Wednesday, March 17, 2010


For all who can, please consider donating a few dollars to MEMRI TV. They do really important work for all of us. They are at  and they need and deserve our support.

MEMRI TV Clip preaching about Jews as bacteria from Vlad Tepes on Vimeo.


A joint Vlad Tepes - Tundra Tabloids collaboration for Blobfish Mohamed Productions.

Vlad: The OIC posts a cartoon of Mohamed as a pig on its report of 'Islamaphobia' then removes it when it is pointed out that they tend to burn down buildings and murder people when others pubish similar images. Here is an explanation of why. I suggest getting the original OIC PDF from here,


Sassanid Empire destroyed by Islamic forces, 644 (no exact date available)
The Muslim conquest of Persia led to the end of the Sassanid Empire in 644, the fall of Sassanid dynasty in 651 and the eventual decline of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia. The Sassanid Empire was first invaded by Arabs in present day Iraq in 633 under general Khalid ibn Walid resulting in the Muslim conquest of Iraq.
Following the transfer of Khalid to the Roman front in the Levant, the Muslims eventually lost Iraq to Persian counterattacks. The second invasion of Iraq began in 636 under Saad ibn Abi Waqqas when a key victory at the Battle of Qadisiyyah led to the permanent end of Sassanid control west of Persia. The Zagros mountains then became a natural barrier and border between the Rashidun Caliphate and the Sassanid empire.
Owing to continuous raids by Persians (who were threatened by the Arabs) into Iraq, Caliph Umar ordered a full invasion of the Sassanid Persian empire in 642 which was completed with the complete conquest of the Sassanids by mid 644. The quick conquest of Persia in a series of well coordinated multi-pronged attacks, directed by Caliph Umar from Madinah several thousand miles from the battlefields in Persia, became his greatest triumph, contributing to his reputation as a great military and political strategist.[1]

Zoroastrians, as well as many other minority religious communities in Iran are still persecuted today. KGS


More warnings for the West, do not allow burkas or niqabs to be worn on your streets. There's a whole host of moral considerations for the banning of the burka and the niqab, but one outweighs them all, the use of these garment bags in criminal activity. KGS

H/T: Reinhard
Burka-clad bomb attackers shot dead in Lashkar Gah

Afghan security forces have shot dead two militants who attacked a charity office in the southern city of Lashkar Gah, officials say.
They say the two men, wearing burkas, were killed before they could detonate their explosives-laden vests.
A woman working for the International Relief and Development charity and a guard were injured in the attack.
Lashkar Gah is near Marjah in Helmand province, the focus of a major Nato-led offensive against the Taliban.
Last Saturday, suicide bombers launched an assault on the city of Kandahar, in the neighbouring province, which left at least 35 people dead.
A Taliban spokesman said the attacks were in response to a planned major offensive by US and Nato forces against militants in the Kandahar province.


From PowerLineBlog: Our Europhile President and many Congressional Democrats aspire to make the United States more like Sweden. More like our outdated image of Sweden, anyway; the real Sweden is undergoing something of a free market renaissance. In this video from the Center For Freedom and Prosperity, a Swedish economics student--OK, some stereotypes are still valid--explains the lessons we can learn from that country's economic history:

At the end of 2009, the official unemployment rate in Finland was 8.2%, so out of a population of 5.2 million, over 436,757 people were without a job. The lowest percentage for the Finnish unemployed during an almost two decade period, was 6.4%, or around 340,884 people.
By contrast in the US, in the same year the rate for unemployment was 8.9%, or in other words, 0.7% more than in Finland, but nonetheless still relatively close for a comparison. However, while the numbers for US unemployed at that level was considered (correctly) a major catastrophe, (since then the numbers have climbed up to 9.7% but holding), here in Finland it's considered "normal".
Yes there are calls for the job situation here to be addressed, but there isn't the same outrage and demand for the tax level to be dramatically reduced from the average citizen. Hey, from a Finnish standpoint, compared to the double digit figures from 90's era (1992-1999), where the highest level was a wopping 16.6%,  or +800 000 people, the situation today seems like a walk in the park,....but of course it isn't.
The point to all this being, if the present US administration is willing to embrace the same failed social and economic policies of both Sweden and Finland, (and indeed it does) it better prepare itself for the inevitable institutionalization of the permanently unemployed, which will number in the millions. It's just a warning. KGS


The more one explores this desert cult ideology invented by Mohamed, or by other degenerate totalitarians centuries later (for those of you who believe in the non-existent Mohamed), the more you are forced to conclude that if not for the sheer numbers of the fooled, most governments today would be busy prosecuting Muslims like they do the Scientologists.

Also noteworthy: The name of the guy doing the smearing of the great truth teller, Wafa Sultan, is Tarek "Fatah", somehow lying, smearing and down right dishonesty goes hand in hand with that name. KGS

By way of Sheik Yer'Mami:

