The kind of church service I could get into

Praise the lord and pop the clutch!

It’s like something out of the Blues Brothers.  Woohoo!

Yoohoo, Chris Matthews! A word, please.

I  just watched last night’s Hardball and I am pissed off beyond words.

One segment featured a video that showed teabaggers mocking and throwing money at a man with Parkinsons Disease.  Yes, whenever you’re sure these brain-damaged pukes have reached the bottom of the barrel — like when they shouted down a disabled woman at a town hall last year — lo and behold, they lift the barrel and scrape some more.   But as sickening as it was, what followed the video  was pretty nauseating too.

One of the putrid, brainless subhumans in the video had a sign identifying him as being with Koch whores “Americans for Prosperity”, the fake grassroots organization behind the teabagger rallies, so Matthews interviewed  AFP’s sleazy little mouthpiece Tim Phillips to get his take on the ugly scene.  Grasping at straws for  a way to counter Matthews’ pro-health care reform arguments, Phillips brings up the subject of a certain Canadian woman who he claims sought out Americans For Prosperity to help her because  — sob! — she couldn’t get health care in Canada.

As Tweety would say, let’s watch.

It’s about 4 minutes in.  The slimy Phillips was clearly not doing well against Matthews’ pro-reform arguments, so he grasped at one final straw and rolled the dice that Matthews wouldn’t recall the Shona Holmes backstory, and how much of it was bullshit.  Not to mention how legions of furious Canadians responded to her lying douchebaggery by tearing her so many new orifices that she was abruptly dropped as AFP’s anti-reform spokesperson. Right, Shona Holmes “sought out” Americans For Prosperity — on her own, no less.  She wasn’t referred to them by Canada’s own version of AFP, the Canadian Constitution Foundation, who found her because they keep a lookout for people like her that they can whore out to their stateside partners in private health insurance gouging.

Tell me another one!

Not that I expect it, but it would be NICE if someone called Phillips on his BULLSHIT next time he’s interviewed on MSNBC, or anywhere.  Bang!  That’s all, folks.

Happy St.Paddy’s

For your St.Patrick’s Day pleasure, Balb serves up music, stories and food!  All we need is beer and we are good to go.

Ahhhh, here we go…

Kucinich a “Yea” on HCR

After what must have been an epic arm-twisting session earlier this week, the obstinately progressive Democratic congressman from Ohio, Dennis Kucinich, has decided to support the Obama administration’s healthcare bill:

The Obama administration won a small victory for its healthcare reform on Wednesday when an outspoken Democratic critic said he would now vote for the bill.

Dennis Kucinich, the liberal Congressman from Ohio, has opposed the bill for not going far enough, voting against it when it first came to the floor of the House of Representatives in November. His change of heart will give the White House a last-minute boost.

Kucinich has relentlessly opposed the bill because it doesn’t include a public option, so in his view, doesn’t go far enough.

Kucinich is correct:  in spite everything the right-wing keeps barfing up about “a government takeover of healthcare”, there is no public option in the bill, let alone a “government takeover”.   (Let alone Death Panels.)  All it appears to do is provide assistance to those who can’t afford healthcare and hold the health insurance industry at least a wee tiny bit accountable for the buttslammings it gives consumers in the form of 39% rate hikes and refusals to pay for treatment of “pre-existing conditions”.   In return, the insurance companies are gifted with millions of new policies by the mandating of health insurance.

Of course, it’s not over til it’s over, which might be Saturday night.   (Why do all these really important votes take place on Saturday night??)

UPDATE: Oh, boo hoo hoo.  It looks like Bart Stupak’s 15 minutes of fetus fetishizing fame might finally be coming to a long-overdue end.  No Bartie, you can’t use the healthcare bill as a sneaky way to further restrict abortion.   Nice try, though.  Enjoy the primary challenge, fuckface.

And the beat goes on…

Gee, who could have seen this coming?

It’s gotten to the point that from now on I’m going to call posts on this topic “The Daily Catholic Priest”.

