Thursday, April 22, 2010

Times Topics

James Risen

Recent and archived news articles by James Risen of The New York Times.


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U.S. Indicts 5 Blackwater Ex-Officials

Prosecutors charged the former president of Blackwater Worldwide and four other former senior company officials with weapons violations and making false statements.

April 16, 2010
Court Ruling on Wiretap Is a Challenge for Obama

The White House is faced with the question of whether to defend the Bush administration’s surveillance practices, which the president had criticized.

April 2, 2010
Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretaps Were Illegal

The government violated a 1978 statute requiring court approval for domestic surveillance, a judge ruled.

April 1, 2010
Interference Seen in Blackwater Inquiry

A United States Embassy official in Iraq has raised concerns about the handling of evidence in a shooting that killed 17 Iraqis.

March 3, 2010
U.S. Examines Whether Blackwater Tried Bribery

The inquiry will look into whether Blackwater officials used bribes to retain work after a 2007 shooting in Iraq.

February 1, 2010
3 Blackwater Guards Called Baghdad Shootings Unjustified

The account of the guards, who were on the scene when the 2007 shootings occurred, was revealed in newly unsealed court documents.

January 17, 2010
Former Blackwater Guards Charged With Murder

Two former Blackwater guards were arrested on murder charges stemming from a shooting in Afghanistan, the Justice Department said.

January 8, 2010
Suicide Bombing Puts a Rare Face on C.I.A.’s Work
Suicide Bombing Puts a Rare Face on C.I.A.’s Work

Since a bombing killed seven Americans at a C.I.A. base in Afghanistan, details of the lives of the victims have trickled out, providing a peek into the closed society of the spy agency.

January 7, 2010
Karzai Calls for Inquiry Into Killing of a Relative

Some members of the Karzai family have said they believed that Waheed Karzai was killed by a relative, a politically well-connected cousin of President Karzai, as part of a family feud.

December 23, 2009
Afghan Killing Bares a Karzai Family Feud
Afghan Killing Bares a Karzai Family Feud

A youth’s murder has set off bitter divisions among President Hamid Karzai’s relatives in Afghanistan and the U.S., with charges of a cover-up by Afghan officials.

December 20, 2009

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