The formidable Ali Sina weighs in here: Exposing the myth of moderate Islam

In defense of Wafa Sultan

Robert Spencer: Further weakening the great myth of a moderate Islam, the slick and self-proclaimed moderate Muslim Tarek Fatah has now exposed himself as an enemy of those who are truly interested in defending human rights against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism. He did so by savaging the courageous freedom fighter Wafa Sultan in a National Post article here.
Luckily, the Post was decent enough to publish this magnificent response: "Counterpoint: In defence of Wafa Sultan," by Joanne Hill in the National Post, March 12 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Tarek Fatah has used the National Post to present a one-sided, inaccurate and potentially dangerous editorial about statements made by Dr. Wafa Sultan during her March 3rd debate in Toronto with Dr. Daniel Pipes.
Mr. Fatah's article is not an unbiased report: it is an opinion piece full of loaded terms such as slur, attack, hateful, anguish, Islam haters and vitriol. He misquotes Dr. Sultan and presents as fact a conclusion that is not supported by any of her statements: a conclusion that I believe puts her life in danger.
I am a freelance reporter; I covered the debate between Dr. Pipes and Dr. Sultan for the Jewish Tribune. I have an audio recording of the entire event, including the Question and Answer period, so I can state with complete accuracy what was and was not said by Dr. Sultan.
Mr. Fatah assumes the authority of a mind-reader to reveal what he claims is Dr. Sultan's hidden intention. Given his first-hand experience of the eagerness of some Muslims (or "Islamists" if he would prefer) to issue death threats against anyone who is perceived as threatening Muslims, there are three reasons why I find it disturbing that he would attribute to Dr. Sultan this motivation: "Perhaps the answer she had in mind was too outrageous even by her own standards: Force Muslims to convert or die."
Read more here.


And the US rakes Israel over the coals for wanting to build some homes in its capital?

New PA TV kids' show
wipes Israel off the map

NOTE: Just like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Mullah run thug regime in Iran, and the Hamas in Gaza, the "moderate" (cough, gag, wheeze) PA desires and promotes the same.


Docoumentary on PATV presents cities along the Israeli coastline as Palestinian geography. [PATV (Fatah), Aug.-Dec. 2007]
Fatah TV documentary on the "Palestinian coastline"
[PATV (Fatah), Aug.-Dec. 2007]
"We don't forget that the West Bank and Gaza have another section in Palestine - which is the Palestinian coast that spreads along the [Mediterranean] sea, from the Gaza Strip and Ashkelon in the south, to Haifa, in the Carmel mountains. Haifa is a well-known Palestinian port. [Haifa] enjoyed a high status among Arabs and Palestinians, especially before it fell to the "occupation" [Israel] in 1948. To its north, we find Acre. East of Acre, we reach a city with history and importance, the city of Tiberius, near a famous lake - the Lake of Tiberius [Kinneret - Sea of Galilee]. Jaffa, an ancient coastal city, is the bride of the sea and Palestine's gateway to the world."


Researcher Ilkka Niiniluoto:
I'm called a racist for just doing my job

Anyone who dares discuss or research the multicultural Left's holy cow of mass immigration, is in serious danger of being smeared, tarred and feathered as a racist. Remember folks, the Finnish immigration minister Astrid Thors also complained of death threats, well here is something that sounds more plausible.
The radical Left is responsible for both the smearing of the critics of mass immigration with bogus "high profile" calls on the internet for violence against Finnish polticians who promote mass immigration policies, while harrassing researchers who are looking into the problems surrounding the implementation of these same policies. KGS

Immigration experts face racist harassment

Finnish researchers into issues related to immigration have increasingly become victims of online threats against themselves and their families. Some of them have withdrawn from public discussions rather than face the intimidation.
University of Helsinki Chancellor Ilkka Niiniluoto does not know of a time when the Finnish scientific community had faced such attacks. “It could be compared with situations in history such as the Soviet Union of the time of Stalin, or when Galileo Galilei was victimised by the Inquisition”, he says.
“Few know the kind of direct harassment that researchers undergo today”, says Veronika Honkasalo, a researcher at the Youth Research Network. Honkasalo pointed out that Minister of Finance Jyrki Katainen (Nat. Coalition Party) said last spring that people should be able to speak critically about immigration issues without being labelled a racist.
“With that excuse it would be possible to say anything at all”, Honkasalo said.


The West shouldn't be doing trade with Iran, period, especially when it involves telecommunications. Finnish Nokia, the giant telecommunications and cell phone giant is aiding and abetting a regime that has not only threatened genocide of the Jewish state of Israel, but also has brutally cracked down on anti-regime demonstrators with an iron hand. KGS 
Nobel laureate says Siemens, Nokia help Iran

PARIS - Nobel prizewinner Shirin Ebadi on Tuesday accused German engineering giant Siemens and Finnish telecoms firm Nokia of supplying Iran with technology to help it suppress democratic dissent.
Speaking on France Culture radio, the exiled Iranian feminist and 2003 Nobel peace laureate, said Western firms are undermining opposition to Tehran's authoritarian regime and called for international economic sanctions.
"Unfortunately, a certain number of firms support the Iranian regime in its repression and censorship," she said.
"It's clearly the case with Siemens and Nokia when they send the Iranian state software and technology that it can use to monitor mobile telephone calls and text messages," she declared.
Earlier this month, the firms' joint subisidiary Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) had already insisted that a system it sold Tehran in 2008 is not capable of bugging calls or spying on the Internet.
Nokia went further following Ebadi's latest charges, insisting that networks supported by its technology could in fact boost freedom of expression.
"We, as a company, in no way approve of the misuse of telecommunication equipment," Nokia Siemens Network spokeswoman Riitta Maard told AFP.
"We believe that communication and mobile phone technologies play a significant role in the development of societies and the advancement of democracy," she said.
Ebadi is unconvinced, however, citing the contract as evidence that Western governments are not serious about their threat of new economic sections against Tehran.
"When it comes to commercial contracts, human rights fall by the wayside," she told France Culture, noting that Germany is still Iran's main European trading partner and accusing it of seeking more lucrative ties.


