Think Progress

Limbaugh’s ‘Cheap And Disingenuous’ Call For People To Jam Congressional Phonelines

Rush Limbaugh For the past few days, hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been urging his listeners to call Congress and oppose health care. Yesterday, he gleefully aired clips of journalists touting his project, urging his followers to keep up the pressure:

LIMBAUGH: So here are the numbers, the toll-free number for the Capitol Switchboard: 877-762-8762. The toll call number, the direct toll number is 202-224-3121. Now, we have these numbers at if you don’t have a way to write them down, if you’re driving around or something. If you have a smart phone, you can log on at a red light and get the numbers. Here they are again: 877-762-8762, I guess this is the third time now that I’m — or maybe I could just say this is a continuation of yesterday, still only the second time in history that I have advocated this. And there’s no better time than now. It is really crucial. I think all these phone calls that you made yesterday, there’s no question at all they had an impact. I mean everybody noted it at the Capitol Hill switchboard.

Limbaugh seems eager to be in the spotlight after his “spawn,” Glenn Beck, has been getting all the attention lately. To do so, Limbaugh is adopting a Beck-style tactic that he previously derided. In an interview with Politico last year, Limbaugh said that telling people to “call Washington” was “cheap and disingenuous“:

“I don’t rally people and haven’t since the first year of my radio show,” he wrote to POLITICO. “At that time, all local talk hosts were attempting to prove their worth by getting people to cut up gasoline credit cards, call Washington, etc. I thought it was cheap and disingenuous. The few times I did, early on, suggest people call Washington, the reaction to it from the media was that the response was not genuine (I shut down the House switchboard) because people only did what they did because ‘Limbaugh told them to.’

On his show yesterday, Limbaugh admitted that he has “shied away” from urging people to call Congress in the past because his efforts could “delegitimize the whole thing.” He said that this time was different, however, because the media weren’t saying that “Limbaugh urged them to do it.” “They’re reporting it as a genuine outrage at the bill, and it is!” he said. “There’s no question.” Well, not really. In fact, even in the stories that Limbaugh highlights, the press reports that the calls are coming in because of Limbaugh — not because of a spontaneous outrage over health care. As The Hill wrote yesterday, the “unusual call volume” to Capitol Hill “began Tuesday afternoon after Limbaugh made a plea on his website for fans to call lawmakers.”

178 Responses to “Limbaugh’s ‘Cheap And Disingenuous’ Call For People To Jam Congressional Phonelines”

  1. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I hope they continue until they are jailed. Maybe rush can bail them out.

  2. zxbe says:

    Limbaugh said passage of this bill would end the United States as we know it. He’s right, in a way. It would begin to end the United States known for embarrassingly lagging behind the rest of the industrialized world in health care.

  3. P.D. says:

    You know the old saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”. That’s what ‘Baggers’ and Repugs are. MSM is ignoring the millions who want reform. In fact, they have only high-lighted the ‘Baggers’ and virtually ignored the ‘Coffee Party’. People my age, (Late thrities and forties and fifties) WANT HCR. Besides, I REALLY, really want to see limpballs move to Costa Rica.

  4. USNclerk says:

    So the White House switchboard is jammed, how do legitimate calls get through? Isn’t this criminal obstruction?

  5. hellinabucket says:

    It’s different this time for Rush because the people who sign is multi-million dollar checks told him to.

  6. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Maybe Rush should hold a “die-in” in the capital with his fans and Michele Bachmann and they can all slit their wrists at once to show their disdain for health-care.

    Seriously Rush, you’re a self-admitted leech…STFU.

  7. michaelam says:

    Jim Jones—-Rush Limbaugh….What’s the difference? Pretty scary world when one person can dictate the actions and thoughts of many people.

  8. UncommonSense says:

    The most interesting thing about this is that Limbaugh used to pride himself on the fact that he never participated in these kinds of stunts.

    I used to middays at a news/talk station that carried The Rush Limbaugh Show. I listened to the entire three-hour program for years, and I remember many times his scornful dismissal of radio talk-show hosts who would use “call them up” stunts like this. He considered it cheap and exploitative, a refuge of no-talent hacks.

    Who’s the hack now, Rush?

  9. Zooey, Mother Superior, Church of Perpetual Whoopie says:

    LIMBAUGH: So here are the numbers, the toll-free number for the Capitol Switchboard: 877-762-8762. The toll call number, the direct toll number is 202-224-3121.

    Lumpy tells his dittoheads to call the Capitol Switchboard, but doesn’t tell them what they’re supposed to say. Clearly, he doesn’t understand his listeners at all.

