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    The Command Economy

    July 31st, 2009

    The Workers’ Soviet has bowed to “populist” (i.e. Democratic manufactured) pressure over private sector remuneration and passed a bill restricting Wall Street pay.

    Rep. Melvin Watt (D-NC) was the first to launch the left-wing anti-logic case for the bill, stating that,

    This is not the government taking over the corporate sector.”

    Which, of course, is precisely what the bill heralds.

    Welcome to the beginning of the end of private property, without which there is no liberty.  When you do not own what you have earned through your physical/intellectual work, you are no longer a free being – you are a vassal to the state (which, if you’re good, may regurgitate a small portion of your property back to you.  At some point or other.).

    Oxygen thief Barney Frank, who sponsored the bill, stated that the “extra regulation is necessary to ensure bankers and traders aren’t rewarded only if they take big risks.”

    Does it really need to be spelled out?

    Apparently so.

    Risk is good.  If the risk is successful, then abundant rewards are yours, good sir.  If it’s not successful, why then you’re SOL and another inefficiency (you/your company) is removed from the free market through the unjustly maligned process of creative destruction.

    At least, that’s the way things used to work before both political parties started to wisely endorse idiotic behavior through bank/homeowner bailouts.

    The price of letting those institutions that should have failed do so would, almost without doubt, have been less than the price of “rescuing” them.

    And the cost, as we will find out soon enough, would certainly have been less.

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    Party Of The State

    July 31st, 2009

    Even this might be a stretch too far, but can we agree that both parties seek the betterment of the United States?

    Any agreement here, though, will be short-lived as the next question is how to achieve this improvement, and here’s where the problems start.

    To members of the Right, those on the Left are misguided – they, more likely than not, have never run their own business, never been in the military, never studied economics and never learned any history (of the non-Marxist variety).  We pity their shallow view that the best society can only be achieved through the actions of a larger and larger state – tyranny this way lies.

    Lefties, on the other hand, see themselves as the galaxy-wide custodians of universal truth.  They have a Utopian (read: fantastical) vision and its attainment requires only subservience to those who can lead us there.  Our opposition to this holds back the entirety of mankind and conservatives are, therefore, evil baby-eaters.

    None epitomizes the power-hungry statist more than Nancy Pelosi.  She’s thrown another epi about how the health care industry dares to defy the Democratic diktat that it must bow to the Dear Leader, claiming that,

    It’s almost immoral what they are doing.”

    Yeah, I totally see how their provision of affordable and quality health care to the masses is “immoral.”

    It’s immoral because it’s not government-provided and thus not government-controlled.

    It’s increasingly evident that Dr. Doom is the intellectual big-wig behind the Democratic Party – if only we would leave them alone to rule the world, it would be a perfect place!

    For, as the Soviet Union proved, uniformity = happiness.

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    Alcohol Solves Everything

    July 31st, 2009

    Oh my gosh, I could cry I’m so happy (like the unhinged Obot above – look at how merely glancing at her own sign causes the woman to approach terminal shutdown – scary).

    For my internet is back.

    No doubt that the politicians loved their brief respite from yet another blog of whose existence they’re totally unaware (except for those politicians whom, slightly mischievously, I’ve emailed directly to let them know what I’m writing about them…), but it’s time to bring the pain once more.

    First, though, a belated mention of one of my bloggers-in-arms, Carol at No Sheeples Here.

    Seeing as I completely missed the boat on the hole beer between friends farce, please go read the No Sheeples Here take on it.

    If you don’t know, now you know (about NSH), in the immortal words of Biggie Smalls.

    PS – Gates released a post-beer statement that began,

    Sergeant Crowley and I, through an accident of time and place, have been cast together, inextricably, as characters – as metaphors, really – in a thousand narratives about race over which he and I have absolutely no control…”

    and, due to that sentence being complete boll*cks, I didn’t bother to read any further.  I thought that Gates was supposed to be a professor at Harvard?

    Doesn’t that assume the intelligence not to write meaningless cr*p like this?

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    No Such Thing As A “Blue Dog”

    July 29th, 2009

    I know it.  You know it.  And they themselves know it.

    But the MSM and the Democrats have a grand old time propagating the myth of their existence, regardless.  Why would they do this?

    Apart from their duty to misinform, it’s wonderfully helpful in making the Democratic Party seem less monolithic and extreme left than it really is.  It’s a great tool for swaying the not-entirely-convinced voter, by making making them think that they’re voting for a member of the Democratic Party who is infinitesimally more responsible than the rest.

    Which, of course, is a lie.

    The supposedly robust and principled Blue Dog opponents to cap ‘n’ tax were bought off by a whopping $2,000 each.

    And their similarly lauded opposition to state-run health care has now gone the way of the dodo, too, as AP reports.

    You’ll notice how, in the first paragraph and throughout the article, the hack (David Espo) refers to the Blue Dogs as the “party’s rebellious rank-and-file conservatives.”

    Note to AP: just because the Blue Dogs allegedly want slightly lower (but still astronomically high) government spending, that in no way makes them conservative.  It only makes them microscopically less uber-liberal .

    Still, any opportunity to denigrate the word “conservative” is a good opportunity, right David?

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    I’m Stuck In The Stone Age

    July 29th, 2009

    My interweb is still being a royal pain in the a*s and Verizon says it’s thinking about trying to fix it on Friday.

