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Playing the Nazi Card: Comparing Obama to Hitler becomes a standard right-wing trope
By Noah Lederman


LISTEN NOW: Jemima Pierre on Haiti, Megan Tady on TV Wars (3/19/10-3/25/10)


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CNN Scrapes Bottom of Right-Wing Barrel With Erickson Hire

Since Glenn Beck left Headline News for Fox, CNN executives apparently feel that their staff is short on unbalanced hatemongers. To make up the gap, they've just hired Erick Erickson as a political commentator.

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  • Posted by Jim Naureckas on 03/22/10 at 3:54 pm
    ...he would have to take a leave of absence to recover from the shame of having heaped ridicule on a guest who tried to explain to him how Congress could and would pass a healthcare reform bill.

    Daily Kos (3/22/10) recalled the January 22 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, in which guest Rep. Alan Grayson (D.-Fla.)  pointed out that the Senate had already passed a healthcare bill, and that the House could approve it and then pass amendments that the Senate could accept via reconciliation. Matthews' response: "OK, OK. OK, you know, this show is about reality."

    Matthews continually mocked Grayson for his supposed ignorance of Senate procedure:
    [...] Read more»

  • Posted by Peter Hart on 03/22/10 at 3:33 pm
    Via an interview with Raw Story (3/22/10):

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor added that it's a damning referendum on American democracy that one of the most highly supported components of the effort nationally, the public insurance option, was jettisoned. He partly blamed the media for refusing to stress how favorably it's viewed by the populace.

    "It didn't have 'political support,' just the support of the majority of the population," Chomsky quipped, "which apparently is not political support in our dysfunctional democracy."
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  • Posted by Peter Hart on 03/19/10 at 12:36 pm
    This week on CounterSpin: The network camera crews have mostly packed up and gone home, but the political fights over reconstruction and rebuilding in Haiti are only just getting started. University of Texas professor Jemima Pierre was part of a delegation that recently visited Haiti, and she wrote about what she saw for the Nation. She'll join us to talk about what she found, and where the Haiti story is headed next.

    Also on the show: Media technology can put more control in consumers' hands over the gathering and sharing of information and entertainment. But some folks, frankly, would rather it didn't. We'll talk with Megan Tady of the group Free Press about some of the most significant media industry battles going on right now that affect what you get to see and hear.
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  • Posted by Jim Naureckas on 03/18/10 at 11:57 am
    Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank (3/18/10) returns from his excursion into mocking right-wingers to return to his natural role of ridiculing single-payer advocates. His target today is Rep. Dennis Kucinich.  You know what's funny about him? He's short! Or, in Milbank's words, he's a "little man," a "little guy," a "diminutive figure" and--because he announced [...] Read more»
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