Tune in tomorrow, same bat country-time, same bat country-channel, for The Daily Catholic Priest.  Because there’s always something.

Are Canadians more conservative?

This little item caught my eye on Friday and interested me primarily because some of the usual suspects interpreted it as a sign that reproductive liberty is about to take a hit.

According to a recent poll released by the conservative “Manning Centre” (just for fun, let’s imagine it was commissioned by some totally apolitical institution, and for even more fun, let’s imagine we’ve seen the questions and crosstabs and we’re happy), more Canadians who identify as “politically centrist” are down with conservative ideals:

A survey by Allan Gregg of Harris-Decima and Carleton University’s Professor André Turcotte concludes that while a majority of Canadians identify with the “centre” position on the political ideology scale, this centre is increasingly embracing “traditionally conservative values.”

So here we are, a mass of centrists leaning ever so slightly rightward:

Canada has always been politically-centrist, gently swinging left or right depending on the issue and the era; and apparently we are currently in a right-leaning era.   As much as I hate to blame (or credit, depending how you look at it) the baby boom, aging boomers probably have something to do with it.  A massive population of people who were railing against materialism and filthy lucre 40 years ago are now retiring to enjoy viciously capitalist hobbies like day trading.  W00T!  Freedom 55!

But that doesn’t cut to the nut of the responses that have socons wetting themselves, the ones about abortion and marriage.  Apparently 75% of centrists believe abortion is “morally” wrong, and 80% think heteros own the institution of marriage.  The marriage response is definitely an “old person” thing — that train has long since left the station and the young, to their everlasting credit, do not feel that way:

The abortion response just shows that believing something is “wrong” doesn’t necessarily mean actively opposing it.  Looky here:  only 31% of Canadians and 21% of centrists felt that government should play a major role in “regulating morality” (regulating morality?  Good grief.):

Veddy intuddesting.  It seems to be that same 31%, decade in and decade out, that want to bring the government back into our bedrooms.   But if they’re thinking they can count on centrists for support in this endeavour, they better think again.

This poll reminds me of a Gallup poll that was done last year in the US, a far more socially conservative country than Canada.  The poll revealed that a narrow majority of Americans — 51% — self-identified as “pro-life”.   It was celebrated at dives like Nurse Stanek’s Fetopia and Placentaburger Drive-Thru;  what wasn’t discussed was the other poll taken around the same time that showed 68% of Americans do not support overturning Roe v. Wade.   So close and yet so far…

What’s it all mean, fer Jebus’ sake!??  Just that not all of those who consider themselves “pro-life”, or who think abortion is “wrong”, are in favour of pushing their personal views on others using the coercive power of the state:

But it also found only 21 per cent of self-identified political centrists wanted to see government play a “major role” regulating individual behaviour and morality, suggesting Canadians have a strong libertarian streak on social issues.

And when push comes to shove, that’s all that matters.

Harper speaks

Haha, that reminds me of my old posts about George W:  “Georgie Speaks”, though Harper’s speechitude is less amusing.  So here he is, 40 minutes of answering the top softball questions from concerned Canadians (in English and en francais).

Sort of in this order, he answers questions about the deficit, foreign aid, senate reform, Afghanistan detainee documents (11:15), climate change, the seal hunt (19:00), mandatory minimum sentences (25:30), some other miscellaneous bullshit, and finally, the most popular question of all, the pot question (35:40).   Sorry fetus fetishists, your questions didn’t make the cut.  Get the hint?

Oh by the way, he didn’t answer this question:

Maybe next time.

Only 24 years too late

This is what’s called “a little late off the mark”, but I guess it’s a start:

Pope Benedict XVI’s former diocese says it has suspended a priest convicted in 1986 of sexually abusing minors and accepted the resignation of his superior.

The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising said Monday it had suspended a priest identified only as Rev. H. after having found that he had violated the condition that he not work with youth. The archdiocese said they had no complaints of more offences by the priest.

