Think Progress

VIDEO: Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush

Yesterday, Fox News anchor Bret Baier aired his 19-minute exclusive interview with President Obama, where he frequently interjected and interrupted the President. (Raw Story counted 16 such instances.) The right wing gave Baier kudos for the interview, saying he “showed us how a genuine professional TV journalist works.”

Baier’s tenacity, however, seems reserved only for Democratic presidents. His interviews with President Bush were far friendlier, with questions like, “What are you reading now?” and “Do you believe that there hasn’t been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in more than seven years because of the policies your administration has implemented?”

Today on Fox News, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace defended Baier’s technique, saying that he needed to get in more questions and prevent Obama from “giving talking points.” But Baier had no problem with allowing Bush to give talking points in interviews. ThinkProgress has compiled some moments of Baier’s final interview with Bush versus his recent interview with Obama. Watch it:

This compilation doesn’t even include Baier’s infamous January 2008 documentary “George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish,” on which he remarked:

We talked a lot about President Lincoln. And there’s going to be a lot of people out there who watch this hour and say, is he trying to equate himself with Lincoln?

I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.

And the President reflects on that. This is a President who is really reflecting on his place in history.

Note that despite Baier’s attempts to back up Bush’s delusional comparison, Lincoln wasn’t “hated” when he left office; he was assassinated just after being re-elected by an overwhelming margin.

326 Responses to “VIDEO: Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush”

  1. SoapBox says:

    That Bret guy is creepy…

  2. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    Bret Baier is just Brit Hume without the excessive scowl and complete lack of emotion.

    A complete hack, a journalistic fraud. And qualified only to host a show on Fox.

    I hear they’re going to give a news hour to Griff “Teabag The White House” Jenkins, too. ;-)

  3. AlabamaDem says:

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  4. barfly says:

    No big surprise. Murdock demands that conservatives be treated as fragile little flowers.

  5. zxbe says:

    The right wing gave Baier kudos for the interview, saying he “showed us how a genuine professional TV journalist works.”

    Baier seemed more like a second-rate hack than a “professional” journalist.

  6. barfly says:

    AlabamaDem says: Smear feces? Wingnut site.

  7. STORM says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  8. cd says:

    Bush likes soft balls.

  9. spearNmagicHelmet says:

    On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.

    Yeah, he’s awesome.

  10. jmadlc55 says:

    I am grateful for video tape and for sites like yours. Long live the truth!

  11. CZ-1 says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    See, in Baier’s right wing mind this is true because the South DID hate Lincoln, and that’s the part of the country that now makes up the base of the right wing. Their reality and understanding of history is confined to the inside of their own heads.

  12. zxbe says:

    BAIER: Monday in Ohio, you called for courage in the health care debate. At the same time, House Speaker Pelosi was saying this to reporters about the deem and pass rule: “I like it, this scenario, because people don’t have to vote on the Senate bill.” Is that the kind of courage that you’re talking about?


    Unprofessional. It’s a clear sign of someone who has an agenda, or an ax to grind. He’d flunk a Journalism 101 final with that sort of crap.

  13. spearNmagicHelmet says:

    What would Fox “News” do to a Democratic President if he behaved the exact same way as Bush on 9/11?

    I think we all know the answer.

  14. J. Fred Smug says:

    On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.

    Yeah, he’s awesome.

    Come on now. You have to give him SOME credit. He DID do something: he kept reading to the kiddies while his Depends(TM) backed up from over-filling . . .

  15. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Amanda, you forget to include the quote marks around news in Fox “News”.

  16. wwew says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    after lincoln left office he retired to his ranch in illinois and practiced law pro bono until he died of stoke at the age of 72. in later years he and jefferson davis became best friends after davis had a change of heart and helped usher in and enlightened era of civil rights for blacks in the former confederacy.

  17. Wesley got it Right says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  18. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  19. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    STORM says:
    Baier did a super job interviewing the president. he did his job as a journalist. Obama tried to dodge every question and Baier wasn’t letting him off that easy.

    STORM must have been positively livid with the job Baier did on the Bush interview, no? I mean, since “letting him off easy” was practically all that particular interview consisted of.

  20. majii says:

    This is not news to progressives because we already know that Fuchs Noose is a slime pit that employs every slimy far rw loon it can get its’ hands on. Fuchs Noose has never had any respect for President Obama, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. He’s a man of high intelligence and strong character.

    For the trolls–We African Americans especially have known all of our lives that many of you don’t have any respect for us. Hell, in some of your minds, we’re considered barely human. Believe me, just like myself, President Obama has known people like you all of his life, and he can deal with you very easily by doing exactly what he’s been doing so far: By ignoring the hell out of you.

    Although you think you matter, in reality, you don’t matter to the president, people of color, immigrants, and progressives. The best wasy to describe you is that you’re a bump in the road that we progressives will roll right over and continue on our journey toward making this country a true example of American Exceptionalism where no one is discriminated against and we stand not against each other but with each other.

  21. Lefty Liberal says:

    wwew says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    after lincoln left office he retired to his ranch in illinois and practiced law pro bono until he died of stoke at the age of 72. in later years he and jefferson davis became best friends after davis had a change of heart and helped usher in and enlightened era of civil rights for blacks in the former confederacy.

    This is true! I read it on Conservapedia just this morning!

  22. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Storm posts BS from Fox.


    SaudiFAUX news or tropical depression?

  23. Xisithrus says:

    Im not commenting on this particular post/subject but if your a journalist and ask a question you should allow the questionee to answer the question without interruption. The same goes for the questionee to not interrupt the questioner until they have finished speaking. This is not to favor the interviewer or the intereviewee but to allow the audience to decide, without bias, what they will decide.

  24. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    wwew says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    after lincoln left office he retired to his ranch in illinois and practiced law pro bono until he died of stoke at the age of 72. in later years he and jefferson davis became best friends after davis had a change of heart and helped usher in and enlightened era of civil rights for blacks in the former confederacy.

    This is true! I read it on Conservapedia just this morning!

    I’m amazed you didn’t hurt yourself face palming. :D

  25. Rab says:

    Storm, go back to StormFront like a good little Storm trooper

  26. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    and the reason brett baier is sitting down is you know he’s a midget troll like hannity. if he were photographed standing side by side with obama, i’d look like he was giving the president a blowjob

  27. texasrick says:

    Damn..this SOB is almost as bad as Chris Mathews

  28. Badmoodman says:

    ThinkProgress has compiled some moments of Baier’s final interview with Bush… Watch it:

    – – Thanks, but I’d rather stick red hot pokers into my eyeballs.

  29. Marie says:

    …hated when he [Lincoln] was leaving office…??
    Where did Baier go to school? Texas?
    What a dummy!

  30. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    hey stormfront,
    i heard you’ve finally admitted you’re homosexual.
    what does one buy someone for thei coming out party?

  31. tarazan says:

    I just read on Huffington Post that this reporter,in an unsual manner, kept inetrrupting the President, and he did it an obvious way.
    I wasn’t surprised at Fox reporter’s behavior when I read it.
    Obama should not have waisted his time with this young reporter who has another agenda,with ill intentions beyond just simply reporting.

  32. CZ-1 says:

    @19 Wesley got it Right says:

    When was Bush EVER challenged like that in a interview? Not that I saw.

  33. pags2 says:

    Baier tried to use the interview to walk all over Obama by interrupting and cutting the president off. That is typical for Fox News people. That tactic did not work because Obama did not back down. Baier should have known better than to take on someone who has double his IQ. Despite the tactics Obama got to state his positions on Fox so the viewers could hear him uncensored. In addition, Fox viewers got to hear and see the president first hand without the usual Fox spin. I think that makes it a win even if Fox viewers still disagree with Obama.

  34. Xisithrus says:

    You mean like the woman that claimed she was going to lose her house over her medical bills when it turned out she didn’t even have a mortgage =AD=

    I fail to see your point. What is the difference between rent and a mortgage until you have the title?

  35. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Storm posts BS from Fox.


    SaudiFAUX news or tropical depression?

    Maybe it’s both = clinical insanity.

  36. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    and themn the shitheads at pox wonder why the current administration snubs them

  37. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:
    Simply put, the two interviews aren’t comparable.

    On that, we agree.

    The rest of your argument strikes me as energetic rationalization. Especially in light of the fact that Faux News has openly declared itself “the voice of opposition” to Obama.

    The point, Wesley, is that Faux News is the media arm of the Republican Party, and not a legitimate news outlet.

  38. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    wwew says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    after lincoln left office he retired to his ranch in illinois and practiced law pro bono until he died of stoke at the age of 72. in later years he and jefferson davis became best friends after davis had a change of heart and helped usher in and enlightened era of civil rights for blacks in the former confederacy.

    This is true! I read it on Conservapedia just this morning!

    I’m amazed you didn’t hurt yourself face palming. :D

    Actually I have been reading conservapedia a lot lately. I am getting a lot of inspiration for my bible translation project. I have already retranslated Exodus 3, and I’m getting closer to finishing Genesis (I have made a startling discovery of what the “serpent” really was that Eve was talking to. Let’s just say it was attached to Adam at the time…)

  39. fixbone says:

    surprise… fake news rides again

    fair and balanced – barf

  40. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    We talked a lot about President Lincoln. And there’s going to be a lot of people out there who watch this hour and say, is he trying to equate himself with Lincoln?

    I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.

    And the President reflects on that. This is a President who is really reflecting on his place in history.

    Lincoln was at least looking for a way to end the war. Bush didn’t give a f**k as long as the cash kept flowing into his and his buddies bank accounts.

  41. texasrick says:

    You know the Faux team gave the jerk a big pep talk on how to try and get under Obama’s skin…

    Didn’t work, the Prez haz more smarts under his fingernails the Bret has in his punk body.

  42. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Storm posts BS from Fox.


    SaudiFAUX news or tropical depression?

