Let’s Teach Conservatism

Barron YoungSmith, over at TNR’s Plank, suggests that leftists should study conservatism, or more accurately the conservative movement, and laments that public school students don’t learn enough about the Right. What the public does know about conservatism is wrong, he contends, blaming among others Russell Kirk for giving “the misimpression that modern conservatism is simply [...]

The Medium is the Massage

It seems to me that Michael Gerson was a perfect fit for the Washington Post’s editorial page. As Jim Pinkerton has suggested,  the Post’s editorial and op-ed pages have become central forums for the advocates of militarist Wilsonian foreign policy which places the causes of promoting democracy worldwide and humanitarian intervention ahead of considerations of national interest.
As Media Matters [...]

They Live: The MFMs Among Us

There is something utterly unseemly about this recent trend in hiring Bush mouthpieces right out of the White House and offering them prime real estate on the editorial pages and pundit perches in the most influential news organizations in the country.

Until now, I haven’t been able to put my finger on exactly why it bothered [...]

Mystic Karl

Is anyone else fed up with reading electioneering tips from Karl Rove presented as zen-like wisdom from the political guru? Are we supposed to believe that mystic Karl can read the future? Rove is clearly a very talented strategist—his record proves that–yet his recent insights remind me of horoscope predictions: sufficiently vague to be indisputable, [...]

Pigging Out

His case failing on the merits, a friend recently reduced his argument for open borders to four words: “I like cheap meat.” Most Americans do: in 1970, we spent an average of 4.2 percent of our incomes to buy 194 pounds of meat. In 2005, we spent 2.1 percent to buy 221 pounds. Recent trends [...]

It’s so over (the race talk, that is)

Someone emailed a short and unexceptional essay by a professor at the Martin Luther King Institute at Stanford. It begins by quoting James Baldwin’s “The Fire Next Time” :
A vast amount of energy that goes into what we call the Negro problem is produced by the white man’s profound desire not to be judged by [...]

Go, Boris, go

Being a slimey-limey—and a grotty Londoner to boot—I want to bore you all about tomorrow’s mayoral election in Britain’s capital. There has been no shortage of good articles about the contest in the American press, though I think it still merits a mention on this blog.
The election is in some ways a good-old clash of [...]

Circular Logic

Tom Friedman accurately summarizes the McCain/Clinton tax holiday:
This is money laundering: we borrow money from China and ship it to Saudi Arabia and take a little cut for ourselves as it goes through our gas tanks. What a way to build our country.
When the summer is over, we will have increased our debt to China, [...]

Tax This!

The most dishonest policy proposal that I’ve seen in a while comes from Hillary Clinton. She wants to suspend the gas tax and pay for it with a “windfall profits tax”
I wonder just who she thinks is going to pay this tax. Come to think of it, I’m sure that she knows the cost will [...]

Globalization and the New Nationalism

When Larry Summers, one of Bill Clinton’s leading economic aides during the roaring 1990’s and a big cheerleader for globalization, is starting to sound like Pat Buchanan or Samuel Huntington, one needs to pay attention. In a recent piece in the FT he warns that: 
…growth in the global economy encourages the development of stateless elites whose allegiance [...]