Think Progress

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform’s most vociferous opponents, warning that “[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.” Yesterday, Limbaugh put his money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes and all his fears are realized, he’ll leave the country:

CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself? And the second part of that is, what would happen to the doctors, do they have to participate in the federal program, or could they opt out of it? [...]

LIMBAUGH: My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

Listen here:

Limbaugh’s self-imposed exile should be all the incentive needed to pass health care reform.

Featured Comment: shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:
Public Health Care – Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS)

The Costa Rican healthcare system is rated very highly on an international level, and the country’s citizens enjoy the health and life expectancy equal to that of more developed nations. These accolades come courtesy of strong, universal health insurance and excellent public and private hospitals.

Costa Rica’s public health insurance system, commonly known as the Caja, is available country-wide to all citizens and legal residents. There are ten major public hospitals – four in San Jose, including the Children’s Hospital – affiliated with the Caja. For non-emergencies and everyday medical care, small clinics, known as EBAIS (pronounced ay-vy-ice), are located in almost every community.

262 Responses to “Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.”

  1. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say:


    Also, I would’ve thought the Dominican Republic would be his fancy…

  2. AlphaLiberal says:

    Thank you for that great news. Pass the bill!!

  3. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

  4. fergus says:

    Costa Rica is a pretty progressive country. They probably won’t let him in, especially if they do a background check. He brings no special talent that the country would want.

  5. vinylspear, sponsored by Sunless Tanning Solutions says:

    Is that a promise?

  6. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    “Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.”

    GOOD NEWS,,,,start packing your bags,

    So you move out of the country, I call big time 100% BS limpboob-buttboil no way you give up that money!!!!1

  7. hwmnbn says:

    Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out!

  8. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    I’d also like to point out the irony of that fat, impotent slug threatening to flee this country if healthcare reform passes to a country that has…universal healthcare.

    Costa Rica’s system is government funded, with the option to purchase private insurance.

    Something we need here…

    and, o/t but interesting

    Glenn Beck to Jesus: Drop Dead

    It’s a pointed look at how Beck is intent on destroying every redeeming aspect of Christianity to suit his own goals.

  9. House of Roberts says:

    LIMBAUGH: My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

    He prefaces with “My guess…” and “I don’t know…”, but he thinks anyone should value his opinion. He’s never done any research on his own, and the RNC forgot to tell him the talking points of the day, so he’s clueless.

  10. Game of Life says:

    That ain’t far enough, limpydic.

  11. TheVeritableBuddhist says:


    Glenn Bleech is admonishing everything about Christianity that I find redeeming. Not surprising, considering most evangelicals would rather follow the Old Testament to the letter than anything Jesus had to say.
    Sad, that American Christians really….aren’t.

  12. Marie says:

    If there were another very good reason to pass the health care bill, this would be it.
    Pass the bill! Do it for Rush!!

  13. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

    Promises, promises.

  14. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    So what will be the excuse went he dont move out of the country went this passes.

    1) well i need to stay and keep fighting for you the tried, cold, ignorant, racist, good real american nut jobs.

  15. Marie says:

    Rush would feel he has to leave the country? More than likely, he’d end up in a country that already has universal health care. Oh, the irony of it all. Pass the bill!

  16. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Beat me to it, ED. Yes, indeed, Costa Rica has the ebil national health care. In fact, since the US is the only major industrialized nation that doesn’t have some form of it, the Fatman’s choices of where to go are limited to real 3rd world countries. Maybe he can have a bunker built in Somalia.

  17. Buford says:

    I thought Rush had an affinity for the Dominican Republic for his solo, Viagra-fueled ‘vacations’…?

  18. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:


  19. deebaser says:

    @9… Exactly.

    “My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out” means “I am unqualified to discuss this because I haven’t done even the most rudimentary internet study of the issue”

  20. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Volunteers for the “Build Rush a Bunker in Somalia” are gathering as we speak.
    Thousands show up, with hammers, trowels, and gas masks.

  21. Fraze says:

    is it too soon to wave bye….this Canadian is sick of him and his dissing of our health care system…will take it over yours any time, thank you very muc

  22. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    So did Costa Rica just become the biggest opponent of health care passing here in the U.S. to prevent LimbAUGH from invading their country?

  23. Game of Life says:

    EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say:


    Also, I would’ve thought the Dominican Republic would be his fancy…

    He’s still with the brown people.

    So shitstarter thinks brown people would have anything to do with his lyinass. AMAZING! The repug dog can’t get pass Mexicans, well only if they are supplying him drugs.

    Drugs dealing will be on his itinerary.

  24. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    TheVeritableBuddhist says:



    Glenn Bleech is admonishing everything about Christianity that I find redeeming. Not surprising, considering most evangelicals would rather follow the Old Testament to the letter than anything Jesus had to say.
    Sad, that American Christians really….aren’t.

    Lest we forget: evangelicals probably wouldn’t back Beck. They’re uncomfortable with the whole Mormon thing.

    Intolerance, bigotry, and selfish interpretation is found in every religion. The problem isn’t with the text; it’s with the people. And it’s a problem that seems to be particularly pronounced in this country.

  25. Allonfla says:

    pass the bill pass the bill pass the bill pass the bill

    pass the bill pass the bill pass the bill pass the bill

  26. Badmoodman says:

    Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

    – - Pass. The. Damn. Bill.

  27. Game of Life says:

    Pack your viagra, limpydic, health reform has passed.

  28. bnurse says:

    Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill!


  29. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Maybe he can become their Pie-eyed Piper and gather all the discontented baggers and haul them with him. I don’t think Costa Rica would have them but I’m sure they can find someplace where they can set up their very own independent theocracy and show the rest of the world how well that works.

  30. bob h says:

    I would have thought the Dominican Republic, too, but Costa Rica is also wide open in that regard. I’m sure he’ll be able to indulge whatever his predilection actually is.

  31. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    White-wingnuts are so ignorant and strange.

    Public Health Care – Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS)

    The Costa Rican healthcare system is rated very highly on an international level, and the country’s citizens enjoy the health and life expectancy equal to that of more developed nations. These accolades come courtesy of strong, universal health insurance and excellent public and private hospitals.

    Costa Rica’s public health insurance system, commonly known as the Caja, is available country-wide to all citizens and legal residents. There are ten major public hospitals – four in San Jose, including the Children’s Hospital – affiliated with the Caja. For non-emergencies and everyday medical care, small clinics, known as EBAIS (pronounced ay-vy-ice), are located in almost every community.

