Think Progress

GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’

Since the House passed health care reform on Sunday, Democratic lawmakers who voted for the bill have received death threats and been victims of vandalism. While some Republicans have condemned these incidents, Sarah Palin seemed to fan the flames of discontent by labeling a map of vulnerable lawmakers’ districts with crosshairs on her Facebook page and tweeting, “Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: ‘Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!’” This morning, NBC’s Ann Curry asked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) if he believed his former running mate should use less “incendiary” language. McCain condemned any violence but excused Palin’s “reload” rhetoric and use of crosshairs. Today on Capitol Hill, ThinkProgress caught up with Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX), who said that Palin’s reload map is “inappropriate”:

TP: Speaking of gun shots, would you consider Palin telling her supporters they need to “reload,” and posting a picture of crosshairs on Democratic members — is that inappropriate?

OLSON: There’s things, both parties are inappropriate.

TP: Is that inappropriate, yes or no?

OLSON: No I’m not going to answer the question.

TP: So it is appropriate.

OLSON: It is inappropriate.

Watch it:

While Olson continually claimed that both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have incited violence, he could not point to a single example of Democrats doing so.

220 Responses to “GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’”

  1. tombaker says:

    map, shmap.

    it’s the woman herself who is inappropriate.

  2. Dr. Hussein Matt (Sponsored by Magnum Condoms) says:

    Conservatism = Terrorism. This FACT is undeniable.

    I really hope the Congress and President passes a law so that American citizens can detain, arrest, and torture conservatives.

  3. 5th Estate says:

    Lee Fang says: “While Olson continually claimed that both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have incited violence, he could not point to a single example of Democrats doing so.


  4. The Last Hero says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  5. noseeum, et al says:

    Yeah well, the ‘tards put crosshairs on pictures of bin laden, and he’s still runnin’ around.

  6. Dr. Hussein Matt (Sponsored by Magnum Condoms) says:

    Democrats want to provide health care to Americans.

    Conservatives want to harm, terrorize, and murder Americans.

  7. 5th Estate says:

    OLSON: There’s things, both parties are inappropriate.

    Hmmm….backup leaves the preceding thread, and then Olson appears on this post and claims a general false equivalency.


  8. noseeum, et al says:

    The Last Zero says: etc…

    I guess you’re the next to the last then.

  9. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’

    Do ya hear that teabagging filth? Inappropriate.

  10. calavzma says:

    republicans love to play the “there’s problems on both sides of the aisle” card.

    regardless of whether or not there’s anything to actually support that.

  11. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    The Last Hero says:

    Just sent my census form back, know what I wrote on it? Go to he||, communist slave masters!

    Maybe you should write a strongly-worded letter to the FBI and let them know how you feel. Use plenty of threats. You’ll be sure to get some “action.”

  12. TBender says:

    I love my congressman. He’s so GOPish…

    (Unfortunately, we elected a Larouchie to run against him…TX22FAIL)

  13. alpuz3 says:

  14. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    The Last Hero, I guess you’re feeling butt-hurt, too. Makes sense since you’ve been gang-raped by Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democratic party.

    How does it feel?

  15. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’”

    Meh. Who pays attention to that whore anymore?

  16. 5th Estate says:

    The Last Hero says: Just sent my census form back, know what I wrote on it? Go to he||, communist slave masters!

    “And then I peed on my social security card and tore it up!
    And then I took a dump on my drivers license, set fire to it and then stomped on it! Like a real American Hero!”

  17. Marie says:

    Is there anything about Sarah Palin that IS appropriate?

  18. Marie says:

    #4 is really a stupid person

    he thinks the census, which has been taken in almost the same form for more than 200 years, as directed in the Constitution, is a communist plot.
    It’s too bad that he left his brain over at Fox News for washing — they shrunk it.

  19. alpuz3 says:

    So that’s it? After this guy we’re officially out of heros?

    I would’ve thought the last hero would be more… uh heroic.

  20. SP Biloxi says:

    “GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’”

    This is nothing new by the Alaskan dingbat. Her interest is to rally the wingnuts to attack Obama and the Democrats, pimp for more money for her agenda, and repeat the cycle. Palin is nothing but a quitter and an opportunist who used her wink and folksy talk to get by in life.


    Bunning: The Sequel

    This time is Dr. No Coburn that is holding up the unemployment extension bill:

    UPDATE 8:15 PM: Reid filed for cloture on the Democrats’ version of the bill, initiating a process that could get the bill passed as soon as this weekend, barring a deal. He also filed for a “conditional adjournment,” meaning senators will be free to leave. McConnell vowed that Coburn and several other Republicans would be on-hand Friday morning to debate the importance of extending the benefits but also of paying for them.

  21. morlock (spokesperson for Time Travel Corp.) says:

    “Inappropriate” is a weak way of saying “Inflamatory”.
    Maybe all that stockpiling of ammunition was for a purpose.

    I think the Paliniskas should be watched, carefully.

  22. EnnuiDivine (an indebted franchise of the Tyrell Corporation) says:

    TBender says:

    I love my congressman. He’s so GOPish…

    (Unfortunately, we elected a Larouchie to run against him…TX22FAIL)

    Given the choice, I’d vote third party. Hell. Pete Olson is actually slightly preferrable to the flat-earth, Obamacare-is-the-Final-Solution, fear-the-black-helicopters! Larouchite crowd

  23. morlock (spokesperson for Time Travel Corp.) says:

    Make that “Palinistas”.

  24. The Last Hero says:

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  25. morlock (spokesperson for Time Travel Corp.) says:

    And “inflammatory”.

  26. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    alpuz3 says:

    So that’s it? After this guy we’re officially out of heros?

    I would’ve thought the last hero would be more… uh heroic.

    Just like that other troll moron who posts here “The Ultimate Troll.”
    Not ultimate at all. More like “Cheap-ass Walmart Bargain Troll.”

  27. Mugsy says:

    Palin is the Tea Parties “Ross Perot”, and the GOP knows it.

    She’s going to end up starting a Conservative Third Party splinter-group that will siphon off just enough Republican votes to keep them from profiting off the very Tea-Party outrage they themselves helped cultivate.

    You reap what you sow, jugheads. :)

  28. Marie says:

    The only avenue left to them to excuse the extremists of their party whom they have been encouraging, tacitly or overtly, is to say “both parties do it.”