    Maybe it’s both = clinical insanity.

    that’s my vote too.

  43. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  44. Invictus Corruptus says:

    Off Topic: A 6 minute video from the Colbert Report where Stephen Colbert takes a hilarious look at the evil US Census form and makes Michele Bachmann and Alex Jones of Infowars look like fools.

    This is the link of the episode from Infowars due to the one at The Colbert Nation freezing up. This is comedic gold!!!!!

  45. Marie says:

    VD troll is lurking.

  46. snoopy says:

    Bozo @33, buy stormie tea bags for his tea bagging party. What a better way to come out than a party!

  47. Pennsylvanianne says:

    Look. Fox News is not a news station. It is not televised journalism. Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party, sort of a televised Pravda or Isvestia of the GOP. The footage from Baier’s interview with Bush proves that it is NOT NEUTRAL and does NOT treat all politicians the same.

  48. Wesley got it Right says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  49. tarazan says:

    In reference to #34
    I meant Obama should not have wasted his time instead of typing mistakenly ‘waisted’.
    Sorry for the ‘typo’ error.

  50. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “Bozo @33, buy stormie tea bags for his tea bagging party. What a better way to come out than a party!”

    i was thinking about giving him a “dirty sanchez” instead

  51. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    wwew says:

    “I tell you what — he thinks about Lincoln and the tough times that he had during the Civil War. 600,000 dead. The country essentially hated him when he was leaving office.”

    after lincoln left office he retired to his ranch in illinois and practiced law pro bono until he died of stoke at the age of 72. in later years he and jefferson davis became best friends after davis had a change of heart and helped usher in and enlightened era of civil rights for blacks in the former confederacy.

    This is true! I read it on Conservapedia just this morning!

    I’m amazed you didn’t hurt yourself face palming. :D

    Actually I have been reading conservapedia a lot lately. I am getting a lot of inspiration for my bible translation project. I have already retranslated Exodus 3, and I’m getting closer to finishing Genesis (I have made a startling discovery of what the “serpent” really was that Eve was talking to. Let’s just say it was attached to Adam at the time…)

    Heh…did Conservapedia actually claim that Adam’s wang was possessed by Satan and told Eve to eat the apple? Hahaha.

  52. STORM says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  53. Xisithrus says:

    Want to know the difference between a renter and a mortagee?

    The mortagee, without title, pays the property tax for the mortgage holder although they dont own the property!!

  54. pags2 says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I’m getting closer to finishing Genesis (I have made a startling discovery of what the “serpent” really was that Eve was talking to. Let’s just say it was attached to Adam at the time…)

    That is so wicked but funny.

  55. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Storm posts BS from Fox.


    SaudiFAUX news or tropical depression?

    Maybe it’s both = clinical insanity.

    that’s my vote too.

    Maybe we are being trolled by the tea-bagger equivalent of Hannibal Lecter (except this ones all brutality and no brains).

  56. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem says:
    Fox News has openly declared itself “the voice of opposition” to Obama

    They did? When?

    You might not have noticed it, AlabamaDum, but when text is underlined, it contains a link. Often the link contains information supporting the argument made.

    Here, try it: click on the link.

  57. Xisithrus says:

    Okay STORM Larose, what is the CT, or FL, deal?

  58. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Heh…did Conservapedia actually claim that Adam’s wang was possessed by Satan and told Eve to eat the apple? Hahaha.

    No, you misunderstand. I read conservapedia to understand the correct way of doing biblical translations, then I do my own translation. It is my translation about what the serpent really was. I also have just discovered the meaning of the wrongly translated “fruit” from the bible that Eve supposedly ate.

    I’ll post it in a few days, once I am confident of my translation. :D

  59. Shayne says:

    This is worth repeating:

    majii says:

    This is not news to progressives because we already know that Fuchs Noose is a slime pit that employs every slimy far rw loon it can get its’ hands on. Fuchs Noose has never had any respect for President Obama, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. He’s a man of high intelligence and strong character.

    For the trolls–We African Americans especially have known all of our lives that many of you don’t have any respect for us. Hell, in some of your minds, we’re considered barely human. Believe me, just like myself, President Obama has known people like you all of his life, and he can deal with you very easily by doing exactly what he’s been doing so far: By ignoring the hell out of you.

    Although you think you matter, in reality, you don’t matter to the president, people of color, immigrants, and progressives. The best wasy to describe you is that you’re a bump in the road that we progressives will roll right over and continue on our journey toward making this country a true example of American Exceptionalism where no one is discriminated against and we stand not against each other but with each other.


  60. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  61. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    STORM says:

    You can’t make this stuff up!

    “Rush gets mad when we try! We hafta repeat what he tells us to or we get in trouble!”

  62. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    so lemmie get this straight,
    STORMfront think it’s perfectly alright to be rude to the president of the united states during an interview?

  63. Lefty Liberal says:

    pags2 says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    I’m getting closer to finishing Genesis (I have made a startling discovery of what the “serpent” really was that Eve was talking to. Let’s just say it was attached to Adam at the time…)

    That is so wicked but funny.

    According to the Reich-wingers, I’m bound for hell anyway, so I might as well have fun along the way :D

  64. Shayne says:

    What the President was saying although he barely could be heard with that moron interrupting him is that all the special deals will be gotten rid of (if the Republicans don’t block that) and all terms will be across the board. Why is that confusing for idiots like DRIP.

  65. had enough says:

    Bater’s interview with Obama was done to give fuel to hate America radio and possibly future campaign ads.

    B!tch Laura Ingram took one phrase of what Obama had to say and played it over and over giving her prejudiced freak audience the impression Obama was being uppity again.

    Also, because Bater so continuously rudely interrupted the president, to the hate America freaks, Obama lost in the conversation.

  66. Whenwillthisnightmareend says:

    Bush/Cheney/Rove, They pay “journalists” for good press, propaganda is another name,. Of course, it’s just a measure of the respect they give to the citizens of this country. Pure cynicism, warranted when you see the large viewership Fox news holds. Just shows there’s something wrong with this country.

  67. snoopy says:

    Did you really have to ask when fox said it was the voice of opposition, peanut state brain?

    Published By On Monday, March 23rd 2009

    Fox News Declares itself the Voice of Opposition to Obama

  68. tombaker says:

    foxsuckers get only as much as their meager minds can comprehend.

    and that ain’t much.

  69. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    so Storm, I’m surprised you didn’t call Obama an uppity you know what considering he tried to stop Baier from interrupting…Baier’s an uppity journalist trying to put Obama in his place…

  70. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  71. Shayne says:

    Bozo The Neoclown says:

    so lemmie get this straight,
    STORMfront think it’s perfectly alright to be rude to the president of the united states during an interview?

    YES. As long as the President is either a Democrat or black but if he’s both you’re allowed to treat him like he’s your servant.

  72. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    why the president lent legitimacy to that cancervatard propoganda machine is beyond me….

  73. tarazan says:

    Fox and this reporter saw an opporunity to take advantage of the President’s interview on the air.
    They thought of it as a golden opportunity to belittle the President in front of their Fox viewers, even if it was done in a cheap and ill mannered way.

  74. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Heh…did Conservapedia actually claim that Adam’s wang was possessed by Satan and told Eve to eat the apple? Hahaha.

    No, you misunderstand. I read conservapedia to understand the correct way of doing biblical translations, then I do my own translation. It is my translation about what the serpent really was. I also have just discovered the meaning of the wrongly translated “fruit” from the bible that Eve supposedly ate.

    I’ll post it in a few days, once I am confident of my translation. :D

    Oh okay. Good to see that someones found a use for Conservapedia (even if it is only for satirical purposes).

    I look forward to your translation…the stoner Moses+burning bush one made me laugh. You still owe me a new keyboard for that one. :D

  75. tombaker says:

    brett baier knows exactly what bile and the former president’s ballsack taste like.

    that’s why rupe and prince alwaleed pay him the big bucks.

  76. Shayne says:

    pebrady says:

    finally ,someone in the press asks and expects an answer

    What a moron, this idiot believes Fox/Pravda is the “press”.

  77. CZ-1 says:


    It happened March 23, 2009:

    “There were a couple of people who basically wrote about our demise come last November [and] December and were, I guess, rooting for us to go away,” said Bill Shine, senior vice president for programming at the Fox News Channel. “With this particular group of people in power right now, and the honeymoon they’ve had from other members of the media, does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?”

  78. Xisithrus says:

    inally ,someone in the press asks and expects an answer from this fraud of a president,

    Ill ask again what is the FL plan?

  79. tombaker says:

    “pebrady” – is that Celtic for crybaby?

  80. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    finally ,someone in the press asks and expects an answer from this fraud of a president, if they did this before the election maybe this country would have been spared the attempted socialist takeover of our government !

    The only fraud of a president is your god, Bush who was never elected and had to steal both elections…

  81. Mr Blifil says:

    Obama kept his cool, while the plan was surely to rattle him with interruptions. The interview was a big net win for Obama, and the reporter was shown to be a petulant tool. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ailes himself was being fed wirelessly into Bret’s earpiece every time Obama began to advance an argument convincingly.

    I certainly hope that will be the last time Obama is on Fox for a while, even though he wins each time he demonstrates he is not the villain he’s relentlessly painted to be throughout each day on that channel.

  82. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Fox “News”: We Report, You Decide.

    Fox “News”: We Distort, You Believe

    Fixed it!

  83. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    Bizarrobrain, did you take into account TEH ZITARIAN BIAS found in the Bible? You MUST remove TEH RAINBOW from your translation, sir!

  84. Xisithrus says:

    Seems that many dont know what the FL plan is….

  85. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    Fox “News”: We Report, You Decide.

    Fox “News”: We Distort, You Believe.

    Fixed it!

  86. tombaker says:


  87. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    notice hoe “peabrainy” @ 73 didn’t hang around for too long?

