Think Progress

After Telling Women, Gays How To Live, Oklahoma GOP Outraged At ‘Government Intervention’ In Divorces

Oklahoma flag The Oklahoma legislature is currently locked in a dispute over whether to tackle the state’s divorce rate, the third-highest in the nation. Although some Republicans are pushing the legislation, other conservatives are outraged at the “government intrusion” into their private lives:

Republican members proposed three pieces of legislation imposing new regulations on marriage and divorce in Oklahoma. Two of the measures were defeated, but another — requiring counseling for those planning to wed, and therapy sessions for couples considering divorce — is awaiting action.

The issue has produced sharp clashes among conservative colleagues who normally find themselves in agreement. The debates have featured charges of hypocrisy and of betraying Republican principles against government intrusion into private lives. [...]

“How far do I want government to come into my home and your home about private personal matters?” asked Rep. Leslie Osborn, a Republican from Tuttle, in a debate. She referred to state government as a “huge monster.”

ThinkProgress spoke with state Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (D), who opposes the divorce bills because one hour of counseling — as proposed by one of the measures — won’t make a major difference in people’s marriages:

We know that one hour of counseling doesn’t do anything. We have counseling programs, especially in Family and Children Services…for families that are going through divorce who have children…and those have proven to be very effective. And they’re paid for by our Department of Human Services; they have grants available. They’ve been in place for over 14 years. They have a very high success rate of good outcomes. … They [participants in the programs] sort of laughed at this and said, “One hour, you’ve got to be kidding?” And it can be by anybody — it can be by your priest, it can be by a faith-based counselor.

McDaniel noted that some of the strongest debates on the divorce measures are coming from within the Republican Party, many of whom are against the government intervention. However, some of their concern rings a bit hollow; some of these same lawmakers — including Osborn — have had no problem imposing “government intrusion” into women’s “private lives.” Last fall, the Oklahoma passed a law that would have collected personal details about every single abortion performed in the state and posted them on a public website. (The Oklahoma County District Court struck down the law last month because it covered too many topics for one piece of legislation.)

McDaniel noted that Republican lawmakers are now putting forth several anti-choice measures once again, as single bills. Just last week, for example, the state House passed a measure “that would require a woman be given a description of ultrasound images of her unborn child and be offered those images before getting an abortion.” Rep. Dan Sullivan (R), the sponsor of the abortion website legislation, opposed the divorce counseling bill in a Feb. 22 vote.

Oklahoma also bans same-sex couples from marrying — a clear “government intrusion” into private life that many Republican lawmakers seem to find perfectly acceptable.

Tony Perkins, president of the far-right Family Research Council, said that he endorses efforts to lower the divorce rate, as long as the government does not “mandate” them. “I prefer the carrot versus the stick,” said Perkins, who opposes marriage equality.

481 Responses to “After Telling Women, Gays How To Live, Oklahoma GOP Outraged At ‘Government Intervention’ In Divorces”

  1. braveheart08 says:

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  2. Buckie Boy says:

    Braveidiot, you just did.

  3. braveheart08 says:

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  4. Ape-Man says:

    The GOP has rotted through.

  5. SoapBox says:



    The State of Insanity!

  6. SoapBox says:

    Post 3 …reported as racist.

  7. Ape-Man says:

    Republitroll Alert:

    suspected of:

  8. braveheart08 says:

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  9. Ape-Man says:

    The Repulitroll is deluded. must be a FOX troll.

  10. Badmoodman says:

    state Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (D), who opposes the divorce bills because one hour of counseling … won’t make a major difference in people’s marriages

    – - Gosh, ya mean no one called THAT a “death panel”?

  11. braveheart08 says:

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  12. Ape-Man says:

    Repulitroll, we’re all quite certain that racism is not your only failing.

  13. pags2 says:

    How do you stop stupid when it is the major export for the state?

  14. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Actually, braveheart, we could call you much more than a racist, but this thread isn’t about you.

    On topic – one hour of counseling is indeed a joke, as is mandating it in the first place. Unless both parents are invested in the process and seeking the same outcome, marriage counseling is a waste. Once one of the parties has filed for divorce, it is almost always too late. Further, as indicated it is hypocritical to apply government intervention to save a marriage while simultaneously applying government policy to prevent them and simultaneously insisting that government should stay out of people’s private lives. But then, consistency in ideology is not the strong suit of many.

  15. majii says:

    One would think that OK would be last in divorce rates after having conservatives in charge for so long. Being #3 in number of divorces among the 50 states is a clear indication that their continued dabbling in their citizens’ personal lives has not worked.

  16. dbadass says:

    Do you still have stupid blue shit smeared all over your face?

  17. angels81 says:

    braveheart, Oh boy, another internet tough guy, who thinks he is some kind of bad ass, instead of the racist pussy he really is.

  18. braveheart08 says:

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  19. braveheart08 says:

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  20. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    braveheart08 says: Voted down and flagged.

    flagged for being to ignorant to be close to being called stupid
    but sadly just a big old plop of pond scum cowards cult troll.

  21. Ape-Man says:

    They should offer help if people want it without the gay filter.

  22. Wiz says:

    When Republicans say they do not want government intrusion into their lives, they mean their lives, not yours.

  23. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Oh, braveheart, for your future reference, it was not a hypothetical question, which would be one contemplated but not actually uttered. It was a rhetorical question, one that is asked but one for which no answer is expected or desired.

  24. angels81 says:

    braveheart, just goes to show how stupid you are, size has little to do with how tough someone is.

  25. braveheart08 says:

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  26. noseeum, et al... says:

    I guess the churches in Okeehoma aren’t doing such a great job if the divorce rate is third in the nation…

  27. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:


    so guessing you were home schooled.

  28. noseeum, et al... says:

    Do you live in Okeehoma, bravefart?
    Little sensitive I would say…

  29. Xisithrus says:

    How big was you?

  30. braveheart08 says:

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  31. braveheart08 says:

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  32. Buckie Boy says:

    braveheart08 says:
    … all you can come up with is to call me a racist.

    No we can call you an idiot, a punk, a loser, a jackass, homophobe, crossdresser, child molester also, but your two brain cells can’t process all that at once.

  33. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    noseeum, et al… says:
    I guess the churches in Okeehoma aren’t doing such a great job if the divorce rate is third in the nation…

    well honestly all the barn yard animals found out they did not have to stay in a arrange marriages.

  34. belaccifer lacca says:

    Per this morning’s thinkfast discussion… Braveheart was EXACTLY who I meant when I said some Trolls deserve a F and F campaign… there’s nothing there, it’s an empty hole.

    Flag it, I say.

  35. Xisithrus says:

    I havent said you was racist b<3

  36. braveheart08 says:

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  37. Buckie Boy says:

    braveheart08 says:

    Im 6/6 and 225 pounds

    Yeah, right, so I guess we can put liar on that list.

  38. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    braveheart, you may want to proof your own posts for correct use of punctuation (question mark, commas, and periods) as well as grammatical usage (your and you’re) before you attempt to correct someone else’s posts.

    Do you have anything to say about the double standard or hypocrisy of the OK GOP being discussed here?

  39. JustADumbFireman says:

    “Ape-Man says:

    Repulitroll, we’re all quite certain that racism is not your only failing.”

    – Evidently, grammar is another one.

  40. Wiz says:

    Reckless threats of physical intimidation.

  41. angels81 says:

    braveheart, I’m 6/6 and 425 pounds.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  42. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    @31 LOL

    didnt know they could stack crap that high.

  43. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh great, more hypocrisy from the right!!

  44. braveheart08 says:

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  45. Xisithrus says:

    225 is rather thin for a six six guy

  46. dbadass says:

    but I bet you wouldn’t do it to my face if you saw how big i was.
    Sure I would. I have this thing about lame asses and posers…

  47. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    Because some of us aren’t there to kick your @ss in person, boy. “Big” people are never the ones you have to worry about being tough. So you can talk big. Who cares? I’m not the one who needs to prove I have a big pen!s by talking crap that you obviously can’t back up. Go away.

  48. braveheart08 says:

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  49. braveheart08 says:

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  50. Xisithrus says:

    I mean, I am 6 foot and about 200.

  51. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    I doubt that but your IQ might be 66. Cant you make a single post without it being dominated by your abject stupidity? Cant you go a single thread without letting your inner racist neandrathal out? Just stick a lit roadflare up your ass until you bleed out you pathetic pile of pigshit

  52. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    “I prefer the carrot versus the stick,” said Perkins, who opposes marriage equality.

    Shouldn’t that be he prefers the carrot versus the taco?

  53. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Xisithrus, does thick-headed make up for the general thinness?

  54. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    As a warrior of the divorce wars, I heartily agree with the idea of requiring counseling prior to divorce. Breaking up a marriage, particularly one of many years duration is not the same as selling a car.

  55. Freddie Got Fingered says:

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  56. Luis Chapulin M says:

    Ah, poor braveheart… sounds like he got kicked out from 4chan…

  57. Xisithrus says:

    You live in Oklahoma bheart?

  58. Buckie Boy says:

    angels81 says:

    braveheart, I’m 6/6 and 425 pounds.

    No, no, he had his numbers mixed up. 5/2 266 pounds.

  59. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Me too. And whoever said 225 at 6′6″ is pretty thin is right. Nothing to fear here folks. Move along.
    So who wants to talk about real issues instead of letting this troll dominate the conversation?

  60. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    FOAD troll

  61. dbadass says:

    I’ll call you whatever I wish. So why don’t we start all over again here and why don’t you tell us what the point of your silly crap is? I mean come on now, you come to a site like this and immediately start trying to aggrevate people. Why do you do that and what purpose do you think it serves? I think you are a very little person…

  62. braveheart08 says:

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  63. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    I’m with belaciffer lacca.

    BrayFart has nothing. It’s just attempting the blog equivalent of “suicide by cop”, wants to get banned as quickly as possible, probably to prove that progressive blogs “hate free speech”.

  64. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:



    voted down and flagged for being S.T.U.I.P.

  65. noseeum, et al... says:

    “I prefer the carrot versus the stick,” said Perkins, who opposes marriage equality.

    Now there’s a Freudian slip.

  66. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    Wait a second. I get it: so not only is Braveheart a moron, but he’s a queer too! nice!
    No wonder he’s so scared oft teh gay.

  67. JustADumbFireman says:

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  68. braveheart08 says:

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  69. noseeum, et al... says:

    braveheart08 says:
    “I live in bum liberal maryland”

    How ’bout we call you our li’l blue crabcake?

  70. dbadass says:

    Well then maybe we should sit down over a few Callinectes sapidus and sort of few things out there poser…

  71. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    But, son, you are stupid. It’s fairly obvious.
    Awwwwwwwwww, does that upset the wittle idiot?!

