Think Progress

Stupak dismisses nuns’ letter: I don’t listen to them, I listen to ‘leading bishops’ and Focus on the Family.

Today, “60 leaders of religious orders representing 59,000 Catholic nuns” sent a letter to federal lawmakers urging them to pass the Senate health care legislation. They decried the “false” information floating around about abortion provisions and said that the bill’s “historic new investments” for pregnant women are the “REAL pro-life stance.” The nuns’ letter was a significant and unusual break with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which continues to denounce the legislation. This afternoon, Stupak dismissed the nuns, saying that he listens to only male religious figures and far-right religious organizations:

Congressman Bart Stupak, D-Mich, responded sharply to White House officials touting a letter representing 59,000nuns that was sent to lawmakers urging them to pass the health care bill.

The conservative Democrat dismissed the action by the White House saying, “When I’m drafting right to life language, I don’t call up the nuns.” He says he instead confers with other groups including “leading bishops, Focus on the Family, and The National Right to Life Committee.”

It’s Stupak and the bishops, however, who are increasingly isolated. The nuns join other prominent pro-life figures and organizations — including the Catholic Health Association — in urging passage of the bill.

250 Responses to “Stupak dismisses nuns’ letter: I don’t listen to them, I listen to ‘leading bishops’ and Focus on the Family.”

  1. Shayne says:

    Proof positive Stupak is a Republican posing as a Democrat.

  2. evangenital says:

    I grew up Catholic, and my family members that are still active in the Church say that hardly anyone pays attention to the bishops or to the Vatican, ever since the clergy sex abuse scandal was seen to have been so poorly handled and covered up.

    The nuns are out on the front lines these days, dealing with every sort of misery and challenge there is in life.

    On the other hand, most of the bishops are pampered closet cases who secretly indulge in the very activities they publicly condemn.

    Play any video you wish of some Catholic bishop speaking, and your gaydar will go off the screen.

    Who do they think they are kidding?

    Health care reform of some sort is needed in this nation, no matter what the repiggies tell you.

    So many folks are denied coverage for pre-existing condition, and so many others simply can’t afford health insurance premiums.

    For the average Christian to say that this does not concern him or her would be the ultimate denial of any semblance of Christianity.

  3. The Republic of Stupidity says:


    Man… thas a whole lotta penguins

  4. Reallybarb says:

    I certainly hope the women in his district take note of what this Representative of the People thinks of women and vote accordingly.

  5. wisdomofwords says:

    Stupak: “And if I want really important advice before I make my decision, I contact someone from the insurance industry”.

  6. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok when is he up for re-election and how can I donate to his opponent?

  7. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Reallybarb says:


    I certainly hope the women in his district take note of what this Representative of the People thinks of women and vote accordingly.

    Same here…

  8. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Hey Barty, you know that old saying “when you talk to god, it’s caled prayer..when god talks to you, it’s called schizophrenia”?..

  9. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  10. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    For the average Christian to say that this does not concern him or her would be the ultimate denial of any semblance of Christianity.

    I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking this…

  11. Badmoodman says:

    Stupak dismisses nuns’ letter: I don’t listen to them, I listen to ‘leading bishops’ and Focus on the Family.

    – - Can we excommunicate Stupak from the Democratic Party?

  12. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I hope he gets voted out, stupid DINO..Oh and Dingell, Landrieu, and Lincoln, too!!

  13. glamourdammerung says:

    I am glad to know Stupak takes his duty seriously and consults with his imams before writing laws.

  14. Insidious Prophet says:

    Roman Catholic Bishop: Bart my son, there is nothing wrong with ped*philia as long as you don’t get caught and your victims remain silent.

    Bart Stupak: Okay your royal highness, that eases my mind a lot, because of all the man on boy action at the Families house on C-street.

    Nun: Bart, if others at your house on C-Street are having sex with young boys, you are guilty by association.

    Bart Stupak: Phuck off sister!

    Focus On The Family: Bart, as Christians we are allowed special privileges, like ped*philia, adultery, theft, corruption. The laws of the land are meant for the dirty heathens.

    Bart Stupak: Thank you for your comforting words of wisdom Dr. Dobson, shall I bend over now?

  15. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    – – Can we excommunicate Stupak from the Democratic Party?

    Idk, but that would be awesome if we could..

  16. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    Stupak’s denials are only topped by Massa’s eloquent explanations of tickling, new sexual terms and “not” being gay.

  17. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    glamourdammerung says:


    I am glad to know Stupak takes his duty seriously and consults with his imams before writing laws.

    Me too..Asshat!

  18. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And by asshat, I meant stupak not glammerdammerung…

  19. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Glamour, you’re cool!!

  20. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:


    Stupak’s denials are only topped by Massa’s eloquent explanations of tickling, new sexual terms and “not” being gay.

    Which sent Limpballs into some sort of acid trip last week..
    Or was it the Oxycontin?

  21. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It’s hard to know what drugs are in his system at any given time…

  22. Doc Rock says:

    If it walks like a sexist and talks like sexist, it may be a Stupak.

  23. glogrrl says:

    I think the strongest drug El Rushbo has in his system is hubris.

  24. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok do we have a VDT already?

  25. glamourdammerung says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    And by asshat, I meant stupak not glammerdammerung…

    Anyone that would use the nick “glammerdammerung” is clearly a monster.

  26. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    glogrrl says:


    I think the strongest drug El Rushbo has in his system is hubris.

    Yeah you’re right.

  27. Patty says:

    Dismissing the representatives of 59,000 educated, committed women is not a wise decision; remembering that Stupak was so dismissive will be.

  28. Reallybarb says:

    Connie Saltonstall in running against Stupak and donations can be made to her through BlueAmerica PAC she is also being supported by NOW.

    Is the up down voting thing broken? Newbie here just asking

  29. pete says:

    WTF is a U.S Congressman doing taking orders from anyone in the phucking Catholic Church? Did they promise him a lifetime supply of pliant choir-boys for his deviant sexual practices?

  30. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @27 You’re forgetting that his voters have bad short term memories…

  31. Jim Wolf359 says:

    Thank You, and Bless you Sisters.

  32. Insidious Prophet says:

    I predict Black Bart is going to pull a Lieberman in the future.

  33. Insidious Prophet says:

    I’m in listening to tunes mode.

    Cool tune from Alice In Chains

    Rotten Apple –

  34. glamourdammerung says:

    Insidious Prophet says:

    I predict Black Bart is going to pull a Lieberman in the future.