Zahi Hawass: It's da Joooos' own fault

Enjoying life, especially if you're a Jew isn't allowed in Egypt. Zahi Hawass is an ass and an antisemite, and someone the Tundra Tabloids changes the channel on whenever his mug comes to the TV screen. Oh, and Obama didn't have any problem taking a tour with the famous antisemite either.
But then again, Obama sat in a pseudo church for twenty years listening to Marxist sermons laced with anti-Israel diatribes and calls for Black separatism. KGS
 CAIRO (AFP) - Egypt cancelled the formal opening Sunday of a renovated 19th-century synagogue in Cairo to protest what antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said were "provocative" Jewish and Israeli action.
Hawass and Culture Minister Faruq Hosni were due to attend the event, a week after 150 people, including rabbis and the US and Israeli ambassadors, attended the rededication of the Maimonides synagogue.
Hawass, citing press reports, said in a statement that the cancellation comes after "provocative" acts during the March 7 ceremony in Cairo's ancient Jewish quarters by the Jewish community.
He referred to "dancing and drinking alcohol in the synagogue, as reported by several newspapers" and said these acts "were seen to provoke the feelings of millions of Muslims in Egypt and across the world."
The decision was also taken at "a time when Muslim holy sites in occupied Palestine face assaults from Israeli occupation forces and settlers," Hawass said.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


After the Tundra Tabloids reported on the OIC's publishing of the pig-Mohamed cartoon on its own website, the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten picked up the story yesterday, then today the Swedish paper SVD reported on it, and then the OIC pulled it from its website.

So the TT believes that the Baron's take was right, when the infidel publishes a pic of Mohamed, it's bad, but when a Muslim does it, especially the world's largest Muslim organization, the OIC, then it's ok, until they realize how hypocritical they look doing it. Baron Bodissey:
"Thus, under the clear guidelines of Islamic law, it is entirely possible that if someone says something factually true, but which does not benefit Islam, that person can be judged guilty of slander under sharia. This is the net that has snared Geert Wilders: the Amsterdam court is implementing sharia on behalf of the Muslims of the Netherlands, and therefore the truth is no defense.
Now let’s apply the same rules to Mohammed the Pig. The republication of the drawing in Norway is deemed harmful to Islam. Therefore the image has defamed Islam, which makes those who display it guilty of blasphemy under sharia. By a strict application of the law, the offending parties must be put to death.
But the OIC’s use of the same drawing is not harmful to Islam: it is intended to explain to faithful Muslims the iniquitous behavior of the infidels, and to illustrate the dangerous blasphemy in which they are engaged. The OIC is acting in the interests of Islam, for legitimate and sharia-approved reasons, and its actions benefit Islam. Thus no slander or defamation is involved in the Islamophobia report.
There are no contradictions, no double standards. Everything makes complete sense, and is as clear as a bell.
But only if you think like a Muslim."
A good analogy from Vlad, when Blacks call each other the "N" word, it's ok, but when a white person does....all hell breaks loose. KGS

NOTE: Here is the original PDF file before it was "de-pigged by the OIC.



“I was shocked during my last visit to the farm to see the watchman screaming in pain and I took him to the hospital in Farwaniya. There, doctors diagnosed him with a problem with his organ,” the farm owner was quoted as saying by Kuwaiti daily Al Rai on Saturday.
The unnamed watchman reportedly explained to his employer that he had been doing “sexual things” to the animals and that he may have contracted a dangerous disease. The farm owner said that the expatriate worker cried continiously and saying that he was “extremely tired.”
Readers’ comments on the internet ranged from sympathy for the lonely man to outrage for cruelty to animals. Many asked questions whether the animals were now fit for human consumption.
In 2006, a Sudanese man was forced to take a goat as his “wife”, after he was caught having sex with the animal.
The village council of elders ordered the man to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to the goat’s owner who had surprised him with his goat.
The elders said the man should not be taken to the police, but rather pay a dowry for the goat because he used it as his wife.


First watch the video, then read the article. Wilders is clearly the man of hour, everything he says is backed up by the official record. The Left however, is busy lying to the people while committing cultural suicide. KGS

Gouda: criminal Moroccan capital

An analysis by Dutch police has shown the Dutch city of Gouda is home to the highest percentage of criminal Moroccans.At the request of the home affairs ministry, the Dutch national police force last year issued a report ranking 181 municipalities according to the severity of the Moroccan problem there, Binnenlands Bestuur, a trade publication aimed at civil servants, reported on its website last Friday.
Dutch police listed a total of 14,462 Moroccan criminal suspects from all municipalities where five or more Moroccans were suspected of committing at least one crime in 2007, 181 cities in all. Police limited the list to Moroccans of whom it was “convinced they committed a crime,” the report, entitled Analysis of Moroccan perpetrator populations in Dutch municipalities, reads.
The list represents 8.1 percent of all registered suspects in the Netherlands, of whom 57.1 percent are native Dutch. The report does not mention any statistics regarding other ethnic groups. In absolute terms, Amsterdam leads the pack when it comes to ‘criminal Moroccans’: 2497 of the 14,844 arrested criminals in the Dutch capital were of Moroccan origin. Surprisingly, Gouda turns out to be the town with the biggest Moroccan problem in terms of repeat offences. Moroccan suspects between 12 and 24 years here commit an average of 1.4 crimes. The criminal Moroccan population is also relatively the largest in Gouda. Of all residents 12 years and older, 0.55 percent are criminal Moroccans.
According to the report, the home affairs ministry ordered the investigation at the behest of a convention of the mayors of 22 municipalities that took place in October 2008. The results have been used to distribute funds available to combat the problem.