  72. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    braveheart08 says:


    Im 6/6 and 225 pounds

    Wow, that’s one big stack of used condoms.

  73. just the bleepn facts says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    Divorce isn’t a problem in families where the husband makes the decisions and is not weak or homo.

    Is that why you conservatives have such a high divorce rate? ;)

    Thanks for your admission princess! ;)

  74. Xisithrus says:

    Divorce isn’t a problem in families where the husband makes the decisions and is not weak or homo.

    Well, from what I have read on studies of divorce is that some 60% of marriages end in divorce and mostly because of financial issues.

  75. Luis Chapulin M says:

    braveheart08 says:
    What is your point? I can’t express my opinion without having to be called stupid. You act like youre better than me when you have to act like a stupid nig ger by calling me stupid.

  76. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    We call you stupid for the best reason in the world. YOU. ARE. STUPID. It really is just that simple. You are a stupid, pathetic, racist, punkass troll. Do the world a favor and just put a bullet through your useless trollskull

  77. braveheart08 says:

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  78. dbadass says:

    I can’t express my opinion without having to be called stupid.

    I didn’t call you stupid. I called you a poser. In addition to being a poser, I also think you are insincere and an attention whore.

  79. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    What is your point? I can’t express my opinion without having to be called stupid.

    Can’t you? Come up with an opinion that isn’t stupid and I’m sure you can achieve this goal princess.

    braveheart08 says:
    You act like your better then me when you have to act like a stupid nig ger by calling me stupid.

    Project much little racist? LOL! Wow you closet case kkkrackers sure are a bunch of inbred sh!theads aren’t you?

  80. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    just the bleepn facts says:
    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    Divorce isn’t a problem in families where the husband makes the decisions and is not weak or homo.

    Is that why you conservatives have such a high divorce rate? ;)

    Thanks for your admission princess! ;)

    Nice. I wonder if he is the husband or the wife? I think I know. ;-)

  81. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    I’m not sure that F and F for braveheart and Freddie the Finger would be the best tactic. How about just leaving their stupidity showing, without comment? I think they’ve had their opportunities for actual discussion.

  82. braveheart08 says:

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  83. dbadass says:

    noseeum was too fast for me.

  84. Buckie Boy says:

    braveheart08 says:

    What is your point? I can’t express my opinion without having to be called stupid. You act like your better then me when you have to act like a stupid nig ger by calling me stupid.


  85. braveheart08 says:

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  86. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    I have to admit, the more I read the trolls, the less I am sticking to my own F&F vow.

  87. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart is like the married homophobic GOP politician and father of 4 that just came out of the closet this morning after getting a DUI leaving a gay bar… hypocritical, self loathing and pathetic…

  88. angels81 says:

    braveheart, people who come on a blog and call people the N word, are STUPID and a RACIST.

  89. Freddie Got Fingered says:

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  90. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah NO. If my DOG were half as stupid as you I would put him down as an act of mercy

  91. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    An opinion from the sissy? Nah. We’ll ignore that, thank you very much.

  92. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    calling me stupid is just stooping to my level right? so you just might be equally stupid right?

    You think being “accurate” is stooping? How would you know?

  93. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    brayFart says:
    I can’t express my opinion without having to be called stupid.

    Then perhaps you should get smarter opinions.

  94. noseeum, et al... says:

    Have you got crabs now, bravefart?

  95. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    My opinion is does some media group have to talk about gays another day, nothing special about them.

    You mean like faux news all during the bush years when they tried to rally you closet cases to go vote? ;)

  96. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    73, Thanks for helping me make me my pint.

    True. He exposed you for the little homo you apparently are. I’m glad you agree.

  97. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You didnt have a pint. You didnt even have an ounce. FOAD troll

  98. just the bleepn facts says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    73, Thanks for helping me make me my pint.

    Your point is that Conservatives are weak closet cases?

  99. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Luis Chapulin M says:
    Ah, poor braveheart… sounds like he got kicked out from 4chan…

    I kinda figured we were being trolled by /b/.

  100. braveheart08 says:

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  101. braveheart08 says:

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  102. belaccifer lacca says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    And another one with NOTHING to say… ho, hum.

  103. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Well, since you’re offering….

  104. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    Im glad you can have all the humor in the world but if I want to express my humor you have to call me stupid.

    You believe racism and homophobic attacks are “funny”? How long have you worn that white pointy hat princess? Do you put on your high heels when you go out in it?

  105. braveheart08 says:

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  106. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    TheVeritableBuddhist says:
    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    Nice. I wonder if he is the husband or the wife? I think I know. ;-)

    Or as some more traditional folks call them, the “top” or the “bottom”.

  107. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Apparently, regressives can buy a cheap pint of beer for the twenty cents you make posting a few comments at TP. I wonder if it is subsidized or just really lousy quality.

  108. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    I guess you all want me to suck your dicks right?

    Soliciting random anonymous s@x, classic conservative closet case… how pathetic…

  109. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    We dont HAVE to call you stupid. It is just so accurate and descriptive we have no reason NOT to call you stupid.

    No I want you to give yourself a chainsaw enema

  110. Xisithrus says:

    Divorce isn’t a problem in families where the husband makes the decisions and is not weak or homo.

    Wait. I think you just called Newt and Limbaugh gay lovers?

  111. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    I know; I just wanted to use terms that the socially inept trolls could understand.

  112. braveheart08 says:

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  113. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    Im not weak trust me, your the ones crying about me

    Says the whining closet case here crying about this blog and us… project much princess? ;)

  114. Freddie Got Fingered says:

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  115. noseeum, et al... says:

    If you have more crabs than you can handle, bravefart, pour lighter fluid on one of your nads, when they all run over to the other one, stab them with an ice pick.

  116. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    braveheart08 says:


    My opinion is does some media group have to talk about gays another day, nothing special about them.

    This thread is about divorce in Oklahoma you massive moron.

  117. angels81 says:

    What humor have you expressed braveheart? All I’ve seen is a bunch of racist remarks and tough guy talk from you, and you wonder why we think you are stupid.

  118. just the bleepn facts says:

    the troll is obviously off her anti-psychotic meds and back on the meth. shocker!

  119. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    What is your obsession with crying. No one is crying about you. We are slapping the stupid out of you, pointing at you and laughing at your stupidity. FOAD troll

  120. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Wait. What? Ha, ha, ha. You got the clap and you dumb little cons sucked on it. You should be embarrassed because you are so easy but guess what? You are!

  121. just the bleepn facts says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    96, 97, & 98, Ha, ha, ha. I set the trap and you dumb libs stepped into it. I should be embarrassed because it was so easy but guess what? I’m not!

    You aren’t embarrassed to be a weak closet case? Got it.! Good for you with that pride princess! ;)

  122. braveheart08 says:

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  123. Buckie Boy says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    73, Thanks for helping me make me my pint.


    braveheart08 says:

    My opinion is, (comma) does some media group have to talk about gays another day (this just doesn’t make any sense at all), there is nothing special about them.

    But we can tell you are very special.

  124. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    brayFart says:
    I guess you all want me to suck your dicks right?

    Goes to show how much I know about the process; last I heard, stuff like this was arranged by tapping one’s foot in a men’s room stall.

    Has that all changed, brayFart?

  125. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    I think Freddie “fingers” at the Vatican.

    “A police investigation into corruption at the Vatican has taken a twist with the discovery of an organised network of male prostitution.”

    Here’s a link:

  126. just the bleepn facts says:

    Roy Ashburn, the conservative California state senator who was arrested last week for drunk driving after reportedly leaving a gay bar, has acknowledged that he is gay.

    A self loathing conservative republican! Shocker! LOL!

  127. braveheart08 says:

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  128. Rab says:

    No Braveheart, you and your sister are not “legally” married

  129. dbadass says:

    Im not weak trust me

    I think you are. I think you are so weak that you act like a tool online because you can’t handle the flesh and blood world. I think that world frightens and confuses you. Now as to that dick sucking thing… Are you any good at that?

  130. angels81 says:


    why not?

  131. Kennedy1985 says:

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  132. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    well you can’t divorce if your gay right?

    You can in Mass, and in much of the “civilized” world now…

    But no one gets divorced as much as Evangelical “Conservatives”. Irony? ;)

  133. Xisithrus says:

    braveheart08 says: I guess you all want me to suck your dicks right?

    I got divorced but it didnt have anything to do with sex. And thats what I find the most disturbing about this post is that there is no correlation a rise in gaii relationships to higher divorce rates. Numbers just dont jive. They seem to prefer to ignore the real cause of divorce and go for the demonization thing yet again.

  134. braveheart08 says:

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  135. dbadass says:


    What no avantgarde shoes?

  136. just the bleepn facts says:

    braveheart08 says:
    You people think you can change us now that is stupid.

    Change you? LOL! No, we just ridicule you for being a retarded moron… You can’t fix bad genes and poor parenting little closet case! ;)

  137. Buckie Boy says:

    braveheart08 says:

    Im not weak, (comma) trust me, your (again, YOU’RE) the ones crying about me.

    No, you are mistaking laughter for crying.

  138. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You set a trap by showing how stupid you are and we stepped into it by pinting at you and laughing? My GOD you may be the stupidest most pathetic troll since BraveMORON

  139. Jackie says:

    Well not need to rush to the Vatican for help because right now their being charged witih hiring male/female prostitutes for the Holy Brothers. Republicans might ask the Christian Value Senator Ensign and Vitter for their advice on marriage values. Don’t ask former Senator Larry Craig he got busted and now we know his marriage was a cover up for him being Gay. Well former Rep. Mark Foley might have something to say about abortions as that would leave him less kids to molest. Well at lease we know Republican Christian Family/Moral Values are the ones we all show follow. It’s call say one thing do another. Even Sarah Palin laughed at those Christian Values as she had an affair with her husbands business partner. Senator McCain got a young look alike Cindy to take on while speaking of his values when he could remember.

  140. braveheart08 says:

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  141. braveheart08 says:

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  142. Freddie Got Fingered says:

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  143. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Here’s a clue: meds don’t keep you from being gay, a sissy, or stupid. Sorry for your loss.

  144. dbadass says:

    Now calling people dumb relates how to being called stupid? Dude what is it with you freaks and this attention thing. Are you housebound too?

  145. Rab says:

    Braveheart, bring back Pat Pomery

  146. dbadass says:

    Freddie Got Fingered
    So how’s the pretend doctor?

  147. Buckie Boy says:

    braveheart08 says:

    You people think you can change us, (comma) now that is stupid.

    No, stupid people can’t learn or change.

  148. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No one wants to change you. Its too much fun laughing at your massive STUPIDITY

  149. cd says:

    Best thing one can do to prevent divorce is offer marriage counciling before hand and insist everyone getting married be sober and have a valid drivers licence that says they’re over 21 just like if your buying any other weapon.