    When we all were protesting Dumbya and his illegal war, (I was one of the tens of thousands in DC) there were all kinds of pictures and comments on plcards, but I did not see anything calling for assassination, violence, nor were any speakers advocating anarchy or inciting mob action.

  29. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    The Last Hero says:

    That’s right, go to he||!

    Gives you a little shiver to type “hell”, does it?

    Whatever floats yer boat, dummy.

  30. The Last Hero says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  31. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Really… I see we got a latchkey kid hanging out w/ us…

    Back to the topic…

    Inappropriate? No Shi-ite, Sherlock…

  32. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    The Last Hero says:

    Did you just call me a “dummy”?

    Now who’s inciting violence?


    How’s that ‘inciting violence’?

    It’s just an accurate description… pretty articulate, if you ask me.

    BTW… when you call people ‘commies’… that’s a terribly dated cliche… do try to keep up w/ the times, mmmmmmmmkay?

  33. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    The Last Hero says:

    Did you just call me a “dummy”?

    Yes, dummy. Yes I did.


  34. drhunt1 says:

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  35. drhunt1 says:

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  36. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    having a bad day…or is this your usual?

    I know you’re having a bad day…having been butt-fcuked by Nancy Pelosi and the ENTIRE Democratic Party.

    BTW, Health Care Reform is STILL THE LAW OF THE LAND.

    How does it feel?

  37. RetiredSailor says:

    As long as no one gets hurt I’m perfectly content to let the GOP prove to the country their distain for the average Joe. I think eventually those like “The Last Hero” will finally wake up and realize that Lincoln has disowned his party. The ironic thing about the demise of the GOP is that the ones doing the destruction are the Southern Democrats or their descendants who swapped parties because of LBJ’s Civil Rights stance.

    I’m surprised that they haven’t started taking each other apart by floating the conspiracy theory that saboteurs had infiltrated in the migration and are finally completing their mission to destroy the GOP. The left has been accused of everything else, why not the end of the GOP as we all know and despise it. May they go the way of the Bull Moose Party, Whigs,and the Know-nothings.

  38. Perry logan says:

    Muttonbrain. Puddenhead. Addlepate.

  39. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    drhunt1 says:

    Seek help. You’re suffering, and it’s not necessary.

    But first… you must ask for help.

    It takes courage, but you’ll grow thru the process.

  40. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    RetiredSailor, I believe that “The Last Hero” troll is around 14 years old.

  41. MapleStreet says:

    I wonder if the Last Hero has figured out that the census forms are bar coded to identify the returning address (as well as the address printed on the front used to mail out the form.

    I wonder if by submitting an incomplete form, he has assured that he will get a visit by a census taker.

    And if refusal to answer the census in a truthful matter is a crime.

    And I wonder if the implied threat he returned will mean the census taker will bring some law officers along.

  42. P.D. says:

    Is the Discovery Channel going to still go through with their deal. I KNOW, I e-mailed them and told them I would boycott. But I don’t delude myself. This is about the Almighty Dollar.

  43. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Palin has a map
    Sees an uninsured wolf
    Calls in her own “Medivac”

  44. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    Considering Palin’s background as a big game hunter, her words are pretty familiar and appropriate. Figure of speech quotes are typically used by the left wing loons, like Lee Fang above, to incite distaste and get the drool rolling down Progressive’s chins.

    The Irony… it is STRONG with this one…

    Your every utterance is an anguished cry, nay, desperate SHRIEK, for help…

    You’re suffering and it’s not necessary.

  45. RetiredSailor says:

    Could be, but sometimes the chronological age does not equate to the emotional age….

  46. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    Pete Olson and the rest of the GOP should either grow a pair or use their f***ing brains and condemn the members of our society that think US history is no more complex than God and guns. You a**holes got the gun nuts riled up, you condemn them and actually man up and take responsibility for cheering them on. Or else you’re no better than the extremists who are no better than the extremists our troops are fighting overseas.

    Just saying something their behavior is inappropriate is a huge understatement. This behavior borders on inciting domestic terrorism.

  47. The Republic of Stupidity says:

    MapleStreet says:

    I wonder if the Last Hero has figured out that the census forms are bar coded to identify the returning address (as well as the address printed on the front used to mail out the form.

    I wonder if by submitting an incomplete form, he has assured that he will get a visit by a census taker.

    And if refusal to answer the census in a truthful matter is a crime.

    And I wonder if the implied threat he returned will mean the census taker will bring some law officers along.

    We can only hope…

  48. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    RetiredSailor says:

    Could be, but sometimes the chronological age does not equate to the emotional age….


  49. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Umm everything palin does is inappropriate,you dumb bassed representative!

  50. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    “Innapropriate”- REP code word for “embarrassing”..

  51. cd says:

    Poor Olson.

    His understanding of the rudimentary rules of civilized behavior may earn him the wrath of the teabaggers.

  52. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And to think he’s a genius compared to the teabaggers..

  53. P.D. says:

    They passed the Bill finally. You think the Wing-nuts and ‘Baggers’ were crazy before? Let’s see what happens in the next few days. But I look at it this way. The Repugs had a huge FAIL.

  54. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Stupid paranoid teabaggers!!

  55. Luis Chapulin M says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    And to think he’s a genius compared to the teabaggers..

    Molds are geniuses compared to the teabaggers…

  56. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Yeah I just heard..I’m predicting massive cases of exploding heads coming from the teabaggers/republicans!

  57. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Umm everything palin does is inappropriate,you dumb bassed representative!

    Well that’s a given.

    Is there one sane member of the GOP who would be willing to rip into the tea-baggers for their violent and bigoted rhetoric? Or are they all going to take the Fox route and claim they’re being attacked by the people they helped piss off?

  58. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Luis Chapulin M says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    And to think he’s a genius compared to the teabaggers..

    Molds are geniuses compared to the teabaggers…

    Hehe they make my cat’s hairballs look intelligent…

  59. pags2 says:

    RetiredSailor says:
    The ironic thing about the demise of the GOP is that the ones doing the destruction are the Southern Democrats or their descendants who swapped parties because of LBJ’s Civil Rights stance.