 No reason to hype the present discord between the two, as soon as the dust settles, Obama will be more centered on his political survival than on solving the Arabs' conflict with peaceful Israel. Barry explains why.

Explaining the U.S.-Israel Crisis
 [...] Why is this all not more worrisome for Israel? This is so for several reasons. First, the Administration is not going to do much or anything against Israel in material terms. It is not a tough government and doesn't want confrontations. Its goal is not to injure Israel but to make itself look good. Moreover, it knows that pushing harder won't bring any reward since Israel won't yield and the peace process is going nowhere.
Second, Israel is protected by a very strongly favorable American public opinion and by Congress. At this point, Congress is no longer cowed by Obama. Indeed, the Democrats are angry with him for endangering their survival by the unpopular actions he is pressing on them. They know that the November elections look very bad for them. Taking on Israel will make things even worse. And they also have a better understanding of the radical forces in the region and the threat they pose. In other words, they are not so far left as is the White House. After the November elections, the Administration will be on even weaker political ground, especially vis-à-vis Israel.
Third, the Obama Administration's strategy won't work. The radicals will become more aggressive; the more moderate Arabs know that the Administration won't credibly defend them. Sensing blood (albeit mistakenly) the PA will raise its demands higher. The PA could only exploit the opportunity if it demanded final status talks-something it would never do-and try to get the best possible peace agreement with U.S. support. But since they won't deliver for the Administration, they won't collect much from it.
Eventually, the extremism of Iran, Syria, the Iraqi insurgents, Hamas, Hizballah, Libya, and to a lesser degree the PA will force a shift in U.S. strategy. Either the Obama Administration will adjust accordingly-at least partly-or will not survive its own electoral test. (This is not to underrate economic factors, which remain the highest priority for Americans, but it is unlikely that these will "save" the Administration, quite the contrary. A continuing economic mess plus foreign policy disasters would make its situation worse.)
This current crisis will blow over when the Administration grows tired of it and has wrung all the benefits it can from the issue, and not before.


As the Tundra Tabloids stated earlier, it never ceases to amaze that there are "Muslimas" out three willing, daring to say that Islam treats women with equality. These poor women are hoplessly brainwashed, mentally damaged, and should be handled as such. KGS
Vladtepes: Astonishing abuse of the system in the UK by Muslims, faking bringing in wives when really it is slaves in the worst possible sense of the term. Not even indentured, but out and out slavery and this in England today and seemingly entirely by and for Muslims as well as to them. This shows the ethical system of Islam at its most Islamiest as treatment of women so often does within it.


I blue and blacken for my prophet

You know, it never fails to amaze me, perhaps it shouldn't, (but I like giving the average person the benefit of the doubt, I'm funny that way) that when I get a Muslim commentor, they always try to defend, or oeven promote Islam as being such a vehicle for social reform, like the (eyes rolling here) emancipation of the female, even before the such reforms were enacted in the West.
It would be entirely humorous if it weren't such a sad example of the state of mind of those who actually believe such lies to be true. These Muslims respond and comment to the Tundra Tabloids just like little children having been read a bed time story about the tooth fairy. For an example, the Muslima Aklem recently commented to this post that:
Aklem: "The Quran is why the scientists have the knowledge that they have today, believe it or not ! Islam is why the women have the rights they have today, not because of "vote women’s rights”!"
Honestly, she actually believes it, or perhaps, she knows it to be false, but can't stand to see her cult besmirched and so she holds two competing thoughts and deems both to be true.  A feat that's truely Islamic in itself.
So this is for all those "Muslimas" and Leftists in the world who read these pages, who believe Islam is usch a "liberating" ideology. Here's a Highly placed Islamic authority who knows what the Koran says, and how the unruly female should be handled, or should I say, man handled. KGS

- ALGIERS, MARCH 15 - The proposal to introduce prison terms for men who beat their wives goes against the Koran and the teachings of the prophet Mohamed, according to the head of Algeriàs Superior Islamic Council.
Qaher Sharif fiercely criticised the bill presented to the head of state Abdelaziz Bouteflikàs by the head of the Consultative Council on Human Rights Farouk Qustantiti.
"This man's aim is to violate a law of the Koran and of the Sunnah, and he meddles in subjects that are beyond his competence", Sharif said in an interview with the Arab-language edition of the daily newspaper El Khabar.
"Hés done it before with the death penalty, and now with beatings," he added, asking "what difference can it make to him what goes on between a man and his wife?"
The President of the Islamic Council said that he was stunned by Qustantinìs proposal, because "God has already pointed out precisely the way that a husband must behave towards his wife".
He quoted verses 34 and 35 of the Surah on women, in which men are advised to "admonish women, confine them to their bed and beat them" should they commit "nushooz", a term signifying both infidelity and a refusal of sexual intercourse. Sharif pointed out that the text is so precise that it indicates the method of punishment to be used against the wife, and that this should be neither "too insistent, nor provoke disfigurement".


The stupid dhimmis believed the lies,
just wave enough cash!