  32. mike from Arlington says:

    …and bring all your ditto heads with you.

  33. jrfunkenstein says:

    Surprise; this fatuous blowhard continues to demonstrate his monstrous ignorance of universal health care as practiced in other industrialized nations.

    Doctors in Canada and the UK DO NOT opt out of the health care system, they are A PART of the system.

    Why does it not seem ridiculous that this idiot is allowed to spew his utterly uninformed opinions to anyone even less intellectually curious than he is?

  34. DNFP (powered by the Stirling Engine™) says:

    Tons of illegal drugs too easily available in Costa Rica (just ask your taxi driver-some who’ll smoke you out in their cabs on the way to the pharmacia!)

    Rush is a closeted drug addict.

  35. Right Wing Dystopia says:

  36. TheVeritableBuddhist says:

  37. wolfsinger says:

    Me thinks that Rush’s kidney’s or liver will go South to “Costa Rica” before the rest of his fat ass and floppy d*&k does.

    Fueled by his excessive pill popping, he probably already has his “ticket to ride”.

  38. verchiel says:

    Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m sold…

  39. Barry says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  40. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:


    Flabby old drama queen – DO IT!! Good riddance.

  41. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    DNFP (powered by the Stirling Engine™) says:

    Rush is a closeted drug addict.

    Whilst Rush may be in the closet on some things, I don’t think drug use is one of them…

  42. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Pass this bill. Now.

    Of course, Rush would likely go to Hawaii instead to retire. He liked the health care he received there.

  43. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Barry says:

    53% say “no” to 0-care. What say you, loons?

    “Loons”… that’s soooooooooo cute.

    Nothing says “I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING significant to contribute” quite like a stale, pointless cliche…

    What say you, dingbat?

  44. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh please, please, please go!!! Can you take hannity and the rest of the right wing ilk with you as well?

  45. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    If Rush is willing to jump ship if he doesn’t get his way: maybe there is a kind and just God. :D

  46. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I started laughing like a crazy person when I heard this..Please go soon, Limpballs!

  47. po says:

    A quick google search reveals what Costa Rica thinks makes its health care so wonderful:

    “These accolades come courtesy of strong, universal health insurance and excellent public and private hospitals.”

    Perhaps if TP had mentioned that, the joke would be even funnier.

  48. zxbe says:

    Somehow I suspect there’s a tax dodge behind this, he’s just using health care as an excuse.

  49. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Rush has a unique opportunity here. He is probably the only single person whose departure from the US would have a notable effect on the health care market. Sales of high blood pressure medications and anti-nausea drugs would drop significantly.

    Pass the bill, quickly.

  50. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    If Rush is willing to jump ship if he doesn’t get his way: maybe there is a kind and just God. :D

    Hehe lol..When will those FEMA camps for teabaggers be built? Only then will I agree with you 100%, bizarro..

  51. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    well not sure what the loons would say.

    but i would say you need to get your head out of your 4th point of contact and get a grip on reality before its way to late. you do realize that having your head so far up your 4th point of contact that it starves your brain of the air it needs to survive.

  52. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I don’t think they can comprehend what you are saying…

  53. Doc Rock says:

    This is the best possible outcome! Pass now!

  54. A Patriot Acting says:

    There must be a small un-inhabited island out there somewhere far from US shores with which to accomodate the Blob. Doesn’t Johnny Depp or John Travolta have one that they could sell? We can start a Progressive Action Fund to raise enough money for the Blob and the trolls to obtain permanent residence and start their own wingnutopia. Of course they will need a physician who is opposed to reform…how about that @sshole Senator Coburn? Once established it will become a beacon for Texan ex-pats once secession fails. Disgraced fromer Republican politicians will be drawn to this potential free market Eden. The possibilities are ripe for both entertainment value and a “Lord of the Flies” situation.

    If the founders of Wingtopia hit dyre sraits they could feesably live off of the Blob’s corpse indefinitely (most trolls have daydreams of having Rush’s meat in their mouths anyway).

    It’d make a heck of a better show than “Lost” at least.

  55. Xisithrus says:

    Sooooo Rush hasnt read the legislation?

  56. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    I don’t think they can comprehend what you are saying…

    Smiles>> true the air deprivation has already took-en hold i see.

  57. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    In a perfect world, that would happen.

  58. Pennsylvanianne says:

    This is the only good news Limbaugh has ever spoken. Yes, please, Congress, pass this healthcare bill — ASAP!! BTW, Barry @ 40: every poll I have seen says the majority of Americans WANT healthcare reform. And your resorting to insults shows you are a person without manners or class.

  59. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Hehe lol..When will those FEMA camps for teabaggers be built? Only then will I agree with you 100%, bizarro..

    Haha. I’m still fine with shipping them off to Iran or Saudi Arabia. They want to see what an oppressive regime is like…either one would be fine.

  60. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    zxbe says:

    Somehow I suspect there’s a tax dodge behind this, he’s just using health care as an excuse.

    Wasn’t that the main reason he moved from New York to Florida?

  61. michaelam says:

    Don’t let the door hit you in the culo! Bye bye, blubber butt!

  62. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I’m leaning more towards Iran..Them wingnuts love their holy-roller theocracies, but Saudi Arabia is a good 2nd choice!

  63. Xisithrus says:

    I suggest getting a case of viagra and moving to Cuba El Rush Bo

  64. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    No gays, no abortion, all the guns you can carry..Yep, sounds like paradise to me!

  65. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok, who the heck is voting people down here?

  66. tojby_2000 says:

    Costa Rica has a public option for health care and splendid prices for Oxycontin.
    He should be very happy…

  67. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Justice tastes soooo sweet!

  68. blogbob says:

    PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE, Limpdick, keep your promise!!!!!

    And take Beckster, Slanthead, Ingraham, and Loofah-boy with you!

  69. Xisithrus says:

    Costa Rica is a healthy place to live, because its government
    continues a long-time commitment to affordable access to one
    of the finest health care systems in the world, for each and every citizen.

    • Prescriptions are not needed on most products in
    Costa Rica. [Man Rush is gonna be so high!]

    • You can take a 90-day supply back to the USA. [Oxycontin Rush!!]

