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99 Stories on Barack Obama
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CNNMoney: Trying to flunk banks out of college

President Obama has been waging a war with banks over who gets to dole out cheap student loans backed by the federal government.

Health care reform deadlines: Dead on arrival?

President Obama has set them -- and they've repeatedly been missed.

Fortune: Health-care reform's 'back-door' tax

The big talk on Capitol Hill may be about health-care reform, but as part of this massive undertaking, the Democrats are quietly reshaping the tax system too. Tucked inside President Obama's latest health-care proposal is a major change to the Medicare tax.

Obama set to unveil details of trade agenda

President Obama will announce Thursday new details of his free trade agenda that is intended to grow the economy, a White House official said.

White House continues to slam insurers

President Obama took his increasingly populist health care overhaul pitch to the political battleground state of Missouri Wednesday, turning up the heat on private health insurers in a speech.

Graduates rally for embattled school

Graduates of the nation's most vilified high school descended upon campus Tuesday evening to support the school's fired teachers. They also had a message for President Obama: Don't bash our school.

Obama: Time to debate health care over

President Obama on Monday tore into private health insurers for recent rate hikes, taking a more aggressive rhetorical turn as he pushes for final congressional passage of his top domestic priority.

Obama nominates ex-Army general to head TSA

President Obama tapped a former Army general Monday to lead the Transportation Security Administration.

Obama must shift on terror trial

The debate about terror trials is back, front and center, in American politics.

Obama ramps up push for energy-efficiency program

President Obama ratcheted up his administration's push for a clean energy agenda Friday, emphasizing the prospects for an economic recovery fueled by so-called green jobs.

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