Think Progress

After Calling Self-Executing Rule Unconstitutional, Pence Admits He Previously Voted For It

mike-penceLast week, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) stirred faux outrage over the House Democrats’ plan to use a “self-executing rule” to pass the Senate health care reform bill, saying Americans would “have standing to sue against” the bill and that it’s “breathtakingly unconstitutional.” The claim has now turned into the latest fact-free GOP talking point to try to kill reform; Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) picked up on the theme yesterday. “It really tramples on the Constitution of the United States,” he said on the House floor.

Today, the Daily Caller’s Jon Ward asked Pence if it was “correct” to call the rule “unconstitutional.” “Well I think it’s probably unconstitutional,” he said, adding, “My background in law and constitutional issues suggests to me it’s unconstitutional.” But later in the interview, Pence admitted that he had voted for self-executing rules in the past:

THE DAILY CALLER: My question is, though, that Democrats say you voted for self-executing rules yourself on three occasions.

PENCE: Yeah, sure.

Pence said those votes were different because, he claims, the House is passing the Senate bill without technically voting on it. “The Senate bill has never passed the House.” Later, Pence admitted that the House wouldn’t actually be voting on the bill anyway:

THE DAILY CALLER: So procedurally they’re not voting for the Senate bill, and I understand your point about how legislation of this magnitude has never been passed, but for all practical purposes won’t it still be considered a vote for the Senate bill, a vote for reconciliation?

PENCE: I don’t think so.

Pence then became confused. “If you say that you don’t think this will be perceived as a vote for the Senate bill, you can’t go out and run ads against House Democrats saying they voted for health care,” the Daily Caller noted. “You lost me on that one,” Pence replied. “What do you mean?”

This morning on ABC, Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) admitted that the self-executing rule is legal and has been used many times — even by Republicans — in the past. “The rules of the House allow for this type of deeming provision, it’s called a self-executing provision which means that once the bill, the rule for the next bill passes, the Senate bill is automatically is deemed as having passed,” he said.

175 Responses to “After Calling Self-Executing Rule Unconstitutional, Pence Admits He Previously Voted For It”

  1. dbadass says:

    Somewhere an arrogant dandy named Charles1776 is livid…

  2. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Ah, I see. He was for it before he was against it.


  3. Allonfla says:

    Thank you caller!!!

  4. Badmoodman says:

    After Calling Self-Executing Rule Unconstitutional, Pence Admits He Previously Voted For It

    – - I keep wishing the GOP would indulge in some self-execution, ifyaknowwhatimean.

  5. Marie says:

    When Republicans took power in 1995, they lost their aversion to self-executing rules and proceeded to set new records under Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).

    There were 38 and 52 self-executing rules in the 104th and 105th Congresses (1995-1998), making up 25 percent and 35 percent of all rules, respectively.
    Under Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) there were 40, 42 and 30 self-executing rules in the 106th, 107th and 108th Congresses (22 percent, 37 percent and 22 percent, respectively).

    On April 26 [2006], the Rules Committee served up the mother of all self-executing rules for the lobby/ethics reform bill. The committee hit the trifecta with not one, not two, but three self-executing provisions in the same special rule.

  6. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    In other words, we repiggies are running out of things we can lie about to try and scare everyone and once health care reform starts, we realize we are going to just sinking deeper and deeper into our bog of eternal stench.

    So, one more time, Run! Hide! Gubmint takeover! Unconstitutional! Be very scared because we are!

  7. Levi the Oracle says:

    The fascist flip-flops continue at breakneck speed. The Republican tea-baggers are about to explode into violence at any moment.

    I have previously predicted the Republicans will begin their rebellion when they lose big in November, but it is possible that the passage of the jobs bill and the healthcare reform bill could hasten the date of their impending violence.

  8. covered says:

    “My background in law and constitutional issues suggests to me it’s unconstitutional.” Pence then became confused.

    Any time you see a teabagger saying “it’s unconstitutional” you can be sure they are full of shit. Ask anyone of them why? Silence. Asl any one of the what is The General Welfare Clause? Again, silence. And my personal favorite, where does the TAX AND SPEND power come from? Blank stares.

    They are easy to make fun of, friends, but dammit, we can’t have this kind of mass Idiocracy if we’re gonna get out of this deep hole they got us into.

  9. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    What wonderful examples of why the repugs are pure scumbags. First put out an idea that you know is not true knowing full well there are un/misinformed indviduals. Then after they have bought your lie you say that isn’t true, but it doesn’t matter because you have already gotten people to believe your BS.

  10. texasrick says:

    I appreciate TP bringing this to our attention, but it won’t even be mentioned on the MSM…I wonder why?