    “Pulling a Lieberman” sounds like something that involves sheep, poop, or both.

  35. Patty says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @27 You’re forgetting that his voters have bad short term memories…

    We’ll have to do our best to remind them.

  36. evietoo says:

    Sexist, patronizing and patriarchal. Not surprising.

  37. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Reallybarb says:


    Connie Saltonstall in running against Stupak and donations can be made to her through BlueAmerica PAC she is also being supported by NOW.

    Is the up down voting thing broken? Newbie here just asking

    1st off, welcome to TP!!…The up/down vote thing shouldn’t be broken..Although it is a little tricky to get at first, and hey even some of us who have been here a while mess up,,Heck, I’ve voted people up when I meant to vote them down and vice versa..But everybody here has probably done that at least once, so don’t feel bad or anything if you make a mistake!

  38. pete says:


    Welcome. The voting thing confused many of us at first. Here’s how it works. If you like a comment, click “Vote Up”. If you don’t like it click “Vote Down”. If more people like a comment than not it will appear as a positive number, like (7), in the brackets. If more people dislike a comment it will appear as a negative number, like (-4).

  39. 5th Estate says:

    Proof positive that for Stupak, religion trumps everything— a trait common to all subscribers to superstition (of course it can only be thus).

    Religion is inherently incompatible with democracy in any form, and the tolerance of organized religion’s influence in matters that demand rationality has got to stop.

    Those 59,000 nuns can go fu(k themselves as far as I’m concerned—they still belong to a transnational child-molesting corporation that traffics solely in fraud and that is permitted to operate beyond the law.

    Stupak is admitting to the active influence of the tax-exempt, law-exempt Catholic church in US politics (hardly a revelation, of course) which is illegal.
    (Of course the Catholic Church is not the only organized religion given undue deference and influence in politics and policy).

    As disgusting as Stupak’s words and deeds are and have been in my opinion and in fact regarding HCR, the larger issue and more egregious act is continued genuflection to religion in our society and in politics and the special dispensations they are so readily afforded.

  40. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:


    Patty says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @27 You’re forgetting that his voters have bad short term memories…

    We’ll have to do our best to remind them.

    Exactly..But how we’ll do that is the question…

  41. Insidious Prophet says:

    Why do all male pages on the republican side of floor of the senate have their hair parted in the middle….? ;)

  42. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Yeah, we say we have seperation of church and state here in the U.S., but deep down, we really dont…

  43. Patty says:

    pete says: Reallybarb, . . . If you like a comment, click “Vote Up”. If you don’t like it click “Vote Down”. If more people like a comment than not it will appear as a positive number, like (7), in the brackets. If more people dislike a comment it will appear as a negative number, like (-4).

    Off topic, but I was originally confused by this, too, especially because of the positioning of the vote tally coming adjacent to “Vote Down.” I’ve wondered since then why there couldn’t be separate tallies — one next to “Vote Up” and the other next to “Vote Down.”

  44. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    glamourdammerung says:


    Insidious Prophet says:

    I predict Black Bart is going to pull a Lieberman in the future.

    “Pulling a Lieberman” sounds like something that involves sheep, poop, or both.

    For some reason, I had visions of someone putting poop and a sheep in a catapult and flinging them into the next-door neighbor’s yard, but that’s just me!

  45. pete says:

    Insidious Prophet

    I’m pretty sure that the Pope would send him to Hell if he got caught “pulling his Lieberman”. Any prominent Catholic “man” should be able to find a choir-boy to “pull his Lieberman” for him.

    (Sorry folks. I just really hate those who rape children and the people who cover for them. It helps to make wisecracks.)

  46. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Maybe it’s because Lieberman has become soo irrelevant that all he can do is to sling poop at the Democrats…

  47. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    pete says:


    Insidious Prophet

    I’m pretty sure that the Pope would send him to Hell if he got caught “pulling his Lieberman”. Any prominent Catholic “man” should be able to find a choir-boy to “pull his Lieberman” for him.

    (Sorry folks. I just really hate those who rape children and the people who cover for them. It helps to make wisecracks.)

    Hehe :D

  48. jb says:

    What woman would ever cast a vote for Stupak? His off hand dismissing of 59,000 serious religious women is indicative of his perception of women as is over zealous position on abortion. I doubt that Bart will ever need an abortion personally, so he should butt out.

  49. Game of Life says:

    Wombs – 1

    Dics – 0

  50. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @48 the only women that would vote for him are the stupid ones…The same ones that don’t mind Limpboob’s sexist remarks.

  51. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  52. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @48’d be suprised at how many stupid women there are here in the U.S.!

  53. Insidious Prophet says:

    I wonder how long it will take before the “new” troll downstairs will figure out we’ve moved on to a different thread?

  54. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Insidious Prophet says:


    I wonder how long it will take before the “new” troll downstairs will figure out we’ve moved on to a different thread?

    Oh u mean grame? I think he got a severe butt whipping in the other thread tonight and he’s just busy at home nursing his wounds and sulking..

  55. Insidious Prophet says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @48’d be suprised at how many stupid women there are here in the U.S.!
    You’d be really surprised (or not) to know that a very high percentage of these stupid American women AND American men are republicans.

  56. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    You’d be really surprised (or not) to know that a very high percentage of these stupid American women AND American men are republicans.

    Heyy, I live in McDonnellLand(aka virginia!!)..Hehe lol you’re right…I have plenty of neighbors who could be good examples of this..

  57. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    So I’m not suprised that a larger amount of the stupid people here in the u.s. are republicans..Just look at the Bible Belt!

  58. jb says:

    Abortion like religion seems like it should be a personal choice left to the individual to decide. It’s not as if anybody is wanting to force anyone to have an abortion. Abortion is often a very necessary medical procedure. Leave it to the patient and HER doctor. Next thing you know, Stupak will be doing boner pill commercials.

  59. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It really does say something about the poor quality of our public schools here!

  60. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  61. Reallybarb says:

    Thanks for the welcome and the kindness I’ve read along here for a while and always thought someday I’ll sign up and this Stupid Stupak did it. His remark just hit me so wrong. No self respecting woman who knows what he stands for could ever vote him IMO I hate to say but I’d almost rather see a (R) in the seat then him.

  62. JvS says:

    Standard anti-Catholic bigot.

  63. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @61 You’re very welcome..

  64. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @62 Isn’t the church made up of them?

