Think Progress

Sen. Lindsey Graham and Glenn Beck Agree: Health Reform Is Like A Japanese Bombing Attack

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)

Throughout the health reform debate, GOP lawmakers have tried desperately to smear health reform with increasingly bizarre and extreme remarks. In an interview on Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) added to the hyperbole, comparing the House Democrats’ efforts to pass healthcare reform legislation to a Japanese kamikaze mission. “Nancy Pelosi, I think, has got them all liquored up on sake and you know, they’re making a suicide run here,” Graham said.

Picking up on Graham’s theme, Glenn Beck today similarly smeared health reform as the attack on Pearl Harbor. On his radio show, Beck intoned that reform “is like Pearl Harbor” because “people will wake up” to the “battle”:

BECK: The second thing is to prepare yourself. This is a battle. Health care is a battle. It’s a battle — it’s not the war. It’s a battle. Believe me, if you are a group that has values and principles, and you are peaceful, your power is about to go through the roof, not through the floor. Because people are — this event is like Pearl Harbor. It will wake people up and they’ll go, “wait, wait, wait. What did they just do?”

Listen here:

Blasting Graham’s remarks, Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) — a Japanese American who was interned in a prison camp during World War II because of his heritage — said he was “disheartened” that the South Carolina senator “chose racially tinged rhetoric to express his opposition to health care reform.” He added, “there is a way to engage in healthy debate without alienating Asian Americans, who are an important part of this democracy and healthcare reform.”

Disregarding Honda’s plea for a substantive and nonracial health reform debate, Graham explained that his “comments really reflect the fanaticism of the Democratic leadership. I don’t know whether it’s sake or moonshine but no sober person would do this.” “For the senator to add ‘moonshiners’ to an already unsavory sake and suicide statement does a disservice to the underlying issue,” Honda replied in a statement. “I question who has, in fact — to use the senator’s words — lost their political mind.”

Update ThinkProgress caught up with Honda today on Capitol Hill to follow up regarding Graham and Beck’s comments. Honda noted that in times of economic calamity, there’s usually an “ignorant politician” who will “scapegoat a group of people,” especially Asian Americans, for political gain. Referring to his time in an internment camp, Honda said, "the difference between ’42 and 2010 is that I can say something back.” Watch it:

189 Responses to “Sen. Lindsey Graham and Glenn Beck Agree: Health Reform Is Like A Japanese Bombing Attack”

  1. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh my gawd, he’s officially gone off the deep end!!

  2. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  3. glamourdammerung says:

    I did not realise a healtcare reform bill that does not even grant universal care allows the Japanese to sneak attack a naval base.

    I can “hardly wait” for one of the teabaggers to tell us how that is a “hidden provision”.

  4. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Sweet jeebus, Graham is dense/dumb!!

  5. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    glamourdammerung says:


    I did not realise a healtcare reform bill that does not even grant universal care allows the Japanese to sneak attack a naval base.

    I can “hardly wait” for one of the teabaggers to tell us how that is a “hidden provision”.

    Don’t hold your breath glamour…

  6. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They don’t know hcr from their anuses..Doesn’t stop them from pretending they understand it though!

  7. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Once again Beck and the republicans use tragedy to push their bullshit.

  8. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Just like Armey, who never read the stimulus himself, yet he kept yelling at his followers to “read the stimulus”..

  9. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Just like Armey, who never read the stimulus himself, yet he kept yelling at his followers to “read the stimulus”..

    Please…his followers f***ed up the pledge of allegiance, the stimulus is too complex for these morons.

  10. Nichols1984 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  11. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Heres glens understanding of sneak attack.

    Yes, Pearl Harbor was bombed 17 years after President Wilson died because the Japanese were jealous of our relationship with England. Japan waited 17 years and acted like a slighted former spouse and bombed us because it wanted to get back together with England. Anything else, Glenn?

    So you can see his grasp of the times.

  12. P.D. says:

    Grasping at straws, ain’t they? LOL! The hysteria, the hype. And I think the Dems will actually pass this thing.

  13. glamourdammerung says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    glamourdammerung says:


    I did not realise a healtcare reform bill that does not even grant universal care allows the Japanese to sneak attack a naval base.

