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    Don’t Forget Where You Come From

    April 30th, 2009

    Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis was always destined for the big time.

    How could she not be, being female, socialist and from an ethnic minority?

    She could only possibly satisfy more Left-wing prerequisites if she turns out to be a lesbian and/or have had an abortion (and who’s to say that she isn’t and hasn’t?).

    There does seem to be an awful lot of confusion in the Obama administration over who is American and who is not, and, consequently, about whom exactly they should be serving.

    Nancy Pelosi decries deporting illegal aliens as “unpatriotic” and is swiftly reinforced by Janet Napolitano, who considers illegal immigration to be “not a crime per se.”

    Then there’s Carla Muniz, former top nutter at the National Council for La Raza and lover of all things alien and illegal.

    Now Sec. Solis is joining in, stating that one of the Department of Labor’s foremost priorities is to guarantee the payment of undocumented workers.

    Can’t imagine that that corresponds too closely with the wishes of most ordinary Americans.

    But, eh, who cares about those racist, gun-lovin’, bible-thumpin’, hill-billy rednecks?

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    Fewer Morals Than Judas

    April 30th, 2009


    You leave the country for a fortnight and – just like that – it vanishes.

    Arlen Specter is human slime.  This we all know.

    Now that he has joined his soul-mates in the anything-except-that-which-works party, all conservatives should give thanks.

    We should have given Specter the boot ourselves long ago – it is not too late to man up and do it with regard to the other “conservative” double-agents lurking with the Republican Party.

    And do you notice the president’s barely-concealed sh*t-eating grin?

    (It’s a good job that Biden had his back to the camera, as Lord only knows what he looked like at that moment – can facial muscles be torn by ludicrously large and inane grins?)

    Yes, ladies and gentlemen, yet more proof that the Democrats are simply not interested in running the country, only in smashing the opposition.  What a wonderful distraction Specter provides from the most atrocious first 100 days in memory!

    Finally, a word of reason.  Arlen Specter is not entirely without principles.

    In fact, he shares the one trait most commonly found among all members of the political class.


    It is time to abolish the political parties in existence, disband their cabals, expel all in office and remove those in opposition.

    Then start again.

    Nothing else goes far enough.

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    End Of The Honeymoon

    April 29th, 2009


    Well, almost.

    And I’m talking literally about my and my bride’s mini-moon here, not figuratively about the end of Creation’s love affair with President Obama.

    My bride and I were wed at the Olton Friary and had the reception at Coombe Abbey (above).  The last six days have been perfect, nothing could have gone better.  Even the weather cooperated, which can never be taken for granted in the UK.

    I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to marry (hopefully just the once…) and also to visit the UK.

    ‘Crat-tracking will begin again this weekend, as I relaunch my personal persecution of the stupid and corrupt with renewed zeal.

    Hi-yo, Silver, away!

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    What Would Obama Do?

    April 27th, 2009


    This is my first post as a married man (more on that later).

    But fear not fellow free-thinkers, for marital bliss has not dulled my blade.

    When back in the UK, as I am now, there are some questions that people invariably ask.  After the small talk of how long I’ll be away for and why I enjoy being in the States so much, there always follows the eternal question.

    Is Obama better than Jesus?

    Slight exaggeration there, I admit.  But not by much.

    This Wednesday, Michael D’Antuono’s doodle “The Truth” (above) will be unveiled at New York City’s Union Square.  The artist knows well that a stunt like this will garner him infinitely more attention than his mediocre ability warrants, and the blogosphere (including moi) is guilty of indulging D’Antuono’s limelight cravings.

    But why does the Left consistently hail its latest representative as the Risen Lord?  And how many times can they withstand crushing disappointment?

    Those on the Left always rush to proclaim The One (and The Next One and The One After That) as they are ready and willing to relinquish their own freedom to act, and let someone else decide everything for them.

    Since time immemorial, or at least the publication of The Communist Manifesto, Lefties have psychotically believed that they alone have discovered absolute truth.  The high-priest of Leftiness, therefore, is the embodiment of this “truth” and accorded the level of a deity.

    “Truth” aside, give me what works.  Conservatives prefer to retain their freedoms and solve their own problems themselves.  This needs only a figurehead with enough sense to promulgate practical remedies, not an egomaniac with a Messiah complex.

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    Rick “Killer” Sanchez

    April 22nd, 2009

    Why did Rick Sanchez leave Cuba?

    OK, OK, false question.  He was but a wee nipper when his parents fled Cuba, that hellhole-for-indigenous-people but great-for-Lefty-tourists.

    Shouldn’t he go back?  He’s so far to the Left that if he goes any farther, he might just stumble across the Right.

    And let’s not be distracted by his sanctimoniousness from the fact that he’s killed another human being.  He pleaded no contest to DUI, which I would also do if it got me off the hook for the aforementioned death.

    Glenn Beck and team, I think I love you.

    PS -- Check out the Wikipedia entry for Sanchez.  It hilariously claims that he was “the first national news anchor credited with combining traditional network news with social media using MySpace, Twitter and Facebook.”

    Wow!  That is amazing!