    The Dixiecrats have taken over the party and pushed out the moderates. I think even Gingrich recognizes that the party seems to be in a death spiral because the baggers and pundits are pulling the strings. The party is doing what it usually does after election losses; they move further to the right. I would expect that if the Republicans get walloped in 2012, the party will be playing the blame game for long time. I think Republicans that are in swing districts are just as afraid as the Dems who captured some of those districts. Independents are going to decide the races and if the baggers and pundits interject themselves in these close races, the Republicans will lose the independent voters. I think the Dems have prematurely conceded districts they could win.

  60. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Umm everything palin does is inappropriate,you dumb bassed representative!

    Well that’s a given.

    Is there one sane member of the GOP who would be willing to rip into the tea-baggers for their violent and bigoted rhetoric? Or are they all going to take the Fox route and claim they’re being attacked by the people they helped piss off?

    Judging by their past behavior, I’m guessing that they’ll do idea #2..

  61. EnnuiDivine (an indebted franchise of the Tyrell Corporation) says:

    cd says:

    Poor Olson.

    His understanding of the rudimentary rules of civilized behavior may earn him the wrath of the teabaggers.

    I would’ve loved to see Olson lose his primary to a teabagger, just so the general election would be between a whackjob teabagger and a whackjob Larouchite.

  62. pete says:

    Slightly off topic from McClatchy:

    Rep(rehensible) Cantor, who has used a random gunshot to make himself a “victim”, is calling for the Dems. who have been targeted by vandals to stop “using” the incidents! You can’t make this shit up.

    From the same story, Speaker Pelosi has it wrong. She should be loudly condemning, at least, Rep(rehensibles) Bachmann and King for inciting violence. She should be doing so loudly, publicly, and with every bit of authority her office commands.

  63. KayInMaine says:

    Reconciliation has passed in the House! That means HEALTH CARE REFORM IS THE OFFICIAL LAW OF THE LAND and President Obama will sign the bill again! Wahoo!

    Congratulations and great job everyone. ;-)

  64. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  65. P.D. says:

    Where are the trolls, pray tell?

  66. KayInMaine says:

    What the GOP REALLY means … says:

    Palin has a map
    Sees an uninsured wolf
    Calls in her own “Medivac”
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    LOL You’re killing me!

  67. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    KayInMaine says:


    Reconciliation has passed in the House! That means HEALTH CARE REFORM IS THE OFFICIAL LAW OF THE LAND and President Obama will sign the bill again! Wahoo!

    Congratulations and great job everyone. ;-)

    I just wanna give a huge “boo-ya” to the conservatives out there!!..I hope y’all like the taste of crow, because y’all are going to be eating it for a looong time..

  68. KayInMaine says:

    P.D. says:

    Where are the trolls, pray tell?
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    They’re probably stabbing each other now that health care reform is official.

  69. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  70. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I voted up 70 just for the heck of it..

  71. womanthereforeliberal says:

    Looks like Olson will lose his job next time he’s up for re-election. Repugs who say the truth these days get fired(like David Frum).

  72. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    You like apples Fritz?

    Wow, you really ARE butt-hurt.

    As The Republic of Stupidity said upthread, you’re suffering and it’s not necessary.

  73. KayInMaine says:

    drhunt1 says:

    KayInMaine-did they remove the Pell grants for low income students?

    And oh…btw…did they put into the Bill the coverage for kids with pre-existing conditions? I understand it wasn’t in the Bill they passed on Sunday.
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    LOVE PELL GRANTS! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sebelius said she will put the pre-existing conditions for ALL children (even the ones with preexisting conditions right now) in her rules since she’s an enforcer of the law.

  74. KayInMaine says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    I voted up 70 just for the heck of it..
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    I canceled your vote by voting it down. LOL

  75. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says:


    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:
    Umm everything palin does is inappropriate,you dumb bassed representative!

    Well that’s a given.

    Is there one sane member of the GOP who would be willing to rip into the tea-baggers for their violent and bigoted rhetoric? Or are they all going to take the Fox route and claim they’re being attacked by the people they helped piss off?

    Judging by their past behavior, I’m guessing that they’ll do idea #2..

    Of course. The members of the GOP (the party of “personal responsibility”) are cowards who will play the victim till the bitter end. Same with righties like Beck and Hannity who will probably deny they ever did anything to rile the tea-baggers up if or when someone gets hurt or killed.

  76. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    did they remove the Pell grants for low income students?

    And oh…btw…did they put into the Bill the coverage for kids with pre-existing conditions? I understand it wasn’t in the Bill they passed on Sunday.

    No why would they remove the pell grants for low income students? That would go against their idea of expanding opportunites..In fact, they are increasing the number of pell grants available and actually adjusting the amount of grant money awarded to recipients to match the rate of inflation/increased expenses.

  77. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    I stand to gain access to thousands more patients that previously didn’t have coverage.

    I might believe that if you were a medical professional of some sort. Sweeping the floors at McDonalds, however, does not really qualify as “medical professional.”

    Just a little tip for you.

  78. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And I wish I could remember where I got that information from..I think it was an article in the WaPo earlier this week.

  79. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  80. KayInMaine says:

    drhunt1 says:

    KayInMaine-so the Dems were wrong when they stated that kids were covered that had pre-existing conditions…is THAT what you’re implying?

    If so, then Obama himself lied about it, and it’s now obvious that he hadn’t READ the Bill that he was promoting.

    Wow…that ought to go over real big with the voters…
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    STFU! Health care reform has passed! Feeling suicidal? I hope so! So sick of reading your WATB comments!

  81. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

  82. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Doc Demented,
    HCR has passed..

  83. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    If so, then Obama himself lied about it, and it’s now obvious that he hadn’t READ the Bill that he was promoting.

    Wow…that ought to go over real big with the voters…

    Nah, the voters won’t care at all.

    Does that bother you? Don’t like it? Tough shit.

  84. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  85. tombaker says:

    81 – what are you going to do about it?

  86. tombaker says:

    86 – do you think that pretending to be witty in the comments section of a blog is going to help address the root causes of your incessant carping?

  87. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    *head hits keyboard repeatedly*

  88. KayInMaine says:


  89. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:


  90. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    KayInMaine-what…I was just asking a few simple questions and making some obvious observations. You don’t seem happy. May I suggest a few meds that might help?

    Preparation ‘H’ will help with that “uncomfortable” feeling in your backside. I’m sure that the entire Democratic Party stretched you out some and it stings a bit.