    I can “hardly wait” for one of the teabaggers to tell us how that is a “hidden provision”.
    Don’t hold your breath glamour…

    I never stated it would make sense, just that they would probably claim it. It would fit the pattern of behaviour from certain poster(s).

  14. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    glamourdammerung says:
    I did not realise a healtcare reform bill that does not even grant universal care allows the Japanese to sneak attack a naval base.

    I can “hardly wait” for one of the teabaggers to tell us how that is a “hidden provision”.

    I guess calling health-care a hidden provision would work better if Beck had used the Tet offensive and the Viet-Cong’s underground tunnels as an example.

  15. Jackie says:

    Lady Graham is sucking up to his party because of his boo boo while agreeing with Eric Holder. Now Beck well he is both high and drunk so his brain has been fired and nothing makes sence to him except green money for more drugs. At lease we have some intelligent Law Makers but the numers are getting low.

  16. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It wouldn’t boost beck’s ratings if he didn’t twist some tragedy into something that fits his own agenda!

  17. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh swwet jeebus I meant @8, not @80..

  18. P.D. says:

    They have trown all the sh*t at the wall to see if ANYTHING will stick. It isn’t. I hope this thing passes. The trolls and the the Repugs will be totally demoralized. Good. After Bush’s tenure, I want the Repugs and the trolls to howl in dispair.

  19. Beam me up Scotty says:

    It’s gonna pass and none of the bad stuff is gonna happen. Do you think people will remember these guys lied to them?

  20. P.D. says:

    Watch Rachel. She has the CBO score history.

  21. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Just like Armey, who never read the stimulus himself, yet he kept yelling at his followers to “read the stimulus”..

    Please…his followers f***ed up the pledge of allegiance, the stimulus is too complex for these morons.

    And didn’t Bonehead mix up the constitution and the declararion of independence as well? Geez, reading isn’t their specialty…

  22. P.D. says:

    beam@20, No. They listen to Limpballs and Faux News. They are hopeless.

  23. Beam me up Scotty says:

    Addicted to Rachel

  24. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    It wouldn’t boost beck’s ratings if he didn’t twist some tragedy into something that fits his own agenda!

    My elderly neighbor from across the street would probably pump Beck full of lead via his Thompson machine gun for making dumb ass comments like this. Seriously warping the event that took the lives of over 2,000 members of our armed forces is just friggin sick.

  25. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @23 My family is a shining example…

  26. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    P.D. says:
    Good. After Bush’s tenure, I want the Repugs and the trolls to howl in dispair.

    Smiles, dam I though they were doing that now.

  27. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And speaking of reading and spelling, I definately meant to say declaration of independence @22, not declarion of independence…

  28. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I doubt that..Republican voters tend to have bad short-term memory!!

  29. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    And didn’t Bonehead mix up the constitution and the declararion of independence as well? Geez, reading isn’t their specialty…

    It is not really surprising that Boehner (one of the leaders of the American Taliban Party) would royally f**k up like that.

  30. sherifffruitfly says:

    It just how white folks are. Sigh.

  31. RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says:

    All the descendants of the brave US Servicemen who died on the USS Arizona, and in the attack on Pearl Harbor should be outraged by these blatantly stupid mofos.

  32. pezmiztix says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  33. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Well Idk if I’d want something like that to happen to beck…I was envisioning more along the lines of him committing hara-kiri, but idk if that will ever happen…

  34. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    I doubt that..Republican voters tend to have bad short-term memory!!

    And they’re not really the kind of people who tend to think in the long-term either.

  35. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Aww widdle pezzie’s back!!

  36. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wondered when you’d be crawling out of your piss soaked bed.

  37. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    pezmiztix says:


    medicare has $120 billion a year in fraud….

    now they want us to believe they can handle 1/6 of economy?

    sorry, barry. go back to lecturing to a bunch of sheep under some campus tree.

    oh yeah, and barry, make that a double latte


  38. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Well Idk if I’d want something like that to happen to beck…I was envisioning more along the lines of him committing hara-kiri, but idk if that will ever happen…

    Nah. Beck insulted our marines he should get his ass kicked by one.

