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    Point And Shoot

    October 30th, 2009


    Cameras, that is.

    I realize that this refrain is getting old this week, but still.  Work.  My butt.  Getting kicked.  I even had to turn down a trip to NYC with The Other McCain.

    Which maybe wasn’t such a bad thing, after all, considering how our last trip ended up.  Ugh.

    But aren’t camera’s amazing?  I have no eye for photography, but my wife (clever little pretty thing that she is) does.  Which is why we bought a camera for her that cost nearly as much as a car (a heavily beaten up one, admittedly).

    Click the pic for some choice shots from entrants into the Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2009: World in Motion competition.

    There’s one of a car in a tunnel and it is (no joke) beautiful.


    PS – Just to be clear, this isn’t one of wifey’s pics.

    PPS – And, just to be clear on something else, my rage isn’t diminishing and hasn’t transformed instead into flowery thoughts about how pretty nature is, I just haven’t been able to dedicate much time to the blog this week, s’all…

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    Zut Alors!

    October 30th, 2009

    Great news – Jacques Chirac, the former French president, has been charged with alleged embezzlement dating back to his time as mayor of Paris.

    Let the games begin.

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    Assassination Fantasies

    October 30th, 2009

    Gore Vidal, another member of the Left-wing horde who is not in the least bit qualified as any kind of political analyst yet considers himself one nonetheless, has appeared on the Joy Behar show, with eminently (or, were I to speak the English of Sonia Sotomayor, “imminently”) predictable results.

    Vidal’s moral compass can be deduced by his reaction to the long overdue arrest of Roman Polanski.  Sky News quoted him as telling The Atlantic that,

    I really don’t give a f*ck.  Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?

    Rather than placing the blame on Polanski’s own decision to drug and rape a girl barely in her teenage years, Vidal made the claim that Polanski was instead a victim of anti-Semitism and xenophobia.  Which will in all probability form the backbone of Polanski’s no doubt airtight defense at his (hopefully) upcoming trial.

    Proving that level of vileness to be anything but a fluke, Vidal stated -- at around the 1:50 mark on the vid -- on Behar’s show, regarding President Bush, that,

    That’s one murder that I miss not committing.

    To which Behar gave the robust reply of,

    Yes, well, it’s too late, anyway.

    To be fair, though, anyone who only hates -- rather than actively seeking to do harm to -- the 43rd president is a paradigm of objectivity to the Left, so perhaps Behar was simply trying to burnish her credentials as a “moderate” by not quite joining in with Vidal’s assassination fantasy.

    As with the repellent racist Joseph Lowery, this marks approximately the seven quadrillionth time that Democrats have gotten away with saying something for which conservatives would have been publicly, and gleefully, crucified.

    This must be the mythical “respectful debate” whose passing the Democrats have long bewailed (well, since January 2009, at any rate).

    Cross-posted at The Green Room.

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    October 29th, 2009

    APTOPIX Obama Fallen Soldiers

    Barry’s pervasive indecisiveness is garnering him bad press on pretty much all fronts, but especially as it relates to American’s conduct of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, where lives are staked on his (in)ability to formulate strategy and objectives.

    So while he endlessly equivocates and deliberates, Barry set his alarm clock to go off extra-early this morning in an attempt to ensure a bit of cheap coverage to prove his dedication to and respect for the Armed Forces.

    Insincerity does not even begin to cover it.  Whereas President Bush often met with grieving military families in private, President Obama felt the need to travel to Dover Air Force Base (Delaware) in full view of the press.

    If you want to honor our fallen troops, Barry, then provide those still fighting with everything that they need, as quickly as possible.

    And don’t undermine them with your political maneuverings.

    Sorry, my bad.  It’s too late for that, already, isn’t it?

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    President Coward

    October 29th, 2009


    After nine months of fatal prevarication – including the announcement of a previous but presumably then (privately) rejected strategy – Barry has finally settled on a plan for Afghanistan.

    For this week, at any rate.

    And it is as genius as you’d expect.  Barry’s big idea to is protect Afghan cities and cede the countryside to the fanatical Talibana.  Which, no matter which way you look at it, albeit with one important exception, is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

    A sizable chunk of the problem in Afghanistan at the moment is that the European countries there – the Brits and Dutch aside – do nothing except stay in their urban HQs.   The national caveats that Germany, France, etc, have placed on the deployment of their troops prohibit them from doing anything at night, and allow their soldiers to fire their weapons only in self-defense.

    Which means that they’re not soldiers, but lightly-armed social workers.

    This is war.

    We should reward whoever kills the most Taliban every month.  Promise the victor a new Ford F-150, or such like.

    Barry has chosen this path because it poses the least political risk.  True, less troops will hopefully die or be injured – although amassing them in cities surely makes for an easier target -, which is indubitably good, but this self-restraint will make achieving any decent objective in Afghanistan almost impossible (and our chances of succeeding were already remote enough).  Barry is preparing us for a retreat, and he’s rehearsing the Blame Bush Doctrine already.

    This supposed “strategy” didn’t work against the Vietcong, and it’s not going to work here, either.

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    Alpha Male Supreme

    October 28th, 2009


    Yeah, doubtless you’ve already seen this.

    But I’m posting it anyway.

