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NEW CBO SCORE: Package Would Reduce Deficit By $138 Billion, Cover 32 Million Americans

The Congressional Budget Office’s preliminary analysis of the reconciliation package, which aims to bridge the differences between the House and Senate health care bills, concludes that the legislation would cost $940 billion over 10 years, reduce the deficit by $138 billion over 10 years and by $1.2 trillion over 20 years. Significantly, the bill reduces annual growth in Medicare expenditures by 1.4 percentage points per year and extends Medicare solvency “by at least 9 years.” The bill also extends insurance to 32 million individuals, covering approximately 95% of the population over 10 years. Compared with previous House and Senate proposals, this package achieves the greatest deficit reductions and could play a significant role in swaying blue dog Democrats to support the bill by the time the House votes on Sunday:

Provision Reconciliation Senate Bill House Bill
Topline Info Total cost:

Deficit reduction:
$138B/10 – $1.2T next 10

Uninsured reduced:
Total cost: $875B/10yrs

Deficit reduction: $118B/10yrs

Uninsured reduced: 31M
Total cost: $1.2T/10yrs

Deficit reduction: $109B/10yrs

Uninsured reduced: 36M

Once the text of the final legislation becomes available, I will post a comparison table of the House and Senate bills, but for now it may be helpful to highlight the scope of this achievement. As the Council of Economic Advisers reported over the summer, “health care expenditures in the United States are currently about 18 percent of GDP, and this share is projected to rise sharply. If health care costs continue to grow at historical rates, the share of GDP devoted to health care in the United States is projected to reach 34 percent by 2040.” The number of uninsured will rise to 72 million in 2040 in the absence of reform. The amount of dollars spent in Medicare and Medicaid will also rise at an unsustainable rate.

This package covers 32 million Americans and, as the reduction in Medicare spending suggests, begins to slow the growth in health care spending. It reverses the current trend and lowers the deficit quite substantially over the next 20 years.

So this is something to keep in mind as Republicans ignore the deficit reductions in this score and blanked cable tv to argue that the bill is full of gimmicks (because spending starts before benefits) and the government is taking over. In fact, the reverse is true. The bill reduces the deficit over the full 20 years and slows government spending (in terms of Medicare).

4 Responses to “NEW CBO SCORE: Package Would Reduce Deficit By $138 Billion, Cover 32 Million Americans”

  1. stateofthedivision Says:

    New CBO score shows even fewer with workplace coverage than Senate Managers Amendment.

    The number with employer coverage is down to 162 million from 2015-2019.

    It was 172 million in 1999, 10 million more than the two decades later projection. Yet population will be over 60 million greater, meaning citizens or a tapped out Uncle Sam will pick up where employers dropped off precipitously.

    Gird your pocketbooks, as our leaders will soon go after retirement income and health coverage (Medicare). All to make America more competitive globally, code words for the race to the lowest common denominator on worker pay, taxes and regulations.

  2. stateofthedivision Says:

    If employer coverage continued at historical rates, the number of people with workplace insurance would be:

    1998 rate of 62.8%

    2019 212 million, 50 million more than CBO projects

    2008 rate of 58.3%

    2019 197 million, 35 million more than CBO’s number.

  3. madmatt Says:

    Thats so cute, the cost just shifts onto 30 million people forced to subsidize one of the most criminal industries on the planet.

    Nobody will ever vote for a dem again once they are forced to pay a private company for a shitty policy….but by god the wellpoint execs will live like kings! Thanks for nothing dems, enjoy your retirements!

  4. LL Says:

    The CBO uses the phrase “uninsured reduced”. The leaderless democratic party uses the phrase “more covered”. In this case, the democrats are the ones being deceitful. The only people being “covered” by this death insurance bailout are those new Medicaid enrollees- and Medicaid is pretty much worthless until one gets into a car accident.

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