Think Progress

Beck: The Census Is The Government’s Attempt To ‘Increase Slavery’

Beck4 The Census is a popular topic of right-wing conspiracy theories and Fox News host Glenn Beck spent a good portion of radio show today fear-mongering about it. Going through the form, he determined that the government doesn’t have the right to ask any of the questions — except for the first one asking how many people live in your home.

He took particular issue with a question asking for the respondent’s race. But after Beck’s co-host pointed out that the question has been part of the Census since the Founding Fathers’ time, Beck twisted the three-fifths law to claim that the Census is now breeding slavery:

BECK: Why were they asking the race question, you said when, in 1790? … Right, they want to know, do you count as three-fifths? Do you count at all? So, you have to know how many slaves did you have? People find that offensive today because the idea was, if we’re going to count, we want to know how many are here for services etc. etc. and slaves would get less. Well that’s not right. One. One. ‘I’m not three-fifths, I’m one. Whites are not worth than me.’ Now reverse it, why are they asking this question today?

CO-HOST: Because minorities are worth more than whites.

BECK: Exactly right. So you will get more dollars if you are a minority. So you are worth more as a monitory. Well there is no difference. The reason you don’t answer the race question is because one, everyone counts as one. All men are created equal. If you were offended back in 1790 about slavery and that everyone should count the same, do not answer the race question. How dare you. How dare you. At least in 1790, they were doing it to slow the South down on slavery. To try to stop it as much as they can. Today they are asking the race question to try to increase slavery. Your dependence on the master in Washington. No way, don’t answer that question.

Listen here:

Beck seems to be arguing that because a handful of federal programs provide funding to help minority communities, minorities are “worth more” than white people. Of course, the Census actually counts everyone equally, as the Constitution requires, so Beck’s complaints seem aimed more at civil rights programs than at the Census.

Moreover, there is a big “difference” between a law that counted people as less than human and a question that helps minority communities get needed aid. The Census’ race question is “critical” to enforcing civil rights policies and is used to “promote equal employment opportunities and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.” So by urging his listeners to not complete this question, he’s potentially damaging these important efforts.

As ThinkProgress has previously noted, the three-fifths law was not an abolitionist provision designed to “slow the South down on slavery,” as Beck claims. Many of the Founders were from the South and owned slaves, and there were other pro-slavery clasuses in the Constitution that Beck’s revisionist history can’t explain.

So does Beck think the Census has a “deep seated hatred of white people or white culture”?

Update A new Facebook campaign is calling for the Census to include "American" as a race option, saying "when America QUITS asking people what their COLOR, RACE, Ethnicity is, then we will all become a stronger Group: Americans."

493 Responses to “Beck: The Census Is The Government’s Attempt To ‘Increase Slavery’”

  1. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    i whole-heartedly support boo-hoo becky’s rally to get cancervatards not to participate in the census. that way, their districts can be consolodated and they can lose representation in congress.

    like what would happen to batshit blacchman’s seat if her constituents followed her advice.

    time for them to pay the piper for their asshattery

  2. belaccifer lacca says:

    Since Article 1, Section 2 reads:
    “[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

    …one wonders where Beck gets his Constitutional scholarship concerning what is ALLOWED to be asked on the census… what do the words ‘in such Manner as they shall by Law direct’ mean, I wonder.

  3. tom says:

    So does Beck think the Census has a “deep seated hatred of white people or white culture”?

    I don’t know about that but I do think that BeckerHead has a deep-seated hatred of himself. Why else would he go on the radio and TV four hours a day to display his alcohol-fueled paranoid-schizophrenic ignorance?

  4. Wiz says:

    Did anyone see the Beck interview with Massa? It was delicious insanity. Massa refused to play the “who is corrupt” game with Beck and even critized Beck.

  5. noseeum, et al... says:

    Beck’s afraid to find out just how soon “white” people will become a minority.

  6. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    If you were offended back in 1790 about slavery and that everyone should count the same, do not answer the race question.

    Well, seeing as I wasn’t born until the 1960s, I dont’ think thsi instruction pertains to me. I wasn’t really offended back in 1790. Or at least, i don’t recall being offended.

  7. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    belaccifer lacca says:
    what do the words ‘in such Manner as they shall by Law direct’ mean, I wonder.

    Smiles well i am betting in beckerheads world a whole lot of different s then what in reality it truly means.

  8. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “Beck’s afraid to find out just how soon “white” people will become a minority.”

    in that case, boo-hoo becky was born too late. white folks were a minority in this country since the importation of black slaves

  9. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    A new Facebook campaign is calling for the Census to include “American” as a race option, saying “when America QUITS asking people what their COLOR, RACE, Ethnicity is, then we will all become a stronger Group: Americans.”

    Yeah, because you sure can’t tell by looking at people whether they’re of a different race…

  10. sscncturn64 says:

    I heard something today about a pol in CA who voted against everything that had to do with gay rights.
    I was told that he went on a radio show and said he is gay.
    WTF? I wasnt able to keep up with current events in the last two days. Does anyone know who it is and what is going on with it now? Thanks.

  11. T.H.E.Cat says:

    I find Becky Boo-De-Hoo offensive.

  12. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Oh, for crying out…

    If Glenn Beck wants us all to be one color, I can dig that. Heck, I pray for the day that race doesn’t become an issue when it comes to social equality.

    But social equality doesn’t mean you take a paintbrush and paint everyone “American”. The goal of social equality should be for people to view their neighbors and fellow Americans as being equivalent in their uniqueness despite their differences in race, not to view them as being equivalent by rendering them without an identity.

    The Census and its questions are necessary for defining a community. Please don’t ignore it, or else you are ignoring your fellow Americans.

  13. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish Beck would just cancel his show on Fox and start ranting like the Time Cube guy on his youtube page. Beck is a f***ing idiot.

  14. Kendrick1986 says:

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  15. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    ( ) Asian
    ( ) Latino
    ( ) Black
    ( ) American

    I know where sanctimonious white people check!

  16. House of Roberts says:

    sscncturn64 at 6:55 pm
    I heard something today about a pol in CA who voted against everything that had to do with gay rights.
    I was told that he went on a radio show and said he is gay.
    WTF? I wasnt able to keep up with current events in the last two days. Does anyone know who it is and what is going on with it now? Thanks.

    Here is the gay GOP with the DUI

  17. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    I just recieved a notice in the mail that my census forms are on the way. Given Glen Beck’s warning, I am turning in my resignation letter at work and I’m fleeing the area from the evil pen and paper!

  18. Cal Malenky says:

    Why does he hate the Constitution?

  19. dasm says:

    Beck is certifiably crazy. Increase Slavery?? Please, someone, institutionalize this total wacko before he causes someone else to be hurt or killed. Beck is a loony, dangerous, and an out-of-control liar. This is NOT free speech. It’s allowing an insane, hateful, deluded jerk to influence his audience to be the same.

  20. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    I just recieved a notice in the mail that my census forms are on the way. Given Glen Beck’s warning, I am turning in my resignation letter at work and I’m fleeing the area from the evil pen and paper!

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

  21. Peter C says:

    Fear and ignorance – that’s all Beck and the Conservatives have to offer.

  22. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    Dear trolls, please do not fill out your census report! the eviliberalislamosocilisturncoaterroists will come and eat your children!

  23. noseeum, et al... says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    “I just received a notice in the mail that my census forms are on the way.”

    Write if you find work…

  24. Kendrick1986 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  25. noseeum, et al... says:

    Kendrick1986 says:

    No chopsticks?

  26. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

    Dry erase markers are the weapons that will win this epic battle for freedom! We must all arm ourselves with the truth!

  27. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:
    Dear trolls, please do not fill out your census report! the eviliberalislamosocilisturncoaterroists will come and eat your children!

    Is that before or after they run big gay ice cream trucks (filled with explosives) into churches?

  28. glogrrl says:

    Oh, Becky….why don’t you just STFU. Everybody knows you are a certified loon. You and Michelle Bachmann should share shackles together when the US Census Bureau makes slaves of you.

  29. sscncturn64 says:

    Thankyou House of Roberts.

  30. dbadass says:

    what happened to the avantgarde shoes?

  31. noseeum, et al... says:

    America is suffering a severe shortage of chopsticks, Kendrick.
    Send 14 million pairs to Glenn Beck, C/O FoxNews
    He’ll pay with his Master Card.

  32. glogrrl says:

    I just receieved a notice in the mail that my census forms are on the way

    Me, too!! But, didn’t have to quit my job—got laid off January of ‘09. Hey, write if you find EXTRA work.

  33. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  34. Pennsylvanianne says:

    I hope Beck keeps up his ranting about the Census so his crazy followers vote themselves right out of a separate district and therefore eliminate the seats of their extremist Republican legislators. They can start with Michelle Bachmann and Mean Jean from Ohio.

  35. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Why else would the government want to know the ethnicity of its constituents other than to discriminate between them?

    Why hasn’t anyone else here even thought of this question?

    Because we are not brain dead bigots like you are?

  36. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  37. noseeum, et al... says:

    galt says:

    “Why else would the government want to know the ethnicity of its constituents other than to discriminate between them?
    Why hasn’t anyone else here even thought of this question?”

    We’re progressives, and tend not to think in terms of discriminating against anyone on the basis of race, creed, color, or religious beliefs.
    You know, like the Constitution says…

    So, sometimes we miss something.
    Thanks for bringing it up.
    We’ll check it out.

  38. noseeum, et al... says:

    galt says:
    “Come on, I know there’s got to be one out there. Just give me one.”

    You’ll have to make one up.

  39. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Because we are not brain dead bigots like you are?

    Yet you can’t think of a single reason that doesn’t involve discrimination? Come on, I know there’s got to be one out there. Just give me one.

    You are too stupid to understand if one was given. F**k off troll.

  40. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?
    March 9th, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    They’re the antidotes of liberty!

  41. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  42. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    You are too stupid to understand if one was given. F**k off troll.

    Really intelligent comment. It contributes a lot to the conversation!

    Yet I have contributed more to this conversation than you have. F**k off troll

  43. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:
    Why else would the government want to know the ethnicity of its constituents other than to discriminate between them?

    Why hasn’t anyone else here even thought of this question?

    Yeah… why else?

    Couldn’t be that the nation has a history of institutional racism and it’s useful to monitor the relative advancement of various segments of society…

    couldn’t be that social research depends on collecting good data of all kinds and the census is the most efficient means to do that…

    couldn’t be that government services can be delivered more effectively when more information is known about the people who are served by the offices of government and developing problems are more quickly identified along with likely causes, some of which might have to do with race…

    nope, none of those benign scenarios are the least bit possible. It simply HAS to be the one malignant suggestion, the product of an anti-government bias so deep that it determines ones screen name on a blog.

  44. sscncturn64 says:

    I report abuse to TP concerning kendricks advertisments.
    TP doesnt seem to care.
    So I have some products that I am selling and its free to advertise on TP so im going to start posting my ads tomorrow.
    What do you think fellow TPer`s is that a good idea.
    (Im being sarcastic moderators. not that you would notice anyway, WTF!!!)

  45. MCMetal says:

    galt says:


    Why else would the government want to know the ethnicity of its constituents other than to discriminate between them?

    Why hasn’t anyone else here even thought of this question?
    March 9th, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    Wanting to know whom lives here is based solely on the idea to discriminate against them ?

  46. Alectimmerman says:

    Can we please encourage all white supremacists to boycott the “racist” census? Should be able to pick up some more seats in more sane areas of the country.

  47. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    ralph: couldn’t be that social research depends on collecting good data of all kinds and the census is the most efficient means to do that…

    Most people fail to realize the value of data–and then there are the people that don’t like data because it fails to validate what they already “know.”

  48. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    glogrrl says:

    Me, too!! But, didn’t have to quit my job—got laid off January of ‘09. Hey, write if you find EXTRA work.

    Lousy parody act aside, I am sorry for the republican policies that cost you your job. Whatever the salary that comes with a job, a job is your identity and losing it sucks the life out of you. But you will recover and find work because job growth is simply better under democrats.

  49. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  50. Lefty Liberal says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    ralph: couldn’t be that social research depends on collecting good data of all kinds and the census is the most efficient means to do that…

    Most people fail to realize the value of data–and then there are the people that don’t like data because it fails to validate what they already “know.”

    You mean like whites are a majority in this country and will always remain so?

  51. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who I’ve known for almost 30 years and he mentioned he listens to and believes most of what Beck and Hannity but not as much. My first thought was, ‘who the fukc are you and what have you done with my friend?’ Since then I send him Media Matters clips on Beck regularly.

  52. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

    Dry erase markers are the weapons that will win this epic battle for freedom! We must all arm ourselves with the truth!

    Damn TP ate my post so I had to re-write everything:
    Question: are we allowed to use any kind of office supply /weapon as long as it isn’t made of paper or looks like a pen?

    I’d arm myself with the dry erase markers of truth and knowledge and a USB air soft gun.

  53. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Couldn’t be that the nation has a history of institutional racism and it’s useful to monitor the relative advancement of various segments of society…

    … By continuing to discriminate based on race?

    couldn’t be that social research depends on collecting good data of all kinds and the census is the most efficient means to do that…

    And how does race affect “good research?”

    couldn’t be that government services can be delivered more effectively when more information is known about the people who are served by the offices of government and developing problems are more quickly identified along with likely causes, some of which might have to do with race…

    This one’s blatant discrimination based on race. I think even you knew that.

    I’m being serious here.

    Bull Sh!t.

    I could understand a question about “what nation were you born in,” as that would have an impact on integration. But just because I’m black does not mean I should receive any more or less federal aid than if I were white.

    Because the data is used for more than just “federal aid”. Grow a brain, learn how to use Google, and maybe you might learn something.

  54. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?
    March 9th, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    They’re the antidotes of liberty!


  55. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    You mean like whites are a majority in this country and will always remain so?

    Or even a discussion earlier today about divorce rates in states that actively prohibit gay marriages.

  56. Fraze says:

    do his followers not recognize bonkers when they see it…surely they aren’t ALL Bubbas

  57. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  58. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    galt, how about curiosity? Is that enough of a reason to ask someone’s racial identity?

    Seriously, if we do either action–drop the race question or keep it–there will be people who will complain. After all, if we are to all be painted as “Americans” by dropping the race question, what counts as “American”?

    Does it mean “white”? Does it mean “black”? European in origin?

    If we don’t as about race, then self-identity will be lost in the individual and in the community. That may be good for racial tensions between communities, but it would ruin identity within the circle.

    I think this isn’t a question of “Schrodinger’s Cat”– calling someone “American” or “African-American” or “Caucasian” doesn’t mean they can’t have more than one way to identify themselves.

    I think that merely painting everyone one color is a form of discrimination itself by denying people a forum to label themselves.

  59. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

    Dry erase markers are the weapons that will win this epic battle for freedom! We must all arm ourselves with the truth!

    Damn TP ate my post so I had to re-write everything:
    Question: are we allowed to use any kind of office supply /weapon as long as it isn’t made of paper or looks like a pen?

    I’d arm myself with the dry erase markers of truth and knowledge and a USB air soft gun.

    All right, I’ll break out my heavy artillery!

  60. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Perhaps the census will better spread federal investment across the nation instead of continuing to allow the contractors in Northern Va. to hog up your tax dollars.

  61. Kendrick1986 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  62. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    Bull Sh!t.

    I could understand a question about “what nation were you born in,” as that would have an impact on integration. But just because I’m black does not mean I should receive any more or less federal aid than if I were white.

    Because the data is used for more than just “federal aid”. Grow a brain, learn how to use Google, and maybe you might learn something.

    Ok, then WHY does the federal government need to know what ethnicity I am?

    The information is used in many ways, medical research and migrations of people, both of which have a racial component.

    Not everything is about discrimination.

    Now would you just f**k off and go spread your conspiracy theories somewhere else? Adults are trying to have a conversation.

  63. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Help “Squash Glenn Beck”! Let’s Get More Fans Than the Real One!

    Buzzflash has set up a “Squash Glenn Beck” page on Facebook featuring the squash version of Glenn Beck. They’re hoping to get more fans than the real guy.

  64. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  65. sscncturn64 says:

    Your comment is intelligent, you cant expect racist trolls to be able to comprehend what you are saying.

  66. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Official response, from the Census Constituent FAQ:

    The Census Bureau collects race data in accordance with guidelines provided by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and these data are based on self-identification. The racial categories included in the census form generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country, and are not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically or genetically. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include racial and national origin or socio-cultural groups. People may choose to report more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as “American Indian and White.” People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino or Spanish may be of any race. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include both racial and national origin or socio-cultural groups. You may choose more than one race category.

    Information on race is required for many federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights. States use these data to meet legislative redistricting principles. Race data also are used to promote equal employment opportunities and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.

  67. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  68. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    You and linzloo are the dumbies! You both have made emenies out of me!

  69. P.D. says:

    Did Becky check with Crazy Michelle Bachman? Apparently, she pulled one-eighty and is NOW embracing the Census. LOL! These whack-jobs should compare notes before they open their pie holes.

  70. fb in sc says:

    Beck, like Liz, etc., will continue to ‘double down’ in their hate-filled-crazyness until even the people who got socially-promoted to high school figure out they are mean loons who care about no one but themselves.

  71. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    Bull Sh!t.

    I could understand a question about “what nation were you born in,” as that would have an impact on integration. But just because I’m black does not mean I should receive any more or less federal aid than if I were white.

    Because the data is used for more than just “federal aid”. Grow a brain, learn how to use Google, and maybe you might learn something.

    Ok, then WHY does the federal government need to know what ethnicity I am?

    The information is used in many ways, medical research and migrations of people, both of which have a racial component.

    Not everything is about discrimination.

    Now would you just f**k off and go spread your conspiracy theories somewhere else? Adults are trying to have a conversation.

    Yes, they are. Thanks for seeing your way out of my way.

