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    Taxes Are So Passé

    March 31st, 2009

    Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama’s HHS nominee, paid less tax than she should have done for the years 2005-07.

    She has now, belatedly, made up the arrears.

    For a party whose sole raison d’etre is seemingly the creation of taxes, the collection of taxes and the spending of taxes, the Democrats are doing a bang up job of discrediting the need to pay them.

    Please excuse the lack of humor in this post – as Sebelius is the 374th Obama nominee to have tax amnesia, it’s pretty hard to make with the funnies.

    Plus I’ve just eaten, and that always impedes the faculties.

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    Wishing He Had Legal Immunity

    March 31st, 2009

    Via Gateway Pundit, news of yet another Democratic dunderhead.

    I almost gave this guy, Herman Thomas (a former Mobile County Circuit Judge, no less), a pass on account of his awesome bow-tie alone, but it wasn’t quite enough to sway me.

    His inclusion became a sure-fire thing when you look at the 57-count indictment against him.

    He is accused of “checking male inmates out of jail and forcing them to engage in sexual activity including paddling.”

    Forced sexual activity (rape to some) + with other men + those men being prisoners + Herman being himself a judge = one of best scandals ever!

    What else could you add to that list?  The inclusion of drugs or animals would spice it up a little further, but it’s all there otherwise, baby.

    Herman said this is his own defense: “This is racism at its very finest.”

    Is it racist that you were caught or racist that you’re going to be forced to “explain” your actions?

    Just to be clear.

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    Most Punchable Face

    March 31st, 2009

    Does this qualify as incitement to violence?

    Perhaps so if my readership were larger, but it’s not.  So this can be our little secret.

    Although hitting his squidgy, pudgy face would be about as satisfying as punching play-doh.  See how it re-molds around your fist!

    Of course, I’m not seriously advocating violence.  Because (1) people who really want to know can find out my address and (2) violence never solves anything (except for World War I, World II, Afghanistan, Iraq, maybe Iran and at football matches).

    Not even after Chris Matthews had the chivalry to call Sarah Palin a mail-order bride.

    Given the venomous attacks still being launched against Palin, you’d think that the Republicans had won last November.

    UPDATE:  Well, force was working in Afghanistan, at least until Barry today set a deadline for withdrawal, about eight days from now.  Afghanistan, prepare to vie with Yemen for the title of most useless country in the world, again.

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    The Long Arm Of The Law

    March 31st, 2009

    Hungarian financial authorities have hit an investment fund founded by George Soros with a record 1.6 million euro fine for manipulating the market.

    Looks like they learned from the best.

    I wonder what else Soros is hiding in the deep recesses of his facial skin folds?  There could be anything in those dark caverns.

    This is the man, let us not forget, who proudly stated that he was having a very good crisis, thank you very much.

    Isn’t it amazing how the wealth of some people grows in direct proportion to their stupidity?

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    Janus Reincarnated

    March 31st, 2009

    Governor Kaine.  Unlucky guy.  Does he look like a fatter, balder, more liberal version of Alec Baldwin to anyone else, or is it just me?

    Janus, in addition to being a two-faced god in Roman mythology, is also the not-so-secret mascot of the Democratic Party.

    Riehl Word View reports on a so-called victory for VA pro-lifers, as Gov. Kaine has signed a bill allowing VA motorists to advertise their anti-abortion stance by hosting “Choose Life” license plates.

    How courageous of him to feed the pro-lifers the table scraps.

    A real victory would be something far greater than this.

    Once again, Democrats (see: Al Gore) can hold two opposing views and be called “moderate” and “pragmatic” for doing so.  Whereas, when Republicans do it, they are invariably labeled “hypocrites” or worse.

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    How The Mighty Have Fallen

    March 31st, 2009

    Some things are just intuitive.

    You don’t have to think about breathing (at least, I hope you don’t), the sky will not fall down and the mainstream media is stunningly liberal and proud of it.

    Just to emphasize the third point, RSM at The Other McCain has the dirt on the latest NYT cover-up to be exposed.

    Last October, the NYT killed a story that would have established a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign, fearing that it would endanger the success of The One.

    Hmm, why would the Obama campaign not want to be associated with ACORN?  Don’t they just fight for the downtrodden and oppressed?

    The sooner I can spit on the grave of the mainstream media, the better.

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    Liberal Fascism

    March 30th, 2009

    Fascists of both the Left and the Right seek to control every aspect of the lives of those under their control.

    In this mindset, nothing is insignificant – even down to the way people greet each other on the street.

    With that in mind, how does this news from Drudge strike you?

    Emotions are now seemingly a matter of import to the government.  How caring of them.

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    Rise Of The Fifth Column

    March 30th, 2009

    How does Ed Morrissey (at Hot Air) do it?  Does he have a direct interweb feed straight into his brain?

    Reckon he must for the freakish number of daily posts he does.  One of which, today, links to this article by Meghan Clyne.

    It concerns Professor Harold Koh, the dean of Yale Law School, whom President Obama has nominated as Hillary Clinton’s legal adviser.

    Would you like an extra serving of Leftiness to go with your plate of Leftiness?

    Koh, genius that he is, wants to have babies with trans/supra/international law and abort US domestic law.

    Tell you what, why doesn’t the rest of the world adopt American laws instead?

    There are good reasons why the US is the most free and prosperous society in history (and it’s not only because of your cheeseburgers).

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    Beware The Thought Police

    March 30th, 2009

    A Conservative councilor in Wolverhampton, UK, has been given a stern ticking off by police.  For telling a joke at a public meeting.

    And it wasn’t even about Islam.

    The joke in question is here.

    Police in the UK have long been used as agents of social engineering.

    America, witness your future in the UK’s present.

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    Manna From Government

    March 30th, 2009

    And Rightly So has a great little post about government-subsidized cell phones.

    But only for those who are “income-eligible.”

    [I'd normally say that someone is "income-eligible" if they can afford to pay the bill, but these are strange new times we're living in.]

    About time, too.  I want a government phone to go with my government house, government car and government job.

    Now where are the government girlfriends…

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