  10. bulletproofair says:

    I hope Limburger told his followers what to say after they actually get through to an operator…

    “Hello, Capital Switchboard, How can I redirect your call?”

    -”Yea…uh…’Bama’s a socialist, yea, and he’s tryin’ to shove this down our throats…yea…and the American people have spoken!”

  11. Zimzone says:

    I called Costa Rica & told them to beware of a beached whale coming ashore soon.

  12. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Aw geez… Drugbaugh’s ENTIRE EXISTENCE is ‘cheap and disingenuous’…

  13. leftzone says:

    “Keep trying to call, if it’s busy, that’s the point!”

    Typical wingtard response. Don’t engage in the issues, just jam up the phone lines so no one else can actually get through to register a possibly different opinion than the one all these clowns in the wrong wing espouse.

    Move to Iraq, traitor. Even they have universal health care; and they would welcome you as a liberator.

  14. Beam me up Scotty says:

    He just yelled fire in a theater where there is no fire.

  15. Winski says:

    Instead, let’s all call limberger’s studio and yell at him that he’s a fat, drug-crazed, moron which is proven fact!

    (Both are a complete waste of time)….

  16. texasrick says:

    I would like to “lance” the boil that got him out of serving in Viet Nam…It’s between his shoulders now.

  17. paleolib says:

    So who has time to keep hitting redial all day? Isn’t he basically telling a bunch of olds to call up and scream “keep your filthy socialist government hands off my Medicare” at whoever answers?

  18. ljm says:

    He’s a typical childish puppet master who sits wringing his hands in glee and marveling at how a limited intellect can have so much power.

  19. barfly says:

    This will work as well as his primary election ploy:


  20. pd says:

    What does he mean he “doesn’t rally people”? What was the whole “Operation Chaos” thing he did during the Democratic primaries? As I recall it, he was trying to get Republicans to disingenuously vote in the Democratic primary.

  21. P.D. says:

    This is stupid. Faux news and Repugs are making it look as if this is a triumph somehow. ANYONE can look up his or her Rep. and call. This is a nothing new. This is a ploy to make it as if the Repugs and ‘Baggers’ are in control. This is a farce. The whole ‘Baggers’ ‘Storm the Capital’ was an epic fail. Only a couple of hundred people were there, if that! What we are watching is the Repugs Swan Song.

  22. leftzone says:

    @Winski: That’s actually a great idea. Don’t dial to get through, just jam up the phone lines today so his moronic dittoheads can’t get through to agree with all the nonsense he barks. Speed dial war!

  23. texasrick says:

    Is it just me or does anyone else look at this fat piece of crap and feel like spitting?

  24. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Rush Limbaugh is the undisputed heavy-weight champion of lying and running his mouth trying to incite a riot. He’s very happy to tell you he’s in charge. But, the only thing Rush is really in charge off is the Cough Button on his radio studio console. Everything else he says he is in charge of is just a pile of words crammed together to make you imagine what you are hearing is believable. It’s not. It’s only his job. He does it well.

    In short: RUSH IS FULL OF SHIT. Or to quote Al Franken: “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot.”

  25. bob1975 says:

    Why not post the phone numbers of Rush Limbaugh, his place of employment and the the network that transmits his radio show.

  26. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    texasrick says:
    Is it just me or does anyone else look at this fat piece of crap and feel like spitting?

    If I could wrap my hands around his fat neck I’d choke him for being so damn ignorant and selfish but I guess I’ll stick with spitting in his face.

  27. belaccifer lacca says:

    I hope Rush fails.

  28. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:

    “cheap” and “disingenious” are just a few of the rosier adjectives used to describe that heinous goatf**king piece of shit.

    Passage of the healthcare bill will fuel Rush’s rants until at least January. But as the bill eventually takes effect, his rants will fall on deaf ears.

  29. gummitch -- this space for rent says:

    Remember Limbaugh’s last attempt, when he was encouraging Republicans to switch parties to vote in the Democratic primaries? Remember what a huge success that was? Oh, wait. It didn’t accomplish anything.

    I bookmarked this David Brooks column from last year, because I knew it would come up again. It’s worth reading.

    Over the years, I have asked many politicians what happens when Limbaugh and his colleagues attack. The story is always the same. Hundreds of calls come in. The receptionists are miserable. But the numbers back home do not move. There is no effect on the favorability rating or the re-election prospects. In the media world, he is a giant. In the real world, he’s not.

  30. texasrick says:

    …I got a feeling that most of us on this board wouldn’t last too long in politics lol.