  88. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I look forward to your translation…the stoner Moses+burning bush one made me laugh. You still owe me a new keyboard for that one. :D

    The Book of Revelation is going to be an absolute gold mine when I get to it! I also can’t wait to work on “The Song of Solomon”!

  89. Xisithrus says:

    whats the TX plan or the OK plan STORM?

  90. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem says:
    Posting a link to an opinion piece doesn’t prove anything, puke.

    You’re right. Unless, of course, I am leaning not on the opinion exprerssed but the facts reported to support my argument.

    Are you claiming that the senior vice president for programming at Fox News, Bill Shine did NOT say on NPR“With this particular group of people in power right now, and the honeymoon they’ve had from other members of the media, does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?”

    If you dispute this quote, please by all means let’s see your evidence that the transcript and recording were faked.

    I look forward to your findings.

    By the way, are you still claiming to be an “AlabamaDem”?

  91. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  92. had enough says:

    Has there ever been such public rudeness towards a president?

    This is an example why all need to stay away from F news.

  93. Xisithrus says:

    I got voted down. They dont know what the MA or FL or TX plan is. Its BS

  94. STORM says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  95. chord says:

    STORM says:

    “Baier did a super job interviewing the president. he did his job as a journalist. Obama tried to dodge every question and Baier wasn’t letting him off that easy.”

    You don’t realize how dumbfoundingly stupid this is, do you? If journalists actually did their jobs in 2002-2003 we wouldn’t have gone to war unnecessarily. But you give kudos to a guy berating the president of the united states over reform for Americans. DO YOU NOT SEE THE DISCONNECT?!!!

  96. Xisithrus says:

    whats the IAAFI plan STORM?

  97. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    CZ-1 says:

    When was Bush EVER challenged like that in a interview? Not that I saw.


    The difference is simply in the two interviews that are here compared. If you found Bush getting off the hook regarding controversial topics (the war, Patriot Act, etc.) by Baier, then it would be a comparison. But this interview with Bush is simply a good-bye interview, nothing more. The interview with Obama is regarding an issue that has not yet been decided. The two just aren’t comparable in this context.

    I haven’t been following this closely, but it seems as if you have avoided answering the question above. Do you have any record of Bush being challenged at any time, anything like this, in an interview?

  98. Xisithrus says:

    exempts 800,000 Floridians from Medicare Advantage

    And you think they want that?

    Kepp you hands off my health care!

  99. CZ-1 says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    CZ-1 says:

    When was Bush EVER challenged like that in a interview? Not that I saw.


    The difference is simply in the two interviews that are here compared. If you found Bush getting off the hook regarding controversial topics (the war, Patriot Act, etc.) by Baier, then it would be a comparison. But this interview with Bush is simply a good-bye interview, nothing more. The interview with Obama is regarding an issue that has not yet been decided. The two just aren’t comparable in this context.

    See, you totally avoided the question, AND your point is thus moot. If the interview of Bush shown is TYPICAL of Bush interviews, then it IS a legitimate comparison. Answer the question. Show me the interview.

  100. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  101. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    tombaker says:

    TORM would be twice as annoying with his cut-and-pastes if he didn’t eat so much of the paste in the meantime.

  102. Mathazar says:

    I’d like to see Baier try that “technique” with Alan Grayson.

  103. STORM says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  104. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem says:
    does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?”

    Fox News Declares itself the Voice of Opposition to Obama

    See the diff, puke?

    Who are they opposing on those issues?

  105. chord says:

    STORM says:

    “BAIER: I understand what you’re — I know you don’t like to talk about process, but there are a lot of questions in these 18,000 that talk about process.

    OBAMA: I understand being —


    BAIER: And there are a lot of people around America that have a problem with this process.

    OBAMA: Bret, I —

    BAIER: You called it an ugly process just last month.

    OBAMA: I’ve got to tell — I’ve got to say to you, there are a lot more people who are concerned about the fact that they may be losing their house or going bankrupt because of health care.”

    Hey Stormfront, you forgot to post the part where Obama says he gets over twice that amount of letters and email in support of reform. I think it was in the “crosstalk” you mention.


  106. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “exempts 800,000 Floridians from Medicare Advantage”

    let’s call it what it is: medicare “advantage” was the repukeliscum giveaway to private insurance which they cleaverly named “medicare” and which costs the taxpayers 12% over what it would cost us for straight medicare

    god storm, you are fcuking stupid

  107. CZ-1 says:

    gummitch: JINX!

  108. Xisithrus says:

    The measure to give Medicare coverage to asbestos-sickened residents of Libby, Mont.

    Montana? =}

  109. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    Bizarrobrain, did you take into account TEH ZITARIAN BIAS found in the Bible? You MUST remove TEH RAINBOW from your translation, sir!

    I kinda figured that was teh Zitarian God’s way of promising that he would never flood the earth with teh gay again.

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I look forward to your translation…the stoner Moses+burning bush one made me laugh. You still owe me a new keyboard for that one. :D

    The Book of Revelation is going to be an absolute gold mine when I get to it! I also can’t wait to work on “The Song of Solomon”!

    Haha. Are you going to re-write the plagues of Egypt as well? That would be epic.

  110. zxbe says:

    spearNmagicHelmet says:
    What would Fox “News” do to a Democratic President if he behaved the exact same way as Bush on 9/11?

    I think we all know the answer.


    Or what what Fox do to a Dem president that had invaded a country that nothing to do with 9/11; didn’t end up having WMD’s; cost nearly a $1-trillion; after memos were leaked that we were lied to by said president during the run-up during the war; presided over the biggest lost of jobs since president Hoover; destroyed our reputation to the point that he had a shoe thrown at him by during a foreign interview; who’s own staff had outed a CIA agent; whose VP actually shot another person in the face (and with the suspicion of alcohol involved); and who played air guitar while a major US city was flooded and without power while people were trapped there.

  111. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    At least Obama had the guts to stay and take the crap from Baier, which would have been alright if he were sticking to principle, instead of pushing Fox’s agenda…

    Remember, Storm’s god stormed off when the media asked him uncomfortable questions about Kenny Boy Lay…

  112. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “He wasn’t being rude he was doing his job”

    really, shithead? my mother taught me it is rude to interrupt others while speaking. and i am sure your crackwhore mom would have taught you the same if her mouth wasn’t full of dick all the time.

  113. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem says:
    bozo, here’s a tissue…

    Don’t you need that as part of your pimp costume?

    Very convincing, by the way.

  114. Xisithrus says:

    Being rude is just blatantly ignoring someone or 144 million American citizens. -STORM

    As in neglecting Americans health?

  115. tombaker says:

    the President has more class in his pocket lint than fox’s entire viewership combined.

    after he signs the HCR bill, he should send the pen to Rupe&Roger as a gift.

  116. AlabamaDem says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  117. snoopy says:

    pebrady says:

    blah, blah, blah, blah, fascist! blah, blah, blah, blah, socialist! blah, blah, blah, blah, n-word! blah, blah, blah, blah, freedumb!…

  118. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem has no idea what “move the goal posts” means.

  119. Xisithrus says:

    Being rude is just blatantly ignoring someone or 144 million American citizens. -STORM

    we went to war for 3000 American lives lost the least you could do is care about those that live.

  120. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    snoopy says:

    pebrady says:

    blah, blah, blah, blah, fascist! blah, blah, blah, blah, socialist! blah, blah, blah, blah, n-word! blah, blah, blah, blah, freedumb!…

    *sips free-dumb coffee and laughs*

  121. Bozo The Neoclown says:

    “AlabamaDem has no idea what “move the goal posts” means.”

    it’s what his methwhore mother calls spreading her legs after her john pays her

  122. tombaker says:

    chord, if it wasn’t a FAIL, it wouldn’t be a very good TORMpost, now would it?

    he’s got a reputation to uphold, after all, and about a pint of paste to eat.

  123. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem, can you answer the question?

    When Bill Shine, the senior vice president for programming at Fox News, says,

    does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?

    Whom are they opposing on those issues?


  124. Xisithrus says:


    Thats the definition of a patriot. A man, or woman, that puts life above their own.

    Can you do that STORM?

  125. snoopy says:

    Gee, there’s that 144 million americans number. Since when did kids voice their opposition to health care reform, dummy?

  126. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    119, Puke is a term reserved for people like you, you know Republicans…Nice try co-opting our terms to try to fool us…We’re not dumb…

  127. Wesley got it Right says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  128. Game of Life says:

    If I were a teabagger I would be proud too. The “interviewer” was rude, silly, a teabagger, unprofessional, nasty, bias, a jerk and didn’t want to hear the truth.

    President Obama is a hell of a lot patience than I. And 99% more intelligent than any teabagger; when will the idiots give up?

    repugs don’t want to listen to the damn truth. They’re idiots. The writing is on the wall and on their silly signs.

    It’s high time the dems move on with OUR agenda.
    I’m tired of appeasing stupid.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~President Obama was great as usual!

    If it were chimpy, he would had written a note to his second wife (condi) asking if he could cry. The teabaggers know they got handed their asses once again.

    I LOVE IT!!


    Thank you President Obama for showing the jerks up once again. :)

  129. Shayne says:

    OK Wesley, then find us one interview by anybody when Bush was treated like this. We’ll wait.

  130. CZ-1 says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem, can you answer the question?

    When Bill Shine, the senior vice president for programming at Fox News, says,

    does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?

    Whom are they opposing on those issues?

    And WHY is FOX opposing on ANY issues?

    That’s not the job of a legitimate, unbiased news organization. But their senior management openly admits that they are biased. Now do you see why the White House says that FOX News is the media arm of the Republican Party?

  131. Shayne says:

    Chris Matthews earned his pay today by giving the “Americans for Prosperity” spokesman whose member threw money at the MS guy this week some grief.

    It’s worth it to watch “Hardball” later when it airs again.

  132. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Haha. Are you going to re-write the plagues of Egypt as well? That would be epic.