  39. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    pezmiztix says:
    F&F for trying to be a cult troll.
    LOL>>> howdy there.

    Completely ignore ANY tr0ll that uses the term “Barry”. It proves beyond a doubt that the tr0ll is nothing more than a Rush cyst.

  40. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok, you win…Beck should get his butt kicked by a marine!!

  41. Gary Herstein says:

    30. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Geez, reading isn’t their specialty…

    It is going to be a long night if you relegate yourself to naming the things that are NOT their speciality. So much simpler to name the things that are: Braying like jacka$$es.

    At the moment, that’s the only one that comes to mind.

  42. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh and pez dispenser, take Limpball’s cock out of your mouth!! You don’t know where that’s been..

  43. Gary Herstein says:

    37. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wondered when you’d be crawling out of your piss soaked bed.

    Ah, give it credit: pizzy works in bed; likes that “warm, all around” sensation.

  44. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Ok, you win…Beck should get his butt kicked by a marine!!

    Honestly at this point I’m fine with the USMC storming Beck’s office, tackling him and making him eat his red phone live on TV. Bet that would make him really cry.

  45. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Oh and pez dispenser, take Limpball’s cock out of your mouth!! You don’t know where that’s been..

    LOL>> Oh he knows where its been, right up the back side of the dispenser.

  46. pags2 says:

    On his radio show, Beck intoned that reform “is like Pearl Harbor” because “people will wake up” to the “battle”:

    Beck has been battling imaginary things on and off the bottle. Neither is very pretty.

  47. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Gary Herstein says:


    30. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Geez, reading isn’t their specialty…

    It is going to be a long night if you relegate yourself to naming the things that are NOT their speciality. So much simpler to name the things that are: Braying like jacka$$es.

    At the moment, that’s the only one that comes to mind.

    As well as acting like spoiled children who whine and stamp their feet when they don’t get their way..
    And also not thinking or coming up with rational thoughts and coherent sentences!!
    And the list goes on…

  48. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Gary Herstein says:

    37. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I wondered when you’d be crawling out of your piss soaked bed.

    Ah, give it credit: pizzy works in bed; likes that “warm, all around” sensation.

    Well it’s not the kind of water bed most people go for.

  49. Gary Herstein says:

    45. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Bet that would make him really cry.

    Beck? Nah. He’d be shouting, “Please sir! May I have another?!”

  50. P.D. says:

    LOL! C-Street is toast. Some ‘Holier than Thou’ dudes, huh? It seems Ensign, Sanford and Stupak are in the spot-light again. Good.

  51. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    LOL>> Oh he knows where its been, right up the back side of the dispenser.


  52. Gary Herstein says:

    49. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Well it’s not the kind of water bed most people go for.

    I’m awaiting more substantive evidence before I qualify pizzy as “people.”

  53. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I can’t wait for C-Street (as well as K-street) to be shut down for good, p.d.!

  54. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Gary Herstein says:

    45. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Bet that would make him really cry.

    Beck? Nah. He’d be shouting, “Please sir! May I have another?!”

    Good point. We’ll have to go Green Beret on him or just force him into Green Beret training camp. Make the pudgy f***er run till he vomits blood.

  55. majii says:

    pezmiztix–YOU LIE!

  56. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Gary Herstein says:

    49. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Well it’s not the kind of water bed most people go for.

    I’m awaiting more substantive evidence before I qualify pizzy as “people.”

    Okay…would halfling work?

  57. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @55 but then wouldn’t you guys have to clean it up?

  58. bluemirror says:

    The Republicans have successfully excluded every demographic in this country except a few white epeople who refuse to welcome the thought that there are other people on this planet besides themselves.

    Wake up!

  59. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  60. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @59 All of us with functioning brain stems have woken up and realized all the major insanity/classism of the GOP!!
    It’s the conservatives who haven’t…

  61. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    If we hadn’t woken up, then we’d all be republicans!!

  62. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @55 but then wouldn’t you guys have to clean it up?

    Actually in Green Beret training the marine is supposed to clean it up and hide it. Part of the training is to learn to leave no trace that you were in the area.

  63. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @55 but then wouldn’t you guys have to clean it up?