  11. ljm says:

    I loved it! “That was different!” Hey, everything is different! That’s the latest cop out/spin. It just reconfirms that they can say anything all the time and when called on use the It’s Different defense. BS blowhards are never wrong!

  12. Kenneth says:

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  13. paleolib says:

    This really isn’t much different than spending like a drunken sailor while cutting taxes for the rich while Bush was president then screaming that Obama is bankrupting the nation after one year or passing Meicare Part D then claiming Obama wants a government takeover of health care. This screeching over procedural nonsense that Newt, Armey, Delay et al. perfected if not pioneered may be more fine print than big picture but it is just another dose of the same hypocritical BS.

  14. F**k the Army (brought to you by the US Army) says:

    I see that Kenny-boy’s panties are bunched up.

  15. dbadass says:

    Hi kenneth:
    Who does?

  16. belaccifer lacca says:

    Kenneth says:

    The Declaration of Independence is a wonderful document.

    It is not the Constitution.

    Do you know the difference?

  17. Badmoodman says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights!

    – - Oh, God is your co-pay pilot.

  18. F**k the Army (brought to you by the US Army) says:

    Tell me Kenny-boy, does Barbie do you with a strap-on?

  19. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    THE DAILY CALLER: My question is, though, that Democrats say you voted for self-executing rules yourself on three occasions.

    PENCE: Yeah, sure.

    Another goddamn case of IOKIYAR. Sigh. Goddammit.

    Hey Kenneth,
    Kill yourself.

  20. Levi the Oracle says:


    The health care reform legislation is all but passed, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. If you fascist Republicans don’t like it, tough shit.

  21. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Sing a song of six Pence, pocket full of _____(fill in blank, please try not to be profane…)

  22. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Methinks Kenneth’s grapes be a mite sour…

  23. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Kenneth says:

    Kill the Bill!

    Nope. It’s gonna pass, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.

    Don’t like it? Tough sh!t.

  24. belaccifer lacca says:

    – – Oh, God is your co-pay pilot.


    I’m stealing it.

  25. pags2 says:

    Republican and fact free are the norm. Pence is running for president in 2012. He should be careful what he says to the press because his words will come back as he gets his campaign underway. Romney is already getting tagged with flip flop.

  26. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Shorter Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN):

    Of course it’s unconstitutional when I voted for it, YES?


  27. Lefty Liberal says:

    Wow, a Rethuglican saying he is against a procedure that he was previously in favor of!?!?

    Tell me it ain’t so! f**king hypocrite!

  28. dbadass says:

    Holy cow. Maybe next time everyone shouldn’t cast at the same time

  29. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Kenneth says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights! ObamaCare (SickCare) is not a right.

    Kill the Bill!

    Are you gonna cry, trollboy?

  30. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Kenneth says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights!

    If the government does not hand out rights then why did the Supreme Court hand out rights to corporations?

  31. dbadass says:

    Are you gonna cry, trollboy?

    No he is going to go make a poorly layout misspelled sign and then he is going to miss work to piss and moan with a bunch of frustrated white folk

  32. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Levi the Oracle says:

    The health care reform legislation is all but passed, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. If you fascist Republicans don’t like it, tough shit.

    You forgot the “niner niner” taunt followed by both middle fingers.

  33. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    Dear Kennith #12,
    Thanks for acknowledging the fact that I have the RIGHT to be treated EQUALLY…
    … In all matters? I thought so.

    Now, do I get to decide which RIGHTS you’ll be denied?
    - Marriage?
    - Health care?
    - Job protections?


  34. SoapBox says:

    Flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop…

    OH! And this too!


    Such the JackA$$.

  35. Insidious Prophet says:

    Poor, little Kenneth forgets the part of the constitution that says that congress has the right to promote (spend money) for the general welfare of the country.

    Seems like affordable health care for all promotes the general welfare for the country.

  36. Beam me up Scotty says:

    Because half the voting population is not paying attention and forms opinion based on sound bites that are as likely to be wrong as not, these guys can get aways with this without hurting themselves.

    As long as voters continue to be irresponsible we’ll have guys like this attempting to govern us.

  37. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Sing a song of six Pence, pocket full of Aetna stocks.

  38. zxbe says:

    More of the “Do as I say, not as I do” crap from the right.

  39. SoapBox says:

    CONTACT him here, to ask him about his hypocrisy.

    Main Page:

    Email and Phone Page:

  40. Insidious Prophet says:

    har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Kenneth says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights!

    If the government does not hand out rights then why did the Supreme Court hand out rights to corporations?
    If the government does not hand out rights then why did the Supreme Court hand out rights to corporations?

    I can’t wait for little Kenny’s response….