This was to be expected, as the months ticked by you could hear the shoe dropping. The entire scheme surrounding the release of this convicted murderer, was a scam. We know it's true, the Brown government responsible for the release knows it's true and the released jihadi and the terrorist loving regime in Libya knows it's true. KGS

Lockerbie bomber is better than ever, brags Gaddafi's son... seven months after terrorist was given only three months to live

The health of the freed Lockerbie bomber has 'greatly improved' now he is home in Libya, Colonel Gaddafi's son boasted yesterday.
He said Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed al-Megrahi was doing much better since being released seven months ago by the Scots on compassionate grounds because he had 'only three months to live'.
In words which will confirm the suspicions of Lockerbie victims' families, Saif Gaddafi - widely tipped to succeed his father as Libyan leader - also finally admitted that the convicted killer's release had dominated trade talks with Britain.
This would have included discussions about lucrative oil deals, despite the fact that Megrahi was officially released purely on compassionate grounds. Five months after the release, Libya announced plans to invest £5billion in the UK.
Megrahi, 57, has acquired national hero status in Libya, with babies named after him and an extraordinary 30,000 well-wishers reported to have visited his 'death bed'. Queues of pilgrims form outside the sumptuous villa in Tripoli where he remains with his family despite doctors' predictions that he would be dead by Christmas.
London-educated Saif Gaddafi told the respected Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat that Megrahi 'was sick and was released for humanitarian reasons, and was soon in better health and in a good condition. His future is now in God's hands'.
Ministers in London always insisted the decision to free Megrahi was entirely in the hands of the Scots, while Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill denied he was under any pressure to release the convicted bomber.


Thanks a lot Team Obama

Hey, when there's a sniff of blood in the air, nothing excites the Fakestinian Arab more. Obama has now given the green light to the Arabs to rachet up the violence, and what better timing, for Spring is the traditional time for a surge in Arab activity against the Jewish state. You can in part, blame the Obama Administration for encouraging the Muslim horde to resort to violence, the Tundra Tabloids do. KGS

Hundreds of Palestinians clashed with police in several east Jerusalem neighbourhoods early Tuesday amid heightened religious and political tension in the Holy City.
Police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades at protesters in the Shuafat refugee camp who hurled rocks at security forces. The Palestinians dispersed after army troops moved in.
Similar clashes broke out in other parts of east Jerusalem. Police said they deployed 3,000 policemen across the city.
More here


Alexander Stubb:
Golly gee, I really do believe that,

The more you find out about Alexander Stubb, the less there is to like. More than anything else, the man is a "team player", meaning that he's a dutiful EU apparatchik who would never dare depart from official EU policy no matter how much it contradicted his own values and common sense. Simply put, the man's a drone, a lap dog, a cheerleader for EU policy, not because it might be a good policy, but because it's "jointly agreed upon" EU policy, period.
The blogger Daniel over at the Swedish language Israelnyheter blog, writes an excellent piece on the Finnish FM's absurd notion that the EU is a neutral party to the Arabs' conflict with Israel, as well as about the current flap over building homes in Ramat Shlomo. The TT reprints his entire post here. KGS

The EU is a neutral arbitrator?
In an article in Saturday's OT (a Finnish Swedish language paper) dealing with the situation in Israel, readers get unclear information. First, it is claimed that Israel is planning new controversial settlements and than it says that Israel is building new apartments in Jerusalem. The truth is that the new housing is planned in the Orthodox Jewish district of Ramat Shlomo in the northeastern part of Israel's capital Jerusalem. The area currently has about 16,000 inhabitants. There is therefore no question of a new settlement and there is no real reason for the condemnation of the world against the building plans.
Palestinians, who stubbornly refused to negotiate with Israel for over a year, take the construction plans as the reason for withdrawing from the currently planned indirect negotiations, but there is no logic in this, because Israel never promised to refrain from building in Jerusalem.
U.S. and EU condemnation of the building plans while refraining from making any criticism of the Palestinians says something about their attitude towards Israel.
It seems that EU politicians would have created their own fantasy world in the Middle East. EU foreign minister Ashton said on Saturday that the EU is prepared to use its trade relations in order to force Israel into negotiations with the Palestinians.
Carl Bildt of Sweden said on the occasion of the building plans in Jerusalem that there are no guarantees that Israel seeks peace and Finland's Stubb said on Sunday that the EU could act as a neutral judge in the Middle East since Europe has no historical burden in contrast to the U.S..
In reality, Israel has always been willing to begin direct negotiations, there is no need for pressure. It is the Palestinians who have refused.
When it comes to peace like we know that Israel made peace with both Egypt and Jordan. Israel displaced the Jews from Gaza a few years ago and issued a building freeze on West Bank last fall to possibly obtain peace with the Palestinians. Israel want to have peace, but perhaps not on the EU and Bildt's conditions.
EU without historical load? Almost entire Middle East was occupied by European countries for 80 years ago.
The EU is neutral arbitrator? The EU criticizes and condemns Israel for building housing for their citizens. At the same time they are silent when the Palestinians elevates terrorists to that of heroes, the more Jews killed the greater the hero. Last week, the 32-th anniversary of a terrorist attack that killed 37 Israeli civilians Palestinians planned to inaugurate a square in honor of Dalal Mughrabi who carried out the terrorist attack.
The opening ceremony was canceled at the last minute for "technical reasons" but the Palestinian leadership of President Abbas and down has defended and supported the project despite Israeli protests.
Israel wants to build housing for its citizens, that is no obstacle to peace and no reason for condemnation, however, the Palestinian Authority's elevation of terrorists into role models for young people is an effective way to prevent a peaceful development and should be strongly condemned.


Obama: Was that tough enough talk for you Moody?

