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Search Engines

When you browse through online stacks of information, you are leaving a trail that reveals a lot about you: interests, hobbies, habits, and concerns.

Location Information

Location data from your cell phone or laptop can tell more than just where you travel, but also what you do and even who you know.

Social Networking

Replacing interactions in the coffee shop with connections online leaves behind a lot of information about you, friends, and activities.


Online email services make it easy to keep in touch with friends and family. But every email creates a record of who you write, what you write, and when you send and read it.

Photo Sites

The pictures you develop, store, or share online can tell many thousands of words to others about you and who you know, where you've gone, and what you've done.

Media Sites

Reading a book or watching a video is a great way to learn and explore new things. But a lot of information can be collected about who you are and what you read and watch.

Cloud Computing

Moving files from your hard drive to an online service or accessing applications through the Internet can be convenient. But, those documents and files you store or produce online can say a lot about you.

You might think your research and chat histories, photos, viewing habits, and friends lists are worthless to anyone but you- but you would be wrong. These bits of information about you are very valuable to companies and the government.

Companies can combine bits to build a detailed profile of who you are, where you go, and what you do. And once this profile is created it can end up being shared with other companies for targeted advertising, sold to data brokers, or handed over to a snooping government that wants to know the details of your personal life.

Outdated privacy laws are allowing the government to engage in a shopping spree in the treasure trove of personal information collected by companies. From warrantless wiretapping, to children being on the “no fly list” and peace activists branded as “terrorists,” the government has been spending time and energy building vast databases about innocent individuals. It’s time to upgrade privacy laws to ensure proper oversight of government access to private details of our lives. It’s time to stop paying for new technology with our privacy. It’s time to Demand our dotRights!