  65. jb says:

    I guess we’ve got a few Stupid Dems as well. Stupak is near the top of the list.

  66. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @65 Don’t forget Dingell, Lincoln, and Landrieu!!

  67. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Landrieu and Lincoln have been obstructing hcr since day one.

  68. glamourdammerung says:

    JvS says:
    Standard anti-Catholic bigot.

    The Catholic Church has zero business writting laws for our secular country. Opinions about the worthiness of the church in general have nothing to do with it.

  69. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  70. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    The Catholic Church has zero business writting laws for our secular country.

    Ya know… that was my take on this too…

    That whole ’separation of church and state’ thingy…

    Not quite sure why Stupak thought it was such a good idea to tout the Catholic Church’s influence in the legislative process… wouldn’t the CC be a 501c3?

  71. PolicyNorth says:

    Oh I don’t mind that Church of thiers making talking points- I just don’t care as it isen’t c. 1600 anymore.
    The same thing goes for the evangical Prods down south. Unless you have Jesus on line #1 stop trying to pretend that you know best, Rev.

  72. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Stupak is so full of shit it’s not funny anymore…abortion funding isn’t covered in any of the bills. Guys like Stupak are idiots who have a poor grasp of facts and a proclivity for magical thinking…that or he’s got financial backing from the insurance companies.

    Seriously f**k you Stupak…read the goddamn bills and pull your head out of your ass.

  73. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Obama talked about courage? You’ve got it…he doesn’t.


  74. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  75. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    drhunt1 says:


    Oh…and Bart? Be careful about any offers to take a “ride” on air force 1…a scene out of Scarface comes to mind.

    What, do you think he’s gonna get his head blown off or something? There are plenty of people who might want to have the honor of doing that.

  76. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    drhunt1 says:

    Right on, Bart…stick to your convictions, follow your moral compass and don’t allow Obama get public funding for abortions.

    It’s not in the bill. It wasn’t in the bill to begin w/, like ‘death panels’.

    Propagating lies tonight? Imagine that.

    Just vote the comments down and ignore the commenter.

  77. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Seriously f**k you Stupak…read the goddamn bills and pull your head out of your ass.

    Unfortunately, his head is so tightly lodged up there that he can’t pull it out of his butt without causing himself considerable pain…

  78. jb says:

    Stupak needs to abort his head out his ass.

  79. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    Right on, Bart…stick to your convictions, follow your moral compass and don’t allow Obama get public funding for abortions.

    drhunt1 says:

    First, let me state unequivocally, that I’m under “no obligation” to prove my point.


  80. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Silly widdle dr demented just wants some attention!!

  81. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Seriously f**k you Stupak…read the goddamn bills and pull your head out of your ass.

    Unfortunately, his head is so tightly lodged up there that he can’t pull it out of his butt without causing himself considerable pain

    Well he should try. What he’s doing is absolutely juvenile.

  82. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    What he’s doing is absolutely juvenile.

    No, what he’s doing is absolutely infantile..Juveniles are more mature than this big baby!

  83. jb says:

    These anti-women terrorists, self labeled pro-lifers, are the ones doing the killing and intimidation.

  84. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    Oh…and Bart? Be careful about any offers to take a “ride” on air force 1…a scene out of Scarface comes to mind.

    Oh dochunt…


    (ralph chuckles as “doctor” hunt reaches for a change of underwear)

  85. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @78 retroactive abortion should be legal!

  86. Insidious Prophet says:

    Whats wrong dr.runt did you tire of using the lame name of graeme? What a pathetic putz!

  87. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    What he’s doing is absolutely juvenile.

    No, what he’s doing is absolutely infantile..Juveniles are more mature than this big baby!

    Good point. Maybe we should slap a diaper on him and boot his ass out.

    Why Stupak Is Wrong: The Senate bill doesn’t fund abortions. Here’s why he thinks it does.

  88. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  89. sscncturn64 says:

    blah,blah,blah, Show me a nun who is a virgin and I will show you a republican who doesn`t lie cheat and steal.

  90. Skyler says:

    From the article: Stupak also maintains that he still has a solid group of 12 House Democrats… The Michigan lawmaker carries the list of the 12 lawmakers allied with him in his pocket,

    Ahh, the Stupak Disciples.

    I can’t wait for this man to fade back into oblivion, or better yet, unemployment.

  91. Insidious Prophet says:


  92. christopher wiwi says:

    well know it makes sense to me,stupid Stupak is a misogynist!!!

  93. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Haha yeah..I’d hate to be the one who has to change his diaper, though…

  94. Insidious Prophet says:

    Bart Doochepak will soon become a lobbyist as he will lose his seat!

  95. jb says:

    Those nuns will brook no nonsense, even when its a Congressman. Prepare to be humiliated in front of the whole class.

  96. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  97. sscncturn64 says:

    If you do find a nun who is a virgin let me know, I will give you my phone # and I will be the first to break thru that hymen.

  98. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Haha yeah..I’d hate to be the one who has to change his diaper, though…

    Let the lobbyists change it…they’re probably paying the SOB.

  99. Insidious Prophet says:

    I don’t recall any scene from Scarface being on Air Force 1 or on any airplane…yet another dumb analogy from aaronk.

  100. pete says:


    I’m not so sure. I’ve only met one nun and I can’t imagine anyone who has been laid would be so awful and hateful and bitter. She kind of reminded me of our stupid pet trolls and everyone knows they can’t get laid.

  101. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Insidious Prophet says:
    I don’t recall any scene from Scarface being on Air Force 1 or on any airplane…yet another dumb analogy from aaronk.

    Remember it was that big fight scene between Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, Jean Reno, Harrison Ford and Jack Nicholson…so epic./snark

  102. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @99 it’s not his fault that he is stupid and can’t come up with a decent argument and therefore has been reduced to using analogies like that…

  103. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    We just intimidate him with our awesome intellect, thats all.

  104. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    speaking of trolls, I think we scared the poor guy off!

  105. jb says:

    Maybe Bart needs to go to Confession….you know the little bit about money from Insurance Companies.

  106. tombaker says:

    Stup-ak, Stup-id,

    let’s call the whole thing off.

  107. sscncturn64 says:

    Pete, I do have to disagree with you. Our pet trolls get laid all the time. When ever the trolls listen to limpass or beck they have an orgasm. To them that is their love life.

  108. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    We just intimidate him with our awesome intellect, thats all.


  109. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @107 they are sooo pathetic!

