"Then endure for a while, and live for a happier day."
Virgil, The Aeneid

March 17, 2010


Reflections on the Revolution in America
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Reset Reset Foreign Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson



Questions for the Author


Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Islamist Mindset
by Raymond Ibrahim

Strange Happenings
by Victor Davis Hanson

Save the State Worker?
by Victor Davis Hanson

No Allies - But Plenty of Enemies
by Victor Davis Hanson

We Have Race on the Brain
by Victor Davis Hanson

The 'I Am Not George Bush' Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

Politically Correct Killing?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama - Too Little, Too Late
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama Fatigue
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is There a Philosophy of Hypocrisy?
by Victor Davis Hanson

On American Exceptionalism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Beware of Comprehensive Anything
by Victor Davis Hanson

Truth and Consequences
by Victor Davis Hanson

Some Thoughts on the War on Terror
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Tragic Truth of War
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Trouble with Elitist Theories
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Did Rome Fall?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Commandments
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Fear Big Government?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Top Anti-Terrorism Advisor Must Go
by Victor Davis Hanson

America Rides off Into the Sunset
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mr. President, Words Matter
by Victor Davis Hanson

Civilization's Lies
by Victor Davis Hanson

It's Not about Poverty
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Usual Straw Men
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Obama Saga - Chapters One to Four
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Obama Saga - Chapters Five and Six
by Victor Davis Hanson

Trashing the Job Makers
by Victor Davis Hanson

How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War
by Raymond Ibrahim

Predicatable as Clockwork
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Obamarang
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama versus Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama in Free Fall
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Populist President
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Philosopher-King Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

God and the Godless
by Terry Scambray

Post-election Thoughts
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why the Great and Growing Backlash?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Let Me Be Perfectly Not Clear
by Victor Davis Hanson

Conservative Felonies, Liberal Misdemeanors
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Subtexts of Reid's 'Negro' Moment
by Victor Davis Hanson

Anatomy of a Meltdown
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Way the World Works
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! Bush Really Did It!
by Victor Davis Hanson

2010: Our Year of Decision
by Victor Davis Hanson




New Commentary

The Republic

Victor Davis Hanson: These are exciting though scary revolutionary times. "Reflections on the Revolution in America" 3/17/10


Victor Davis Hanson: Obama's administration makes it increasingly clear that anti-Americanism abroad is inspired by American exceptionalism. "Our Reset Reset Foreign Policy" 3/15/10

Four reservations remain open for Tour 2010!!!
Tour 2010

Hanks in the Tank

Victor Davis Hanson: Tom Hanks couldn't have said anything more ahistorical and ignorant about war? "Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?" 3/13/10


Raymond Ibrahim: How Islam rationalizes and even promotes 'sex sins'. "The Islamist Mindset" 3/12/10


Victor Davis Hanson: Politics may make strange bed fellows, but that doesn't explain these things. "Strange Happenings" 3/12/10

State Government

Victor Davis Hanson: There are very few choices for debt ridden states and it seems odd to have the loudest cry come from the highest paid. "Save the State Worker?" 3/9/10


Victor Davis Hanson: Allies, Obama, are different from non-allies and will remain so until human nature changes. "No Allies - But Plenty of Enemies" 3/8/10

Week March 1-7, 2010

Race in America

Victor Davis Hanson: How do we account for racial tension in the present mishmash of American culture? "We Have Race on the Brain" 3/6/10

Obama Administration

Victor Davis Hanson: How do we untangle the mess of confusion and contradiction? "The 'I Am Not George Bush' Policy" 3/6/10

The Affluent Society

Victor Davis Hanson: Americas wealthy and poor forget what it takes to make America. "Dronism" 3/5/10

Guantanamo et. al.

Victor Davis Hanson: Politics demands clarity and especially if one is conducting a war. "Politically Correct Killing?" 3/3/10

Party Politics

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama's bi-partisanship seems more cynical than genuine. "Obama - Too Little, Too Late" 3/1/10

Week February 22-28, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Fatigue" 2/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Is There a Philosophy of Hypocrisy?" 2/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "On American Exceptionalism" 2/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?" 2/26/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Beware of Comprehensive Anything" 2/23/10

Week February 15-21, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Truth and Consequences" 2/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Some Thoughts on the War on Terror" 2/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Tragic Truth of War" 2/19/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bidenism" 2/19/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Troubles with Elitist Theories" 2/15/10

Week February 8-14, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Did Rome Fall - And Why Does It Matter Now?" 2/14/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Commandments" 2/11/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Fear Big Government?" 2/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Top Anti-Terrorism Advisor Must Go" 2/9/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "America Rides off Into the Sunset" 2/8/10

Week February 1-7, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Mr. President, Words Matter" 2/7/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Civilization's Lies" 2/6/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "It's Not about Poverty" 2/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Usual Straw Men" 2/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Obama Saga - Chapters One to Four"

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Obama Saga - Chapters Five and Six" 2/4/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Trashing the Job Makers" 2/1/10

Week January 25-31, 2009

Raymond Ibrahim: "How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War" 1/31/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Predicatable as Clockwork" 1/31/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obamarang" 1/30/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama versus Obama" 1/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama in Free Fall" 1/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Populist President?" 1/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Philosopher-King Obama" 1/25/10

Week January 18-24, 2010

Terry Scambray: "God and the Godless" 1/24/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Post-election Thoughts" 1/23/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why the Great and Growing Backlash?" 1/20/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Let Me Be Perfectly Not Clear" 1/19/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Conservative Felonies, Liberal Misdemeanors" 1/18/10

Week January 11-17, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Subtexts of Reid's 'Negro' Moment" 1/15/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Anatomy of a Meltdown" 1/15/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Way Our World Works" 1/13/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! Bush Really Did It!" 1/12/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "2010: Our Year of Decision" 1/11/10

Week January 4-10, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Beating the Dead Terrorist Horse" 1/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Who Is the Enemy?" 1/6/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama as Greek Tragedy - Part One" 1/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Chickens and Their 2010 Roost" 1/4/10

Jamie Glaznov: "Obama's Tortured Rendezvous with Reality" 1/4/10

Week December 21, 2009-January 3, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Human IEDs" 1/3/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "On the Horizon" 1/2/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Humpty Dumpty View of the World" 1/1/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "American Ajax" 1/1/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Fairer Verdict on George Bush" 12/30/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Summer of 1683" 12/30/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Learning from Abdul Mutallab" 12/29/09

Raymond Ibrahim: "Shameless Islamist Doublespeak Rages On" 12/28/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The War Against the Wannabe Rich" 12/28/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Where Did These Guys Come From?" 12/26/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Are We Tiring of Obama?" 12/23/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Orwell Couldn't Make This Up" 12/23/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Long March from California to Copenhagen" 12/22/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Flip-Flopping Wars" 12/21/09

Makers of Ancient Strategy
VDH's new edited volume
Makers of Ancient Strategy
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Private Papers is a production of Samwise Enterprises

Calendar of Speaking Events

February 25, 2010 UC Berkeley

Where: 315 Wheeler, the Maud Fife Room
Time: 4:00PM
Title: "Laws of Conflict in the Post-Modern World and the Lessons of Classical Tradition"
Info: Contact Harry Kreisler at kreisler@berkeley.edu

March 3, 2010 University of South Alabama

Where: Laidlaw Center for Performing Arts
Time: 7:00PM
Title: "Society and Warfare in Ancient Greece"
Info: Dr. Isabel Brown at ibrown@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Carnage and Culture
Wars of the Ancient Greeks
The Western Way of War