    My goal is to eventually re-translate the entire buybull. I haven’t decided if I’m going to put it in book form, or on a website selling advertising.

  133. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    It’s nice “STORM” is feeling more comfortable being on TP since he came out as a Gay American.

    I don’t know about any of you, but I’m SO VERY PROUD OF HIM!

  134. 1984 says:

    Lousy journalism

  135. Shayne says:

    You’d think even the heinous whitewingers would wait until we had a second black president before they started treating him with total disrespect. At least then they’d be able to say how well they treated the last black president so it isn’t racism.

    I guess they feel they have Michael Steele on their team so they can treat every other black man no matter what his position like dirt.

  136. Lefty Liberal says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:

    Bizarrobrain, did you take into account TEH ZITARIAN BIAS found in the Bible? You MUST remove TEH RAINBOW from your translation, sir!

    How can I take the rainbow out of my translation? After all Heyzeus wasn’t married by the time he was 33, and ran around with 12 other guys all dressed in dresses.

  137. Wesley got it Right says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  138. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Haha. Are you going to re-write the plagues of Egypt as well? That would be epic.

    My goal is to eventually re-translate the entire buybull. I haven’t decided if I’m going to put it in book form, or on a website selling advertising.

    Book form would be a good idea in my opinion…you could start up an atheist version of Gideons International. In every hotel room next to the holy book would be the bastardized version. :D

  139. Bob says:

    That network was created to demonize, demoralize, and discredit the (D) presidency. They are simply continuing their original mission. Although, I believe, the magnitude of disrespect is skin deep.

  140. zxbe says:

    All that said, again because of the nature of Baier’s two interviews, they are not really comparable.

    But where were any of this type of hard-hitting interviews with Bush?

    And was it appropriate for Baier to give Bush such an easy “exit” interview given the very controversial track-record of the entire Bush presidency? (Needless war in Iraq; Bin Laden still not caught; huge job loss; bad recession; Katrina; deficits, etc.)

  141. CZ-1 says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    CZ-1 says:

    When was Bush EVER challenged like that in a interview? Not that I saw.



    All that said, again because of the nature of Baier’s two interviews, they are not really comparable.

    That’s your opinion, and I don’t think you’ve supported it enough for me to agree. Show us any Baier interview of Bush where he challenged Bush in the same way he challenged Obama. Show us an interview by anyone on FOX at any time where they challenged Bush that way. …We’re waiting…

  142. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  143. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley, I see your point, but it’s an extremely weak one.

    We have two interviews, two presidents, a single interviewer on a network known and acknowledged to favor one political viewpoint over the other.

    Given all of these circumstances, you’re asking us to attribute the difference in tone between the two interviews of sitting presidents, not to the inherent and well-known political bias of the interviewer and his network, but rather to the relative point in the president’s term.

    Keep in mind that the Baier interview with Bush took place in January of 2008, with a full year left in his presidency. It should hardly have been looked at as the sort of “last weeks of senior year” atmosphere that you suggest. For instance, Bush made a priority of making permanent the expansion of powers in the FISA law. Surely a responsible journalist could have pressed him on that issue — so controversial, so pregnant with implications of government power vs. individual rights — with every bit of the doggedness, even rudeness with which Baier pressed Obama on health care. Yet we saw none of that.

  144. STORM says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  145. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ekidon says:

    Mathazar says:


    I’d like to see Baier try that “technique” with Alan Grayson.

    Grayson’s a moron and my sources in Florida tell me he’ll be history in November…..buh-bye

    What are your sources? Are they credible?

  146. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    CZ-1 says:
    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    AlabamaDem, can you answer the question?

    When Bill Shine, the senior vice president for programming at Fox News, says,

    does it make it a little bit easier for us to be the voice of opposition on some issues?

    Whom are they opposing on those issues?

    And WHY is FOX opposing on ANY issues?

    That’s not the job of a legitimate, unbiased news organization. But their senior management openly admits that they are biased. Now do you see why the White House says that FOX News is the media arm of the Republican Party?

    Excellent point, CZ-1, but one step at a time with a fellow like AlabamaDem. I have a feeling this one has trouble keeping a single thought in its head at any one time, let alone synthesizing two or more.

    Let’s just first find out whom he thinks Bill Shine sees Faux News as opposing on those issues.

  147. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  148. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    Wesley got it Right says:
    Shayne says:

    OK Wesley, then find us one interview by anybody when Bush was treated like this. We’ll wait.


    Why? That was never the basis of my argument. Perhaps you might go to my initial post, read it objectively, and you will realize just that. Of course it may be difficult to find as there are unfortunately some who find objectivity to be abhorrent, and so thus it was voted down.

    Wesley, Baier represented Fox News when he did the interview, and since you want to look for a comparable interview, there are countless softball interviews that Fox did with Bush with nary a challenge…As for decorum, yes, that is how cable news is run, but I somehow find it unbelievable that Fox would interrupt a Republican constantly like Baier did with Obama…

  149. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ekidon says:

    Mathazar says:


    I’d like to see Baier try that “technique” with Alan Grayson.

    Grayson’s a moron and my sources in Florida tell me he’ll be history in November…..buh-bye

    What are your sources? Are they credible?

    I can answer the last question with one word. NO.

  150. barfly says:

    Grayson’s a moron and my sources in Florida tell me he’ll be history in November…..buh-bye

    Your meth dealer probably isn’t the best source for political prognostications – just a suggestion…

  151. Wesley got it Right says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  152. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    This video “comparison” shows me that the difference between obama and President Bush is that President Bush led this country with love in his heart. All of America misses his wisdom and his wise counsel. Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    And obama? A indelible black stain upon our country’s honor that will fade with time.

    Wisdom + love + America misses Bush + = you’re so full of shit.

    We really need to get better trolls.

  153. barfly says:

    All of America misses his wisdom and his wise counsel. Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    Where’s Osama?

    That’s what will be engraved on his tombstone.

  154. Shayne says:

    That’s nice Wesley the way you narrow the parameters to fit your agenda.

    But MY point was find one interview by anybody where W was treated so disrespectfully. If not then STFU.

  155. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ekidon says:

    Mathazar says:


    I’d like to see Baier try that “technique” with Alan Grayson.

    Grayson’s a moron and my sources in Florida tell me he’ll be history in November…..buh-bye

    What are your sources? Are they credible?

    I can answer the last question with one word. NO.

    It was more polite than just asking him if the source of his “facts” was his a**hole. :D

  156. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    This video “comparison” shows me that the difference between obama and President Bush is that President Bush led this country with love in his heart. All of America misses his wisdom and his wise counsel. Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    And obama? A indelible black stain upon our country’s honor that will fade with time.

    oh yeah, because masturbating to torture is such an honorable thing to do…such wisdom and wise counsel, never mind the rallying cry torture made for our enemies…Good work wingnuts! You did more for Osama Bin Laden than he could have ever dreamed…

  157. livelongandprosper says:

    Quite simply, these two interviews, the ones specifically chosen by Think Progress for this article really aren’t comparable, considering the purpose of the interview.

    Your quite right Wesley. The purpose of the Bush interview was to kiss his ass. The purpose of the Obama interview was an attempt to kick his ass. Completely different. Now, an ass kissing interview is f(cking easy, as we have been witnessing from Fox for years. An ass kicking interview is much more difficult and showing complete disrespect for Obama by interrupting and not listening shows just how unprepared Bret was.

  158. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:
    CZ-1 says:
    Show us any Baier interview of Bush where he challenged Bush in the same way he challenged Obama. Show us an interview by anyone on FOX at any time where they challenged Bush that way. …We’re waiting…

    There is simply no comparison, Baier wasn’t that far along in his career in 2003 to have an interview with the president of the United Sates. Thus he couldn’t have asked questions related to such controversial topics as the war or Patriot Act (which was of course passed before 2003).

    Wesley, I believe you addressed CZ’s first question adequately, but you completely bypassed his second.

    (emphasis mine)

  159. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Book form would be a good idea in my opinion…you could start up an atheist version of Gideons International. In every hotel room next to the holy book would be the bastardized version. :D

    *cough cough*, My translation of events is just a valid as the traditional version. (a supernatural deity speaking through a burning bush? Excuse me?)

  160. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  161. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  162. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    livelongandprosper says:
    Quite simply, these two interviews, the ones specifically chosen by Think Progress for this article really aren’t comparable, considering the purpose of the interview.

    Your quite right Wesley. The purpose of the Bush interview was to kiss his ass. The purpose of the Obama interview was an attempt to kick his ass.

    That about covers it.

  163. Invictus Corruptus says:

    Food for thought: If anyone ever watched Oliver Stones “JFK” than you’ve heard about the story being reported in a New Zealand newspaper called ‘ChristChurch Star’ which reportedly published the JFK assassination story and information on Lee Harvey Oswald before the actual assassination happened in Dallas. Guess who was the owner of the ChristChurch Star?

    Rupert Murdoch and his than news company ‘News LTD.’

  164. barfly says:

    Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    Right next to the 9/11 memorial. It would only be fair, to put his greatest failure (and the worst attack on American soil in US history) right there, for all to judge.

  165. Wesley got it Right says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    For instance, Bush made a priority of making permanent the expansion of powers in the FISA law. Surely a responsible journalist could have pressed him on that issue — so controversial, so pregnant with implications of government power vs. individual rights — with every bit of the doggedness, even rudeness with which Baier pressed Obama on health care. Yet we saw none of that.


    I’m not sure the two can be compared. HCR is wider known and more polarizing than the FISA law was in 2008. Again, I don;t disagree that Baier ran a poor interview, but as you admit, that’s the current stream of journalism whether it be Fox or MSNBC. They both show their immense biases inevery interview they conduct.

  166. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…everyone let’s say AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW for the perpetual victim, pebrady…

    What’s the matter? Can dish it, but can’t take it?

    The only one pathetic is you…and your whining.