    And they don’t have time to deal with your 2nd grade questions. If you would bother to read, you would understand that there are reasons to ask about race. It is not about discrimination.

    You only want to prevent the question from being asked because you know that in a few more decades whites will be in the minority, and THAT is what scares the crap out of you. You are the racist. F**k off.

  72. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

    Dry erase markers are the weapons that will win this epic battle for freedom! We must all arm ourselves with the truth!

    Damn TP ate my post so I had to re-write everything:
    Question: are we allowed to use any kind of office supply /weapon as long as it isn’t made of paper or looks like a pen?

    I’d arm myself with the dry erase markers of truth and knowledge and a USB air soft gun.

    All right, I’ll break out my heavy artillery!

    Yes USB rocket turret! :D
    Throw in a few of these and these.

    I wonder if it would be possible to use the basement of an office building for trench warfare.

  73. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  74. galt says:

    You only want to prevent the question from being asked because you know that in a few more decades whites will be in the minority, and THAT is what scares the crap out of you. You are the racist. F**k off.

    I’ll give you a few minutes to read back through my comments and make yourself feel like a moron.

  75. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:
    Couldn’t be that the nation has a history of institutional racism and it’s useful to monitor the relative advancement of various segments of society…

    … By continuing to discriminate based on race?

    Yeah, monitoring the advancement of a segment of society is the exact same thing as “discrimination based on race”.

    Uh huh.

    couldn’t be that social research depends on collecting good data of all kinds and the census is the most efficient means to do that…

    And how does race affect “good research?”

    Um, if the research is examining elements of race — racial identity, family structure, community expectations, for instance — one would think that knowing the racial makeup of a society is critical to “good research”.

    Perhaps you can’t envision such research?

    couldn’t be that government services can be delivered more effectively when more information is known about the people who are served by the offices of government and developing problems are more quickly identified along with likely causes, some of which might have to do with race…

    This one’s blatant discrimination based on race. I think even you knew that.

    Ah, I think I see the missed connection here. Yous eem to be using “discrimination” in its more value-neutral sense — that is, a simple act of noting the differences between one person and another. Most of us see the term “discrimination” in a racial context as denoting unfair treatment based on arbitrary criteria (skin color). Yous eem to be trying to apply it ion a more clinical sense here, and running afoul of understandable sensitivities to language.

    Otherise, you’d be claiming that any effort to identify a problem that might have racial causes (for instance, the reluctance of a bank to approve home loans for otherwise credit-worthy African-Americans while extending credit to similarly situated clients of other races) could legitimately be classified as “dsicrimination”. The effort to correct teh problem, I mean — not the problem itself.

    And that would be ludicrous.

  76. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Okay pen and paper are evil but is chalk okay? What about dry erase markers?

    Dry erase markers are the weapons that will win this epic battle for freedom! We must all arm ourselves with the truth!

    Damn TP ate my post so I had to re-write everything:
    Question: are we allowed to use any kind of office supply /weapon as long as it isn’t made of paper or looks like a pen?

    I’d arm myself with the dry erase markers of truth and knowledge and a USB air soft gun.

    All right, I’ll break out my heavy artillery!

    Yes USB rocket turret! :D
    Throw in a few of these and these.

    I wonder if it would be possible to use the basement of an office building for trench warfare.

    I like those!!

    I thought that the IT departments of most companies constituted trench warfare? Back in the day before USB power, we used to have paper wad fights all the time! :)

  77. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    galt says:

    If our government is a government of Laws though, everyone should be treated equally regardless of race. To even consider race in law does promote inequality somehow, in someone’s favor for some service or another. How can you really promote equality while denying that same equality in your own legal system?

    I agree that equality is needed. However, I don’t think that equality and inequality is only a government-regulated thing. Perhaps if inequality between races wasn’t something that was endorsed in the past there wouldn’t be a need to ask this question now.

  78. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    As a bisexual person, I see a plot by TEH CENSUS BUREAU to take the data and then analyze it to see who is receptive to TEH GAY VIRUS…/snark

  79. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    A new Facebook campaign is calling for the Census to include “American” as a race option, saying “when America QUITS asking people what their COLOR, RACE, Ethnicity is, then we will all become a stronger Group: Americans.”

    This group has a point, but it’s backwards.

    If and when people in this country quit discriminating against others because of their color, race, and ethnicity, then it will no longer be necessary to ask the question — and we will all become a stronger group: Americans.

    That is a distinct difference.

  80. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    You and linzloo are the dumbies! You both have made emenies out of me!

    Care for a union worker made free-dumb muffin and a pipin’ hot cup of free-dumb coffee?

  81. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    You only want to prevent the question from being asked because you know that in a few more decades whites will be in the minority, and THAT is what scares the crap out of you. You are the racist. F**k off.

    I’ll give you a few minutes to read back through my comments and make yourself feel like a moron.

    Big deal, so you claim to be black. You are still a worthless troll. FOAD

  82. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    Wiz says:

    Did anyone see the Beck interview with Massa? It was delicious insanity. Massa refused to play the “who is corrupt” game with Beck and even critized Beck.

    Holy shit. Beck actually came off as the sane one. He also got absolutely played by Massa. And came off looking like a huge schmuck for playing on someone else’s mental anguish for political points.

    I’ve come to the conclusion, though, that Eric Massa is one disturbed individual. I agree with him on single-payer, on withdrawal from Afghanistan, on fair trade. But the dude is legitimately whacked out.

  83. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    ayn rand: If our government is a government of Laws though, everyone should be treated equally regardless of race. To even consider race in law does promote inequality somehow, in someone’s favor for some service or another. How can you really promote equality while denying that same equality in your own legal system?

    If we take this to its “logical” conclusion, we shouldn’t ask any questions at all. I mean, why do we ask about gender except to promote gender inequality?

    And age? What’s up with that? This is clearly a precursor to death panels! Soon we will be snuffing out old people and the census is designed to target geezers for the storm troopers who will come in the night.

  84. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat)

    Care for a union worker made free-dumb muffin and a pipin’ hot cup of free-dumb coffee?

    I’m naturally suspicious of the your offering! u n i o n -made? Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

  85. P.D. says:

    Massa is MSM’s newest distraction. Everyone knows he is crazier than a sh*t house rat. His story is absurd, and down-right nuts. Of course MSM will play this for days, EVEN though the whack-job resigned. Then it will be focused on the next missing white chick.

  86. Bluestocking says:

    Good grief…can the man get any more paranoid???

    Seriously, though…if he refuses to participate in the Census and his listeners choose to do the same based on his recommendation, then on their own heads be it if their Congressional districts lose funding or are redrawn because they obstructed the Department’s efforts to obtain accurate data! After all, aren’t conservatives and Republicans the ones who are always talking about how important it is to take responsibility for one’s own choices and behavior? Well, this will provide them with the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. Let’s just see how well they do as a result of their voluntary decision to withhold pertinent information, shall we????

    Oh, wait…what am I saying? Since when do most Republicans actually accept responsibility when the excrement hits the spinning blades and their own backsides are on the hot seat? The vast majority of them are every bit as quick as anyone else to complain, point fingers, pass the buck, deny all responsibility, and portray themselves as helpless victims whenever their own choices have negative consequences.

  87. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    The America I Grew Up In ™ didn’t have this kind of Census!

  88. pags2 says:

    So does Beck think the Census has a “deep seated hatred of white people or white culture”?

    The key words are: So does Beck think. We all know that answer to that one.

  89. galt says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:
    f we take this to its “logical” conclusion, we shouldn’t ask any questions at all. I mean, why do we ask about gender except to promote gender inequality?

    Since we provide social security for the elderly, I’d say it’s pretty important that we have our age demographic accurate.

    And really, why ask the question about gender? Does it matter? Yeah, some areas have more males than females and vice versa. If we moved to Single Payer it’d be relevant; since we don’t have single payer it’s not.

  90. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

    There there, darling. Where’s your binky? It’s time for a nap. It’s okay…I’ll leave the closet door unlocked.

  91. just the bleepn facts says:

    Anti-census slavery rhetoric is an attempt to scare black people so that democratic districts are underrepresented and GOP whities get their way. Shocker!

  92. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:

    When you right wing bigots stop discriminating against people, we can stop criticizing you for your racism and bigotry. Ok sport?

  93. Lefty Liberal says:

    pags2 says:

    So does Beck think the Census has a “deep seated hatred of white people or white culture”?

    The key words are: So does Beck think. We all know that answer to that one.

    Actually I think he does think, he thinks about where in his histrionics he should start crying.

  94. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I like those!!

    I thought that the IT departments of most companies constituted trench warfare? Back in the day before USB power, we used to have paper wad fights all the time! :)

    I’ve never worked at a place that didn’t have USB capabilities.

    Have you ever used Nerf guns? Or rulers with a rubber band ball wrapped in duct-tape and used as a crappy maces. That’s when you know you’re bored at work.

  95. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  96. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    And really, why ask the question about gender?

    GOP discrimination against women? Especially poor women? That’s a start dontcha think d**chebag?…

  97. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    A new Facebook campaign is calling for the Census to include “American” as a race option, saying “when America QUITS asking people what their COLOR, RACE, Ethnicity is, then we will all become a stronger Group: Americans.”

    This group has a point, but it’s backwards.

    If and when people in this country quit discriminating against others because of their color, race, and ethnicity, then it will no longer be necessary to ask the question — and we will all become a stronger group: Americans.

    That is a distinct difference.

    Scroll through the profile photos on the FB page and you may notice a certain theme. In my own experience, the people who tell you that race doesn’t matter, or doesn’t exist tend to be melanin-deficient. Whenever I hear someone claim that they “don’t see black people or white people” I pull on the hip waders before the b.s. gets too deep.

    And, frequently, these are the first people to start screaming “racism” — if the object of their attention is Black.

  98. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat)

    Care for a union worker made free-dumb muffin and a pipin’ hot cup of free-dumb coffee?

    I’m naturally suspicious of the your offering! u n i o n -made? Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

    Don’t worry…the union baker is happier now that he receives better wages and benefits so he probably won’t poison your muffin.

  99. just the bleepn facts says:

    Kenneth says:
    Sounds like your friend has common sense and a real brain.

    That’s what all retard republicans claim to have, when they’re too stupid to have ‘real’ sense known as “IQ”. Does it make you inbreds feel better about yourself to be delusional and believe the smart people are stupid and you retards are the “real” smart ones? LOL! Your delusion is hysterical!

    Kenneth says:
    Probably not indoctrinated or programmed either.

    Ironic projection from someone that idolizes Beck! LOL!

  100. galt says:

    just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    And really, why ask the question about gender?

    GOP discrimination against women? Especially poor women? That’s a start dontcha think d**chebag?…

    WTF are you even talking about now?

  101. conservative guy says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  102. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I like those!!

    I thought that the IT departments of most companies constituted trench warfare? Back in the day before USB power, we used to have paper wad fights all the time! :)

    I’ve never worked at a place that didn’t have USB capabilities.

    Have you ever used Nerf guns? Or rulers with a rubber band ball wrapped in duct-tape and used as a crappy maces. That’s when you know you’re bored at work.

    You young whippersnappers don’t know what it was like in the “olden days”! Why, we had to load network drivers in “extended memory” to save that 640K of memory for the programs. And you could only run one program at a time! And each program had it’s own set of printer drivers, and if the printer you wanted to use wasn’t one of the supported models, you were just out of luck! Ahhh, the days!

    We had so many difficulties getting everything to work and stay working we didn’t have TIME to be bored! ;)

    (Actually we would make weapons out of just about anything. I set up a printer one time to shoot paper wads across the computer room. My boss wasn’t amused, especially since he was my target)

  103. had enough says:

    #5 noseeum, et al… says:

    Beck’s afraid to find out just how soon “white” people will become a minority.

    My thoughts exactly. What other reason would upset these goons to this level of insanity?

  104. Lefty Liberal says:

    conservative guy says:

    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.

    They don’t even need to know that. They are just trying to figure out how many people they will need to send to your house to haul you off to a reeducation camp. Don’t fill it out at all!!!

  105. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:
    Scroll through the profile photos on the FB page and you may notice a certain theme.

    I see what you mean. Yeesh…

  106. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat)

    Care for a union worker made free-dumb muffin and a pipin’ hot cup of free-dumb coffee?

    I’m naturally suspicious of the your offering! u n i o n -made? Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

    Don’t worry…the union baker is happier now that he receives better wages and benefits so he probably won’t poison your muffin.

    Key word here is “probably”. You are against unions after all ;)

  107. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    conservative guy says:

    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.

    But oddly enough, when it comes to two men, or two women wanting to live together, it does become conservatives’ business…

    A little… ah… inconsistent there, huh?

  108. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    conservative guy says:
    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.

    Looks like the census will only be counting liberals and progressives. Sweet!

  109. Insidious Prophet says:

    What is with these stereotypes by the right. Do they think there aren’t any white women out there who are baby making machines and live on welfare?

    There are a lot of Mexican families in my community and the ones I’ve talked to are decent, respectful people. I see some of these Mexican working at fast food restaurants which shows they aren’t lazy and don’t let their pride stop them from working at places many white women would never work at.

  110. Insidious Prophet says:

    …I see some of these Mexican women working at…

  111. Insidious Prophet says:

    conservative guy says:

    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.
    Um CG, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think blowup dolls count as people.

  112. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    You young whippersnappers don’t know what it was like in the “olden days”! Why, we had to load network drivers in “extended memory” to save that 640K of memory for the programs. And you could only run one program at a time! And each program had it’s own set of printer drivers, and if the printer you wanted to use wasn’t one of the supported models, you were just out of luck! Ahhh, the days!

    We had so many difficulties getting everything to work and stay working we didn’t have TIME to be bored! ;)

    (Actually we would make weapons out of just about anything. I set up a printer one time to shoot paper wads across the computer room. My boss wasn’t amused, especially since he was my target)

    The shooting printer thing beats my crappy duct tape maces any day! How did you get the printer to do that? Did you mess with with printer feeder?

  113. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    Um CG, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think blowup dolls count as people.

    Shorter CG: They do too! They do too!!!

  114. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat)

    Care for a union worker made free-dumb muffin and a pipin’ hot cup of free-dumb coffee?

    I’m naturally suspicious of the your offering! u n i o n -made? Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

    Don’t worry…the union baker is happier now that he receives better wages and benefits so he probably won’t poison your muffin.

    Key word here is “probably”. You are against unions after all ;)

    If that’s the case the Republicans should not take muffins from any group that they hate or threaten openly.

  115. Rab says:

    Beck is a perfect asshat

  116. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    conservative guy says:

    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.

    Sounds like CG would be more comfortable living somewhere without any government at all, since the completely benign questions on the census terrify him.

  117. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I mean, I know thye have a low view of government and have a difficult time conceiving of any noble purpose for it other than war, but seriously… is it a lack of imagination, or just a certain kind of imagination?

  118. Insidious Prophet says:

    How crazy are the religious right getting? I was flipping through the channels earlier and came across this evangelist channel called Daystar.

    They had the very typical chubby old white preacher in a $1000.00 suit. This preachers name was Ron Phillips and I’m not sure what message he was preaching but I’m guessing he was attacking Liberals.

    I listened to him say the following as he waddled around the stage, before I turned the channel:

    “They can have the peace corp, I’ll take the marine corp.”


    “You can have your hybrid cars, I’ll buy me another gas guzzling truck and mount a gun rack on the back window”

    These people are absolutely nuts and present a dangerous to the rest of this country.

  119. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    Holy macaroli I’m afwaid!

    There there, darling. Where’s your binky? It’s time for a nap. It’s okay…I’ll leave the closet door unlocked.

    Aw, thanks! They call you Mother Superior for a reason!

  120. PolicyNorth says:

    Glenn Beck will be shown to be a meth addict. There is no doubt in my mind that he tweeks.

  121. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Rab says:
    Beck is a perfect asshat

    Beck is pretty much the definition of the word asshat. The only people dumber and more batshit insane than Beck are the idiots that listen to his show and spout his BS.

  122. Insidious Prophet says:

    I just hope Michele Bachmanns followers here in Minnesota agree with Beck and don’t fill out their US Census.

  123. galt says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  124. Insidious Prophet says:

    VDT is back….whahhhhhhhhh!

  125. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    conservative guy says:

    The only question on the census I will answer is the fact that 2 people live in my house. Anything else is not the governments business.

    I recommend this wholeheartedly! Maybe your deep-red district will be consolidated into a blue district!

  126. flight says:

    You have to admit, Beck is pumping a theme, and that theme is revolting. Why was the conservative so compliant with the Bush Administration but ready for an armed revolt with the Obama Administration? Do you really think the census is worded that differently?

    No administration can change the course of a government in one year. If you can answer the question honestly, Beck’s diatribe is disturbing for any public figure.

    Why don’t we just hand out the guns and tear the country apart?

    Time for Armageddon.

  127. Luis Chapulin M says:

    Well, if you’re gonna get picky about it…

    I’m a Mexican. I was born in Mexico. Mexico is in the American continent. Therefore, since I’m not Asian, European, African, Asian, Australian, or Antartican for that matter, I must be an American, right?

  128. Insidious Prophet says:

    Luis Chapulin M says:

    Well, if you’re gonna get picky about it…

    I’m a Mexican. I was born in Mexico. Mexico is in the American continent. Therefore, since I’m not Asian, European, African, Asian, Australian, or Antartican for that matter, I must be an American, right?
    Stop it Luis, your logic will just confuse these racist, bigoted, right wing simpletons.

  129. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:
    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I’m not a wingnut,

    Um, yes, you are.

    but I know there’s a reason for the question, or the question wouldn’t be asked.

    And given your anti-government bias, the only possible reason is a negative one.

    But those of us who don’t have knee-jerk reactions against anything the government proposes see other possibilities that you don’t admit.

    In their own faq they admit it’s to treat people differently based on ethnicity, and that’s the reason for the question.