Right… the fact that nobody else has come forward to complain (yet) absolutely means that nobody else has been victimized by this scum in priest’s clothing.  Sure.

And it’s hard to believe they’re serious about dealing with these rotten freaks that infest the priesthood when for every case where intense media scrutiny forces the church to hold someone in its hierarchy accountable to whatever lame extent, there’s a case like this.

UPDATE: And who’s to blame for covering up all these child-molesting priests?  The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue has it all figured out.  (h/t JAB in the comments)

Happy Pi Day

Pie for everyone!  It’s Pi Day:

Pi, Greek letter (π), is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…

With the use of computers, Pi has been calculated to over 1 trillion digits past the decimal. Pi is an irrational and transcendental number meaning it will continue infinitely without repeating. The symbol for pi was first used in 1706 by William Jones, but was popular after it was adopted by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in 1737.

Even Teh GOogles are celebrating:

And it’s also Albert Einstein’s birthday, so jam a candle in that celebratory slice of Pi and whoop it up (in a nerdy kind of way).  Pi-Pi now!

Can anyone even doubt it?

It’s like the Great George Carlin said:  Pre-born you’re fine;  pre-school, you’re fucked:

Two Republican members of Kentucky’s House are attaching antiabortion-rights amendments to several unrelated bills that are awaiting a chamber vote, a move that is threatening to derail changes related to children’s Medicaid coverage, among other things, the Lexington Herald-Leader reports.

The amendments — sponsored by Reps. David Floyd and Tim Moore — would require abortion providers to conduct an ultrasound and show the woman the image. The amendments also would require counseling prior to an abortion.

Maybe their lack of concern has something to do with the fact that the kids who have Medicaid coverage tend to be from the kind of families that are not known to be part of the GOP constituency, the economically disadvantaged:

Apply for Medicaid if you are the parent or guardian of a child who is 18 years old or younger and your family’s income is limited, or if your child is sick enough to need nursing home care, but could stay home with good quality care at home.

So fuck those people, right?  It’s more important to force women to look at ultrasounds and undergo shaming “counseling”, because they couldn’t possibly make their own medical decisions without such intrusive intervention.

Conservative Values:  throwing real kids under the bus in favour of a load of fetus-centric nanny-state bullshit.

Don’t forget

Yahoo yahoo yahoo woohoo woot!  My favourite day of the year.

One step forward

…two steps back, you’re doing the Ratzi Rhumba!

Just when it looked like they might finally be getting into that “consenting adults” thing, along comes one more in a gathering dung heap of Catholic church child sex abuse scandals — and this one travels a long and perverse road that ends on the doorstep of Pope Sieggy himself:

Pope Benedict XVI was directly implicated in a deepening Catholic Church sex abuse scandal for the first time late yesterday following disclosures that he unwittingly approved the transfer a priest who forced an 11-year-old boy to have oral sex.

Anyone who thinks this has something to do with anything other than child abuse is bullshitting themselves for foul and odious reasons we can only imagine.   Who knows what attracts these creeps to the priesthood, or even if they get weird before or after they take those abnormal and unnatural vows of celibacy.   And how is it that someone with this guy’s record wouldn’t be immediately defrocked:

The priest, who was named by Germany’s Südeutsche Zeitung only as priest “H”, was transferred in 1980 from his parish in the German town of Essen to the Pope’s former diocese in Munich after he was accused of forcing the boy to perform sex acts. The priest was sent to Munich to undergo therapy, but six years later he was convicted of abusing minors. He was given an 18-month suspended prison sentence and fined the equivalent of €2,000 (£1,800). The newspaper said that he continues to work as a priest in Bavaria.

The Pope, then known as Joseph Ratzinger, was a German Catholic cardinal at the time. His Munich diocese insisted yesterday the decision to allow the convicted paedophile priest to continue working had been taken by Gerhard Gruber, 81, its principal vicar.