  150. dbadass says:

    bring back Pat Pomery

    Pat is still sitting on my mantle with all the rest of the tools I own.

  151. angels81 says:

    braveheart, it was freddie who said he set a trap. Please try to keep up.

  152. braveheart08 says:

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  153. Xisithrus says:

    braveheart08 says: You people think you can change us now that is stupid.

    What does that mean? Who says stuff like that? Change you into what? A 6′6″ Ru Paul? No BH. No. Nobody wants to change you but you have the freedom to change yourself. Its that simple. I dont care, frankly, if you want to wear a womens bright green thong and wrassle with greased pigs. Just dont do it in public whereas I might have to jab my eyes out with the cars cigarette lighter

  154. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    FINALLY! A catharsis! It’s good for a man to admit who is really is, Bravefart.

  155. Buckie Boy says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    … but when a conservative tells a funny joke…

    Conservatives don’t do humor, that gene slipped by them.

  156. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Funny? You cons keep using that word but I dont think it means what you think it means. What it doesnt mean is whatever racist, offensive, or just staggeringly stupid thing you just said you cant justify any other way. You are pathetic troll

  157. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  158. braveheart08 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  159. dbadass says:

    The thing to remember is that this is an actual adult. It boggles the mind…

  160. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    dbadass says:
    bring back Pat Pomery

    Pat is still sitting on my mantle with all the rest of the tools I own.

    dbadass, I trust you don’t use that room much when entertaining…

  161. angels81 says:

    braveheart, change you? I don’t want to change you, I just want you racist, sexist gay bashing fools to just die off. The world will then be a better place.

  162. dbadass says:

    We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”.

    Sure ya do. Just ask Scott Brown….

  163. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    I dont know or care if you are gay, you are CLEARLY stupid and its a pretty good bet you are a sissy with all your toughguy talk. A coward too I am sure

  164. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    We liberals have a saying: love thy neighbor as thyself. I’m sorry to disappoint you, bravefart, but we liberals have control of congress and the presidency. Not only are we not going away, we already rule the world.
    Does it hurt to be called out for the little man you are in such a big world? Maybe if you found religion, things might look up for you.

  165. Xisithrus says:

    The can tell all the dirty, filthy jokes all they want but when a conservative tells a funny joke they have a chinese fire drill. Hypocrits. -FGF-

    Okay, tell a funny joke.

  166. cd says:

    I’m going to have a laugh at how some red staters treat Ronnie raygun like a saint while scorning those who have been through a divorce.

    Anyone care to join me?

  167. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    angels81, We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”

    Well, I guess it’s catchier than “docking”… you guys sure do like to euphemize your little tricks.

  168. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Feel free to wish all you want but you would be better served to wish for a brain, a soul, some decency, honsety and humanity

  169. Proud American Liberal says:

    Two of the measures were defeated, but another — requiring counseling for those planning to wed, and therapy sessions for couples considering divorce — is awaiting action

    Speaking as a survivor of a family of serial failed marriages, I think this is a great idea for helping to ensure successful marriages. Too many people jump into marriage with no idea of how much work it takes to make a marriage work for both partners. Granted, it won’t work in every case, but counseling on both ends could help a lot. But the cost of not doing it is already too high.

  170. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:


    angels81, We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”.

    Soooo…you have sticky fingers?

  171. Buckie Boy says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    angels81, We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”.

    And use a crowbar to seperate them.

  172. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    angels81, We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”

    Although in Tony Perkins’ case, it would be “carrot together”

  173. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    But people such as bravefart consider intelligence, wisdom, decency, honesty, compassion and humanity to be weaknesses. You can’t teach a man who has a closed mind.

  174. Xisithrus says:

    We conservatives have an old saying, “Stick together”

    Thats fine, if you want to do that, but its why I dont join groups as they tend to become like minded and judgemental.

  175. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    braveheart08 says:
    I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die. The world would be a better place without you.

    And with the “I wish you would f***ing die” BS…bh has officially run out of steam.

  176. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    I’m finished baiting the trolls for tonight. Too easy. We should do this again sometime.

  177. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    braveheart08 says:
    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

    Im not talking about them, it is a hypothetical question, your the nig ger.

    For the last time, he is NOT a Normal-inverse Gaussian DISTRIBUTION and he is not a gerund, @sshole…

  178. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    braveheart08 says:
    I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die. The world would be a better place without you.

    The world would be a better place without you right-wing eliminationist scum…Isn’t there a moon out there you guys could move to? I would say the sun, but that would make me no more better than you…

  179. dbadass says:

    For folks that stick together they spend a lot of time declaring each other RINOs

  180. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    braveheart08 says:
    I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die. The world would be a better place without you.

    And with the “I wish you would f***ing die” BS…bh has officially run out of steam.

    I hope he was banned, but I doubt it. I hit the “report abuse” link on each of his posts. I really wish TP would moderate these boards.

  181. Buckie Boy says:

    TheVeritableBuddhist says:

    I’m finished baiting the trolls for tonight. Too easy.

    I’m done also, I sure got a few laughs out of these morons.

    Where’s RoomtempIQ when you need him to reinforce their stupidity…yeah, I know he is a parady, but a darn funny one.

  182. Xisithrus says:

    braveheart08 says: I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die

    Well. I dont self identify with liberal or conservative but what your saying here is that if I am not like you, seems your wanting people to change, then you stand upon some moral highground?

  183. Pennsylvanianne says:

    OK, I am confused. On the one hand, Republicans complain about how government is too big and wants to take over your life and dictate your healthcare choices. Now the GOP in Oklahoma wants to mandate counseling in cases of divorce? Isn’t this just a tad hypocritical? I know, I know: IOKIYAR.

  184. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Nice shootin’ with ya, Buddhist. The exercise feels good, doesn’t it?

  185. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  186. dbadass says:

    Well the students are wrapping up their test. Time to get to work….

  187. ebbAndflow says:

    noseeum, et al… says:
    If you have more crabs than you can handle, bravefart, pour lighter fluid on one of your nads, when they all run over to the other one, stab them with an ice pick.

    March 8th, 2010 at 6:51 pm

    Fairly certain that ‘dr’ would agree with this treatment.

  188. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    braveheart08 says:
    I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die. The world would be a better place without you.

    And with the “I wish you would f***ing die” BS…bh has officially run out of steam.

    I hope he was banned, but I doubt it. I hit the “report abuse” link on each of his posts. I really wish TP would moderate these boards.

    I flagged his posts as well.

    I don’t think TP will do much, maybe ban him temporarily (most of the trolls get banned and just poof back under the same SN) and the ones who don’t just pop back up under a different SN (either as the same person before or they act as another person). I’m sure plenty of us have sent TP with idea’s on how to moderate this site but they never listen.

  189. wiley says:

    I don’t know if it’s still the case, but when I lived in Germany, couples were required to attend counseling BEFORE they married. If the state is going to intervene, they might want to take that route and cool people’s jets. Divorcing couples are bringing enough drama to the courthouse as it is.

  190. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    cd says:
    I’m going to have a laugh at how some red staters treat Ronnie raygun like a saint while scorning those who have been through a divorce.

    Anyone care to join me?

    Reagan’s first wife:

    Jane Wyman–Wikipedia article

  191. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    nig can mean either

    The National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation Limited – a subsidiary of UK financial services company Royal Bank of Scotland Group
    Normal-inverse Gaussian distribution, a notion in Statistics

    ger is shorthand for gerund…

    We all know that since we live in a “post-racism” society that we cannot call trolls racist when they use racist terminology, because that means WE’RE the racists for identifying and calling out racism. After all, this stupid @sshole only means a national insurance and guarantee corporation, although I’m not sure why that is an insult *snark

  192. The Skeptical Cynic says:

    Hey Freddie Got Fingered

    Getting “fingered” sounds like a gay fantasy.Is your computer located in “the closet”?

    RE: Your comment,
    “Divorce isn’t a problem in families where the husband makes the decisions and is not weak or homo.”

    Spousal abuse is more likely the problem!

    A desire to dominate woman? Is that to compensate for the guilt of subconsciously fantasizing over being the “bottom” in a gay relationship?

    Just askin’[!]

  193. MCMetal says:

    Does anyone else find it completely bizarre that someone/anyone from Oklahoma should tell anyone anything , much less how to live ?

  194. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    poor old braveprettyinpinkhearts think we call him stupid, well i am just calling him S.T.U.I.P. along with drfreddyfingershunt and his cult troll band of merry men.

  195. MCMetal says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:


    I see that some of you are actually voting my comments up.

    March 8th, 2010 at 7:15 pm

    No one here was ever that giving and/or that drunk , assbag ….

  196. mister smith says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  197. jb says:

    Gays will be better at marriage than Oklahomans. Probably what the homophobes are afraid of.

  198. benji85 says:

    people really only care when it could affect them.

  199. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  200. MCMetal says:

    braveheart08 says:


    I wish all you liberals would just stay in your houses and fuc king die. The world would be a better place without you.

    March 8th, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    Isn’t that what the Nazis said to the Jews , shitstain ?

    Congrats , skid mark …..

  201. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Shows he is another ignorant punkass troll too stupid to understand the concept of a topic. Go FCUK yourself troll

  202. ebbAndflow says:

    cd says:
    I’m going to have a laugh at how some red staters treat Ronnie raygun like a saint while scorning those who have been through a divorce.

    Anyone care to join me?

    Newt is on his third marriage.
    Wife #1 was in hospital when Newter served her with divorce papers.
    Wife #2 (whom Newt was cheating with while married to #1) were divorced and Newt converted to Catholicism so he could marry wife #3 ‘in the church’.
    (his conversion wiped away the ‘transgressions’ according to church doctrine)

  203. MCMetal says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:


    The Skeptical Cynic, a strong Prussian upbringing would, no doubt, have helped you. The husband and father who wears a dueling scar is not to be trifled with by hapless wives or recalcitrant children. Thus a strong, conservative, family unit is formed.
    March 8th, 2010 at 7:41 pm

    So “strong” , that Prussia no longer exists , you colossal fu(king moron ?

  204. Mr.Duke says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  205. cd says:

    @ bizarrobrain 190

    Thank you bb for getting my joke when I was afraid no one would.

    Here’s a related idea.

    If a person really believes they’ll go to hell for adultry (as outlined in the Jewish Bible) they’d never cheat on their spouse or get remarried.

    So alot of people in Oklahoma are either crypto-atheists or quasi-universalists. lol

  206. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    mister smith says:
    Another Democrat steps down in disgrace,

    What, did Faux News misidentify Roy Ahsburn? They’re always doing that.

  207. jb says:

    Duke is toe tapping with a wide stance.