  31. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    texasrick says:

    Is it just me or does anyone else look at this fat piece of crap and feel like spitting?

    I favor vomiting myself…

  32. Insidious Prophet says:

    It’s just breath taking to watch and listen to all of the right wing lemmings follow Rush’s marching orders. Is Rush doing this because he is really just trying to save his millions from being taxed a bit more?

  33. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  34. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Rush is America. America is Rush.

    Pretty broad-minded view of the greatest nation on earth ya got there.

  35. Insidious Prophet says:

    belaccifer lacca says:

    I hope Rush fails.
    I can do better than that. I hope Rush dies. There I said it.

  36. hellinabucket says:

    texasrick, I wouldn’t make it past the vetting process. Only the squeakiest of the squeaky clean can move forward in todays political world.

  37. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    texasrick says:
    …I got a feeling that most of us on this board wouldn’t last too long in politics lol.

    Haha. Well our political careers would be very short but they would be very entertaining. Plus if would be worth it just to get the chance to b!tch slap every one of the republicans…call it a no BS policy.

  38. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Rush is America

    he’s fat enough to be but he’s not.

  39. Badmoodman says:

    “Limbaugh urged them to do it.” “They’re reporting it as a genuine outrage at the bill, and it is!” he said. “There’s no question.”

    – - The Bush year policies — the tax cuts, wars and Medicare drug bill — added $700 billion to the deficit in 2009. The recession added about $500 billion. Where was the Teabagger rage THEN?

  40. belaccifer lacca says:

    Twilight of Glory

    Awesome! Is this that new movie about the first company of black teenage vampires in the Civil War?

    Hey, fake ain’t funny.

    Move on.

  41. Insidious Prophet says:

    Twilight Of Glory???


    Sounds like a title to a gay porno flick.

  42. texasrick says:

    Hitler had Josef Goebbels, the Repugs have Limpball as their minister of HATE.

  43. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Rush is America. America is Rush. Don’t like it? Move.

    Well I’ll give you that one…the fat f**k probably weighs about as much as the North American continental plate.

  44. dbadass says:

    Rush is America. America is Rush. Don’t like it?
    — Seems someone is chosing to ignore the demographics. Hey poser what is the youth view on the fat man?

  45. tombaker says:

    33 – you move, or we’re going to flood you with phone calls.

  46. hellinabucket says:

    I listened to Rush years ago and picked up pretty quick on how he was/is the master of distraction. Ruffling papers, pounding desks, spanking himself, not staying on topic told me he has no interest in the actual issues. That would dull the senses of his average audience. He needs to incite and keep the ire up in his listeners.

    This latest stunt of his proves once again that he does not hold true to any other principle than the almighty dollar. He’s a well paid puppet and happy to dance.

  47. tombaker says:

    shouldn’t the guy be able to come up with better advice than “hold your breath and stamp your feet”?

    i thought he was supposed to know all about political stuff, and stuff.

  48. Badmoodman says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Rush is America

    – - He absolutely is, for better or worse. And every bit as much as the liberals, Democrats, progressives, minorities, lesbians, gays, transsexuals, union workers, and slackards that make up the cultural stew that is America.

  49. leftzone says:

    800-282-2882 Call often.

  50. tombaker says:

    junkies usually get skinny just from “pursuing their passion”.

    maybe he got that lap band procedure?


  51. P.D. says:

    Limpballs looks like he is trying to mimic Uncle Sam. Isn’t that blasphemous?

  52. Insidious Prophet says:

    Rush is America??

    So let me get this straight. America is:

    Grossly obese
    Very wealthy
    Pompous windbag
    Addicted to Oxycontin and Viagra

    And likes under aged male prostitutes from the Dominican Republic….?

  53. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Twilight of Glory:

    Obama received 69,456,897 votes in the 2008 Presidential election.

    How many listeners does Limbaugh average?

    Whose in the majority?

  54. PolicyNorth says:

    *shrug* He can urge his dittoheads to do whatever he wants. No skin off my teeth if he just makes other people look as stupid as he does.
    Counter call to HIS show :DDD

  55. A Patriot Acting says:

    Turnabout’s fair play right?

    Rush Limbaugh’s radio show call-in number:

  56. Insidious Prophet says:

    Let me guess…twilight of glory is really sons of liberty who is spirit of 76 who is graeme who is alfred who is dr.runt who is aaronk?