  91. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  92. KayInMaine says:

    drhunt1 says:

    KayInMaine-what…I was just asking a few simple questions and making some obvious observations. You don’t seem happy. May I suggest a few meds that might help?
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Would you like to know what would make me happy right now? You and the other trolls stabbing each other repeatedly! Now scram.

  93. P.D. says:

    dr, Chill dude! I know you suffered a humilating experience, but you are grasping at straws, my man. The HCR IS law. Grow some nerve, swallow the fact fact you lost, and move on. You are embarrassing yourself.

  94. Xisithrus says:

    Last Hero: Under the U.S. Constitution, protests and demonstrations against the U.S. Government are legal. Since the founding of the United States, demonstrators have gotten rowdy, even having fistfights with their opposition. Generally noncombatant protesters minding their own business are not charged with violent crime. But that could change if Sen. McCains Senate bill S.3081 is passed: The Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010. The Definition for Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent: (Anyone Subject to a Military Commission)

    Under S.3081, without probable cause, an individual need only be suspected by government, of having purposely engaged in hostilities against the United States, its coalition partners or materially supported hostilities; including against civilians that might cause harm in order to be detained in military custody as an Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent. Under the provisions of S.3081

  95. KayInMaine says:

    Would someone please push the “doctor’s” skirt down because he’s embarrassing himself!

  96. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Doctor Demented, let me repeat…HCR HAS OFFICIALLY PASSED!

  97. alpuz3 says:

    What’s up, doc? Kay seems fine. Could it be that she’s a bit sick of dealing w/ your particular strain of genuine?

    Got a prescription for that?

    Kay does.

  98. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  99. livelongandprosper says:

    Wow…that ought to go over real big with the voters…

    Remember when Bush wacked the shit out of environmental laws? Neither do I.

  100. tombaker says:

    if i were the important, mature, and intelligent person that this fake doctor guy pretends to be online, i’d be out at an important meeting of an important group of other important, mature, and intelligent people, putting together an important and reasonable plan to attract support for policies and projects that would address the root causes of my incessant carping,

    rather than carping incessantly to a group of people who really don’t care what i have to say about anything, and pretending that doing so was going to ameliorate the root causes of my consternation.

  101. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    OMG is that..Eww it’s his you know what!!

  102. Xisithrus says:

    You and the other trolls stabbing each other repeatedly! Now scram.

    When you say stabbing Partner might well take that to mean a ass ramming orgy with Doc, STORM, Peashooter etc.

    /I Keed

  103. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    drhunt1 says:

    KayInMaine-so the Dems were wrong when they stated that kids were covered that had pre-existing conditions…is THAT what you’re implying?

    If so, then Obama himself lied about it, and it’s now obvious that he hadn’t READ the Bill that he was promoting.

    Wow…that ought to go over real big with the voters…

    Insurance companies are barred effective immediately from discriminating against children.

    The discrimination ban for adults, however, doesn’t take effect until 2014.

  104. KayInMaine says:

    All children will be covered with a pre-existing condition. The language that was not put in the bill was the ‘grandfathered’ language of accepting those children who have a pre-existing condition and don’t have insurance currently. Those children who are insured through their parents CANNOT BE DENIED CARE FOR THEIR TREATMENTS NOW. All children are covered! As it should be.

    Why do you trolls hate this? YOU’RE POND SCUM!

  105. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Jeebus man, nobody wants to see that!!

  106. drhunt1 says:

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  107. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron), the next time the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and President Obama come at you with a new bill to pass, grab a tube of KY or maybe some Astro-Glide. I’m sure it’ll help.

    Just a friendly little tip.

  108. KayInMaine says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    OMG is that..Eww it’s his you know what!!
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    I know! It’s dreadful to look at. Please someone pull that imbeciles skirt down!

  109. P.D. says:

    Dear Lord! These trolls are losing it. Their sole purpose in life, ie., was to kill the HCR Bill. They LOST. Time to move on fellows. We were told to suck it up after Bush ‘Won’ in 2000, and we did. But we didn’t spit on people, harrass disabled people and throw bricks through Repugs windows when we did. We handled it with class. Maybe you should try that for a change.

  110. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    drhunt1 says:


    #89 linzloo-try increasing doses of wellbutrin…if that doesn’t work, than a stronger anti-depressive might have to be prescribed. Go see your doctor…that is, if he/she is still in practice.

    F*** off!

  111. livelongandprosper says:

    but NONE of you have offered a reason why you are for it?

    How are you able to type when you obviously can’t read?

  112. Xisithrus says:

    Would someone please push the “doctor’s” skirt down because he’s embarrassing himself!

    His drug is, I guess, humiliation.

  113. tombaker says:

    in fact, if i were the important, mature, and intelligent person that this fake doctor guy pretends to be online,

    it might occur to me that carping incessantly at a bunch of people who don’t care what i think about anything might actually backfire, and cause said people to become even more resolved to continue their efforts to enact the policies and elect the officials that are the root causes of my incessant carping.

    it might also occur to me that the above is exactly what has been happening to me, and others like me, for the past 4 years, and that we may have brought all the consternation upon ourselves, by electing officials and enacting policies that actually caused a backlash effect, which now serves as the root cause of our own incessant carping.

  114. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    Back to being a republican …

    Pell Grants suck, they really really suck!

    I recommend we redirect the existing money to a NEW program call Palin Grants, where ever syllable the queen flaps will be compensated a $100,000 fee.

  115. KayInMaine says:

    Needs to be reread:

    P.D. says:

    Dear Lord! These trolls are losing it. Their sole purpose in life, ie., was to kill the HCR Bill. They LOST. Time to move on fellows. We were told to suck it up after Bush ‘Won’ in 2000, and we did. But we didn’t spit on people, harrass disabled people and throw bricks through Repugs windows when we did. We handled it with class. Maybe you should try that for a change.
    March 25th, 2010 at 9:43 pm

  116. P.D. says:

    linz@113, It’s no use. They are like backward children. Let them vent. The HCR is LAW. It will take a while for it to sink into their reptililian brains. They are brainless fools, it will take a while, though.

  117. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    For your information trollturd, I’m already taking wellbutrin(well, the generic form anyways) for anxiety/depression and it’s not working because it’s the “off-brand” version ( my parents insurance company wouldn’t cover the non-generic medicine)…

  118. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    tombaker says:

    in fact, if i were the important, mature, and intelligent person that this fake doctor guy pretends to be online,

    Are you using the “important”, “mature” and “intelligent” words in relationship with “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron)?

