounds like a small man complex to me.
    You should stick to doing something about your acne.

  567. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    aaronk says:

    Fu(k verboisty.

    I agree. I once had a verboisty that was slightly undercooked and was puking my guts out for a week.

  568. Bluestocking says:

    Bluestocking-could you please condense your posts/points? Reading through them is tedious especially considering that the point could be made using much less verbosity. TIA — Jigolo


    Could you please make an effort to come up with something original instead of merely copying-and-pasting what someone else already said (without even having the courtesy to give him credit for it)?

    Dude, even for a troll…that’s beyond lame.

  569. Bluestocking says:

    I notice that when responding to Jones’s comment, Beck still couldn’t resist taking a shot at him. Clearly, Beck doesn’t comprehend that an olive branch is not meant to be used as a weapon…

    I stand by what I said before — no matter what religious beliefs Jones might have (if any), he has in the course of this exchange actually done a better job than Beck (the self-professed Christian) has at embodying the principles advocated by Jesus of Nazareth.

  570. drhunt1 says:

    PSALMS 2:9 “You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

  571. drhunt1 says:

    PSALMS 50:21 These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.

  572. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Dhunt will you please STFU your ignorance is just offensive.

    Jeremiah 5 28. 29

    Their evil deeds have no limit;
    they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it,
    they do not defend the rights of the poor.

    29 Should I not punish them for this?”
    declares the LORD.
    “Should I not avenge myself
    on such a nation as this?

  573. drhunt1 says:

    Proverbs 13:4 The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.

    23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

  574. drhunt1 says:

    “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson

  575. drhunt1 says:

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”.-Thomas Jefferson

  576. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    “Doc” quotes the Old Testament to respond to Bluestocking’s New Testament-based assertion.

    Hey, since we’re there, can I quote the part where God says it’s okay to own slaves?

  577. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    KUBRICK 12:3 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

  578. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are a worthless, soulless pathetic pile of dogshit and an ignorant punkass troll. Go FCUK yourself

    I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever. Thomas Jefferson …

    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
    ~ Bertrand Russell

    It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you. It’s what you know that just isn’t so.
    ~ Satchel Paige

    The modern conservative is engaged in one man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
    ~ John K. Galbraith

  579. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    All brainwashing and no intellect makes morons like dhunt


  580. drhunt1 says:

    PROVERBS 24 “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor”.

    “…it’s just very, very hard for white people to hear the pain of the subjugated people in this country…”-Van Jones

  581. Bluestocking says:

    Ah, but Eugene…you left out one of the very best ones!

    “I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservatives.” (John Stuart Mill)

  582. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    drhunt1 says:

    PROVERBS 24 “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor”.

    “…it’s just very, very hard for white people to hear the pain of the subjugated people in this country…”-Van Jones

    You just proved Van Jones’ point.

    Since it’s obviously the fault of Africans that they were taken into slavery?
    Lovely “Christian” justification there, “Doc.”

  583. Bluestocking says:

    “What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’ (Matthew 5:11)

    You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? (Matthew 5:43-47)

    Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)

    Do to others as you would like them to do unto to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12)

    Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.’ (Matthew 21:41-45)

    Don’t let evil overcome you, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)

    And most of those words came from the mouth of the man whom Christians would consider the ultimate authority!

  584. drhunt1 says:

    “Always the assumption is that the deficiency lies with the people of color.”-Van Jones

    “It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.”-Thomas Jefferson

  585. drhunt1 says:

    Matthew 7:3-5 is a great verse…one that should be required reading for all whom contribute here…

  586. drhunt1 says:

    “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”-Thomas Jefferson

  587. Bluestocking says:

    Matthew 7:3-5 is a great verse…one that should be required reading for all whom contribute here… — DRHunt1


    A little reminder, dude…”all whom contribute here” means you’re not exempt, either. As I’ve observed in the past, I at least try to address someone’s argument respectfully instead of merely resorting to ad hominems. I can’t deny that there are plenty of people on this board (on both sides) who can’t say the same…but the only behavior I can do anything to control is my own.

  588. ebbAndflow says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #151 P.D.-no hissy-fit here…you’re the one that’s avoiding the tough questions. Why is that? Afraid of getting exposed?