  167. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Hey, where’d AlabamaDem go?

    Did he change out of his fly pimp outfit and into his Sgt. Rock costume?

  168. barfly says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th chairborne says:

    Another fake.

    Threads like this are like honey to them.

  169. Invictus Corruptus says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    bizarrobrain and ralph, there’s a flag out there. And it has stars. And it has stripes. And it stands for something.


    And what would that be? The United Corporations of America?

  170. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

  171. barfly says:

    They both show their immense biases inevery interview they conduct.

    Ok, name one interview that you think proves this point. Just one will do.

  172. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    bizarrobrain and ralph, there’s a flag out there. And it has stars. And it has stripes. And it stands for something.

    I know.

  173. Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    What will the memorial be? A book with the title “My Pet Goat”? That would be fitting…

  174. okie dokie says:

    Will the Bush memorial have a Scull and Bones flag flying over it?

  175. barfly says:

    The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree;

    Translation: if you don’t agree, you must not be a real American.

    Is that about right?

  176. Wesley got it Right says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:
    CZ-1 says:
    Show us any Baier interview of Bush where he challenged Bush in the same way he challenged Obama. Show us an interview by anyone on FOX at any time where they challenged Bush that way. …We’re waiting…

    There is simply no comparison, Baier wasn’t that far along in his career in 2003 to have an interview with the president of the United Sates. Thus he couldn’t have asked questions related to such controversial topics as the war or Patriot Act (which was of course passed before 2003).

    Wesley, I believe you addressed CZ’s first question adequately, but you completely bypassed his second.

    (emphasis mine)


    I agree that Fox News shows a significant bias in their reporting, what network doesn’t? If we were to scrutinize all Fox News interviews we should do the same with a network such as MSNBC.

  177. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    177, “A Promise to Keep”

  178. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

  179. Shayne says:

    Well pebrady, perhaps if you hadn’t been home schooled by a retard you’d know how to capitalize names and the first word in a sentence.

  180. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    bizarrobrain and ralph, there’s a flag out there. And it has stars. And it has stripes. And it stands for something.

    I know.

    Now THAT just became my favorite version! :D

  181. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Book form would be a good idea in my opinion…you could start up an atheist version of Gideons International. In every hotel room next to the holy book would be the bastardized version. :D

    *cough cough*, My translation of events is just a valid as the traditional version. (a supernatural deity speaking through a burning bush? Excuse me?)

    Sorry I didn’t mean to disrespect your religion…forgive me for I have sinned. Maybe I need some of that burning bush to open my eyes.

  182. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    bizarrobrain and ralph, there’s a flag out there. And it has stars. And it has stripes. And it stands for something.

    I know.

    Now THAT just became my favorite version! :D

    Haha. Gotta love the Muppets. :D

  183. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    poor pebrady…I weep for his suffering and tribulation…Apparently, he has demonstrated a common trait on this thread for a run-of-the-mill troll. He comes and shits on the thread, and then when we attack him for it, cries about how we’re big mean poopyheads…LOL…Republicanish behavior (I can’t say childish, it’s an insult to children)

  184. barfly says:

    If we were to scrutinize all Fox News interviews we should do the same with a network such as MSNBC.

    Just one, to prove your point – and if it’s too difficult, we’ll understand – that you’re lying.

  185. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  186. snoopy says:

    Yes drip, Obama is our guy, and he’s kicking reichswine @ss all the way to Sunday and back!

  187. Wesley got it Right says:

    barfly says:

    They both show their immense biases inevery interview they conduct.

    Ok, name one interview that you think proves this point. Just one will do.

    I’ve already posted this link, but I will again for those who are having trouble keeping up.

  188. barfly says:

    I’m fine, just stating facts ! hows does that make me a victim, and you’re a teacher no wonder our education system sucks !

    Your English teacher must be awfully glad that you’re posting anonymously.

  189. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    poor putty tat…kitty , I’m fine, just stating facts ! hows does that make me a victim, and you’re a teacher no wonder our education system sucks !

    Considering how shitty your punctuation is, it seems like you could really use our public education system.

  190. Invictus Corruptus says:

    I see the obsessive and vile Mark Koldy and his two low IQed comrades have infested Think Progress.

  191. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says: calling, kitty, figures teacher ….another socialist program that failed, public education, pathetic !

    pebrady says:
    poor putty tat…kitty , I’m fine, just stating facts ! hows does that make me a victim, and you’re a teacher no wonder our education system sucks !

    The fact that you’re calling us out…for name-calling…Oh boo hoo! When you troll, you should expect a backlash that a troll deserves…

    Ad hominem attacks from you are welcome…I’m in the credential program, stupid…You might look at my facebook info but apparently you see only what you want to…People like you who do your best to destroy public education by cutting funding and then turn around and say the system is failing…I am not only calling you out, I’m saying people like the politicians who cut education first deserve some of the blame…

  192. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:
    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    For instance, Bush made a priority of making permanent the expansion of powers in the FISA law. Surely a responsible journalist could have pressed him on that issue — so controversial, so pregnant with implications of government power vs. individual rights — with every bit of the doggedness, even rudeness with which Baier pressed Obama on health care. Yet we saw none of that.

    I’m not sure the two can be compared. HCR is wider known and more polarizing than the FISA law was in 2008

    Are you frickin’ serious? I have some respect for your debate style, but this is making me question that assessment.

    First of, your initial argument was that the two interviews were different because one was a sort of “exit interview” and the other was in the thick of a president’s agenda campaign.

    I pointed out that the Baier-Bush hagiography took place with a full year left for Bush to govern and serious goals still left to accomplish. Now you seem to be subtly shifting your argument in order to maintain the primary objective: maintain the “not directly comparable” plausibility. In order to do this you’re suggesting that a journalist would have less reason to press a president about an issue that few Americans really cared about deeply but which had serious implications for the power of the office, than he would on an issue about which most Americans had passionate opinions one way or the other.

    That strikes me as absurd.

  193. Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    177, “A Promise to Keep”

    Actually a statue of this would be the most appropriate.

  194. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    and if you pull an ad-hominem on me, I shall respond in kind…

  195. Shayne says:

    I love the the trailer park trolls that think all school districts are as bad as the ones they went to. Newsflash. Rich people vote for education referendums to make their kids schools as good as they possibly can. That’s how the rich get richer you stupid crackers.

  196. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:
    Hey, where’d AlabamaDem go?

    Did he change out of his fly pimp outfit and into his Sgt. Rock costume?

    An brain dead shit talker like AD could never fill the boots of Sgt.Rock.

  197. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  198. Beethoven Rules says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  199. barfly says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    I’ve already posted this link, but I will again for those who are having trouble keeping up.

    Um, your link doesn’t prove your point about media bias. I watched the clip, and Stupak wasn’t being aggressively interviewed. You have failed. Try again?

  200. pete says:

    Is it not revealing that criticism of SaudiFAUX never fails to bring a strong troll response? It appears that the stupid trolls don’t appear here until they get their marching orders from SaudiFAUX. I’m no longer surprised by this phenomenon. I count on it and am endlessly amused by the silly freaks who are compelled to jump to the defense of SaudiFAUX. I can’t help but laugh at those who shout about “freedom” while they exist as willing slaves to a failed ideology.

  201. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    obviously over your head barfly, try sobriety !

    Try getting an education, numb nuts.

  202. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    Beethoven Rules says:
    #9 you said “On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.”

    That’s like saying Pearl Harbor was under attack for two hours and FDR did absolutely nothing. You sir, are an idiot.

    What, I ask, did Bush do?

  203. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Book form would be a good idea in my opinion…you could start up an atheist version of Gideons International. In every hotel room next to the holy book would be the bastardized version. :D

    *cough cough*, My translation of events is just a valid as the traditional version. (a supernatural deity speaking through a burning bush? Excuse me?)

    Sorry I didn’t mean to disrespect your religion…forgive me for I have sinned. Maybe I need some of that burning bush to open my eyes.

    To atone for your blasphemy, you need to burn two bushes of Moses bush. Just remember to inhale deeply :D

  204. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  205. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    obviously over your head barfly, try sobriety !

    Poor little wingnut, so quick to jump to wrong conclusions.

    My nickname is for Mickey Roarke’s movie. Try to keep up, eh?

  206. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Beethoven Rules says:
    #9 you said “On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.”

    That’s like saying Pearl Harbor was under attack for two hours and FDR did absolutely nothing. You sir, are an idiot.

    I believe Weslet got it Right will want to have a word with you regarding false comparisons…

  207. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Book form would be a good idea in my opinion…you could start up an atheist version of Gideons International. In every hotel room next to the holy book would be the bastardized version. :D

    *cough cough*, My translation of events is just a valid as the traditional version. (a supernatural deity speaking through a burning bush? Excuse me?)

    Sorry I didn’t mean to disrespect your religion…forgive me for I have sinned. Maybe I need some of that burning bush to open my eyes.

    To atone for your blasphemy, you need to burn two bushes of Moses bush. Just remember to inhale deeply :D

    Well I’ll have to break out the holy grail for that one.

  208. pebrady says:

    get your facts strait kitty, we’re spending more than ever and getting less for it, but that never bothers your ilk !

  209. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    Thanks for making my point…Thank you. While those are accredited universities, unfortunately, they do not compare to a Harvard, a USC, a Cal, an Ivy League school…and if it’s my bias talking, look at the rankings from like US News…

  210. Invictus Corruptus says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    And engraved at the front will be “No WMD’s under here, hee, hee”

  211. barfly says:

    Beethoven Rules says:

    #9 you said “On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.”

    That’s like saying Pearl Harbor was under attack for two hours and FDR did absolutely nothing. You sir, are an idiot.

    Except that Bush was awol for hours after the attack, flying around, scared out of his small mind. You aren’t too good at this.

  212. ekidon says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  213. Invictus Corruptus says:

    pebrain, please learn how to spell.

