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Religion of Peace? Islam's
War Against the World

the book by Gregory M. Davis

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MSNBC Interview

FOX News Interview

"Thought-Provoking" "Persuasive" "Mind-blowing"
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Knight at the Movies - Gwinnett Daily Post

"If their central thesis is true -- and it's worth considering -- then this is the most horrific film of the 21st century so far."

- The Charlotte Observer


(click on the DVD cover for back cover image)


Robert Spencer
The Truth About Muhammad

Walid Shoebat
Why I Left Jihad

Bat Ye'or
The Decline of Eastern
Christianity Under Islam

Serge Trifkovic
The Sword of the Prophet

Abdullah Al-Araby
The Pen vs. Sword Publications

USA © 2007
Quixotic Media, LLC