Friday, August 23, 2013

Times Topics

Steven Lee Myers

Recent and archived news articles by Steven Lee Myers of The New York Times.


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Russia Steps Up Raids Against Migrants
Russia Steps Up Raids Against Migrants

The raids have reportedly ensnared nearly 1,500 foreigners, including detainees being held in a Moscow tent camp under conditions that Human Rights Watch called inhuman.

August 13, 2013, Tuesday
Kerry and Hagel Meet With Their Russian Counterparts
Kerry and Hagel Meet With Their Russian Counterparts

A day of high-level meetings yielded little definite accomplishments, underscoring the many unresolved remaining issues between the two countries.

August 10, 2013, Saturday
Ties Fraying, Obama Drops Putin Meeting
Ties Fraying, Obama Drops Putin Meeting

The sides have been at loggerheads over arms control, missile defense, Syria, trade and human rights, and Obama aides said Moscow was no longer responding to their proposals.

August 8, 2013, Thursday
Kremlin Critic Goes From Jail to Trail
Kremlin Critic Goes From Jail to Trail

Aleksei A. Navalny, who was freed pending an appeal of his embezzlement conviction, has returned to a quixotic campaign to challenge the political system established by President Vladimir V. Putin.

August 7, 2013, Wednesday
Kerry, Hagel and Russians Will Meet on Issues Imperiling Obama-Putin Visit

A gathering hosted Friday by Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel could decide the fate of a summit meeting next month.

August 7, 2013, Wednesday
U.S. Envoy and Putin Aide Discuss Snowden
U.S. Envoy and Putin Aide Discuss Snowden

There were signs that the United States and Russia might try to contain the fallout over Russia’s decision to grant temporary asylum to Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive intelligence analyst.

August 3, 2013, Saturday
Defiant Russia Grants Snowden Year’s Asylum
Defiant Russia Grants Snowden Year’s Asylum

The refugee status in Russia was the first formal support from another government for Edward J. Snowden, the former intelligence contractor wanted for leaking details of surveillance programs.

August 2, 2013, Friday
Snowden’s Lawyer Comes With High Profile and Kremlin Ties
Snowden’s Lawyer Comes With High Profile and Kremlin Ties

Like many defense lawyers in Russia, Anatoly G. Kucherena occupies an awkward space between challenging authority and being part of the system.

July 28, 2013, Sunday
U.S. Letter Says Leaker Won’t Face Death Penalty

In a letter to the Russian minister of justice, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said the United States was also willing to issue a passport to Edward J. Snowden so he could return to the country.

July 27, 2013, Saturday
Snowden Gets Novel and Change of Clothes, but No Clearance to Exit Airport
Snowden Gets Novel and Change of Clothes, but No Clearance to Exit Airport

The lawyer helping Edward J. Snowden said more work was needed on his asylum request.

July 25, 2013, Thursday

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