  41. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:


    But Kennith,
    When the Government decides what “constitutes” a marriage, you’re against that kind of Government intrusion, YES?


  42. jbrantow says:

    Hey kenneth….isn’t there some small minded tea party going on somewhere that you’re missing (with all ten people in attendence)?

  43. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    I can’t wait for little Kenny’s response….

    Little Kenny is crying his eyes out right now.

    I think he wet himself, too…

  44. Max Anax junius-1 (sponsored by DOW Chemical) says:

    Kennith is as firm as a blade of overgrown grass…
    … Which ever way the wind blows, he follows.


  45. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth says:

    Government does not hand out rights!

    Bill Of Rights
    Discrimination rights
    Workers rights

    Just to name a few………

  46. Insidious Prophet says:

    Little Kenny = Epic Fail = intellectually crippled

    I wonder if we will have mass republican’t suicides once they lose another battle against President Obama?

  47. Insidious Prophet says:

    Come on little kenny, or should I say little money?

    Dance little monkey, dance!


  48. Insidious Prophet says:

    Little Kenny, where’d ya go scurry off too? Don’t be too embarrassed. We all know you have the IQ of a brain dead gnat! Just make believe we are laughing with you, not at you.

  49. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wonder if Kenneth has ever read the preamble of the Constitution.

    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

  50. pags2 says:

    Kenneth says:
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights! ObamaCare (SickCare) is not a right.

    You have bought into Beck’s twisted logic about rights. There are God given rights, rights granted under the Constitution and rights granted by your legislatures. The right to medical care is one that will be granted under the law when the health care bill passes. The rights, God given and Constitutional, have nothing to do with medical care. Those rights are not intended to act as a limitation on the legislature to grant rights not listed. You have a right to sue another person, a right to own property, a right to collect unemployment, SS, Medicare, etc. Those are rights granted by Congress. Hence your post reflects your lack of knowledge about that which you speak of.

  51. belaccifer lacca says:

    Or if Kenny knows that these provisions will be enacted and Constitutional under the Commerce clause and the Necessary and Proper clause?

    Boy, so many questions for Kenneth.

  52. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    A republican with alzheimers..
    What else is new?

  53. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Isn’t this just a “provisional vote” that indicates an intent to pass something if something else, related passes first? Thus, there is actually a vote, isn’t there? Further, this moaning about there not being a yea or nay recorded by each Congress member’s name is nonsense as well, since there are voice votes and acclimation votes all the time.

    If Eric Cantor is willing to admit the Democrats are within bounds on this, you know you’ve lost the battle, Republicans. You had your chance to lead, now you’re left with just two choices – follow or get out of the way.

  54. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They just keep sinking further and further into the giant poo pile..

  55. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They are self-imploding and providing the rest of us with entertainment!!

  56. jmunny says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  57. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They make me laugh…

  58. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I accidentaly voted jmunny up…

  59. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Kenneth, is driving a car on a public highway a God-given, self-evident right? Or attending public school? Or having a fire department or police officer provide you emergency services? I don’t see any of those things listed in the Constitution, so are they unconstitutional and, therefore, should be removed as services and priveleges of society?

  60. Kenneth says:

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  61. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @60 I don’t think he understands the difference between “priviliges” and “rights”..Not a lot of teabaggers do.

  62. belaccifer lacca says:

    If democrats want this bill to pass why not vote on it?

    A great question!

    Hey, why won’t the R’s allow a vote in the Senate?

  63. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    jmunny, given your opposition to the self-executing rule and your call for expecting more from both democrats and republicans, I have a question for you. Would you support a repeal of all the legislation put forth in the last twenty years using the self-executing rule?

  64. Insidious Prophet says:

    jmunny aren’t you taking a late lunch break? By the way ass troll, the majority of democratic constituents are for health care reform, it’s the republican’ts who are against it and they ARE they minority…. Bah-ha-ha-ha!

  65. Kenneth says:

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  66. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Must be referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich

    Nah, I think they are referring to Scott Brown instead!!

  67. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    linzloo08, you are probably correct but that’s curious since the “right” seems to want to be “priveleged”.

  68. SoapBox says:

    61 PARROTKenneth says:
    Must be referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich!

    Polly, NO!

    I was not!

    Pence is a creep. Another lying, dirtbag Rushpublican’t!


    Cracker for you Polly? Maybe Pence would like one too!


  69. dbadass says:

  70. jmunny says:


    PatrioticLiberalChristian says:


    jmunny, given your opposition to the self-executing rule and your call for expecting more from both democrats and republicans, I have a question for you. Would you support a repeal of all the legislation put forth in the last twenty years using the self-executing rule?

    No because what is done is done, but I would be in favor of putting forth legislation that makes the self-executing rule illegal in the future.