  208. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  209. MCMetal says:

    Mr.Duke says:


    2 “gay” stories on this website today. .. wow, the 1 a day streak is great. 2 is twice the fun. …
    March 8th, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    Well , TP wanted to post 1 more , but I advised them against running a thread all about you , wiggler ….Piss off , you homophobic clod ….

  210. noseeum, et al... says:

    Mr.Dupe says:
    “2 “gay” stories on this website today. .. wow, the 1 a day streak is great. 2 is twice the fun. ”

    We won’t tell Missus Dupe…

  211. mausium says:


    Mr.Duke says:

    Dude, no matter how much you get red-faced while trolling for cock on the internet, nobody’s going home with you.

    If this is a gay-friendly site concerned about gay matters and who talk about gay things and possibly some people here might be gay, you’re welcomed as a fellow homo.

    I hope you stay!

  212. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Mr. Dupe seems keenly aware of all “gay” stories on TP… I wonder why that is… it’s almost like he’s breathlessly awaiting the next hot scoop on The Love That Dare Not Speak its Name.


  213. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  214. mausium says:

    Also please feel free to read every article on gays because it’s obvious that you enjoy having your head filled with gayness 24/7. I hope you share this site and all gay-related matters with your friends, take it home to the wife, because you sure can’t tear your eyes off of GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY.

  215. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Well a child would be so much better off being raise by a gay couple then the ones who are home school into hate and religion.
    At lease the gay couples child would be well rounded and comfortable on who he/she is.
    If you need prove i bet most of the cult membership (trolls, GnoP, white wing)here were homed school.

    That or they had very sad parents. but a child has no hate went its born, child has to get it some where.

  216. MCMetal says:

    FreedieGotAssFu(ked and Mr D0uche ; a pair of gay bashers who would plead at the top of their most effeminate voices if they EVER got into a brawl with the gay men that are my friends …They would break you both into 45 pieces ….

  217. noseeum, et al... says:

    Immigration reform is up next, Mr. Dupe!

  218. mausium says:

    @213 “Watch “Spartacus” on cable and see for yourself.”

    It’s best to not pretend to be concerned (negatively) about catching the homogay while simultaneously staring at full-frontal male nudity on your big screen TV and watching sweaty, straining dudes wrestling.

  219. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    live by the sword, die by the sword, beyotches

  220. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    203, Neither does the Roman empire. Know what brought it down? Homoism. Watch “Spartacus” on cable and see for yourself.

    Freddie, I’m growing to appreciate the subtlety with which you ridicule the right-wing mindset. You’re kind of a low-rent Stephen Colbert, the way I see it.

    Presenting fiction as evidence of historical or contemporary fact is one of my favorite conservative pratfalls, so… kudos!

  221. noseeum, et al... says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    “Neither does the Roman empire. Know what brought it down? Homoism. Watch “Spartacus” on cable and see for yourself.”

    Freddie got all his world history from the cable.

  222. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    freddie got fingered by angry tranny annie coulter. it was freddie’s first “man to man” encounter

  223. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    ” Watch “Spartacus” on cable ”
    starring the cancervatard hero….charlie heston

  224. Xisithrus says:

    The husband and father who wears a dueling scar is not to be trifled with by hapless wives or recalcitrant children. Thus a strong, conservative, family unit is formed.

    Fear is a binder used by weak leaders

  225. MCMetal says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:


    203, Neither does the Roman empire. Know what brought it down? Homoism. Watch “Spartacus” on cable and see for yourself.
    March 8th, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    Spartacus (Greek: Σπάρτακος; Latin: Spartacus[1]) (c. 109–71 BC) was the most notable leader of the slaves in the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Little is known about Spartacus beyond the events of the war, and surviving historical accounts are sometimes contradictory and may not always be reliable.

    You rely on Hollywood and movies for your “history” ?

    Wow ; no wonder you’re a brainless asswipe ……

  226. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    cd says:
    @ bizarrobrain 190

    Thank you bb for getting my joke when I was afraid no one would.

    Here’s a related idea.

    If a person really believes they’ll go to hell for adultry (as outlined in the Jewish Bible) they’d never cheat on their spouse or get remarried.

    So alot of people in Oklahoma are either crypto-atheists or quasi-universalists. lol

    I’d say subconscious crypto-atheists: some fundamentalists either believe in stuff that doesn’t even exist in their religious texts (invention of the rapture and re-writing the Bible to satisfy an agenda or re-writing god as a blood god thus inventing a new deity to worship.)

  227. Xisithrus says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says: “Neither does the Roman empire. Know what brought it down? Homoism. Watch “Spartacus” on cable and see for yourself.”

    Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War[3], from which it emerged victorious, though at great cost. Sparta’s defeat by Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC and the subsequent conquest of Greece by Philip II of Macedon ended Sparta’s prominent role in Greece and marked the beginning of a period of declinev -=

  228. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:


    LOL>> I think he gets a woody over Burt Lancaster LOL.

  229. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    one would assume those in oklahoma who are so concerned about “the sanctity of marriage” would be applauding such legislation.

  230. mister smith says:

    And next up on the Zero Adminitrations list of failures will be Immigration “Reform!”

  231. MCMetal says:

    mister smith says:


    And next up on the Zero Adminitrations list of failures

    March 8th, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    This thread isn’t about the horseshit Bush administration , GOP suckhole tool ……..

  232. Xisithrus says:

    mister smith says:
    And next up on the Zero Adminitrations list of failures will be Immigration “Reform!

    Naw, that happened under Dubbyers watch.

  233. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  234. MCMetal says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:


    ralph, watch out for the Roll Call of Freedom; Joseph Farah, Alan Keyes, Jerome Corsi, Aaron Klein, David Kupelian, Tom Tancredo, Gary DeMar and, yes, Mark Graham. Come September they’re going to rock your world.
    March 8th, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    They started a band ?

    Those assbags couldn’t even play the lottery or the radio ; typical of ALL CANCERVATIVES …..

  235. Xisithrus says:

    alph, watch out for the Roll Call of Freedom; Joseph Farah, Alan Keyes, Jerome Corsi, Aaron Klein, David Kupelian, Tom Tancredo, Gary DeMar and, yes, Mark Graham. Come September they’re going to rock your world.

    The World Nut Daily Troupe thats spouted the same conspiracy stuff for years?

  236. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    hey tard@ 233,
    my favorite tom tancrybaby moment was when the founder of daily kos made him storm off of a set like a little beyotch:

  237. Xisithrus says:

    Well, then, FGF, the Mufons are gonna beam you into hollow world!!

  238. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    “How far do I want government to come into my home and your home about private personal matters?” asked Rep. Leslie Osborn, a Republican from Tuttle, in a debate. She referred to state government as a “huge monster.”

    Shorter Osborn: Government was made to stop abortion and teh gay.

  239. noseeum, et al... says:

    Freddy, if you are interested in learning more about botany, I suggest you watch Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

  240. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:


    they all going to go public about there gayness?

    or public circle jerk? you trying to be the pivot person?

  241. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    freddie’s getting fingered by dick armey right now.
    please leave a message and he will get back to you

  242. hlwdjsd says:

    I wonder how many in the red states realize that the state with the lowest divorce rate is the one that they’d probably hate the most–that bastion of pinko commie bastids: Massachusetts. I’d love to see some wingnuts try to explain the discrepancy in divorce rates between MA and their states.

  243. mausium says:

    one would assume those in oklahoma who are so concerned about “the sanctity of marriage” would be applauding such legislation.

    They want a “get out of jail free” card so they can commit adultery while God looks the other way.

    Anything less than banning divorce in all circumstances is not “protecting the sanctity of marriage”, you pathetic backsliding sinners.

  244. dbadass says:

    Freddie Got Fingered
    Can I ask you a personal question?

  245. dbadass says:

    ” Watch “Spartacus” on cable ”

    That movie is secon only to Top Gun in terms of gay overtones…

  246. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:
    “How far do I want government to come into my home and your home about private personal matters?” asked Rep. Leslie Osborn, a Republican from Tuttle, in a debate. She referred to state government as a “huge monster.”

    Shorter Osborn: Government was made to stop abortion and teh gay.

    I think that’s also the second line in the fundie rule-book. The first is, “creationism is not a theory.”

  247. Xisithrus says:


    Listen, Freddy, I call dibbs after Armey Dick is done. This is P. Ness Airforce.

  248. noseeum, et al... says:

    “creationism is not a theory.”

    There is no scientific evidence.
    It’s a bedtime story at best.

  249. mister smith says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  250. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    noseeum, et al… says:
    Freddy, if you are interested in learning more about botany, I suggest you watch Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

    He should watch Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, the sequel Return of the Killer Tomatoes, the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Saturday morning cartoon and either version of The Little Shop of Horrors.

  251. e_to_the_p says:

    just wondering, is it still illegal in OK to perform sexual intercourse in any manner but missionary position? And if so, is it any wonder the divorce rate is so high? =D

    anyways, whats with these trolls today, are any of them old enough to drive? If you are so tired of talking about homosexuality, then stop f-ing bringing it up, or coming to a blog that covers civil rights in the first place.

  252. Xisithrus says:

    Likely you will be sobbing for health insurance reform after those jokers double your rates because of investment losses meister smith. BTW I thought you were lost in space?

  253. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “What will become of Obama when this Healthcare thing gets shot down again?”
    no need to “wonder” shithead. wake up and smell the reconcilliation.

  254. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    noseeum, et al… says:
    “creationism is not a theory.”

    There is no scientific evidence.
    It’s a bedtime story at best.

    Even when I was a Christian I believed in evolution (theistic evolution). Creationism has always seemed like BS to me.

  255. echo_left_ says:

    Here in California we some of us are trying to get
    2010 California Marriage Protection Act
    Safeguarding marriage from the evils of divorce on the
    ballot. It is a real but sarcastic effort. Hey IF the voters in California were so concerned about protecting Traditional marriage that they felt it was OK to take marriage away from gay folks then they got to vote for this right?

    Anyway it is a funny site.

  256. dbadass says:

    “creationism is not a theory.”

    exactly. Theories are based on empirical evidences and actual data.

  257. cd says:

    “I’d say subconscious crypto-atheists: some fundamentalists either believe in stuff that doesn’t even exist in their religious texts (invention of the rapture and re-writing the Bible to satisfy an agenda or re-writing god as a blood god thus inventing a new deity to worship.)”

    ………My thoughts are similar to yours.

    I would though like to ad that some of the adultry I wrote of earlier is the result of intoxication.

  258. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    dbadass says:

    ” Watch “Spartacus” on cable ”

    That movie is secon only to Top Gun in terms of gay overtones…

    I think you’ll find that the troll is referring to a new television series on Starz, called Spartacus: Blood & Sand.

    I’ll probably watch at some point, just because Lucy Lawless is in it.

