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    Idiot Number One

    August 30th, 2009

    Rep. Diane Watson is so offensively stupid (and, by sheer coincidence, was the most “liberal” member of Congress in 2006, before one Barry Obama took that mantle in his very first year) that her existence is the single strongest argument there is against evolution.

    Then again, she’s so dumb that she’s also the strongest argument against intelligent design as well, so I’m not quite sure where that leaves me.

    Brief aside -- I despise even referring to these cretins as “liberal.”  They have nothing in common with true liberalism.  The Left has always been expert at twisting language to its advantage, and nowhere is this more evident than in the US, where socialists openly masquerade as liberals.  Is it liberal to want government interference in the economy?  Is it liberal to deprive the citizenry of individual freedoms and choices?  Is it liberal to tear up the constitution and restrict the rights granted therein? Etc, etc.

    Back to Watson.  It’s not only that winning office has the unparalleled ability to turn people stupid, it’s also that severely intelligence-impaired people run for election in the first place.  If she’s the cream of the crop, then just how atrocious were the rest of the candidates?

    To make matters even worse, this Democrat has a semblance of intelligence, on paper at least.  Despite all her degrees, though, her political observations still amount to stating that state-run health-care can only be opposed by racists?

    No doubt that complex analysis required some pretty heavy thinking.

    Even this guy ain’t that stupid (perhaps).

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    Playing Them At Their Own Game

    August 29th, 2009

    Friends, I hinted at this a little while ago and now plan to take my very own personal Operation Chaos up a level.

    It is a prerequisite of being a politician that you possess a near infinite reserve of self-confidence and are not thin-skinned.  Barry has one but not the other, hence his constant whining.

    Politicians maintain their stratospheric self-belief in part by exposing themselves to criticism and contrary viewpoints only when it is absolutely unavoidable.

    Such as the recent spate of town halls.

    So it’s pretty obvious that rank-and-file Democrats and abnormally stupid Republicans are not going to search out my little site of their own volition.

    Which is where you come in.

    Should you have a spare moment and feel like causing a little mischief (for all the right reasons, of course), then please consider emailing my posts to the targets themselves.

    I’ve only done it to a couple of the losers so far, but plan on sending out lots more of these metaphorical e-letter bombs (to any federal agencies preparing to raid my apartment: emphasis on the metaphorical) as time allows.

    Should I receive a reply (doubtful, at best), then I’ll post it here for our entertainment.

    Fingers crossed!

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    Nerd Central

    August 28th, 2009

    OK, last post of the day, and a short one at that – context for the extravagantly bizarre pic later.

    I sullied myself by delving into the hideous Wonkette site for this photo.

    If you do go over there, marvel at how one of their headlines today is,

    Charlie Crist Taps Random French Queer To “Warm His Seat”

    while another post thoughtfully tars all those who oppose state-run health-care as, yawn, “racists.”

    Also take a (brief) look at the thread that accompanies this pic, and wonder at the relentless barrage of racist comments therein.

    Characteristic left-wing decency, tolerance and hypocrisy, check.

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    The Ruling Mediocrity

    August 28th, 2009

    As with all of you, I have a really, really hard time justifying to myself my subordination to stupid people.

    Thankfully, it doesn’t happen very often.  I was not brought up nor educated by, and neither have I worked for, stupid people.  I tend not to hang around with stupid people when it’s avoidable (although, truth be told, stupid people in small doses can be very entertaining and magnificent for one’s self-esteem) and I don’t watch the endless glorification of idiots on programs like Big Brother, TMZ and C-Span.

    But there is one massive exception, which I’m sure you saw coming…


    It’s difficult for me, to say the least, to accept being ruled by idiots.  I subject myself to their expertise in no other area of life, so why should I have to tolerate their imbecilic misconceptions in this most important field?

    Idiots aside, everyone else should feel this way.  Why would you trust government to do something for you more than you would trust yourself?  Why are people so ready to accept that government not only knows better than them but actually is better than them?  Why ascribe to government the good characteristics that are absent in so many people?