It's all a ruse, and as the Tundra Tabloids has stated previously, it was just a matter of time. The US Administration and the State Department are treating its best ally in the region like dirt, and that's they way they've planned it, just biding their time to make the most out of a situation when it presents itself.
The whole issue of Israel building 1600 homes is a non-issue, it was always the intention of the Israeli government to allow for the enlargement of districts that are in fact suburbs of Jerusalem, the US knows this as well as the Arabs. It should never have been a shock, let alone and insult, to VP Joe Biden or Obama, they knew Israel has to address the needs of its captial, and besides, just who in the hell are they to tell a sovereign nation where a Jew can live?
Israel has had to deal with this kind of nonsense periodically from the White House, from both sides of the political aisle, George Bush sr. was no great friend of Israel like his son was, and still is. Jim "F the Jews" Baker was outright hostile to the Jewish state, some of the TT's Republican friends forget that. But much has changed in the Republican party since then, though there are still conservatives to be found that are as hostile to Israel as Jim Baker was.
Israeli Prime Minister Banjamin Netanyahu just needs to stand fast as he's doing right now, and continue with the planned building of these Jewish homes, in spite of what Obama and the State Department says. Syria, Iran and the rest of the Arab states care little for what Obama says, why should the Jewish state of Israel? Obama is a prisoner of his own failed policies, and the TT believes that Netanyahu understands this. KGS

Obama runs out of patience with Israel

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday strongly defended Jewish settlement construction in East Jerusalem in the face of US pressure and what one of his own top diplomats described as the worst crisis in relations with Washington for more than three decades.
A defiant Mr Netanyahu appeared to be digging in despite clear indications that the Obama administration is now demanding the scrapping of plans for 1,600 new Jewish homes, whose announcement overshadowed last week's visit to Israel by the US Vice-President Joe Biden. Mr Netanyahu's stance appeared to guarantee, after a highly charged week, the protraction of a stand-off in which a full-scale diplomatic row blew up at the start of Mr Biden's visit and appeared to abate at the end of it. But it was then reignited by demands from Hillary Clinton and an angry White House that Israel make amends for the "insulting" announcement just as indirect negotiations with the Palestinians had finally been arranged.
The US is now said to be demanding substantive concessions from Israel after a warning by the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he would not take part in talks if the plan to expand the mainly ultra-orthodox Ramat Shlomo settlement went ahead. The row has appeared finally to bring to a head the year-long tensions between the two governments since Barack Obama tried in vain to persuade the Israeli Prime Minister to agree to a total settlement freeze. He was thwarted by Mr Netanyahu who agreed only to a partial 10-month freeze, which did not include East Jerusalem.

NOTE: For more on the legality of the settlements, click here, here, here and here.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Pic courtesy of ZIP

Given all the time and money and energy put into the UN sanctioned Goldstone Report, you would have thought that they would've found at least a portion of what the Malam Report discovered, Right? Wrong. Getting to the truth would have meant finding Israel innocent and Hamas and ilk guilty of war crimes, and the UN couldn't have that. KGS

'Hamas used kids as human shields'
- Hamas gunmen used Palestinian children as human shields, and established command centers and Kassam launch pads in and near more than 100 mosques a
nd hospitals during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip last year, according to a new Israeli report being released on Monday that aims to counter criticism of the IDF.
The detailed 500-page report, obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post, was written by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (Malam), a small research group led by Col. (res.) Reuven Erlich, a former Military Intelligence officer who works closely with the army.
The IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) cooperated with the report’s authors and declassified hundreds of photographs, videos, prisoner interrogations and Hamas-drawn sketches as part of an effort to counter the criticism leveled at Israel in the UN-sponsored Goldstone Report.
Work on the Malam report began immediately after former judge Richard Goldstone issued his damning report of Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip in September.
One example of the material revealed in the Malam report is an-until-now classified sketch of the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza discovered by IDF troops during the operation, that details the extensive deployment of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and snipers inside and adjacent to civilian homes.
The sketch was discovered in a home of a Hamas operative together with several IEDs and Kalashnikov rifles.


Remember folks, the Tundra Tabloids had it first, and then it started to be picked up by others as word got out. This is bound to get the OIC's attention, the TT's sure that someone is going to try to get a statement from them. This is going to get interesting, are they going to let it ride, or shove it down the memory hole? KGS

NOTE: It's great to know that the Jyllands-Posten reads the Tundra Tabloids!

Muslim organization shows Mohammed as a dog

Organization of the Islamic Conference OIC is doing what the Western media was blamed for: Using cartoons to illustrate a news story. Naser Khader: It is historic.
While Muslim organizations have announced that they will drive a witch hunt in the Danish newspapers, if they do not apologize for having published the Muhammad cartoons, the global organization of the Islamic world, the OIC, does not hesitate to publish a Muhammad cartoon to illustrate a news story.
This is the case in the February edition of the OIC's monthly newsletter in February on cultural and social affairs.
The newsletter is sent from the "Office of Islamophobic sightings," and in the chapter "adverse events" where the "newspaper-case from Norway is briefly summarized, and used the image of Mohammed as a pig, which is on the Koran, as the accompanying illustration.
First published in Norway
The image was first published in early February on the front page of the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, which printed cartoons of Mohammed to illustrate a case of the Police Security Service (PST) in Norway, which had the link to the controversial cartoons on his Facebook page.
PST created last year, a Facebook profile where people can make comments and links. It was through this Facebook profile, the newspaper found the caricatures.
Large demonstrations
The case triggered massive demonstrations among Muslims in Norway and widespread criticism within the Muslim community to "abuse of freedom of expression."
Among others, there was a request to precisely OIC from Suhaib Hassan of the Islamic Sharia Council of the UK.
"The 57 Muslim states must put pressure on Norway and Denmark to get them to stop such foolish and insulting drawings" was accompanied by a requirement for Muslim countries to withdraw their ambassadors from Denmark and Norway.
Conservative Spokesman of immigration policy Naser Khader calls the use of images of historical as well as a double standard.
As far as I know, it is the first time you get such a controversial Mohammed drawing from an official body. This drawing will indeed offend devout Muslims far more than the original cartoons. If a critical Arabic newspaper printed it, would the editor be sacked and probably jailed. The original drawings were never officially shown, "says Naser Khader to
He adds that he is convinced that it's not an error.
"It looks like a paradigm shift. There must be an agenda behind it. The OIC after all, is trying to prove its legitimacy as the body that defends Muslims throughout the Muslim world. It will show that Muslims are under attack. But it is hypocritical that they would need to show such a drawing, but others may not, "says Khader.
It has not been possible to get a comment from the OIC, which has its headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

