Concerned Citizens

Freddy Gray wonders whether any video of George Monbiot’s attempted citizen’s arrest of John Bolton has surfaced. Apparently not, but our (okay, my) favorite media lefty, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!,  interviewed Mr. Monbiot this morning about the incident. 
Also notable is this annoyingly brief interview with Gore Vidal, where he performs a bit of public service himself, reminding [...]

Lukacs on Contradiction

Tom Piatak, in his post of May 23, has already commented on the peculiar last paragraph of John Lukacs’s review of Pat Buchanan’s book on World War II. Piatak notes that, contrary to Lukacs, it isn’t unusual for someone to think a regime evil, yet oppose waging war against it; Lukacs himself held this [...]

Silly Season

It’s officially silly season, when newspapers, mags, and web-hacks–not to mention group bloggers–have to make up all sorts of false controversy and harmless gibberish to fill up their pages. Here’s a good example of the latter.
The Sunday NYT, apparently inspired by the photograph of Obama holding a copy of Fareed Zakaria’s The Post-American World, has [...]

Ho Hum

In the Corner, Kathleen Parker affects boredom over the Scott McClellan kerfuffle:
But what about, you know, Scott McClellan? Who? Oh, yes, Scott. Dear fellow. Whatever happened to him? He left the White House two years ago when it became clear that he was unable to speak coherently at the podium and, well, that was [...]

War is Peace

Let’s not bash the United Nations for the sake of it, but isn’t this video off-putting, smug, even sinister?

I especially don’t like the bit when Clooney, with a knowing flick of his brow, says, “Peace is certainly more than a celebrity endorsement”–go away then George, leave us in peace. It’s not just that, though. [...]

Scott McClellan: The Manchurian Candidate?

Was Scott McClellan brainwashed? This interview with Ari Fleischer which is clearly part of the White House’s spin/damage control seems to promote the notion that “this is not the Scott McClellan that we knew.” This point is being repeated by the Usual Suspects again and again. Fleischer and Company provide us with two “explanations” for the strange behavior [...]

Down the Tube

Brendan and Dan say that Boris Johnson’s recent edicts show a disappointing bossy streak in London’s new mayor. Quite right. But it’s hard to feel upset about the booze ban on the Underground, especially if, like me, you have had drunks wet themselves in the seat next to you, or seen them vomit on [...]

Czar Boris

Writing at Reason online, Brendan O’Neil criticizes what he sees as new London mayor Boris Johnson’s authoritarian tendencies. Johnson has banned drinking on London’s subways and buses and wants to take away juvenile offenders’ travel passes. “Like a Stalinist thug, he’ll deny internal freedom of movement within London to any youngster who fails to behave [...]

Justice Is Not An Option

Following Scott’s indirect suggestion that we hang the men behind the Iraq war, we learn that George Monbiot, a Guardian columnist, has tried to execute a citizen’s arrest on John Bolton at a literary festival in England. He failed.
I can’t find footage of the stunt, but if the video is out we should put [...]

Washington’s Princely Guards

It’s good to be a Prince.
That way, when your company’s employees are accused of killing unarmed civilians – including children – and selling weapons to terrorists, and avoiding taxes, you can keep on getting your multi-million dollar contract from the government.
This week, several Iraqis were in Washington to testify in federal court about the horrific [...]