    Actually in Green Beret training the marine is supposed to clean it up and hide it. Part of the training is to learn to leave no trace that you were in the area.

    Oh…*smacks herself on the head*

  64. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It sounds like you’re gonna make him go rambo or whatever…

  65. majii says:

    What Senator Graham and the other liars don’t realize is that when they insult the culture of anyone’s group, the real damage is to themselves. Graham now looks like the small-pminded bigot that he actually is. Representative Honda is much more circumspect in his response to the dittohead than I would be. My first response would be a stream of expletives.

  66. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    It sounds like you’re gonna make him go rambo or whatever…

    Beck wouldn’t survive the training. On day one they make you roll till you vomit all day to weed out the weaklings. And you get no water or food.

  67. majii says:

    **small-minded** Sorry. I’m typing on my laptop while I’m watching Rachel.

  68. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    majii says:


    What Senator Graham and the other liars don’t realize is that when they insult the culture of anyone’s group, the real damage is to themselves. Graham now looks like the small-pminded bigot that he actually is. Representative Honda is much more circumspect in his response to the dittohead than I would be. My first response would be a stream of expletives.

    And yet they wonder why they keep losing elections…

  69. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Actually in Green Beret training the marine is supposed to clean it up and hide it. Part of the training is to learn to leave no trace that you were in the area.

    Smiles Special Forces (Green Beret = is only head gear smiles) qualify to be in places they never were at.

    “De Oppresso Liber” – to free the oppressed …

  70. majii says:

    Sheehan is lying through his teeth about gays in the Dutch military.

  71. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Beck wouldn’t survive the training. On day one they make you roll till you vomit all day to weed out the weaklings. And you get no water or food.

    Ehh I’d rather see Limpballs have to go through that and see how long he lasts..

  72. majii says:

    What makes Sheehan think that gay people are indiscriminate in their actions? Nothing. this is the usual BS talking point to cover up his ignorance, and IMHO, he is one ignorant basturd.

  73. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    He’s an idiot, so why does he make the news?

  74. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    He’s just an idiot…

  75. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    as well as a bigot…

  76. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    Actually in Green Beret training the marine is supposed to clean it up and hide it. Part of the training is to learn to leave no trace that you were in the area.

    Smiles Special Forces (Green Beret = is only head gear smiles) qualify to be in places they never were at.

    “De Oppresso Liber” – to free the oppressed …

    The training alone would liberate Beck from this mortal coil. Two of my dads friends are green berets…nothing short of the Spetsnaz training (the Spetsnaz would let you die in training if you were not strong enough) sounds as difficult.

  77. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    GOP: Money before people!!

  78. majii says:

    I’m still waiting for Hannity to show up to be waterboarded.

  79. Right Wing Dystopia says:


    120 billion a year? You sure about that? That’s more than 25% of Medicare costs.

    I’m thinkin’ you should go back to the nest and ask for a more believable lie.

  80. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    What would Glenn Beck know about “battle”?

    His idea of “justice” is to be selected to go to a military prison by his friends to have soldiers hold down prisoners while he shoots them in the head.

  81. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @79 same here…He’s too much of a coward though, so I doubt he’ll actually do it!

  82. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    But, but Limpballs told him that, so it must be true!!

  83. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The training alone would liberate Beck from this mortal coil. Two of my dads friends are green berets…nothing short of the Spetsnaz training (the Spetsnaz would let you die in training if you were not strong enough) sounds as difficult.

    Kwel, wish them well was in the 7th group way back went smiles.

  84. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    majii says:
    I’m still waiting for Hannity to show up to be waterboarded.

    Never gonna happen. And to make things worse the dumb SOB volunteered to be water boarded to raise money for the troops and their families and then backed out.

  85. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    Don’t get Glenn started on social justice either. He might think you’re referring to the Battle of Stalingrad, where he probably believes there were no winners, only greedy communist Nazi liberals.

  86. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Yep, he’s a coward and a chickenhawk too!! Or is that O’Reilly?

  87. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:



    dam keyboard been getting in the way a lot.

  88. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Haha yeah and sadly his viewers/followers will lap that crap right up!!