    Well, there’s the problem right there…

  119. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Aww do I have to?

  120. KayInMaine says:

    Okay, which one of you trolls just threw your pacifier at me because you’re pissed? Grow up!

  121. Xisithrus says:

    Doc, I have stated that I wasnt for the HCR bill if it didnt contain a public option and didnt create more/enough competition to lower premiums. As for myself, no, I dont have health insurance so thats not even a consideration in my decision making.

  122. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  123. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Doctor Demented:

  124. tombaker says:

    but, if the real fake doctor guy who pretends to be an important, mature, intelligent person online is inclined instead to inspire and encourage his political polar opposites to continue on their path of fundraising, organizing, and getting officials elected and policies enacted that cause him consternation and the uncontrollable urge to carp incessantly at people who really don’t care what he thinks about anything,

    then that’s his albeit bizarre and self-defeating prerogative.

  125. Xisithrus says:

    I recommend we redirect the existing money to a NEW program call Palin Grants -=WTGOPRM=-

    Is that like a Bus Pass to hustle on over into Canada for free health care? They should call it a You Betcha grant.

  126. tombaker says:

    fritz – if i may clarify (bold for emphasis on the original):

    in fact, if i were the important, mature, and intelligent person that this fake doctor guy pretends to be online,

  127. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    I seriously think left wing loonies are responsible for some of them.

    Along with stocking up on KY jelly, you might want to try a tinfoil hat. They’re quite fashionable these days and they can keep out some of the REAL whacko thoughts and ideas you republiscum teabaggers have…

  128. livelongandprosper says:

    Yeah, the liberals have been forcing Palin to incite MORE violence. Yeah, that’s some terrific logic!

  129. Xisithrus says:

    I seriously think left wing loonies are responsible for some of them. What purpose does it serve? -Doc

    Doc, they were Jesse Ventura types that despise both parties!!

  130. sscncturn64 says:

    Im sure if I was to put a picture up on FB of sarah palin bent over with crosshairs aimed at her fat ass then the rightwingnuts would be going balistic and calling for me to be shot. Sarah palin is a joke, Mcaine should be committed to a mental institution for giving this nitwit a national platform. She quit on the people of Alaska for fame and fortune. I heard that TLC channel is going to pay her 1 million dollars an episode for a documentary on Alaska.
    She is a typical republican, its all about lining their own pockets with cash.

  131. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Ok now where did that little f***tard run off to?

  132. drhunt1 says:

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  133. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    sscncturn64 says:

    Im sure if I was to put a picture up on FB of sarah palin bent over with crosshairs aimed at her fat ass then the rightwingnuts would be going balistic and calling for me to be shot. Sarah palin is a joke, Mcaine should be committed to a mental institution for giving this nitwit a national platform. She quit on the people of Alaska for fame and fortune. I heard that TLC channel is going to pay her 1 million dollars an episode for a documentary on Alaska.
    She is a typical republican, its all about lining their own pockets with cash.

    She’s a whore.

  134. drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

  135. KayInMaine says:

    Did everyone read that Cantor’s story about a bullet being shot at his office is a farce?…

    Later Thursday, however, Richmond police said in a news release that the bullet had been fired into the air around 1 a.m. Tuesday. It finished its random arc back to earth at a sharp downward trajectory, breaking a window pane on the bottom floor of the two-story brick building where Cantor’s campaign leases the top floor.

    The spent bullet hit the floor about one foot inside the shattered pane. No one was in the building at the time. A police investigation has yielded no suspects.

  136. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    LMAO….embarrassing myself? Hardly…I’m tearing you progressives to shreds while I slam you with the facts.

    Were you crying with impotent rage while you typed that?

    Thought so.

  137. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    The only people that are going to be embarrassed in november are you righties when we wipe the floors with you in the general elections!

  138. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    drhunt1 says:


    #89 linzloo-try increasing doses of wellbutrin…if that doesn’t work, than a stronger anti-depressive might have to be prescribed. Go see your doctor…that is, if he/she is still in practice.


    Dr. Hunt


    2010 Doctor-Patient Relationship Excellence Award Recipient


    Because every patient deserves a braying, demeaning jackass for a physician


    Brief bio information about dr.hunt: M.D., Halliburton School of Medicine; Wife: Peggy Blow-Up

    Fun-fact about Dr. Hunt: All of his prescription pads include stationary letterhead vulgarities, raising red flags among every pharmacy in town. The FBI is always notified before any prescription is filled.

  139. Xisithrus says:

    It was a joke Doc.

  140. tombaker says:

    thanks are in order, to the fake doctor guy and others like him who have, over the years, provided an uninterrupted supply of inspiration and motivation to we on the left, who have responded vigorously by organizing, fundraising, and getting officials elected an policies enacted that cause the incessant carping of all those fine folks just like he, and they.

    cheers wingnuts! we would probably have gone ahead and done it without you, but the added satisfaction of the chance to rub your noses in it certainly didn’t hurt!!!

    have a monster&nyquil on me, wackos!!!!!!!

  141. IamTruth says:

    The Lasthero is a prime example of the ri ght wi ng n ut jo bs in this country who claim to be such patriots and then ignore the Constitution. They only follow the Constitution when it fits there needs. When the Constitution directs them to perform their duties as Americans a true patriot complies with that directive. In case you didn’t know Mr. Zero, the Constitution insists that a Census be taken every 10 years. You and your kind are a poor excuse for Americans.

  142. alpuz3 says:

    The ‘doc’ is hopped up on his own goofballs.

  143. KayInMaine says:

    When was the last time Sarah Palin or one of her children had a scope light on their forehead? Huh? Anyone who has had a gun pointed at them by someone who doesn’t like them would never forget the feeling and only a good christian would advise against making a mockery out of this kind of terrorism!

    Sarah Palin sucks. SUCK IT SARAH!

  144. IamTruth says:

    The Lasthero is a prime example of the right wing nut jobs in this country who claim to be such patriots and then ignore the Constitution. They only follow the Constitution when it fits their needs. When the Constitution directs them to perform their duties as Americans a true patriot complies with that directive. In case you didn’t know Mr. Zero, the Constitution insists that a Census be taken every 10 years. You and your kind are a poor excuse for Americans.