  214. pete says:

    The thing is that, despite their glaring flaws, the traitors at SaudiFAUX see the writing on the wall and have become desperate and shrill. Their silly little slave trolls simply reflect that desperation.

  215. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    get your facts strait kitty, we’re spending more than ever and getting less for it, but that never bothers your ilk !

    Less than the secular democracy we were promised in Iraq? What did we spend a trillion bucks for?

  216. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    Thanks for making my point…Thank you. While those are accredited universities, unfortunately, they do not compare to a Harvard, a USC, a Cal, an Ivy League school…and if it’s my bias talking, look at the rankings from like US News…

    March 18th, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Fine schools if you’re studying to become a homosexual pagan.

  217. Roland Madore says:

    Baier wasn’t interviewing Obama, he was interrogating him, rather rudely, all in an effort to score points. Fox News, fair and balanced, my ass! Change the name to Fox Propaganda Portal.

  218. ekidon says:

    OOH a mispelling….kill that guy…..buncha moonbats

  219. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    get your facts strait kitty, we’re spending more than ever and getting less for it, but that never bothers your ilk !

    It didn’t bother you when the Bush admin. was blowing shit-loads of our tax payer dollars without putting it in the books. At least we’re spending the money on shit that actually matters like various reforms not an endless war.

  220. Lefty Liberal says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:

    Beethoven Rules says:
    #9 you said “On 9/11 America was under attack for 102 minutes. For 102 minutes George W. Bush did absolutely nothing.”

    That’s like saying Pearl Harbor was under attack for two hours and FDR did absolutely nothing. You sir, are an idiot.

    What, I ask, did Bush do?

    He did nothing. He sat in a chair while a group of elementary school kids read him “My Pet Goat”. After he was told of the attack he sat in a chair while elementary school students read him “My Pet Goat”.

    When his advisers finally dragged him out of the class room (probably because he wanted to know how the story ended, and was afraid the words would be too complex for him so he couldn’t read it on his own) he took off in Air Force One, and ran like a frightened school girl (apologies to all girls out there that are braver than the chimp-in-chief). He kept that up for the rest of the day.

  221. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  222. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ekidon says:
    OOH a mispelling….kill that guy…..buncha moonbats

    So where are your sources ekidon?

  223. Invictus Corruptus says:

    I thought Mark Koldy was in prison for raping a 90 year old man?

  224. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    I disagree. We’ve been laughing at your dumb ass since you showed up.

  225. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    No, you just suck at it, like most conservatives.

  226. barfly says:

    Fine schools if you’re studying to become a homosexual pagan.

    Bush is a homo pagan? And Cheney still decided to be his VP?

  227. Invictus Corruptus says:

    Is it true that Mark Koldy blew Sean Hannity and Glen Beck for their autographs?

  228. Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If you want to call what you get from those “universities” an education!

  229. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    get your facts strait kitty, we’re spending more than ever and getting less for it, but that never bothers your ilk !

    Oh really, and why are we out there protesting?

    I love how you’ve attacked me, and you can’t even get your posts straight…

    Reform goes deeper than money…If we are to have reform, we must first address whether our schools are addressing the needs and values of our students. If we’re giving them a curriculum that only encourages conformity and adherence to the values of the dominant group or culture, then we are not engaging our students. Why are our students disinterested in what our schools have to offer? Could it be that they are resisting our attempts to impose a Eurocentric curriculum on them?

    i LEAVE you with a quote

    “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.”

    — Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed)

    I agree that the public education system can do more, but what I’m talking about is modeling ways on how students themselves can create the change they need to better their lives instead of waiting for politicians in Washington D.C. insulated by the bubble of their bloated salaries and the forked-tongues of lobbyists.

  230. pebrady says:

    kitty secret service put bush on plane to protect him, that is there job …. did i say it slow enough for you to understand ….wow what a moron !

  231. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If you want to call what you get from those “universities” an education!

    It’s actually the opposite of an education: you walk out of those places stupider than when you first set foot in them.

  232. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    I disagree. We’ve been laughing at your dumb ass since you showed up.

    I personally think my translation of Exodus 3 is f**king hilarious myself, but what is even funnier is the reaction from the Reich-wingers. Their reaction proves I have a sense of humor!

  233. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    barfly says:
    Fine schools if you’re studying to become a homosexual pagan.

    Bush is a homo pagan? And Cheney still decided to be his VP?

    Silly barfly. Bush didn’t study. He just floated through on a series of “gentleman’s Cs” witjout actually absorbing any knowledge. See?

  234. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    Thanks for making my point…Thank you. While those are accredited universities, unfortunately, they do not compare to a Harvard, a USC, a Cal, an Ivy League school…and if it’s my bias talking, look at the rankings from like US News…

    March 18th, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Fine schools if you’re studying to become a homosexual pagan.

    Oh yeah, Harvard, that bastion of homosexuality…It’s really a interplanetary plot head by TEH GAY PLANET ZITAR…I suggest you google it to learn the pernicious truth…

  235. nelliebelle1197 says:

    I checked the Fox News site today for the first time. I have a migraine now after reading the comments. I am really happy to be smart. Do we really live next door to these people?

  236. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If you want to call what you get from those “universities” an education!

    It’s actually the opposite of an education: you walk out of those places stupider than when you first set foot in them.

    I didn’t think there was such a thing as a negative IQ?

  237. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    pebrady says:
    kitty secret service put bush on plane to protect him, that is there job …. did i say it slow enough for you to understand ….wow what a moron !

    I LOVE it!

  238. lm945 says:

    “Do you believe that there hasn’t been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in more than seven years because of the policies your administration has implemented?”

    Just as August 4, 1961 doesn’t exist on the Birther calendar, September 11, 2001 is no longer on the offical Republican calendar.

  239. pebrady says:

    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

  240. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    kitty secret service put bush on plane to protect him, that is there job …. did i say it slow enough for you to understand ….wow what a moron !

    Coming from someone who attacks me for wanting to make a difference in public education and someone who does not understand the difference between their and there, I take it as a badge of honor…

    The dazed look on his face when he heard the news was so presidential. Oh I forgot, he didn’t want to alarm the kids, MORON…

  241. CZ-1 says:

    barfly says:

    All of America misses his wisdom and his wise counsel. Someday the The Bush Memorial will stand proudly beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

    Where’s Osama?

    That’s what will be engraved on his tombstone.

    I like this game, “What will be engraved on Bush’s tombstone?” Keep it going.

    “Why did I listen to Dick for so long?”

  242. Lefty Liberal says:

    nelliebelle1197 says:

    I checked the Fox News site today for the first time. I have a migraine now after reading the comments. I am really happy to be smart. Do we really live next door to these people?

    *passes nelliebelle1197 a bottle of aspirin*

    Take it easy on the SaudiFAUX News site until you get used to the insanity. Too much of it until you have acclimated to the insanity can cause serious mental health problems

  243. snoopy says:

    pebrady says:


    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    Yeah, that’s why we have all the great commedians like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert while you guys have the half hour news hour and Dennis Miller…

  244. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    I’m glad we do…except I think you would much rather destroy the public education system instead of reforming it. It seems that the talk about reform from your ilk is designed to mask the fact you hate the very existence of it…

  245. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    Kitty, the secret service put Bush on plane to protect him, that is their job.

    I cleaned up your post. I hope you don’t mind, but the bad spelling and grammar were beginning to give me a headache.

    Now, to the substance: Bush could have ordered them to drop him at any fort, base, or military installation – yet he flew arond, incommunicado, for hours. If you think that’s leadership, I can only laugh.

  246. zxbe says:

    Shayne says:
    That’s nice Wesley the way you narrow the parameters to fit your agenda.

    Well he’s a troll. He’s not about to admit that he’s wrong.

  247. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty…well at least to my students… says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    pebrady, I agree with you. The days of publicly funded education are nigh. Like publicly funded health caree it is a socialist trick. The GOP, the Tea Party movement, and all Americans agree; it’s time to shut down public education. Teach ‘em at home or pay for their education, the choice is yours America.

    Fine with me…Go with your Bible-based curriculum and see which colleges it gets you into…

    Regent University, Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, shall I go on?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If you want to call what you get from those “universities” an education!

    It’s actually the opposite of an education: you walk out of those places stupider than when you first set foot in them.

    I didn’t think there was such a thing as a negative IQ?

    Well Regent was founded by Pat Robertson…I can’t begin to imagine how atrocious their history curriculum is.

    Still it is weird to see the phrase “RIGHT-WING UNIVERSITY.” Isn’t that an oxymoron?

  248. Innocent Bystander says:

    Bush, being the AWOL coward that he was, would never have allowed himself to be interviewed by his critics…someone like KO or Rachael Maddow. They’d have exposed him as the boy-king sans the crown and robe. Of course, they would have asked the tough questions, then let Dimson make a fool of himself as he’d try to explain himself.

    Truly a pathetic performance by the RNC network. Kudos to President Obmama for his willingness to engage in an honest dialog…too bad the fairly unbalanced network had no interest in the same.

  249. pete says:

    Buscho also announced that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack before the dust had settled. Then they stuck to that story despite being wrong. For my money, invading a country “by mistake” is just as bad as naked and open aggression. Bushco turned every living American into a war criminal and generations yet unborn will pay the price in blood. In light of that sad fact, arguing about money is just stupid and evil.

  250. Laszlo Panaflex says:

    Another juxtaposition I’d like to see: Bush did an interview with an Irish journalist in which she interrupted him and was quite combative. As I recall, Fox News reacted to that interview with outrage and called for her to be punished or fired by her paper.

  251. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    I’ll leave you, pebrady with Paulo Freire, please google him and see what he says about pedagogy…thanks buddy…

  252. barfly says:

    “Why did I listen to Dick for so long?”

    I got your WMD’s — buried right here!”

  253. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

  254. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    zxbe says:
    Shayne says:
    That’s nice Wesley the way you narrow the parameters to fit your agenda.

