Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Arrest Netanyahu. Yeah Right.

You've got to love Dubai's police chief, Dahi Khalfan Tamim. I always found him very entertaining when I lived in Dubai. And now there's this:

Dubai police chief to seek Netanyahu arrest

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Burj Khalifa!

So, they finally managed to complete the Burj Dubai and get the thing open. Congratulations to Emaar and Dubai on a stunning achievement - and a truly mind-blowing fireworks display - search for it on YouTube if you haven't seen it.

Like most people, I had a WTF moment on hearing its new name for the first time (let's just say, 'Dubai' sounded pretty good, and even 'Zayed' would have had a nice ring to it). And I had a good laugh at hearing somebody has registered '' - how I wish I'd thought of doing that!

I won't bore you with speculation about what I think the name change actually means.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

That Wraps it up for Dubai, Then

What do I know? Reuters thinks Dubai is in a bit of a financial pickle. Dubai faces financial sheikh-up. If I was the boss, I think I'd just give the place to Abu Dhabi and bugger off to retire in Spain. Cordoba, probably, or Granada - some nice Islamic architecture there. Bits of it look like Ibn Batutta Mall. And it's sunny most of the time.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Nuclear UAE

Yikes, they're doing it! This is wrong on so many levels. The money spent building a nuclear power station would be better used in developing solar power. The risk of terrorist attack is high, but the risk of another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island catastrophe is greater (based on past experience of how the power sector in the UAE has performed). It's just too scary for words: I wonder which Northern Emirate will be lucky enough to play host to this baby.

Story here.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

DEWA Sent Me An Email

...about the impending closure of Al Safia Service Centre. At dirst I misread this as Al Safa, which used to be my lifeline whenever they cut me off because I'd forgotten to pay them. But then I read further on in the email that the closest alternatives are Al Twar and Burj Nahar. I could be giving DEWA the benefit of the doubt here, because they never did believe people lived on the Dubai side of the Creek - that's where the power stations are.

Whatever. I was deeply amused by the footer of the message, which I reproduce here for your entertainment:

Our Vision: A recognized World-Class Utility
Our Mission: Meeting customer satisfaction and promoting Dubai’s vision through delivering water & electricity services by a competent workforce at world-class level of reliability, efficiency, safety and environment, supporting Resources Sustainability.

They still haven't returned my deposit.

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Official: DXB, AUD Getting More Expensive

A survey out today shows that Tokyo is now the world's most expensive city for an expat to live (it was number 2 last year). London has dropped from last year's 3rd to this year's 16th.

Of particular interest to me (this year's rank first, last year's in brackets):
20 (52) Dubai
26 (65) Abu Dhabi
37 (28) Madrid
38 (31) Barcelona

Full story here.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Kosher Paella

I made a paella tonight, and Googled 'paella recipes' to check a few things. I stumbled upon a recipre that totally blew me away. The list of ingredients mentioned 'kosher salt and pepper'. A few items later, it mentions 'Chorizo.' Now, as far as I know, kosher-ness means no pork. And chorizo is a red sausage made almost entirely from pork.

Confused, I was. So I Wikipedia'ed the hell out of the subject. It seems the term 'kosher salt' is used more or less exclusively in the USA to refer to coarse-grained sea-salt, because it can draw more blood out of meat than common-or-garden salt. (Might write a book sometime about a Jewish vampire). So the kosherosity or not is a complete misnomer.

Just sayin'.

Here's the recipe, obviously by someone who has never been close to the real thing.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snow Modhesh

We had a load of snow in Madrid a few days ago. Imagine our surprise when we went to the park and found lots of snowmen and a snow Modhesh.

The little sod gets everywhere, and I swear I did not make this snow-worm.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Spaced Out

Look. You know about this Authonomy website for aspiring writers, yes? I'm on it, and so is Alexander McNabb, Mr Fake Plastic Souks. He's a great writer, and he's got this really great, outrageously funny book called Space. For the last two or three weeks it has been in the Top 5 of the Editor's Desk. This means you get a proper review from a HarperCollins editor, and maybe even a publishing contract. But only if you're in the Top 5 at midnight tomorrow (31st Oct).