    Oh really? Do you mean the FAQ located here?

    The one that says:

    “Race is key to implementing any number of federal laws and is a critical factor in the basic research behind numerous policies”?

    Funny, I didn’t see that “to treat people differently based on ethnicity” anywhere on that page. Guess you have to read between the lines. I suspect you are skilled at that.

  130. flight says:

    I know a perfect place for the modern conservative. The country has all the fear an anarchy you wingnuts crave. Take your bicycle and peddle to Somalia!

  131. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Was this that big of a debate when Bush 41 was President back in 1990? Or even when Clinton was in charge in 2000?

  132. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    I just hope Michele Bachmanns followers here in Minnesota agree with Beck and don’t fill out their US Census.

    Tea-baggers: “The government is here for our guns! I saw a black helicopter with the Spetsnaz logo on the side this morning! I’ve seen what those commies can do!”

  133. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The shooting printer thing beats my crappy duct tape maces any day! How did you get the printer to do that? Did you mess with with printer feeder?

    It was a large line printer used to print large reports in the data center. It had a bar that would rotate fast to move the paper to the top of the next page. I just had some paper wads that would sit on it and when the lid was open, it would sling the paper wad across the room.

    Like I said, ahhh the old days…

  134. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Lefty Liberal: Key word here is “probably”. You are against unions after all ;)

    bizarrobrain: Don’t worry…the union baker is happier now that he receives better wages and benefits so he probably won’t poison your muffin.

    Indeed I have an intense hatred for unions. They promote the warfare of defending themselves and the economic vitality of their communities. Management, however, promotes sweet & kind practices such as wrongful terminations, discrimination in various forms, stupid decisions to close factories, etc., unsafe working conditions and retaliation. The Freedom ™ to make a workday as complicated as possible is what our founders intended. You can find this intent burrowed deep in their 200+-year-old excrement, to be uncovered by a liberal archeologist.

    Freedom ™ also allows me to reject any rational argument you have in support of unions, in favor of preserving my precast mentality against them. Why, we had no unions in the 50s. duur!

  135. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I’m not a wingnut
    , but I know there’s a reason for the question, or the question wouldn’t be asked. In their own faq they admit it’s to treat people differently based on ethnicity, and that’s the reason for the question.

    Yes, you are. You are a scared little troll that sees conspiracies under your bed. If you are that frightened, then why don’t you just not return the census form and that way your voice in government will not be heard as loud. That would help everyone.

  136. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    If “galt” doesn’t like that the census asks his ethnicity, then maybe he shouldn’t answer that question.

    Just a thought.

  137. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    I’m here to promote the republican viewpoint, with a republican flavor, in a republican time zone, wearing a republican cloth! Don’t tread on me! Pweese!

  138. patrick5 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  139. dbadass says:

    patrick5 is getting increasingly unstable. I ask again. What type of grown man behaves like this….

  140. Shayne says:

    It will be great, we’ll know anybody who doesn’t answer the race question is a Beck follower and we’ll be able to pick them up and take them to the FEMA camps. They’d be safer to not answer at all.

  141. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    I’m here to promote the republican viewpoint, with a republican flavor, in a republican time zone, wearing a republican cloth! Don’t tread on me! Pweese!

    Like these

  142. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    I have a difficult time believing that Thomas Jefferson would confuse “it’s” and “its”…

  143. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    patrick5 says:
    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity.


    Don’t forget to print your own money.

  144. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    patrick5, I applaud your integrity and initiative. I think you should hold fast to the ideals you profess here tonight, no matter what happens to you.

    God speed.

  145. MCMetal says:

    patrick5 says:


    I am a sovereign citizen.

    March 9th, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    I don’t recall many American Indians named “patrick” , jackass …….

  146. Insidious Prophet says:

    Breaking News: Another right wing extremist (Teabagger?) strikes.

    From Northfield, Minnesota: A man burned down his house today than drove his vehicle to the Northfield City Hall building where he than dosed his vehicle in gasoline and set it on fire.

    A Northfield policeman caught the man as he was running through the City Hall parking lot with his pants on fire.

    The reason the guy gave the Northfield police….”I’m mad at the government.”

    The City Hall building suffered little damage but two other vehicles were destroyed in the City Hall parking lot.

    Five words to this big ass dummy: drop, tuck and roll dude!

  147. weewoods says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  148. flight says:

    Zooey @ 137,
    My thought too. He still has the freedom to not answer.

    Oh that’s right, Obama took that freedom away from galt but rest assured, Beck will protect galt’s freedoms!
    Beck, what a patroit, a true American.

  149. Insidious Prophet says:

    I think patrick5 was gang raped by some fellow oath keepers so lets take it easy on him tonight, okay?

  150. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Patrick’s cheap attempt at statesmanship: “When the government ceases to fear it’s own citizens it will arrest and enslave them.”
    - Thomas Jefferson

    Of course we republicans would say the government responding to the needs of and great disparities within the citizenry is to “arrest and enslave them.”

  151. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    patrick5 says:
    “When the government ceases to fear it’s own citizens it will arrest and enslave them.”
    - Thomas Jefferson

    You’re going to have to provide a link to that quote, dippy. It’s not coming up on any Google search. We’ll wait.

  152. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The shooting printer thing beats my crappy duct tape maces any day! How did you get the printer to do that? Did you mess with with printer feeder?

    It was a large line printer used to print large reports in the data center. It had a bar that would rotate fast to move the paper to the top of the next page. I just had some paper wads that would sit on it and when the lid was open, it would sling the paper wad across the room.

    Like I said, ahhh the old days…

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    Lefty Liberal: Key word here is “probably”. You are against unions after all ;)–

    bizarrobrain: Don’t worry…the union baker is happier now that he receives better wages and benefits so he probably won’t poison your muffin.

    Indeed I have an intense hatred for unions. They promote the warfare of defending themselves and the economic vitality of their communities. Management, however, promotes sweet & kind practices such as wrongful terminations, discrimination in various forms, stupid decisions to close factories, etc., unsafe working conditions and retaliation. The Freedom ™ to make a workday as complicated as possible is what our founders intended. You can find this intent burrowed deep in their 200+-year-old excrement, to be uncovered by a liberal archeologist.

    Freedom ™ also allows me to reject any rational argument you have in support of unions, in favor of preserving my precast mentality against them. Why, we had no unions in the 50s. duur!

    And damn that liberal/secularist/gay media for spreading the truth about the benefits of unions!

  153. Lefty Liberal says:

    patrick5 says:

    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity. The census is a roll call for the arrest and enslavement of conservative citizens. I will not participate.

    “When the government ceases to fear it’s own citizens it will arrest and enslave them.”
    - Thomas Jefferson

    I have tried to find this quote from Thomas Jefferson. I’m assuming since it is being used by a f**ked up troll, that it is bogus.

    I think this is the quote you are looking for:

    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

    Now tell us pattycakes, do you understand what Thomas Jefferson was talking about?

  154. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    A Northfield policeman caught the man as he was running through the City Hall parking lot with his pants on fire.

    What is it with these weirdos setting their junk on fire?

    *eyes rolling*

  155. Luis Chapulin M says:

    patrick5 says:
    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity.

    Sorry, Dumfukistan hasn’t presented the properly arranged agrément for your stay in the USA as a head of a mission, so therefore you’re an illegal immigrant and your embassy is not recognized. Thank you for playing!

  156. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    Like these

    OMG! I swear that isn’t the republican cloth! I swear!! (They were available in a secret warehouse only! At least that’s what they told me!)

  157. christopher wiwi says:

    I thought Becky wrote about Thomas Paine’s Common Sense……I guess Becky doesn’t really do much fact checking when it comes to the Constitution either.Lies,deceit and misinformation are what the Reich does best.The fact that they completely direct you fools on the Reich is irrelevant isn’t?

  158. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

  159. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    Like these

    OMG! I swear that isn’t the republican cloth! I swear!! (They were available in a secret warehouse only! At least that’s what they told me!)


  160. flight says:

    patrick5 @ 139

    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity. The census is a roll call for the arrest and enslavement of conservative citizens. I will not participate.

    “When the government ceases to fear it’s own citizens it will arrest and enslave them.”
    - Thomas Jefferson


    Suggest you watch a few episodes of Sponge Bob Square Paints.
    This Patrick makes much more sense than you do!

    “Anyone who spews this crap is an idiot!”

  161. Lefty Liberal says:

    christopher wiwi says:

    I thought Becky wrote about Thomas Paine’s Common Sense……I guess Becky doesn’t really do much fact checking when it comes to the Constitution either.Lies,deceit and misinformation are what the Reich does best.The fact that they completely direct you fools on the Reich is irrelevant isn’t?

    Glenda Becky? Fact checking? Why would he do any fact checking? If Glenda did that, it would completely destroy the message.

  162. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

    Haha. No I’ve never had that happen.

    I’ll admit I’d laugh (as long as it wasn’t a really nice tie) afterwards if it ever did.

  163. christopher wiwi says:

    Lefty,Just the lack of respect the Reich shows these people makes me want to vomit and yet they take it in the backside and get nothing for it,while we progressives at least trying to health care,jobs, funding for college, funding for roads and trying to get some regulations on Wall St and they don’t seem to want any of it unless Becky, Flush and the rest say it’s OK,I really don’t get it and I am 50 years old and a progressive thru and thru.

  164. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

    Haha. No I’ve never had that happen.

    I’ll admit I’d laugh (as long as it wasn’t a really nice tie) afterwards if it ever did.

    Not only did I have a good laugh, so did everyone else in the department. Fortunately, it was a small IT shop. It taught me to tuck the tie into my shirt before I loaded paper in that printer again.

    My effort to ditch the ties completely was not well received though. It was the conservative Midwest. Years later, I was able to ditch the tie when I worked in California. Now there is a “no tie” clause in my standard contract. I only own one tie (silk, not knit), and that is reserved for weddings and funerals .

  165. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Moving on from that pretty pink embarrassment …

    WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE (and don’t bother to show the real one!)


  166. Lefty Liberal says:

    christopher wiwi says:

    Lefty,Just the lack of respect the Reich shows these people makes me want to vomit and yet they take it in the backside and get nothing for it,while we progressives at least trying to health care,jobs, funding for college, funding for roads and trying to get some regulations on Wall St and they don’t seem to want any of it unless Becky, Flush and the rest say it’s OK,I really don’t get it and I am 50 years old and a progressive thru and thru.

    And that is why you don’t get it. Conservatives are more interested in who is having sex with who, and “Freedom”. They don’t have the mental capacity to understand how things affect them.

    Remember the phrase “simple things for simple minds” and you will start to understand them. Progressive ideas cannot be put into a five second sound bite, but conservative ideas can.

  167. bulletproofair says:

    Beck knows that if his predominantly white audience obeys him and leaves their “race” question blank on the census, it will skew the results against minorities….because they’re loaded with all that federal cash…

    Beck is basically asking his followers to leave their race question open with the goal of skewing the census results, ultimately stacking the card against minorities in regards to the appropriation of gov’t funding.

    Wow…that’s super-racist, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t taken it out of context either. He’s been taking some extremely low blows lately and he’s gonna really tip somebody over the breaking point…it’s hard to even laugh at him anymore, as he’s really inciting a lot of violence.

  168. SlappyBastinado says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  169. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    This November I will reach a decision. A decision for a new republican beginning. This decision will hinge greatly on how many teabaggers set their nads on fire.

  170. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The stupidity of the fundie “pro-life” crowd is a funny thing…these people who would fight to the death to save the brain dead and the unborn while not giving a damn about or even praying for direct or indirect harm of born humans.

  171. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    patrick5 says:
    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity. The census is a roll call for the arrest and enslavement of conservative citizens. I will not participate.

    Perfect, by all means don’t participate in the census. Please convince all your friends to not participate in the census. Urge the voters of bachman’s district in MN and the kings twins (iowa nd NY) to not partake in the census. Please convince the states of Alaska Arizona texas and every other rightwing welfare state to not participate in the census.

  172. Insidious Prophet says:

    Our founding fathers would have shot these right wing traitors for sedition among other things.

  173. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    Slappy, you’re right, it’s all a musocialimist plot to take control of your flush toilets. don’t make it easy on them, don’t take the census. Spread the word. don’t take the census.

  174. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The stupidity of the fundie “pro-life” crowd is a funny thing…these people who would fight to the death to save the brain dead and the unborn while not giving a damn about or even praying for direct or indirect harm of born humans.

    You mean the pro-death pro-lifers?

  175. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    This November I will reach a decision. A decision for a new republican beginning. This decision will hinge greatly on how many teabaggers set their nads on fire.

    You know it’s gonna happen…eventually…they are really that stupid

  176. Insidious Prophet says:

    SlappyBastinado says:

    OMG!……….I just received a letter from the census bureau stating I would be receiving a letter from the census bureau.
    Are you sure it wasn’t one of those RNC propaganda forms that look just like a US Census form?

  177. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    Apparently, the only thing the government can do well is trap slow-footed conservatives.

  178. RandomChaos (Lobbyist for Spews Corp) says:

    Slappyturd spews: Whatchagonnadoyaddayadda?

    Three words.

    Mossberg..your face.

  179. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    OMG!……….I just received a letter from the census bureau stating I would be receiving a letter from the census bureau.


    Holy Sh*t! I recieved the same notification for the American Community Survey in mid-2008. Obama was president then! Notify your local Fox affiliate! Stop the Presses! Press the Stoppers! We’re all going to hell! AHHHH!





  180. Bob, Johnsonville, now with 20% more johnsons! wurst says:

    TRolls, spread the word: go to redstate, townhall etc and spread the word. ONE letter if by sea, and TWO letters if by mail. The CENSUS is coming! Don’t fall for it, save your conservative friends! don’t let them take the census either.

    What you should do is drive around your neighbohood following the mailman and you should remove the census forms from your neighbors’ mailboxes for their own good!

  181. Thelonious Faron says:

    Incredible. Beck is usually out whining about how much he loves the Constitution and how he’s a defender of it.

    Well, here’s what the Constitution says Beck.

    “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State”

    Now the original requirement came from Article 1, Section 2, however it was based on the current practice of slavery and was then changed in the 14th Amendment, to read as above.

    So if Beck wanted to argue that sampling was wrong, then Constitutionally speaking he’d have an argument.

    But arguing that the Census is wrong? Beck is working against the Constitution and against the US Government in an apparent attempt to negate the governments authority to do anything.

    At least the governments authority to do anything under a black, democratic President.

  182. RandomChaos (Lobbyist for Spews Corp) says:

    tosses a life guard ring to wtgrm.

  183. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:


  184. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    OMG!……….I just received a letter from the census bureau stating I would be receiving a letter from the census bureau.


    Holy Sh*t! I recieved the same notification for the American Community Survey in mid-2008. Obama was president then! Notify your local Fox affiliate! Stop the Presses! Press the Stoppers! We’re all going to hell! AHHHH!





    Remember to swallow…oops, I promised I wouldn’t do any more of these reminders…my bad… :D

  185. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:






  186. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

    Haha. No I’ve never had that happen.

    I’ll admit I’d laugh (as long as it wasn’t a really nice tie) afterwards if it ever did.

    Not only did I have a good laugh, so did everyone else in the department. Fortunately, it was a small IT shop. It taught me to tuck the tie into my shirt before I loaded paper in that printer again.

    My effort to ditch the ties completely was not well received though. It was the conservative Midwest. Years later, I was able to ditch the tie when I worked in California. Now there is a “no tie” clause in my standard contract. I only own one tie (silk, not knit), and that is reserved for weddings and funerals .

    Well at least you made yourself and everyone in your department laugh. :D

    So office attire in more conservative areas is more…conservative?

    In most of the places where I’ve worked ties have been optional but they are preferred office attire. I’ve seen a lot of joke ties but I only own four ties and they are just normal black business ties.

  187. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:






    Well maybe you should stop going to the doctor because with health reform, the doctor must be making you go AHHHHHHH

  188. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The stupidity of the fundie “pro-life” crowd is a funny thing…these people who would fight to the death to save the brain dead and the unborn while not giving a damn about or even praying for direct or indirect harm of born humans.

    You mean the pro-death pro-lifers?


    “If you’re so pro-life, do me a favour: don’t lock arms and block medical clinics. If you’re so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.-”Bill Hicks

  189. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

    Haha. No I’ve never had that happen.

    I’ll admit I’d laugh (as long as it wasn’t a really nice tie) afterwards if it ever did.

    Not only did I have a good laugh, so did everyone else in the department. Fortunately, it was a small IT shop. It taught me to tuck the tie into my shirt before I loaded paper in that printer again.

    My effort to ditch the ties completely was not well received though. It was the conservative Midwest. Years later, I was able to ditch the tie when I worked in California. Now there is a “no tie” clause in my standard contract. I only own one tie (silk, not knit), and that is reserved for weddings and funerals .

    Well at least you made yourself and everyone in your department laugh. :D

    So office attire in more conservative areas is more…conservative?

    In most of the places where I’ve worked ties have been optional but they are preferred office attire. I’ve seen a lot of joke ties but I only own four ties and they are just normal black business ties.

    When I get a new client, there is a clause in my contract that specifies that I will wear “business casual attire”. Polo shirts and khakis are the most common, though in the winter I will wear a sweater.

    I have always viewed ties as a corporate noose.

  190. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    CO-HOST: Because minorities are worth more than whites.

    BECK: Exactly right. So you will get more dollars if you are a minority.

    Once again Becky’s moronic bigotry gets him a big sloppy KKKiss from the reactionary reichwing.

  191. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:



    Somebody stop him before he sets his pants on fire.

  192. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Your home is not an embassy. What you are is an ignorant brainwashed moron and a punkass troll far too stupid for anyone to take seriously

  193. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    “If you’re so pro-life, do me a favour: don’t lock arms and block medical clinics. If you’re so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.-”Bill Hicks

    Isn’t that what Fred Phelps does?