  71. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    “Promote the General Welfare” NOT Hand out Welfare! Welfare has created a ‘Dependent Class’ of Americans who won’t get off their ass and work.

    *head smacks keyboard* Sweet Jeebus how many times do I have to tell you, nobody wants to be on welfare..

  72. tombaker says:

    nice snivelling punk-child excuse there, mr. pence.

    you’ve officially forfeited your right to wear big-kid pants.

  73. jmunny says:

    Insidious Prophet says:


    jmunny aren’t you taking a late lunch break? By the way ass troll, the majority of democratic constituents are for health care reform, it’s the republican’ts who are against it and they ARE they minority…. Bah-ha-ha-ha!

    So why not vote for it then so voters know who voted for the bill?

  74. tombaker says:

    kinneh&munny are filling in as a more vindictive and simple-minded version of ren&stimpy.

  75. jmunny says:

    belaccifer lacca says:


    If democrats want this bill to pass why not vote on it?

    A great question!

    Hey, why won’t the R’s allow a vote in the Senate?

    How are the R’s stopping a vote for healthcare in the senate?

  76. Insidious Prophet says:

    What’s the matter jdummy? Does the realization that health care reform is going to pass upset you? Whahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    If you don’t like how things are in this country you can always move to say, Somalia.

  77. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    No because what is done is done, but I would be in favor of putting forth legislation that makes the self-executing rule illegal in the future.

    Good luck with that!! Say, how’s the “impeach obama” campaign going?

  78. jmunny says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:


    “Promote the General Welfare” NOT Hand out Welfare! Welfare has created a ‘Dependent Class’ of Americans who won’t get off their ass and work.

    *head smacks keyboard* Sweet Jeebus how many times do I have to tell you, nobody wants to be on welfare..

    But, not everybody wants to work for a living either.

  79. jmunny says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  80. Insidious Prophet says:


    The republican way!


  81. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    But, not everybody wants to work for a living either.

    And you’re one of those people, right?

  82. tombaker says:

    i’d like to see a law passed outlawing Simpletonianism.

  83. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I don’t want Obama impeached.


  84. jmunny says:


    Insidious Prophet says:


    What’s the matter jdummy? Does the realization that health care reform is going to pass upset you? Whahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Yes it does, and it upsets many people. Which is why voters should know who in the senate and house voted for the final bill before election day.

  85. pags2 says:

    inzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @60 I don’t think he understands the difference between “priviliges” and “rights”.

    Some things are called “rights” and others are called privileges. Regardless of the nomenclature, they are all “rights” granted by the government, aside from the God given right to be free and rights under the US Consitution, and cannot be taken away without due process. Kenneth knows nothing about rights because if he did, he would have never posted his stupid statements.

  86. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    So, jmunny, you just admitted that the self-executing rule is currently legal. Then, give me one good reason why the Democrats should not use this legal procedure.

  87. belaccifer lacca says:

    How are the R’s stopping a vote for healthcare in the senate?

    Are you unaware of the filibuster?

  88. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And I see Limpballs flying by my window right now…

  89. jmunny says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:


    But, not everybody wants to work for a living either.

    And you’re one of those people, right?

    I enjoy working, many people do not.

  90. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wonder if Kenneth has ever read the preamble of the Constitution.

    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    “Promote the General Welfare” NOT Hand out Welfare! Welfare has created a ‘Dependent Class’ of Americans who won’t get off their ass and work.

    Well if you dumba** republicans would stop trying to cut unemployment, minimum wage, education while supporting industries that regularly screw the the middle/lower class…maybe they wouldn’t be so f***ed up.

    Besides the red-states suck up more welfare than the blue-states…maybe you should tell your fundie friends to stop it and start paying taxes you leech.

  91. Insidious Prophet says:

    jdummy, who has the majority in both the house and senate?

    The Democrats!

    They can do what ever the phuck they want, just like the republican’ts did for 6 of the 8 Bush years.

    Now quit your sniveling and whining you little girl!

  92. dbadass says:

    But, not everybody wants to work for a living either.

    I hate those country club kids. Come on Kaitlyn do a little babysitting or something. And what about you Justin, what are you above washing a few dishes…

  93. jmunny says:

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  94. pete says:

    The only litmus test the GOoPers apply to the constitutionality of a given procedure is whether a bill, act, or action was authored by a GOoPer or a Dem.

    When GOoPers do it? It’s constitutional.
    When Dems do it? Not so much.

  95. Insidious Prophet says:

    God told the democrats to pass health care reform any way they could.

  96. Insidious Prophet says:


  97. jmunny says:


    Insidious Prophet says:


    jdummy, who has the majority in both the house and senate?