  259. evangenital says:

    Isn’t it high time for the “sanctity of traditional marriage” crowd to outlaw divorce and criminalize adultery?

    My God, that would put so many repiggies in jail.

    Who is Trigg’s real mommie?

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?

    Does CPAC homophobe Ryan Sorba secretly dig guys?

    Does AFA grand poobah Tony Perkins really enjoy oral sex?

  260. dbadass says:

    What will become of Obama when this Healthcare thing gets shot down again?

    Ah president of the USA?

  261. dbadass says:

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?


  262. evangenital says:

    Creationism aka “intelligent design” is horseshit, and lacking any sort of evidence in the scientific world.

  263. noseeum, et al... says:

    One of my marriages was the result of intoxication…

  264. Xisithrus says:

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?

    A Canadian Doctor!?

  265. cd says:

    ‘Isn’t it high time for the “sanctity of traditional marriage” crowd to outlaw divorce and criminalize adultery?’

    They’ve done it before.

    Don’t tempt them to do it again.

  266. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    dbadass says:
    “creationism is not a theory.”

    exactly. Theories are based on empirical evidences and actual data.

    … and are testable.

  267. evangenital says:

    No less than Sarah Palin herself used to drive her family across the border into Canada for cheap and reliable medical care.

    Of course, that was long before she got her cushy government gig, with its free health care for life for her and her family.

  268. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?


  269. mister smith says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  270. evangenital says:

    Satan is Sarah Palin’s mentor.

  271. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    “creationism is not a theory.”

    exactly. Theories are based on empirical evidences and actual data.

    Plus I’ve never seen set up shrines to their theories (like the Creationist museums).

    cd says:
    “I’d say subconscious crypto-atheists: some fundamentalists either believe in stuff that doesn’t even exist in their religious texts (invention of the rapture and re-writing the Bible to satisfy an agenda or re-writing god as a blood god thus inventing a new deity to worship.)”

    ………My thoughts are similar to yours.

    I would though like to ad that some of the adultry I wrote of earlier is the result of intoxication.

    :) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a large number of fundamentalists are the least Christ like people you will ever meet.

  272. dbadass says:

    Satan isn’t real. Neither is Heaven nor Hell and no I dude can’t live in a cetacean stomach any more than two of everything can’t float around on a boat…

  273. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “The same “reconciliation” that Obama, Biden, Pelosi etc. were all against a short time ago?”

    prove it

  274. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    typo to my last post: Plus I’ve never seen *scientists* set up shrines to their theories (like the Creationist museums).

  275. mister smith says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  276. Xisithrus says:

    Mister Smith: The market concentration for health insurance is so monopolized in some areas that insurance companies are willing to raise prices and lose customers in an effort to improve their bottom line, a leading insurance broker told Wall Street analysts on Wednesday.

    In a conference call organized by Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, Steve Lewis, a highly regarded broker at the world’s third largest insurance broker, Willis, painted a picture of the health insurance market in which employers seem likely to be priced out of coverage. . . .

    Insurers are able to do this in part because the markets in which they operate have no adequate competition, suggests Lewis. . . . employers in many markets know “that they’re not going to be able to trade down pricing very significantly” (i.e. find cheaper coverage) and, as such, would likely only change plans or become self-insured if there was a “fairly significant” disruption in service.

  277. Purple Haze says:


    If you would like to do a good deed. Watch the video here. Donate here.


  278. evangenital says:

    I fully support frontal nudity on television shows, so I make sure to watch the new SPARTACUS series.

    The holy rollers love violent entertainment, and watch all these horrific stories with murder, shootings, dismemberments and bombings.

    Throw one vajayjay or wee wee at them and they freak out.

    Evangelicals are so screwed up sexually, and view their God’s greatest creation (mankind) as something to be covered up from head to toe, as if to rebuke their God for making folks naked.

  279. noseeum, et al... says:

    Bushes do burn, but all you’ll ever hear them say is
    snap crackle pop

  280. Xisithrus says:

    Raise prices to LOSE customers..intentionally, mister smith, for more profits.

    Kinda flys in the face of supply and demand dodnit?

  281. dbadass says:

    nooseeum aren’t you a little overqualifies on this vegetative combustion deal?

  282. Xisithrus says:

    The PDS runs deep ’round here. Ouch!

    But a target for satire. No more.

  283. evangenital says:

    God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.

    Lord almighty, we could have such fun with that one.

  284. dbadass says:

    Sure but Moses was tripping on that weird desert plant…

  285. noseeum, et al... says:

  286. evangenital says:

    Well, my comment about frontal nudity certainly seems to have pissed off a few holy roller Klansmen.

    All that their religion preaches these days is the Genesis account of creation, the icky sex stuff in Leviticus, the craziness of Revelations and the Second Amendment.

    I guess the Gospel accounts of the words and actions of Jesus are just too “liberal” for the holy rollers.

  287. noseeum, et al... says:

    Moses, being able to read and write as a result of being raised in the court of the Pharohs, needed to get his unruly tribe under control.
    That’s why he told everyone to stay down below while he went up the mountain to find a couple of rocks he could chisel a few rules on.

  288. evangenital says:

    It’s high time to slap enormous fines on corporate religion for its unwarranted interference in our secular republic.

    Tax the churches, and let them qualify for some tax breaks if they actually release their death grip on some of their billions of dollars to actually do some charitable good for folks.

  289. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Xisithrus says:

    Insurers are able to do this in part because the markets in which they operate have no adequate competition, suggests Lewis. . . . employers in many markets know “that they’re not going to be able to trade down pricing very significantly” (i.e. find cheaper coverage) and, as such, would likely only change plans or become self-insured if there was a “fairly significant” disruption in service.

    If “supply and demand” really were operating in this system, the price would quickly get too high and demand would drop, forcing prices to return to market-determined levels.

    But since demand for health care is inelastic — i. e., it does not respond to price pressures in either direction — the “free market” approach touted by free market evangelicals will never lower prices.

  290. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    dbadass says:
    Sure but Moses was tripping on that weird desert plant…

    Peyote (Think i got that right) smiles

  291. Xisithrus says:

    With no competition the insurance bigs become as a cartel and can set prices regardless of supply and demand to suit their investors and shareholders profit ratios and targets mister smith.

  292. Xisithrus says:

    But since demand for health care is inelastic — i. e., it does not respond to price pressures in either direction — the “free market” approach touted by free market evangelicals will never lower prices.

    I concur.

  293. evangenital says:

    I just can’t understand why evangelicals aren’t nudists.

    According to them, God created humanity.

    Certainly, humans do not arrive in this world clothed in anything.

    Why are evangelicals so ashamed of their God’s creation, that they must neurotically cover up anything to do with sexual attraction?

    Isn’t sexual attraction one of God’s creations?

    Why is anything to do with sexual attraction so ruthlessly repressed and criminalized by the evangelicals?

  294. dbadass says:

    No it wasn’t peyote. I forget what it is called but it grows in Sinai and seems to be powerful… Some Israel professor was yapping about this idea awhile back…

  295. jcarson1971 says:

    braveheart08 says:

    Im 6/6 and 225 pounds

    I have always heard the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

  296. evangenital says:

    Dbadass, it was probably pot.

  297. P.D. says:

    LOL! I step in and we are talking about weed?

  298. Lefty Liberal says:

    evangenital says:

    Isn’t sexual attraction one of God’s creations?

    Not according to their twisted view of Genesis. Sexual attraction only happened after “the fall” and is a product of satan, not gawd.

  299. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    We need a small government that infringes on the lives of only non-straight, non-white people. Any other involvement is big government.

  300. Lefty Liberal says:

    P.D. says:

    LOL! I step in and we are talking about weed?

    We could talk about my favorite subject, BEER!

  301. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    We need a small government that infringes on the lives of only non-straight, non-white people. Any other involvement is big government.

    Still choking on teh gay being shoved down your throat? Or have you learned to swallow to reduce the gag reflex… :)

  302. evangenital says:

    I can’t help but chuckle at the comment of Braveheart, all upset about another mention of homosexuality.

    It’s laughable that our little neurotic Klansman would choose as his blog name the
    nickname of William Wallace, the thirteenth century Scot known for running around in a kilt and flashing his keester and his genitalia.

    Wouldn’t the holy rollers have him arrested and put away for life for doing such things?

  303. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    braveheart, don’t forget your dob and ss#.

  304. P.D. says:

    GOP@299, LOL! I guess you advocate abolishing S.S. and medicare as well? Big Government controls them both. You will have a lot of angry old geezers and ‘Baggers’ sharpening their knives for you.

  305. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    braveheart, don’t forget your dob and ss#.

    I didn’t think he was born, I thought he was hatched

  306. evangenital says:

    When Adam first saw Eve, even before the apple event, didn’t he pop a boner?

    Isn’t the boner one of God’s creations?

    Why is it considered obscene and dirty by the evangelicals?

    Their whole religion seems to be centered around the proper context for the wee wee.

  307. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Still choking on teh gay being shoved down your throat? Or have you learned to swallow to reduce the gag reflex… :)

    You know what – screw you!

  308. P.D. says:

    Lefty@300, I am standing by my pledge. I drink wine. Bud is out. It’s like I left an old friend. But everyone is right. They treat their employees like shit and sold out the American people. I guess it’s worth the headache. (Really, drinking two glasses of wine makes my head throb.) Maybe I should give up booze all together.

  309. dbadass says:

    it is called….ayahuasca.

    Jesus I hate having to google shit. I need to increase my memory

  310. evangenital says:

    The only “bud” I like is dark green and smells so sweet when lit.

  311. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Still choking on teh gay being shoved down your throat? Or have you learned to swallow to reduce the gag reflex… :)

    You know what – screw you!

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I really like your postings, and was only trying to make a (very lame) joke.

    My apologies.

  312. angels81 says:

    Gave up the “bud” years ago. Now its Vodka Martinis and good Red Wine.

  313. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    evangenital says:

    Dbadass, it was probably pot.

    The world is filled with natural psychedelics and any tribal culture undoubtedly had its own favorites, particularly among the shamans and priests. Hmmm, quick search finds an article from the Jerusalem Post that is probably what dbadass was referring to. Ooopsie. One of them contains DMT. He’s referring to some serious substances that make pot look like weak tea.

  314. Lefty Liberal says:

    P.D. says:

    Lefty@300, I am standing by my pledge. I drink wine. Bud is out. It’s like I left an old friend. But everyone is right. They treat their employees like shit and sold out the American people. I guess it’s worth the headache. (Really, drinking two glasses of wine makes my head throb.) Maybe I should give up booze all together.

    I would actually check out some of the local microbrewery’s. They brew much better beer, and they are good for the local economy.

  315. Lefty Liberal says:

    evangenital says:

    The only “bud” I like is dark green and smells so sweet when lit.

