Different Strokes

Readers of my columns in TAC and at antiwar might recall that I have been inquiring about the status of Israeli spy Ben-Ami Kadish, who was arrested in April and has since fallen into a black hole, with no record of any continuing judicial process and no mention in the MSM.  I suggested that those [...]

When Make Believe Makes Us Believe

Last summer, as Barack Obama directed the subtle intimidation of fawning European crowds (millions of charisma-intoxicated Germans can’t be wrong!) at those Americans still retaining the quaint notion presidential elections are domestic affairs not subject to global opinion, at least one of his acolytes in the media here in the formal remnant of the United [...]

Schooling Scarborough

Guest Zbigniew Brzezinski skewers Joe Scarborough’s “stunningly superficial knowledge” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in this remarkable clip. It’s about time an adult refused to abide by the playground rules of talk TV, and Scarborough mightily deserves his comeuppance:

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“Samson the Poor”

According to Israeli historian Benny Morris, writing in The New York Times today, Israel is facing now an existential threat, akin to the one it confronted on the eve of the 1967/Six-Day War. No one denies that Israel is facing many threats as do most members of the United Nations. But the notion that Israelis feel [...]

White House Presser Live From Crawford

“Let’s be careful about how we are assessing the numbers coming out of Gaza” — White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe in response to press question regarding Palestinian civilian casualties in the Israeli bombardment.
The latest, widely reported numbers put the death toll at more than 375 — The U.N has reported at least 50 of those [...]

The Gaza Blitz

Unwilling to control its fighters, who fired scores of missiles into Israel at the end of their six-month ceasefire, Hamas gave Israel the provocation it needed to deliver a savage blow to the Palestinian enclave in Gaza.
Saturday was the bloodiest day in the history of the Palestinian people since being driven from their homes in [...]

Clueless in Gaza

The Israeli attack on Gaza is far from a simple operation to stop homemade rockets being fired into Israel.  According to the Israeli media, it has been planned for six months and is expected to destroy the Hamas infrastructure as well as much of the remaining Gazan economy.  So far, the death toll is over [...]

To A Nation Under Siege: Happy 2009

Among other incredulous assertions made by Rich Lowry on NBC’s Meet the Press today — which include that it was really the fault of the western liberal that post-invasion Iraq was such a catastrophic mess — he attempts to bolster the growing meme that as a wartime president, a passionate wartime president, one of George [...]

Gaza Day Two

The Israeli analyst Daniel Levy reminds us why we shouldn’t be indifferent to Israel’s air attacks (with American weapons) on defenseless Palestinians in Gaza.
Here’s the bad news folks – America is involved, up to its eyeballs actually. Today, after Israeli air-strikes that killed over 200 Palestinians in Gaza, the Middle East is again seething [...]

Samuel Huntington, RIP

The great Harvard political scientist died Dec. 24, age 81.
He was a giant of his field for over 50 years and remained a vital part of the national conversation to his last years. Here’s John O’Sullivan’s essay-review of his last major work, Who Are We?. TAC subscribers can also read an excerpt from the book [...]