    The Democrats!

    Then why not have a transparent vote? Could it be that they want to hold onto their majority? Why are they afraid of letting the people know what they stand for?

  98. Insidious Prophet says:


  99. pete says:

    Don’t forget. Inhofe, Conyers, Bachmann, and countless other GOoPers have admitted that they have worked tirelessly to halt legislation that they admit they have not bothered reading!

  100. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    We all need to get big foam middle fingers for when the R’s go down!

  101. pags2 says:

    jmunny says:
    “Promote the General Welfare” NOT Hand out Welfare! Welfare has created a ‘Dependent Class’ of Americans who won’t get off their ass and work.

    *head smacks keyboard* Sweet Jeebus how many times do I have to tell you, nobody wants to be on welfare..

    But, not everybody wants to work for a living either.

    I don’t want to work nor do I have to since I am on Social Security and spending the taxpayers dollars in Vegas and Europe. So jmuuny keep working hard and paying those tax dollars. I will think of you while I am spending those dollars in Vegas or Europe. Nah. That’s a lie.

  102. Shayne says:

    Hey moonie, you don’t make the rules. And you don’t know what the Democratic constituents want. You haven’t got a freakin’ clue.

  103. SoapBox says:

    Seems the Parrots need their usual daily school…Here ya go Tools, some school for ya!


    On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President of the United States, sparking many celebrations in the United States and around the world.

    He gained almost 53% of the popular vote and 365 electoral votes. The popular vote percentage was the best showing for any presidential candidate since George H.W. Bush in 1988. His 365 electoral votes was the best showing since Bill Clinton had 379 in 1996. He won Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, Indiana, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina, all states that were won by President George W. Bush in 2004. In addition, he became the first Democratic candidate to win one of Nebraska’s electoral votes since the state decided to split their electoral votes.

    He was the first candidate to be elected President without winning Missouri since 1956, and the first man elected President who was born in the 1960s.

    Obama also received MORE TOTAL VOTES ***THEN ANY*** Presidential candidate in history, totaling well over 69 MILLION votes.

  104. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    The only transparency with the Republicans has been their transparent LIES about the healthcare reform bill.

  105. Kenneth says:

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  106. SoapBox says:

    99 Insidious Prophet says:



    And that just sounds SO good, it needs repeating!


  107. dbadass says:

    Virginia’s AG will be too busy being afraid and terrorized by gays and social security numbers to worry about healthcare…

  108. Kenneth says:

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  109. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    Virginia’s AG will be too busy being afraid and terrorized by gay commies and social security numbers to worry about healthcare…


  110. SoapBox says:

    106 Kenneth says:
    Let’s take Virginia for example.

    YOU take Virginia, Polly!

    I’ll take HealthCare Reform!



  111. Kenneth says:

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  112. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:
    AND, has been a FAILURE ever since!

    What Kenneth’s mother says about him.

  113. dbadass says:

  114. Shayne says:

    It doesn’t matter how the Democrats vote. The voters will know that every Republican in the country voted against them and for the insurance industry. That the insurance companies were in every Republicans pocket. Just like Republicans obstruct every bill that helps the people. When this bill passes and people realize how it helps them even Fox/Pravda won’t be able to help the GOPigs.

  115. SoapBox says:

    PARROTKenneth says:
    AND, has been a FAILURE ever since!

    Fixed that for ya, Polly:

    AND, Rushpublican’ts have been a FAILURE ever since!

  116. dbadass says:

    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?

    Not bad. I made more this year then last. My life is nice. Some of the obnoxious shit my nation got involved in recently seems to be slowly getting sorted out. Market is up, Spring is here, bird are singing. All and all I have relatively few complaints…

  117. tombaker says:

    R’s in D.C. sure as hell don’t want to work for a living.

    why would they, when they can sit back, whine, refuse, and rake in the big bucks??

    i’m sure munny’d be all stoked about getting his pay cut 30% while his h/c premiums went up 20. just whistlin’ along like an eager lil dwarf – no matter what.

    enough with the private life masquerades – if i have to read the posts of another “independently-wealthy-hardworking-independent-businessman-righty-with-no-debts-and-no-bills-and an-unlimited-supply-of-high-paying-work-due-to-their-own- personal-grit-and-unique-talent” i’m going to f-ing puke.

    in 6 years, there has not been a single righty/”independent”/republican/conservative to visit this site who has not been a 100% down-the-line LIAR, about any and everything.

  118. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  119. Shayne says:

    Yeah Kenneth you whitewingers are always whining about frivolous lawsuits wasting money unless your the ones initiating those frivolous law suits. BRING IT ON.