  194. flight says:

    SlappyBastinado @ 169,
    I am confident Beck would be proud of you.
    Your a credit for your cause!

  195. patrick5 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  196. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Just STFU. No one here will give you any pity. You are not funny. You are stupid. You are pathetic. You are a punkass troll and you will NEVER be clever. No one is every going to think you are funny or clever. We all know you are stupid and pitiful. Go FCUK yourself there will NEVER be any pity here for you

  197. flight says:

    Eugene Debs @ 193,
    Think of sponge bob.

    I think patric and slappy should catch the next bus to Somolia, home of the free and brave.

  198. The Republic of Stupidity says:

  199. Lefty Liberal says:

    patrick5 says:

    Eugene, you are not welcome in my embassy.

    funny thing, you’re not welcome here

  200. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are not welcome on planet Earth. You disgust all decent human beings and are nothing but a pathetic punkass troll. Go FCUK yourself

  201. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    patrick5 says:

    Eugene, you are not welcome in my embassy bathroom stall.

    Yer a lucky man, Eugene…

    Dog sheds his fur on thee…

  202. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wish we could do that…everything is either Power Point presintations or laser printers. Sounds like you had much better office battles. Ours usually just end up as an IT guy version of urban guerrilla warfare. Oh well…there’s always paintball.

    Yeah, you haven’t experienced fun until your knit tie (hey, it was the 80’s) gets caught in a line printer and it unravels in a large pile of thread at your feet…

    Haha. No I’ve never had that happen.

    I’ll admit I’d laugh (as long as it wasn’t a really nice tie) afterwards if it ever did.

    Not only did I have a good laugh, so did everyone else in the department. Fortunately, it was a small IT shop. It taught me to tuck the tie into my shirt before I loaded paper in that printer again.

    My effort to ditch the ties completely was not well received though. It was the conservative Midwest. Years later, I was able to ditch the tie when I worked in California. Now there is a “no tie” clause in my standard contract. I only own one tie (silk, not knit), and that is reserved for weddings and funerals .

    Well at least you made yourself and everyone in your department laugh. :D

    So office attire in more conservative areas is more…conservative?

    In most of the places where I’ve worked ties have been optional but they are preferred office attire. I’ve seen a lot of joke ties but I only own four ties and they are just normal black business ties.

    When I get a new client, there is a clause in my contract that specifies that I will wear “business casual attire”. Polo shirts and khakis are the most common, though in the winter I will wear a sweater.

    I have always viewed ties as a corporate noose.

    Another reason why it would be awesome to have your own business: you can wear what you like (within reason).

    To be honest I hate ties but since it’s pretty much an unwritten rule that you probably should wear a tie when there is a meeting. I carry a tie at all times in my laptop bag. On the weekends/days off its just t-shirt and jeans for attire.

  203. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    Behold… the Oath Keeper!

    So easy, even a caveman can do it.

    So wrong…so very, very wrong…

  204. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    patrick5 says:

    Eugene, you are not welcome in my embassy.

    Teh children are reading this! Knock it off!

  205. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    So wrong…so very, very wrong…

    Hey… I call ‘em the way I see ‘em…

    DON’T make me go all Johnny Cash here…

  206. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    “If you’re so pro-life, do me a favour: don’t lock arms and block medical clinics. If you’re so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.-”Bill Hicks

    Isn’t that what Fred Phelps does?

    Yup. Everything Fred Phelps hates, God hates as well. So yes God hates everything. Mister Phelps is living proof that the worst enemy of Christianity is the Christians.

  207. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Where was I?



    I’m gonna do it! .. *flicker* … I’m .. gonna .. *flicker* .. do it!

    hehehehehe (troll looks around with hysterical eyes)

    The republican jewels are at stake!

  208. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    DON’T make me go all Johnny Cash here…

    Go on! I dare you! You know you want to anyway. ;)

  209. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Another reason why it would be awesome to have your own business: you can wear what you like (within reason).

    To be honest I hate ties but since it’s pretty much an unwritten rule that you probably should wear a tie when there is a meeting. I carry a tie at all times in my laptop bag. On the weekends/days off its just t-shirt and jeans for attire.

    I thought Seattle was pretty relaxed in it’s business attire?

  210. P.D. says:

    LOL! I just stepped in and have NO idea what is going on. And, I admit it, I’m to lazy to find out.

  211. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Who left the lighter on the coffee table…again?

    Good thing our trollie is wearing 100% cotton diapers…

  212. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Another good reason to have a union job. You should SEE what I wear to work

  213. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    patrick5 says:
    Eugene, you are not welcome in my embassy.

    Funny I thought terrorists attacked embassies.

  214. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Where was I?



    I’m gonna do it! .. *flicker* … I’m .. gonna .. *flicker* .. do it!

    hehehehehe (troll looks around with hysterical eyes)

    The republican jewels are at stake!

    You mean these jewels?

  215. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    The republican jewels are at stake!

    Cubic zirconia?

    ***eyes roll…***

  216. P.D. says:

    Eugene@213, What do you wear for work?

  217. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Go on! I dare you! You know you want to anyway. ;)

    I’m warnin’ ya…

  218. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    P.D. says:
    LOL! I just stepped in and have NO idea what is going on. And, I admit it, I’m to lazy to find out.

    Teh Beck crazies have rubbed off!

  219. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    I’m warnin’ ya…

    You’ve got the talkin’ done, polar bear…

  220. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    As a republican, my goal is to come to this thread making a bigger ass out of myself than the night before. I’m confident tonight I have a bigger ass. While this goal can be attributed to all my trolls, I feel enlighteted stating it word for word.

    Good night, I love you liberals, I will think about you before I go to sleep, I will then do something else, then I will go to sleep.

  221. Lefty Liberal says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Another good reason to have a union job. You should SEE what I wear to work

    I’m almost afraid to ask…what do you wear?

  222. Lefty Liberal says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    As a republican, my goal is to come to this thread making a bigger ass out of myself than the night before. I’m confident tonight I have a bigger ass. While this goal can be attributed to all my trolls, I feel enlighteted stating it word for word.

    Good night, I love you liberals, I will think about you before I go to sleep, I will then do something else, then I will go to sleep.

    Good night, and try not to make too much of a mess on the sheets :D

  223. P.D. says:

    Zooey@219, I admit, I’m out of the loop. Spring Fever is in the air. I have been planting, staking out areas where my garden is growing. I like to take a break from the MSM machine. It helps keep my sanity.

  224. Lefty Liberal says:

    P.D. says:

    LOL! I just stepped in and have NO idea what is going on. And, I admit it, I’m to lazy to find out.

    And you think we know what is going on?

  225. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I thought Seattle was pretty relaxed in it’s business attire?

    Not everywhere is as relaxed. It really depends where you go: when I started out in PC repair, where I worked had a very casual dress code but at Honeywell and a fair number of IT jobs for big companies prefer professionals to dress like professionals.

  226. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    All kinds of liberal tee shirts. I wear my Che Guevara T another that has Montezuma saying who is the illegal alien pilgrim, A picture of Native Americans that says Homeland Security fighting terrorism since 1492. One with a drawing of a dodo bird that says Humanity? Stuff like that.

  227. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I thought Seattle was pretty relaxed in it’s business attire?

    Not everywhere is as relaxed. It really depends where you go: when I started out in PC repair, where I worked had a very casual dress code but at Honeywell and a fair number of IT jobs for big companies prefer professionals to dress like professionals.

    Last large company I worked for (Fortune 50) we had a “business casual” dress code, but that was back in 2003. Have things changed that much in the 7 years since I was in that type of environment?

  228. galt says:

    flight says:

    I know a perfect place for the modern conservative. The country has all the fear an anarchy you wingnuts crave. Take your bicycle and peddle to Somalia!

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.

  229. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    You’ve got the talkin’ done, polar bear…


    Talk about the old “In. Your. Face….”

    I warned ya… ‘n now… I’m gonna go all Johnny Cash on ya!

  230. P.D. says:

    Good Night my TP brethren, see you on the morn. I got planning to do, and a vegetable garden to start….

  231. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    P.D. says:

    Zooey@219, I admit, I’m out of the loop. Spring Fever is in the air. I have been planting, staking out areas where my garden is growing. I like to take a break from the MSM machine. It helps keep my sanity.

    Just like a good liberal – pumping oxygen in the air! Why aren’t you doing the pro-American ™ thing and taking teh family for a ride in the Hummer 2010 Earth Destroyer across state lines?

    I now commence with the evenings closure.

  232. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    flight says:

    I know a perfect place for the modern conservative. The country has all the fear an anarchy you wingnuts crave. Take your bicycle and peddle to Somalia!

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.
    Sure they do jackass, all you need is a bigger gun.

    FOAD troll

  233. galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I’m not a wingnut, but I know there’s a reason for the question, or the question wouldn’t be asked. In their own faq they admit it’s to treat people differently based on ethnicity, and that’s the reason for the question.

    Yes, you are. You are a scared little troll that sees conspiracies under your bed. If you are that frightened, then why don’t you just not return the census form and that way your voice in government will not be heard as loud. That would help everyone.

    I don’t see a conspiracy, I just see the promotion of racial inequality.

  234. dbadass says:

    Where the hell is Somolia?

  235. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.

    You would appear to suffer from acute irony deficiency…

    Me’thinks Somalia has NO laws protecting much of anything

  236. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    A new Facebook campaign is calling for the Census to include “American” as a race option, saying “when America QUITS asking people what their COLOR, RACE, Ethnicity is, then we will all become a stronger Group:

  237. Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I’m not a wingnut, but I know there’s a reason for the question, or the question wouldn’t be asked. In their own faq they admit it’s to treat people differently based on ethnicity, and that’s the reason for the question.

    Yes, you are. You are a scared little troll that sees conspiracies under your bed. If you are that frightened, then why don’t you just not return the census form and that way your voice in government will not be heard as loud. That would help everyone.

    I don’t see a conspiracy, I just see the promotion of racial inequality.

    Well, I would love to stay here and call you a moron, jackass, idiot and other terms that fit you so well, but it is time for me to go to bed. I have an early meeting tomorrow with a new client.

    Good night TP’ers, and a big F**K YOU to all the trolls, especially you galt!

  238. dbadass says:

    patrick5 is still angry that “greasy mexicans” isn’t an actual category…

  239. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I thought Seattle was pretty relaxed in it’s business attire?

    Not everywhere is as relaxed. It really depends where you go: when I started out in PC repair, where I worked had a very casual dress code but at Honeywell and a fair number of IT jobs for big companies prefer professionals to dress like professionals.

    Last large company I worked for (Fortune 50) we had a “business casual” dress code, but that was back in 2003. Have things changed that much in the 7 years since I was in that type of environment?

    I don’t think the environment has really changed, at least from my POV…it’s pretty much always been a tie optional environment (except in meetings) kind of thing. Ties suck but at least they don’t force us to wear suit jackets too. I already joke about feeling like a corporate monkey while wearing a tie…a suit jacket seems like de-evolution.

  240. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    dbadass says:

    Where the hell is Somolia?

    Dunno, but the national currency is the simoleon.

  241. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    I warned ya… ‘n now… I’m gonna go all Johnny Cash on ya!

    Love it. ;)

    Can you come up here and do that to my philosophy prof’s face?

  242. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    ayn rand:

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.

    Laws? Laws are enforced by governments. A real aynrandi libertarian doesn’t whine about government! He protects himself!


  243. galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    flight says:

    I know a perfect place for the modern conservative. The country has all the fear an anarchy you wingnuts crave. Take your bicycle and peddle to Somalia!

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.
    Sure they do jackass, all you need is a bigger gun.

    FOAD troll

    You really have no concept of the rule of law vs. the tyranny of dictators, do you? Have you ever even read the most basic book, Politics by Aristotle, that lays the groundwork for the subject?

  244. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Can you come up here and do that to my philosophy prof’s face?

    Dunno… mebbe…

    ***acts coy… studies nails claws***

    What’s in it for moi?

  245. galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Why do wingnuts extrapolate from asking a question about race to automatically treating people different because of race?

    I’m not a wingnut, but I know there’s a reason for the question, or the question wouldn’t be asked. In their own faq they admit it’s to treat people differently based on ethnicity, and that’s the reason for the question.

    Yes, you are. You are a scared little troll that sees conspiracies under your bed. If you are that frightened, then why don’t you just not return the census form and that way your voice in government will not be heard as loud. That would help everyone.

    I don’t see a conspiracy, I just see the promotion of racial inequality.

    Well, I would love to stay here and call you a moron, jackass, idiot and other terms that fit you so well, but it is time for me to go to bed. I have an early meeting tomorrow with a new client.

    Good night TP’ers, and a big F**K YOU to all the trolls, especially you galt!

    You have no ideas of any value, so your input really isn’t necessary.

  246. Bluestocking says:

    I am a sovereign citizen. My home is an embassy. I have diplomatic immunity. The census is a roll call for the arrest and enslavement of conservative citizens. I will not participate. — Patrick5



    I hope he realizes that unless he owns his own business or is independently wealthy, any paid employment he accepts outside his home makes him by his own definition an illegal alien (since it seems clear that he doesn’t give a toss about any laws other than his own and therefore didn’t bother applying for a visa or green card) — and we all know how right-wingers like him feel about illegal aliens!

    His home is an embassy? Gee, I’d like to see him try to explain that to a State Department official! Actually, out of curiosity, does anyone happen to know what the laws are regarding diplomatic immunity? If my understanding is correct, it doesn’t even apply to all members of embassy or consular staff of a foreign power which the U.S. government has recognized — so the suggestion that it would apply to the self-styled ambassador of a soi-disant nation (especially a nation of one!) that the U.S. government has not officially recognized is positively laughable.

  247. galt says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    ayn rand:

    You’re an idiot. Somolia has no laws protecting individual liberties.

    Laws? Laws are enforced by governments. A real aynrandi libertarian doesn’t whine about government! He protects himself!


    You’re confusing anarchy with liberalism. I’m a liberal, not an anarchist. I’m not a marxist liberal, I’m a Locke’an liberal.

  248. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    I don’t see a conspiracy, I just see the promotion of racial inequality.

    Poteeeeeeeeeto, potaaaaaaaaaaato… let’s call the whole thing off…

    Just because you IMAGINE you see it, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually there…

    To quote the esteemed Judge Land, whilst dressing down the truly execrable Orly Taitz…

    “Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.”

  249. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    Dunno… mebbe…
    ***acts coy… studies nails claws***
    What’s in it for moi?

    He’s got a HUGE stash of Blubber Bits ™ in the store room. I promised not to tell, but he pissed me off. So…

  250. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are a brainwashed moron and so stupid your IQ would embarass a fruitfly so your input is only useful as a free clown show we can point at and laugh

  251. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    galt says:
    You have no ideas of any value, so your input really isn’t necessary.

    Smell that free-dumb!

    Freedumb by Suicidal Tenancies:
    Peace through politics – is a fallacy that does not exist
    Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
    Where’s your freedom? We got your freedumb
    Get your freedom, I got your freedom
    Truth is hard sell but I know what goes over well
    Lies and cheap and free so the profit margin works

    Where’s your freedumb I got your freedom
    Get your freedumb we got your freedom

  252. T.H.E.Cat says:

    Re: TRoS @ 99:

    EEEWW!! Now I need a gallon of Brain Bleach to get that image out of my head.

  253. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    I don’t see a conspiracy, I just see the promotion of racial inequality.

    Poteeeeeeeeeto, potaaaaaaaaaaato… let’s call the whole thing off…

    Just because you IMAGINE you see it, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually there…

    To quote the esteemed Judge Land, whilst dressing down the truly execrable Orly Taitz…

    “Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.”

    Here’s the website and where it says it:

    Question 9:
    Asked since 1790 …. State Governments use this data to determine congressional, state and local voting districts.

    So, are you deaf, blind, or just plain stupid?

  254. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    He’s got a HUGE stash of Blubber Bits ™ in the store room. I promised not to tell, but he pissed me off. So…

    Heh… my fatal weakness…

    Soooooooo… yer talkin’ a kind of a “Squid pro squo” arrangement, I take it?

    **best J Belushi eye roll…***


  255. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are a brainwashed moron and so stupid your IQ would embarass a fruitfly so your input is only useful as a free clown show we can point at and laugh

    Yet you’re the one that has nothing of value to add to the conversation, merely following like a lemming.

  256. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    galt says:
    I’m a Locke’an liberal.

    Define that, please. Precisely.

  257. T.H.E.Cat says:

    Re: me at 254:

    My bad; I meant _199_.

  258. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    Yet you’re the one that has nothing of value to add to the conversation, merely following like a lemming.

    Another lame projection from the Beck-bot! Shocker!

  259. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You basically DEFINE just plain stupid. Anyone that thinks the ONLY reason to gather racial information in a country with our racial history is so stupid it hurts to even think about it

  260. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    T.H.E.Cat says:
    Re: TRoS @ 99:
    EEEWW!! Now I need a gallon of Brain Bleach to get that image out of my head.

    New and improved Brain Bleach! It now only tastes half as bad with twice the power!

  261. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    You’re confusing anarchy with liberalism. I’m a liberal, not an anarchist. I’m not a marxist liberal, I’m a Locke’an liberal.

    You’re a concern troll retard. FOAD loser.

  262. galt says:

    just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    Yet you’re the one that has nothing of value to add to the conversation, merely following like a lemming.

    Another lame projection from the Beck-bot! Shocker!

    Yet you don’t want to ask why voting districts are based on ethnicity?

    You’re soo enlightened!

  263. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:
    Soooooooo… yer talkin’ a kind of a “Squid pro squo” arrangement, I take it?

    Exactly. But you’re just going Johnny Cash on him — not eating him. I’m not taking this class again!

  264. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    So, are you deaf, blind, or just plain stupid?

