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Today in The Nation

Attack of the Cheneys

Matthew Duss: Liz, Dick and the neocon gang are on the offensive, trying to revive the war on terror and retake power.


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» The Notion

Beck and Palin: "Violence is Not The Answer"
Ari Melber
Posted 34 minutes ago

The Femivore's Real Dilemma
Laura Flanders

Credit Where Due, Geithner
Laura Flanders

» The Beat

National Catholic Reporter Joins Nuns in Backing Health Reform | "Congress, and its Catholics, should say yes to health care reform," argues key Catholic paper, as representatives of 59,000 nuns back reform.
John Nichols
Posted at 1:35 PM ET

» Altercation

Slacker Thursday | Healthcare reform, political novels, and the mail.
Eric Alterman
Posted at 1:21 PM ET

» Editor's Cut

Around The Nation | Welcoming our newest blog. Plus: Two must-see videos.
Katrina vanden Heuvel

» The Dreyfuss Report

Pentagon vs. Israel? | Israeli hardliners are making enemies in places where they can hardly afford to do so.
Robert Dreyfuss

» Act Now!

One Voice for Choice | Implore your pro-choice reps to fight!
Peter Rothberg

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Nation Poll

A new bill would require the CIA to share intelligence information more transparently with Congress, but the White House says the changes would put Americans at risk. The bill will be amended. What is the most important provision for the bill to retain?


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