    Until then, it’s gonna be slow going on the site – apologies, friends…

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    Race To The Bottom

    July 29th, 2009

    Electorates, unfortunately, are not quite the repositories of common sense and prudence that they’re supposed to be.

    Whether it’s through a disinterest in politics or a lack of available time, most people know far less than they should about who they’re electing and their policies.

    Good news (for Democrats): this means that simplistic one-word “explanations” capture the public mind.  Racism!  Sexism!  Imperialism!  Fascism!  Environmentalism!

    Bad news (for Republicans): as it concomitantly means that more complex arguments -- free-market economics, personal liberty and limited government -- are shunned in favor of the easily-digestible, superficial ones.


    So we should take a leaf out of the Democrats’ playbook and distill all our arguments into one-word slogans.  In fact, let’s not even bother with the distilling part, let’s just slander Democrats in the very same way that they do us.

    Every time that Republicans oppose anything, it’s (obviously) because of racism.  So let’s use the same tactic against the Democrats, thus reducing it to meaninglessness.

    We could try to resurrect a more respectful tone in politics but (a) Democrats would never go along with it and (b) where’s the fun in that?  There was never a time when both parties coexisted peacefully, but neither has there been a time when politics has been so comprehensively polarized as it is today.

    And that’s ok.

    Because the left-wing has no substantive arguments.  It never has.  It has nothing rooted in logic, only in emotion.

    Which is why Obamamania will dazzle briefly before fizzling out permanently.

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    PETA – No. 1 At Killing Animals!

    July 29th, 2009

    Highbrow time, dear readers (well, slightly more highbrow than usual, anyway).  In The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare wrote,

    The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.”

    Which was his way of saying be very wary of anyone who doesn’t like music.  Good call.  I would extend it to include distrusting anyone who doesn’t like animals.  How can you not love furry things with four-legs (well, the good ones all have four legs)?

    But one should also be cautious around those who claim to love animals more than human beings.

    Enter PETA.

    PETA bullied more than $34 million into its own coffers last year.  By the way, not that facts have much relevance these days, but PETA has killed 21,339 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1998.

    And while last year was spectacularly successful for them in terms of exploitation of donations, it wasn’t quite so good for all the lil’ furballs in their “care” – in the whole of 2008, PETA found homes for a mighty 7 pets.

    Out of the 2,216 animals it took in.

    PETA has no interest in saving animals.  It is only interested in haranguing us about what we eat, drink, fish, hunt, wear and use for medical research.  It is simply another organization that wants to take away our choice by imposing its own on us.  Much like the Obama administration.

    Please go here and join the 171,557 (including moi) who have signed the petition to remove PETA’s tax-exempt (i.e. taxpayer subsidized) status. 

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    2010 – Bring It On!

    July 28th, 2009

    Thank you kindly, The Other McCain.

    The America that has done more than any other to spread freedom and prosperity is not going to go quietly into the night.

    When self-pleasuring over health care (and every other unwarranted encroachment by the federal government), statists will happily ignore the Constitution, claiming that “human rights” is justification enough for action.

    And, as the definition of human rights is constantly expanding, this is the perfect way for Democrats to circumvent the Founding Fathers every time.

    The way things are going, there will soon be nothing to which people are not entitled through one human right or another.

    Which completely negates the point in the first place.  There are only five human rights that truly matter -- freedom of speech, religion, association, assembly and from persecution.

    Everything else derives from these five.  Health care is not a right, nor is employment nor is an HDTV -- these are all things that we pursue through the freedom afforded us via the fundamental five.  Expanding human rights to the ridiculous point that we have today only diminishes their importance.

    Of course, once the state has decided that these are your “rights”, all that remains is for the state to confer them upon you.  Which can only be done by the state taking over the means of production.  Whereupon we return to feudalism, as we’ll all be serfs who can’t enjoy the fruits of our own labor (except where the government generously redistributes it back to us).

    This, boys and girls, is why anyone who wants larger government should be opposed, no matter when or where.  Central control is the one thread that links together every totalitarian/authoritarian/tyrant/despot/dictator in history.

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    Capitulation In Cuba

    July 27th, 2009


    Subversive messages like the above will no longer be displayed on the news ticker at the US diplomatic mission in Havana.

    Barry’s latest attempt to love dictators into submission centers on Cuba, where this goodwill gesture will most likely be a precursor to more substantive talks with the Castros.

    Where, no doubt, Barry will make concession after concessive without reciprocation.

    Castro may look like a harmless incontinent now but never forget that he came this close (pinching my thumb and forefinger together) to nuking the US in 1962.

    But who cares about history?

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    I ♡ Kelly King

    July 27th, 2009

    Boy must Rick Sanchez have hated presenting this news item (I’ll replace the vid with a better quality one when available) with every fiber of his being.

    For it combines opposition to Obama and minorities, something that, according to mastermind Sanchez, is the sole reserve of race traitors (which has gotta rank as one of the most offensive non-cuss terms in existence).

    Officer Kelly King and Sgt. Leon Lashley -- not Barack “Typical white person” Obama -- represent post-racial America.  She is calm and lucid, her responses are measured and her civility only makes the hydrogen bomb she drops into an atomic bomb: the first time that she voted for Obama is now also the last time.

    Kelly King has just hurt Barry more in two minutes than the Republicans have managed in two years.


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