    • You’ll save up to 80%, compared to U.S. drugstores. [Rush would never want that. Its not free market myth]

    In a United Nations study conducted in the 1980s, Costa Rica’s medical
    system, was first in Latin America and ranked near the United States and
    Canada, among the 20 best in the world. Things are pretty much the same

  70. Barry says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  71. FrJackHackett says:

    If that doesn’t motivate Democrats to get this thing done then I don’t know what will.

  72. Xisithrus says:

    Why you shouldnt listen to Rush. People have listened to his BS for so long Rush doesnt even check facts knowing his same 2.2 million listeners a day are completely entranced by gibberish.,

  73. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Barry says:


    Rush could do his show from any country he chooses. Even if he left his show would go on. heheheh

    Yep, it would be beamed down from outerspace to his listeners through the tinfoil on their heads!

  74. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

    “I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.” — Rush Limbaugh

    A rallying cry if ever I heard one!


  75. FrJackHackett says:

    Rush could do his show from any country he chooses. Even if he left his show would go on. heheheh

    He’d then be the modern equivalent of Tokyo Rose or Mada Hari. Instead of being an internal saboteur he’d be a full-fledged enemy combatant.

  76. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    I’m leaning more towards Iran..Them wingnuts love their holy-roller theocracies, but Saudi Arabia is a good 2nd choice!

    Iran: wing-nuts wouldn’t last a day against the revolutionary guard in the streets of Tehran. Or the wing-nuts would become rats for the revolutionary guard.

    Saudi Arabia: wing-nuts find out that they don’t mind Sharia law and its really similar to what they wanted to push in America. The only downside is they risk being severely punished if they get caught with the Coors that they smuggled in.

    Like I said: either one works.

  77. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Barry, if that’s you voting people down,I’ll barbeque your butt for lunch!

  78. Xisithrus says:

    Barry says: Rush could do his show from any country he chooses. Even if he left his show would go on. heheheh

    I see you are eating the Limbaugh urinal brain-soap cakes. Put down the pink cake and step away from the El-Rush-Bowl!!

  79. lonesomerobot says:

  80. Barry says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  81. susancarrie says:

    Gee, what have we all got against Costa Rica? But yes, that’s plenty of reason to pass the thing…

  82. noseeum, et al... says:

    Rush is getting old, burned out, and is in poor health.
    He might be setting himself up to retire with a handy excuse for abandoning his base.

  83. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:


    Yuppers they would replace old limpboob-buttboil with elevator music and his fans would not notice as they are so brainwashed that they would just know wimpy-limpy will be coming on soon.

  84. Xisithrus says:

    If Rush was right he wouldnt have used Costa Rica as an example of where he would move to! Bwahahaha

  85. A Patriot Acting says:

    Barry says:
    “Rush could do his show from any country he chooses. Even if he left his show would go on. heheheh”

    …he would overdose within the first month if he had access to unrestricted drugs. When they find a machine big enough to move his fat bloated @ss they would undoubtedly find several dead boy prostitutes crushed beyond recognition.

  86. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    blogbob says:

    PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE, Limpdick, keep your promise!!!!!

    And take Beckster, Slanthead, Ingraham, and Loofah-boy with you!

    You left off Greta, Cavuto, the idiots at Faux and Friends, and damn everyone else at Fox “News” except Shepard Smith.

  87. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Maybe Argentina would be willing to part with Tierra del Fuego. Costa Rica is really too nice a place. Or Diego Garcia.

  88. LizCoro says:

    My question: Why does he care about healthcare. He’s a multi-millionaire, unmarried, no children, he could never spend all the money he has amassed so why does he care sooo much, why is Rush taking healthcare reform so personal, anyone know??

    Costa Rica, Rush Limpballs, viagra . .

    Where have we heard this before, hmmmm . .

  89. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Barry says:

    Rush is right. ;)

    Yes, LimbAUGH is on the right side of the political spectrum, but that doesn’t mean he is correct!

  90. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Barry says:
    Rush is right. ;)

    Anyone else picturing the troll repeating this with his eyes shut tight and his hands over his ears as he vigorously shakes his head?

  91. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @89 wouldn’t it be nice if the talking heads at Faux left, except for Smith? Although I wouldn’t mind Smith leaving either..He’s sort of a milquetoast…

  92. krazeeinjun says:

    Buy stock in Viagra & Oxycontin — if Rush is leaving the country for good, you can bet he’ll be carting a lifetime supply of the little blue pills and the hillbilly heroin with him.

    Just saying . . .

  93. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    troll barry and rush seem to forget that bible spice illegally went to canada for socialized health care.

    Anything free is the wasilla whore’s motto.

  94. weewoods says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  95. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    HAHAHAHAHA so true!

  96. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Rush is right (in leaving the US). ;)

  97. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    Barry says:
    Rush is right. ;)

    Anyone else picturing the troll repeating this with his eyes shut tight and his hands over his ears as he vigorously shakes his head?

    and clicking his heels together say theres no one like wimpy-blimey

  98. SteveC619 says:

    I seriously just sent an email to Sen. Durban relaying what fat boy said and asked him to start twisting some arms to show Reid we have the 51 necessary for reconciliation. I want to see this bigoted idiot leave MY country as soon as possible.

  99. lonesomerobot says:

  100. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:


    Rush is right (in leaving the US). ;)

    Yep (:

  101. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Hmm I’m wondering if this is a sign that hcr is going to pass and even Limpballs knows it and is threatening to leave the country as a last-ditch-effort to get his listeners to make their “Alamo”…

  102. bob1975 says:

    Let’s hope Rush that to leave sooner rather than later.

  103. Insidious Prophet says:


    More like gasp, wheez, and lumber out of the country.

  104. Bluestocking says:

    Talk is cheap. One of my favorite movie quotes says it best — “if you choose to bluff, you must be prepared to have your bluff called.”

    C’mon, people — let’s get real! Is there anyone here who seriously believes that Limbaugh has the courage and the integrity to actually follow through on this threat in the event the health care bill passes? I don’t — my guess is that he’d simply claim this was “satire” and therefore shouldn’t be taken seriously. Of course, this will simply be one more piece of evidence proving that most conservatives and Republicans don’t believe what they say about taking responsibility (at least not when applied to themselves) — but this won’t register with the die-hard “dittoheads” anyway.

  105. Zimzone says:

    The zombie moderator is ‘awaiting confirmation’, so I’ll remove the words about Rushboil porking little boys…

    Domestic terrorist.