  145. drhunt1 says:

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  146. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    tombaker says:

    thanks are in order, to the fake doctor guy and others like him who have, over the years, provided an uninterrupted supply of inspiration and motivation to we on the left, who have responded vigorously by organizing, fundraising, and getting officials elected an policies enacted that cause the incessant carping of all those fine folks just like he, and they.

    Amen to that! Victory is so much sweeter when set against the backdrop of republiscum/teabagger teeth gnashing and garment rending.

  147. P.D. says:

    Kay@139, LOL! That story didn’t pass the smell test. You better belive if a ‘Liberul’ threatened a Rightie, they would be FREAKING! This has Karl(Turd Blossom)Rove’s stink all over it. Already MSM is debunking his story. What a huge ASS.

  148. tombaker says:

    (he keeps going on about apples, but the aroma is all sour grape – weird)

  149. pete says:

    It’s no use. Once they convince themselves that the threats, epithets, spittle, and vandalism is the work of “left wing plants” all we can do is wait until they run afoul of law enforcement and get locked up. One can argue with those who disagree about what the facts add up to. One can’t argue with those who make up their own “facts”.

  150. drhunt1 says:

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  151. Fritz (God Told Me To Hate Conservatives) says:

    “fake dr” hunt1 (The Ultimate Moron) says:

    #140 Fritz- no…I’m just sitting here, wondering how much money I stand to make from Obama voters that will now have coverage that couldn’t afford me before.

    If you were a real medical professional (you’re not), I would suggest that you contemplate not the money, but the saved lives of unfortunate children and adults too poor to afford medical care.

    Since you’re just teabagging republiscum filth, I’ll suggest that you’re probably hurting a lot, and there’s no need for it. I would guess that republiscum will be in power again sometime in the distant future. It could happen.

  152. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Dont let the door hit your butt on your way out!

  153. sscncturn64 says:

    Embarrassing is how uninformed you wingnuts really are.
    Fact, uneducated wingnuts like yourself listen to uneducated talkingheads like beck and hannity and believe their fabrications.
    Fact, you wingnuts are too stupid to realize that because HCR passed it will secure another four years for Obama.
    Repugs are going to keep fighting HCR while people are being treated for their health problems because Obama and Dems made it possible.
    If you dont think its sad that democrats offices are being vandalized and dem pols are getting death threats over HCR,
    then you should leave the U.S.

  154. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    drhunt1 says:

    Later, progressive minions…time for NCAA BB…

    dr. hunt’s medical license expires at half-time.

  155. KayInMaine says:

    Cantor can’t even tell the truth! Love it. What a bunch of tards you wingers are. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but to do so, you would have to have a conscience which we all know you were born without.


  156. tombaker says:

    i don’t think watching basketball games on the teebee will help much with those root causes of the incessant carping and whatnot either…

    (those guys just can’t think of a good way to deal with their consternation at all, can they?)

    at least we don’t have to worry about them copying our methods.

  157. P.D. says:

    Cantor’s story has been proven a fraud! It seems as if it was a spent bullet that hit the window. The Turd Blossom stikes again!

  158. The Last Hero says:

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  159. Xisithrus says:

    Doc, I am pretty sure sending in reimbursement checks for ducks healthcare is fraud.

    Thats a joke.

  160. Xisithrus says:

    The Last Hero says: The story the msm won’t tell you about:


    And people yell at the sky and for kids to get off their grass. Not really news there Souper Man

  161. Levi the Oracle says:

    So many fascist Republicans to lock up.

  162. What the GOP REALLY means ... says:

    The Last Hero says:

    The story the msm won’t tell you about:


    Happy to hear the Kook Stream Media is on it.

  163. Levi the Oracle says:

    I wonder if there is any precedent in history for a society finding itself needing to incarcerate 15% of its population for fascism.

  164. Xisithrus says:

    Tell you what, TLH, when I see you on Teebee protesting McCains belligerent combatant bill then Ill take your heroism seriously.

  165. sscncturn64 says:

  166. BlaineNelson says:

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  167. liam says:

    Why the “doctor” left:

    “A bullet was shot through the window of my campaign office in Richmond this week, and I’ve received threatening e-mails,” Cantor said. He refused to release details, however, saying it would only encourage more threats, and refused to take questions.

    Later Thursday, however, Richmond police said in a news release that the bullet had been fired into the air around 1 a.m. Tuesday. It finished its random arc back to earth at a sharp downward trajectory, breaking a window pane on the bottom floor of the two-story brick building where Cantor’s campaign leases the top floor.

    AP report on Cantor’s bogus attack story.

    h/t TPM

  168. MapleStreet says:

    Last Hero, the Last Laugh is on you.

    If you fill out the rest of the form, the Census Bureau probably doesn’t care what else you write on the form.

    If you don’t fill out the form, you are identifying yourself as someone whom the census takers will likely bring along some law officers. Refuse to answer the questions, and you see jail.

    Depeding on where you are, it is likely you will instantly go to a judge and fall under contempt of court. And the judge will have extremely broad powers over your future.

  169. P.D. says:

    I wish Crazy Michelle Bachman’s constituents do as she asked months ago, and NOT fill out their census forms. Pretty soon, that bic*h will be out of a job!

  170. Lefty Liberal says:

    The Last Hero says:

    The story the msm won’t tell you about:


    I would rather write “GO TO HE11 THE LAST HERO” on here.

  171. Xisithrus says:

    It finished its random arc back to earth at a sharp downward trajectory, breaking a window pane on the bottom floor of the two-story brick building where Cantor’s campaign leases the top floor.

    Man those righty loons are really sorry shots Doc if I use your unconvinced theory.

  172. Lefty Liberal says:

    linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Dont let the door hit your butt on your way out!

    No, you got that wrong linz, try this:

    Let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    See how much more smoothly it rolls off the fingers as you type it?

  173. P.D. says:

    Good Night my TP Brethren. See you on the morn….

  174. glamourdammerung says:

    I find it odd that the same goofy conservatives that are whining about “plants” making them look bad sit here trolling all day.

  175. Wiz says:

    It is not just inappropriate, it is solicitation of murder.

  176. evangenital says:

    Who is Trigg’s real mommie?

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie?