    February 27th, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    drhunt1 – exposed as the liar he is:

    “dr” let’s remind everyone how ‘truthful’ and “genius” you truly are:

    Zooey linked to – YOUR WORDS:

    drhunt says:

    As a doctor myself, I can assure you Tiller was a hack, and NO physician I know has an ounce of respect for what he did. I can’t even believe his wife could live with the man, knowing full well how he “practiced” medicine.

    February 1st, 2010 at 12:35 am

    drhunt says:
    #391 Zooey-you should KNOW how bad it is to edit comments to fit your agenda…it just makes you look stupid…don’t you think?

    “I only affirmed the conjecture, but only after much delay”.

    Shall I explain to the uneducated what that means?…

    February 3rd, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    drhunt1 says:
    OT-bizarro/linzloo-I’ve got a job, and that much you know. I never stated that I was an M.D. “

    February 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    affirm |əˈfərm|
    verb [ reporting verb ]
    state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly

  589. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    What does the Bible say about lying?


  590. drhunt1 says:

    #598 Bob-I think that post #597 pretty well describes the fact that I haven’t lied. Basically, I stated that I was a doctor but only after a week or so of anonymity. It was only during a discussing about abortion and Dr. Tiller that I revealed that I was. Further, I stated I was a doctor but never divulged what doctorate degree I received. It’s all there in the post…no lies…just lame attempts by cretins thinking that they can refute my message by trying to attack the messengers’ credibility.

    Doesn’t work….and the compilation above fairly well proves my point.

  591. bob lablah (sponsored by Snapple) says:

    drhunt1 says:

    #598 Bob-I think that post #597 pretty well describes the fact that I haven’t lied.

    Your weak word choices (”I think” and “pretty well”) would suggest you’re even trying to convince yourself that you’re not a liar.

    drhunt says:

    As a doctor myself, I can assure you Tiller was a hack, and NO physician I know has an ounce of respect for what he did.

    You can assure us Tiller was a hack because you have—what, a PhD in anthropology? Who apparently happens to hang out with physicians?

    Keep digging…

  592. ebbAndflow says:

    ‘dr’ in what twisted world does “As a doctor myself” dwarf into “I never state I was an MD”?

    You opined on a thread about a physician (Dr. Tiller) attempting to portray ‘expertise’ on the subject. (no mention of a fake ‘doctorate’).

    Then state you never said you were an MD.

  593. drhunt1 says:

    ebbAndFlow-that’s correct…I never stated what doctorate degree I achieved. Bugs you…doesn’t it? The fact remains that I have not lied, and your attempts to discredit me are merely vaporware…a waste of bandwidth. I expect that type of response, however, from the weak of thought and feeble-minded contributors here…I knew “going in” that my attack on progressivism would not make me Mr. Popular.

    Refute my thoughts…argue your position…debate the facts…but attacking my “credibility” only demonstrates a lack of knowledge and intelligence on your part.

  594. drhunt1 says:

    #600 Bob-for all you know, I could be a doctor of pharmacology that works at a hospital. But wtf difference does it really make? How does my profession mean diddly-squat when we’re having a debate about political issues? I mean REALLY? What the heck do you care what I do “for a living”? You should be more concerned about the content of my posts, less worried about my day job and more worried about yours. It really shows an incredible lack of depth on your part.

  595. ebbAndflow says:

    It really doesn’t matter what role you choose to play on the internet – veracity is the key.

    You are a doctor as I am a Falco peregrinus that can type. And you still don’t know if I’m a tiercel or a falcon – it really doesn’t matter.

  596. mr. rove says:

    i love how beck thinks that his paranoid reality somehow reflects what the founders of our country wanted for us.

  597. mari2RR says:

    If you compare the two of them, Jones sounds like a real Christian and Beck sounds like a non-Christian. Jones makes Beck look like a real monster. Jones has real class that Beck can never even get close to. Beck is just so full of himself and it is his most disgusting trait.

  598. evangenital says:

    Who is Trigg’s real mommie?

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?

    Does Ryan Sorba secretly like guys?

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