Think with GoogleOvjeren akaunt


Google’s take on fresh marketing and a look at what’s next. Consider this your digital cheat sheet.

New York, NY
Vrijeme pridruživanja: ožujak 2011.


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  1. Google is adding new tools and controls to Ads Manager, giving publishers increased protection over their content:

  2. Meet Google Measurement Partners: A collaborative effort to give marketers a more complete view of the customer journey.

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    What do top brands have in common? They match relevant, personalized creative with different people.

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    It's time to make diversity in agencies and marketing teams a business imperative — not a charity initiative.

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    Diverse leadership and creative teams lead to better, more thoughtful creative.

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    No matter who you’re looking to connect with, they’re deeply engaging with music content on YouTube.

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    If your brand's mobile checkout experience is slow or complex, people won't think twice about abandoning their carts.

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    Brands can't afford to sit on insights any longer. Learn how you can keep up and you can act faster and smarter, via

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    In our Q&A with 's Laura Beaudin, we discuss why intent signals are more important than ever for marketers:

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    It's more critical now than ever that brands design sites and apps with accessibility in mind. Get started with this tutorial:

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    If your digital strategy only includes millennials, you're missing out on a dynamic age group — baby boomers.

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
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    Designing with accessibility in mind is good for both people and business. This new article takes you behind the scenes of how we redesigned the Primer app to be more accessible.

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    People now rely on search to plan the best possible experience — whether to a new café or a new country. Learn more about what this behavioral shift means for marketers:

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    Why auto brands — and all brands — should market based on a single view of the customer.

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    "Premium content" isn't just coming from Hollywood — it's time for marketers to take creators and fan communities seriously.

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    In case you missed our live Q&A with 's David Rodnitzky, watch him explain what video can do for search marketers:

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    If you want to know what people want, just ask them. Survey tools help marketers make smarter decisions with relevant data.

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    Use search to answer your customers' urgent questions in the right moments.

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    From live streams to series pilots, online video presents plenty of creative opportunities for publishers that are willing to experiment.

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    Short, sequential video ads are the key to capturing digital audiences' attention.


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