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100 Stories on Afghanistan
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150 bodies recovered from Afghanistan avalanche

Authorities recovered more than 150 bodies Wednesday from a mountain pass in northern Afghanistan that was struck by a series of avalanches.

Taliban members killed in southern Afghanistan

At least 16 Taliban members were killed during an Afghan/NATO-led military operation in southern Afghanistan, a local official told CNN on Saturday.

Coalition soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Two British soldiers and a Spanish soldier were killed in separate incidents in Afghanistan, the British and Spanish Defense Ministries said.

Forces mistakenly exchange fire in Afghanistan

As talk emerged about a secret meeting of U.N. and Taliban officials, the battlefield lit up in Afghanistan, with a joint Afghan-international force and Afghan soldiers exchanging fire when both sides mistook the other for enemy combatants.

Afghan conference sets deadlines for NATO handover

A plan by the Afghan government to reintegrate members of the Taliban into law-abiding society got strong support Thursday at a conference on Afghanistan.

French minister: No more combat troops to Afghanistan

France will not send any more combat troops to Afghanistan, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told CNN Thursday, reinforcing his country's opposition to joining the U.S.-led surge there.

NATO strikes Afghan transit deal with Kazakhstan

On the eve of a conference here Thursday on Afghanistan, NATO has signed an agreement with the foreign minister of Kazakhstan allowing transit through Kazakhstan of supplies for NATO and coalition forces.

U.S. intelligence briefing: Taliban increasingly effective

A December 22 briefing, prepared by the top U.S. intelligence official in Afghanistan and obtained by CNN, maps out the strategy and strength of the Taliban and their allies in Afghanistan, and concludes that the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan is increasingly effective.

Afghanistan postpones parliamentary election until fall

Afghanistan said Sunday it will postpone parliamentary elections from May until September.

Briton accused of selling fake bomb detectors

A British man who allegedly sold fake bomb detectors to Iraq and Afghanistan has been arrested on suspicion of fraud, police said.

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