  110. Insidious Prophet says:

    Maybe aaronk meant Air Force 1 during Bush’s eight year reign of error and terror.

    The decider guy snorting lines of cocaine out of Condi’s ass crack. Awesomelicious says Georgie.

    You all recall the time Condi and George just returned from a conference overseas and as Condi got off Air Force 1 a female reporter asked her some question and Condi referred to George as her husband….very interesting! I wonder if they role played on Air Force 1???

  111. tom says:

    a scene out of Scarface comes to mind

    When I read your posts dochunt, a scene from “The Godfather” comes to mind. You know, the one where the guy wakes up with a horse’s head in his bed.

    It reminds me of you. Except, it’s the other end of the horse and it’s affixed to your neck.

  112. lux (brought to you by The Truth (c)) says:

    wtf. i don’t listen to the nuns…?

    I’m sorry.. I got nothing to add because the truth is beyond any joke I could muster..

    stupak ‘doesn’t listen to the nuns’ about right to life issues.

    wtf. wtf. wtf.

  113. tombaker says:

    i like being the kind of “tenther” who provides the tenth vote that erases the trollfiti.

    you’re welcome, dr. not.

  114. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @111 O wow, that’s gross!!

  115. Insidious Prophet says:

    We are now in a troll free zone…until it scores more meth from it’s mommy. She is the drug lord of the trailer park.

  116. jb says:

    Awaiting moderation??? for saying…Yeah, Bart, keep following your convictions that women need a washed up limp dik cop and a bunch of child molestors to tell them what to do with their bodies.

  117. pags2 says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    The Catholic Church has zero business writting laws for our secular country.

    You need to distinguish the people who run the church as opposed to those underneath these bishops. The priests and nuns are the people who deal with other real people. Bishops hobnob with the rich and powerful so they have no concept of what is happening with the middle and poor classes. There are many nuns and priests that are out there do what they are supposed to do. Many of the outspoken nuns and priests are separated from the church when they disagree or refuse to take orders. These nuns and priests lose their stipend and any benefits such as health insurance. Stupak is just another person in power that deals with bishops only. The nuns and priests that are separated are not interested in dogma and national politics; they are interested in social justice.

  118. Insidious Prophet says:

    tom says:

    It reminds me of you. Except, it’s the other end of the horse and it’s affixed to your neck.
    So that’s why aaronk’s family refers to him as a horses ass.

  119. pete says:

    sscncturn64 says:

    Pete, I do have to disagree with you. Our pet trolls get laid all the time. When ever the trolls listen to limpass or beck they have an orgasm. To them that is their love life.

    Um? No. What they do to themselves, their pets, or their Mommy’s Isotoners is not “getting laid”.

  120. glamourdammerung says:

    jb says:

    Awaiting moderation???

    It is automatic if you use certain naughty words.

    It gives me many laughs when the trolls cry about their works of performance art being “censored” due to some imaginary conspiracy out to censor what they say rather than due to their potty mouth.

  121. graeme says:

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  122. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    sscncturn64 says:

    Pete, I do have to disagree with you. Our pet trolls get laid all the time.

    “Getting laid” is different than “getting laid out” which is what our trolls do here.

  123. pete says:

    jb says:
    Awaiting moderation???

    Did you try to type “ped0phile”? I just can’t imagine how we are supposed to talk about the Mother Church without using the technical term for those who have unnatural sexual attractions to children. It seems to be the bedrock of the whole church.

  124. jb says:

    The Church and groups such as Focus on the Family are mainly interested in MONEY and POWER. If they need to belittle women in order to raise a few bucks, no problem. Just be glad you aren’t an indigenous people with a Natural Religion and a lot of gold.

  125. drhunt1 says:

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  126. Insidious Prophet says:

    “Stay the course”

    Hmmm….seems to me some other idiot “stayed the course” and it didn’t turn out too well for our troops or the citizens of Iraq.

  127. glamourdammerung says:

    pags2 says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    The Catholic Church has zero business writting laws for our secular country.
    You need to distinguish the people who run the church as opposed to those underneath these bishops.

    No, I really do not. The organisation has no business writing our laws. If individuals wish to write letters, call their representatives, etc., that is their business. But the ruling bodies of any faith have no business having such access to the exclusion of everyone else in this country. And legislators should certainly not brag about being in the pocket of religious organisations.

  128. jb says:

    Pete, I wasn’t sure if it was dick or the Ped word.

  129. Insidious Prophet says:

    The old switcheroo eh doc runt?

    Now he is scrambling on the movie analogy because we pointed out how stupid it was.

  130. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Good night, everybody!

  131. Insidious Prophet says:

    Big difference between a helicopter scene and a Air Force 1 scene.

    Black Bart Doochepak doesn’t need to worry about being tossed out of Air Force 1, he needs to worry more about being tossed out or voted out of congress.

  132. pete says:

    I have no mercy for the Catholic Church. They should be stripped of every cent and the summary executions should start with the Pope and end when the last rapist is dead. If a few ditsy broads lose their stipends? I would be happy to train them how to cook.

  133. sscncturn64 says:

    You are absolutly right. WTF was I thinking. Isotoners??? Thats fcking hilarious.

  134. drhunt1 says:

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  135. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    dochunt sure took a long time to change his drawers, dint he?

  136. glamourdammerung says:

    Glad to see “dr”hunt has so much blind faith that what a government official is doing must be correct.

    Even if they needed to spam this in yet another topic after I debunked all their nonsense in the previous one.

  137. pete says:

    jb says:

    Pete, I wasn’t sure if it was dick or the Ped word.

    It’s “the ped word”. I got sent to limbo, twice, before I figured out what was tripping the filter. Like I said. I really can’t see how we are supposed to discuss anything relating to the Catholic Church without that word. I have even been known to call them the “Holy Roman Order of Ped0philes”.

    Then I usually puke.

  138. Alfred says:

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  139. drhunt1 says:

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  140. zeeroods says:

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  141. pete says:


    Thanks. However, I can’t take credit for the “Isotoner” bit. I think I saw it in a Playboy joke a few decades ago. I just hope that the stupid trolls’ mommies don’t leave their gloves, or undies, or any other piece of apparel lying around unattended.

    They might raise horrible children but a load of spuck in one’s glove would ruin anyone’s day.

  142. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Pity Alfred isn’t a real person, I would so vote him up for coining the word “slanderized”.

  143. drhunt1 says:

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  144. tom says:

    Question: Who stars in more porno movies bishops or nuns?

