Transgender Parenting Schools Discrimination Relationships Organize: Your Guide to Making a Difference
Make the dream of equality for LGBT people real. Here's how...More...
Four Things You Should Know about Student Rights and Day of Silence

The only way to be sure that your school will respect and uphold your legal rights is for YOU to educate yourself about what your rights are and hold your school to its responsibility to protect and enforce them.

We Have a Winner in our Prom Action Logo Contest!

The response to our call for logo designs was amazing!  We were floored by the number of really amazing designs we received.  But, in the end, we had to choose a winner...  And we have!

From over 300 designs, we narrowed it down to five finalists that we presented to Constance, and she chose her favorite.  Her favorite was this design by James C. Jackson of Orlando, Florida.

Make School Safe For Everyone!

Support Constance and students across the country by taking part in the Safe Schools for Everyone weekend.

Demand Justice for Jene Newsome!

Earlier this week, ACLU of South Dakota Executive Director Robert Doody blogged about the case of Jene Newsome, an aircraft armament system craftswoman for the Air Force who was outed by Rapid City police officers. She was discharged from the Air Force under the Defense Department's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy.


Special Feature

Tell 3

Tell 3

Pledge to tell three people what it's like for you or your loved one to be LGBT.  Because we used to think coming out would win us our rights.  Now we know it takes more than that.  Tell 3 and take a step toward equality.


10 Couples

Visit and meet ten couples who are sharing their lives and building families together. Watch their videos and learn what you can do to ensure that these ordinary couples are no longer denied important protections for their families.



In this podcast, Mary Beth Tinker, a plaintiff in the landmark student free speech case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, talks about the incident that lead to the court case, her activism in the 40 years since, and how this decision continues to protect LGBT students who are working to improve conditions in their schools.

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