    The CA Legislature should be thankful that this is all Arnie’s doing.  California’s plight could not have exposed the idiocy of endless Left-wing spending in more damning fashion, yet the statists there – as in DC – pretend that nothing’s the matter and want to carry on, regardless.

    Time to get medieval on their a*sses, Arnie.

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    Idiots + Cars = Awesome

    October 28th, 2009

    Driving, as with voting (and, in fact, having a child), should be subject to an intelligence test.  Stupid people, know your limits.

    Work is kicking my butt again, so, in lieu of political posts, please watch this hilarious/terrible clip.  Having seen how people drive and park in DC, I’m glad that I don’t own a car.  But even their bumper-destroying antics (that’s what they’re there for!) is nothing against this monumental parking catastrophe.

    And if you enjoyed this one, click here for another 11 equally epic parking fails.

    UPDATE:  Dani from New Zealand has sent along this link to a compilation of the fairer sex’s vehicular greatest hits.  Watch it, for it is awesome.

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    Rumor Of The Day

    October 28th, 2009


    Is that Hillary Clinton could be sizing up another lunge for the reins of power.

    David Huhn, author of the piece linked to above, ponders the possibility of her standing in 2016.  Seems to me that 2016 is looking too far ahead, though.  Hillary, if nothing else, does possess something of a political instinct and by 2016 she will almost certainly be eclipsed by another up-and-comer within the party, as per Barry Obama in 2007-08.

    If she does still harbor her mad power-lust (and who believes that she doesn’t?), then her one and only chance remains 2012.  Which, if she pursues it, would lead to the mother of all civil wars within the party.  Unless, of course, the feeble Obama has had a breakdown before that point, but let’s exclude that eventuality for the time being.

    One rumor that I’ve heard – and, really, if it’s made it so far down the ladder as to reach me, then it’s pretty much discredited from the get go – is that Hillary could slyly resign next year, setting herself up for an intra-party slaughter of Obots.

    The resignation part, at least, could be on the money.  Barry is keeping a tight check on her as secretary of state, seemingly not allowing her the freedom to do or say anything without his prior approval.  Think of the number of foreign policy announcements that Hillary should’ve made, but which Barry snatched for himself (in order to both steal some favorable coverage and diminish Hillary), and Barry’s tendency to send other people abroad to do her job – such as the working-class aristocrat, humble billionaire, man-of-the-people John Kerry to Afghanistan recently.

    Though I fail to see precisely how Hillary as POTUS would be less bad than what we have now – with the obvious exception that we conservatives wouldn’t be slandered as racists quite so often in that scenario -, you know what they say about the enemy of my enemy.

    We know what type of people the Clintons are.  They have mastered the dark art of revenge and they do not hesitate to unleash it – they do not forgive and they do not forget.

    Hillary Clinton, legend killer?

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    Hot Mormon Muffins

    October 27th, 2009

    Jeez, women can make anything enticing.

    I mean, if a hot enough woman told me to rub chili peppers into my eyes or eat a Twix that had been dunked in a urinal, I’d do it with a smile.

    Still, I can’t imagine that the Mormon Church is too thrilled about the existence of Hot Mormon Muffins calendars and other assorted goods.  The guy who came up with this brainwave – Chad Hardy – was ex- communicated from the Mormon Church for his male Mormon calendar in 2007, so he obviously figures that he’s got the punishment out of the way already (although he seems to be overlooking the possibility of being condemned to Hell by Mormon Elders, which would, admittedly, be kinda harsh simply for producing an awesome calendar of Mormon hotties – surely he’s doing them a favor?).

    But you’ve got to wonder: are these people really Mormons?  ‘Cos I could claim to be one, then do something like this and sit back while the riches (and hate mail) pour in.

    I’d guess that they’re probably about as Mormon as Pelosi is Catholic.

    Still, let’s focus on the good: hot chicks + muffins.


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    Bow Down To The State

    October 27th, 2009

    The Right-wing took control of government and ruined it, and gave it  a bad reputation… We are trying on every front to increase the role of government.

    So speaks Barney Frank, the man who selected TARP recipients on the basis of their skin color (let me denounce myself as racist) and who hired a male prostitute/pimp – with whom he’d had sexual relations, of course – as his Congressional aide (let me denounce myself as homophobic).

    I hate to break this to you, Barney, but government has never been popular (with the exception, of course, of its being very popular with those whom it pays to be kept in its deathly embrace).

    With good reason.  Government is a necessary evil, something that people tolerate out of the realization that the alternative – anarchy – is even worse.  Problem is, anarchy is looking better and better by the minute.  Though it will be a shattering blow to many if the government is no longer there to steal huge chunks of what they have earned, I’m sure that those of us who don’t rely on government for fulfillment will find a way to deal with the loss.

    This is the friendly face of totalitarianism, and never has it been more acceptable to a greater number of people than it is today.  They believe with absolute faith that government is or can be fair, benevolent and efficient, all the things that it is not, and willingly surrender whatever is asked of them.  We are enslaving ourselves to the state, and the Left-leaning masses welcome it.

    Government does not improve our lives.  We improve our own lives.  The role of the state should be only to ensure that we enjoy the freedom required to do so.

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