  57. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  58. dbadass says:

    Call and keep calling until America is free once more…

    When did it stop being free? Can you please try and be more trite? Thanks…

  59. J. Fred Smug says:

    Ho-hum. This is not really newsworthy: lying hypocrites generally have great difficulty keeping up with their lies and hypocrisy. Just another day in Rush World.

  60. pops7154 says:

    I just can not figure how americans became so stupid to even to listening to this lieing fool.It really looks bad for our country. I guess most must be trailer trash with an eight grade schooling if that or some cross breading in the familys.

  61. tombaker says:

    i hope their “golden shower” makes it to youtube.

  62. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    tombaker says:
    i hope their “golden shower” makes it to youtube.

    Would it be under the news category or comedy?

  63. EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:


    Bill Hicks died before his time. Though I think the absurdity of living through the Bush administration and the teabaggers would’ve killed him if pancreatic cancer didn’t.

  64. belaccifer lacca says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Perhaps this poem might gain your favor.

    Ode to Rush

    Oh, hey Spirit of ‘76/Patrick 5!


    How many names have you posted under?

    Ballpark guess?

  65. A Patriot Acting says:

    Sweet Twilight, I’ve got one for you:

    sing it to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon”

    Rush, the tragic racist,
    Loves the Oxy-C
    And frolicked on his vacation
    With underage kiddies.
    An ignorant troll named watchdog
    Loved that rascal Rush,
    And brought him some Viagra
    And other fancy stuff.
    Rush, the tragic racist,
    Loves the Oxy-C
    And frolicked on his vacation
    With underage kiddies.Oh!
    Together they would travel
    On a boat with Joel Surnow.
    Watchdog kept a lookout perched
    On Rush’s stubby pole.
    Dominican drug dealers and pimps
    Would bow whenever they came,
    Pirate ships would lower their flags
    When Rush roared out his name. Oh!
    Rush, the tragic racist,
    Loves the Oxy-C
    And frolicked on his vacation
    With underage kiddies. Oh!
    The racist avoided combat,
    with bleeding hemorrhoids.
    Wrapped himself up in a flag
    and chased some little boys.
    One grey night it happened,
    Watchdog came back for more
    But Rush the tragic racist,
    Would fu(k him nevermore.
    His fists now clenched in anger,
    Oxycontin fell like rain,
    And Rush no longer went
    Into that dark hole again.
    Watchdog had grown too old,
    For Rush’s sexual game,
    Cause Rush the tragic racist
    Prefers a young boy slave.
    Rush, the tragic racist,
    Loves the Oxy-C
    And frolicked on his vacation
    With underage kiddies.
    . Oh!
    No…oh…Do you ever think about me anymore…no…yeah…say oh…

  66. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Odor of Rush

    get your nose out of his ass.

  67. mike from Arlington says:

    OMG they must have been bombarded by a wall of stupid at the switchboard after his callers started dialing in.





  68. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    EnnuiDivine (a holding company of Soylent Food Products, Inc.) says:
    Bill Hicks died before his time. Though I think the absurdity of living through the Bush administration and the teabaggers would’ve killed him if pancreatic cancer didn’t.

    Agreed. I still would have love to have heard Bill Hick’s commentary Abu Ghraib and the Iraq War and a rant about the tea-baggers would have been hilarious. The guy could make you laugh at even the darkest subjects. Hicks is the God of comedy.

  69. Levi the Oracle says:

    Twilight of glory@33 said,

    Rush is America. America is Rush. Don’t like it? Move.

    First let’s take a look at the trolls new name. “Twilight of glory” would seem to indicate an understanding that which this fascist considers “glory” is in it’s twilight, or that is to say that the fascist right is beginning to realize they are going off a cliff.

    “Rush is America” and “America is Rush” are both metaphors, open to interpretation. Rush certainly does not represent America, as he is not a representative but a hate radio talk show host. The “twilight of glory” fascist seems to be trying to indicate that Rush’s political views are that of America, and that America is all about Rush’s political views.

    If that is a correct interpretation, it is clearly and demonstrably false. Rush represents no one and speaks only for a very small percentage of Americans.

    Why an American would leave America because they don’t like the metaphore, “Rush is America and America is Rush” is beyond me. Perhaps the fascist troll can explain it, but I would expect nothing but senseless rambling.

    It is interesting that the “if you don’t like it, move” meme is being broadcast by the fascist Republican propagandists. It seems to me that they are the ones that don’t like it, therefore they should move, but this detail appears to be beyond their ability to comprehend.

  70. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  71. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    A Patriot Acting, do you know what slander is?

    This shit again?

  72. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    A Patriot Acting, do you know what slander is?

    Do you, moron?