    Awwwwwww… there, there, there, Li’l Feller…

    Someone dares disagree w/ you, ‘n all you can do is hurl childish ad hominems…

    What were you just lecturing someone else about?

    Yet you’re the one that has nothing of value to add to the conversation, merely following like a lemming.

    Like I said… you appear to be suffering form acute irony deficiency…

  265. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah, I am hurt. It isnt my fault you are too stupid to understand, well basically anything. You are a moron. The fact that when I make an ACTUAL contribution rather than just slap the stupid out of troll morons like you, it goes over your head like a 747 over a cornfield is just not my problem. Your ignorance is YOUR burden and you cant save money on a psychiatrist by snivelling to us.

  266. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Locke is an empericist FAVORED by conservatives. David HUME now is THE empiricist. The most important philosopher ever to write in the English langauge but cons dont seem to be as enamored of him

  267. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah, I am hurt. It isnt my fault you are too stupid to understand, well basically anything. You are a moron. The fact that when I make an ACTUAL contribution rather than just slap the stupid out of troll morons like you, it goes over your head like a 747 over a cornfield is just not my problem. Your ignorance is YOUR burden and you cant save money on a psychiatrist by snivelling to us.

    I’ve provided proof that the census bureau is asking the ethnicity question just about solely to rewrite congressional districts and you respond that I have nothing? lol.

  268. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    Yet you don’t want to ask why voting districts are based on ethnicity?

    Uh… to prevent this sort of shit from happening? AGAIN???

    Just asking, mind you…

  269. cd says:

    Good grief Beck is a nut as are the crazies who want to pretend that all the founders own hundereds of slaves whom they personally abused from dawn to dusk.

  270. Bluestocking says:

    As an addendum to my previous post…

    I wonder what will happen when Patrick tries to insist that he doesn’t have to appear for jury duty since he’s not a citizen anymore and that his so-called “diplomatic immunity” means he can’t be charged a fine…!

    Gee, Patrick — good luck with that!

  271. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Exactly. But you’re just going Johnny Cash on him — not eating him. I’m not taking this class again!


    Brings to mind the old joke about two cannibals eating a clown…

    One turns to the other and asks… does he taste funny to you?



    Thank yeeeeeeeew… thank yeeeeeeeeeew verrry much!!!

  272. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    Yet you don’t want to ask why voting districts are based on ethnicity?

    Uh… to prevent this sort of shit from happening? AGAIN???

    Just asking, mind you…

    That link has absolutely nothing to do with redistricting based on ethnicity.

  273. dbadass says:

    I wish more people actually lol’d when they claim to have lol’d….
    Well g2g….

  274. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No you didnt MORON. Congressional districts are drawn by LEGISLATURES. Drawing congressional districts is SUPPOSED to be done by many criteria and having a racial balance is a reasonable criteria however unless you are totall braindead you KNOW that congressional districts are drawn to the advantage of the PARTY IN POWER. Try to make sense. In 1790 Blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states

  275. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    I’ve provided proof that the census bureau is asking the ethnicity question just about solely to rewrite congressional districts and you respond that I have nothing? lol.

    And I’ve just provided proof as to why some people might actually be LEGITIMATELY concerned about making sure that certain things don’t happen… AGAIN

    Like i said… poteeeeeeeeeeeto, potaaaaaaaaaato…

  276. dbadass says:

    It’s “offical”!

  277. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    That link has absolutely nothing to do with redistricting based on ethnicity.

    LOL! What a completely chicken sh!t response! shocker!

    Like you kkkrakers in the south doesn’t redistrict based on race! LOL!

  278. cd says:


    uh oh I smell an Ayn Randoid.

  279. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    I’ve provided proof that the census bureau is asking the ethnicity question just about solely to rewrite congressional districts and you respond that I have nothing? lol.

    You think that’s the “only” reason you bigots would want to know this information! LOL! Wow you’re truly a sh!t for brains redneck aren’t you?

  280. ebbAndflow says:

    galt: if you’d actually check prior posts it has been addressed:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:
    Official response, from the Census Constituent FAQ:

    The Census Bureau collects race data in accordance with guidelines provided by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and these data are based on self-identification. The racial categories included in the census form generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country, and are not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically or genetically. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include racial and national origin or socio-cultural groups. People may choose to report more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as “American Indian and White.” People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino or Spanish may be of any race. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include both racial and national origin or socio-cultural groups. You may choose more than one race category.

    Information on race is required for many federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights. States use these data to meet legislative redistricting principles. Race data also are used to promote equal employment opportunities and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.

    March 9th, 2010 at 7:47 pm Vote Up

  281. just the bleepn facts says:

    cd says:
    uh oh I smell an Ayn Randoid.

    She’s just another libertard ron pauloid.

  282. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    Soooo, galt can’t explain what a “Locke’an liberal” is.

    Not surprised…

  283. galt says:

    No you didnt MORON. Congressional districts are drawn by LEGISLATURES. Drawing congressional districts is SUPPOSED to be done by many criteria and having a racial balance is a reasonable criteria however unless you are totall braindead you KNOW that congressional districts are drawn to the advantage of the PARTY IN POWER. Try to make sense. In 1790 Blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states

    1: The question’s been asked since 1790. 2: The census bureau specifically says it’s used to help determine congressional districts (and distribution of federal funds). I promise, check it out on question 9 at

  284. galt says:

    just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    That link has absolutely nothing to do with redistricting based on ethnicity.

    LOL! What a completely chicken sh!t response! shocker!

    Like you kkkrakers in the south doesn’t redistrict based on race! LOL!

    … so wait, you’re seriously alluding that because I disagree with racial discrimination that somehow I’m in favor of the federal government discriminating based on race?


  285. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    I’m a Locke’an liberal.

    Well, well. Isn’t that somethin’. Too refined for the hoi polloi of classical liberalism, are ya?

    What inadequacies are you hiding that you have to align yourself with gravitational historic figures? Are you afraid of your own thoughts?

    One other thing.

    Atlas Shrugged was a book!!!!!

    Be gone. I have no further need for you. Your countenance augers fatigue.

  286. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    That link has absolutely nothing to do with redistricting based on ethnicity.

    Excuse me… you’re so right… THIS is the one that explains it…

    I’ve bolded the pertinent information for your sake…

    In December 2005, the Washington Post reported, “Justice Department lawyers concluded that the landmark Texas congressional redistricting plan spearheaded by Rep. Tom DeLay violated the Voting Rights Act, according to a previously undisclosed memo” uncovered by the newspaper. [6] The document, endorsed by six Justice Department attorneys, said “the redistricting plan illegally diluted black and Hispanic voting power in two congressional districts.”

    Funny… even though the first article was indeed ONLY about money laundering, you seemed to know what I was getting at, huh:

    with redistricting based on ethnicity

    Imagine that. You DO understand the differing considerations after all…

    Like I said, it would appear that SOME people do have valid reasons to be concerned, huh?

    Poeeeeeeeto, potaaaaaato…

  287. galt says:

    Only on a ‘progressive’ site can you get attacked for being against racial discrimination.

  288. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah YEAH. To draw congressional districts for racial balance instead of diluting minority voting power and allocation of resources and this translates into ONLY PROMOTING INEQUALITY? Is it promoting inequality to address disparities in health and environmental risks or to assure that minority voting power is NOT diluted through jerrymandering? As I said in 1790 Blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states

  289. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Only a MORON buys into the stupid argument that noticing race at ALL is somehow promoting racial discrimination. Like the history of racial discrimination wasnt BASED on not noticing the disparaties.

  290. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah YEAH. To draw congressional districts for racial balance instead of diluting minority voting power and allocation of resources and this translates into ONLY PROMOTING INEQUALITY? Is it promoting inequality to address disparities in health and environmental risks or to assure that minority voting power is NOT diluted through jerrymandering? As I said in 1790 Blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states

    The 1790 part wasn’t even part of my point, as the constitution didn’t exist until 1791. The point here is that the federal government is openly advocating discrimination based on race. Please stay on topic.

  291. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Only a MORON buys into the stupid argument that noticing race at ALL is somehow promoting racial discrimination. Like the history of racial discrimination wasnt BASED on not noticing the disparaties.

    So you’re effectively promoting the discriminatory treatment of different races?

    How are you better than the KKK?

  292. WaltTheMan says:

    Simple fact – WASP’s are a minority today. The roses are a mere illusion. Its over!

  293. cd says:

    “She’s just another libertard ron pauloid.”

    Does she know that Rand had a hard on for people that killed little girls for fun/money?

  294. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    How stupid are you trying to BE? Since the question has been ASKED since 1790 it is obviously pertinent that blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states for another 70 years since your original assertion is that the question is asked only to PROMOTE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Hello? How in the WORLD is this to complex for you to understand?

  295. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt @289 says:

    Only on a ‘progressive’ site can you get attacked for being against racial discrimination.

    galt @255 says:

    So, are you deaf, blind, or just plain stupid?

    Like I said… you appear to be suffering from acute irony deficiency…

    Poteeeeeto… potaaaaaaaato…

  296. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Only on a ‘progressive’ site can you get attacked for being against racial discrimination.

    Oh grow up, ya little baby.

    Yeah, the census is such a powerful tool, keepin’ whitey down and such.

  297. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    aynrandroid: I’ve provided proof that the census bureau is asking the ethnicity question just about solely to rewrite congressional districts and you respond that I have nothing? lol.

    Yeah, ha ha. Except you only quote part of the reason for the question, even though it has been repeatedly pointed out to you that “solely” is a lie.

    Information on race is required for many federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights. States use these data to meet legislative redistricting principles. Race data also are used to promote equal employment opportunities and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.

    Why do you keep leaving out the other parts of that paragraph? Do you think none of us can read?

  298. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    How stupid are you trying to BE? Since the question has been ASKED since 1790 it is obviously pertinent that blacks couldnt even VOTE in many states for another 70 years since your original assertion is that the question is asked only to PROMOTE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Hello? How in the WORLD is this to complex for you to understand?

    Did you even read the link I provided, or understand the context?

  299. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    aynrandroid: Did you even read the link I provided, or understand the context?

    Did you even read the FAQ about the Census? No?

  300. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah no. I am advocating keeping an EYE on the racial disparities to STOP the racial discrimination. Only someone staggeringly stupid can turn, for instance, the STOPPING of diluting minority voting power by jerrymandering, into promoting the discriminatory treatment of different races?

    How are you any differnt than a NAZI skinhead and how are you any smarter than a goldfish?

  301. galt says:

    Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Only on a ‘progressive’ site can you get attacked for being against racial discrimination.

    Oh grow up, ya little baby.

    Yeah, the census is such a powerful tool, keepin’ whitey down and such.

    Cool, at least you’ll admit that you’re willing to discriminate as long as it’s against white people.

  302. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    The point here is that the federal government is openly advocating discrimination based on race. Please stay on topic.

    And one can just as easily say the Federal govt is openly advocating the PREVENTION of discrimination based on race, as evinced by the Texas redistriciting scandal…

    Poteeeeeeeeeeeto… potaaaaaaaaaaaato…

  303. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:


    “Locke’an liberal”

    Still waiting to find out what that is…

  304. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    Cool, at least you’ll admit that you’re willing to discriminate as long as it’s against white people.

    Like I said… you appear to be suffering from acute irony deficiency…

  305. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Did you even read the link I provided, or understand the context?

    Yeah, we read your link. Happy?

    How many white guys have you seen hanging from a tree lately, what with the census discriminatin’ and all?

  306. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    The point here is that the federal government is openly advocating discrimination based on race. Please stay on topic.

    And one can just as easily say the Federal govt is openly advocating the PREVENTION of discrimination based on race, as evinced by the Texas redistriciting scandal…

    Poteeeeeeeeeeeto… potaaaaaaaaaaaato…

    If we didn’t know which neighborhoods had which races, how could we possibly jerrymander districts based on racial neighborhoods?

    Oh, right, we couldn’t. So, lets check the races in each town so we can draw our districts around those races!

  307. Robert Stephenson says:

    I think the Census should include a question about the individual being a sht flinging Baboon Fan.

    Anyone responding “yes – I am a Glenn Beck fan” should be spayed and branded on the spot.

    Oh, deloused too.

  308. cd says:

    I’m sorry, earlier I wrote “Does she know that Rand had a hard on for people that killed little girls for fun/money?”

    What I should have written “Does she know that Ayn Rand had a raging hard on for monsters that killed little girls for fun/money?”

  309. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Since the REST of the link has been repeatedly cited by others and IGNORED by YOU. I would say YOU are the one that doesnt understand. There are none so STUPID as those who REFUSE to accept factual reality and that is YOU. Explain how STOPPING the use of jerrymandering to dilute minority voting power, which anyone paying attention KNOWS has happened in the past, can POSSIBLY be construed as promoting racial discrimination or STFU

  310. galt says:

    Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Did you even read the link I provided, or understand the context?

    Yeah, we read your link. Happy?

    How many white guys have you seen hanging from a tree lately, what with the census discriminatin’ and all?

    Wasn’t there that one in WV that got hanged?

  311. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Since the REST of the link has been repeatedly cited by others and IGNORED by YOU. I would say YOU are the one that doesnt understand. There are none so STUPID as those who REFUSE to accept factual reality and that is YOU. Explain how STOPPING the use of jerrymandering to dilute minority voting power, which anyone paying attention KNOWS has happened in the past, can POSSIBLY be construed as promoting racial discrimination or STFU

    I’ve been saying that the census has been using ethnicity to determine voting districts, and it shouldn’t be. If the law saw all people as the same color, we wouldn’t have jerrymandering based on race.

  312. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    … so wait, you’re seriously alluding that because I disagree with racial discrimination that somehow I’m in favor of the federal government discriminating based on race?

    LOL! Like legislation stops you retard from finding ways like “redistricting” to discrimination? LOL! You conservatards on the supreme court were happy to permit this to happen in texas in 2004. are you seriously ignoring the racial discrimination policies of the GOP? you really are a retard.

  313. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    Cool, at least you’ll admit that you’re willing to discriminate as long as it’s against white people.

    Says the neo-nazi trailer trash…. shocker!

  314. cd says:

    Hey galt how does it feel to know Rand loved her a child killer?

  315. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    I’ve been saying that the census has been using ethnicity to determine voting districts, and it shouldn’t be. If the law saw all people as the same color, we wouldn’t have jerrymandering based on race.

    So you prefer there is no census so the republicans can jerrymander and ignore they did it out of racism? what a f*kkktard fool you are…

  316. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Cool, at least you’ll admit that you’re willing to discriminate as long as it’s against white people.


    That’s it.

    Go away and take your Ayn Rand bobble-head doll with you.

  317. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    The law can SAY that water isnt WET. It wont change reality. The law can PRETEND there is no such thing as racial discrimination and look the other way and that would ENABLE racial discrimination. This is so simple it is embarassing to have to explain it to anyone pretending to be an adult

  318. galt says:

    just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    … so wait, you’re seriously alluding that because I disagree with racial discrimination that somehow I’m in favor of the federal government discriminating based on race?

    LOL! Like legislation stops you retard from finding ways like “redistricting” to discrimination? LOL! You conservatards on the supreme court were happy to permit this to happen in texas in 2004. are you seriously ignoring the racial discrimination policies of the GOP? you really are a retard.

    Redistricting in Texas was traditionally done once every ten years, soon after the National Census. A redistricting occurred in 1991, when the Democrats held both the governor’s seat (with Ann Richards) and a legislative majority. By 2000, Republican George W. Bush was governor, with Republican Rick Perry as his lieutenant governor.

    Man, sure doesn’t sound like they’re using the census’ race question to help jerrymander to me!

  319. galt says:

    cd says:

    Hey galt how does it feel to know Rand loved her a child killer?

    Personally, I don’t care what you read or fail to understand out of context.

  320. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    If the law saw all people as the same color, we wouldn’t have jerrymandering based on race.

    Indeed… in an ideal world… now… if we can only convince the Tom DeLays amongst us… no more voter caging scams, huh?

    Or that ugly nonsense in FLA in 2000…

    And let’s not even get into Lee Atwater and the Southern Strategy, huh?

  321. galt says:

    ugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    The law can SAY that water isnt WET. It wont change reality. The law can PRETEND there is no such thing as racial discrimination and look the other way and that would ENABLE racial discrimination. This is so simple it is embarassing to have to explain it to anyone pretending to be an adult

    The law can demand that all citizens be treated equally by the law regardless of skin color.

    Demanding anything else is giving preference to one person at the others expense.

  322. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    MY GOD how stupid are you trying to BE?

    The article said the justice dept STOPPED jerrymandering for racial reasons in 2005 SPEARHEADED BY TOM DELAY. Do we need to explain to you who Tom Delay is?

  323. Mr.GlennBovineKoldys says:

    321 gulps

    What kind of race are you?

  324. cd says:

    “Personally, I don’t care what you read or fail to understand out of context.”

    out of context? lol

    “The best way to get to the bottom of Ayn Rand’s beliefs is to take a look at how she developed the superhero of her novel, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt. Back in the late 1920s, as Ayn Rand was working out her philosophy, she became enthralled by a real-life American serial killer, William Edward Hickman, whose gruesome, sadistic dismemberment of 12-year-old girl named Marion Parker in 1927 shocked the nation. Rand filled her early notebooks with worshipful praise of Hickman. According to biographer Jennifer Burns, author of Goddess of the Market, Rand was so smitten with Hickman that she modeled her first literary creation — Danny Renahan, the protagonist of her unfinished first novel, The Little Street — on him.

    need I go on?

  325. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    MY GOD how stupid are you trying to BE?

    The article said the justice dept STOPPED jerrymandering for racial reasons in 2005 SPEARHEADED BY TOM DELAY. Do we need to explain to you who Tom Delay is?

    You don’t need to explain to me that the only reason DeLay was able to attempt to jerrymander the districts was precisely because of the census data provided to him in the first place.