    I never can keep mine lit when it is green. I have to let mine dry out before it will stay lit ;)

  316. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    P.D. says:

    GOP@299, LOL! I guess you advocate abolishing S.S. and medicare as well? Big Government controls them both. You will have a lot of angry old geezers and ‘Baggers’ sharpening their knives for you.

    I have steadfastly advocated wiping my ass, that of my wife’s and all 20 of my trolls with those programs. However, as you are aware, my ilk are under the impression that private companies control SS/medicare. If you actually privatize them they will in turn think they’re being run by the government when they feel the results. So, as a republican I’m steadying my pace and protecting my buns.

  317. dbadass says:

    Thank you gummitch for that link. You are indeed correct that this was what I referenced. You are a worldly soul and I respect that.

  318. Lefty Liberal says:

    evangenital says:

    When Adam first saw Eve, even before the apple event, didn’t he pop a boner?

    Isn’t the boner one of God’s creations?

    Why is it considered obscene and dirty by the evangelicals?

    Their whole religion seems to be centered around the proper context for the wee wee.

    One of two explanations: 1) Adam didn’t have the “proper equipment” until after “the fall” or 2) he was never “aroused” before “the fall”.

    Remember, evangelicals aren’t bound by logic, and have the ability to make shit up as they go along.

  319. cd says:

    I imagine God see’s multiple groups of people as a more that a bit like the lead singer in this bit.

  320. P.D. says:

    LOL! Maybe I should ditch booze all together and switch to weed. But I gave that up years ago and it made me paranoid as Hell.

  321. evangenital says:

    So Adam didn’t ever get a boner until after the apple incident?

    Is this what is known in creationist circles as “hard” science?

  322. Lefty Liberal says:

    P.D. says:

    LOL! Maybe I should ditch booze all together and switch to weed. But I gave that up years ago and it made me paranoid as Hell.

    You could try the new stuff that is going around now.

  323. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I really like your postings, and was only trying to make a (very lame) joke.

    My apologies.

    Actually, it was in line as parody, but it came off as noticeably curt. As a liberal, however, you waste no time exercising caution by apologizing. So you are commended for not being an internet tough guy.

    I am still reeling from my intrusion with teh gay. My hetero family requests privacy during this difficult time.

  324. Lefty Liberal says:

    evangenital says:

    So Adam didn’t ever get a boner until after the apple incident?

    Is this what is known in creationist circles as “hard” science?

    LOL, yeah, pretty much :)

  325. dbadass says:

    and it made me paranoid as Hell.

    Relax, Hell isn’t real….

  326. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I really like your postings, and was only trying to make a (very lame) joke.

    My apologies.

    Actually, it was in line as parody, but it came off as noticeably curt. As a liberal, however, you waste no time exercising caution by apologizing. So you are commended for not being an internet tough guy.

    I am still reeling from my intrusion with teh gay. My hetero family requests privacy during this difficult time.

    That is the worst part of written speech, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between emotions.

    As a liberal, it is my obligation to respect your privacy in this difficult time. :)

  327. Lefty Liberal says:

    dbadass says:

    and it made me paranoid as Hell.

    Relax, Hell isn’t real….

    I don’t know about that, just ask the guys in Guantanamo…

  328. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    dbadass says:

    Thank you gummitch for that link. You are indeed correct that this was what I referenced. You are a worldly soul and I respect that.

    I’ve read about that Amazonian concoction before and that is some seriously scary mojo. My respect for Moses just went up quite a bit if he could handle that.

  329. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Lefty Liberal provided me with advice to manage my altercation with teh gay. I don’t recall the specific thread, as I am not a researcher but rather a republican, but it struck me like a bat out of hell!

  330. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Lefty Liberal provided me with advice to manage my altercation with teh gay. I don’t recall the specific thread, as I am not a researcher but rather a republican, but it struck me like a bat out of hell!

    I don’t remember the tread either, but your reaction was…, well, Priceless! I don’t think I have ever seen you as speechless. :)

  331. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    evangenital says:
    God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.

    Lord almighty, we could have such fun with that one.

    We could also have fun with how Moses wrote about his own death…after he was already dead.

  332. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    You know what – screw you!

    You know what I want you liberals to do with the above comment? Vote it down. Send it to the dust bin of troll poop. If a liberal can’t distinguish it as parody, it’s worthless! So go right ahead!

  333. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    evangenital says:
    God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.

    Lord almighty, we could have such fun with that one.

    We could also have fun with how Moses wrote about his own death…after he was already dead.

    Once I get started on my new bible project, that is one of the sections I’m going to be properly “re-translating”.

    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Other drugs were used when he wrote about his own death, I just am having trouble finding the original text so I can do a proper translation.

  334. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    You know what – screw you!

    You know what I want you liberals to do with the above comment? Vote it down. Send it to the dust bin of troll poop. If a liberal can’t distinguish it as parody, it’s worthless! So go right ahead!

    Would it help if I were to try another lame joke about you offering sex to another guy, since that seems to be normal for Republicans?

  335. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Oh, I just thought he was having a bad acid trip…

  336. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Oh, I just thought he was having a bad acid trip…

    No, if you go back to the original text, he was talking about flames and smoke. You can’t have that with acid, only pot.

  337. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Your idea is still pretty good though, LL!

  338. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh, I just thought he was having a bad acid trip…

    No, if you go back to the original text, he was talking about flames and smoke. You can’t have that with acid, only pot.

    Like the Cheshire Cat, right?

  339. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Your idea is still pretty good though, LL!

    When he described his death, I think that might have been acid, but like I said, I need to find the original text so I can do a “proper” translation ;)

  340. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Doog Dog, Oklahoma is obviously the home of cretins, bigots and morons.

    In other words, a perfect site for a new toxic waste dump.

  341. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Would it help if I were to try another lame joke about you offering sex to another guy, since that seems to be normal for Republicans?

    The first joke was the key that unlocked the closet, thank you very much! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a wife downstairs and airheaded causes like Focus on the Snoopy Dog to pay!

  342. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Other drugs were used when he wrote about his own death, I just am having trouble finding the original text so I can do a proper translation.

    You’ve probably done way more research than I have, but I’d believe that Moses was on something. A lot of ancient civilizations used some form of consciousness altering substances to get in touch with nature, deities and spirits. These substances aren’t always used on humans either: Google something like bullet ants or bullet ant ceremony.

  343. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:


    Would it help if I were to try another lame joke about you offering sex to another guy, since that seems to be normal for Republicans?

    The first joke was the key that unlocked the closet, thank you very much! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a wife downstairs and airheaded causes like Focus on the Snoopy Dog to pay!

    What happened to your male lover?

  344. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    The abject stupidity runs REALLY deep in you. STFU you ignorant punkass troll

  345. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh, I just thought he was having a bad acid trip…

    No, if you go back to the original text, he was talking about flames and smoke. You can’t have that with acid, only pot.

    Like the Cheshire Cat, right?

    Funny you should mention the Cheshire Cat. I just read this article this morning and thought it was fascinating, but then I am a math and science geek, with an interest in literature.

  346. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Or your mistress?

  347. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Other drugs were used when he wrote about his own death, I just am having trouble finding the original text so I can do a proper translation.

    You’ve probably done way more research than I have, but I’d believe that Moses was on something. A lot of ancient civilizations used some form of consciousness altering substances to get in touch with nature, deities and spirits. These substances aren’t always used on humans either: Google something like bullet ants or bullet ant ceremony.

    When I get to the end of my “buybull translation project”, and I start in on “The Book of the Revelation of John”, I will have to research some of the most potent hallucinogens medical science has dreamed up. :)

  348. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Funny you should mention the Cheshire Cat. I just read this article this morning and thought it was fascinating, but then I am a math and science geek, with an interest in literature.

    Wasn’t Lewis Carrol an acid junkie or something? I could’ve sworn I remember hearing the rumor that he wrote Alice In Wonderland while on an LSD trip or something..

  349. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Well Genesis 9:3 seems to condone the bud: “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”

  350. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Funny you should mention the Cheshire Cat. I just read this article this morning and thought it was fascinating, but then I am a math and science geek, with an interest in literature.

    Wasn’t Lewis Carrol an acid junkie or something? I could’ve sworn I remember hearing the rumor that he wrote Alice In Wonderland while on an LSD trip or something..

    I don’t think there has been any proof of that, read the article I linked and that will give a new spin on the story.

  351. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    When I get to the end of my “buybull translation project”, and I start in on “The Book of the Revelation of John”, I will have to research some of the most potent hallucinogens medical science has dreamed up. :)

    Ooh sounds like fun…

  352. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Move your family to OK. Do it now. Don’t ask questoins. Just do it.

  353. Lefty Liberal says:

    OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Well Genesis 9:3 seems to condone the bud: “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”

    Again, more proof that evangelicals are incapable of reading and interpreting the buybull.

  354. PolicyNorth says:

    Wonderful scene from the “Trailor Park Boys Christmas” where Ricky gives his own train wreck of a Church sermon on Christmas declaring that the good book makes far more sense while using dope anyways… an’ stuff.

  355. cd says:

    “Wasn’t Lewis Carrol an acid junkie or something?”

    I’m pretty sure he was just really really weird.

  356. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:


    Move your family to OK. Do it now. Don’t ask questoins. Just do it.

    Yes, Master Limpballs…

  357. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    When I get to the end of my “buybull translation project”, and I start in on “The Book of the Revelation of John”, I will have to research some of the most potent hallucinogens medical science has dreamed up. :)

    Ooh sounds like fun…

    To do a “proper” translation, you have to put yourself in the same mindset as the author. It is tough work, but somebody has to do it!

  358. Lefty Liberal says:

    PolicyNorth says:

    Wonderful scene from the “Trailor Park Boys Christmas” where Ricky gives his own train wreck of a Church sermon on Christmas declaring that the good book makes far more sense while using dope anyways… an’ stuff.

    It’s the only way I have ever been able to read that horribly written piece of garbage!

  359. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    linzoo is just mad because I called him a buttface the other night! He cornered me and left me no other choice!

  360. noseeum, et al... says:

    On the far northeast shore of Priest Lake in Idaho, in a hollow tree, is a very nice carved soapstone pipe and perhaps 2 grams of fine gold Colombian.
    I left it there in 1984, and never made it back.

  361. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    braveheart08 says:
    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

    crab cakes are good, I eat lots of them.

    The only crabs you eat are when you lick your mother’s vagina clean after a night of dumpster tricks in the combat zone.

  362. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:


    linzoo is just mad because I called him a buttface the other night! He cornered me and left me no other choice!


  363. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Except I’m a girl, not a guy…

  364. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The only crabs you eat are when you lick your mother’s vagina clean after a night of dumpster tricks in the combat zone.