    That’s just his credentials…You should see the background check!

    I think he should move to Alaska. He can sneak over the border for doctor visits, yell at Russia from his front porch, and daily practice his Wasilliness.

  106. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  107. Insidious Prophet says:

    Reconciliation, baby!

    This should be the endorsement needed for democrats to pass the bill unanimously!

  108. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    He’s so fat that he has to be rolled everywhere!

  109. bob1975 says:

    Anybody that listens to Rush Limbaugh has the mentality of a peanut and an IQ of 1

  110. falco says:

    Well idiot shit, Wikipedia says:

    “Main article: Health care in Costa Rica
    Costa Rica provides universal health care to its citizens and permanent residents.”

    Presumably he’d being going there because as neither a citizen nor a permanent resident he be insured of NO coverage?

  111. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @112 wasn’t it bleech himspef who said “if you listen to every word I say, then you’re an idiot”?…

  112. Insidious Prophet says:

    So Rush will move to the Dominican Republic to broadcast his hate? I suppose this would cut back on Rush’s airfare expenses for importing under aged male prostitutes into Florida.

  113. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    If limpboob-buttboil was 2“ smaller he be a perfect circle.

  114. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    More like gasp, wheez, and lumber out of the country.

    To quicken his exile we should just put Rush in a massive re-enforced hamster-ball and then find some way to launch him into the ocean. If all else fails, just roll the SOB down an incline and into the ocean and let high tide do it’s work.

  115. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  116. bulletproofair says:

    Limbaugh is a puke. He’s the epitomy of everything wrong in America.

    I wasn’t too keen on the health care bill though, before I read this story.

    Now…well…I can view it more as a tradeoff…

    Limbaugh is FULL of BS and his words are meaningless. He’ll never leave the US because he’s also addicted to money amongst other things.

    He could always go to Mexico…maybe meet up with his maids…

  117. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @112 wasn’t it bleech himspef who said “if you listen to every word I say, then you’re an idiot”?…

    Nope…that was Beck. Though I guess it could apply to Rush…just look at his fans.

  118. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Insidious Prophet says
    I suppose this would cut back on Rush’s airfare expenses

    No he has his own G-5 gulf stream , but it can only get up to 15k feet cause of the drag limpy produces.

  119. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Poor Limpy…

  120. SWBob says:

    #1. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say:


    Also, I would’ve thought the Dominican Republic would be his fancy…


  121. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Sad to say, bluestocking is correct at 107. This is just more huffnpuff similar to Hannity and his sad brag about water boarding. Just rhetoric.

    But is a nice dream.

  122. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I think it would be an easy job and look at the benefits:
    1) No Rush Limbaugh.
    2) One gets to laugh at the idea of Rush floating in the middle of the Pacific in a hamster ball.
    3) The Sharks would get to play with their food (provided there are sharks that eat shit).
    4) My plan is cheap and the launching ceremony could be used to raise $ for local communities.

  123. HomerSexual says:

    LIMBAUGH: I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

    NEWS ITEM: Costa Rican Lobbyists Beg Congress Not To Pass Health Care Reform.

  124. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Like Costa Rica isn’t basically the US anyway. It looks like any Southern Fla. City where rush is going.

    It’s an American retirement villa, many of them.

    It’s like saying, I’m going to southern cali when you live in LA.

  125. tom says:

    Note to Limpballs:

    1. Please file a change-of-address notice at your local post office. I want to be sure that all hate-mail is forwarded to your new location.

    2. Please relocate to a country that has some broadcasting standards. That will assure that you are banned from the airwaves forever.

    3. Make sure that you move to a country where recreational oxycontin use is legal. That will surely hasten the day that we can all line up and piss on your grave.

  126. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

    @82, Barry says:

    Rush is right. ;)

    Will you be part of the entourage?


  127. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    Xisithrus says:


    If Rush was right he wouldnt have used Costa Rica as an example of where he would move to! Bwahahaha

    Several people have shown that Costa Rica has an excellent national public health care system, which someone like Limbaugh would never accept in the US. Yet, the troll still does not know that fact. There is no way to impart this knowledge to him, as it does not fit with the rantings of the one who controls his mind.

  128. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    If all else fails, just roll the SOB down an incline and into the ocean and let high tide do it’s work.

    That won’t work. Once a whale is beached, it is almost impossible to get it back into the ocean.

  129. NinerFan says:

    Rush is going to flee to Costa Rica!

    From “Costa Rica’s public health insurance system, commonly known as the Caja, is available country-wide to all citizens and legal residents. There are ten major public hospitals – four in San Jose, including the Children’s Hospital – affiliated with the Caja. For non-emergencies and everyday medical care, small clinics, known as EBAIS (pronounced ay-vy-ice), are located in almost every community.”

  130. jwest says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  131. glogrrl says:


    That would trump the passage of Health Care Reform by a country mile! Please, God, let it pass!!

  132. Bluestocking says:

    “Main article: Health care in Costa Rica” — Costa Rica provides universal health care to its citizens and permanent residents.”

    Presumably he’d being going there because as neither a citizen nor a permanent resident he be insured of NO coverage? — Falco


    C’mon, Falco — with all due respect, I think you know better than that. Since when have the facts mattered to Limbaugh? He probably didn’t know and didn’t bother to find out ahead of time whether Costa Rica has nationalized health care or not — and since he has more than enough money to afford the very best health care here, he certainly has enough to afford it there. In any case, what makes you think that Limbaugh would actually be willing to put his money where his mouth is and leave the country? I see no reason to perceive this as anything more than an empty threat. I know this much — Limbaugh is the consummate Social Darwinist and a poor excuse for a human being, but he’s not stupid — he already knows that most of the people who listen to him regularly and take him seriously are prepared to defend him no matter what.

  133. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    jwest, you ignorant s!ut, Americans who cannot get health insurance travel overseas now, because it is cheaper than paying out of pocket here. God, you are a stupid POS.

  134. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jwest says:
    Medical tourism will be one of best growth industries in the next decade.

    jwest, rape apologist thinks the average American can indulge in such fantasy.

    Just remember, half of all people are below average. I’m guessing jwest has one eyebrow.

  135. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    If all else fails, just roll the SOB down an incline and into the ocean and let high tide do it’s work.

    That won’t work. Once a whale is beached, it is almost impossible to get it back into the ocean.