    Question: Who watches more porno movies? Bishops or nuns?

    Case closed.

  145. Alfred says:

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  146. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    #138 glamour-you didn’t debunk anything…you still haven’t refuted the results of the poll by Medicus with ANY facts…

    Why is that? Why are you avoiding refuting the results of that poll with anything credible? Is it because you can’t…or won’t?

    You are correct. I will not refute a negative, as it is a logical fallacy. An unscientific poll released as an advertistement is all you can apparently find to back up your claims, which should tell you something right there.

    Though I find it hilarious that even Fox News issued a correction and you are so gullible as to be still holding it up as “evidence”.

  147. drhunt1 says:

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  148. sscncturn64 says:

    Drchunt, I was going to tell you that it was a helicopter that they threw that poor bastard out of in scarface.
    You are the clown that brought up airforce one.
    Anyway, wouldn`t be awesome to see a helicopter flying over Bahgdad and throwing goerge bush out onto the street?
    I will never forget the people of Iraq tearing down that statue of saddam and then we got to see bush on an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him that read mission accomplished. The mission will be accomplished when bush and cheney are sitting on death row for their crimes.

  149. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Alfred says:


    Really, doc?

    You’re still trying to peddle this sockpuppet?

    Tell the truth — you’ve just accepted your role as a laughingstock here, haven’t you?

  150. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    Face it glamour…I’m inhiliating you here, and there…and there too. Here’s another tidbit to wash down with your green beer…

    You are annihilating me by falling back on a logical fallacy because you can find no valid evidence to back up your outlandish claims? Interesting view there, champ.

    Also, reported #149 as spam in multiple topics.

  151. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    sscncturn64 says:
    I will never forget the people of Iraq tearing down that statue of saddam and then we got to see bush on an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him…
    Interesting juxtaposition, given that the Iraqis whacked both the statue and the bush with their shoes.

  152. glamourdammerung says:

    “dr” hunt, when did you stop molesting animals?

    I eagerly await your answer since you insist demanding negative proof is acceptable.

  153. drhunt1 says:

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  154. jb says:

    Stupak is a wanna be alter boy by currying favor with the Bishops.

  155. Alfred says:

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  156. drhunt1 says:

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  157. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    drhunt1 says:
    dude, you can’t just spew a bunch of questions, many of them phrased to justify your “fallcy”, and pretend you are actually having an intelligent discourse with someone.

  158. drhunt1 says:

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  159. drhunt1 says:

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  160. Alfred says:

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  161. pags2 says:

    glamourdammerung says:
    The Catholic Church has zero business writting laws for our secular country.
    You need to distinguish the people who run the church as opposed to those underneath these bishops.

    No, I really do not. The organisation has no business writing our laws. If individuals wish to write letters, call their representatives, etc., that is their business. But the ruling bodies of any faith have no business having such access to the exclusion of everyone else in this country. And legislators should certainly not brag about being in the pocket of religious organisations.

    Do you seriously think the”Catholic Church” writes the laws anymore than the “Presbyterians” or “Baptists?” There is a difference of opinion between some of the bishops and certainly the nuns and priests. These bishops are no different than the televangelists; they don’t represent everyone. The people who belong to the Catholic church do not vote the way bishops want them to, to wit, Patrick Kennedy who was refused communion because of his support for pro-choice. The church bishops are always putting out statements that are not necessarily they way the church members think. Contraception and abortion have divided the church from many members who disagree with the church. I don’t know anyone who votes a specific way because of the church. I do know that some Catholics who vote the opposite of what the bishops endorse and others who refuse to give money to the church. I do not give any money because I object to their involvement in politics. Young people who were raised Catholic have their own mind and they certainly do not vote the way bishops tell them. My point is that the Catholic church is not some monolith with empty headed followers. The bishops who influence politics are there because they rub elbows with the rich and powerful, not because they control a large bloc of voters.

  162. Alfred says:

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  163. Alfred says:

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  164. jb says:

    Obama’s poll numbers have nothing to do with the infantile hijinks by falsely claiming that the Health Care bill provides government funding for abortion only to be put to shame by 59,000 nuns.

  165. drhunt1 says:

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  166. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:
    drhunt1 says:
    dude, you can’t just spew a bunch of questions, many of them phrased to justify your “fallcy”, and pretend you are actually having an intelligent discourse with someone.

    Oh, yes he can. that’s practically all dochunt does around here.

    Well… that and don sock puppets…

  167. jb says:

    59,000 Catholic nuns are siding with Obama. Who could have known?

  168. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    glamour…fyi, a fallcy is an argument based upon a false premise.

    Your example is a type of fallacy, not the definition of “fallacy”. Demanding negative proof is another.

    Tell me what “false premise” I asserted?

    Making up a definition for “fallacy” and using that as a strawman to avoid my debunking your earlier claim is a false premise.

    The results of the poll are not scientific?


    Why…because they were mailed forms…or because you read that from some moron at MediaMatters? How are polls conducted…by phone? Are they more “scientific”?

    Do you need me to explain to you what a scientific poll is? I am unsure what you are asking/claiming here as it is a word salad of nonsense.

    You’re reallly reaching…and obviously desperate in your attempts to do so…

    Says the clown that can not back up ONE SINGLE CLAIM that make here.

    What is the polling data on the number of Americans that prefer Congress to start over with a clean slate? Are those numbers scientifically derived?

    This has nothing to do with your debunked claim, and is just more deflection on your part.

    Do you care? Do you have a job? Are you on government assistance? Is your hand out asking for more entitlements?

    This is a weak attempt to “attack the messenger” on your part. Note, that is something you whine about frequently when your claims are debunked frequently here.

    Are those scientific questions whose answers would drive at the core of your idealogy?

    That statement is a non sequitur.

  169. pjkool says:

    So he listens to a bunch of old white men, some of whom have no real life experience with women and others that seem to think multiple partners are ok if you belong to the right church group.

  170. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    drhunt1 says:
    blah blah blah blah

    Until proven otherwise, I stand by that contention.

    And since dochunt is incapable of processing actual proof when it’s presented to him, such an eventuality will never occur.

  171. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    Alfred says:
    OutstandingInMyField, on the contrary I do it all the time. I’m doing it now. You must ask yourself “What is my core philosophy and where is it taking my on my epistemological pursuit of the truth?”

    Quite frankly, all I am compelled to ask myself is: What ever are you talking about?, and WTF is wrong with you?.