    Ewwww!!! I’m gonna grab myself a can of brain bleach now…

  365. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    mister smith says:
    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

    The PDS runs deep ’round here. Ouch!

    Whens she talks, do you touch yourself?

  366. noseeum, et al... says:

    Except I’m a girl, not a guy…


  367. Peter C says:

    Forget the charges of hypocracy; they don’t sting.

  368. dbadass says:

    I’m pretty sure he was just really really weird.

    Absinthe can be some crazy shit…

  369. dbadass says:

    Except I’m a girl, not a guy…

    Man this is getting so Crying Game…Well If you watch it in reverse…

  370. noseeum, et al... says:

    Which one of them, Moses or Aaron, had the walking stick he could turn into a snake?
    Neat trick.
    Make sure the congregation gets a good dose of the kool-aid before the show starts.

  371. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok who’s been voting me down?

  372. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    If thats you BrainFart, I’ll have your butt on a silver platter!!

  373. noseeum, et al... says:

    dbadass doesn’t vote down anybody, and I don’t vote down girls…

  374. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Good night, everybody!

  375. dbadass says:

  376. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And BrainFart, please STFU!!

  377. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Except I’m a girl, not a guy…

    Excuse me while I reference the republican handbook on properly addressing a lady.

  378. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    My research has led me to believe that gawd spoke to Moses, not through a burning bush, but rather through bong smoke.

    Other drugs were used when he wrote about his own death, I just am having trouble finding the original text so I can do a proper translation.

    You’ve probably done way more research than I have, but I’d believe that Moses was on something. A lot of ancient civilizations used some form of consciousness altering substances to get in touch with nature, deities and spirits. These substances aren’t always used on humans either: Google something like bullet ants or bullet ant ceremony.

    When I get to the end of my “buybull translation project”, and I start in on “The Book of the Revelation of John”, I will have to research some of the most potent hallucinogens medical science has dreamed up. :)

    I’ve done LSD once and I’ve heard that mescaline is pretty damn potent as well. I’ve heard stuff about early Christians going far enough to use Amanita muscaria as a hallucinogen.

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!!,
    As far as I know there is no evidence linking Lewis Carroll with mind-altering substances. I doubt that Carrol was using LSD, I think it was shrooms like ivi, the first poster on this thread suggests.

  379. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Tropical buttface!

  380. cd says:

    “It’s the only way I have ever been able to read that horribly written piece of garbage!”

    Try reading just the book of Mark and assuming all three subsequent Gospels have been tampered with to some extent.

  381. P.D. says:

    Ummm… I just stepped in, and WTF? A girl who isn’t a girl? LOL! I think I stepped into the Twilight Zone.

  382. questioneverything says:

    Most of Oklahoma needs an intervention to stop voting for these kinds of politicians. It’s something in the water.

  383. Lefty Liberal says:


    Go to the NY Times page I referenced earlier about Alice in Wonderland and read the article, I think you might appreciate the article.

  384. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    P.D. says:


    Ummm… I just stepped in, and WTF? A girl who isn’t a girl? LOL! I think I stepped into the Twilight Zone.

    No, no P.D., What the GOP means thought I was a guy..Nope!

  385. noseeum, et al... says:

    Here’s a little morsel…

    “An allegation arose at some point that Carroll used the fungus ergot, which is what LSD was eventually derived from. It can induce psychoactive experiences at large enough quantities, and was used as a medical treatment during the 19th century. While some artists and poets have been inspired by hallucinogenic drugs, there is no factual evidence for the allegation that Carroll took psychoactive drugs. However, Carroll was a fairly heavy cannabis smoker. According to one source, he regularly bought hash oil, which was legal at the time.”

  386. Lefty Liberal says:

    questioneverything says:

    Most of Oklahoma needs an intervention to stop voting for these kinds of politicians. It’s something in the water.

    Like acid, ’shrooms, peyote,…

    Or maybe it is the fire ants that bizzarobrain referenced.

  387. P.D. says:

    quest@382, I have pretty much given up on the Red States all together. South Carolina is a prime example. Either it’s the Home Schooling or the water. Take your pick. If PA. (the state I live in) goes Red, I will cry.

  388. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    braveheart08 says:

    Im 6/6 and 225 pounds

    I didn’t know they stacked shit that high.

  389. dbadass says:

    Here’s a little morsel…

    Damn I have been looking all over for that morsel. At the time I thought I’d remember where I put it…

  390. P.D. says:

    Fred@388, LOL! I bet the troll is really 5′5″ and is compensating for something.

  391. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    buttface! buttface! buttface!

  392. P.D. says:

    ‘Buttface’ LOL! I guess the GOPers are still in grade school, huh, GOP?

  393. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    More Republican Hypocrisy: Bible Belt States Have the Highest Divorce Rates. And they Worry About Gay Marriage?

    Christian conservatives are hellbent on keeping gays from marrying, saying such same-sex unions are an affront to the great institution of marriage, threatening the very social, emotional and legal fabric which binds a man and woman in holy matrimony. Ironically however, it’s these very same bible-thumpers who have the highest divorce rates in the country. The Bible Belt is the breeding ground for broken marriage.

    Despite this fact, the right wing evangelical fanatics like to point to states like “liberal” Massachusetts, holding it up as some sort of Sodom and Gomorrah. To the contrary, Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the country at 2.4 per 1,000 population.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the states with the highest divorce rates are to be found in the Bible Belt, where they exceed by 50% the national average of 4.2 per thousand people. The 10 Southern states with some of the highest divorce rates were Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North and South Carolina, Florida, Arizona and Texas. By comparison nine states in the Northeast– where allegedly amoral, faithless, Volvo-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, NY Times-reading lefties are found–were among those with the lowest divorce rates: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Rhode Island.

    Perhaps these born-again Christians should actually practice what they preach. Family values? Now that’s a joke.

  394. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    p.d. quit using gop. there is nothing grand about them.

  395. dbadass says:

    I think I just saw a sasquatch…

  396. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  397. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    noseeum, loved the flashback.

  398. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  399. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    Every day TP has least one post about the poor little queers… LOL!

    and you can never resist can you? Why honey?

  400. dbadass says:

    Hi Freddie.
    What’s up buddy?

  401. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    Every day TP has least one post about the poor little queers… LOL!

    homescholed fingered actually thinks this thread is about gays. that stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t even understand the rest of the title, that it’s about hypocricy, not gays honey.

    I think fingered has a secret desire.

  402. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    P.D. says:

    ‘Buttface’ LOL! I guess the GOPers are still in grade school, huh, GOP?

    It does pack a lot of punch! It’s the best control tactic in my arsenal!

  403. cd says:

    bizzarobrain from what I can gather Carroll was just weird.

    “If Carroll was on drugs, the Alice books would probably be a series of rambling, disconnected, surrealist scenarios. But the Alice books are far from random. They contain some very intricate logic problems and very clever puns (not to mention Alice’s journey in “Through the Looking-Glass”, which follows the moves of a chess game), that could only be the work of a sharp mind in full control of its abilities. Furthermore, you’ll find the same style of writing in the magazines he wrote in his youth, his various poems, stories, and other writings, and especially in the letters he wrote. If the Alice books were drug induced, the rest of his voluminous output would seem to suggest he was on drugs 24/7. “

  404. Lefty Liberal says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    Every day TP has least one post about the poor little queers… LOL!

    homescholed fingered actually thinks this thread is about gays. that stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t even understand the rest of the title, that it’s about hypocricy, not gays honey.

    I think fingered has a secret desire.

    Must be pretty lonely for him. Women won’t even look at him, and gay guys just laugh at him.

  405. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    questioneverything says:
    Most of Oklahoma needs an intervention to stop voting for these kinds of politicians. It’s something in the water.

    Like acid, ’shrooms, peyote,…

    Or maybe it is the fire ants that bizzarobrain referenced.

    From what I’ve read bullet ant bites are so much more painful than fire ant bites. The bullet ant actually gets its name from its bite which is said to feel like getting shot.

    Lefty Liberal says:
    Go to the NY Times page I referenced earlier about Alice in Wonderland and read the article, I think you might appreciate the article.

    Thank you for the link. :D

    It’s been a long, boring day for me…I’m going to going to make dinner and watch a few movies (Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain and Earth vs. the Spider) with the wife.

    I’ll be back online tonight around 11:00 p.m. ( pacific standard time).

  406. mister smith says:

    Doog Dog, Oklahoma is obviously the home of cretins, bigots and morons.

    In other words, a perfect site for a new toxic waste dump

  407. dbadass says:

    Well what is he on…

  408. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    396, That was your mother calling you for dinner… LOL!

    Your mother couldn’t get around to making you dinner because she was fixated on DIEZ NUTZ. hahahahahaha!

  409. P.D. says:

    Good Night my TP brethren, see you on the morn……

  410. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I’ll be back online tonight around 11:00 p.m. ( pacific standard time).

    I’ll be sound asleep, probably having dreams of Alice in Wonderland ;)

  411. dbadass says:

    Ah Wow not Well. Wow whatever… Damn it!

  412. Lefty Liberal says:

    Anyway, good night all, and a big FU to the trolls.

  413. Alejandro says:

    Karl Rove decided to be a rabid GOP operative when he was beat up by a girl.

    So intense was his devotion that he landed a coveted Nixon bumper sticker and displayed it proudly on his bicycle basket — until a little girl in his neighborhood who favored JFK beat the stuffing out of him, bloodying his nose and ego. “I’ve never liked losing a political fight since,” Rove writes in his memoir, “Courage and Consequence.”

  414. mister smith says:

    Little Suzy’s on the up….

  415. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I think gays are something I can live with just fine.

    Its the republican values that create child molestors.

    They aren’t gay but they are monsters.

  416. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Eh, I’ve had better nights. Later, y’all!

  417. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ why don’t you leave Rush out of this and deal with the likes of me… IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!

  418. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:
    Fred ♪♫♪ why don’t you leave Rush out of this and deal with the likes of me… IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!

    because you’re a pussy. Anyone who thinks they can pretend on the internet is a child or a pussy. It think you are the later……honey.

  419. Barry says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  420. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Barry says:
    Rham’s on his way down…

    to kick your ass?

  421. Barry says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  422. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    hey barry and fingered, how’s that impeachment coming? Don’t hear much about it in the real world.

  423. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    why don’t you leave Rush out of this and deal with the likes of me… IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!

    This gas bag is kidding, right?

    This is silly… too silly for words.

    Clearly, ‘Freddie’ has no real point of view on anything that’s relevant.

    What is , Li’l Feller?

    Mummie lock you in the cellar, AGAIN, while she goes to her 2nd job?

  424. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    卐 Barry 卐 says:
    I’m selling watermelons, any takers?

    I’m giving away swastica’s, need more or do you have a good supply?

