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Fisrt Spot Luanching

Israeli police surrounded the cultural center
ven cultural centers surrounded by Israel! It centers free of weapons and missiles, why ... surrounded by Israeli police? Ask a question. Israeli police cordoned off on Thursday, the French Cultural Center in East Jerusalem

Jerusalem at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Heritage and Culture
Casa Árabe, in collaboration with the General Representative of Palestine in Spain, organizes a series of acts starting in November, in commemoration of Jerusalem: Capital of Arab Culture 2009.

Jerusalem Arab Cultural Capital Activities in Austria
Organised by the Society for Austro-Arab Relations (SAAR) Supported by The OPEC-Fund for International Development Folklore Event with the Dancing Group „Al-Quds Group for Palestinian Folklore“

Jerusalem culture capital celebrations shift to Lebanon
Lebanon is to mark occupied Jeru­salem’s appointment as “Arab Culture Capital 2009” with events across the country for the Palestinian Diaspora next month, as Israel quashes celebrations at home.

Jerusalem artists go underground … Underground festival begins at Damascus Gate
Jerusalem has played host to a two-day arts festival with a difference as part of Palestinian attempts to celebrate the city's year of being Capital of Arab Culture. The BBC Arabic Service correspondent in the city, Ahmad Budeiri, joined the audience.

The journey of bikers... from Jenin to Jerusalem
The journey will pass through a number of Palestinian villages and refugee camps in Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilia and then to Bil'in, Ramallah, and it ends in Jerusalem.

The Other Shadow of the City
The Other Shadow of the City draws inspiration from the city of Jerusalem and its changing urban structure. The exhibition takes the viewer to places outside the spiritual and holy Old City to urban locations that, despite their importance in shaping the contemporary urban city

Jerusalem 0.0km and Picasso in Ramallah New Projects at the International Academy of Art, Palestine
The International Academy of Art in Ramallah is not only a place for teaching and learning about contemporary art but also a catalyst for art production and creative thinking in Palestine. Via its initiatives and projects

Dying to Hear Him Play
The irony of writing an article for the Artist of the Month section in This Week in Palestine about a Palestinian artist who passed away last month did not escape me. Of course, there is comfort in continuity achieved by inserting

Four films reflect the realities of Palestinian women: documentary screening in Ramallah
Four Palestinian documentaries are screening in Ramallah early next month. Produced in collaboration with the European Union, the films were translated into English and reflect the reality of Palestinian women.

Palestinian heritage week begins in Colombia as part of Jerusalem as Capital of Arab Culture events
With events for the celebration of “Jerusalem as Capital of Arab Culture 2009” not relegated to the occupied city, the Colombian capital of Bogota is host to a week of Palestinian heritage events.At the Academy itself a six-day series of artistic and cultural activities is underway. Lectures on the heritage and the arts of Palestinian are part of the celebration

Palestinian Embroidery Motifs Dresses That Tell Stories
Judging by the patterns of the embroidery on a dress, one can determine where someone comes from – almost each Palestinian town has its own unique pattern. Now a newly published book is tracing the history of this Palestinian handcraft. A review by Susannah Tarbush .The embroidery with which Palestinian women have traditionally decorated their dresses is one of the most characteristic elements of Palestinian material culture

The Executive office of Al Quds Capital of Arab Culture 2009 In Appreciation of the critical position of the Toronto Festival
he Administrative Council and the Executive office of Al- Quds Capital of Arab Culture 2009 expressed appreciation of the courageous and moral position of the Canadian Director John Grison in his objection and withdrawal of his film from the Toronto Film Festiva

Mustafa al-Kurd Praises His Native City Jerusalem with Song
Mustafa al-Kurd dedicates his newly released CD Al-Madah (The Troubadour) to his native city Jerusalem. The lyrics for six of the songs, which were written by Mustafa (as well as the lyrics of the two remaining songs, which were written by Izz el-Din al-Manasra and Yaqub Ismain)

Jerusalem on my mind ... By MAI AL KHATIB
PAINTER Haela Al Waary, a Palestinian refugee who has grown up in Bahrain, is on a mission of art and on a journey she hopes will one day take her back to Jerusalem. She is exhibiting across the Middle East to mark the designation of her home city as the 2009 capital of Arab culture by the Arab League.

Walking miles in Palestinian feet
I RECENTLY returned from a literary festival that was to have opened and closed in Jerusalem; but which, to our surprise, opened in France and closed in the United Kingdom.

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