    I do think you need to understand that though.

  326. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    Redistricting in Texas was traditionally done once every ten years, soon after the National Census. A redistricting occurred in 1991, when the Democrats held both the governor’s seat (with Ann Richards) and a legislative majority. By 2000, Republican George W. Bush was governor, with Republican Rick Perry as his lieutenant governor.

    Man, sure doesn’t sound like they’re using the census’ race question to help jerrymander to me!

    Whoa… are you really that blatantly duplicitous?

    From the SAME article…

    In December 2005, the Washington Post reported, “Justice Department lawyers concluded that the landmark Texas congressional redistricting plan spearheaded by Rep. Tom DeLay violated the Voting Rights Act, according to a previously undisclosed memo” uncovered by the newspaper. [6] The document, endorsed by six Justice Department attorneys, said “the redistricting plan illegally diluted black and Hispanic voting power in two congressional districts.”

    That’s pretty pathetic, Li’l Feller… talk about weak…

  327. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Ah YEAH. It can and DOES. They dont need stats like the census FOR discrimination. They need those stats to PROVE the discrimination. The law DEMANDS people be treated the same and use census stats to STOP jerrymandering to dilute minority voting power and address things like employment disparity.

  328. galt says:

    cd says:

    “Personally, I don’t care what you read or fail to understand out of context.”

    out of context? lol

    “The best way to get to the bottom of Ayn Rand’s beliefs is to take a look at how she developed the superhero of her novel, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt. Back in the late 1920s, as Ayn Rand was working out her philosophy, she became enthralled by a real-life American serial killer, William Edward Hickman, whose gruesome, sadistic dismemberment of 12-year-old girl named Marion Parker in 1927 shocked the nation. Rand filled her early notebooks with worshipful praise of Hickman. According to biographer Jennifer Burns, author of Goddess of the Market, Rand was so smitten with Hickman that she modeled her first literary creation — Danny Renahan, the protagonist of her unfinished first novel, The Little Street — on him.

    need I go on?

    Like I said, you don’t need to take third hand works from second hand biographers out of context to attempt to provide some kind of idea of who a person was to me that you’re scared of. It’s not my fault that you’re afraid of not getting a welfare check.

  329. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    Conservatives think any effort to level the playing field is a zero sum game.

    “Notwithstanding 300 years of legal and practical discrimination, the black man is suddenly the socio-economic equal if his oppressors…………cuz I really wanna keep my shit”……..

  330. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    You don’t need to explain to me that the only reason DeLay was able to attempt to jerrymander the districts was precisely because of the census data provided to him in the first place.

    That’s asinine.

    You’re chasing your own tail.

    Give up. You’re embarrassing yourself at this point.

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” a well-known quote from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, refers to the benefits of openness and transparency.

  331. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    Man, sure doesn’t sound like they’re using the census’ race question to help jerrymander to me!

    Except in 2000 where Texas used the census to jerrymander the state and disenfranchise african americans that resulted in a supreme court lawsuit which your activist justices were happy to permit racism to be used. The reason it doesn’t “sound” like something to you is you are retarded and refuse to accept the facts. That’s your problem though, not ours. We’re just here to ridicule you for your idiocy.

  332. dbadass says:

    Why are they so uptight about welfare? I smell me those angry lower middleclass marginal types….

  333. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Like I said, you don’t need to take third hand works from second hand biographers out of context to attempt to provide some kind of idea of who a person was to me that you’re scared of. It’s not my fault that you’re afraid of not getting a welfare check.

    Sooooooooooo… you are a comic after all…

  334. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    The law can demand that all citizens be treated equally by the law regardless of skin color.
    Demanding anything else is giving preference to one person at the others expense.

    They why do you keep defending texas doing exactly that? hypocrisy much dipsh!t?

  335. galt says:


    Ah YEAH. It can and DOES. They dont need stats like the census FOR discrimination. They need those stats to PROVE the discrimination. The law DEMANDS people be treated the same and use census stats to STOP jerrymandering to dilute minority voting power and address things like employment disparity.

    You don’t understand that the *only* reason they’re even able to dream up districts like this is because of THIS ONE QUESTION on the census. They’ve pretty much got it down to splitting duplexes in half to get one democrat and one republican vote in two different districts.

    This is just on *REDISTRICTING*. We haven’t even gotten to the distribution of federal funds part yet.

  336. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    My GOD you just cant be this stupid. Delay didnt NEED census data to KNOW the south side of Houston was a heavily black area. They NEEDED the census data to PROVE the jerrymandering was done for racial reasons. At this point you are just a liar. It is impossible you cannot understand the point here. You dont CARE what the point is. You just REFUSE to accept reality. Your assertion the data is only used to promote racial discrimination is crap. You can not possibly be so stupid as to not see this by now

  337. just the bleepn facts says:

    alt says:
    Like I said, you don’t need to take third hand works from second hand biographers out of context to attempt to provide some kind of idea of who a person was to me that you’re scared of. It’s not my fault that you’re afraid of not getting a welfare check.

    Spoken like a class warfare racist fascist retard. shocker!

  338. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    It isnt OUR fault you are so pathetic and stupid that these old recycled talking points are the best you can do. You are simply pitiful

  339. cd says:

    ‘Like I said, you don’t need to take third hand works from second hand biographers out of context to attempt to provide some kind of idea of who a person was to me that you’re scared of. It’s not my fault that you’re afraid of not getting a welfare check.’

    You want a quote? heres a couple for you.

    “What did Rand admire so much about Hickman? His sociopathic qualities: “Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should,” she wrote, gushing that Hickman had “no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel ‘other people.’

  340. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    I’ll leave the rest of you to bat aynrandroid around like a ping-pong ball. Life is too short to waste time with dishonest tools.

  341. just the bleepn facts says:

    galt says:
    You don’t understand that the *only* reason they’re even able to dream up districts like this is because of THIS ONE QUESTION on the census. They’ve pretty much got it down to splitting duplexes in half to get one democrat and one republican vote in two different districts.

    LOL! That’s the “only” reason? Really? Your “opinion” is funny. Retarded, but funny!

    galt says:
    This is just on *REDISTRICTING*. We haven’t even gotten to the distribution of federal funds part yet.

    You mean where white districts get more money if they keep minorities from registering out of “fear”? LOL!

    How do you breathe with your head so far up your own *ss?

  342. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are just too stupid to be real or you are a liar. As I have repeatedly pointed out. They dont NEED those stats to draw discrimintory districts. Delay KNOWS what the black areas of Houston, Dallas, Arlington, El Paso, and such ARE. They need the stats to PROVE that is what is being done. Try finding a reasonably bright six year old to explain this incredibly simple concept, that seems far beyond your meager critical thinking skills, to you

  343. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:
    I’ll leave the rest of you to bat aynrandroid around like a ping-pong ball. Life is too short to waste time with dishonest tools.

    Srsly. That dishonest tool won’t (or can’t) define his own ideological philosophy.

    *eyes rolling*

  344. cd says:

    Don’t worry Gene I think the pauloid is currently choking on the idea of his hero describing a child killing psychopath as a “genuinely beautiful soul”.

  345. galt says:


    My GOD you just cant be this stupid. Delay didnt NEED census data to KNOW the south side of Houston was a heavily black area. They NEEDED the census data to PROVE the jerrymandering was done for racial reasons. At this point you are just a liar. It is impossible you cannot understand the point here. You dont CARE what the point is. You just REFUSE to accept reality. Your assertion the data is only used to promote racial discrimination is crap. You can not possibly be so stupid as to not see this by now

    You don’t understand that most people don’t know most racial makeups of most towns. I could guess that Harlem is mostly black, as I’d be willing to bet most people would. It happens to not be.

    So, without knowing what areas contain what ethnicities and the rates at which change occurs, you can see how after 20 years of not asking this question it’d be pretty damn hard to guess which areas are one race and which are another.

  346. braveheart08 says:

    Hey who ever votes this comment down takes life too seriously and is a fat loser with a gouter on their neck.

  347. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    OK, I give in. We should stop asking about race, even though I sort of thought the information was useful just to know who the “We” in “We the People” are. From now on the census should ask whether or not a person read an incredibly boring and unreadable book of third rate philosophy in college and has been unable to move past that phase. Perhaps we could then gerrymander those people out of any voting district whatsoever.

  348. cd says:

    Randoids like galt don’t see race.

    To them people are just cattle.

  349. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Give it UP. What MOST people know is irrelevant. I gaurantee you that the political machine knows EXACTLY which areas are minority and which arent and they DONT need the census to tell them. Please tell me this isnt NEWS to you.

  350. Game of Life says:

    The scripted little bs from crybaby becky glorified slavery, bolstered the notion that people of color use aid more than white people, stirred his racist base and proved he can be nuttier than a fruitcake.

    The baby is batshit crazy.

  351. galt says:

    “What did Rand admire so much about Hickman? His sociopathic qualities: “Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should,” she wrote, gushing that Hickman had “no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel ‘other people.’“

    Ok, take context here. She admired that other people didn’t exist for him, and he didn’t see why they should. Then she wrote on that he had no regard for what society thought of as sacred, and lived in his own little world.

    At what point does she admire the ideal of him taking another person’s liberty?

    The only things she does seem to admire about him are his own abilities to utilize his own liberty. She makes no mention about his infringing on others liberties.

    Kinda like admiring a general for his skill, but not his murdering millions of people in senseless wars.

  352. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    FOAD troll.

  353. braveheart08 says:

    The census is to found out who to give free money to all the illegals in this country.

  354. dbadass says:

    That blue shit all over your face just screams frat brat…

  355. galt says:


    Give it UP. What MOST people know is irrelevant. I gaurantee you that the political machine knows EXACTLY which areas are minority and which arent and they DONT need the census to tell them. Please tell me this isnt NEWS to you.


  356. Right Wing Dystopia says:


    Of course he can’t. And why should he? After all, he is “Lockean” liberal and “Lockean” liberals answer to no one, I tell you, NO ONE!!

    Lockean liberal. Oy.

  357. cd says:

    “At what point does she admire the ideal of him taking another person’s liberty?”

    WTF else was he known for???

  358. SlappyBastinado says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    I wear all kinds of liberal tee shirts. I wear my Che Guevara T another that has Montezuma wiping his butt with the American flag, Charles Manson handing out Christmas gifts to little children, stuff like that.

    Under your Mall Cop uniform or your Super Man jammies?

  359. galt says:

    Right Wing Dystopia says:


    Of course he can’t. And why should he? After all, he is “Lockean” liberal and “Lockean” liberals answer to no one, I tell you, NO ONE!!

    Lockean liberal. Oy.

    You guys really don’t understand classical liberalism?

    Wow. Marxists are even more stupid than I thought.

  360. braveheart08 says:

    I still don’t know what you mean by blue shit all over your face are you some kind of freak tranny?

  361. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    That is plain stupid. Saying other people do not EXIST is glorifying his psychopathy. Saying it is GOOD to be a sociopath. Empathy, sympathy, caring about one another is what makes a SOCIETY instead of a large group of people living in the same geographic area. It is the difference between America and Lord of the Flies. Recognizing we are all in this together makes us a stronger country not to mention BETTER HUMAN BEINGS. Sociopaths are hardly human at ALL. There is a REASON that the word human and humane have the same root

  362. dbadass says:

    I think we need to diagram that sentence

  363. galt says:

    “At what point does she admire the ideal of him taking another person’s liberty?”

    WTF else was he known for???

    I just went into painful detail, in context, as to how this biographer distorted facts to meet her own progressive agenda. If you failed to comprehend those facts it’s only your own fault.

  364. dbadass says:

    are you some kind of freak tranny?

    as in on a resume?

  365. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    OK galt at this point you are just too stupid to breathe or an outright LIAR. Politicians dont need the CENSUS to tell them the racial makeup of their districts. To even say they do is monumentally stupid. They know their districts like the back of their hands. IF there were no census information they would STILL KNOW it would just be impossible to PROVE.

  366. House of Roberts says:

    braveheart08 at 11:30 pm

    Hey who ever votes this comment down takes life too seriously and is a fat loser with a gouter on their neck.

    You mean a goiter. Gout is a disease of the joints, like arthritis. Sheesh!

    “Blue shit” refers to the battle paint Mel Gibson wore in the movie. Double Sheesh!

    Boy, I say, I say, Boy, I keep pitchin’ ‘em, and you keep missin’ ‘em!

  367. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    braveheart08 says:

    The census is to found out who to give free money to all the illegals in this country.

    Any proof, or just a shrill, embarrassing screech?

  368. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    That is plain stupid. Saying other people do not EXIST is glorifying his psychopathy. Saying it is GOOD to be a sociopath. Empathy, sympathy, caring about one another is what makes a SOCIETY instead of a large group of people living in the same geographic area. It is the difference between America and Lord of the Flies. Recognizing we are all in this together makes us a stronger country not to mention BETTER HUMAN BEINGS. Sociopaths are hardly human at ALL. There is a REASON that the word human and humane have the same root

    Saying that others don’t exist is different from caring whether others exist.

    Money, Trade, Division of Labour, and Common Defense are what make society. Otherwise, I can tell you right now that I’d definitely despise everyone here if I didn’t know that somehow I have to work with you all for my own profit and welfare.

  369. cd says:

    You’re going through painful efforts to ignore Rand described a man who’s only claim to fame was his torture/murder of a little girl as a “genuinely beautiful soul”.

  370. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Still begging for pity I see. It wont work. There is no pity for you here. You can forget ever being funny. You are not clever. You are too stupid to ever pull clever off. You are stupid and pathetic and that is all you will ever be but we already gave you all the pity you are going to get. There is no pity here for you and there never will be again poor little pity junkie

  371. galt says:

    OK galt at this point you are just too stupid to breathe or an outright LIAR. Politicians dont need the CENSUS to tell them the racial makeup of their districts. To even say they do is monumentally stupid. They know their districts like the back of their hands. IF there were no census information they would STILL KNOW it would just be impossible to PROVE.

    Are you an idiot?

    They might know their districts, but how would they redistrict to their benefit if they had no idea of race outside of their districts, or districts they were considering running in?

  372. braveheart08 says:

    Im a highlander I don’t wear blue paint on my face, I just chop heads off. We can’t do that these days because some puritan fool came up with the idea that there is a god and they think they can save everbodys soul.

  373. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Your detail was only painful in its abject stupidity. It didnt even come CLOSE to makings sense

  374. Shayne says:

    Galt is going through all this to defend Beck’s insanity.

    Galt = drhunt

  375. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Your detail was only painful in its abject stupidity. It didnt even come CLOSE to makings sense

    I’m sorry that you went to public school, but I don’t have time to teach you english. I do charge $85/hr for tutoring if you care.

  376. dbadass says:

    I just chop heads off.

    So you’re a rabbi?

  377. braveheart08 says:

    What proof do you need about the census? Why do you think the government created in the first place so they know how much money to dish out?

  378. galt says:

    Shayne says:

    Galt is going through all this to defend Beck’s insanity.

    Galt = drhunt

    Sad part is, I’m not even defending Beck. I’m just saying that discriminating based on race is wrong in a lawful society.

  379. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No YOU are clearly the idiot. Call an alderman in Chicago and ask him how many black families and how many hispanic families live between 42nd street and Houston st and he wont even have to look it up. My GOD you are just a MORON. Politicians know the racial makeup of their districts down to a tee and they dont need or USE the census they spend money to get up to DATE date on EXACTLY that. Are you REALLY this stupid? Are you just making whatever weak argument you can because you are being punked so badly? You are ridiculous.

  380. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:



    are even more stupid than I thought.



    … a trite, stale cliche…

    I’m actually a Salamo-Marxist, myself…

    What… did you ask what Salamo-Marxism is?

    Why… it’s a new political philosophy that’s sweeping the country, a tantalizing blend of two different schools – the fervent devotion to salted dried meats, along w/ some bread, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, and mustard, coupled w/ the timeless humor of Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and of course, Gummo…

    Who could ever forget Gummo? Or Gumby, for that matter…?

  381. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:

    Money, Trade, Division of Labour, and Common Defense are what make society. Otherwise, I can tell you right now that I’d definitely despise everyone here if I didn’t know that somehow I have to work with you all for my own profit and welfare.

    Yep. No shared culture, no common tradition, no sense of community.

    I can certainly see how someone could look at life the way you do.

    I just don’t understand why anyone would want to.

    And I get the sense that you already despise everyone here; you just calculate that it’s not in your best interests (for some reason) to say so.

  382. cd says:

    Am I the only one who can picture gullible galt telling us “This museum is lovingly dedicated to the Klaus Barbie that nobody knows. The husband, the devoted father, the wine connoisseur, and three time ballroom dancing champion”?

  383. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    I am sorry you are so STUPID. More like you charge 85 cents for blowjobs on skidrow. I am a married man so take your solicitation elsewhere

  384. braveheart08 says:

    If you weren’t so stupid that you can’t get a government job you would actually know what was going on with the government without looking at all the media stories sent out to cover it up, reading these stories is not telling you what the governmment is really up to.

  385. House of Roberts says:

    braveheart08 at 11:42 pm

    Im a highlander…

    What clan?

  386. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    No YOU are clearly the idiot. Call an alderman in Chicago and ask him how many black families and how many hispanic families live between 42nd street and Houston st and he wont even have to look it up. My GOD you are just a MORON. Politicians know the racial makeup of their districts down to a tee and they dont need or USE the census they spend money to get up to DATE date on EXACTLY that. Are you REALLY this stupid? Are you just making whatever weak argument you can because you are being punked so badly? You are ridiculous.

    You’re being way too narrow minded here.

    Don’t forget that it was census data that was used to round up Japanese Americans during WW II and put them in internment camps. GAO also admits that census data are used for government housing crackdowns. Census data are enormously helpful to federal agents in conducting raids.