  89. RantingTommy says:

    Obama and the Democrats are going to do good for Americans and there is nothing the trolls and their terrorist allies in the GOP can do about it.

    na na na naaa na

  90. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    It is my experience that hissy fits are comparable to major events of human suffering. You just have to be a Republican. Did I make meself clear? A Republican.

  91. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    majii says:

    I’m still waiting for Hannity to show up to be waterboarded.

    I believe that is a game he plays with Michele Bachmann at various D.C. area hotels.

  92. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The training alone would liberate Beck from this mortal coil. Two of my dads friends are green berets…nothing short of the Spetsnaz training (the Spetsnaz would let you die in training if you were not strong enough) sounds as difficult.

    Kwel, wish them well was in the 7th group way back went smiles.

    Thank you for serving Pilotshark. :D

    They’re strong…they can do it. My dad’s friend Mike was telling me about his training a few months back…he actually vomited a little blood while running and he freaked out one of the new recruits and got a good laugh from the more experienced soldiers.

  93. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    *sticks tounge out at GOP*
    Nanny nanny booboo….

  94. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh gawd!!
    *drinks brain bleach*

  95. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Yep, he’s a coward and a chickenhawk too!! Or is that O’Reilly?

    They’re both f***ing cowards…and I’d willingly pay for the plane ticket to ship both of them off to basic training. You want to insult the troops? Do it to their faces not from behind a camera.

  96. RantingTommy says:


    Golfing Old People?

    Geriatric Owned Pederasts?

    Gaggle Of Pricks?

  97. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Haha yeah and sadly his viewers/followers will lap that crap right up!!

    Because he’ll make a poster, have his suit match it and make up stuff about how what Founding Father did this and that while acting all outraged.

    In other words, he’ll just write the material for the Texas school text book companies.

  98. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I’ll make the 1st donation…

  99. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Will not respond unkindly to female interest

    Will not respond unkindly to female interest

  100. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says @93

    Smiles, yes that would get you a shocked look. Yes I bet there training was very tough. Ask them how they liked Robin Sage.

  101. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Oh gawd!!
    *drinks brain bleach*

    I wasn’t kidding…Green Beret training is brutal shit.

    Like I said the Spetsnaz are the only ones that topped that. They made their new recruits crawl through pools of rancid pigs blood under barbed wire.

  102. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    You’re smelly!!

  103. RantingTommy says:

    I wonder how the Texas schoolbooks of the future will spin the death of the Republican party at the hands of an African American President with a funny sounding name.

  104. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    RantingTommy says:


    Golfing Old People?

    Geriatric Owned Pederasts?

    Gaggle Of Pricks?

    The GOP, my beloved party, like the SAT, stands for one thing: absolutely nothing.

  105. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says @93

    Smiles, yes that would get you a shocked look. Yes I bet there training was very tough. Ask them how they liked Robin Sage.

    That would make for some very interesting stories. Four long weeks of large-scale unconventional warfare exercises would probably kill anyone who wasn’t prepared.

  106. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Note to Republican self:

    Take 100 showers

    Take 100 showers

  107. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    They’ll just say :”A Gawddm ni99er killed off good american paitriots”!! or something like that..

  108. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Or something like “we fought for our freedom from gawddm ni99er, commie nazi president”…

  109. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  110. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh gawd!!
    *drinks brain bleach*

    That won’t do. Saw yourself in half!!! LOL

  111. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Too painful!! But not as painful as the idea of malkin and hannity meeting up in hotel rooms “waterboarding” each other…

  112. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    They’ll just say :”A Gawddm ni99er killed off good american paitriots”!! or something like that..

    Patriot and GOP are two terms that should never, ever be used in the same sentence. They’re f***ing traitors. End of goddamn story.

  113. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Actually, we do stand for something! You know how war is peace in my party. The opposite is exactly true. It’s acceptable within my ranks to keep wars of choice going and going and going, but providing insurance to 30M people is the worst form of horrific tyranny. It’s terrifying to me, I wake up in the middle of the night with buns of sweat.

  114. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    yes use to not sure now but the whole operation took place not only on Fort Bragg but like 4 county’s that surround Fort Bragg.

