nro tweet tracker
@politicojosh   Bye, bye Betsy? Markey says she'll vote for HCR bill. One of the most vulnerable Dems, 56/33 in CO 04 opposed the bill in Chamber poll. 3/18 5:42 P.M. - 
@EvanGlassCNN   AFL-CIO throws full support for health-care: "Now is the time to say yes." 3/18 4:47 P.M. - 
@BreakingNews   S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford to plead no contest to ethics charges, pay $74,000 in fines over travel, spending. 3/18 3:55 P.M. - 
@michellemalkin   Final vote on House endorsing Slaughter Rule Yea - 222 Nay - 203 Not voting 6. Remember in November. 3/18 2:50 P.M. -
@senatus   Obama postpones trip to Indonesia, Australia because of expected vote on health care legislation. 3/18 2:05 P.M. - 
@MajoratWH   Gibbs says Obama has not threatened retribution against any House D who votes no on HC; nor has any WH aide, he says. 3/18 2:02 P.M. - 
@philipaklein   Paul Ryan (on Rush): Ds 10 votes shy, maybe more. Says Ds trying to create "pressure cooker" by pressing for SUN vote. 3/18 2:00 P.M. - 
@GOPLeader   Slaughter Solution vote now expected in House between 12:30pm and 1pm EST. 3/18 12:23 P.M. - 
@mattklewis   Rep. Paul Ryan accuses Dems of "abusing the confidentiality of the nonpartisan CBO to pass their massive health care overhaul at any cost.” 3/18 12:12 P.M. - 
@ThePlumLineGS   House Dem leaders set to unveil final bill at presser today at around noon. 3/18 11:06 A.M. -
@ezraklein   Timing note: Dem leaders said they'd give 72 hours between CBO/text and vote. So vote will probably be Sunday. 3/18 10:34 A.M. - 
@PoliticalTicker   Source: CBO estimates health care bill at $940 billion. 3/18 9:47 A.M. -
@markknoller   Obama especially heartened that 11 Senate Republicans voted for the Hire Act's final passage yesterday. Obama said he "appreciates" it. 3/18 9:32 A.M. - 
@PoliticalTicker   New York Gov. Paterson's press secretary resigns. 3/17 9:03 P.M. -
@stevebruskCNN   Idaho Gov. Otter signs law to sue to feds if health care passes, says not a single member of Congress has "complete understanding" of bill. 3/17 5:58 P.M. - 
@chucktodd   VA's new Atty General has sent Speaker Pelosi a letter threatening a lawsuit if #hcr passes via "deem and pass." 3/17 5:57 P.M. - 
@benpolitico   Trumka headed to White House as excise tax questions reemerge. 3/17 4:43 P.M. -
@thenote   Mark Levin has already drafted his lawsuit challenging "Slaughter solution." 3/17 4:42 P.M. -
@marcambinder   Michelle Obama: warning labels on Twinkies would be "extreme." 3/17 4:38 P.M. -
@DanFosterNRO   Rep. Parker Griffith in a conf call: “I think Pelosi’s authority has weakened significantly. Dem leadership will be a target in 2010.” - 
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