Here's the thing: Space has just slipped down to number 6. So, all you literaties, glitteraties and arty-farties, get along to, and have a read. If you like it (and how could you not?),  do a very quick sign-up and put it on your bookshelf (the link that says 'Back The Book').

While you're at it, you could do the same thing for Tybalt & Theo, by a slightly more modest author.

Thank youse.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Me New Book

I mentioned Authonomy in my last post. A couple of weeks ago, I started a new novel, Tybalt & Theo. I've uploaded the first six chapters to Authonomy, and had loads of brilliant comments from members of the site. You can read the book sample and the comments here. But if you can't be bothered to do that, here's a selection of comments:

You're right. It's funny. It is very ,very funny indeed! It's a terrific idea but that doesn't matter doodlesquat if the writer louses it up which you certainly don't. 

My comments are - eggy, eggy eggy! That means fantastic, by the way.
- Zoeb

Great start. Instantly reminded me of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Blackadder, which is good on both accounts.
- The Real Nick

Thanks for making me laugh...It's a great farce...I can't fault it.
- Richard P-S

Laughing like a veritable drain and looking forward to more.
- Max Brandt

Now this, I loved... I adore the quick back-and-forth between Tybalt in the 21st century and Theo in the past...SO many gems, like "Crap, he hadn't got caught up in one of those time-travelling larks, had he?" and " it wasn't properly rotted," made me laugh out loud... This is one that I expect to see in print. Funny!
-Melissa Conway

I think you have a lovely feel for dialogue. Have you tried any scriptwriting, I wonder?
- DeniseJane

Overall, I really liked this. You've taken on a huge task with the seventeenth century dialogue, but my, it works. Love the plot, the situations the two protags find themselves in...Stuff that made me laugh out aloud:
"….Thee Papist bastards wilt have thy grunions around thy necke afore thee canst say--"
"In-vest-meant wanker…" 
Great fun and I'll be back for more.
- Diane Oliver

Great start in a style which lets readers know there's not likely to be much messing about. Great, mate, will add more as and when I get through a little more, cheers.
- Josh Rogan

...I chuckled my butt off consistently all the way through [to] chapter 6, not only is this entertaining, but I think it should prove popular too!). We zip along merrily from scene to scene, with just enough description given for the purposes of mockery, and just enough characterization for the same. 

I thought the fake, unbelievably agrammatical Elizabethan was very funny. I mean, you're not even TRYING to make it remotely real -- "drefs" is a purely VISUAL joke, not even an auditory one!
- Kate Kasserman

This is a very funny book. Trust me, I read it. Or most of it. I'll read the rest very soon. So original, Keef. And with a few prescient..or pressy ant.... lines...e.g. Investment banker...'No, what thou dost is steal from thee poor'... Bliss.
- Scott Kenny

Brilliant, sharp, witty, with a touch of Blackadder for those who like it.
- Maria Golubeva

I really like this one - being a history graduate I usually hate historical novels and especially anything where people try and use the speech of the time, but this is very funny, and the plot idea is particularly unusual.
- Sheila

Funny and witty in equal measure. Grunions, indeed!
- Peter Booth

 Love the fast pace and funny commentary/dialogue. An enjoyable read already in the first few paragraphs.
- Dave King

Hi Keef - this is great fun and I am going to bookshelf it. The premise is hilarious and I have to say the opening section is eeeeerily prescient, aside from being hilarious.
- Robin Duff

Okay, that was hilarious. You made me laugh more than once. Especially the part about forgetting to tell Theo his task. Elizabethan sarcasm is ten times funnier, for some reason.

I'm really intrigued at the hints that Theo may not be the only time-traveller in Elizabethan England (am I reading that right?). Nice, job Keefieboy. I wish I had it now, to find out Theo's role in the new Gunpowder Plot.
- S.F. Winser

This is a great idea. I loved the switches in time and Tybalt's introduction to (presumably) McDonald's. 
A brilliantly funny read.
- Berni Stevens

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