    Crap. What about floating Rush down river on a raft and through some sort of outlet into the ocean?

    Raft probably wouldn’t support him…never-mind. Damn.

  136. lvdragonlady says:

    Please do and take the rest of the GOP with you!!!

  137. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @139 Now that would be awesome!

  138. Bilbo Hussein Baggins says:

    I’m pretty sure that Costa Rica doesn’t want Limbaugh any more than we want him.

    Besides, what a red herring. His caller talked about the “Federal Program”. What would that be? The exchanges where people will be buying health insurance from current companies? Why would a doctor want to opt out of that? And then Limbaugh talks about the UK and Canada. What Congress is proposing isn’t anything close to what Canada and UK have. They have single payer universal health plans. That’s a whole different kettle of fish.

    Anyone want to bet that if Limbaugh was injured in Canada, he wouldn’t flee back to the US for medical care? Why? Because his care in Canada would be free.

  139. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I think we could do without Droopy Chinhead, Grampy McDooshbag, Saracuda, etc…

  140. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Sadly, Saracuda just recently admitted going to you guys for health care…

  141. stewarjt says:

    See ya! And, yes, I’d never want to be ya!

  142. Bilbo Hussein Baggins says:

    jwest says:
    Medical tourism will be one of best growth industries in the next decade.

    Are you trying to say that people will come to this country to pay cash for medical care that they could get for free in their own country? I don’t think so.

  143. shediac says:

    News from Costa Rica…They don’t want you!

  144. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Anyone want to join me for a bon voyage party for Limpballs?

  145. Cal Malenky says:

    Go. And don’t let the gate hit your boil-infested ass on the way out.

  146. Shayne says:

    And Buttboil is such a coward that he won’t leave when the bill passes but gives himself 5 years for his sheeple to forget what he said.

  147. jwest says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  148. pags2 says:

    The day he leaves should be a national holiday.

  149. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    Costa Rica,

    Lock up your little boys and keep an eye on them…Rush is on the way.

  150. Mrs. Patrick Campbell says:

    Costa Rica?

    We agree w/ Ennuidivine that the DR would have seemed more suited to Limbaugh’s predilections. We think further verificatia on the sizemeat situation in Costa Rica is in order before Limbaugh makes any permanent travel destination plans.

  151. labman57 says:

    Empty threat.
    No one would take him.

  152. Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    @ 151. pags2 says: The day he leaves should be a national holiday. March 9th, 2010 at 11:37 am

    Aw, gee, Limpboner is big enough that the day he leaves could be TWO national holidays with a day of national rejoicing thrown in for good measure. Heck, I’d take the whole week off…

  153. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jwest, rape apologist

  154. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    jwest says:


    OK liberals, let’s have a lesson in entrepreneurship and market-based solutions.

    From a rape apologist? Hahahhahaa!!!!

    To which country do I travel to fix LMAO.

  155. Xisithrus says:

    How about a private insurance company founded on the premise of using medical tourism? -Jwest

    Well, there are already people that board a bus and head into Mexico to buy their drugs and see doctors..

  156. wolfsinger says:

    zxbe @ 49 says:

    Somehow I suspect there’s a tax dodge behind this, he’s just using health care as an excuse.

    Yeah. But it can’t be denied that in addition to a tax dodge, Rush is counting on it being far easier to feed his pill addiction and have access to the under age victims he pursues while golfing with someone else’s Viagra prescription illegally stashed in his pocket.

    It’s all his Christian family values all rolled into one.

  157. barfly says:

    Which of you would sign up?

    Me. From personal experience I know the American companies wait for at least three months to ok surgery – for me, that was three months with a blown knee, hobbling around on crutches, until they decicied I wasn’t faking it. That’s three months my employer had to do without my skills and talents, and my ability to make the company money.

  158. oldfuzz says:

    This could be the tipping point for all those undecideds.

  159. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    LUMPY: I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

    That’s fair warning to you, Costa Rica.

  160. shoe (formerly shoeless, sponsored by Nike) says:

    Here jwest, you dumbass wingnut.

    Lower costs lure U.S. patients abroad for treatment

    NEW DELHI, India (CNN) — “I was a walking time bomb. I knew I had to get on that plane if I wanted to be around to see my grandkids.”

    Sandra Giustina is a 61-year-old uninsured American. For three years she saved her money in hopes of affording heart surgery to correct her atrial fibrillation. “They [U.S. hospitals] told me it would be about $175,000, and there was just no way could I come up with that,” Giustina said.

    So, with a little digging online, she found several high quality hospitals vying for her business, at a fraction of the U.S. cost. Within a month, she was on a plane from her home in Las Vegas, Nevada, to New Delhi, India. Surgeons at Max Hospital fixed her heart for “under $10,000 total, including travel.”

    Giustina is just one of millions around the world journeying outside their native land for medical treatment, a phenomenon known as “medical tourism.” Experts say the trend in global health care has just begun. Next year alone, an estimated 6 million Americans will travel abroad for surgery, according to a 2008 Deloitte study. “Medical care in countries such as India, Thailand and Singapore can cost as little as 10 percent of the cost of comparable care in the United States,” the report found.

  161. A Patriot Acting says:

    Oh nos Rush, our dream of wishing you a “bon voyage” inched a bit closer. The WSJ of all places ran an oped today by an Economy Prof from Harvard Univ. wher he lays out the indisputable financial benefits of the latest HC Reform Bill. Mr. David M. Cutler discusses the ten biggest cost-saving initiatives in the Bill and assigns a grade to each point. He gives the worst grade on the subject of the public option, directly blaiming Republican’s for causing it’s exclusion and states that:
    “A public insurance option would provide competition for insurers in areas that are nearly a monopoly and provide a path for reforms in Medicare to expand readily in the under-65 population. The public option was eliminated because of Republican opposition, however.”


    This articles appearence in the WSJ lays it out clearly enough for Independent minded voters to see through the lies and muck. Well done Mr. Cutler!

    Start packing your bags Blob…

  162. Buckie Boy says:

    They have underage male prostitutes in Costa Rica?

    I had no idea they did.

    I hope this blob of scum gets jacked there and dumped in the ocean so the crabs can feed off his fat.

  163. The Littlest Angel says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  164. jwest says:

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  165. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jwest says:
    But again, being a conservative, I took the information and formed a question designed to gage the response of left wingers as to the viability of an insurance product that would be substantially less expensive than normal…

    jwest the rape apologist also thinks insurance is our friend.

    comb your eyebrow j.