    Well he’s a troll. He’s not about to admit that he’s wrong.

    I will probably catch grief for this, but I don’t consider Wesley a troll. he may prove me wrong dfown the line, like b-cup did, but for the moment I’m willing to give wesley the benefit of the doubt. For the most part he’s been able to argue his points fairly reasonably and respectfully.

    He hasn’t shown me any of the signature behaviors of trolls.

  255. pebrady says:

    just checking teach, new you would have to correct my grammar! ha ha ha oh sorry KNEW

  256. pete says:

    Heh! Can you imagine a Regent “University” grad trying to get a job at Lockeed’s “Skunk Works”? The poor things probably cry because they can’t figure out how to turn water into wine of fill a bucket with steam.

  257. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

  258. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    I disagree. We’ve been laughing at your dumb ass since you showed up.

    I personally think my translation of Exodus 3 is f**king hilarious myself, but what is even funnier is the reaction from the Reich-wingers. Their reaction proves I have a sense of humor!

    Haha. They’re just jealous they didn’t think of it themselves.

    Instead of talking out everything that’s “liberal” in the bible, why not just replace it with a bit of crude humor?

  259. CZ-1 says:

    pete says:

    Buscho also announced that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack before the dust had settled. Then they stuck to that story despite being wrong. For my money, invading a country “by mistake” is just as bad as naked and open aggression.

    This reminds of what I always say about Reagan. Which is worse, that he DID know about selling missiles to our enemy Iran and illegally using the proceeds to fund Contra terrorists, OR that he DID NOT know?

  260. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    just checking teach, new you would have to correct my grammar! ha ha ha oh sorry KNEW

    That would be spelling, Brainiac.


  261. Lefty Liberal says:

    pete says:

    Heh! Can you imagine a Regent “University” grad trying to get a job at Lockeed’s “Skunk Works”? The poor things probably cry because they can’t figure out how to turn water into wine of fill a bucket with steam.

    I doubt they could figure out how to fill a bucket with piss.

  262. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  263. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    *jaw hits keyboard*
    So Bush was intelligent and Obama isn’t?
    What is this, Wonderland where everything is backwards even the thinking?

  264. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

    You’re right. Learning to color within the lines is far too advanced for him.

  265. barfly says:

    pete says:

    Heh! Can you imagine a Regent “University” grad trying to get a job at Lockeed’s “Skunk Works”?

    Stealth technology? Sounds like something Satan would devise!

  266. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    I disagree. We’ve been laughing at your dumb ass since you showed up.

    I personally think my translation of Exodus 3 is f**king hilarious myself, but what is even funnier is the reaction from the Reich-wingers. Their reaction proves I have a sense of humor!

    Haha. They’re just jealous they didn’t think of it themselves.

    Instead of talking out everything that’s “liberal” in the bible, why not just replace it with a bit of crude humor?

    I thought that is all it was to begin with. Ever read “The Song of Solomon”?

  267. tombaker says:

    this concentration of negative righty energy is really invigorating.

    i haven’t felt like this since 11/2/08…

    very satisfying, i must say.

  268. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Stealth technology? Sounds like something Satan would devise!

    Which satan: The real one or his protege Cheney?
    (sorry I had to say that!!)

  269. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Laszlo Panaflex says:
    Another juxtaposition I’d like to see: Bush did an interview with an Irish journalist in which she interrupted him and was quite combative. As I recall, Fox News reacted to that interview with outrage and called for her to be punished or fired by her paper.

    Good call, Laszlo. I remember that too.

    Here’s the interview.

    In fact it looks to me like Bush was far more rude to Carole Coleman than the reverse.

  270. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  271. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

    You’re right. Learning to color within the lines is far too advanced for him.

    Well, I have to admit, that is a skill I never learned, or more precisely, a skill I never WANTED to learn. I was capable of doing it, I just never saw the point.

  272. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    really it was spelling not grammar wow , and i didn’t know that iether ! you are way to easy

    Shine, homeschooler, shine.


  273. Lefty Liberal says:

    pebrady says:

    really it was spelling not grammar wow , and i didn’t know that iether ! you are way to easy

    shorter pebrady: “me momie hom skooled mi. she sid i is smert”

  274. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    pebrady says:
    barfly, you have heard of humor…..oh forgot libs don’t laugh!

    I disagree. We’ve been laughing at your dumb ass since you showed up.

    I personally think my translation of Exodus 3 is f**king hilarious myself, but what is even funnier is the reaction from the Reich-wingers. Their reaction proves I have a sense of humor!

    Haha. They’re just jealous they didn’t think of it themselves.

    Instead of talking out everything that’s “liberal” in the bible, why not just replace it with a bit of crude humor?

    I thought that is all it was to begin with. Ever read “The Song of Solomon”?

    Haha. “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine” and “say me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.” Turns out, those ancient goat-herders had a pretty good sense of humor after all. :D

  275. pebrady says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  276. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  277. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    pebrady says:
    but lefty I’m color blind ! you gonna pick on the handicapped now

    I’m guessing your color-blindness is the least of your handicaps.

    But well done on playing the “victim card”.

  278. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

    You’re right. Learning to color within the lines is far too advanced for him.

    Well, I have to admit, that is a skill I never learned, or more precisely, a skill I never WANTED to learn. I was capable of doing it, I just never saw the point.

    True…it is a fairly useless “skill.” Though I’ll admit I did enjoy finger painting.

  279. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  280. barfly says:

    pebrady says:

    but lefty I’m color blind ! you gonna pick on the handicapped now

    I’ll bet you have trouble finding your brownshirt. Here’s a hint: it smells like your finger.

  281. pete says:

    I think we have a home”school” dropout in our midst. What the Hell does one do when one drops out of home”school”, besides trolling political sites and trying to annoy those who are intellectually superior?

  282. pebrady says:

    you guys should know that card and the race card better than anyone !!!!!!!!!!!! bye bye

  283. Lefty Liberal says:

    pebrady says:

    but lefty I’m color blind ! you gonna pick on the handicapped now

    You are nothing but a f**king troll, and as a result deserve no respect.

  284. Innocent Bystander says:

    What happened to all of the intelligent RNC apologists that used to fester this board? Did they stop getting paid for their disruption? I knew the RNC was hurting financially, but outsourcing their paid-for-posting budget to the lowest bidder is not helping their image.

  285. Lefty Liberal says:

    pebrady says:

    you guys should know that card and the race card better than anyone !!!!!!!!!!!! bye bye

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. On second thought, let it hit you in the ass. You deserve it.

  286. Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

    You’re right. Learning to color within the lines is far too advanced for him.

    Well, I have to admit, that is a skill I never learned, or more precisely, a skill I never WANTED to learn. I was capable of doing it, I just never saw the point.

    True…it is a fairly useless “skill.” Though I’ll admit I did enjoy finger painting.

    my current version is on a naked body with liquid chocolate. :D

  287. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Lefty Liberal says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:
    pebrady says:
    to your earlier #233, wow maybe we agree on something , amazing !

    Well if you’re admitting you’re a complete and utter moron who should go back to school then I do agree.

    pebrady is too stupid to go back to school. I think he is too stupid for pre-school.

    You’re right. Learning to color within the lines is far too advanced for him.

    Well, I have to admit, that is a skill I never learned, or more precisely, a skill I never WANTED to learn. I was capable of doing it, I just never saw the point.

    True…it is a fairly useless “skill.” Though I’ll admit I did enjoy finger painting.

    my current version is on a naked body with liquid chocolate. :D

    See finger painting can be a skill that is useful later on in life. :D

  288. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Innocent Bystander says:
    What happened to all of the intelligent RNC apologists that used to fester this board?

    I think both of them got so frustrated at what the RNC was giving them to work with that they bagged it.

  289. pete says:

    Innocent Bystander,

    Since this is a thread that criticizes SaudiFAUX, my guess is that our “new” guests are interns at that pathetic excuse for a news network. Intelligent RNC apologists have realized that the RNC is beyond all apologies.

  290. nelliebelle1197 says:

    You know “schools” like Liberty have law schools, right? What really scares me is that they have the occasion to have graduates pass the bar.

    We really need to remember Ralph Reed once said, “I would rather have a thousand school-board members than one president and no school-board members”

  291. Wesley got it Right says:

    barfly says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    I’ve already posted this link, but I will again for those who are having trouble keeping up.

    Um, your link doesn’t prove your point about media bias. I watched the clip, and Stupak wasn’t being aggressively interviewed. You have failed. Try again?


    Let’s try stepping outside of your preconceptions just for a moment. The clip above is approx. 1 minute of an hour long interview. Obviously it has been edited. Additionally the most aggressive parts were displayed for Think Progress to make their point. The Stupak interview was only 9 minutes long, ans there was certainly enough aggression shown by the interviewers to make a similarly brief cut. Such editing will make any point one wants to make. All I’m asking is that you view the clips objectively. If objectivity is impossible, any further debate with you is clearly pointless.

  292. labman57 says:

    When prominent Republicans are interviewed on FOX News, the interviewers actually ask very few questions, as their lips spend most of the time firmly planted on the guest’s anus

  293. Lefty Liberal says:

    labman57 says:

    When prominent Republicans are interviewed on FOX News, the interviewers actually ask very few questions, as their lips spend most of the time firmly planted on the guest’s anus

    Not to mention their tongues are firmly up the guest’s hole as well

  294. livelongandprosper says:

    bizarro and Left. Thanks for the laughs.

  295. Wesley got it Right says:

    zxbe says:

    Shayne says:
    That’s nice Wesley the way you narrow the parameters to fit your agenda.

    Well he’s a troll. He’s not about to admit that he’s wrong.


