Mar 17, 2010

Would You Buy a Used Car from This Man?

Our healthcare salesman in chief.

The AP Does Constitutional Law Analysis

On Health Care and an individual mandate this way:

Constitutional law experts say the movement is mostly symbolic because federal laws supersede those of the states

(Uncited) Constitutional Law experts come to the sophisticated conclusion that Federal laws supersede those of the states. Period. Really? And what is symbolic about an actual, compelled law suit in a real, actual court of law anyway?

Constitutional Law experts Randy Barnett and Eugene Volokh arrive at a different, slightly more nuanced conclusion.

On this St. Patrick's Day

Let us recall the "magical" underpinnings of the "Irish Miracle."

Mar 16, 2010

The Most Depressing Website


Mar 12, 2010

What Holmes Is Listening To



While reading this story:

Billy Corgan v. John Mayer over Jessica Simpson

Mar 10, 2010

What Holmes Is Listening To

While reading these news items:

Rep Eric Massa (Dem) admits groping men, but not "sexually."

Pelosi knew of Rep. Massa (D)complaint sooner than claimed.

New Details on Rep Massa (D).

Update: "It's like he had people (young gay male staffers) trapped."

What Holmes Is Listening To

While reading these stories:

Muhammad cartoonist installs panic room. via

Mark Steyn on Geert Wilders.

US Monthly Deficit at all-time high. via

Passing Health Care without a vote? via Neo-Neocon

Once more, with feeling.

We Are Screwed (cont.)


Paging Mark Steyn

If Muslims in San Francisco Gay Bash...Do they make a sound?

Mar 8, 2010

Discreet, discrete

Stop using the latter when you mean the former. This means you--and it's yarmulke, not yamaka, which I might not even quibble with since it's transliterated, but really.

Mar 6, 2010

Weekly Steyn

"It's all Greek to me", says California.

Update: It's all Greek to NYC too!

Thinking About Law School?

You might want to reconsider.

Of course, tuition rates have remained up.

Well, we have to keep law professors in the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to. ;)

Mar 3, 2010


Woman kills husband of 5 days; she was lobbyist for anti-domestic violence group.

Science Creates the Perfect Marriage

Key bit:

The highlights are, indeed, a joy to behold, squeeze tightly, and never, ever let go. The perfect wife is five years younger than her husband. She is from the same cultural background. And, please stare at this very carefully: she is at least 27 percent smarter than her husband.

The Twouble with Twitter

via Facebook:

Mar 1, 2010

If Your Job is Not Ideal

You are apparently in the extreme minority. Via Ann Althouse.

Feb 27, 2010

A Portent of Some Kind

Social Security architect passes away.

Mr. Myers served as Social Security’s chief actuary from 1947 to 1970, when he resigned in protest after publishing a signed article in Reader’s Digest, warning that “expansionists” in government threatened to “steer Social Security down a dangerously unsound financial course.”

You don't say.

Feb 26, 2010

Comment of the Week

NYC has record snow. But it's weather not climate, which is of no use.

This is Bull%@#!

California has "Cuss Free Week"

The political class tackling the important issues of the day. Hey, they have pensions, what are they worried about?

"Drowning the bird."

Best description of Obamacare to date. via Instapundit.

Feb 20, 2010

What Holmes is Listening to

While reading these stories:

Steve Nash on living sugar-free.

The Green Death

Hatton on Hurricanes.

Charlie Martin on Climategate and the Big Picture.

(See that? See what I did there?)

Feb 16, 2010

Sharona et al

The immortal women of song

Feb 13, 2010

God Help Us

The parallels of the Carter and Obama presidencies. via

Feb 11, 2010


The education of John Jay

God bless 'em: Christians who love Israel.

Alexander McQueen: The clothes.

Secret caves of the lizard people.