  166. kenkohl says:

    Bluestocking @ 107
    “… Is there anyone here who seriously believes that Limbaugh has the courage and the integrity to actually follow through on this threat in the event the health care bill passes?..”

    Not a chance; rushie left himself a couple qualifiers; “five years from now”, “if this stuff passes”. He’s just blowharding.

  167. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    The Littlest Angel says:
    I just knew you’d use Rush’s love of little children as an accusation of child molestation. The question is: Why?

    because it’s a well known fact that he’s a pediphile?

  168. The Littlest Angel says:

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  169. Xisithrus says:

    Rush apparently doesnt love children enough to have any little angel.

  170. Shayne says:

    The best doctors in their fields are scattered all over the world. And the wealthy travel all over to get the best care money can buy.

    And on the flip side people with no health insurance travel to Canada, like Sarah Palin’s family, to steal medical care from Canadian taxpayers.

    As usual jwest is babbling about nothing.

  171. The Littlest Angel says:

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  172. Shayne says:

    The Littlest Angel says:

    I just knew you’d use Rush’s love of little children as an accusation of child molestation. The question is: Why?

    Sex does not equal love.

  173. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    The Littlest Angel

    I didn’t know angel’s supported nazi’s

  174. SoapBox says:

    Pass it! Pass it! Pass it!

    And might I suggest some nice country like North Korea for you to move to?

    They have great medical and diet plans! It’s called starvation and it works REAL good!

  175. kpaul says:

    Don’t let the door hit you in your gigantic, junkie ass.

  176. SoapBox says:

    The littlest angel = a rebrand of one of the regular trolls.

    …it’s that same old distinct style.

  177. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jwest the rape apologist claims that overseas doctors are better and cheaper and out of the other side of his face he says, America has the best health care in the world.

    Which face are we talking to at any given moment is a toss up.

  178. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    The Littlest Angel has the smallest brain.

  179. Shayne says:

    The Littlest Angel says:

    170, Little Costa Rican boys are well known liars. You have NO facts.

    So you “love” children just the way Rush does. And you call children you don’t know liars. ESAD a$$hole.

  180. Xisithrus says:

    The Littlest Angel says: If Rush leaves, America is doomed.

    Rush has been irrelevant for years now. I remember when he said all drug addicts should be deported and then, like with his moving to Costa Rica move, didnt actually deport himself. Then there was the time Rush promised to stop being a water carrier and that didnt happen either. America is not doomed if Rush leaves – - just one less hypocrite.

  181. jwest says:

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  182. Shayne says:

    The Littlest Angel is evil.

  183. Xisithrus says:

    Facts? Limbaugh isnt interested in facts, he is interested in demonizing people and pointing fingers. Its all I hear him do.

  184. Shayne says:

    jwest, why don’t you apologize for condoning rape? Maybe then somebody will read your other drivel.

  185. SoapBox says:

    The Littlest Angel is evil.


  186. dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:


    jwest the rape apologist claims that overseas doctors are better and cheaper and out of the other side of his face he says, America has the best health care in the world.

    Which face are we talking to at any given moment is a toss up.

    Especially when his face is buried in a pillow and he’s being tossed up.

  187. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    jwest says:

    By putting forth a concept that most of you lack the capacity to understand, I’ve set your addled minds into a tailspin.

    jwest the rape aplogist doesn’t even understand the concept of the word concept.

    dance little rapist, dance.

  188. Xisithrus says:

    By putting forth a concept that most of you lack the capacity to understand, I’ve set your addled minds into a tailspin. -Jwest

    Hardly. I live in Texas and I know for a fact plenty of people already cross the border because they cant afford the way overpriced medications here and see doctors and dentists across the border. Furthermore most peoples health insurance policies would only cover health care in an emergency making your insurance tourism plan rather impossible,

  189. The Littlest Angel says:

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  190. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    The Littlest Angel

    we love you.

  191. Xisithrus says:

    Rush’s addiction to Oxycontin (”hillbilly heroin”) was a medical accident. His lovely wife Marla has testified as such.

    It was an accident he got his made to get him pills illegal like and then doctor shop for more once that was exposed? Yanno, I remember Rush having this big inane rant about how pills roll up on peoples desk then just jump on their mouth that its not their fault, that drug addiction isnt an ‘accident’

  192. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    The Littlest Angel

    You are such a steriotypical apologist for rape.

    You can’t be for real. Is your other moniker jwest?

  193. Xisithrus says:

    There is a corral in hell filled with little Costa Rican boys who tell fibs about grown men who were only trying to help them. Rush is such a man. Reconcile that ecclesiastical fact in your bigoted liberal minds. -=LA=-

    Wha? Surely your a parody.

  194. Jack Mehoff says:

    Wow, I thought the Littlest Angel was snarking, but he/she/it is SERIOUS!! OMG what could be better?!

    ANS: Rush leaving for GOOD

  195. The Littlest Angel says:

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  196. Game of Life says:

    Oh please, white folks can’t pawn off limpydic on brown people, they ain’t having that.

    Send his fatass to Siberia.

  197. Xisithrus says:

    Maybe Jwests plan is to get people on a bus that he rigs the brakes on so it crashes once it crosses the border so they can declare emergency medical care and have their American health insurance pay for it.

  198. LibertyLover says:

    Despite the fact that anyone who is sane knows good ol’ Rush means what he says as much as Alec Baldwin did when George W. Bush got re-elected, what a wonderful idea! He can go sit on his enlarged backside in Costa Rica and we can all start singing: “free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, free at last.”

    I wonder if he could take most of his listeners with him? Most of them don’t have jobs anyway.

  199. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    You seem to love Rush a lot, TLA.

    Why don’t you marry him?

    We certainly don’t frown on that here. In fact, we’d embrace it. We would accept the two of you for who you are and the immense love between the two of you.

  200. Xisithrus says:

    Lemme know when your friend ‘Rush’ flys into town and whisks you away to his country club to play golf Angel. I have a feeling youll be left waiting at the airport.

  201. sherifffruitfly says:

    Uh…. Costa Rica has a public healthcare system.

  202. LibertyLover says:

    CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself?

    Honey, Rush is filthy rich. He can afford any health care in the world. I’m sure he’d be happy to pay for it out of pocket. I mean, after all, everyone should take care of one’s own needs, shouldn’t they? I mean according to Rush, that’s what he thinks.


