
The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation – or VVF – is a registered charity. It was set up to monitor and to explain the increasing amount of scientific research linking diet to health – providing accurate information on which to make informed choices.

We regularly communicate this information to the public, health professionals, schools and food manufacturers by:-

Latest News

New VVF guide!

The Soya Story

Confused about soya? Is it healthy? Can it harm? VVF’s new exciting soya guide The Soya Story – everything you wanted to know about soya. The truth about how it impacts our health and the environment answers all these concerns and more. This 60-page full-colour guide describes the nutritional benefits of soya foods, the wide range of health benefits and the environmental impact of soya farming for meat production (cattle food) and features a wide range of tasty, inventive recipes from miso soup to chocolate mousse. It contains useful information about soya foods that will both inform and reassure you that soya is a healthy, nutritious and safe food for people of all ages.  

Vegan Bodybuilding

By Dan Beaton

Having trained for several weeks on a plant-based diet I am convinced that vegan bodybuilding is by no means the contradiction that some people would assume.

Read Dan Beaton's article

Veggie breakfast!

Whether you like a big fry-up or a bowl of muesli and fruit, we have the recipes for you to start your day in the healthiest way, click here to find out more.

Join us on Facebook!

Join our Facebook community for all the latest VVF news and campaign updates.
Visit our Facebook page

Get your kids in shape with veggie kids website

The VVF has launched a fantastic new family website, where
you can check how your kids are shaping up.

Government statistics warn that nine out of 10 children could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their bodies - so helping them to make the right food choices could help prevent life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, type 2 diabetes and
heart disease from developing in later life.

www.veggiekids.org.uk is a fantastic new resource designed as a one-stop-information shop for veggie kids and parents. It features everything you need to know about how kids can enjoy a happy and nutritious animal-free diet - and includes a facility to check whether or not your child is overweight.


If you are not already a member have you considered joining the VVF? You’ll receive the colourful, easy-to-read Viva!Life magazine, five fact sheets in a special folder, campaign information, and you’ll be entitled to free advice on vegetarian and vegan nutrition from our nutritionists.

The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation can help you and your family to start eating healthily – giving everyone the chance of a brighter future.

“The vast majority of diseases that kill most of us before our time in the West can be prevented by consuming an all plant-based diet. There are no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not obtained to better advantage in plant-based foods.”
T. Colin Campbell, Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry

Get Healthy with Heather

Get Healthy With Heather

Thinking of going vegan? Our colourful new guide covers all you need to know about making the change, with information on nutrition, shopping, recipes and advice from Heather herself! Buy it here

Keep the Doctor Away – the Veggie Way!

Add years to your life, cut your risk of killer diseases and whittle away the pounds – that’s the message behind a new guide from the VVF. Written with healthcare professionals in mind, the guide Veggie Diets – Protecting Your Health is brimming with research which shows the many health advantages of following a plant-based diet. Its clear and helpful presentation, scientifically proven advice and nutritional guidelines drew interest and accolades from many of those attending the Primary Care exhibition held at Birmingham NEC in May. We gave away over a thousand guides, as well as magazines and other resources, to GPs, health visitors, midwives and other health professionals. To order a free copy for your local health centre, GP or practice nurse, simply email Justine.


Newsletter signup

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Free Info Pack

Resources for health care professionals

A range of colourful, easy-to-read and informative guides, fact sheets and scientific reports.


Health Campaigner/Nutritionist

Part time and full time applicants considered. Starting salary range: £17,000 to £22,000 (or pro rata).

Administration and Merchandise Assistant

Part-time: Administration and Merchandise Assistant £6.70 per hour, 14 hours per week.

VVF websites






VVF in the press

Read the VVF’s response to recent scare-stories in the press here
Read the VVF’s letter ‘Balanced vegan diet benefits all children’ in the Independent here
Find out every nutrient a child needs and how to get it in Veggie Health for Kids here and for reassurance on bringing up a veggie baby see our Mother and Baby Guide here

One in Nine

Find out why breast cancer cases are rising, now affecting one in nine women and read about the major role of diet.

Get Heart Healthy with the VVF

White Lies

Advertise in Viva!Life

Livestock production is destroying the planet The most effective action you can take to reduce global warming is to change your diet – move away from meat, dairy and other animal products and go vegan! Click here to find out more about Viva!'s HOT! campaign.

Livestock production is destroying the planet
The most effective action you can take to reduce global warming is to change your diet – move away from meat, dairy and other animal products and go vegan! Click here to find out more about Viva!'s HOT! campaign.


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