New Features New Dashboard Preview

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A short trailer for the (now live) new look dashboard






January 1, 2009



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8 Responses to “ New Dashboard Preview”

  1. Suzanna Says:

    thanks for video. useful for new wp people :)

  2. germancalvo Says:

    Yes Suzanna, indeed, and I am going to try using it regularly.

  3. Martin Freye Says:

    Helpful video, However I would like to see a step by step instructional video about exactly how to set up the blog. As an old geezer, unaccustomed as I am to public blogging, I’d be glad if jargon was omitted. Normal English words are best for us oldun’s.

    • Ryan Markel Says:

      If you want to get going, you can always read this guide to getting started with

  4. cyntarala Says:

    Thank you for this visual aid! Since I am rather used to my television I am hoping that I will eventually become used to blogging,

    One can only hope, right?

    Thanks again for being so creative. This girl is impressed.

  5. cyntarala Says:

    Oh and one more thing…I will be using it over and over again, so my gratefulness is multiplied many times over.
    Just so you know.

    So long for now.

  6. richardanthonymeza Says:

    I like it too. More sophisticated than anyone can imagine.

  7. Pentti Harinen Says:


    Very good video. I like this.

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