H/T Islamineurope (Esther saw the JP article first)

UPDATE: The Swedish newspaper picks up the story as well.


He was being turned into a baby bomber.

The story gets more weird and predictable at the same time. The Tundra Tabloids called it right, the mother was going to use her son in some way to get close enough to the Swedish artist. Lars Vilks, who drew Mohamed as a roundabout dog, to kill him. Somehow all these converts seem to go for the "distorted" version of Islam.


American Linked to Terror Plot Brainwashed 6-Year-Old Son, Family Says

The 6-year-old son of a Colorado nursing student who ran off to Europe to join a terrorist murder cell was brainwashed into a hate-filled Islamic fundamentalist zombie, his family said Saturday, The New York Post reported.
"He said that Christians will burn in hellfire," the child's grandmother, Christine Mott, told The Post. "That's what they are teaching this baby."
The boy's mom, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, converted to Islam over the last year. Her family said she struck up an Internet friendship with another Colorado radical, Najibullah Zazi, an Al Qaeda associate who pleaded guilty last month in a plot to set off bombs in the New York subway system.
Her conversion was so complete, Paulin-Ramirez changed her son's name from Christian to the Islamic name Walid after enrolling him in a fire-breathing Muslim school in Ireland.
The terror mom's stepfather, George Mott, said he talked by phone once with the boy at the school and the boy said: "We are building pipes [pipe bombs], like the Fourth of July!"
George Mott, is himself a Muslim convert who speaks Arabic. He said that once as he talked to the boy on the phone, he could hear a Jihadi recruitment tape playing in the background talking of death to Zionists and America.
Before the boy left, he was like any other 6-year-old, George Mott said. He was into normal things like cartoons, cars and dinosaurs. "I figured him to be a paleontologist," he said.
"He has not been in school since they left there," George said. "He's in an Islamic school. They're teaching him hate."
More here.


This is the price these poor Coptic people have to pay, for living in a society that has experienced forced retardation by Islam over the centuries. KGS


This is as close as America has ever come to cease being a Republic. The Democrats are showing all their cards in their race to radically change the US citizen's relationship to his and her government. The Tundra Tabloids mentioned it before, that the Democratic Party's latest move, the "Slaughter option" coupled with the "reconciliation vote" (that was never meant for that purpose), constitutes a mugging of the US people.
Every US citizen should be racing to Washington to protest the Democratic party's planned usurption of the US Consititution, and demand that they cease their treasonous activities, and then kick their butts out of office, in masse come this Fall. KGS

Constitutional Attorney Mark R. Levin:
Here we have the President of the United States and Congressional leaders actually talking about the possibility of a brazen and open violation of one of the most fundamental aspects of our Constitution and Republic! How we actually make laws!
Let me be as clear as I know how. If this is done, this will create the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War. It would be 100 times worse than Watergate.
…It would be government by fiat… meaning there would be no law… the mere discussion by officials in this government is such a grotesque violation of the actual legislative function of Congress [that it] puts us… at the brink. At the brink.
This is why we conservatives revere the Constitution. This is why we stress the Constitution’s words have meaning and historical context and must be complied with. Because otherwise we have anarchy, which leads to tyranny.
This is a crucial lesson for those of you who… aren’t sure what your beliefs are, or if you have any beliefs. Or aren’t sure if you even care. We have an effort underway by the one of the most powerful chairmen in Congress, the woman who heads the Rules Committee, …openly discussing gutting Congress. Gutting Congress.”
Here Dem-Rep Van Hollen openely admits the Dems plan to use it.

More here: The Slaughter Solution: The Metamorphosis of The American Republic Into Government By Fiat


The UK is going to hell in a hand basket, with the British political elite racing to see who can get there first. KGS

Jihad Watch: U.K.: 15% increase in non-Muslims' use of Sharia courts

Lending legitimacy to a system that does not deserve it, and would seek to subjugate them if it were strong enough. "Fears over non-Muslim's use of Islamic law to resolve disputes," by Afua Hirch for the Guardian, March 14:

Campaigners have voiced concerns over a growing number of non-Muslims using Islamic law to resolve legal disputes in Britain despite controversy over the role of sharia law.
A spokesman for the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) said that there had been a 15% rise in the number of non-Muslims using sharia arbitrations in commercial cases this year. Last year, more than 20 non-Muslims chose to arbitrate cases at the network of tribunals, which operate in London, Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester, Nuneaton and Luton. "We are offering a cheap and effective service for Muslim and non-Muslims," said MAT spokesperson Fareed Chedie.
"95% of the people who come to us for arbitration do not feel they need legal representation." Chedie said that tribunals deal mainly with civil and commercial cases, including mosque disputes referred by the Charity Commission. But the tribunals have also continued to hear cases in the field of family law and divorce, Chedie said.
"We are increasingly dealing with reconciliation and mediation in marriage," said Chedie. "Many of these are cases where women have petitioned because they have a difficult marriage and want some guidance and direction. If they then want to terminate the marriage then we can help with that."
The increase in marriage and divorce cases comes as one law firm has begun offering advice on civil Scots law and sharia law, making it the first in Britain to offer both civil and Islamic law as part of one service.
Glasgow law firm Hamilton Burns says that it is responding to a greater demand from Muslim clients who want advice on sharia law alongside civil advice under Scots law. It has teamed up with Shaykh Amer Jamil, a Muslim scholar who specialises in Islamic family law.
"We hope that by incorporating sharia family jurisprudence against a background of domestic Scottish legislation, we can provide our clients with as much relevant information as possible," said Niall Mickel, a solicitor advocate and managing partner at Hamilton Burns.
But some groups have criticised the move by the Scottish firm, arguing that the recognition of sharia law decisions in Britain is regressive and harmful to women....


Obamatut: I'll tell you Jews
where you can live...

This has been forwarned. The point about Netanyahu's lack of judgment is a moot one. Given the current US administration's far reaching agenda, the implementation of a Palestinian state by hook or crook, coupled with the sheer amateur hour approach by Obama from the very git-go, it was only a matter of time before the US started to hang Israel out to dry, it was just a question of when. The Tundra Tabloids has been sounding the alarm about Obama and his key advisors' anti-Israel animosity for almost two and a half years, now we see it begin to bite.
[If the United States State Department felt insulted by Israel building homes in Jerusalem, let me make it clear that I feel no less insulted by the United State State Department when they tell me that I can't build a house in Jerusalem because I'm Jewish.]

Israel’s ambassador to Washington Michael Oren convened Foreign Ministry consuls for an emergency briefing, and told them the crisis between Israel and the US is the worst since 1975, Army Radio reported.

Oren was referring to a crisis that evolved when Israel refused to sign a treaty to withdraw forces from Sinai in 1975.
In an unusual move, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) made a public call on the White House to tone down the rhetoric. The lobby said statements made by senior officials in US President Barack Obama’s administration were “very worrying.”

The crisis erupted late last week when the Interior Ministry announced the building of 1,600 housing units in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo, while US Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Israel.

The US administration refused to let go of the issue, even after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu apologized to Biden and Biden said the apology was accepted.
AIPAC said the White House should avoid public demands and unilaterally setting a timetable for Israel to follow.

In his briefing to consuls, Oren said the crisis with the US is of “historic” proportions.

The US reportedly wants Israel to announce that it’s cancelling the Ramat Shlomo project, investigate how the project came to be announced when Biden was here, and make gestures towards the Palestinian Authority. The US also reportedly demands that Israel publicly announce that all core issues will be discussed during negotiations.

More here.


Vlad Tepes and V.H team up once more to expose the nonsense of the EU.

"This is through the looking glass. People should be burning the EU buildings down along with the UN at this point."


Thanks to Pamela for posting this, Right But Wrong, the argumentation that there is a major difference between Islamism and just plain Islam 101, is a well treaded path filled with good intentions, but full of major pot holes leading to a dead end. The Tundra Tabloids used to believe such a distinction existed, but in reality, it doesn't, and will lead the US and the West to eventual ruin if people do not make sudden U-turn.
There is an excellent exchange happening between Andrew McCarthy and Jonah Goldberg, and the TT believes that Andrew McCarthy is carrying the day. This is a long overdue debate, and inadvertedly, Glenn Beck, was the catalyst for this by his ignorant claim that Geert Wilders is a "far-right winger" (code for the ridiculous charge of fascism). Take it away Pamela. KGS

Atlas: My hat's off to Andrew McCarthy at NRO for taking on those on the right, Charles Krauthammer, Jonah Goldberg, Paul Mirengoff and, by extension, Glenn Beck (on Wilders), who are not as smart or informed as they think they are. [...] There is much more I can add to misunderstanders of Islam, but the back and forth between Jonah Goldberg and Andrew McCarthy is very instructive. I am grateful McCarthy and taken it on. And while I think McCarthy's use of Islamism is a useless term -- it's Islam, pure Islam -- McCarthy gets it.

The Gitmo Bar & Krauthammer

Jonah says he thinks Charles Krauthammer's distinction between Islam and Islamism is not only a practical necessity but "valid on the merits." Respectfully, I don't think either Dr. K or Jonah has made a case for how Islam and Islamism differ on the merits. I think they are making a deductive case that (a) because Islamists include terrorists and (b) because most Muslims are not terrorists, (c) Islam must therefore be different from Islamism. But that doesn't tell us how the tenets of Islamism supposedly differ from those of Islam.
And although one need not be a Muslim to study and understand Islam, it's worth pointing out that while Charles and Jonah are not Muslims, many of the world's leading Islamists are Muslims graduated with doctorates in Islamic jurisprudence from al-Azhar University, the seat of Sunni learning. I think non-Muslims who propose that the true Islam is different on the merits from the belief system espoused by scholars who have been steeped in Islam for their entire adult lives have a very steep mountain to climb. That we want Islam and Islamism to be different — and I do — does not make it so.