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  1. prije 7 sati

    Star’s picture stood tall amongst the rest. , are you ready to ? We’ve got joining us for the next edition, and we’re really excited.

  2. 25. srp

    Take a </br> from studying, and sharpen your coding skills with fun, challenging problems. Join us for the next round of on July 29th. Register now.

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    24. srp

    Chromecast turns 5 today! To celebrate, we asked the first Chromecast engineer and his wife to share the inspiration behind our most popular hardware device →

  4. 24. srp

    You can now transfer photos, videos or any other files in just a few seconds, using . It’s free, secure, and doesn’t use your data.

  5. 23. srp

    Are you an startup in India, and love building games on ? Apply to the Indie Games Accelerator to get expert coaching, and a chance to go on all-expense-paid gaming bootcamps and more. 👉Deadline: July 31st →

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. srp

    Are you Solving for an Indian startup that is "Solving for India using AI/ML"? we would love to have you in . Applications close July31!

  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. srp

    We had the honor of meeting & we are sure her story will give you some "Is my brain really wired for programming?" she would constantly ask herself! Through , she attended the DevSummit & it changed her forever!

  8. 22. srp

    What an egg-stremely good hiding place!

  9. 21. srp
  10. 20. srp

    These pictures deserve a standing ovation. , is joining us on to find the best full-length pictures clicked on a Pixel. Here are a few rules you need to follow.

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    19. srp

    A reason to celebrate? We have 50 million, and you to thank for them.

  12. 20. srp

    Isn't a brew-tiful day to ? Tell us which language is this code in.

  13. 19. srp

    .'s low angle shot met our high expectations. , we have with us on this week. Stay tuned for the theme.

  14. 19. srp

    When the network is slow, give the offline mode on Google Slides a go.

  15. 18. srp

    Gamers, participate in the Indie Games Accelerator to learn game development from top industry experts at Google Singapore. Stand a chance to get invited to all-expense paid gaming bootcamps. Last date - 31st July, 2018.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    18. srp

    Nelson Mandela was born a century ago. Learn more about his story – from prison to presidency:

  17. 18. srp

    Going in circles at the roundabout? Look for landmarks close to your destination on Google Maps, and make the right turn.

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. srp

    Emo-gee, that’s a cool job 🤩. On , meet Jennifer Daniel–the woman who designs Google’s emoji →

  19. 17. srp

    This , put on your detective 🎩, get your 🔎and find these 🍕⌚🔑 in real life.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. srp

    This new method powered by will let neuroscientists map out the neuronal structure of a songbird’s brain 10x faster, aiding their work to better understand how the brain works


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