  425. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Barry says:

    Rham’s on his way down

    Give you a pleasant, tingling feeling in your trousers to make a fool of yourself on-line?

    I sure hope yer getting SOMETHING worth your while outta this, or you’ve just a made a complete fool of yourself for NOTHING

  426. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I’m selling tax cuts for the rich and deregulation. I promise a new era of prosperity in return.

    any takers?

  427. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jobs, how come bush destroyed our jobs? barry? fingered?

    Obama creaming bush on jobs

    What do you trolls have to offer America besides more pain?

  428. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I’m giving away swastica’s, need more or do you have a good supply?

    I know tis will be completely lost you on, but to actually, truly BE offensive, you HAVE to somehow do, or say, something that the reality-based community can relate to… and this ain’t it… otherwise, it comes across has gibberish…

    And that was gibberish, and kind of pathetic.

  429. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    barry is a proud racist. A venerable fascist that hitler would be proud of.

  430. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Oh, thanks ros, I needed that. Guess I’ll leave it to you.

    good day sir.

  431. Barry says:

    Uh oh, progressives are eating their own….

    Btw fred, Obama has lost way more jobs than Bush.

  432. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    tros, it’s just that when someone says something racist, I always think of the nazi’s.

  433. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Barry says:
    Btw fred, Obama has lost way more jobs than Bush.

    No president since hoover has lost more jobs than bush.

  434. dbadass says:

    I’m selling watermelons, any takers?

    Sure and consider me Mr Majestyk…

  435. cd says:

    If you really want to lower the divorce rate outlaw Larry ‘brokeback’ Craig mariages.

    That’s just cruel to the spouse who’s been tricked.

    Further more outlaw hating on single guys that aren’t married yet if ever.

  436. dbadass says:

    deal with the likes of me…

    again? It gets embarassing. I mean doesn’t your family place any value on honor?

  437. Xisithrus says:

    Barry says: Obama has lost way more jobs than Bush.

    Wait. I thought the government never created a job…then how so can it, Bush or Obama, lose them?

  438. uutrinko says:

    I think any action that may prevent a divorce is a GOOD thing.


  439. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Barry says: Obama has lost way more jobs than Bush.

    Xisithrus says:
    Wait. I thought the government never created a job…


    IT is not exactly a distinction that he had in mind, but seven years into his presidency, George W. Bush is in line to be the first president since World War II to preside over an economy in which federal government employment rose more rapidly than employment in the private sector.

  440. Xisithrus says:

    I remember how tax cuts were supposed to create jobs Berry. Why do you think that plan of action didnt flash in the pan?

  441. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  442. Xisithrus says:

    George W. Bush is in line to be the first president since World War II to preside over an economy in which federal government employment rose more rapidly than employment in the private sector. -=Fred=-

    I dont doubt considering goobermint grew some 35% during the prev admin

  443. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    tros, it’s just that when someone says something racist, I always think of the nazi’s.

    Perfectly understandable, fred… but in this twit’s case, the comments are so absurd, they’re meaningless. I don’t even find them offensive. They’re just gibberish… nonsense.

    Whoever that is simply seems to be so lacking in purpose, the ONLY way they can entertain themselves is by making a complete fool of themselves on the Intertubes… pretty sad.

  444. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Freddie Got Fingered says:

    Barry’s a comedian. I love a good comedian.

    Sorry… not even CLOSE to funny… again… one more time… to be funny, or offensive… you’ve GOT TO BE somewhat close to reality in what you say…

    Barry is neither funny or offensive, because he’s not the lest bit connected to reality.

    It’s just… ***sad***…

  445. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    tros, I do step beneath dignity to interact with them.

    When did any of them make a comment that wasn’t absurd?

  446. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Xisithrus says:

    Wait. I thought the government never created a job…then how so can it, Bush or Obama, lose them?

    See… that’s the problem w/ this nitwit… the comments simply don’t make ANY sense. Just gibberish for gibberish’s sake.

    Very, very sad…

  447. dbadass says:

    I love a good comedian.

    Name your two favorite.

  448. Xisithrus says:

    I think any action that may prevent a divorce is a GOOD thing.-=UU=-

    As long as the ideas come from the parties considering divorce are involved, wihout politicians….then I would agree. Texas has a six month waiting period but no counseling is required by the state…I gather that this is to let things cool down before going on with the divorce and perhaps create a chance at reconciliation,

  449. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    tros, I do step beneath dignity to interact with them.

    There’s nothing wrong w/ telling them their comments don’t make any sense.

    (It’s good for ‘em… teach ‘em some character…)

    But there’s no point in trying to ‘disprove’ gibberish. It’s just that – gibberish.

    You can’t refute nonsense because there’s nothing to refute.

    Call it what it is, and leave it at that.

    I heard a great M Twain quote recently.

    Something to effect that:

    You can’t reason a man out of a position that he didn’t use reason to get himself into…

  450. okie dokie says:

    It’s not in the water.
    It’s in the air . . . broadcast on the waves of radio and teevee.
    Dispersed from the pulpit as the word of a God no one can see . . .

    “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.”
    -Thomas Jefferson 1790

  451. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    dbadass says:

    Sure and consider me Mr Majestyk…

    Heh… Charlie Bronson… from a pretty decent Elmore Leonard novel…

  452. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    okie dokie says:

    See, Fred?

    More irrational nonsense… doesn’t really say ANYTHING meaningful in this context.

    Most likely one of the silly asshats who was just here coming back under a different name.

    Like I said above… just plain SAD….

  453. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Gotta go… had enough of this nonsense…

  454. dbadass says:

    Hi Vote Down Baby. Want a snack?

  455. dbadass says:

    Andy Kaufmann and Steven Wright…

  456. evangenital says:

    Let’s talk about Karl Rove’s gay father and Karl Rove’s gay son.

  457. dbadass says:

    No Steve Martin and old school Whoopi Goldberg…

  458. dbadass says:

    Let’s talk about Karl Rove’s gay father and Karl Rove’s gay son.

    Gay House… In the middle of our street…Gay house… It was our castle and out keep… Gay House…

  459. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Dear scaredy-cat heart08 @#1,

    Don’tcha know…
    … Once you accept teh gays into your heart, they will then stop becoming an issue for you.

    Get it?


  460. okie dokie says:

    Homo-phobe Baptist preacher wife Rep. Sally Kern introduced this bill.

    Very sad that the jeezus marines, that spend most of the day trying to rewrite American history into the Bible (or visa-versa) have completely forgotten how fascism nearly overtook the world only 70 years ago.

  461. Freddie Got Fingered says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  462. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are just a pathetic attention whore troll. FOAD

  463. pete says:

    Just a quick quip before bed:

    It has been said that those who devote so much energy to regulating the morals of others are contemptuous of their own morality.

  464. SlappyBastinado says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  465. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Give it up. You will never be clever. I know you delude yourself that you are funny but really you are just stupid and pathetic. There is no pity for you here. Beg as much as you want no one will pity you anymore

  466. SlappyBastinado says:

    debbi….have you finished your macaroni Obama for class tomorrow in the “day room”. It’s show and tell first thing after breakfast you know.

  467. glogrrl says:

    #8 all you can come up with is to call me a racist.

    OK, how about Grand Dragon bigot of the Arkansas Klavern?

  468. glogrrl says:

    Or……..Oklahoma Klavern…my bad; it’s right next door.

  469. Perry logan says:

    Of course, when conservatives talk about rights, they mean “white-guy rights.”

    Republicans and their ilk love to prattle on about rights. But it’s only the rights that are important to white males–mostly the right to badmouth people and the “right” to brandish guns.

    In winger utopia, white-guy rights will be inviolable. But there will be no privacy, especially in sexual matters. Gays will be constantly watched; women will be forced to have babies; and people will be allowed to criticize only Democrat Presidents.

    (Sorry. I meant “Democratical Presidents.” Right-wing speech impediments can be contagious.)

    Video: Who the Hell’s a Moderate?

  470. noseeum, et al... says:

    SlappyBastinado says:

    “I am just now recovering from a 2 week bender…”

    Who’s the logger?
    Anyone we know?
    Or you know, for that matter….

  471. doktorgizemli says:

    Of course, when conservatives talk about rights, they mean “white-guy rights.”

    Republicans and their ilk love to prattle on about rights. But it’s only the rights that are important to white males–mostly the right to badmouth people and the “right” to brandish guns.

    In winger utopia, white-guy aşk şiirleri rights will be inviolable. But there will be no privacy, especially in sexual matters. Gays will be çiçek constantly watched; women will be forced to have babies; and people will be allowed to criticize only Democrat Presidents.

  472. vinylspear, sponsored by Sunless Tanning Solutions says:

    Think Progress needs to recognize and act on the difference between protecting free speech and enabling hate speech.

    braveheart does not deserve the protections afforded by the constitution governing free speech.

    bravehearts statements constitute threats and intimidations, veiled or overt and need to be moderated.

    Stop feeding this clown, flagging doesn’t work and TP doesn’t moderate.

  473. vinylspear, sponsored by Sunless Tanning Solutions says:

    All right!!!!

    Wooo Hooo!!!

    Turkish spammer is back!!

    We missed you buddy, where you been?

    There’s nothing on planet earth like some good old fashioned turkish porno.

    I’m glad TP stopped moderating, I really missed your public defecations.

  474. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    That’s so true..

  475. barfly says:

    “I prefer the carrot versus the stick,” said Perkins, who opposes marriage equality.

    Sigh. I guess these folk never understood the analogy. The carrot is attached to the stick, you idiot.

    That makes me laugh, at their attempts at interpreting biblical references. If you can’t get that “a carrot and stick approach” means you dangle a carrot on a stick, to get your desired result, and not that you use the stick to whip them, if they don’t go for the carrot, you’re really not qualified to interpret biblical scripture.

  476. dballance says:

    Moderator, why does “braveheart08″ still have a working login to this site? Clearly he’s a racist, homophobic person with nothing to contribute to the debate.

  477. lvdragonlady says:

    It appears that the white male still thinks he has the right to tell people how to live their lives while they continue to break every rule in the book.
    Crawl back in your hole, you lost these rights years ago.
    When is the GOP going to STOP living in the 1950’s?

  478. PolicyNorth says:

    OH, I have an idea.
    If anyone wants to get a divorce(/abortion/look at porn/go gay ect and et al) why not also get a quicky religious conversion, and convert back once the situation is resolved?

    I tend to think that when religion gets dragged into a trash can policy debate nobody bothers to take it seriosuly anymore anyways.

  479. velomike says:

    Lowest divorce rate in the US? Massachusetts, that bastion of tolerance and liberalism. Check out who and where the other low divorce rate states are: Northeast, Upper Midwest, Blue states.

    Maybe Tony Perkins needs a new model..

  480. Kendrick1986 says:

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