  177. glamourdammerung says:

    Also, how is hunt supposed to get thousands of patients (impossible in itself) when they are not a doctor? Or did they change their mind on that (again)?

  178. Leftside Annie, brought to you by Insects for Freedom™ says:



  179. Xisithrus says:

    They should make a poster with Palin on the end of a fishing line with a caption that says ‘Catch and Release’

  180. evangenital says:

    A sure sign that teabaggers are total cretins and imbeciles is their unwavering support for the Diva of Dumb, Sarah Palin herself.

  181. pete says:

    I decided to risk brain damage and checked out the latest about Cantor on the SaudiFAUX website. They are still reporting “shots fired at Cantors office”.

    I think I’ll survive but I have a strong temptation to rinse my brain in bleach.

  182. evangenital says:

    Sarah Palin exudes tackiness.

  183. sandyc954 says:

    How can we get them to say it so we are sure to hear?

    It was/is inappropriate.

    Rewind, repeat …. It was inappropriate….
    rewind, repeat …. It was inappropriate….
    rewind, repeat …. It was inappropriate….
    rewind, repeat …. It was inappropriate….
    rewind, repeat …. It was inappropriate….

    I just would like to hear some signs of sincere regret for all this absolute garbage we are subjected to day after day….

  184. evangenital says:

    How is the Death Panel Dumbinatrix doing on Fox?

    I don’t watch Fox.

    Is her show as amazingly stupid as that of Glenn Beck?

    Does she get stellar ratings?

    Has O’Reilly bared his loofah to her?

  185. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    Good night everybody!

  186. linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says:

    And don’t forget to take the troll out for his last potty trip!

  187. sandyc954 says:

    Wow, the Cantor bullet “shot through his window” story ends up being a random bullet falling into his window, landing one foot away? Sounds like someone’s out to get him… you know… he voted against the ominous socialist bill… it’s all his fault that the kids can no longer be eliminated from coverage for preexisting conditions or young folks have to be allowed to stay on parents’ coverage until 26 and Medicare recipients get $250. when they fall into the donut hole this year… TERRIBLE!!!!!!!
    Maybe he used a slingshot from the next building???
    I usually don’t respond to these stories, but this one sounds mighty fishy…

  188. Insidious Prophet says:

    It finished its random arc back to earth at a sharp downward trajectory, breaking a window pane on the bottom floor of the two-story brick building where Cantor’s campaign leases the top floor.
    A bullet from heaven? ;)

  189. glamourdammerung says:

    sandyc954 says:
    Wow, the Cantor bullet “shot through his window” story ends up being a random bullet falling into his window, landing one foot away? Sounds like someone’s out to get him…

    Actually, the bullet fell through the bottom floor window. A firm his campaign does business with had an office on the top. So Cantor did not even have an office in the building, or in other words, every single point Cantor said was an outright lie.

  190. sandyc954 says:

    Not that I am for bullets flying in unintended places, but it has me enthralled at why would someone make up such f ing lies? It boggles the mind!
    Inappropriate is an understatement, but I still wouldn’t mind hearing multitudes of apologies and groveling for being total a holes.

  191. Bob, Teabaggers Are Terrorists, wurst says:

    every single point Cantor said was an outright lie.

    Of course it was a lie. His lips were moving.
    And maybe the last hero is really a plastic wrapped Italian sub sitting on the shelf in a 7-11 in Hoboken NJ…

  192. Bob, Teabaggers Are Terrorists, wurst says:

    evangenital says:
    Sarah Palin exudes tackiness.

    and her vagina exudes maggots.

  193. SoapBox says:

    Amazing isn’t it that even Zippy the Pinhead Cantor, could NOT keep his mouth shut and at worst, lay low.

    But NOOOOOO…Zippy tries to jump in, with a buIIshit story, that is gonna make him look even more stupid then he is.

    Of course, he will make political “hay” out of it and ask for money…”A” typical Rushpublican’t.

    Waterloo anyone?

  194. The Last Hero says:

    172, I don’t think so MapleStreet. Know why? Because I had the guts to stand up to the man.

  195. har5125 (sponsored by the 111th Congress who gave us HealthCare Reform!) says:

    evangenital says:

    Who is Trigg’s real mommie? Bristol Palin

    Who is Trigg’s real daddie? Levi Johnston

  196. Shayne says:

    The Last Hero says:

    172, I don’t think so MapleStreet. Know why? Because I had the guts to stand up to the man.

    That doesn’t make you a man, it makes you a moron. Nobody cares if you don’t fill it out. You’re not losing fund for my district, I don’t live anywhere near a trailer park. Dumbass.

  197. pete says:

    I think the fools that think refusing to fill out the census form is “sticking it to the man” are even funnier than Rep(rehensible) Cantor lying out his ass in a vain attempt to make himself a victim!

  198. P.D. says:

    Holy Sh*t! I have noticed something people. Because of the Repugs insistence of ‘Procedure’, the Americans are getting a taste of what they DO. Tom Colburn has burned unemployed people because of the the ‘Deficit’. I am seeing an education of the masses, NOT because of Obama, but the way the Repugs ALWAYS did business. The Iraq War, the tax cuts to the wealthy, the Drug Program for seniors….ALL behind closed doors. NOW the Dems are fighting for US. They think they will win in 2010? We shall see.

  199. Insidious Prophet says:

    You know what is really creepy? Eric Cantor, who is married and 46 years old attended a Brittany Spears concert by himself last year.

    When I first heard this it reminded me of when I was younger and one of the older guys (5 years older than me) from the neighborhood returned to visit after being away while attending medical school.

    Anyway we were all sitting around drinking and smoking and the guy was getting pretty buzzed and disappeared for awhile and than was calling the name of one of the neighborhood girls who was with us, she was 9 years younger than him.

    After that I never saw him again but remembering his voice calling for her to come over to him in the shadows and the age difference, reminds me of the Cantor story….creepy.

  200. tombaker says:

    Because I had the guts to stand up to the man.

    Ronald McDonald?

  201. SoapBox says:

    tombaker says:
    Because I had the guts to stand up to the man.
    Ronald McDonald?


    Or was it The Burger King?

  202. liam says:

    Beautiful stuff from Tracey and C&L:

    Democrats: “We need health care reform”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! Give us a majority and we’ll do it better”

    Democrats: “Done, you have majority of both houses”
    12 years later, health care is irrefutably worse in every respect for every single person in the United States

    Democrats: “We need health care reform”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! Americans are tired of partisan politics!”