  203. The Littlest Angel says:

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  204. Game of Life says:

    Please don’t relate MJ to that hate-monger.

    Thank you.

  205. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    I’m totally serious, TLA.

    People in love with others should express that love and adoration. That’s freedom. I encourage you to be progressive with your love.

  206. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    The Littlest Angel says:

    Purple State, The homo attack? Is that really the best you can do?

    rush is gay. it’s not an attack honey.

  207. Xisithrus says:

    Angel: Hi Rush! [bows at feet]

    Rush: Get up and go tend to my lawn.

    Angel: Yes friend! [Kisses fungal porcine toes]

    Rush: And after that get me a cigar and some pills!

    Angel: I have done the lawn. Here are your pills and cigar [lights cigar]

    Rush; {Flatulence] A kiss from God for you Angel!

    Angel: Blessed he be!

    Rush: Now cook me some dinner.

    Angel: What shall it be?

    Rush: A whole roasted pig.

    Angel: But master its hooves be cloven and it sweats not. Tis the food of the Devil!

    Rush: Yes I know. and dont forget the little kitten appetizers

  208. LibertyLover says:

    Wait. Isn’t Costa Rica ranked HIGHER than the United States as ranked by the World Health Organization?

  209. njlib says:

    Let me help you out rush:


    There are many plastic surgeons, but the top board certified plastic surgeons are in Costa Rica. The average price for Liposuction in the U.S. is $9,500. The same procedure in Costa Rica is $3,000.

    Costa Rica is just a quick plane ride away. It is very Americanized and has some of the best medical facilities in the world.

    Find a board certified plastic surgeon in Costa Rica for Liposuction.

  210. dchart says:

    Rush needs to do his research. Costa Rica has the best healthcare system in Latin America – universal and nationalized. They operate under a government owned monopoly health insurance program. There has been some private insurance available since last year.

  211. Insidious Prophet says:

    jwest @ 133, so I take it you will be searching for a country that specializes in lobotomies and/or brain implants?

  212. phenry says:

    Honey, Rush is filthy rich. He can afford any health care in the world. I’m sure he’d be happy to pay for it out of pocket. I mean, after all, everyone should take care of one’s own needs, shouldn’t they? I mean according to Rush……….and certain Canadian politicians.

  213. Winski says:

    SEE YA FATMAN!!! Next stop for you – UGANDA !!!

  214. PolicyNorth says:

    Ok dittoheads, I have a challenge. Fund me a country that is more right wing then America for Rush to move to.

    A nice socially conservative, religiously traditional type place where men and women know thier roles and ‘liberalism’ is detested and government social benifits are miminal- in keeping with his economic views.

    I know. It sounds also like work dosen’t it? Trust me, the shock at the end will be worth it :D

  215. Insidious Prophet says:

    “Little Angel” is that what Rush calls you before he commands you to “stand in front of him backside facing him”, “pull down your pants and bend over and grab your ankles”?

  216. Fred ♪♫♪ says:



  217. glogrrl says:

    Costa Rica’s lack of a standing army and its historical commitment to the
    social and educational welfare of its citizens, have provided the foundation,
    for a “highly developed medical system

    Oh, Snap! THAT does it! Rush will NEVER go someplace where they have no military and spend their money on socialist programs and education. He hates that!

  218. PolicyNorth says:

    …and those polticians up here are the Reform party. Think of them as the pathetic wannabe little brothers of your Republicans.
    They also managed to take over the country. No punchline, they got our number somehow on open ice somehow *shrug*.

  219. PolicyNorth says:

    Rush in Somolia:
    THAT sounds like the punchline to a joke! lol

  220. The Littlest Angel says:

  221. The Littlest Angel says:

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  222. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    PolicyNorth says:
    Rush in Somolia:
    THAT sounds like the punchline to a joke! lol

    It’s libertarian utopia, is it not?

  223. PolicyNorth says:

    I pray to all the gods for you, Lil Angel guy.

  224. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    tla is a parody, obviously.

  225. mr. rove says:

    this alone should be enough to get health reform passed. kill two birds with one stone (it’s a metaphor for all you trolls out there).

  226. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    Sounds like someone still lives at home because they can’t bare to think of leaving their little brother’s behind.

  227. PolicyNorth says:

    Somalia is wonderful.

    Think of it as a conservative utopia. REAL Second Amendment rights for all, men are men and women are women. (And dancing boys and mutilated girls are sexless.)the coastal waterways are filled with entrepeneurs finally freed of goverment restriction on free trade. The local Church groups don’t tanke no guff from any ‘liberal’ actions in town eitehr, nosir.

    Is there a collection to buy him a ticket? I’ll spring for a plane!

  228. Shayne says:

    If you truly love someone TLA you love them just the way they are. And Rush is GAY. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  229. SoapBox says:

    …I’ll chip in to help get Limpdong that non-stop,one-way, center-non-recline seat, last row, in coach…to HELL.

  230. eyeswideopen1 says:

    Start packing your bags. Can I call you a cab? Anything you need to expedite this and make it as easy as possible for you. I’m here to help.

    Oh, and don’t let the door hit ya…..

  231. squidbilly says:

    Someone should tell Rush Costa Rica has socialized medicine….oops!

  232. Mr.Duke says:

    Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong constitution. The country has had at least 59 years of uninterrupted democracy, making it one of the most stable countries in the region, and the only Latin American country included in the list of the world’s 22 older democracies since at least 1950.[5] Costa Rica has been able to avoid the widespread violence that has plagued most of Latin America.

    Costa Rica is a republic with three powers: executive responsibilities are vested in a president, legislative power is vested on the Legislative Assembly, and Judicial power is vested on the Supreme Court. There are two vice presidents as well as a cabinet designated by the president. The president, vice presidents, and 57 Legislative Assembly delegates are elected for four-year terms. A constitutional amendment approved in 1969 limited presidents and delegates to one term, although delegates were allowed to run again for an Assembly seat after sitting out a term.

    The literacy rate in Costa Rica is 97%, one of the highest in Latin America

  233. nofltwlt says:

    Rush says, “I don’t know, I don’t know”. Well shouldn’t he know? Couldn’t he find out? Experts know what they are talking about; so what is Rush talking about?

  234. Purple State is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline says:

    Thank you for your copy-paste work, Mr. Duke.