    Twilight of Glory:
    Clearly a homosexual terrorist

  73. Insidious Prophet says:

    Ode to Rush

    Rush, Rush, Rush
    Think of the obese pig
    Choking on a pork chop
    Think of the drug addled moron
    With the flaccid cock

    Lord of all lies
    His anus inflamed
    Gobbles down Viagra and M&M’s
    Like they’re the same.

    A colossal slob, a zero
    Adolph Hitler is his hero
    High on Oxycontin, the conservo-power
    Gives Dominican boys a golden shower.

    Rush, Rush, Rush
    So hateful, so smug
    Puffs on his cigar
    After removing it from one of his fans butt

  74. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Rush’s Gloryhole,
    Did you get your daily golden shower from Limpballs yet?

  75. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    A Patriot Acting, do you know what slander is?

    What rush does every day?

  76. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    Poetic Justice

    Take the words of Rush
    And flush, flush, flush
    For there is no doubt about it
    They are sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.

    From a heartless soul
    With no shame
    Seeking fame
    And a large bank roll
    To dittohead sheep
    With no mind
    Following blind
    And bias to keep

    Take the words of Rush
    And flush, flush, flush
    For there is no doubt about it
    They are sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.

  77. hellinabucket says:

    Twilight, do you know what praying to false idols is?

  78. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    A Patriot Acting, do you know what slander is?

    What rush does every day?

    No, when Rush slanders people it’s the truth™./snark

  79. Intrepid says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

    Hitler is America. America is Hitler. Don’t like it? Move.

    Why do you hate America?

  80. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  81. pags2 says:

    hellinabucket says:
    I listened to Rush years ago and picked up pretty quick on how he was/is the master of distraction. Ruffling papers, pounding desks, spanking himself, not staying on topic told me he has no interest in the actual issues. That would dull the senses of his average audience. He needs to incite and keep the ire up in his listeners.

    That is the best description of Limbaugh I have heard. We should not take Limbaugh seriously. His listeners are not a significant number of people. The best part about Limbaugh is that he makes a great campaign ad for the Dems. I say let him keep running his mouth off.

  82. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    A Patriot Acting, do you know what slander is?

    Twilight of Glory:

    Where did you go, pansy creep?

  83. paleolib says:

    Funny Operation Chaos story from my neck of the woods: One of the more rabidly red suburban counties has an open seat on the county commission. Lots of jeebus fearin’ palefaces are lining up to run. One of them, a small town mayor on the northern end of the county finds himself fighting charges that he isn’t really a Republican because he voted in the ‘08 Dem primary. His explanation? You guessed it, he claims he signed up so he could vote for Clinton at Limprod’s command to try to derail Obama. It will be interesting to see how he fares.

  84. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Your poems will never be heard

    Because they are a smelly turd.

    Rush Limbaugh makes ToG hard.

    Because ToG is a silly tard.

  85. ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Your poems will never be heard

    Because they are a smelly turd.

    “Listen! You smell something?”

    - Dr. Ray Stanz, the heart of the Ghostbusters.

  86. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    But our poems have been read
    By a dittohead

  87. Insidious Prophet says:

    Rush, Oh Rush,
    So obese, so boring,
    He likes having sex with,
    Twilight of glory…

  88. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    ralph the wonder llama, official spokesllama for the Llama Milk Council® says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Your poems will never be heard

    Because they are a smelly turd.

    “Listen! You smell something?”

    - Dr. Ray Stanz, the heart of the Ghostbusters.


    “That’s one big pile of shit.”
    - Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park.

  89. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I smell the fear. Here is what is causing it:

    House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill

    The Congressional Budget Office estimated the legislation would reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion over its first 10 years, and continue to drive down the red ink thereafter.

    Democratic leaders said the deficit would be cut $1.2 trillion in the second decade_ and Obama called it the biggest reduction since the 1990s, when President Bill Clinton put the federal budget on a path to surplus.

  90. glogrrl says:

    Who’s the hack now, Rush?

    Why is anyone surprised that he’s doing this? He’s a Rethuglican, isn’t he? The only criteria these days to be a Rethuglican seems to be being a jerk and doing a 180. Oh, and of course, only saying NO!

  91. PatrioticLiberalChristian says:

    ‘Tis a tragic story
    Of America in her twilight of glory
    Brought down by greed, fear and bigotry
    Brought down in a rush of conservative zealotry

  92. hellinabucket says:

    a limmerick to Rush:

    Old Rush would paint the raidowaves red
    People would do what ever the fatman said
    But this turned to dread
    as it went to Rush’s head
    and he was found with a little boy in his bed.

