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What is The WELL?

Welcome to a gathering that's like none other.

The WELL, launched in 1985 as the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, provides a watering hole for some articulate and playful thinkers from all walks of life. Why is this conversation so treasured? It's all about who's here. [Learn more about The WELL...]

Where in The WELL are you?

Brady Lea, playwright/teacher:
My home on The WELL is the convivial chow.ind. It's the best place online to talk about food -- eating it, cooking it, going out for it, and heck, even making dioramas from it. You'll also find me in the San Francisco conference, which I co-host. There we discuss all aspects of city life from arts to sports to politics to -- okay, eating again. I'm also a fan of Plumage, where a fashion reality check is always available from friendly cohorts. [See more people, more suggestions...]


Juicy conversations

bubble iconA world profoundly imperiled
Do you try to avoid thinking bad thoughts? Guests welcome Subscribe to an RSS feed of new responses in this conversation

Photographers close their darkrooms
Do you have an old enlarger stashed someplace? (Members only)

A twenty-year musing on Mark Twain, for beginners
In 1992 somebody asked where to start reading... (Members only)

Much more to talk about...


What are you lookin' at?

A rotating gallery of original photos by WELL members.

Getting into The WELL

Membership is not for everyone, partly because we are non-anonymous here. Here's how to decide whether The WELL is for you, and whether you're for The WELL. [Find out about joining...]

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