  115. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    Actually, we do stand for something! You know how war is peace in my party. The opposite is exactly true. It’s acceptable within my ranks to keep wars of choice going and going and going, but providing insurance to 30M people is the worst form of horrific tyranny. It’s terrifying to me, I wake up in the middle of the night with buns of sweat.

    I feel your pain GOP and I’d like to make it worse.

  116. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @114 you guys have mastered double speak..Orwell would be so proud!!

  117. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Patriot and GOP are two terms that should never, ever be used in the same sentence. They’re f***ing traitors. End of goddamn story.

    That’s why it’s funny…

  118. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @116 Kick him where it really hurts!!

  119. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I feel your pain GOP and I’d like to make it worse.

    Another day in paradise …

  120. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    We can’t trust the japs, we can’t trust obama.

  121. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    yes use to not sure now but the whole operation took place not only on Fort Bragg but like 4 county’s that surround Fort Bragg.

    Last I checked it still takes place at the JFK special warfare center at Fort Bragg and within the 50,000 square miles of the surrounding area. That’s what my dad’s friend Mike told me.

  122. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I feel your pain GOP and I’d like to make it worse.

    Another day in paradise …

    Oh yeah…

  123. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:


    We can’t trust the japs, we can’t trust obama.

    1st of all, your real name is chickenhawk, and 2nd of all wtf are you smoking and can you share some with me?

  124. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Last I checked it still takes place at the JFK special warfare center at Fort Bragg and within the 50,000 square miles of the surrounding area. That’s what my dad’s friend Mike told me.

    Well it took in a lot of th estate of NC, and hell the people liked playing the game as well. had nice people bad people, the police may not be on your side.

    fun LOL

  125. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Come back here, you coward!!

  126. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th

    As I explained to you this morning during orientation, you go into this job with the stale Cheetos you have, not the freshly baked Cheetos you wish for.

  127. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    We can’t trust the japs, we can’t trust obama.

    But we sure could let all those “dangerous” Germans run free on American soil during WWII, right. They didn’t help start a war before that, correct? Because our government surely had no clue the Nazi’s were doing awful things to the Jews.

  128. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    We can’t trust the japs, we can’t trust obama.

    Chances are you probably use Japanese technology every day dipshit without knowing it…the Japanese aren’t our enemies. Besides Japan can’t dispatch troops under some sort of treaty. Japan does have a military, but its very limited in size anyways. They’re not even allowed to have nuclear powered battleships.

    I know we can’t trust you trigger happy tea-baggers.

  129. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @128 It’s right wing revisionist history at it’s finest!!

  130. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Oh jeebus, we got ourselves a dum-dum tonight!!

  131. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I knew I was going to catch it for telling the truth. Keep drinking your hateraide liberals.

  132. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The idea of Palin being so close to the big red button scares the crap out of me..
    “Whoops, I just nuked canada, sorry guys!!”…

  133. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Last I checked it still takes place at the JFK special warfare center at Fort Bragg and within the 50,000 square miles of the surrounding area. That’s what my dad’s friend Mike told me.

    Well it took in a lot of th estate of NC, and hell the people liked playing the game as well. had nice people bad people, the police may not be on your side.

    fun LOL

    Haha…god that must have scared the living shit out of the police. I’ve almost been busted playing a simple game of airsoft with friends in a local field because the surrounding neighbors thought we were trying to kill each other (which may or may not have been true) but a ton of trainees undergoing warfare training would have scared them senseless.

  134. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:


    I knew I was going to catch it for telling the truth. Keep drinking your hateraide liberals.

    *head hits keyboard*

  135. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:



    Whatever, pipsqueak!

  136. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    correct me if i am wrong please.

    but is the 59th, the 59th bed pan replacement battalion First brigade of the rove warriors?

  137. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    I knew I was going to catch it for telling the truth. Keep drinking your hateraide liberals.

    You’re distorting history, numbnuts. Read a text book sometime.

  138. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @132 the words “republican” and “truth” do not belong in the same sentence..

  139. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I knew I was going to catch it for telling the truth. Keep drinking your hateraide liberals.

    Maybe someone should intern you for 36 hours as you scream for the ACLU or how your rights have been violated. How you haven’t been read your Miranda rights.

    You talk tough but are just tissue paper in the end.