    Did you know that census data concerning race are widely used to discourage factories and manufacturers from locating in areas of high unemployment? How is this so? Bill Clinton’s EPA and Justice Dept. have teamed up to invent a concept called “Environmental Justice” which metes out severe fines against factories and manufacturers located in largely poor and minority communities. It didn’t take factory owners long to wise up. Now they routinely avoid building in communities who could most benefit economically — using the same census data Clinton uses to penalize them if they do build there.

    This enough, or can I keep going?

  387. dbadass says:

    Dude you are trying to hard. It is just getting silly. Never overplay your cards

  388. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Why dont you stop embarassing yourself. Your stupidity is just becoming a sad thing. Actually she said Hickman didnt know they existed and didnt KNOW WHY THEY SHOULD, which is EXACTLY not caring. You do understand that you are a moron and not very good at this dont you?

  389. braveheart08 says:

    The government is trying to find out how much money they need to give out on short sale propertys and that means all the illegals.

  390. SlappyBastinado says:

    debbi…..are you going to Venezuela this year to help Sean Penn and Hugo complete their yearly census. Or maybe Cuba? I hear the next elections may be close and Castro just might get beat out for El Presidente ……..what does your polling data show as to who the leader might be at these early stages of the election cycle?

    Please tell us when you first started having these feelings for and affinity to mass murders?

  391. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Does anyone want to take up a collection to pay galt to tutor bravefart? Galt is annoying, but I think he knows the census is required by the constitution.

  392. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    By the way defining yourself SOLELY by commerce and defining yourself SOLELY by making money is just pathetic. It shows you to be a soulless creature devoid of humanity, decency and any sense of honor or integrity

  393. braveheart08 says:

    IM a mcleod septs of harris and lewes

  394. galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:

    Money, Trade, Division of Labour, and Common Defense are what make society. Otherwise, I can tell you right now that I’d definitely despise everyone here if I didn’t know that somehow I have to work with you all for my own profit and welfare.

    Yep. No shared culture, no common tradition, no sense of community.

    I can certainly see how someone could look at life the way you do.

    I just don’t understand why anyone would want to.

    And I get the sense that you already despise everyone here; you just calculate that it’s not in your best interests (for some reason) to say so.

    Because it’s in my best interest to talk you out of ruining the closest thing to Capitalism the world has ever seen.

  395. PolicyNorth says:

    …or there really isn’t a giant government conspiracy to use the census to take away any of your ill defined ‘freedoms’ but the ethnic/cultural divides in the questions are rather a way for the civil service to keep track of how their countries’ citizens self identify themselves so the legitimately elected government can best serve them. You know, rather then using those pesky identity ‘tags’ you’d think that by removing ethnic and cultural questions on a census form would be a way of limiting the numerate of a minority?
    But hey, what do *I* know? Not like I do this for a living and not host a moronic t.v show for millions a month or anything…. (oh, I’m bitter!)

  396. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Even if I GIVE you all those points so WHAT? Fire can be used to burn down your house. Does that mean it can ONLY be used to burn down your house? The assertion you are defending here is that the census is used ONLY for racial discrimination. It is an utterly MORONIC statement. No rational human being could possibly take it seriously

  397. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    I wonder if it ever bothers Randians that their theoretical utopia is secure because of the freedoms guaranteed and protected by the government they despise… they have the luxury of focusing on the negative in what most humans value in society because the actual end products of a Hobbesian universe are largely kept at bay by the very forces of order and organization that they claim the right to transcend.

    Maybe that’s why hardly anybody takes them seriously.

  398. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    By the way defining yourself SOLELY by commerce and defining yourself SOLELY by making money is just pathetic. It shows you to be a soulless creature devoid of humanity, decency and any sense of honor or integrity

    I don’t personally only value money. I value lots of things. I value certain types of company. I value certain people.

    I refuse to value all other people above myself though. In fact, I value myself above all else, because if I didn’t how could I value anyone else at all?

    But no, you’ve given me nothing to value you by, so I don’t value you more than the ant I just killed.

  399. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    You guys really don’t understand classical liberalism?

    Well, it’s just so deep, isn’t it?

    Though, I’m certain you’d agree, not as deep and as complicated as the life of a “Lockean” liberal.


  400. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    It doesnt matter how much you beg. There is no pity for you here. Beg, beg, beg day after day we are bored with your constant demands for pity. You will never be clever. You will never be funny. You will be stupid and pathetic your entire life and all your posts will go to the sewer where they belong because we have no more pity for you.

  401. dbadass says:

  402. LibertyLover says:

    Can Rush Limbaugh take Glenn Beck with him when he moves to Costa Rica?

  403. cd says:

    You don’t value people galt you value the entertainment and other services they can provide for you.

  404. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:

    Because it’s in my best interest to talk you out of ruining the closest thing to Capitalism the world has ever seen.

    If you had demonstrated any real depth of understanding of any ethos other than your own, you might have had a shot at that.

    As it is, I don’t see why it’s in your best interest to try to sell an unattractive solipsistic philosophy to people who have both intelligence and compassion and are capable of using both.

    But you give it your best shot.

  405. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    cd says:
    You don’t value people galt you value the entertainment and other services they can provide for you.

    Oh my god — galt is my mother-in-law!

  406. SlappyBastinado says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says: It shows you to be a soulless creature devoid of humanity, decency and any sense of honor or integrity

    Che? You are insane!

  407. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Even if I GIVE you all those points so WHAT? Fire can be used to burn down your house. Does that mean it can ONLY be used to burn down your house? The assertion you are defending here is that the census is used ONLY for racial discrimination. It is an utterly MORONIC statement. No rational human being could possibly take it seriously

    Yet you’ve offered no reason to the contrary! Well, I take that back. You’ve offered half of one in the Texas case. Unfortunately, the burden of proof in that case would be on the Government to prove that it’s not gerrymandering, which it could only prove with a census, so it’s not really proof at all.

  408. cd says:

    “Oh my god — galt is my mother-in-law!”

    I’d be careful galt’s likely to kill you soon as you’ve produced grandkids.

  409. galt says:

    cd says:

    You don’t value people galt you value the entertainment and other services they can provide for you.

    Good point.

  410. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:

    I refuse to value all other people above myself though. In fact, I value myself above all else, because if I didn’t how could I value anyone else at all?

    THis is the type of foolish rhetorical question that probably sounds good to the author but falls utterly flat with anyone who doesn’t share the author’s philosophy.

    Unfortunately for folks like galt, the lack of true empathy means that their arguments will always be tailored for themselves and so will never be able to appeal to or reach anyone who isn’t already predisposed to join them in their little cult.

  411. dbadass says:

    So I am curious. Do I just frustrate you or is it that you really don’t place any value on others than yourself?

  412. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    So you value everyone based on how YOU profit from them. As I said you are a soulless creature with no concept of decency, honor, integrity or humanity.

    You have given us a lot of laughs. You have also shown us that some MORONS are immune to factual reality. The service you perform is NOT the sole sum of what you mean however. If you were hungry I would feed you. Not because there was anything in it for me or because I like you. Since I think you are pathetic at best, but for the best reason in the world. Because I CAN. Because if I help another human being it furthers the very CONCEPT of decency and humanity. Not because there is anything in it for me but because it is the right thing to do. When we DO what is right it spirals. It like violence can spiral into something larger and go beyond the simple act itself. Humanity itself is futhered by showing humanity to others.

    To say if you didnt value yourself above all things you would not know how to value anything is the saddest most pathetic thing I have ever read in the English language. You should be ashamed to be so narrow. To have no concept of humanity and decency. It is clear by now however that you have no concept of shame either. You are nearing the goal of being that superman who was actually nothing but a sociopath

  413. galt says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    galt says:

    I refuse to value all other people above myself though. In fact, I value myself above all else, because if I didn’t how could I value anyone else at all?

    THis is the type of foolish rhetorical question that probably sounds good to the author but falls utterly flat with anyone who doesn’t share the author’s philosophy.

    Unfortunately for folks like galt, the lack of true empathy means that their arguments will always be tailored for themselves and so will never be able to appeal to or reach anyone who isn’t already predisposed to join them in their little cult.

    Well, if my life depends on you, I’m already screwed. I think I’ll take my chances with myself.

    I’m not propagating a cult. I’m simply propagating the rule of law instead of the rule of men. I’d be fine with laws that didn’t change from year to year, and I could expect the consequences of any action that I take. I just want to know the consequences of any given action I take in advance.

  414. galt says:

    dbadass says:

    So I am curious. Do I just frustrate you or is it that you really don’t place any value on others than yourself?

    Well, as pointed out earlier, I do value the entertainment and services that others provide for me, so I do suppose you’re serving my rational selfish interests.

  415. cd says:

    “galt says:
    cd says:

    You don’t value people galt you value the entertainment and other services they can provide for you.

    Good point.”

    Galt I’ve got to ask did either (or both) of your parents suffer from schizophrenia or any other severe mental illness?

    I’m not going to use it to make fun of you if it’s true.

  416. dbadass says:

    Did you mean shellfish? I almost always have shellfish…

  417. SlappyBastinado says:

    galt says:

    Well, if my life depends on you, I’m already screwed. I think I’ll take my chances with myself.

    After spending a few minutes with these animals even they have to come to the same logical conclusion.

  418. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    So you value everyone based on how YOU profit from them. As I said you are a soulless creature with no concept of decency, honor, integrity or humanity.

    How do you define Humanity?
    How do you define Decency?
    I’d say that I’ve got Honor and Integrity down.

    If you define Humanity and Decency as placing value in others above placing value in myself, then I have neither, nor do I have need for either.

    If you define Humanity and Decency as valuing what makes life better for me, and hence those around me, then I’d say I’m far more humane than the individual that gives his hard earned wealth to strangers that he doesn’t know and don’t appreciate him.

  419. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    WOW. You have taken STUPID to the level of an artform. The Texas case is a PERFECT example. Yes they needed the census to prove it. THAT IS THE POINT MORON. It is a sort of deranged stupidity to say that since they needed the census to PROVE the racial discrimination that it isnt really proof. I will just let the abject stupidity of that statement hang there to be ridiculed by all of those with the capability of higher brain function. YOU can just be confused. It is your natural state anyway

  420. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    We already KNOW you are stupid. We already KNOW you are addicted to our pity. For goodness sakes stop humiliating yourself so. There is no pity for you here. Spend your time doing something profitable. Go get lessons in dignity and self respect from a crackwhore. Your trailer trash whore of a mother will do.

  421. cd says:

    Again Galt I’ve got to ask did either (or both) of your parents suffer from schizophrenia or any other severe mental illness?

    I’m not going to use this information to make fun of you if it’s true.

  422. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    WOW. You have taken STUPID to the level of an artform. The Texas case is a PERFECT example. Yes they needed the census to prove it. THAT IS THE POINT MORON. It is a sort of deranged stupidity to say that since they needed the census to PROVE the racial discrimination that it isnt really proof. I will just let the abject stupidity of that statement hang there to be ridiculed by all of those with the capability of higher brain function. YOU can just be confused. It is your natural state anyway

    You don’t understand…

    The burden of proof was on the State, to prove that no gerrymandering occured. ONLY census data (ie; the data from the census, but not with those census numbers) could have absolved the state from any wrong doing. Since the State could obviously not provide the proof required, the State was found to be in violation of the law.

  423. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    The fact you NEED humanity and decency defined for you proves my point that you have no concept of either.

    You prove it again when you state humanity and decency are all about what is in it for YOU. Without the concept that sometimes you put the wellbeing of others ABOVE what is best for you then there is no such THING as society. You PROVE you have no soul.

    You did say one true thing. You have neither humanity nor decency. The fact you think you dont need them proves you have no soul. I pity you.

    I DO give money to strangers. I dont NEED them to appreciate me for doing so.

    The three most beautiful words in the English language are not I love you, but Can I Help? It is so 3d it is a commitment to be involved in the life of another. These words convey our common humanity your need for one another our acceptance that we are all in this together more than any others. If I see someone on their knees it is an invitation to help them up. To better their lives and in doing so make the world that much better a place. To YOU when you see someone on their knees you think it is a perfect opportunity to kick their teeth down their throat and thus make the world that much UGLIER. If the world were peopled by selfish, heartless soulless pieces of shit like YOU the human race would soon be extinct

  424. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    We already KNOW you are stupid. We already KNOW you are addicted to our pity. For goodness sakes stop humiliating yourself so. There is no pity for you here. Spend your time doing something profitable. Go get lessons in dignity and self respect from a crackwhore. Your trailer trash whore of a mother will do.

    Do you guys really all just slander people that sound reasonable like this?

  425. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Since when is the burden of proof on the accused? Of COURSE they couldnt prove they were innocent since the census data proved THEY WERENT. Your arguments are stupid, disengenuous and inane. Give it up.

  426. dbadass says:

    Do you guys really all just slander people that sound reasonable like this?

    No. Mostly I just encourage them to look within in a metacognitive sort of way…

  427. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    So to YOU this was reasonable?

    After spending a few minutes with these animals even they have to come to the same logical conclusion.

    Go FCUK yourself galt you are not only a moron you are a punkass troll

  428. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    The fact you NEED humanity and decency defined for you proves my point that you have no concept of either.

    Whoa. I don’t *need*. You want me to have. Get that straight.

    You prove it again when you state humanity and decency are all about what is in it for YOU. Without the concept that sometimes you put the wellbeing of others ABOVE what is best for you then there is no such THING as society. You PROVE you have no soul.

    This is obviously not true. We trade with each other because we recognize that it’s in both of our rational self interests. That’s what creates a society. If I give you everything you need and I wind up with nothing, what happens when you’ve moved out of contact with me? All of a sudden I’ve perpetuated the “need” without creating anything to offer for it.

    I DO give money to strangers. I dont NEED them to appreciate me for doing so.

    Yet you feel good doing it. The emotional benefit you receive outweighs the amount of effort that went into producing the money that you procured. You did it purely for yourself, but refuse to recognize it based on a sense of altruism.

    The three most beautiful words in the English language are not I love you, but Can I Help?

    If you get personal enjoyment, yes.

    I guarantee that I help a lot more people employing 10 people at an average of 50,000 a year than you help giving your money to a bum on the street though. I don’t ask “Can I help?” but “How can we help each other?”

    So I ask again, who’s more humane?

  429. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    galt says:

    Do you guys really all just slander people that sound reasonable like this?

    Mr. No-Quarter-Given-None-Taken is suddenly curious about his place in the community.

  430. cd says:

    Oh galt I’m so sorry.

    Here if this isn’t the right place for you I likely has a link to a group that can help you.

  431. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    Since when is the burden of proof on the accused? Of COURSE they couldnt prove they were innocent since the census data proved THEY WERENT. Your arguments are stupid, disengenuous and inane. Give it up.

    In our country, the people are protected by the laws, not the government. That whole constitutional republic thing.

  432. ebbAndflow says:

    galt says:
    Shayne says:

    Galt is going through all this to defend Beck’s insanity.

    Galt = drhunt

    Sad part is, I’m not even defending Beck. I’m just saying that discriminating based on race is wrong in a lawful society.

    March 9th, 2010 at 11:45 pm

    Hmm, no disputation about being ‘drhunt’…

  433. dbadass says:

    How do you feel about the hiring of undocumented laborers?

  434. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    Wow. Marxists are even more stupid than I thought.

    galt says:

    Do you guys really all just slander people that sound reasonable like this?

    I think you should pay more attention to the nonsense you are spewing, champ.

  435. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    So to YOU this was reasonable?

    After spending a few minutes with these animals even they have to come to the same logical conclusion.

    Go FCUK yourself galt you are not only a moron you are a punkass troll

    More reasonable than the rest of the comments I’ve gotten. All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong.

    Quite ironically, you all oppose racial discrimination when it comes to actually defending the country.

  436. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    In our country, the people are protected by the laws, not the government. That whole constitutional republic thing.

    A little old man was getting viciously mugged outside my building last night.

    I mean VICIOUSLY..

    I called the cops in. They arrested the perp righteously.

    I don’t think ‘the laws’ were the ones putting the cuffs on, dude.

    It was the COPS… the employees of the govt…

    Really… give it up… you’re embarrassing yourself at this point.

  437. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

    I prefer Mr. Donne to Ms. Rand.

  438. galt says:

    dbadass says:

    How do you feel about the hiring of undocumented laborers?

    I honestly couldn’t care less who hires who. I’m willing to hire the person that can do the best job for the lowest price. It’s their choice whether to work with me or not.

  439. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    How do you feel about the hiring of undocumented laborers?

    The last person I knew to DELIBERATELY hire illegals was an arch Republican. You so much as mention Bush in a negative light, he’d chew you up so badly. And when he was done, he’d go back to ordering his Guatemalans around.

  440. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You MORON. You ASKED for the definition. How is that ME needing to give you anything? My GOD you are stupid.

    No trading out of self interest does NOT constitute a society. Neandrathals had society. They took care of their weak. They didnt do so much trading as hunter gatherers. It is our interest in the common good that makes a society and that will NEVER come from your selfish I only care what is in it for me way of life.

    It once again shows what a soulless cretin you are that you think the ONLY possible reason to help another is because of what is in it for me. I pity you.

    NO it isnt about personal enjoyment. It is about recognizing our common humanity. Our connection to one another. About making the whole WORLD a better place by doing what is right when it is in front of you. I would be better off trying to explain the color blue to a blindman than try to explain decency and humanity to a soulless pitiful husk like you. Do you even REMEMBER what it was like before your soul dried up and blew away?

    You can gauarantee NO SUCH THING. You know nothing about me. If you own a company then there is a product or service being provided and those jobs are required to provide them so those jobs would be there whether you died at birth or not so YOU provide NOTHING special. NOTHING that wouldnt be there without you. Immediatly you disparage someone I give money to as a bum. Who said they were such? You disgust me and your attitude would disgust any decent human being as to who is more humane? The answer is obvious. Every decent human being is more humane than you are or will ever be. That is just an obvious FACT

  441. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:
    All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong.

