
Top Story

  • Israel's Netanyahu Warns of Iran Nuclear Threat, Eases Up on US

    Laura Rozen for al-monitor

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toned down his ultimatums to President Barack Obama Thursday and focused on Iran, displaying a crude drawing of a bomb to dramatize his concerns about Iran’s growing stockpile of enriched uranium.

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  • Who Said It? Bibi or Ahmadinejad?

    Roja Heydarpour for al-monitor

    The arch rivals have been speaking at each other through speeches for years, but for all their differences, their words can be very similar. From terrorism to a new world order, take our quiz and see if you can tell which leader, Israeli or Iranian, says what.

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  • Lieberman: US Should 'Stick With' Mideast Peace Process

    Andrew Parasiliti for al-monitor

    US Sen. Joseph Lieberman, in a wide ranging discussion of US policy in the Middle East, said the US should “stick with” the peace process and seek at least “a partial agreement” between Israel and Palestinians, adding he is “not seeking any position in whatever administration is elected,” although he would give any offer “serious consideration.”

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  • Tunisian Rape Victim Accused of Indecency; Protests Planned

    Sophie Claudet for al-monitor

    A Tunisian woman who alleges she was raped earlier this month by two policemen now stands accused of indecency, her lawyer said. Women rights and human rights’ associations are planning to stage a large protest. Sophie Claudet reports for Al-Monitor.

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Al-Monitor Newsmaker Interviews


With Regional Mediation Stalled,
Where Does Syria’s Crisis End?

translated from Al-Hayat (Pan Arab)

As long as the regional contact group on Syria — Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran — continues to disagree on the fate of President Bashar al-Assad, the violence there is likely to persist, Mohammad Ali Subhani argues. He suggests that United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi use his peacekeeping experience in Lebanon to resolve the Syrian crisis.

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Al-Monitor Originals

Exclusive Interview:
Tunisian President Marzouki

Sophie Claudet for al-monitor

Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki speaks to Al-Monitor's Sophie Claudet just days after the US embassy in Tunis was stormed by Salafists. Marzouki said more could have been done to prevent the attack. He also acknowledged the rise and danger of Salafists, but said that force will not solve the problem of radical Islam.

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Culture & Society

Raed Khoury and Lena Odgaard for al-monitor

Renowned Palestinian artist Monther Jawabreh exhibited his latest paintings in Al-Mahatta art gallery in Ramallah. He presented a series portraying a Palestinian man whose face is covered with the traditional checkered keffieh, but tweaked to show his human side: the masked Palestinian man is holding a flower pot, smoking or playing cards. Read more »


Hamas Bans Israeli Fruit Imports
Into 'Self-Sufficient' Gaza Strip

translated from Calcalist (Israel)

Hamas' Ministry of Agriculture in Gaza will ban most fruit imported from Israel into the Gaza Strip, Doron Peskin reports, intending to protect local farners' production.

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Is Iranian Response to Israel
Rational, Reasonable?

Yossi Melman for al-monitor

Many Israeli officials and commentators interpret an Iranian general's statements about a "pre-emptive strike" as an escalation of the threat against the Jewish state. Al-Monitor's Yossi Melman attributies the warning to psychological warfare, writing that Iran's leaders have so far behaved rationally and know their limitations.

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Our Photo of the Day

The Visual Pulse of the Middle East
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The images of violence coming out of Syria are becoming strangely beautiful. Here, in what appears to be a pristine autumn morning, a Free Syrian Army fighter opens fire while still wearing his slippers.

(Photo: REUTERS/ Zain Karam)
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An Al-Monitor exclusive: Tunisian President on radicalism, political engagement.
By: Sophie Claudet
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50 People Shaping the Culture of the Middle East

Even as world headlines from the Middle East focus on upheaval and violence, the region's culture continues to thrive. Here's our look at some groups and individuals making their mark on arts and culture in the region.
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50 Best Twitter Feeds About The Middle East

Twitter is the social media tool for scores of people in the Middle East who have something to say. From political developments to real-time reporting on the ground, Al-Monitor picks the top 50 Twitter users who will keep you informed about the region. Compiled by Fernande van Tets.

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