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  • "I will look upon every circumstance of my life as a particular dealing of God with my soul.”

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  • Rob De Witt on Common Sense

  • Why Individualism Is Better Than Collectivized Government Power

  • U.S. Army Takes President Ray Gun's Bet

  • The Daily Bayonet's Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Feb. 11th 2010

  • "Boffo Bobby" Gibbs

  • Foxman Ain't No Dittohead. But Belvedere Has Good Cache

  • Obama Gaffathon

  • Did You Say 'Pussi'?

  • Did You Say 'Cock'?

  • A Little Help From my Fem-Child Buds!

  • A Conspiracy Against Himself

  • Public Option? More Like Fascism with a Happy Face

  • Trillingistas: Warm Fuzzy Bozo Pansies

  • Gay, Mentally Challenged Biracial Male Cheerleader Claims Discrimination

  • No Remorse

  • As a Man Thinketh

  • Catcher in the Raw

  • And Saul Alinsky Laughed: Economy Still in Free Fall

  • State of the Union II: I Am Not An Ideologue!

  • I can't stand the thought of Skeletor Pelosi's face glowing with adoration as she clings to every word the Miraculous Maoist utters like a particularly stubborn bit of shit on Harry Reid's ass hair.

  • No Rules for Radicals

  • Yodelin' with the Hoot Owls, and Liking It

  • Hoh River Boy in Love

  • Graven Images of the Left

  • Not Jim Morrison: Warm San Franciscan Nights

  • Immanentize the Eschaton

  • The Making of a Fuehrer?

  • Is He One of Us?

  • The End of the Affair>

  • Blogging From Israel. On Guns, Self Defense, and Whatever I Want to Blog About

  • Mark Steyn: The Joke's On Us

  • Canadians – Your freedoms are almost gone. Take heed, America.

  • New York Times: Obamanomics backfired

  • Instaprophet

  • 2010: The Year of the Citizen

  • Thirteen Outstanding Books of the Past Decade

  • Party Time!

  • No Holds Barred Conservatism

  • You've Just Crossed Over Into . . . . the Obama Zone

  • Don't Fear the People

  • The city of Detroit and the failed liberal experiment. Part 1

  • The Mountain of the Holy Cross began as a myth and became a rumor.

  • Canadian Conservative Oasis

  • America Loves a Fighter

  • Lord of Totty

  • Don't Tread on Me

  • Top 10 Hotties of 2009

  • Climate Roundup #9

  • Is There Nothing Coffee Can't Do?

  • A Progressive’s Interpretation Of “President Nothingburger”


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