    Then you defended it in the next sentence. Again, you should pay a bit more attention to the garbage you are spewing as you would realise it is unrealistic and tends to contradict iteself.

  442. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    In our country, the people are protected by the laws, not the government. That whole constitutional republic thing.

    A little old man was getting viciously mugged outside my building last night.

    I mean VICIOUSLY..

    I called the cops in. They arrested the perp righteously.

    I don’t think ‘the laws’ were the ones putting the cuffs on, dude.

    It was the COPS… the employees of the govt…

    Really… give it up… you’re embarrassing yourself at this point.

    You’re dumber than you first appeared. Let me re-state to be more clear:
    The laws in our country protect -people- from the government, not government from the people.

    Therefore, if the government is accused of performing an illegal act, the burden of proof is on the government.

    So yeah, please give it up. I really do have to work in the morning.

  443. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    I honestly couldn’t care less who hires who. I’m willing to hire the person that can do the best job for the lowest price. It’s their choice whether to work with me or not.

    Funny… just a few posts ago, you were defending the rule of law…

    galt says:

    In our country, the people are protected by the laws, not the government.

    And now you don’t care…

    You’re not very good at this, are you?

  444. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    More reasonable than the rest of the comments I’ve gotten. All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong

    You are a LIAR. You argued that the census information could ONLY be used to promote racial discrimination. Your arguments would HELP propigate racial discrimination and anyone NOT a brainwashed MORON could see this.

    Anyway your ignorant statement was false and show you to be a punkass troll. It WASNT reasonable and you said it was. You attacked US for being rude to a moron being rude to us. So you are not only a moron, a punkass troll and a fool but also a hypocrite

  445. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    You’re dumber than you first appeared. Let me re-state to be more clear:
    The laws in our country protect -people- from the government, not government from the people.

    Therefore, if the government is accused of performing an illegal act, the burden of proof is on the government.

    Could you tell us exactly which part of our legal system is based on the innocent having to prove their innocence, “doctor”?

  446. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    You’re dumber than you first appeared.

    Awwwwww… back to childish ad hominems…

    You can leave anytime you want.

    You shant be missed.

    Laughed at… yes…


    Not so much…

  447. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Dear Glen Beck,
    Joseph Goebbels shone way brighter than you. Try harder!


  448. CarmanK says:

    How much longer will the public put up with lies and tirades of Glen Beck?? How much longer will any media with any inch of integrity continue to associate itself with this snake??He goes way beyond shock jock and into delivering obscene rhetoric and lies over the airwaves. This isn’t free speech, this is harmful propaganda and far more offensive than any slip of a gown at a Super bowl game.

  449. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    Could you tell us exactly which part of our legal system is based on the innocent having to prove their innocence, “doctor”?

    Careful… he might call you a childish name…

  450. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    Ayn Rand – giving selfish people something to quote since the day she finished that stupid fkn book.


    Arrested development – check it out.

  451. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are just so stupid you dont even understand how stupid you are. The Justice Dept IS the gov. The state of Texas is the defendent in this case. Now try to keep up. The GOV, that is the justice dept not only ACCUSED Tex of raciallly discriminitory reditricting they used the census data to PROVE IT. Bo

  452. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You MORON. You ASKED for the definition. How is that ME needing to give you anything? My GOD you are stupid.

    I said it depends on how you define it, as I laid out the alternatives that I was willing to subscribe to, and you proceeded to give me your own definitions. I don’t need your definitions, you want me to have them. I don’t really care of you consider me Decent and … I forget what the other one was. Oh well.

    No trading out of self interest does NOT constitute a society. Neandrathals had society. They took care of their weak.

    And they’re extinct. GREAT example!

    NO it isnt about personal enjoyment. It is about recognizing our common humanity. Our connection to one another. About making the whole WORLD a better place by doing what is right when it is in front of you. I would be better off trying to explain the color blue to a blindman than try to explain decency and humanity to a soulless pitiful husk like you. Do you even REMEMBER what it was like before your soul dried up and blew away?

    You refuse to see the fact that the only ways we’re connected is through money and defense. That is a fact. Anything else is your emotional bullcrap.

    You can gauarantee NO SUCH THING. You know nothing about me. If you own a company then there is a product or service being provided and those jobs are required to provide them so those jobs would be there whether you died at birth or not so YOU provide NOTHING special. NOTHING that wouldnt be there without you. Immediatly you disparage someone I give money to as a bum. Who said they were such? You disgust me and your attitude would disgust any decent human being as to who is more humane? The answer is obvious. Every decent human being is more humane than you are or will ever be. That is just an obvious FACT

    No, jobs don’t exist regardless of human input. If we all waited around for jobs to be created, we’d pretty much be in Greece’s situation right now. To say such would be to demand that nothing new will ever be created; that society has reached its peak and it’s all downhill from here. Just looking at the evidence of the past 50 years is enough evidence of the contrary to prove your assertion wrong to me.

    Besides, if jobs exist regardless of who commands them, how does an economy create or lose jobs? Or even “create or save?”

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

  453. glamourdammerung says:

    I wonder why Libertarians seem to think there would be a place for useless sociopaths in a society? Is it another manifestion of their religion that they think the magic free market dust would make the actual producers not practice some “enlightened self interest” on them?

  454. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are just so stupid you dont even understand how stupid you are. The Justice Dept IS the gov. The state of Texas is the defendent in this case. Now try to keep up. The GOV, that is the justice dept not only ACCUSED Tex of raciallly discriminitory reditricting they used the census data to PROVE IT. Bo

    Justice dept. was representing the people. Man, I can say it again, but I think it’ll have the same impact.

  455. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Give it up, galt…

    You’re embarrassing yourself at this point.

    Actually, you’re WAAAAAAAAAAAY past embarrassing.

    You’re like that little kid in 2nd grade who was determined to prove he could spin faster than anybody else, even if he made himself sick and threw up all over himself.

  456. ebbAndflow says:

    galt, did you attend “UC@Davis”?

  457. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    Justice dept. was representing the people. Man, I can say it again, but I think it’ll have the same impact.

    The Justice Department is part of the governemnt? Y/N

    Or are you too busy insulting other posters and making strawmen arguemtns to answer a simple question?

  458. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    I honestly couldn’t care less who hires who. I’m willing to hire the person that can do the best job for the lowest price. It’s their choice whether to work with me or not.

    Funny… just a few posts ago, you were defending the rule of law…

    galt says:

    In our country, the people are protected by the laws, not the government.

    And now you don’t care…

    You’re not very good at this, are you?

    There’s no inconsistency there. I’m not violating a person’s liberty by employing them.

  459. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    I wonder why Libertarians seem to think there would be a place for useless sociopaths in a society?

    Because they’re narcissists.

    People like galt are so infatuated w/ their own persona, they can’t begin to grasp that they’re not the center of the universe.

  460. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    More reasonable than the rest of the comments I’ve gotten. All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong

    You are a LIAR. You argued that the census information could ONLY be used to promote racial discrimination. Your arguments would HELP propigate racial discrimination and anyone NOT a brainwashed MORON could see this.

    Anyway your ignorant statement was false and show you to be a punkass troll. It WASNT reasonable and you said it was. You attacked US for being rude to a moron being rude to us. So you are not only a moron, a punkass troll and a fool but also a hypocrite

    Right … but the ideal at stake here is that discrimination is wrong. There’s no contradiction; I’ve offered you boatloads of examples of how racial discrimination is wrong.

  461. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Give it up, galt…

    You’re embarrassing yourself at this point.

    Actually, you’re WAAAAAAAAAAAY past embarrassing.

    You’re like that little kid in 2nd grade who was determined to prove he could spin faster than anybody else, even if he made himself sick and threw up all over himself.

    It’s ok. One summer day in about 4 years (about a year after you graduate college), you’ll finally understand that it’s wrong to discriminate against anyone based on their race, and it’s not the government’s job to tell how many indian americans are included in the census.

  462. Shayne says:

    And galt doesn’t see where it is the hate filled lies spewed by Beck that are destroying this country and not the people posting on this site or trying to live their lives.

  463. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    There’s no inconsistency there. I’m not violating a person’s liberty by employing them.

    Au contraire… there are laws regulating labor practices. When you hire an illegal, you are in violation of the pertinent law. You ARE NOT some imaginary, Libertarian utopia unto yourself. Hiring an ILLEGAL is against hte law.

    W/ a mind like yours… I would have thought you’d have GRASPED that… they’re called ILLEGALS for a reason…

    Give it up… you’re already covered w/ your own puke…

  464. galt says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    Justice dept. was representing the people. Man, I can say it again, but I think it’ll have the same impact.

    The Justice Department is part of the governemnt? Y/N

    Or are you too busy insulting other posters and making strawmen arguemtns to answer a simple question?

    I haven’t relied on any logical fallacies to promote any arguments. All I’ve received are ad hominem attacks though, maybe you should look there.

    Yes, the Justice dept is a part of our government. It’s pretty common for the Justice dept. to represent both sides of a case.

  465. cd says:

    *sigh* another grammer error

    I intended to write:

    Oh galt I’m so sorry.

    Here if this isn’t the right place for you it likely has a link to a group that can help you with your monther (or father).

  466. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:

    There’s no inconsistency there. I’m not violating a person’s liberty by employing them.

    Au contraire… there are laws regulating labor practices. When you hire an illegal, you are in violation of the pertinent law. You ARE NOT some imaginary, Libertarian utopia unto yourself. Hiring an ILLEGAL is against hte law.

    W/ a mind like yours… I would have thought you’d have GRASPED that… they’re called ILLEGALS for a reason…

    Give it up… you’re already covered w/ your own puke…

    Really? Show me where it’s illegal to employ someone from another country for any period of time. Please.

  467. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:


    summer day in about 4 years (about a year after you graduate college)

    Gosh… for someone who’s so convinced he’s right, you sure do resort to a lot of cheap insults…

  468. Shayne says:

    It is hysterical when the whitewingnutz act like they’re the ones who are against discrimination.

  469. Shayne says:

    And galt doesn’t get embarrassed, obviously.

  470. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt says:


    summer day in about 4 years (about a year after you graduate college)

    Gosh… for someone who’s so convinced he’s right, you sure do resort to a lot of cheap insults…

    I didn’t intend an insult. I was just thinking that statistically, most people tend to grow more conservative after they’ve left college and start actually paying taxes.

  471. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    I haven’t relied on any logical fallacies to promote any arguments. All I’ve received are ad hominem attacks though, maybe you should look there.

    You lie. See your many comments about “All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong.” whenver someone has proven an unrealated “point” you made wrong.

    Yes, the Justice dept is a part of our government. It’s pretty common for the Justice dept. to represent both sides of a case.

    At least you finally admitted you were wrong instead of insulting someone for pointing out the logical disconnection in your claims.

  472. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are both stupid AND a liar. You did not say it depends on how I define it. That COULD be inferred but it is NOT what you said THIS is what you said.

    How do you define Humanity?
    How do you define Decency?

    Your definition YOU were willing to accept PROVED you had no concept of either. It is all about what is in it for YOU

    a dictionary definition
    1. Humans considered as a group; the human race.
    2. The condition or quality of being human.
    3. The quality of being humane; benevolence.
    4. A humane characteristic, attribute, or act.

    I see benevolence being human, humane. I dont see anything about trade or what the hell is in it for me.

    Yeah they are extinct. Free market selfishness had nothing to do with their extinction since it DIDNT EXIST so that really doesnt address my point

    You refuse to see the fact that the only ways we’re connected is through money and defense. That is a fact. Anything else is your emotional bullcrap

    That isnt a FACT it is your delusion. Only those like YOU with no soul, no sense of what decency and humanity even ARE would say something so bone chillingly ignorant as the only connection we have with one another is through money. The Inca didnt even HAVE money NOR anything LIKE money and they had a society. One where everyone was fed in a part of the world where today thousands starve. My GOD you are so stupid and brainwashed it is painful

    Ah YES. Jobs are created by the DEMAND for the service or product. If YOU werent there the DEMAND would have someone ELSE provide for that demand we CREATE jobs by allowing the context for the demand. Like Rural electrification provided the electricity in rural areas and created the DEMAND for electrical appliances FOR those rural people. YOU are NOTHING and if you didnt exist those people would STILL have jobs and someone ELSE would be pocketing the profits. I know you THINK you are special but you arent. You are just a selfish, soulless brainwashed cretin

  473. cd says:

    If a person claims they didn’t pay taxes while they went to college they didn’t really go to college.

  474. SlappyBastinado says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says: Hiring an ILLEGAL is against hte law.

    Stop! You are in way over your head.

  475. ebbAndflow says:

    galt, meander up #66; read, then discuss, if you must.

  476. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Of COURSE racial discrimination is wrong and YOU would demand we stop LOOKING at race entirely to make racial discrimination that much easier. It is a FOOLS argument.

  477. galt says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    I haven’t relied on any logical fallacies to promote any arguments. All I’ve received are ad hominem attacks though, maybe you should look there.

    You lie. See your many comments about “All I’ve argued is that racial discrimination is wrong.” whenver someone has proven an unrealated “point” you made wrong.

    Yes, the Justice dept is a part of our government. It’s pretty common for the Justice dept. to represent both sides of a case.

    At least you finally admitted you were wrong instead of insulting someone for pointing out the logical disconnection in your claims.

    I don’t know what universe you’re living in, but nobody’s offered proof of me being wrong about anything yet.

    I never claimed the Justice dept. wasn’t part of government. I did say that it was the State’s burden to prove that there was no gerrymandering occurring. Please read, I know it’s hard.

  478. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt sez:

    Really? Show me where it’s illegal to employ someone from another country for any period of time. Please.

    You are kidding, right?

    There are civil and criminal penalties for hiring illegal aliens. Sec. 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and 8 U.S.C. 1324a, makes it unlawful for any person knowingly to hire, recruit or refer for a fee any alien not authorized to work. An employer that violates these laws can face penalties of:

    · $250 to $2,000 fine for each unauthorized individual;

    · $2,000 to $5,000 for each employee if the employer has previously been in violation; or

    · $3,000 to $10,000 for each individual if the employer was subject to more than one cease and desist order.

    The employer could also be fined $100 to $1,000 for each individual “paperwork” violation.

    The criminal penalties for a pattern and practice violation can be up to $3,000 for each unauthorized alien, imprisonment up to six months, or both.

    There are legal means to hire foreign workers on a temporary or permanent basis and our office can help you explore your options.

    Seriously… get some help w/ those personality issues..

    You can have the thread all to yourself…

    You’re… you’re… so AMAZING

  479. glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    Really? Show me where it’s illegal to employ someone from another country for any period of time. Please.

    Another strawman there, champ. You know you were clearly asked about illegal immigrants earlier.

  480. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You are just spewing stupidity and talking points as insults You are a MORON. I am VERY liberal and in my 50’s Chomsky is in his 70’s. STFU you are just turning into a pathetic punkass troll

  481. cd says:

    “Seriously… get some help w/ those personality issues..”

    Galts issuely likely stem from a mother with Schizophrenia who’s condition haunted her for most of her life and serverly scared his ability to relate to others at even the most basic level.

    It isn’t his fault really though he does owe it to himself to seek out professional help and failing that anything he does to hurt other is his fault.

  482. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Stop begging for our pity. There is no pity here for you. We KNOW you are stupid. We KNOW you are pathetic but you mined the pity well dry. Go find some dignity and self respect somewhere

  483. galt says:

    The Republic of Stupidity says:

    galt sez:

    Really? Show me where it’s illegal to employ someone from another country for any period of time. Please.

    You are kidding, right?

    There are civil and criminal penalties for hiring illegal aliens. Sec. 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and 8 U.S.C. 1324a, makes it unlawful for any person knowingly to hire, recruit or refer for a fee any alien not authorized to work.

    I just had to leave this before I go to bed:

    You see the difference between an alien not authorized to work and employing someone from another country for a period of time, right?

    I personally don’t care who I hire to do the job. I won’t knowingly hire an illegal alien. I will find the cheapest person to do the best job though.

  484. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    OK, I have had enough fun slapping around the mentally challenged. You guys can try to educate the moron galt who claims both to own a business AND be a tutor. What a poser. Anyone that can be brainwashed by Rand is not only stupid but simply has no decency

  485. galt says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    galt says:

    Really? Show me where it’s illegal to employ someone from another country for any period of time. Please.

    Another strawman there, champ. You know you were clearly asked about illegal immigrants earlier.

    You’ve obviously just learned the term ’strawman argument’ and don’t grasp its meaning.

  486. SlappyBastinado says:

    debbi……shut up!

    480…..I said STOP! You can quote any law from any state or fed manual, code or RC or whatever. To ASK a prospective employee IF they are in the country legally is unlawful. To ask them if they are a US citizen is unlawful. Please see your local state board of labor relations or whatever they call it in your state for acceptable application rules.

  487. galt says:

    Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:

    OK, I have had enough fun slapping around the mentally challenged. You guys can try to educate the moron galt who claims both to own a business AND be a tutor. What a poser. Anyone that can be brainwashed by Rand is not only stupid but simply has no decency

    To be claimed ‘decent’ by you would truly be an insult.

  488. cd says:

    I just refered to Galt’s issues as “issuely” lol

    Time for me to call it a night.

    Galt chances are you will be banned before I’m back so I’m going to ask that you treat yourself well and see someone about the problems you’re suffering from.

    Even Rand wouldn’t object to your treating yourself well.

  489. christopher wiwi says:

    Thank you Mr. Massa,you showed class and what kind of person Becky really is a flaming pile of crap who fear mongers his audience….

  490. christopher wiwi says:

    Slappy what’s the purpose of the immigration laws if there is no way to enforce them?

  491. Shayne says:

    galt, you’re wrong about most things. For one you think we’re all college students and most of us are older than your parents. Idiot.

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