  172. drhunt1 says:

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  173. jb says:

    What are the odds of 59,000 nuns being duped? Same ballpark as Palin getting elected.

  174. Alfred says:

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  175. glamourdammerung says:

    Alfred says:

    Face it glamour…I’m inhiliating you here, and there…and there too. Here’s another tidbit to wash down with your green beer…


    Reported for spam in multiple topics (now on multiple accounts as well).

  176. Alfred says:

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  177. jb says:

    Stupak is the current champion of disingenuous. The bill does not provide government funding of abortion. The 59,000 Catholic nuns are smart enough to have figured that out and honest enough to make a stand.

  178. pete says:

    pags2 says:

    My point is that the Catholic church is not some monolith with empty headed followers.

    Given what we know, just about the ped0philes, they should have no followers at all. If Catholics had full control of their own wills they would, at least, stop giving the guilty parties money and, at best, drag the guilty parties to the local police precinct themselves.

    Their compliance is complicity in some of the worst crimes the human mind can conceive. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who still calls themselves “Catholic” is an accomplice and any parent who leaves their child with a church official should be stripped of parental rights.

  179. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    I grew up a Catholic, altar boy and the whole works.

    Their dogmatic self importance defies logic and is unmitigated bullshit.

    The nuns are way more in tune with the people.

    Bishops are in charge of pricks, as I recall.

  180. Alfred says:

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  181. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    #159 Outstanding-au contraire…a demographic survey, (scientifically produced, no doubt to appease glamour), of the posters here would be quite illuminating. It would certainly explain political idealogies/positions on these topics because it would, IMO, expose most of the posters here as citizens that contribute very little to the GDP.

    Until proven otherwise, I stand by that contention.

    I find it amusing that you say this after accusing me of “attacking the messenger” by pointing out your earlier source was nonsense.

    However, I am pleased to see you are at least admitting that you are going to insist you are correct, even if you have no evidence of it and get debunked multiple times. It certainly explains your behaviour here.

  182. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    …I’m inhiliating you here

    inhaling>? Glue?

  183. drhunt1 says:

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  184. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    OK, we have this quote from the nondoc:
    “It would certainly explain political idealogies/positions on these topics because it would, IMO, expose most of the posters here as citizens that contribute very little to the GDP.”
    ….and this one from Alfred:
    “Ralph, your assuage assertions have found no purchase on the rocky shoals of common and empirical logic. Perhaps if you has spent more time in your formative years studying Cant (as I did) ”
    I consider this proof that monkeys typing at random really can produce something their simian brains regard as literature.

  185. pete says:

    As for the stupid trolls? The ongoing problems with Washington State’s Medicaid problem really has nothing to do with the impending federal reform of health insurance.

  186. jb says:

    If doctors opt out of health care, whats left? Golf? Pushing paper and grabbing $$$$$ for and Insurance company?

  187. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    The fact is…we already know

    Citations, if you can pull one or two out of your rectum.

  188. SoapBox says:

    178 AlfredPARROT says:
    And a blah, blah, blah to you, ralph

    Polly, Polly…you’ve got it wrong!

    Now say it this way…ready?





    Now you’ve got it right!

    Cracker for you? Extra BIG! Extra CRISPY!


  189. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:

    #170 glamour.nice try at deflection! So opinion polls are NOT worthy of consideration

    I noticed you ignored or did not read the post you replied to.
    Feel free to tell me their methodology, margin of error, and how the poll was conducted.

  190. majii says:

    For consorting with the likes of FOF, Stupidpak should resign his seat. FOF hates everything and everybody.

    Hate gays? FOF is the place to be

    Hate the president and use intercessory prayer hoping he’ll be assassinated? FOF is the place to be

    Hate people of color? FOF is the place to be

    Hate hate crimes legislation? FOF is the place to be

    Hate America? FOF is the place to be

    Love money over the welfare of the people? FOF is the place to be

    Wanna be a fake Christian? FOF is the place to be

    Think freedom is only for a select few? FOF is the place to be

    Hate financial reform? FOF is the place to be

    Living in fear? FOF is the place to be

    Wanna be a fake patriot? FOF is the place to be

    Thinking of fomenting a rebellion against a legally elected president? FOF is the place to be

    Think the president is a muslim? FOF is the place to be

    Wanna be a birther? FOF is the place to be

    I could go on and on, but I think most TPers get my point. Stupidpak is no more a real Christian than a corporation is a person.

  191. sscncturn64 says:

    drchunt, Did I swell with pride? Is that all you have?
    First of all, we never should have been in Iraq, that was the ashole you voted for that put our country in a war that killed tens of thousands of people for no fcking reason.
    This administrations greatest achievment will be in three years when he gets relected because so many people have quality healthcare. No more family`s will have to file for bankrupsy because of outstanding medical bills.
    And the flatuance you are talking about is your wifes pussy farts after I was done fcking the whore. Your daughter is next. Grow up. If you want to talk like a conservative ahole and act like a child then I will stoop to your level too.

  192. Alfred says:

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  193. Alfred says:

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  194. pete says:

    Note to the fake “doctor” troll. Medicare and Medicaid are two different things and that is reason enough to ignore you. Bill0 simply lied about the poll. It was not commissioned by the New England Journal of Medicare, as he said. It was commissioned by a medical “head-hunting” firm that would lose their dirty money under the proposed legislation.

  195. pete says:

    Oops! That should have been “new England Journal of Medicine”. Not “Medicare”. It must be past my bed time.

    G’night, good people.
    Go hump your mommy’s gloves, stupid trolls. It’s as close as you will ever get to “getting laid”.

  196. drhunt1 says:

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  197. OutstandingInMyField, sponsored by big Ag says:

    majii says:
    I could go on and on, but I think most TPers get my point. Stupidpak is no more a real Christian than a corporation is a person.

    The reverse works just as well” Stupidpak is no more a real person than a corporation is a Christian.”

  198. majii says:

    #197–pete–You’re right. MMFA had a post debunking this faux poll today. For some reason, the trolls have a serious problem facing reality. I must say that they have learned well at the feet of their masters the technique of skewing information to fit their POV.

  199. drhunt1 says:

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  200. True Patriot says:

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  201. SoapBox says:

    195 Alfred says:
    I suppose what I most proud of is the fact that every time I post here I convince at least 10 – 15 independent readers to join the fight against progressivism. New conservatives are where you find them, aren’t they?


    OH POLLY! I needed that laugh!