  93. glogrrl says:

    #52–Grossly obese
    Very wealthy
    Pompous windbag
    Addicted to Oxycontin and Viagra

    You forgot:
    Likes little boys.

  94. Intrepid says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Your poems will never be heard

    Because they are a smelly turd.

    Your posts will be never read

    because they will be flushed down the sewer.

    And the teabagger movement

    is becoming fewer and fewer

    And Twilight of Limpballs glory hole

    whose intelligence dangles on the butthair of Rumprider’s fat hairs

    are sucked up by twilight of limpballs glory hole.

  95. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  96. tombaker says:

    Once HCR passes, and the President signs it into law next week, what will righties seize on next?

    Any bets on what “The Next Great American Red Herring” will be?

  97. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    *Pulls Rush’s manhood out of his mouth and licks lips*


  98. Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    Help jam Mr. Limpboner’s phone line by calling 1-800-282-2882 between noon and 3pm Eastern Time.

    Or send him fax nastygrams at 1-212-445-3963.

    Or forward all the spam you can gather to

  99. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  100. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    heres a little song for you by the great BB King.

    No one loves me except for my mother
    No one loves me except for my mother
    and she might be jiving too.

    be a man/woman grow up stand up and then move out onto your own.

  101. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Obama signs jobs bill

    It’s a great day in America.

  102. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    thanks, i will set up a continue loop call to it. Smiles sometimes its good to have Voip system.

  103. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    Obama signs jobs bill

    It’s a great day in America.

    Next up: Health Care Reform.

    Don’t like it, republiscum?

    Tough shit.

  104. glamourdammerung says:

    teapat says:
    I hope they continue until they are jailed.

    Jail American citizens for having the audacity to call their elected representatives? Stalin would be proud!

    You must have missed the part about deliberately jamming their phone lines.

  105. Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    Our trolls have never had the wit to plug “golden shower” into Google of some other search engine, have they?

    Can we sit in the bleachers at the 50 yard line or maybe way up under the shell behind home plate when they march out into Rush’s golden shower? Do they have to bring their own towel?

  106. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  107. Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    107. Sorry, that’s “…Google or …” not ‘of’.

  108. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  109. belaccifer lacca says:

    teapat says:

    What exactly do you think #108 proves?

    Yes, they will need to review the FINAL language… they are working on it.
    The reductions in the deficit from this legislation are real despite your odd bolding.

  110. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    teapat, it will probably look even better once it’s passed.

    You don’t seem to have a point. It’s preliminary.

    It’s a great day in America.

  111. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  112. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    I can’t imagine what the trolls could be celebrating.

    Everything they stand for has been proven to be a failure and now everything they hate is succeeding.

    It must be the drugs they give them.

  113. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  114. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    teapat, it will probably look even better once it’s passed.

    You don’t seem to have a point. It’s preliminary.

    It’s a great day in America.


    Don’t like it, republiscum? Tough shit.

  115. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  116. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    teapat says:
    The Democrats are jumping the gun. Let’s wait

    That’s really all you can do honey. Wait.

    You should be very afraid. Jobs, health care, etc. you will have a hard time competing with no success to back you up.

    Even worse, you have that damned recession you caused hanging around your necks.

    It’s a great day in America.

  117. Bullsmith says:

    It’s lovely that a man who makes millions by trying to cause anger, hatred and dysfunction in America can get hired to host Monday Night Football. Sure he got himself fired, but America rewards bad behavior like no other country on earth these days. Just ask John Thain, or Sarah Palin, or Glenn Beck.

  118. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  119. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  120. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Fred ♪♫♪ says:
    I can’t imagine what the trolls could be celebrating.

    Everything they stand for has been proven to be a failure and now everything they hate is succeeding.

    It must be the drugs they give them.

    It has to be the drugs. One’s just posting BS quotes, ones claims to be a union worker and another just turned himself into a glory hole joke.

  121. wildweasel says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  122. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  123. belaccifer lacca says:

    Let’s wait until the official CBO report and then review it before discussing how much money the entitlement it’s going to save us.

    Why? You’re going to dismiss the official report as well… you’ve already dismissed the ones we have.

    See why I say you sorta lose credibility on governance when you attack ALL Government?

    You dismissed the CBO scoring out of hand yesterday so I don’t really feel like listening to your opinion on it today, sorry.

  124. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  125. belaccifer lacca says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Fake ain’t funny, Vampire Veteran… go back to your coffin and sleep it off.
    Come back when you can look at yourself in the mirror.