  140. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    correct me if i am wrong please.

    but is the 59th, the 59th bed pan replacement battalion First brigade of the rove warriors?

    You’re correct…they’re in charge of air-dropping cheeto’s to tea-baggers hiding in their cellars.

  141. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @138 I don’t know if he can read much beyond children’s books..A history textbook is too advanced…

  142. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Have any of you people ever read The Mount Vernon Statement?

  143. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    It might hurt his tiny brain to read all those big words…

  144. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Well they had heads up what was going on along with the civilians they all had there rolls.
    and there wasnt that many. maybe 5 A Team size groups.

  145. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    Textbooks are advanced reading to many Republicans. Now if we can dumb it all down to a Bazooka Joe level, we might have a chance at reaching them.

  146. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @132 the words “republican” and “truth” do not belong in the same sentence..

    Linzloo, my love, I have to correct you.

    “The truth is that a republican is a dangling utter.”

  147. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @143 It’s basically the Heritiage Foundation in a nutshell…

  148. tom says:

    Internment camps? Hmmm. Not a bad idea. We could send all the right-wing radio rant-jockeys there and sprinkle in a couple red-state Congressmen. They could all whine and moan, complain and lie to each other. Everyone would be happy.

  149. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Tee Hee

  150. Levi the Oracle says:

  151. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    Have any of you people ever read The Mount Vernon Statement?

    Yup. More conservative BS about small government (aka everything they don’t like). Otherwise you’re perfectly happy to throw you in jail without trial, bug your phone without warrant, tell you how to use your body, tell you who you can sleep with, etc. What a joke.

  152. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    *pats chickenhawk on the head*

  153. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:
    Textbooks are advanced reading to many Republicans. Now if we can dumb it all down to a Bazooka Joe level, we might have a chance at reaching them.

    So just dumb everything down to the size of a gum wrapper comic strip about free-dumb? Still seems too complicated for them.

  154. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Have any of you people ever read The Mount Vernon Statement?

    Is that where Moses came down from the mountain, met Jesus in North America and told the Indians to either get on their knees or Noah was going to kill all the pretty, young virgins?

  155. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Well night all.

    take care

  156. Levi the Oracle says:

    The allegedly brave wingnut allegedly of the 59th said,

    you people


  157. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Well they had heads up what was going on along with the civilians they all had there rolls.
    and there wasnt that many. maybe 5 A Team size groups.

    Ah okay. I pretty much only know the basics about the training that the Green Berets go through…basically stuff I’ve read and heard from former or current Berets.

    Still even if it was harsh training…still sounds like fun.

  158. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Levi the Oracle says:

    Buns of sweat?

    March 18th, 2010 at 10:24 pm

    It’s something that eminates from my republican buns of steel.

  159. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    When will those FEMA camps be built?

  160. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:
    Textbooks are advanced reading to many Republicans. Now if we can dumb it all down to a Bazooka Joe level, we might have a chance at reaching them.

    So just dumb everything down to the size of a gum wrapper comic strip about free-dumb? Still seems too complicated for them.

    We are talking about a group of people who are swayed by arguments, so complex as: Would you trust this politician if they were a spider?

  161. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I’ve signed it and so have over 41,500 Americans. You can too, right here. We don’t want to be attacked again by the japs and we don’t want obamacare. That’s where we stand.

  162. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:
    Well night all.

    take care

    Goodnight :D

  163. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    It’s the Heritage Foundation’s job to protect the heritage of my buns, you see?

    I should be raising some eyebrows by now. Should be.

  164. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    Have any of you people ever read The Mount Vernon Statement?

    Just did, thanks for the laugh.

  165. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:
    Textbooks are advanced reading to many Republicans. Now if we can dumb it all down to a Bazooka Joe level, we might have a chance at reaching them.

    So just dumb everything down to the size of a gum wrapper comic strip about free-dumb? Still seems too complicated for them.

    We are talking about a group of people who are swayed by arguments, so complex as: Would you trust this politician if they were a spider?

    Oh God that’s a tough one…check the SOB for eight (sometimes six) eyes, eight legs and other arachne traits. Bonus points if the spider is wearing Russian BDU camo./snark

    They really are that insane.