    FYI, Hawaii is passing a law to ignore all the requests by you birthers to validate President Obama’s birth certificate because you idiots are wasting so much time and money with your frivolous requests.

  120. SoapBox says:

    112 PARROTKenneth says:
    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?


    Excellent Polly! We’re gett’n HealthCare Reform.

    You can keep the change.



  121. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:

    No prob. It’s gonna be interesting if Virginia rejects health-care…they’re gonna f**k themselves harder than any gay commie ever could.

  122. Insidious Prophet says:

    The republican whiners are just poor losers. For fourteen months they used every scare tactic in the book to kill health care reform, the health insurance industry spent millions of dollars to kill health care reform and it looks like they have failed!

    Could it be this last assault by republican’ts is not only because they wanted health care reform to be Obama’s Waterloo but also because the health insurance industry will be mad at them for failing and stop funneling money to them in the future?

  123. Shayne says:

    Kenneth, you didn’t vote for President Obama and so what you think of him and his accomplishments really doesn’t matter. Get it dumbass?

  124. Kenneth says:

    dbadass says:

    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?

    Not bad. I made more this year then last. My life is nice. Some of the obnoxious shit my nation got involved in recently seems to be slowly getting sorted out. Market is up, Spring is here, bird are singing. All and all I have relatively few complaints…

    Good for You! Bet you didn’t need the Gummint to do that!

  125. Shayne says:

    And while whitewingers have the full-time propaganda channel Fox/Pravda spreading their lies you GOPigs should shut the hell up about transparency.

  126. SoapBox says:

    119 PARROTKenneth says:
    36 States Reject Health Care Mandates





    Then what’s the SQUAWK Polly? Just stay in one of those states!

    OH YA…as soon as this passes, the Citizens of America will run the Rushpublican’ts that try to withhold HealthCare from the Citizens, out of town on a RAIL! Forever!

    Chew on this Polly!


  127. tombaker says:

    hey kinneh – what does billionaire taint taste like, exactly??

  128. Insidious Prophet says:

    Kenneth says:

    36 States Reject Health Care Mandates
    This could probably go to the Supreme Court to be settled.

    While I do not like the insurance mandate I also don’t like my insurance premiums going up because of Americans without insurance going to the emergency room when they are sick.

    Are you so stupid not to see that if everyone had insurance, the insurance pools would be bigger and costs wouldn’t go up do to uninsured people going to emergency rooms to be treated?

  129. tombaker says:

    stupid foxsucker.

  130. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:

    dbadass says:

    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?

    Not bad. I made more this year then last. My life is nice. Some of the obnoxious shit my nation got involved in recently seems to be slowly getting sorted out. Market is up, Spring is here, bird are singing. All and all I have relatively few complaints…

    Good for You! Bet you didn’t need the Gummint to do that!

    My dad didn’t need the republicans and the dixiecrats to keep f***ing around with corporate a**hats and as a result he lost a huge chunk of his 401K.

    The government works both ways…it can work for the people or against the people. Republicans seem to favor the latter of the two options.

  131. dbadass says:

    What the hell is a gummint? Well part of reason my life is nice Kenneth is that I enjoy a national park and protected lands system that invigorates and rejuvinates me. I also enjoy safe food, air, and water. An able fighting force is available to defend the conditions of my existance. The stuff I put in the mail gets where I want it to… You know the little things in life….

  132. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    dbadass says:
    What the hell is a gummint? Well part of reason my life is nice Kenneth is that I enjoy a national park and protected lands system that invigorates and rejuvinates me. I also enjoy safe food, air, and water. An able fighting force is available to defend the conditions of my existance. The stuff I put in the mail gets where I want it to… You know the little things in life….

    And to keep/maintain all of those requires that people pay taxes, which is why Kenny hates them.

  133. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  134. dbadass says:

    Now mind you I am less in need of the government issued money. I prefer the freegan way. Bartering with you neighbors for good and services is so much more reminiscent of the intent of the founders…

  135. Kenneth says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  136. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Kenneth says:

    “Don’t Thread on Me!”

    Don’t you mean “Don’t Tread On Me”, dumbass?

    You’re dumber than dirt, aren’t you?

  137. dbadass says:

    Fact! The more the Government controls your life the more it works against the people. The more Freedoms you lose and the more against the Founding Fathers it becomes.

    Aren’t facts usually accompanied by supporting evidences and stuff like that? I think we have that little “fact” “opinion” inversion thingie coing on. It is okay this is common in our younger students….

  138. tombaker says:

    insurance companies, banks, employers, utilitiy providers, and the oil comopanies have no control over anyone at all,

    right dummy??

  139. Kenneth says:

  140. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Kenneth: Fact! The more the Government controls your life the more it works against the people. The more Freedoms you lose and the more against the Founding Fathers it becomes.