    …a lonely loser, camping in their mom’s moldy basement, vomiting up stupidity…


    SAY…your love bud just mentioned Iraq?

    Have this!


  202. SoapBox says:

    203 TruePARROTPatriot says:
    …slaughter millions of innocent children with tax payer money.

    Iraq? Afghanistan?

    Way to stand up for what you believe in!

    Yes he did! Murdering innocent children (men and women) in Iraq and Afghanistan! And spending TRILLIONS of tax payer dollars!

    OH…and “Stu”…what about the Death Penalty? Ya, you sure are taking a stand against that? Right? Huh?

    Cracker, Parrot?


  203. glamourdammerung says:

    drhunt1 says:
    #191 galmour-better yet, show me ANY poll results that refute the Medicus survey.

    Again, you are insisting I prove a negative which is a logical fallacy. Come on, you should at least read the posts you reply to.

    Feel free to tell me their methodology, margin of error, and how the poll was conducted.

    I’m sure we would ALL love to read what you’ve got, (or obtain off of MoveOn, MediaMatters and/or the Kos). How about this one:

    …or is that not scientific enough for you? OK…how about this one?

    Two unrelated links to what you were claiming do not prove anything other than that you change topics when called out.

    Because they have nothing to do with what you claimed.

  204. Shayne says:

    The trolls seem distressed that they’re losing another battle.

  205. sscncturn64 says:

    Drchunt and alfred,
    HCR is a good thing that will help out alot of your fellow citizens. It doesn`t matter if they are republicans or democrats. If its in the bill that abortions are covered,
    please explain to us why that bothers you. The bottom line is its none of your business what a woman does with her body.
    Does it really bother you that your tax dollars will go towards an abortion? Or is it because limpo, beck, and fox noise told you to be against it because anything that the n****r in the whitehouse does we should vote NO.
    It realy is none of your business. Let me give you an example.
    Your 14 year old daughter is raped and she gets pregnant.
    You and your wife dont have the 400 dollars to abort the pregnancy, but there is a program through planned parenthood that will pay for your daughters abortion. What would you do?
    Also the rapist is a black man. So what would you do?

  206. Shayne says:

    The whitewing decided it was more important to destroy President Obama than to help the taxpaying voters. Well they didn’t hand Obama his Waterloo and now they are phu(ked. Adios suckers.

  207. Shayne says:

    Nonetheless, abortions are not covered in the bill. It’s just one more lying piece of propaganda heaped on by the reichwing haters.

  208. glamourdammerung says:

    I would say that the fact that conservatives can not come up with factual arguments against the HCR bill speaks for itself. I have yet to see a single conservative point against that bill that was not based on conspiracy theory nonsense and outright lies.

  209. sscncturn64 says:

    hey doc hunt, are you that fcking stupid. Any kind of healthcare for someone who doesn`t have any is quality healthcare. Why the fck do you spend so much time on a progressive blog? Seriously, you are here all the time. WHY???
    Either start bringing something constructive to TP or get lost.

  210. SoapBox says:

    …time to run…keep kick’n stupid Parrot troll butt!

  211. bob1975 says:

    Stupak is just another one of these right wing religious nuts the Evangelicals placed in office to do their bidding. This type of extreme religious recruitment by the far right to force upon us their religious views by having people elected such as Stupak to office so they can overturn laws not to their liking. I’m all for believing and praying to God, but there is a reason why our founding fathers put into the Constitution the separation of Church and State because they knew then the damage that could happen which could cause the down fall of our Government when you have a Government run by religious fanatics. Case in point just look at some of these Arab countries whose leaders are religious mullah’s.

  212. SlappyBastinado says:

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  213. ebbAndflow says:

    That must be a crowded cubicle: with Slappy; ‘dr’; graeme’ True Patriot & Alfred all using the same keyboard. Make sure you sanitize with each use – don’t want to be contracting CA-MRSA.

  214. Innocent Bystander says:

    For a no accomplishment backbencher, Bart sure has taken a high profile on this issue. Turns out, he’s not very bright either. Big surprise. Way to tip your hand Bart . Enjoy your brief time in the limelight Stup…I suspect that your days as a psuedo-Democrat are quickly coming to an end.

  215. Mr. Evil says:

    We could hammer on this for years but, the sad fact is that the politicians in this country only care about one thing; campaign contributions for their re-election. And wherever that money comes from is who they’re beholden to. I’m not holding out that the democrats will finally grow a pair along with a spine and do the right thing because if that were to happen it already would have. Corporations run everything now not just in this country but, in most all others also. Health insurance companies offer nothing of substance since they only exist to skim money off the top of what they take in and pay out what they need to to satisfy what little regulations are still in place for them. It’s some of the easiest money that can be made. And our politicians are willing to be corrupted to protect it. Money is all that matters to our politicians and they’ll happily sell out anyone and anything to keep the “campaign contributions” coming in.

  216. Alantcd - bought and paid for by Dubble Cross Healthcare Inc says:

    Yeah, stupak will be changing parties and he’ll be the wingers new BFF and on faux news regularly… till he loses his seat next election.

  217. had enough says:

    Stupak dismisses nuns’ letter: I don’t listen to them, I listen to ‘leading bishops’ and Focus on the Family.

    Typical pigscum… would rather listen to child molesters and money grabbing/robbing religious nuts.

    It IS the Nuns who are out there in real life trying to make a difference.

  218. had enough says:

    oops..I misspoke….Stupak is a dem,but you can not tell and he will probably soon be pigscum.

  219. Pennsylvanianne says:

    Bart Stupak had better watch himself. Sister Mary Joseph is going to come by and rap his knuckles with her ruler for going against everything she taught him, including, “Thou shalt not bear false witness” and “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

  220. tom says:

    59,000 Catholic nuns are siding with Obama. Who could have known?

    If I were a resident troll, I might respond with something stupid like — “Well, of course. They’re half black and half white, too.”

    But I’m not a resident troll so I won’t say that.

    [snark off]

  221. DallasNE says:

    Stupak is stupifying. His primary challenger will be sure to throw these words back into his face.

    On another subject, the ACLU has released a series of documents showing the twisted “logic” Bush used to justify torture. One document shows how Bush refused to cooperate with the 9/11 Commission. Others stress how no country has ever faced a non-nationial threat before, nevermind that Warlords and Pirates on the sea have operated for centuries. Never do they demonstrate how their obsurd claims are supported.

  222. KayInMaine says:

    Stupak needs to switch to the republic party so his words and claims will make more sense! Gees.

