Remembering Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

Rev. Robert A. Sirico offers a remembrance of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, who passed away January 8. "The loss of Neuhaus to the effort for an honest ecumenism, a robust and stylish debate over matters liturgical, cultural, political and literary in his death is monumental," Rev. Sirico writes. "Who will replace him? Indeed, I can almost hear Richard's deep, sonorous voice countering me, 'Robert....we are each unrepeatable, irreplaceable.'"

Click here to read the entire article.

Acton University 2009

The Acton Institute is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2009 Acton University (AU), which will take place on June 16-19 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This year's expanded curriculum and distinguished international faculty will once again lead an in-depth four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free society.

The Birth of Freedom Now Available on DVD

Just in time for Christmas, Acton Media's new documentary The Birth of Freedom is now available for purchase from the Acton Bookshoppe.

Accompanied by a study guide which explores several core themes of the documentary. The Birth of Freedom tells the story of how modern understandings of individual liberty were developed and addresses such questions as, "Why would anyone believe that all men are created equal? That all should be free? That all deserve a voice in choosing their leaders? Why would any nation consider this a self-evident truth?"