    So you’re telling us…what exactly? That Costa Rica is better than America? That Rush is justified in wanting to move?

    Come now; tell us what your two cents are all about.

  235. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    You SHOULD appologize. For being so stupid. For being such a liar. For being a punkass troll. You should appologize to the entire world for the misery your existance brings. You should appologize for having no honor, no decency, no integrity, no humanity. Not one single thing that would make you a decent human being. You should appologize for being a minion. So stupid and so brainwashed that you constantly spew only what you were told to think. For KNOWING you are too stupid to think for yourself and wasting our time anyway. You should applogize to the entire world for the burden your incredible ignorance has been in your suicide letter. Then you should appologize to your mommy for making a mess in her basement and put a bullet through your useless empty trollskull

  236. Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says:


    Rape appologist, liar, vile ignorant troll, pigignorant pile of dogshit.

  237. Tijlon says:

    If this is not an incentive for Democrats to pass the bill, I don’t know what is.

  238. Bluestocking says:

    Costa Rica’s lack of a standing army and its historical commitment to the social and educational welfare of its citizens, have provided the foundation, for a “highly developed medical system”

    Oh, Snap! THAT does it! Rush will NEVER go someplace where they have no military and spend their money on socialist programs and education. He hates that! — GloGrrl


    I agree, GG — judging by this information, Costa Rica sounds far too progressive for Limbaugh’s taste.

  239. zuch says:


    I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica….

    “… with a pocketful of Viagra.”

    Say, does someone want to point out to the stoopid wanker that the Latin American countries have government-run health care?


  240. joreill21 says:

    All I can say is


  241. barfly says:

    phenry says:

    I mean, after all, everyone should take care of one’s own needs, shouldn’t they? I mean according to Rush……….and certain Canadian politicians.

    Then why did he have his maid score his dope for him? Too scared he’d get caught, and, well, we all know the rest.

  242. Adamkun (Paid For By The Catholic Church) says:

    Someone take that audio down. I’m going to run for Senate in Illinois and work to pass the “Hold Rush to His Word Act of 2010″, which would automatically strip him of citizenship and order his deportation on January 1st, 2013. As well as mandate he be given a severe Miranda Beating.

  243. MrBrown says:

    He’s too arrogant. He won’t do it even more than Glenn Beck threatening to set himself on fire.

    If he does, then maybe his zomb…errrr…listeners will go with him to socialist medicine paradise…

  244. austininc4 says:


  245. just the bleepn facts says:

    This from the same d**chebag that whined that anyone who said such a thing under GWB because of his Coup d’etat and subsequent illegal wars should be put in Gitmo! LOL! Limbaugh once again shows why conservatives/republicans are nothing but al queda/taliban d**chebags.

  246. Rascalcat says:

    Limbough “fleeing”?

    Lumbering, maybe.

  247. just the bleepn facts says:

    How ironic that Limbaugh would pick a country with “universal health care” to flee to! LOL! This is just another example of the recent scientific study that proved Conservatives are stupid! ;)

  248. PolicyNorth says:

    “My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges.”-Rush

    Why do you take the advice of people guess at things they can look up in about two seconds and (for that matter) on the same subjects they have been corrected on but still..keep… saying.. the same.. damn…things.

    Rush obviously figures his follows don’t bother to check out facts for themselves. He might very well be right.

  249. The Shadow says:

    I guess Fat Boy would have to die if the moved there because they have socialized medicine. But this is exactly why only racists and fools listen to this blow-hard. The man is nothing more than a velvety tongued K lansman who is extremely over paid and over rated. You see his plan to stop the President from getting the Democratic nomination and winning the presidency both failed. You don’t see the media pointing it out though do you? If this fat punk had so much power John McCain would be President right now. As I said, there’s not enough racists and fools to make up for the good people in this country who have a mind of their own.

    He’s a snake oil salesman who prey on people worst tendencies and fears to make millions of dollars a year. He’s basically divisive figure like Hitler, yes, I compared him to Hitler, who uses the lowest common denominator to drive a wedge between Americans who might otherwise get along if left with his racist propaganda and indoctrination program. When the world ends there’s going to be a long line of former Rush worshipers waiting for a one way trip to Hell. I hope they like it hot, because their own racism and hate his what is going to condemn them to burn in hell forever.

  250. poishe says:

    If the passing of this Health Bill does nothing else than to get your fat, lying ass out of this country, then it will be one of the biggest accomplishment this country could ever want

  251. getplaning says:

    I have a wingnut relative who just moved to Panama because America was “going down the tubes” since 2006. One of his biggest rants lately has been the “government takeover of healthcare”. LOL

    A few weeks ago, he broke his leg and had surgery to put the bones back together. He said everything was first class. “How much did it cost?” I asked him.

    “It was free,” he said.

    All I could do is laugh.

  252. PolicyNorth says:

    ..wait.. Rush Limbaugh ISEN’T gay?
    I just kinda assumed… you know. The Obsession.

  253. Cats r Flyfishn (sponsored by Reiki, the Free Energy Source) says:

    OMG – what a blessing. Here’s your hat, Rush, what’s your hurry.

  254. Boonjo says:

    Leave the Country ?
    Once again he spews a lie, Rush is going nowhere, who would kept his dittoheads hypnotized? They follow him like sheep! Rush, I will personally pay for your plain ticket to China if you’ll go there and I’ll even buy you a case of that fine plaster milk they make !

  255. Kendrick1986 says:

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  256. shaun says:

    The Littlest Angel says: If Rush leaves, America is doomed. That fact isn’t over anyone’s head.

    How is America doomed,LA? – please tell us – or was that highly imaginative reworking of ‘Ben’ taken your brain to the brink of intellectual exhaustion?
    When you’ve recovered I’d like to hear your answer.

  257. arabrabneslin says:

    Vaya con dios, Rush

  258. mari2RR says:

    Poor guy was so ill informed he chose a Country that already had a National Health Care established. So we can assume that he is just blowing smoke errrr whatever, to cover his stupidity. He obviously is NOT so anti National Health insurance. As huge as he is, no doubt medical expenses are very high for him. I am thrilled he pays for himself. Then there was his life style and his addictions. Poor thing is no doubt a walking medical emergency waiting to happen.

  259. cd says:

    Supporters of Universal Healthcare could use this quote to promote their plan.

    I know it makes me want to sign their pettitions.

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