    I distinctly remember during the Bush years that the shoe was on the other foot. Whenever liberals complained about the abuses of the administration, rightwingers demanded a list of which rights, specifically and personally, these liberals had had damaged.

    So, kenneth, specifically which “freedoms” have you lost in the last year? How, specifically and personally, does the government control your life?

    And, Kenneth, yelling “Fact!” doesn’t make an opinion anything but an opinion — and that’s my opinion.

  141. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The government works both ways…it can work for the people or against the people.

    Fact! The more the Government controls your life the more it works against the people. The more Freedoms you lose and the more against the Founding Fathers it becomes.

    “Don’t Thread on Me!”

    Like how you righties will give up your basic rights for security against terrorists after hearing some half-assed speech from the dude who pissed the terrorists off? STFU Kenneth.

  142. dbadass says:

    Yes Kenneth
    Freegan way. I incorporate those principles into my life as much as is realistic for my condition….

  143. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    We really should have more sympathy for Kenneth. It appears that some big scary man named “Government” is making him do who-knows-what terrible things while keeping him locked up somewhere.

  144. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    We really should have more sympathy for Kenneth. It appears that some big scary man named “Government” is making him do who-knows-what terrible things while keeping him locked up somewhere

    Making him squeal like a pig? I thought Kenny LIKES that…

  145. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    PatrioticLiberalChristian says:
    We really should have more sympathy for Kenneth. It appears that some big scary man named “Government” is making him do who-knows-what terrible things while keeping him locked up somewhere.

    “Now Kenneth, show us on this doll where the Government touched you.”

  146. Kenneth says:

    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    And, Kenneth, yelling “Fact!” doesn’t make an opinion anything but an opinion — and that’s my opinion.

    So far, I still have the right to my opinion and you have yours.

    But, Progressives spew censorship! My facts and opinion are based on solid experience. What’s your opinion based on – liberal programming?

  147. tombaker says:

    what little-house-on-the-prairie world do these f-ing liar righties all pretend to live in exactly?????????????

    “well, i’m just a simple subsistence farmer, living on inherited land, raising all my food, firewood, livestock, etc., even blessed by the lord with the opportunity to mine some iron ore in the winter to fashion my implements and laptops – never owed a man a penny, always made a good profit on my harvest, and Ethel and the kids have always manufactured all the goods and services we consume, so i just don’t understand why all these lazy minorities and hippies just don’t do the same…”

    if BULLSHIT were a valuable commodity, these @zz-holes would never have to work a day in their lives.

  148. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Kenneth says:

    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?

    Looking better and better, dummy.

  149. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Kenneth says:
    gummitch — this space for rent says:

    And, Kenneth, yelling “Fact!” doesn’t make an opinion anything but an opinion — and that’s my opinion.

    So far, I still have the right to my opinion and you have yours.

    But, Progressives spew censorship! My facts and opinion are based on solid experience. What’s your opinion based on – liberal programming?

    Experience. My family gets screwed more under the GOP than under the democrats. It’s been that way since before Reagan.

  150. dbadass says:

    My facts and opinion are based on solid experience.

    – So when is the part when you move away from opinion and toward sharing with us those “facts”? See so far all we are getting is the opinion piece and it isn’t all that interesting. Any chance you can toss out of couple of those “facts”
    Thanks my brother-

  151. tombaker says:

    don’t believe your own lyin’ eyes – believe kinneh’s own lyin’ keyboard instead…

    jeee-zuss- f-ing krist – what a crying f-ing shame people go around with such garbage in their heads….

  152. Uosdwis says:

    Go back to fighting James Bond on a train.. (he looks like Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love)

  153. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Kenneth: But, Progressives spew censorship! My facts and opinion are based on solid experience. What’s your opinion based on – liberal programming?

    When you live your life relying entirely on stereotypes, you’re not in a position to lecture anyone about “programming.”

    I’m willing to bet my experience trumps yours by a few decades.

  154. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Kenneth says:

    But, Progressives spew censorship! My facts and opinion are based on solid experience. What’s your opinion based on – liberal programming?

    I just realized – you’re not stupid – you’re ACTUALLY retarded. Really, really…challenged…aren’t you?

  155. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Uosdwis says:
    Go back to fighting James Bond on a train.. (he looks like Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love)

    Haha…oh shit you’re right. :D

  156. Hoodathunk(sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says:

    How’s that ‘Hopey-Changy’ workin’ out for you?

    We keep hoping trolls will change, learn to speak English and discover rational thought. Failing that (as they usually do) we hope they will change their site of choice for taking a dump.

  157. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Kenneth says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

    Government does not hand out rights!