Gerhard might take the bullet, but it’s hard to fathom how a priest with as many issues as this one could lurk under the radar of the highest levels… and some of the Catholic rank and file are thinking that sounds about right.  It’s common knowledge that in a pre-Pope incarnation, Benedict took it upon himself to advise bishops on how sex abuse cases should be dealt with, or rather,  not dealt with:

Benedict is also under fire for a 2001 church directive he wrote while a Vatican cardinal, instructing bishops to keep abuse cases confidential.

Germany’s justice minister has blamed the directive for what she called a “wall of silence” preventing prosecution.

Well, that’s obviously because the German justice minister hates Catholics.  Expect the spin that this whole thing is a conspiracy to unjustly vilify the Pope and the Catholic church in 3…2…1…BANG!

Fun with Harper’s YouTube channel

Someone’s about ready to spring a leak:

Oh yeah?

I’m always amazed to encounter people who have drunk so deeply of the Authoritarian Koolaid that they think the “will of the public” should have any bearing whatsoever on personal decisions and rights.  Does the phrase “tyranny of the majority” mean anything to these halfwits?  But I digress.  On to Stephen Harper’s Youtube channel, enter “abortion” in the search field and let the Mighty Gizoogle do its magic.  Shazzam!  Eight(8) feverish questions, including:

Really Harpoonie, why doesn’t your government seek to turn women into wholly-owned Bureaucratic Babymaking Machines in order to keep the ship of state afloat?  Why is that?

Oh well, it’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it — Question #9:

And on a somewhat related topic, check out this prime specimen of self-awareness:Yeah, it gets  B O R I N G.

Unlike fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus FETUS! fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus…fetus fetus fetus fetusfetus…fetusfetusfetusfetusfetusfetusFETUS!!!fetusfetusfetusfetusfetusfetus…

UPDATE: Hey, 9 people have already voted my question down (the bastards) and only 2 have voted it up. Give me a hand.

Meh.  I think some dumbass “removed” it. Why? I don’t know.  It was certainly a fair question. Freeeeee Speeeeeeech!!!

UPDATE II: Here’s what we like to see:

Click, type “abortion” in the search box and give CanNurse an attagirl.

Jason Kenney exposed

Frock of ages, cleft for me…

We’re waiting

Time’s almost up, Gibbs.  Where’s the jersey?:

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs again disappointed the press corps Thursday by showing up for the daily briefing in a suit and tie instead of the Canadian jersey he promised he would wear if Canada bested the U.S. in the Olympic gold medal men’s hockey game.

Gibbs defended his apparel, saying he will likely make good on his wager with his Canadian counterpart at Friday’s briefing.


“Don’t worry. We won’t disappoint,” Gibbs said. “The jersey is in the White House.”

Is that so!  Tomorrow, then.  Canada-US relations hang in the balance.

UPDATE: At last!

“Help Wanted” fail

I think everybody’s worked at this place or someplace similar at some point.  I know I have.

(More at HuffPo)

Liberty: ur doin it wrong

I thought it was supposed to be “Innocent til proven Guilty”, not the other way around.

How do you like that post-9/11 new normal security blanket now, kids?

Two comments that say it all

Following the legalization of equal marriage in Washington DC last week, the Washington Post ran an article on the first weddings, accompanied by a joyous little photo of the very first couple to tie the knot under the “new rules”:

…and some were anything but pleased:

But wait — what’s this?:

Out with the old, in with the new:  I’ve seen the future, and it’s good.

A successful procedure

If US health care reform is passed, as it looks like it probably will be, its first surgical procedure will be the excision of a persistently putrescent hemorrhoid that’s been lodged immovably in the sphincter of America:

Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform’s most vociferous opponents, warning that “[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.” Yesterday, Limbaugh put his money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes and all his fears are realized, he’ll leave the country

Oh really?  And where might you be headed, El-Rushbum?

I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

Whoops!  Time to buy Pfizer, I predict a raging bull market in Viagra.

Dogs in slow motion

Catching treats.  Cool ad for Pedigree:

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