Al-Ahram Weekly Online   25 - 31 March 2010
Issue No. 991
Front Page
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Set for Sirte
Will this year's Arab summit be any different from those in years past, asks Dina Ezzat
'A good choice after all'
Will the appointment of a new grand sheikh restore Al-Azhar's credibility? Gihan Shahine finds out
The question is no longer when Mubarak is coming back but what he is coming back to. Dina Ezzat searches for an answer
Baradei is back again
Mohamed El-Baradei is back to Egypt, with his supporters determined to cause as much discomfort to the NDP as possible, reports Gamal Essam El-Din
Assassins and agitators
Egypt awaits the verdict of the Naga Hammadi trial on 18 April. Were the culprits political agitators, common criminals or premeditated murderers, asks Gamal Nkrumah
Double negatives
"It knows what it doesn't want but doesn't know what it does want." But how true an assessment is this of the Muslim Brotherhood's position ahead of the Shura Council elections and amid a security clampdown, asks Amira Howeidy
Choose your figures
The chairman of the Central Auditing Agency painted a bleak picture of the Egyptian economy, taking the government to task for the proliferation of corruption and the plight of the poor, reports Gamal Essam El-Din
Cancer care
A campaign to re-build the National Cancer Institute is being launched and nothing less than the best will do, reports Reem Leila
Subtle tactics
Although the US trade representative's visit to Egypt this week appears to have been no more than a photo opportunity, there is much more than meets the eye, writes Niveen Wahish
Clean water, better life
Deprived communities are getting better access to clean water, Sherine Nasr reports
Netanyahu's outright deceit
For Israel's hawkish premier, the issue is not halting illegal settlement expansion, but increasing it less conspicuously, writes Khaled Amayreh in Ramallah
Still polarised
While Arab leaders push for Palestinian unity ahead of the Arab summit, developments on the ground continue to scupper their efforts, writes Saleh Al-Naami
Time for the Obama parameters
The real crisis is not between Israel and the US but the absence of an American policy for ending the Arab-Israeli conflict, writes Graham Usher in Washington
'Israel is not in a position to be pushed'
The UN's role in the Middle East will always have more to do with development than with resolving the Arab-Israeli struggle, UN expert Thomas Weiss tells Dina Ezzat
Syria's summit ambitions
Syria hopes to play an important role at the forthcoming Libyan Arab summit, underlining its efforts to achieve greater Arab recognition, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
Paradox of preference
Donors pledged $850 million for development in Darfur in Cairo on Sunday, falling far short of the $2 billion earmarked for the cause. Gamal Nkrumah probes into the reasons behind the participants' penny-pinching
False euphoria
Behind the row over Iraqi election lie far deeper fears about a new era of violence, writes Salah Hemeid
'Why do they hate us?'
Unspeakable devastation, unthinkable human loss: this is what Iraq has suffered -- and continues to suffer -- under occupation that poses as liberation, writes Felicity Arbuthnot in London
Not convinced
A year after President Obama's historic outreach to the Islamic Republic, Iranians believe it will take more than well wishes to win their hearts, Rasha Saad reports
Who's provoking who?
AKP reforms will intensify tensions between the government and the judiciary and deepen already dangerous divisions in Turkish society, warns Gareth Jenkins
Historic despite the histrionics
Has Obama made history by giving coverage for the uncovered? Some castigate him as a communist and others as a comprador, writes Gamal Nkrumah
Sakura sounds
Gamal Nkrumah cherishes connotations of historical resonance in the performances of the cherry blossom-inspired Japanese jazz musician Makoto Kuryia
Spoilt for choice
Entertaining children for 10 days is no easy task, as Rashda Ragab finds out
Shopping for summer
Jyl Ghoneim helps you renew your wardrobe with tips on the hottest styles for the coming season
Eastern rule
A Lithuanian and a Russian won the men's and women's finals of the modern pentathlon World Cup Two held in Cairo, reports Ghada Abdel-Kader

NEW AGE OF INNOCENCE: Hopefully, the fresh young generation of Arabs, innocent of past mistakes and misunderstandings, are looking forward for a brighter future free of the shortcomings of the past.


Culture of contempt
By Stephen Lendman


New era at Al-Azhar?
By Gihan Shahine

Book review:

Against culture
By Eric Walberg


A prayer for Rachel Corrie
The supreme sacrifice of one US student who gave her life to save Palestinian homes and families will not be in vain, writes Aijaz Zaka Syed
How will it end?
There remains no easy way out, for Iran or the United States, from the crisis over Tehran's nuclear intentions, writes Galal Nassar
Another visit to Japan
For Japan's new leaders, cooperation and bridging alliances between the Atlantic and Pacific powers is the key to a better world, writes Abdel-Moneim Said
My children, Ralph Nader and the South China Sea
In the ebullience of youth lies the promise of the future, writes Ramzy Baroud
Salama A Salama:
Universal rights

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