    How did he manage that?  It’s like being the first person to eat meat, potatoes and vegetables all at once.

    What a frikkin’ loser.

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    Wrong In Thought, Word And Deed

    April 22nd, 2009

    As always when mentioning immigration, I’m going to start with my invincibility potion – I am a legal alien and permanent resident in the US.

    Now try accusing me of being genetically anti-immigration.

    Nancy Pelosi considers raids on illegal immigrants to be “unpatriotic.”

    Janet Napolitano is investigating those who deport illegal aliens and has stated that illegal immigration is “not a crime per se.”

    Pam Richardson is a proponent of voting rights for illegals.

    Auntie Zeituni is happily ensconced in the US and is going nowhere.

    Is the picture becoming clear yet?

    And Cecilia Munoz, former vice president of the National Council for La Raza (which is a grand title for being a lobbyist – I thought Obama was going to have nothing to do with them?), is a part of the Obama adminstration.

    Munoz’s and La Raza’s solution to illegal immigration has one thing in its favor: it is simple.

    Everything else about it stinks.  Especially its naked ambition to capture millions of votes for the Democrats.

    American citizens are the concern of the American president.  Foreign citizens are the concern of foreign governments.

    Why is this concept so hard to grasp?

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    Unlearn What You Know

    April 21st, 2009

    Some people have brains.  Some have looks.  Some have exceptional skills.  Some hate-worthy individuals have two or all of the above.

    And then there’s Janet Napolitano, who has none.

    She has consciously stuffed her considerable frame with nothing but empty platitudes, vacuous double-speak and orthodox political correctness.

    She has already launched investigations into those who deport illegal aliens.

    She has now gone a step further and declared illegal immigration itself “not a crime per se.”

    Yes.  It.  Is.

    You stupid, stupid, stupido.

    Let’s use one of Obama’s favorite, cliched metaphors.  My rational argument against illegal immigration is the scalpel.

    Whereas Napolitano’s moronicness is the sledgehammer.

    But a fat lot of good my scalpel does against her sledgehammer, which instantly bludgeons all opposition into oblivion.

    How can you argue against willful ignorance?

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    I’m Not A Crook

    April 21st, 2009

    See, that was President Nixon’s first mistake.

    Hmm, let me take that back.  His first mistake was allowing amazingly illegal things to be done by those under him, and for his own benefit, but you catch my drift.  Asserting your innocence by beginning with a negative is not the best way of doing it.

    Far better to say “I am innocent.”  You then at least have a shot at gaining some undeserved public sympathy.

    Murtha, however,  has reached the appropriate age and level of hubris that he just doesn’t care any more.

    So he’s as bent as a nine bob note (as some people say in the UK) admitting that, “If I’m corrupt, it’s because I take care of my district.”

    What he’s really saying is, “Whaddaya gonna do about it?”

    And the answer is most likely nothing.  Not only has his mountainous ass fused itself to his House seat, but he enjoys the full support of his fellow racketeers in the Democratic Party.

    Enjoy it will it lasts, Murtha.  You’ll get yours eventually.

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    Politics As Self-Enrichment

    April 21st, 2009

    I know that DC is Hollywood for ugly people but Sen. Feinstein is taking it a bit too far.  I’ve seen more healthy looking corpses.

    Feinstein has steered $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm (CBRE) a lavish contract, in a move that the Washington Times describes as (understatement alert) “unusual.”

    Diplomats use similar code language to justify the expulsion of foreign spies, on the grounds that they were pursuing “activities inconsistent with their diplomatic status.”

    We all know what they really mean.

    Rubbing salt in the wound is the fact that her husband, Richard Blum bought 10 million CBRE shares at the same time.  He bought the shares at $3.77; after his wife’s intervention, CBRE stock rose to $5.14 at yesterday’s close.

    As Ed Morrissey notes, Blum’s investment made a $14 million profit for Blum, Feinstein and their co-conspirators.

    So, in addition to criminal ugliness, Feinstein should also be charged with corruption and her husband with insider trading.

    Two trends have damaged the popular perception of politics more than anything else.

    The first is allowing anyone to run (and, worse still, electing them) when they have manifestly not achieved nor sacrificed anything for their country.

    The second is the reduction of politics to a self-enrichment scheme.

    Feinstein is, alongside the president himself, the epitome of both.

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    Only 2815 To Go

    April 20th, 2009

    Fox News is reporting that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times.

    Expert analysts (i.e. not me) have stated that the information he subsequently “volunteered” has disrupted dozens of Al-Qaeda attacks, soooo…

    Should we indulge in pointless self-flagellation over how he was treated (the Left) or focus instead on the lives we have saved and the lives we now know to end (the Right)?

    Like that needs an answer.

    Have a little insight into my mind, right-minded people.  I have a torture closet in my the inner recesses of my psyche (nothing S&M related, you understand – that’s elsewhere) where I like to picture what I’d do to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Bin Laden, Pelosi, etc.

    Torture there is easy.  I just pretend I’m listening to U2 and start wailing away.  Hey, if I’m suffering, then they’re definitely suffering more.

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