  126. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Bullsmith, they didn’t want him on MNF because he told the truth about negro players and in liberal America you’re not allowed to do that.

    Go back to getting pissed on by Rush you racist moron.

  127. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  128. Levi the Oracle says:

    teapat@113 said,



  129. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  130. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  131. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  132. Intrepid says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    wildweasel, they couldn’t get any sponsors to support their lousy shows, LOL!!!

    Meanwhile, Glenn Beck is losing sponsors left and right.

    Your point?

  133. Levi the Oracle says:

    teapat@117 said,

    Get the gas chambers ready!

    Not gas chambers, prison camps.

  134. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  135. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    I’d call you a retard but most retarded people are smarter than Republicans, more tolerant than Republicans, and faster learners than the 20% who are still standing under their open skylights waiting to be raptured if health-care goes through.

  136. pags2 says:

    tombaker says:
    Once HCR passes, and the President signs it into law next week, what will righties seize on next?

    Any bets on what “The Next Great American Red Herring” will be?

    It will be cap and trade or jobs bills that do not cut taxes for the wealthy. My bet is on the latter because the GOP will be ramping up for elections with promises of tax cuts and deregulation.

  137. teapat says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  138. A Patriot Acting says:

    Yeah TeaTurds, all 600 of you “surround us”.

    STFU, go back under your bridges trolls and change your soiled panties. HC reform will pass, ain’t nothing you can do about it.

    ps-I’ll let you in on a little secret. Rush is an entertainer and a millionaire. He, like the Republican Party (mostly millionaires but not very entertaining) don’t give a shit about you. Both entities happily spread lies in order to maintain as much power as possible. That’s it. It’s about their power and money…not your silly beliefs. Wake up foolish trolls, America is passing you by and you are being used…hapless pawns for a failed political party and an obese hatefilled liar. If you can’t bring upon the change you want because you don’t have the voting bloc to pull it off..oh well. I guess you are just dinosaurs relegated to marches with likeminded teatards…whose numbers shrink with each march. Put your three-pointed hats back in mothballs for your next battle over cap and trade. I can’t wait to see how the Repubs and Limbaugh plan to use y’all to scream and defend big corporations and poluters. Or will the baggers take on trying to block financial reform next? You guys love to fight against your interests so which will it be?

    BTW how’s that whole impeachy thing going for you guys? Haven’t heard much in a while on it.

  139. Fred ♪♫♪ says:

    teapat says:
    Hate to rain on your parade but the health care bill will not pass. They will not get the votes needed to pass it.

    where’s those wmd’s predicitor?

    where’s that era of prosperity you promised?

    You seem to predict much but deliver 0.

    try clicking your heels together and chanting “there’s no place like home”

  140. Levi the Oracle says:

    teapat@124 said,



  141. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    bizarrobrain, oh I’m a racist moron, am I? Do you know how much Rush makes an hour?

    And you’re still a moron with a serious Limbaugh fetish. Get bent.

  142. Intrepid says:

    Hey teabaggerpat:

    Suck on this loser….

    (Reuters) – The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday a final healthcare bill with changes sought by congressional Democrats would reduce the deficit by $138 billion over 10 years.

  143. belaccifer lacca says:

    wildweasel, they couldn’t get any sponsors to support their lousy shows, LOL!!!

    Beck loses 103 sponsors as his UK television broadcast runs for five days straight without any ads.


  144. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  145. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    We do surround you, with the ghosts of Calvin Coolidge, Jerry Falwell and other great patriots who died to keep this country free.

    Falwell? A patriot?
    HahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahaha…hah. You’re full of shit.

  146. Intrepid says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    We do surround you, with the ghosts of Calvin Coolidge, Jerry Falwell and other great patriots who died to keep this country free.

    Just like a lying teabagger terrorist. Gloryfying haters. Haters like the shitweasel twilight of rushbos glory hole.

  147. Levi the Oracle says:

    Twilight of Glory@133 flagged for a threat of gun violence.

  148. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  149. glamourdammerung says:

    teapat says:

    You must have missed the part about deliberately jamming their phone lines.

    Wow. You’re right. Get the gas chambers ready!

    Interesting hyperbole. However, it does not invalidate my earlier point in any way at all.

    Why are conservatives soft on crime?

  150. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  151. SoapBox says:

    139 teaPARROTpat says:





    And this for you Polly!


  152. belaccifer lacca says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Fake ain’t funny.
    From now on, I’m just flaggin’ your fake-ness.

  153. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Pshaw…we all know you trolls can’t handle more than one shot without vomiting.