    If the government does not hand out rights then why did the Supreme Court hand out rights to corporations?
    If the government does not hand out rights then why did the Supreme Court hand out rights to corporations?
    I can’t wait for little Kenny’s response

    Kenneth, Still waiting for your response…

  158. Kenneth says:

    OH, those wicked, wicked Corporations! Here’s another one!

    Shame! Shame! Shame! For being charitable.

    Let the Free Market work!

  159. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Enough with the retarded shit about how progressives/liberals hate corporations…we hate corporations that make their $ off the suffering of others like the insurance companies. Once again Kenneth: drop dead.

  160. pags2 says:

    Kenneth says:
    A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.
    Thomas Jefferson

    A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
    Thomas Jefferson

    Platitudes and mantras are not a substitute for logic. Try again.

  161. dbadass says:

    The Free Market Isn’t Free…..

    I love lame ass catch phrases….

  162. Kenneth says:


    Notice that the Reason Lobe of this brain:

    Is larger than the Bleeding Heart Lobe of this brain:

  163. dbadass says:

    Kenneth wanna talk of the supralimbic lobe present in the cetaceans or is your knowledge of neuroanatomy a little more limited?

  164. pags2 says:

    Kenny-You gave up on replying to my posts at #50 and #86. I love demolishing your arguments. You should stick to things you know instead of talking points.

  165. tombaker says:

    dittoheads have overdeveloped wanker lobes.

  166. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    Shorter trollie:

    Let the corporatist oligarchy alone you meanies!

  167. bulletproofair says:

    Pence doesn’t like the “unconstitutional” maneuver because he can’t run attack ads after the vote with the purpose of bashing those who did vote on the health care bill….

    That’s woefully pathetic. I think the Dems SHOULD do it if it allows for one less ridiculous attack ad.

    Do Republicans think they’ll never come to the majority of power again?! It’s like they’re railing against all these things, even against banking regulations….they’re so set on short-term politics that they’re not even realizing how all of these things will come back to be election killers for a lot of them!

    But this is what Republicans are good at….and I can’t WAIT to see them scrambling this November to try and take back all these ridiculous lies they’ve told over the past 2 years!

    I think people will come to their senses between now and November, and I do believe that this is a huge opportunity for the actual left, but only if we turn out in masses.

    The right is turning people off in droves with their attack and lie politics, especially minorities, but it’s just sickening to witness. It’s funny too that Fox has hyped this teabagger stuff up so much, but it’s turned out basically be dead now. There are not as many as they’d like us to believe! Remember this!

    I think if we can get some REAL Progressive or Liberal candidates up for election, we could actually steer this country away from our current path that our history serves to warn us against.

    I don’t understand why we can’t use “citizens united” to our advantage by trying to rope in some of the more well-known liberal entities.

    There are so many wallflower liberals (I’m guilty of it), but I’m almost THANKFUL for Fox “news” and all these lunatics, because this kind of hate and slime really turns people off, and it really helps Liberals because we have facts and rationality on our side.

    VOTE! We’re at a turning point in our Country’s history, and I do believe this next election will play a part in determining if we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past or if we will evolve.

  168. pags2 says:

    bulletproofair says:

    I have said before that the Dems should not concede a single seat. They have a lot of material from the Republicans that Dems can use to beat them over the head. The best ads should be the Republicans calling for abolition of Medicare and Social Security. That is a fear ad that will work for the Dems and beat the Republicans at their own game.

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  170. majii says:

    I’ll take hope and change any day over lies and hypocrisy.

    The far rw of the Republican Party thrives on gloom and doom, leaving them nothing to look forward to. The party has got to have a lot of members who take anti-depressants.

    Hell, I’d get depressed, too if I heard on a daily basis, “Your way of life as you know it is coming to an end in just a few days, if this bill passes.” Limpy said this as he sat on his lard@ss in his studio relishing in his ability to continue making fools out of his listeners.

  171. Charles1776 says:

    dbadass says:

    Somewhere an arrogant dandy named Charles1776 is livid

    Hey dbadass:

    I’m honored not livid because I think it’s great that your comment is at the top of the thread and references me.

    There is no question that the Republicans flouted the Constitution using the self-executing rule in the past, and they are simultaneously hypocritical but correct when they vehemently argue that the Democrats are wrong to attempt to use the SER to pass the Senate’s Health Care “Whatever”.
    That’s why NOBODY in Congress should be re-elected because they’re all tainted.

    But arguing that the SER should be used to pass the Health Care “Whatever” is like trying to legitimize reverse discrimination, and that argument doesn’t hold up, although those who practice Orwellian double-think feel otherwise.

  172. commentbug says:

    he should have keep his mouth shut.

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