    Politicians are nothing more than implements of the people (well, they shouldn’t by anything more than that, anyway).  They should not be venerated.

    And, when the person who sits atop their summit is this awe-inspiring, they should be toppled.

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    Stark Stupidity

    August 28th, 2009

    The befuddled idiot above is one Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) (I still haven’t figured out what’s next to him in this photo, by the way.  Anyone?), one of the horde of lesser-known but equally moronic Democrats who are magnanimously taking it upon themselves to destroy American prosperity and freedom.

    Stark normally gets a pass from just about everyone owing to his status as a blackhole of intelligence, but sometimes – just sometimes – it’s worth broadcasting his utterances a little more widely.

    Such as his declaration that Blue Dog Democrats “just want to cause trouble” and that they’re “for the most part brain dead…. just looking to raise money from insurance companies and promote a right-wing agenda that is not reallyvery useful in this whole process.”

    Because wanting to maintain high standards of health-care, rather than forcing everybody to accept whatever cr*p the government would provide in its place, is such an insidious right-wing conspiracy.

    How has this simpleton, and all the other “progressives” (the word that I most wish I could uninvent), not drowned in the shower?

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    Guilty As Sin (And Twice As Ugly)

    August 27th, 2009


    Just as how the Eric “Racist” Holder-run Department of Justice refused to prosecute members of The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense (which, it turns out, isn’t quite so new after all), so has it now decided to protect another guilty-as-charged Obama ally, Gov. Bill Richardson.

    Which is nothing but more unnecessary proof of how desperately reform of the voting system is needed.

    If you’ve been in receipt of state welfare for more than 12 months out of the last 24, then no vote for you.  If you’re on probation or are a repeat offender, then no vote for you.  In fact, if you’ve ever raped, kidnapped or killed anybody, then no vote for you ever again.  If you can’t prove who you are, then no vote for you.  If you have unpaid taxes, alimony or child support, etc, then no vote for you.  If you’re an addict and not currently in recovery or a program, then no vote for you.

    You get the idea.

    This would disproportionately affect Democratic voters, because they tend to more frequently be the people suffering from these character deficiencies (way to generalize, or what?).

    Which brings me to punishment for corrupt politicians such as Richardson.

    There should be an extra humiliating way of punishing people who, unlike most other criminals, promise to help people through their actions.  For breaking this blatant lie through criminal activity, we should have special jails for politicians that more resemble zoos.  I want to be able to go and observe (mock) these unrepentant idiots where there are no hiding places.  I want these jails to be tourist attractions and interactive displays, ones where members of the public can decide that they’re going to deprive their denizens of electricity, hot water or air for a day or two.  I want corrupt politicians to be made so ashamed of themselves that they spend the rest of their lives atoning for their mistakes through acts of public charity or crushing private despair.

    It would create jobs, provide entertainment, punish the wicked and deter those who shouldn’t even consider it in the first place from running for office.

    One (very large) such jail in every state and, voilà!, public faith in politics is restored.

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    Irony Of Ironies

    August 27th, 2009


    Q: What cost $50 million to build, needs 1.2 megawatts to run (enough electricity, by the way, to power 1,000 homes) and produces 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide per annum?

    A: The United Kingdom’s Meteorological Office’s supercomputer designed to predict climate change!

    Not that this’ll bother the socialists, for whom the ends justify the self-defeating means, as ever.

    PS – How “super” can this supercomputer really be if its helping to cause the outcome that it predicts?

    That’s like me predicting that I’ll chunder if I neck a gallon of milk, then actually doing it.

    It’s hardly the stuff of genius-level intellects…

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    Honorary Citizens

    August 27th, 2009

    It is truly sad that people feel pushed into doing the above.

    But it is not the fault of the US or any other advanced country.  It is the fault of native governments that are even more inept and corrupt than our own.