    Democrats: “OK, let’s compromise”

    Republicans: “OK, get rid of half your ideas”

    Democrats: “Done”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, get rid of half your ideas”

    Democrats: “Done”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, get rid of half your ideas”

    Democrats: “Done”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, get rid of half your ideas”

    Democrats: “Done”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, get rid of half your ideas”

    Democrats: “Done. Time to end debate”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, we need more debate, we will filibuster to prevent you
    from voting”

    Democrats: “OK, we’ll vote–sorry guys, debate is ended. It’s time to vote on the bill”

    Republicans: “Too liberal, we vote no”

    Democrats: “OK, it passed anyway–sorry guys.”

    One month later

    Republicans: “Wait–wait, OK, we have less of a minority now so we can filibuster forever.”

    Democrats: “Sorry, the bill already passed, we need it to pass the House now”

    Republicans: “But we have enough to filibuster”

    Democrats: “Sorry, the bill already passed, we need it to pass the House now”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! You haven’t listened to our ideas! You’ve shut us out of this whole process!”

    Democrats: “Sorry, show us your proposal”

    Republicans: “Smaller government”

    Democrats: “That’s not very specific”

    Republicans: “OK, here’s our detailed proposal–It’s our common-sense ideas we spent 12 years not enacting”

    Democrats: “OK, we’ll add a bunch more of your ideas”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! You included all these back-room deals”

    Democrats: “OK, we’ll get rid of the back-room deals”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! You’re using obscure procedural tricks to eliminate the back-room deals!”

    Democrats: “No, we’re using reconciliation, which both parties have used dozens of times for much larger bills”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! You’re pressuring Congressmen to vote for your bill! Scandal!”

    Democrats: “It’s called ‘whipping’, it’s been done since 1789″

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! Can’t you see the American people don’t want this?”

    Democrats: “This bill is mildly unpopular (40-50%), doing nothing (your proposal) is extraordinarily unpopular (4-6%)”

    Republicans: “We need to start over! We need to start over!”

    Democrats: “We should really consider voting–”

    Republicans: “Liberal fascists! Start over! Clean slate! Common-sense! America!”

  203. conservative guy says:

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  204. DallasNE says:

    It looks like cracks in the GOP armour are showing. Too bad — not.

    On another subject, have you seen the Youtube of John Boehner doing his “hell no you can’t” rant. It is worth the view.

  205. Insidious Prophet says:

    As the worm turns. Conservative David Frum, a former Bush speech writer and suddenly ex AIE member told ABC that Fox used to work for the republican party but now the republican party works for Fox.

    He went on further to say (not the exact words) that Fox needs the hateful, fearful, dishonest, incendiary brand of news reporting they use to survive but that this type of reporting is destroying the republican party.

    David Frum is a brave and couragous man for telling the truth!

  206. Insidious Prophet says:

    conservative guy says fire! Ready! Aim!

  207. liam says:

    K-State – Xavier: INSANITY!!!

  208. liam says:

    207, Aim for your mouth.

  209. lux (brought to you by The Truth (c)) says:

    Typical Republican reply ‘both sides do it’

    Bush runs up deficit for 2 illegal wars, meidare part D cost 1 trillion, tax cuts on the rich.. – economy flops

    Obama tries to fix mess – and passes stimulus..

    so republican response on deficit – ‘both sides do it’
    Bush charges into iraq and afghanistan in illegal wars.. passed patriot act tapping citizens phones..

    Obama passes republican idea of insurance mandate to reduce price of hc

    so republican response on infringement on constitution ‘both sides do it’

    Bush kills an estimated million in wars – invades sovereign countries against wishes of UN and international community – protesters refer to him as being a fascist like hitler

    Obama tries to pass health care bill – gets referred to as .. socialist like hitler.?.

    Republican response – ‘both sides do it’
    Bush never receives any attacks while speaking – designates ‘free speech areas’ for protest.. and eric cantor gets an unverified shot in the air as reported by fox news ‘exclusive’

    Obama get’s vocal criticism in improper decorum from congress – slander and death threats against congress members – smears with racial overtones – windows smashed.. death threats to congress members children -fake anthrax attacks – people coming to town hall meetings with guns – talks of revolution – secession and civil war…over health care.

    Republican reply ‘both sides do it’
    right. both sides do it.. the difference is between shooting a bullet and throwing one.

    no republican, both sides don’t ‘do it’ – you have the market on fascist actions and violent rhetoric – liberals though outspoken about subjects are non-violent and anti-war.. and though we may be colorful with our language (free speech) we know the limits of proper protest.. and we remain civil.

    no republicans – both sides don’t ‘do it’ – and citing one random example does not match 100’s or thousands.. do you understand the difference between 1 and a thousand?

    probably not.

  210. Intrepid says:

    drhunt1 says:

    This comment has been voted down. Click to read.

    #140 Fritz- no…I’m just sitting here, wondering how much money I stand to make from Obama voters that will now have coverage that couldn’t afford me before.

    How do you like them apples?

    Shut the fck up! You lost!

  211. dbadass says:

    what is the pretend doc gonna do? Rub grebe oil on the patient’s painful areas?

  212. Insidious Prophet says:

    Now that the republicans are out of power they suddenly hate our democracy, our republic, our democratic process.

    They suddenly forget that the President wasn’t elected to push the republican agenda or to appease their constituents. They suddenly have forgotten that losing elections have consequences.

    Instead of acting like spoiled little children, instead of continuing their scorched earth strategy, they should start acting like adults from a civilized society and start working with OUR President and FOR we the people.

  213. Insidious Prophet says:

    liam says:

    K-State – Xavier: INSANITY!!!
    In the finals????

    Sorry I haven’t been following b-ball this year.

    Wow! Although if so it makes the U of M Gophers loss to Xavier in rd 1 a little less harsh.

  214. tombaker says:

  215. Insidious Prophet says:

    tombaker says:

    cg is funny.
    About as funny as a heart attack. ;)

  216. muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says:

    good grief – I was just scanning through some of the posts here, looking to see if it was possible that any of the trolls might have something intelligent to say, and, if anything, they are more stupid than normal. They must be hyperventilating or something for getting their butts kicked so much this past week.

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