    For the record, I actually agree that Obama was poorly handled in that interview. My point all along has been that the two comparisons don’t in my mind demonstrate anything. I would have been more convinced if they commented only on the Obama interview, since that was the frustrating interview. Ofa different point, I don’t completely agree with Obama on HCR, because I would prefer to see a single payer system; the kinf Kucinich was holding out for. Additionally, I agree with Stupak about the federal funds to abortion.

    Now I guess if that makes me a troll (whatever that means) then oh well. I guess if you have to resort to name calling due to your inability to construct a coherent argument, that is your limitation, not mine.

  296. fletc3her says:

    Couldn’t Fox have at least found a journalist to conduct the interview. Maybe Palin could give them some pointers from one of her journalism classes.

  297. Wesley got it Right says:

    @295: excuse me not 1 hour but 19 minutes. However, this does not undermine the point.

  298. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    Now I guess if that makes me a troll (whatever that means) then oh well. I guess if you have to resort to name calling due to your inability to construct a coherent argument, that is your limitation, not mine.

    Wesley, I trust you noted my assertion that you do not merit the tag “troll”

    I also trust that you don’t mind being called “Wesley”.

    However, while you may have objections to some of the arguments advanced here as lacking in coherence, I hope you’ll recognize that mine was not necessarily one of them.

  299. Wesley got it Right says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley, I trust you noted my assertion that you do not merit the tag “troll”

    I also trust that you don’t mind being called “Wesley”.

    However, while you may have objections to some of the arguments advanced here as lacking in coherence, I hope you’ll recognize that mine was not necessarily one of them.

    I hadn’t noted that, but I do now. The feeling is mutual, there is no shortage of incoherent arguments, which when confronted resort a baser level of conversation.

    Also, Wesley is fine; the name is derived from my veneration of John Wesley.

  300. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Wesley got it Right says:

    Also, Wesley is fine; the name is derived from my veneration of John Wesley.

    That was my assumption, but thank you for confirming it.

  301. betweenames says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  302. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    betweenames says:
    I’m sure this comment will be voted down and off the page within an hour, but I am compelled to comment anyway.

    Everyone who has commented here seems to be blind to the blatant hero worship the mainstream media has always had for President Obama.

    Yep, you’re right. I’m “blind” to it. Just like I’m “blind” to leprechauns, the Jersey Devil and other things that don’t exist.


    I commend Bret Baier and I hope everyone reading this realizes what happens to Obama when the deck isn’t stacked for him

    When the deck isn’t stacked for him? Like, having to deal with the worst economic crisis in eighty years? That kind of “stacked for him”? Like having to wind down two foreign wars while maintaining the fragile progress so far gained? Or struggling to achieve a domestic policy initiative that has eluded administrations dating back to Truman’s? All while facing an obstructionist minority opposition whose tenacity and hypocrisy sets new standards for both?

    That kind of “deck stacked for him”?

    Thanks for your perspective. Do let us know when you settle on a new name, won’t you?

  303. druid says:

    I don’t know why so much fuss about the hard time Baier was giving to the President Obama compared to the softballs with Bush. In polite societies we do not challenge mentally disabled. It always amuses me when right wingers use the term “main stream media” with scorn and Rupert Murdoch owns like 50% of everything. Fox News and right wingers are just a sad reminder where a nation sedated by religion, home schooling, alcohol and cheap food might turn into.
    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
    - Sinclair Lewis

  304. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    livelongandprosper says:
    bizarro and Left. Thanks for the laughs.

    No problem :D

  305. Nichols1984 says:

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  306. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Basically, you were all comfortable with the last president being continually challenged and even slandered by the press

    Wait. You’re not talking about GWB, right? The press? Here, in the US of A? The same GWB who got a free pass from the press for eight years?

    What have you been smoking?

  307. luschnig says:

    This Lincoln business is strange and creepily foreboding. Both Lincoln and Obama are lanky Illinoisans who quickly ascended to the White House. Lincoln was hated by a bunch of racist traitors (Confederates) and true to history, Obama is hated by the same bunch of yahoos. And I have no doubt that some of Baier’s fans are dreaming of doing to Obama what the racist traitors did to Lincoln a hundred and fifty years ago.

  308. bulletproofair says:

    I immediately picture Stephen Colbert, with his hands over his ears, yelling loudly “nanananananaaaaaaa!”

    If Republicans don’t acknowledge it, it doesn’t exist.

    What makes me laugh is that a GOOD, LEGITIMATE “interviewer” usually LISTENS to the reply after asking a question in order to create follow-up questions.

    Which leaves me with the belief that his was a tactic that was planned. As if I didn’t believe that anyway…

    It’s extremely sad that Fox “journalists” are so shallow and ignorant to the facts that they can’t even have an intelligent debate about the issues. They have to resort to complete rudeness and interruption in order to keep their followers bent over and not asking questions.

    Michael Steele’s reply to the CBO numbers is “they’re lying.” Wow…good point? I’m starting to wonder if Republicans even know what’s actually in the bill…

    Instead, they’re focused on the process of it (you can’t debate a bill you don’t know anything about), which we should expect, because after record-breaking uses of Reconciliation and Deem & Pass, Republicans probably know those processes pretty well.

    I believe Baier constantly interrupted in order to prevent Obama from actually proving him wrong or getting a complete talking point across. It really shows how desperate Fox is to smear this President. You wouldn’t even KNOW Obama was President from the amount of disrespect Baier exhibited towards him. Baier was trying to corner Obama, but he ended up looking pathetic.

    I understand interjecting if Obama were to say something Baier may have disagreed with or taken issue with, but it was clearly obvious Baier has no policy knowledge, and I guess it’s better to look like a jerk than to look like a fool….which just so happens to be Fox’s meme anyway…

  309. pags2 says:

    betweenames says:
    Bret Baier was bringing forth questions from Americans who are never represented by the main stream media … citizens whose questions and concerns are usually filtered out by reporters and journalists who couldn’t care less about conservative or even moderate points of view.

    Bret Baier went into the interview thinking he would enhance his career by scoring political points in the interview by doing what Fox people do the best, cutting off and talking over anyone with a different viewpoint. Baier lost because Obama did not let him use those tactics. In the end Obama got to finish his answers and Baier ended up sounding obnoxious.

  310. bluemirror says:

    It was very clear (even without this comparison)how rude and disrespectful Bret Baier was yesterday. I was glad to see President Obama walk into the lion’s den to PROVE the incompentency of the Fox News team. Even Fox realizes how they FAILED. This video belongs on Youtube’s major fail list.

  311. oncfel says:

    its worse somebody should digg up an interview Brett Baer did with Donald Rumsfield in 2006 just befor Rumsfield got fired and its full of brown nosing fluff its diegusting it should of been the last interview for this idiot but yet again he works for Fox newa

  312. drhunt1 says:

    I do believe that Brett did a better job of exposing BO as an empty suit than Rick Warren did in his interview at Saddleback Church.

    I’m actually surprised BO didn’t answer, “that’s above my pay grade”.


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  314. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    kitty go back to school, i’d know even less if you were teaching me !

    Where do you think I am, idiot? I try to have a civil conversation with you, and this is how you reciprocate? I’m sorry I even tried having a decent and well-informed conversation with you. It seems I misoverestimated you (I know it’s wrong, but I’m mocking Bush) I’m sorry I even tried talking to you, because I just became stupider…

  315. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    and the fact you couldn’t even address my point about having a curriculum that is relevant to students of color but had to resort to another ad-hominem attack shows that you brought a knife to a shootout…Good work d1ckhead!

  316. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    kitty go back to school, i’d know even less if you were teaching me !

    Folks, pebrady has made a breakthrough with his punctuation but not so much with his grammar. Kitty is a proper noun, which should be capitalized. Also there should be a comma after Kitty and I’d should be capitalized as well…

  317. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    betweenames says:
    I’m sure this comment will be voted down and off the page within an hour, but I am compelled to comment anyway.

    Everyone who has commented here seems to be blind to the blatant hero worship the mainstream media has always had for President Obama. Basically, you were all comfortable with the last president being continually challenged and even slandered by the press

    Oh yes, those constantly challenging media lapdogs watchdogs really challenged his lies about WMD…We never went to war in Iraq because Bush was exposed as a fraud…

    oh wait…

  318. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    pebrady says:
    kitty go back to school, i’d know even less if you were teaching me !

    It should be Kitty, go back to school! I’d know even less if you were teaching me!

    Sorry to see you’re admitting to knowing jack sh1t…

  319. drhunt1 says:

    Kitty-it’s rather common for there to be punctuation, grammar and spelling errors when posting on blog sites. Your effort to correct such errors, however, does not enhance or strengthen your point(s). When the “spelling police” arrive, it can only mean the argument is weak.

  320. USCKitty =^..^= yes, my name really IS Kitty...well at least to my students... says:

    true…dr. hunt…I may look petty and I would never be a spelling/grammar you know, but in my defensiveness, I came across so…if you look at my conversations with pebrady, I’ll have to plead…

    Perhaps it might have been like I was using it to mock him for calling me a moron and an idiot…

  321. drhunt1 says:

    #305 betweenames-great post…and i wholeheartedly agree. Let me take it one step further…you’re just now beginning to see “some” of the lame-stream media back away from the slobbering love affair with Barack. It probably has a lot to do with the poll numbers, which are heading south in a big time way. But it’s more than that. Their blatant “shielding” of Obama has more to do with perserving what little credibility and dignity they have left, because they were so reticent to investigate his radical roots, dismissed his previous religious and political affliations with the brush stroke of “journalistic latitude”, and are essentially, responsible for what agenda is now being thrust upon the American people.

    Notice that PMSNBC is STILL protecting Obama? It’s no coincidence that Immelt is on Obama’s economic advisory committee. It’s their bed, and they have to sleep with it. It truly does represent the year(s) that journalism died here in America.

    Bret did as decent a job as one could under the circumstances. Like you wrote, Obama can pontificate for an hour without ever “saying” anything of substance. It’s all vaporware and hyperbolic dictum.

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