  154. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    glamourdammerung says:

    teapat says:

    You must have missed the part about deliberately jamming their phone lines.

    Wow. You’re right. Get the gas chambers ready!

    Interesting hyperbole. However, it does not invalidate my earlier point in any way at all.

    Why are conservatives soft on crime?

    Especially domestic terrorism (provided it’s a white guy) and wiretapping.

  155. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  156. SoapBox says:

    Twilight of Glory says:
    Jerry Falwell and other great patriots who died to keep this country free.

    From being too fat? Oh ya…it was.

  157. SoapBox says:

    Falwell = Epic Hater

  158. USNclerk says:

    Guys, vote down the trolls, they’re just a bunch of lonely men who want Rush’s fat ass to pee on them. Vote down and move on.

  159. Twilight of Glory says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  160. Leftside Annie, brought to you by the Far Left Smear Merchants™ says:

    Yeah, Toggie – Rush is rich, so that makes him your master, right?

    You’re an idiot. A nuthugging, asslicking, idol-worshipping idiot.

    Fortunately, we’re all smarter than you.

  161. SoapBox says:

    Flag and Freeze!

    It’s the same old, same old Big John SQUAWKING!

  162. USNclerk says:

    @162. I mean really, all ToG can go on about now is Rush peeing and peckers. Lonely trolls are so sad.

  163. SoapBox says:

    Twhiner of Glory says:
    SoapBox = Pecker Snot

    What was that Polly?






  164. tombaker says:

    Jail American citizens for having the audacity to call their elected representatives? Stalin would be proud

    just like when Lefties and D’s got locked up by Bush/Cheney for wearing the wrong tshirts and asking the wrong questions?

    ’cause that happened in real life, and not just the paranoid imagination of some hysterical goof.

  165. Twilight of Glory says:


    Big John? Big man.

  166. 2D says:

    The Rush Limbaugh show
    who cares about screeners
    just call

  167. SoapBox says:

    168 Twilight of Glory says:
    Big John? Big man.

    And just a reminder for everyone, this troll is the same old tired Parrot that keeps changing it’s user name.

    But it just can’t help but post in the exact same style…always…it eventually slips up and regresses back to that same freak, weirdo style.

    Just watch…you’ll be able to spot it.

    Cracker for you Parrot? Have a bunch…we hope you choke so you and FatBoyFalwell can enjoy your time burning in hell.


  168. MapleStreet says:

    At what point could a case be made that this is a Denial of Service attack and be used to send these folks to Gitmo ?

  169. Pilotshark Sponsored by Boeing says:

    Twilight of Glory says:,teapat jmunny etc…
    Cult Help & Deprogramming Information at Freedom Of Mind
    Steven Alan Hassan, cult counselor and mind control expert is a Nationally Certified Counselor and licensed Mental Health Counselor and has developed a breakthrough approach to help loved ones rescue cult mind control victims. He is a former member of the Moon cult. Ex-cult members and others seek him out for specialized counseling to help them recover from symptoms other mental health professionals are not trained to address.

    until you doing something for this cult problem you have. You will never be able to say any thing that i snot a lie or misinformation.
    Spamtroll Totally United Promoting Ignorant Deception

    As you all are just to ignorant to be stupid.

    Be a man/woman and at lease stand up for your self and dont let your px hero`s (cowards one and all) keep you down in the gutter along with them.

  170. barfly says:

    Twilight of Glory says:

    Big John? Big toilet.

    Intellectual honesty requires a slight editing of this post.

  171. wolfsinger says:

    Clear Channel Communications, Inc is directly responsible for the travesty that is Rush Limbaugh. Clear Channel pays his salary. Clear Channel owns most the stations that give him a platform for his daily un-American outrages.

    It is Clear Channel who sells the advertising that makes Rush, Beck, Hannity and all the other hate mongers possible.

    The CEO and board of directors of Clear Channel Communications, Inc should each be charged with crimes of threatening national security, convicted and stripped of their broadcast licenses.

    Clear Channel’s un-American activities and the contempt they show for America’s democratic processes represent a clear and present danger to the country.

  172. Virtual Pebble (A Quantuum Electrodynamic Space Schmeer) says:

    Good point, Wolfsinger. Maybe it’s time to jam ClearChannel’s phone line’s and post them a bit o’ spam, assuming they have a feedback e-mail box. I’d throw FuxNoise into it, too. They deserve an occasional interruption.

    Here’s ClearChannel’s site link for their communications/media relations person;

    FuxNoise is at:

  173. wolfsinger says:

    Agreed. Well said.

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