Barr Buzz Getting Louder

Word is former Georgia Congressman and ex-Republican Bob Barr might be closer to announcing a bid for President.

Many Americans might only remember Barr as the sanctimonious Southern impeachment manager of nearly a decade ago. But libertarian conservatives know him to be one of the only Republican members of congress who didn’t acquire amnesia [...]

Eliot and Just War

I am reading Kirk’s book on TS Eliot (Eliot and His Age) for a upcoming seminar in Indianapolis, and this fragment caught my eye.  In 1936, Eliot wrote that “[t]he believer in just war is in danger of inferring, at the moment when war is seen to be inevitable, that the war is necessarily just.”  [...]

Welcome to Atlanta, Bring Your Own Water . . .

Here’s noodle scratcher: Atlanta was the second largest growing metropolitan area between July 2006 and July 2007 as the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports:
Metro Atlanta continues to grow with no end in sight, ranking No. 2 in the nation for total population growth of metropolitan areas in the past year.”The jobs and the [...]

Obama Drives A Chrysler

Steve Sailer’s report that Obama drives a Chrysler, not a Prius, will certainly help Obama here in the industrial Midwest.  Trade has the potential to be a big issue in Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in the fall, and driving a Chrysler may help Obama (if he is the nominee) recover some of the credibility he [...]

Obama the Golfer

In answer to Scott’s question, Obama took up golf and poker when elected to the Illinois legislature is 1996. His people recently told Golf Digest that his handicap is 16, which is pretty good, although they didn’t give a decimal point for it (e.g., 16.3), which is how you know somebody has an actual handicap [...]

Dutch disappointment

Whenever somebody publicly offends Muslims, the media starts to hanker for reports of violent Islamist retribution. Four days have passed since Geert Wilders’ anti-Islamic film “Fitna” was posted on line, and so far—fingers crossed—no bloodshed. The much-hyped film, a montage of gruesome terror images interspersed with Koranic readings, is an effective attack on Islamic extremism. [...]

A Different Problem

Kara’s post on Prof. Bacevich’s article makes sense to me, and I am inclined to agree that an end to the war in Iraq under Obama, if Iraq deteriorated after withdrawal, could reinvigorate neoconservatism more than almost anything else.  Such is the perversity of aggressive war that its advocates could conceivably gain political advantage from both continuing and ending the war.  I would [...]

Also Baracking Pennsylvania. . .

I’d be pretty surprised if Hillary’s 12 point or so lead holds up. I went up over the weekend to Penn State, attended a massive Obama rally (they’re apparently historic, so you gotta do it). It was underwhelming as political rhetoric, but the guy is attracting huge crowds and is a [...]

Right from the start

Remember the crucial passage of Barack Obama’s Oration for the Ages on Race where he lumps his still-living 85 year old grandma with Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.?
“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a [...]

Baracking Pennsylvania

ALLENTOWN– Barack Obama may fall head first into the gap between national polls, and the results of the April 22 Pennsylvania primary. A new Gallup poll has him extending his national lead over Hillary Clinton to 10 points - his largest this year. But polls in the Keystone state have him behind [...]