    Take Mexico.  Why is that country not as prosperous as America or Canada?  It has oil deposits, two beautiful coastlines, a wonderful heritage, it borders only three other nations (the US, Guatemala and Belize), one of whom ensures that Mexico is never going to come under external attack, and it has a youthful, growing population.

    That is more than is necessary for success.

    What I dislike most about illegal immigration is the entirely amoral way in which it is used as a political prop.  The Bush administration tried to grant them amnesty in a last-ditch attempt to win over the Hispanic vote.  Cue outrage from the indigenous population and a retreat by the government.

    And now Barry is cuing up to do the same.  The aim is identical – grant citizenship, whether instantaneously or after a short wait, sit back and reap the political rewards.  Never mind the damage that this would do to social cohesion, to community relations, to law-abiding immigrants, to the shared conception of what it is to be an America, etc.

    Because all that matters is that the Democrats would have another block of steadfast voters.  The African-American bloc + the Hispanic bloc + self-loathing whites = a permanent majority.

    So it is that Barry’s first step on this path is to offer illegal immigrants state-run health care, which he and every other Democrat courageously denies is the plan.

    But the Congressional Research Service (an entirely non-partisan body, like the CBO) begs to differ, stating that the Obamacare bill,

    does not contain any restrictions on non-citizens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the (Health Insurance) Exchange.”

    So is the CRS propagating unfounded myths, too, Barry?

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    I’m Getting Wee-Wee’d Off

    August 27th, 2009

    Barry must be getting just a little wee-wee’d off by now (by the way, if anyone has ever heard anything less cool said by anyone, never mind the man who allegedly brought “cool” to the White House, then please let me know).

    Because the free market, carbon dioxide and Chinese communists are just not co-operating with him.  Despite possessing an unshakable personal belief that his oratory carries the power of an undiscovered law of physics, it’s becoming increasingly apparent to everyone else that problems do not disappear once Barry has delivered his sermon on them, much to his and their surprise.

    Such as the national debt forecast, which within the last couple of days was revised to include another $2 trillion of debt for the US!  That’s an amount larger than the annual GDP of Russia, Spain or Canada!  Yay!

    And now the unemployment figures are receiving some equally rough treatment.  The CBO (that pesky non-aligned, non-partisan organization run, in fact, by a Democrat) is forecasting that there will be 2.3 million more people unemployed  next year than they last projected in January.

    Which will take the unemployment rate in the US to just over 10 percent.

    After kicking the administration in the nuts over the deficit and debt (which, indirectly, was also a blow to the gonads over health care and potentially cap & tax), the CBO is now stomping all over the nether regions of this supine administration.

    Obama will soon be squealing like a castrato for the CBO to stop its entirely non-political, mathematically-based beat down of his clueless communists.

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    Lenin: Still Killing People

    August 26th, 2009

    And not just through continued application of his doctrines craziness, either.

    A (drunken) 21-year old man was killed in the southeastern Belarus town of Uvarovichith on August 10, when a statue of Lenin that he’d clambered on to collapsed on top of him.

    Tragic though this (albeit entirely avoidable) death is, it allows me to again mention the ranks of world’s worst mass murderers, a list that is topped by Mao Tse-tung in first place, with Stalin close behind in second.

    Although Lenin died early and sadly deprived the world of yet another mental communist who dreamed of only harmony and peace while achieving nothing but strife and death, his death did lead the way to someone even worse: Stalin, one of the most monstrous individuals to ever take power anywhere.

    But this is not to say that Lenin would have been any improvement over the psychotic Georgian.  Socialists of yesterday and today love to promulgate idiotic theories in an attempt to redeem their irredeemable statist religion.  Two of the most popular are that (1) Lenin would have been a much “better” ruler than Stalin and (2) every version of a communist state that has existed so far has been a bastardized mutant offspring that bears little or no relation to Marxist theory.

    Both are complete rubbish.

    If I could have but one wish granted

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