  166. Levi the Oracle says:

    You don’t want Obamacare?

    Tough shit!

  167. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Money eats people!

  168. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I’ve signed it and so have over 41,500 Americans. You can too, right here. We don’t want to be attacked again by the japs and we don’t want obamacare. That’s where we stand.

    Yeah. That defense force that the Japanese call a military is going to come for us. Good golly…I don’t sleep at night knowing Angelina Jolie could be the next Tokyo Rose. That I don’t know if the guy standing next to me is going to be an American Tojo. If all these Sushi outlets are really…the real rise of the Rising Sun!!!!

    Quick! Someone get Glenn Beck. We need to get to the bottom of all these Kamikaze Sushi World War III recruiting depots!!

  169. Levi the Oracle says:

    I am still thinking buns of sweat was a dirty movie I saw before I was married.

  170. Right Wing Dystopia says:

    From the Mount Vernon Statement:

    It supports America’s national interest in advancing freedom
    and opposing tyranny in the world and prudently considers what we can and should do to that

    I peed

  171. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:
    Money eats people!

    I know…I didn’t do anything to provoke my wallet this morning and it attacked me. The horror!

  172. har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I’ve signed it and so have over 41,500 Americans. You can too, right here. We don’t want to be attacked again by the japs

    Exactly how is Japan goping to attack again considering they do not have a military. They now have the Japan Self-Defense Forces, which has approx. 240,000 members. And we 3 millon active and reserve.

  173. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Levi the Oracle says:

    You don’t want Obamacare?

    We’ve constructed our fears this way: Page one of the doctor’s clipboard will be his report, independent and compassionate. Page two will be the Obamcare report with the bottom portion of the page to be detached and mailed off for review to the Assistant Secretary of HHS for the Death Panel.

  174. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    “I peed”


  175. Right Wing Dystopia says:


    Yes, really.

    That is some funny shit

  176. Levi the Oracle says:

    I personally am not affected by the health care legislation. I am well covered, and in nearly perfect health.

    I support health care reform legislation not for me, but for others. I am not as selfish as someone who arrogantly calls himself “brave”.

  177. Mr. Sonia Herecomestheangst (sponsored by the Salmon & French Fries union) says:

    Levi the Oracle says:

    I am still thinking buns of sweat was a dirty movie I saw before I was married.

    It sounds like a hidden menu item at Cinnabon…like what a masochistic pro golfer would order before a BDSM session with a mistress or ten.

  178. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Levi the Oracle says:

    I am still thinking buns of sweat was a dirty movie I saw before I was married.

    Nowadays, my party is the dirty movie you’ve been seeing.*

    *Diapers, Appalachian hiking gear, and public stall included

  179. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    har5125 (brought to you by the Independent Faction) says:
    The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I’ve signed it and so have over 41,500 Americans. You can too, right here. We don’t want to be attacked again by the japs

    Exactly how is Japan goping to attack again considering they do not have a military. They now have the Japan Self-Defense Forces, which has approx. 240,000 members. And we 3 millon active and reserve.

    They’ll brainwash our children with their anime and sneak in the back door and force us too all eat sushi! And if you think that’s bad enough just look at this!

  180. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @179 all you’re missing is larry craig to try to solicit a tapdance from you in that public stall!

  181. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

  182. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @182 Yep..And you are, too!

  183. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    The Brave Men of the 59th says:
    The Mount Vernon Statement is funny to you?

    A regular laugh riot.

  184. The Brave Men of the 59th says:

    I wish drhunt were here. He could hold up the mirror that would show you all to be the dumb monkeys that you are. And I do not mean that in a kind or cordial way either.

  185. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    @179 all you’re missing is larry craig to try to solicit a tapdance from you in that public stall!

    I prefer widestances over tapdances, bebby.

  186. Levi the Oracle says:

    Be careful what you wish for.

  187. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    @179 all you’re missing is larry craig to try to solicit a tapdance from you in that public stall!

    You sure it’s a tap dance Craig wants? That seems a bit innocent for a pervert of his caliber…well unless he wants us to put on a pink dress and blond wig and speak in a high pitched tone.

  188. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Anyone else here think that chickenhawk and dr demented are the same troll?

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