
Introducing WordPress for iPhone 1.2


<<<Recommended in full-screen, with HD On :)

WordPress for iPhone is a free application for blogging on the move. In this 3 minute video we take a tour of what’s old and what’s new with version 1.2 of the application.

AKA: 2009 - A CellPhone Odyssey.


, , , , , iPhone





March 24, 2009


, , Mobile


How To, Mobile, Releases,

14 Responses to “Introducing WordPress for iPhone 1.2”

  1. New Version of WordPress for iPhone Now Available « WordPress Publisher Blog

    [...] multi-talented colleague Michael Pick has put together a screencast showing off some of these new features: done var vars = {javascriptid: ‘video-0′, width: ‘640′, height: ‘360′, locksize: ‘no’}; var [...]

  2. Thomas_U Says:

    nice overview!

  3. Riccardo Says:

    wow! this is great!

  4. dbh937 Says:

    what about for i-touch?

  5. tomdwright Says:

    really nice, makes me wish I had an iPhone :-)

  6. Video Divertenti Says:

    I’ts super! I want to do that too! Someone know if there is a free virtual iphone to use by the web browser that I don’t have money to buy it now?

  7. Andrej Says:

    Thats really nice, so good for my iPhone :) thaaaaanks

  8. Charles Weeden Says:

    Really cool, I would love to have this on my iPhone if I ever get one.

  9. worldze Says:

    muito intereçante !!

  10. tubeburner Says:

    Pretty cool! I’m getting an iPod touch this summer and I already have the app downloaded in iTunes. I love wordpress!

  11. stylexproductions Says:

    I’m jealous because there is no app “YET” for blackberry….hopefully soon???!!??

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