  223. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

    Hmmm… How many Catholic bishops are in Stupak’s district? How many Catholic nuns?

    Go get him, Sisters!! (And well done, BTW!)

  224. zxbe says:

    When I’m drafting right to life language, I don’t call up the nuns.” He says he instead confers with other groups including “leading bishops, Focus on the Family, and The National Right to Life Committee.”

    I would actually expect him to find out what his constituents want; not what special interest groups want.

  225. KayInMaine says:

    *waving to ZXBE* Hope you’re doing great today!

    Okay, going to work. Have a great day everyone!

  226. jbrantow says:

    The only thing focus on the family can be counted on for is their lies, distortions and bigotry.

  227. jbrantow says:

    Good to see the usual wingnut zealots are still up to their expected projection, delusion and ignorant selves.

  228. fixbone says:

    alright stupak is just plain stupid – he listens to who agrees with him

    why not listen to himself – is he too stupid to read the bill and chart his own moral course

    Also all you who believe the bill is bad b/c doctors will stop taking medicare etc – no problem just pay us more and we will stay in (that is right, pay MORE taxes into medicare and pay us more and we will gladly stay in)

    the problem with medicare is you all want to save money – medicare is very efficient in using your money but you all are TOO CHEAP

  229. A Patriot Acting says:

    “Question: Who stars in more porno movies bishops or nuns?”

    Hmm, well considering that porno usually involves consentual sex I have nothing against that.

    Question: Who rapes more unwilling underage boys bishops or nuns?

  230. 4httr says:

    The Bishops are front men for the Republican party and have been cheerleaders for their talking points. They have torn down any pretense of political neutrality and urged their membership to obey them.
    The nuns work for the common good as the Bishops continue to amp up their single issue abortion,while misrepresenting the benefits of health care. Moderate Catholics should see the Bishops as one of the major problems in the church today and do what many have done already, ignore them and refuse to fund their pet projects.

  231. A Patriot Acting says:

    So Stupak freely admits that the Catholic Church, Bishops particularly, help him form legislation. Tell me again why the Catholic Church enjoys tax free status?

  232. drhunt1 says:

    Progressives focusing on Stupak now really cracks me up. Like the minions they are, every time TP runs an article on any Dem that doesn’t walk lock step with the liberal agenda, it’s a free-for-all attack on them here. There are 12 other Dems that are in agreement with Stupak…so where’s the hate there, huh libbies?

    The wording is NOT in the Bill assuring that public funding for abortion won’t occur. Obama tried to filibuster his way through the Fox interview, and was pretty miffed when Baier wasn’t going to let him do it. I was LMAO! Brett Baier…good for you.

  233. drhunt1 says:

    [March 17, 2010

    The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Office of the Speaker H-232, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. Dear Speaker Pelosi: I am writing to urge you not to proceed with the Senate Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act under a so-called "deem and pass" rule because such a course of action would raise grave constitutional questions. Based upon media interviews and statements which I have seen, you are considering this approach because it might somehow shield members of Congress from taking a recorded vote on an overwhelmingly unpopular Senate bill. This is an improper purpose under the bicameralism requirements of Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution, one of the purposes of which is to make our representatives fully accountable for their votes. Furthermore, to be validly enacted, the Senate bill would have to be accepted by the House in a form that is word-for-word identical (Clinton v. City of New York, 524 U.S. 417 (1998)). Should you employ the deem and pass tactic, you expose any act which may pass to yet another constitutional challenge. A bill of this magnitude should not be passed using this maneuver. As the President noted last week, the American people are entitled to an up or down vote. Sincerely, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II Attorney General of Virginia]

  234. zxbe says:

    KayInMaine says:
    *waving to ZXBE* Hope you’re doing great today!

    Thanks Kay! You too!

  235. Ms_Joanne says:

    Let’s not forget that Focus on the Family endorses women as chattel. Wives are to listen to their husbands and husbands have the duty to beat their wives and children should they not listen.

    No wonder Stuoopid Stupak listens to FOTF, Bishops and dismisses nuns. Bunch of freaking women. How dare they involve themselves in something which obviously is the sole purview of the male electorate. Women? Pashah!

  236. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

  237. wildwilly1111 (I - Bank of America Merrill Lynch) says:

    @235: “There are 12 other Dems that are in agreement with Stupak”

    If you provide the names, we promise to verbally fillet them also.

  238. Mark701 says:

    Bad move on Stupak’s part. He just pissed off 59,000 women.

  239. foolme1ns says:

    Stupak doesn’t listen to NUNS!!!! After all, they are just women. He listens to Bishops who are too busy scoping out choir boys to abuse to care about anything but breeding more for their pleasure.

  240. glamourdammerung says:

    I notice “dr” hunt is spamming something else because they can not refute that I debunked their earlier stupidity. However, anyone claiming “deem and pass opens the bill to constitutional challenges” is either being dishonest or has no idea what they are talking about.

  241. commentbug says:

    whos cares it doesnt matter what they think

  242. lm945 says:

    There was a time when Republicans argued that even being Catholic was reason enough to vote against someone. (”Don’t vote for Kennedy, he’ll take his orders from the Pope!”)

  243. SaraBeth says:

    Why listen to mere WOMEN about WOMEN’S issues? MEN know what is good for WOMEN…eh?

  244. Wesley got it Right says:

    It might not be a bad idea to put our subjectivity aside and to actually learn what Stupak is concerned about here. He simply does not want tax dollars to be used to fund abortions. He is completely for hcr, this is the only point that he is dissenting on. If they would simply apply the Hyde Amendment, hcr will pass with his vote and the other 12 congressmen’s that stand with him. Furthermore, that Democratic leadership is willing to let hcr fail because they won’t compromise on this one issue is ridiculous.

  245. glamourdammerung says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    It might not be a bad idea to put our subjectivity aside and to actually learn what Stupak is concerned about here.

    Which is either posturing or ignorance on Stupak’s part.

    He simply does not want tax dollars to be used to fund abortions.

    That is already the case. Hence the frustration with Stupak’s grandstanding.

  246. Wesley got it Right says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    It might not be a bad idea to put our subjectivity aside and to actually learn what Stupak is concerned about here.

    Which is either posturing or ignorance on Stupak’s part.

    He simply does not want tax dollars to be used to fund abortions.

    That is already the case. Hence the frustration with Stupak’s grandstanding.


    That’s not entirely the case, check this out.

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